The Demons Gamble Part 11

Story by Frozenpawpadz on SoFurry

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#11 of The Demons Gamble

Thank you for stopping by you kinky little beans, and welcome to The Demons Gamble! For those who don't know it is a story series that is extremely fetish based and includes extreme themes involving anything I can forcibly pair with diapers!

If you are new to this series, please consider starting at chapter 1 here:

This chapter has a guest appearance from the lovely Terinas and if you haven't checked them out and watched them and given them all the love and attention, please do! They are the main inspiration for any writing I have ever done and likely will do during my time in the furry fandom!

This chapter has nearly 12000 words, so it is a little short, but it is still 22 pages, and I hope you can make your diapers and panties at least a little sticky by the time you reach the end!

The (temporary) conclusion to the potty monster Arc! Though don't fret, he gives too good of hugs to not see him again soon~

I hope you loved this chapter, and it would mean the world to me if you could let me know your thoughts in a comment below. Being able to go back and reread your inspiring words keeps me writing <3

If you want to chat about diapers and my stories with other big horny diaper lovers and adult babies, consider checking out my discord:

I have a third story I'm working on as well which I haven't posted yet. I'm saving it up for yearly Stocking Stuffer event come Christmas, so look forward to that too!

Achievement earned: Breath by Snu-Snu

If you don't get the reference, that's on you. Then again, I may be overestimating how much you humans can comprehend my vast intelligence.

For having your breathing stopped by having a phallic object lodged in your throat multiple times, you are now able to continue breathing at a reduced capacity while your throat if fully blocked.

_For being rendered unable to breathe entirely at least ten times in a single day by an object similar in qualities with that of a penis, your ability to breathe while your breathing is fully restricted by a penis or an object similar in nature is now raised from 0% to 25%

(This bonus may be turned off with a thought. You will be given a prompt requiring you to confirm this choice. This bonus will automatically reactivate after sleeping.)_

_First Achievement Bonus: Any situation that restricts your breathing completely (Strangulation, drowning, asphyxiation etc.) now allows you to breathe at 10% of normal, even in situations where there is no air available. This effect is added to any other bonus or item that allows easier breathing.

(This bonus may be turned off with a thought. You will be given a prompt requiring you to confirm this choice. This bonus will automatically reactivate after sleeping.)_

Achievement earned: Playground Party

You were having so much fun playing around, I bet you even forgot that you were pooping your diapers like a baby for a horny tentacle monster, didn't you? Here, enjoy a rare achievement.

For enjoying yourself while playing on a ride designed for a baby, you now receive discounts when purchasing playground equipment for your personal rooms.

For honestly having a good time, without embarrassment or concern while you were playing on a childish ride or playground equipment such as a rocking horse, bouncer, swing or kiddie-pool, you now receive a permanent 15% discount when purchasing any playground equipment designed for children under the age of five. When purchasing this equipment, you are now able to place it in your room instantly using the console within your room.

First achievement Bonus: The discount when purchasing playground equipment now applies to any equipment rated for children under the age of nine years of age.

Achievement earned: Rubber Mixology

Normally I have to force you humans to swallow anything, and here you are, chugging rubber goo as if you were playing a drinking game. Keep this up and there will be no achievements left for anyone else!

For willingly swallowing a large quantity of liquid latex in a short period of time, your body is now able to process liquid rubber and your body now considers liquid latex well-balanced and nutritious.

Over the span of less than 24 hours, you have swallowed or drank at least three liters of liquid latex. Your body now considers latex a meal replacement option.

First achievement bonus: Ingesting latex in any form now produces the effect as if you had drank a caffeinated beverage, the effects last for four hours per 250ml of latex ingested, and there is no crash after the effects wear off.

_ "Jesus, I can't even imagine how many achievements I've earned so far. I need to look at the book when I get back to the room later. Which reminds me, I haven't received an achievement for using all those diapers yet either."_ I thought to myself.

Just as I was about to apologize to the patient tentacle creature gently toweling me off from the bath, seeming to know that I was being blasted by notifications. My expression must have been entertaining as I could hear the liquid rubber bubbling happily away in the nearby potty.

"Did you know I would get so many achievements at once?" I asked, my voice a near whisper as I finished reading over the last of my achievements.

"I assumed you would at least gain a few of them since we did quite a bit over the past six hour of playing." His voice commented in my mind as his tendrils gently wrapped around my legs and biceps, ready to carry me over to the changing table to put me into my second-to-last diaper for the session.

