Oh the New Places pt 1 and 2

I was a bit confused on how the whole "friends only" thing worked, I didn't know anyone could see part 1 so that is why I left it unfinished, this was supposed to be a part of part 1 but I decided to then make it a part...

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Oh the New Places

WARNING: This is going to be a pretty long introduction and story. I haven't written in a long time (been so d\*mn busy) so I thought I'd at least get something in. I hope its to everyone liking. As always please comment! I'm...

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Not so alone pt 5

For adult eyes only I appreciate all the comments, votes, and favs. **Your feedback is the only reason why I write.** I greatly appreciate all those who took the time to tell me how much they liked my stories. It only takes a...

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Not so alone pt 2

ok here's part two, not exactly sure where I want this to go so I'm kinda winging it, hope it doesn't show. Again, I'd appreciate your comments on your likes/dislikes so I can better my writing this one is kinda long too so I apologize for...

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Not so alone pt 1

Ok this is my first story so go easy, please feel free to comment on your likes/dislikes but don't be mean about it. It's prestory, and it's a bit long, just want to get in the boring details so I don't have to fill them in later editions IF...

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Not so alone pt 7

Ok, this is the last part for the Not so alone series so I really hope you like it. This has been my first time at writing anything, let alone a whole series so let me know what my weaknesses/strengths are so I can improve. I'll keep...

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Not so alone pt 3 and pt 4

The following is for Adult eyes only. I apologize if this one is a bit different, I'm trying to bring in a good protagonist/antagonist storyline to this so I can keep the story going and bring in more emotions, so bear with me and if u don't like it...

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Not so alone pt 6

I really appreciate the comments I've recieved and the ratings my stories have been given. The fact people like my stories at all makes me happy. For Adult eyes only **Not so alone pt 6: Hunted** Luke has been distracted lately....

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