Butterscotch and the Bad Girls (An MLP Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#59 of Smut I Commissioned

AU where Butterscotch (genderswapped Fluttershy) is a shy femboi with a huge cock, which turns out to be the best way to help reform Equestria's many vilenesses. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • September continues to reap many gifts, as I now bring forth some fresh Jeeves MLP smut! Since we're getting G5 this month (I'm hyped!), I figured the prompts I send in via Patreon should be MLP themed. With this first one, we get a peak at how shy femboi Butterscotch (aka Genderswapped Fluttershy) is able to help redeem villains with his most powerful weapon: his mammoth cock. As one does. Remember to give Jeeves a follow over on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

Butterscotch and the Bad Girls

Butterscotch hummed to himself softly as he trotted up the lane towards his home. It was such a beautiful day, flowers in bloom everywhere the pegasus pony looked and butterflies which looked exactly like the ones on his cutie-mark fluttering from flower to flower. He couldn't wait to spend a quiet afternoon at home, maybe reading a book or taking a long bubble bath, before heading out back to feed the critters he was currently tending to early in the evening.

As the lithe, long maned male pony practically skipped his way closer and closer to his home though, he noticed a figure sitting on the porch waiting for him. His heart sank a little at the idea of having to socialise even more after a whole morning of running errands in Ponyville, but he swiftly put those thoughts aside and smiled warmly. After all, as shy and quiet as he could be, Butterscotch had so many wonderful friends, and he would never really pass up an opportunity to get to see one of them, especially if they needed him for something important enough to warrant making their way all the way out here.

When Butterscotch got closer to his house though, and when he saw who it was sitting on his doorstep, he swallowed thickly. Dressed in a black netted vest that showed off the jade green bra beneath it, a pair of hand-cut denim shorts, and not a stitch else, was former Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings. She was scowling and staring down at a column of ants walking along the grass as Butterscotch approached, but when she raised her eyes and saw the pony, eyes locking upon the crotch of his pastel blue slacks, the Queen's wings fluttered as she gave a happy buzz.

"Butterscotch, I..."

She rose to her feet, cheeks glowing scarlet, not a trace of her normal imperious arrogance or cruelty to be found.

"...I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I realised that I've been just... just awful. I want to start making things better. I want to start being good. But..."

Her horn crackled slightly, and she whimpered, putting a hand up over the offending protrusion to stifle the magic. She licked her lips, sharp teeth glinting within her muzzle.

"...but, I need love. I need a pony's love. A pony's companionship, s-so my hunger doesn't... doesn't push me back to my heartless former ways."

Butterscotch's cheeks burned scarlet. He knew what was coming. He didn't know how he always ended up in these situations, or why he was so often the means by which a villain sought their redemption. But as Chrysalis flung herself into his arms, and pressed her scantily clad body against his, the pegasus could only blush and sigh as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her ever so gently on the forehead.

"Why don't we go inside, Queen Chrysalis. And... we can talk over a nice cup of tea."


" Yes!! Yes! Right there! I... I feel it! I feel your love, Butterscotch! Oh... it's so... so big! Fill me up! Fill me with your hot, sweet, sticky love!!"

Butterscotch blushed and stared as the changeling queen bounced upon his thick cock, a fact of his biology that he was deeply embarrassed by, but which the mares of Equestria utterly adored.

"Oh gosh... oh my..."

He moaned under his breath as pleasure washed over him while the changeling shuddered, shrieked and began to cum for a third time, dousing his crotch in glistening fluids. It wasn't that he wasn't enjoying himself. The Queen's pussy felt amazing, able to grip and squeeze him with a force that rivaled Applejack's big sister, Big Mackie. Beyond that, she really did seem genuine in her desire to reform, even if at least part of the reason was a desire to experience Butterscotch's legendary cock. But still, glad as he was to be there in that moment and to share that experience with her, Butterscotch still couldn't get over how embarrassing it was to be wielding such a huge cock, and to have mares and stallions from all over Equestria giggling and whispering wherever he went as more and more ponies experienced, and talked about, the revelation that was getting fucked by sweet, gentle Butterscotch.

Before Butterscotch could think about that any more though, he felt the Queen spasming around him in climactic euphoria yet again, and groaned under his breath as he felt her walls squeezing and milking him towards his own first peak... not of the day, of course, his errands in town had resulted in several rendezvous already, but his first time with Chrysalis for sure.

"U-um... excuse me... ohhhCelestiathatfeelsnice... Queen Chrysalis? I... c-can I ask you... I think I'm g-ghhahhh... going to ejaculate soon. Do I have your permission t-to... to... to release inside you?"

He spoke so softly, so sweetly, and yet Chrysalis reacted like he'd said the most lewd, filthy and sexy combination of words possible. Her eyes began to glow. Her horn crackled. For an instant the changeling began to transform, shifting between the physical forms of dozens of different ponies, most of whom Butterscotch had made love to in the past. Finally though she took on her own form once again, and with trembling hands placed on Butterscotch's chest, over his thumping heart, Chrysalis nodded feverishly down at the pegasus as she began to whimper, to gasp, and to climax yet again herself.

"Yes! Yes!! Ohhh Butterscotch! Please! Please! Cum in me! Give me your cum! Make me your mare! I love you! Ohh, ohhhhhhhfuuuua-aahhhhyessssss! Cum with me! _Cum with me! Yessssssssss! _"


Outside the bedroom window, Eris conjured a pillow to bury her own face in, the draconequus shuddering as she clamped her mismatched legs down around one scaled hand and felt a gush of liquid pour over her questing fingers. She continued to float and watch as Butterscotch's balls tightened, and another orgasm crashed through her, the flood of her arousal dampening the ground at the side of Butterscotch's home while she watched and listened to the sweet, shy stud whinny and begin to cum.


A voice whispered up at the panting, gasping spirit of chaos, and with a groan Eris glanced across Butterscotch's garden to where Queen Umbra, Nightmare Moon and Tempest Shadow's heads were all poking out of a series of bushes with wide eyed, hopeful curiosity.

"Are they done yet? When will it be our turn?"

Eris rolled her eyes, raised a finger to her lips to quieten Umbra, then glanced back into the room just in time to see Chrysalis topple off Butterscotch's still cumming cock, the pony quaking with embarrassment and pleasure as his seed began to fountain uncontrollably all over the bed, a few splashes even hitting the ceiling and raining down upon the now prone, still orgasmically twitching changeling Queen.

In a flash of light, Eris' own head popped out of one of the bushes beside her companions, and she chided Umbra playfully.

"You know Butterscotch's rule. Only one reformed villain at a time. He wants to give us the time and attention we deserve for our efforts to be such moral, upstanding citizens of Equestria. But, don't worry. He'll be done with Chrysalis soon, and then it's just about which of us can get up to him first."

The draconequus' head grinned knowingly, and Nightmare Moon sighed.

"Oh, dammit."

Tempest and Umbra looked at her in confusion, and the alicorn aspect of darkness set her horn aglow, peeling the branches of Eris' bush aside to reveal... the draconequus' head floating, disembodied, above its twigs.

The trio looked around just in time to see Eris' body ringing the bell of Butterscotch's home, dressed in a flowing dress with a box of chocolates in one hand and a stuffed toy draconequus in the other. In a flash Eris' head reappeared, and as a still blushing, robed Butterscotch answered the door a short while later, Umbra, Nightmare and Tempest could only put and continue to wait, pussies dripping within their panties as Eris slipped inside, and before long her cries of ecstasy began to ring out across the hill towards Ponyville.

By Jeeves

Exploring the Space (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

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Agnes Moves In - Part 2 (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

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