Once I was gently laid down on the changing table, the tendrils releasing from my limbs slowly, this time making no efforts to slither up my backside or towards my mouth, a small explosion of pink cloud and the overwhelming scent of baby powder filled the air towards the center of the room.

Out of the cloud of powder a familiar figure strolled out, his back straight and regal as if on royal ceremony.

Terinas, the tiger overlord of the Casino of debauchery stared ahead as he walked without his usual swagger, his eyes not connecting with either him or the tentacle creature as he walked purposely.

After a dozen steps towards them, the tentacle creature pausing in the unfolding of my diaper, Terinas sharply turned around towards the still-suspended cloud of pink powder, and kneeled on the floor with his head bowed.

The tentacle creature tensed and pulled away from me, leaving me confused and naked on the table. My stomach gurgled wetly, and I could swear I saw Terinas twitch slightly from the sudden sound in the silent room.

A few seconds passed in startling silence, and I opened my mouth to ask what was going on, when the dark cloud changed in color, rapidly darkening to a slowly swirling crimson.

The scent in the air rapidly changed as the cloud darkened, changing from soft lavender baby powder, to the heavy rubber of the tentacle creature, and finally settling on a dense, powerful scent of musk and semen.

As the smell filled my nostrils, I lost all control over myself. My body tensed and I let out an unwilling groan as my cock sprang into erection, rapidly stiffening even harder than it had ever been before, leaving my balls painfully aching.

As I took in each breath, my breathing becoming labored as the lustful scent, my balls rapidly began to ache as if I'd been staring at porn for months yet never touched myself.

The air seemed to thrum as a loud thud came from the ground inside the cloud, a large brown hoof landing on the ground and announcing the presence of the person coming from the portal.

Unbidden, my cock helplessly erupted, shooting thick ropes of cum into the air to land on my crotch, chest and the changing table. My orgasm was quick, yet the pleasure of release never seemed to stop. My balls continuously forced me to cum, thick seed running freely down the underside of my shaft to drip onto the table beneath me.

It took a while for my vision to clear from the sudden explosion of arousal, my cock continuously throbbing and pumping out more cum with each pulse. As I lay groaning, I managed to turn my head, and I was able to see the reactions of the other two in the room.

I finally noticed the tentacle creature had at least fifty tendrils in all shapes, sizes and thicknesses waving from the bowl, and suspended all over the room. Thick puddles of black goo painted the floor as the tips of its tentacles dribbled rubber helplessly. The powerful aura of lust even causing the tentacles to continuously orgasm.

Finally my eyes landed on Terinas, his back hunched over as he kneeled, and his shoulders shook as he took in heavy, labored breaths. I could even see a wet spot on the underside of his pants as whatever diaper he wore seemed to leak.

Finally, my eyes landed on the new arrival into the room, and my breath caught. Unable to help myself, I looked up and met its eyes before fully taking in its form. That simple action filled me with a painful arousal and once more caused my cock to spasm painfully as it shot another intense blast of cum into the air once more.

"So, this is the human that has entertained you so easily baby girl?" A masculine and deep voice reverberated throughout the room, and seemed to cause my bones to tremble.

"Y-yes daddy." Terinas spoke with a slight stammer as he helplessly orgasmed once more into his diaper, semen seeping out of his pants to finally dribble onto the floor.

The creature chuckled heartily as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. The kind of deep, booming laugh that came from the belly. Suddenly, the pressure on me faded away and my surprisingly bloated feeling balls stopped forcing the steady orgasm I had been having.

The tentacles that had been twitching and flexing in the air collapsed to the floor exhausted, twitching occasionally like my own cock that was rapidly softening.

Terinas to his credit remained kneeled, and other than a release of breath, he did not move.

I slowly focused my swirling vision as I panted, trying a second time to get a good look at the new arrival, and I was surprised, though not from the magnificence or power of the creature.

Standing in the center of the room, directly in front of the kneeling tiger was a moose. Not a normal moose, but one of the animal-people like all of the casino denizens.

The moose was covered head-to-hoof in dark brown fur, with light brown fur covering the underside of his chin, and expanding down to his navel. His pale brown antlers were massive and heavy, nearly reaching the roof from him simply standing with his arms crossed.

The moose was strong, even without the aura he radiated. His abs and muscles were prominent like a professional body-builder, and stood out even under the dense fur covering his body. His dark-blue eyes were playful and obviously amused from the reactions of everyone in the room.

And finally, he was naked save for an obscenely thick black diaper wrapped around his waist, a thick green strip going from front to back on the swollen undergarment. He bent down slowly in front of the panting tiger and gave Terinas a gentle pat on the head.

"You have been such a good girl, I'll reward you later my pet. Now, go reward your human for his hard work." He cooed softly before planting a soft kiss on Terinas's forehead, and helping him up with hands placed gently under the casino boss's armpits.

"As you wish Daddy." Terinas said without the usual purr in his voice, but respect.

The moose terrified me.

Terinas turned towards me, his eyes taking in the damage from my steadily erupting cock quickly, and they took on the familiar shine of amusement.

He stepped in front of me and eyed me up and down before grinning slightly, his paw reaching underneath the changing table and grabbing a few handfuls of baby wipes, and setting to wiping down my body without asking for permission.

As he wiped over my crotch and belly, he began to speak. His voice was calm and authoritative.

"Human, Legendary achievements are exceedingly rare, and very difficult to get. Whenever one of you humans gain one such achievement, it is the duty of the leader of the realm to award such achievements in person. You however, have managed to gain two of them at the same time, in less than a week of arriving in my realm. For that, you must be grateful, as you have earned the attention of my lord, and one of the Great Lords of Lust, Tundra."

My eyes widened as he explained. First with Terinas wiping me down like a baby in front of a stranger, and then the realization that I had earned two legendary achievements of all things. Finally, my head turned sharply towards the moose standing to the side with his hand inside of his heavily used diaper as he fondled himself.

The vision of the massive hand reaching from the abyss and grabbing the obese man when I arrived in this casino before pulling him screaming through the door filled my mind. I began to tremble.

"You have done a lot in a short amount of time. I am very tempted to borrow you from my little princess from time to time. If you're good, I will reward you very, very well." The moose idly commented, his eyes sparkling with lust as thick musky semen freely ran down the inside of his thighs, his hand never stopping his fondling.

Terinas paused only briefly before Tundra continued. "If you seek me out of your own free will, the things I will do to you." He let out a lust filled moan at the thought.

"Never the less, you will not come back the same as you were. Even the most extreme fetishes any of the staff could offer would drive you wild with lust, and the simple idea of using a toilet would never occur to you again. If you come to me freely, and give me all control. Simply cum in your diaper while moaning my name and I will whisk you away, and you will return as if no time at all has passed since you've been taken."

The moose spoke calmly as he fondled himself, more and more semen dribbling down his thighs to pool around his hooves, and yet his breathing wasn't even slightly labored.

I glanced up at Terinas out of the corner of my eye, and he glanced down at me in turn, never stopping in his wiping. His mouth moved slowly, but the words he mouthed without saying were unmistakable.

"Worth it."

_ _ Terinas bent down and picked up the opened diaper laying on the floor, dropped by the tentacle monster in his sudden orgasms, and gave it a shake, whatever magic he used causing all of the latex to slip cleanly off the padding to the floor.

I licked my suddenly dry lips as my gaze returned to the moose, currently licking his cum off of his arm as if it was maple syrup. "I-I'll have to think about it, uh, my lord. None of these kinks make me horny yet, an I just don't think I'd be ready for what you want."

His eyes seemed to sparkle even more in amusement, and he slipped a dripping finger into his mouth to suck clean. He spoke shortly after, a chuckle in his tone. "Terinas, you didn't tell me he found none of this arousing! I want him even more now. I hope you tell him why he should come spend time with me later. I would love to play with a prodigy like this."

As Terinas opened his mouth to reply, I interrupted him. Nonetheless he continued to pull the diaper underneath my backside and go into the process of taping it onto my waist securely. "Uh, sorry my lord, but he already told me it would be worth it. I trust him, but I'm just not ready right now. Could I take you up on it in the future?"

Terinas turned his head to look directly at me, his hands paused while holding the flaps of my diaper, his eyebrows raised in surprise at my comment.

Tundra looked at me with a raised eyebrow, before suddenly bursting into laughter once more.

"You trust my little kitten? Color me surprised human! You humans are racist, self-serving, rude, violent and distrusting. And that is amongst your own race! Don't frown at me, I've tormented billions of your kind, and you never fail to disappoint. But not once have I heard your kind say you trust someone of another race entirely." His voice quieted as he began to speak to himself near the end.

"Terinas, I can see why you like him." The moose spoke out, the deep cheerful tone returned to his voice from his introspection.

"Human." He spoke, and I couldn't suppress the shudder that went down my spine as our eyes locked. Just in time for Terinas to slap on the last tape to my diaper and hot black goo splattered noisily into my seat because I was too distracted from the noises in my gut.

The moose's eyes sparkled in amusement, and I saw a twitch in the swollen bulge of his diaper, indicating that he enjoyed the brief show.

"Keep in mind, I do enjoy my playthings, but it is easy to get bored of them. I suggest you contact me, before I contact you. Because unlike my princess here, I don't ask for consent. Now Terinas." He commented casually, his mouth rising in a disturbing grin at the end before he shifted over to the tiger, who turned and bowed once more.

"I suggest you tell him his achievements so I can get out of here. There is this delightful little fat man that is becoming the perfect little sissy and I want to get back to him." He commented casually, and I was reminded once more about the terrifying show from the beginning of my stay in the casino, where a massive hand reached through the door and crushed the aggressive, and entitled man before dragging him screaming through a dark doorway.

Glad to know he was still alive at least?

Terinas turned to me after nodding to the moose, his voice smooth and professional, not carrying the teasing tone he usually did.

"Steve, for your hard work you have earned not one, but two legendary achievements for the acts you have performed in service of my staff. In acknowledgement of this fact, I, Terinas, Lord of this realm and designated guardian of your soul, bestow upon you your rewards."

His hands reached over and placed themselves on my shoulders, and the strong scent of baby powder filled my nose, nearly blocking the smell of cum that came from the moose.

Legendary Achievement Earned: Above and Beyond 1

A compliment and complaint for you. You have worked hard and made a few members of my staff very happy. Thank you. Also, it's been three days, do you know how much power it takes for me to give out achievements? Calm down already!

For earning a small number of achievements, your diapers all are now able to be automatically cleaned with a mental thought.

For earning at least 25 achievements, every diaper you wear can be automatically cleaned to a brand-new condition once per day by thinking the phrase "I want my dirty diaper cleaned." The cooldown on this ability resets after changing into a new diaper. The cooldown for this ability automatically resets at midnight.

To earn the next achievement level, you must earn at least 50 achievements.

First Achievement Bonus: Diapers that are cleaned by thinking the phrase "I want my dirty diaper cleaned." Have their absorbency and holding capacity doubled until the diaper is changed, or the cooldown resets at midnight. Be advised, a diaper may leak if it is used beyond the normal capacity when the cooldown resets at midnight.

_ _

Legendary Achievement Earned: There's a First Place For Everything.

Seriously, you can calm down a little bit. There are hundreds of achievements, you don't need to collect them all within your first week here. And I'm steadily creating new ones as time goes on. Just look at your Porny Express!

For earning the First Achievement bonus with a small number of achievements, you no longer pay rent in apartments based on the number of First Achievement Bonuses you have.

For earning the First Achievement bonus for at least 25 achievements, you no longer need to pay rent for rooms on any floor based on the number of First Achievement Bonuses you have divided by 10. For example, if you have 43 First Achievement Bonuses, you no longer have to pay rent for your room up to floor number four.

Be advised, you still need to pay the required cost to get access to the floors on higher levels.

First Achievement Bonus: All rooms that you no longer need to pay rent for due to this achievement have their available space doubled for as long as you are the registered owner of the room.

_Current floors available:

Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3_

Achievement earned: Milkin' Round The Clock 2

Hell of a day for you eh? I'm surprised you managed to survive having your balls drained so much, I think you owe my master a thank you blowjob for bringing you over the edge. Pun intended.

For having a large number of orgasms in a short period, your stamina drain after repeated orgasms is reduced.

For having at least 25 orgasms in a 24 hour period, each orgasm after the first will be 10% less draining on your stamina. This is multiplied by the previous tier.

First achievement reward: Bonus is doubled.

Current stamina drain for repeated orgasms: 64%

Number of orgasms in a single day for next tier: 50

"Awesome, it's a stupid phrase though at least I only have to say it in my head. Not to mention being able to change my diaper without needing to spend a fortune on wipes, or find someone willing to wipe my ass is worth all this trouble on its own." I said with a chuckle.

Terinas held the back of his right hand to his forehead while placing the left over his heart, giving me a mock wounded look while Tundra chortled behind him.

"Don't worry kitten. I can give you the power you need, you just have to ask me nicely. Now, I have to go, you kids be good." Tundra spoke out, his voice amused as we all watched him slowly dissolve into red smoke and the intense scent of musk and cum rapidly dissipated, replaced by a gentle baby-powder.

"Your dad is pretty easygoing." I commented once the silence grew a bit too long for my tastes. Terinas chuckled softly before giving the inside of my thighs a wipe down, cleaning off the remnants of whatever Tundra had done for me.

"Just wait until he has you in his domain. I would not be surprised if you would. Well, it's not important. I do suggest you take him up on his offer before he simply decides to take you. He has a thing about people forgetting about him. Anyways, your diaper is changed, or at least it was, and you have your achievements. Please go spend your free spins while my slippery friend recovers." Terinas spoke out, his voice amused. Before he could leave however, I had to ask him.

"With that achievement for free rent or whatever, what happens to my earlier achievement that gives me a discount on my rooms?"

Terinas paused and he flashed me a grin. "Well, what is thirty percent off of zero? I could always get rid of your new achievement if you would prefer?"

I could not shake my head fast enough, as he left the room in a puff of power, his laughter echoing throughout the room.

I pushed myself into a seated position on the changing table, careful to not sit in the almost terrifyingly large puddle of my own cum pooled on top, and I slipped off, landing in another puddle of black rubber goo.

"That aura of his is fucking terrifying. I'm so exhausted." I said softly, letting out a loud yawn before rubbing my eyes.

Slowly and carefully, to avoid any more goo puddles, I made my way over to the slot machine.

As I stood in front of the colorful machine, I unashamedly squatted slightly and pushed, a slick spray of black goo flooded into the seat of my diaper and pooled in the padding between my thighs. I let out a sigh and stood once more, shuddering as the hot liquid pooled around my butt and balls, though I could feel I still had plenty left in me as my stomach gurgled.

I took my first real look at the slot machine. The last time I played it I didn't really pay attention, but the symbols were amusing to look at.

According to the payout guide, a pink pacifier was replacing the cherries on a normal machine. A bib replaced the oranges, and a set of mittens replaced the grapes. A folded diaper which could stack up to three represented the bar symbols. A blue chastity cage represented the low value seven, while a shiny metallic one with what appeared to be a built-in catheter was the high value seven.

Finally, a set of tentacles represented the multiplier symbols. One smooth black tentacle was a simple wild symbol, two octopus-like tentacles was a wild x2 multiplier, and finally three shiny black tentacles filled with large bulging eggs were the wild x3 multiplier symbols.

The last symbol required getting five in a row to unlock a minigame to unlock more free spins, and the symbol was a picture of Terinas's face with a smug grin.

Below the reels was a small box labeled "Credits" which currently displayed a zero. Beside it was a box labeled "Free Spins" which contained the number 19. And the last box, other than the "Bet per spin" box that came with almost all machines was labeled as "Free Spin Value" And it held the number 100 in it.

"Holy shit, I got nineteen hundred diapers from that?" I whispered, looking around the corner of the machine to glance over at the tentacle creature sprawled tiredly over the floor of the nursery. One of its tentacles weakly lifted and gave me a small wave.

I returned the wave and smiled sheepishly before going back to hiding around the machine. I realized just how much we had gotten done in just six hours. While I was with the cow where I earned a thousand diapers, I spent most of the time bouncing or sleeping. We really didn't do that much together and it paid so well.

I pushed the thoughts from my mind before I returned to the task at hand, I had to use my free spins.

Despite my achievements, my luck seemed particularly crappy during the first fifteen spins. I got nothing until my third spin, and even then, it was simply a row of three pacifiers, netting me fifteen points. Another three spins of nothing before I got three different folded diaper symbols, paying the value of at least one of my spins.

This pattern continued, each spin of the reels either giving me no points or very few, and I began to completely dismiss the idea of trying to do anything at the slot machines other than gamble and chat with the tentacle creature.

I would never know if it was the tentacle creature's doing as it saw me get more and more frustrated with each spin, or if Terinas or Tundra wanted to reward the efforts I put in. But on the seventeenth spin, the first reel had a X2 wild tentacle symbol, and the next reel stopped and it lined up with a X3 symbol. Immediately my heart leapt. I was guaranteed at least a decent number of diapers, no matter what symbols popped up!

The reels slowed down, to build suspense. And it certainly did, as I was unknowingly leaning forward on the stool, with goo dribbling out of my backside into my diaper without conscious effort.

The reel stopped and I clenched my fist. On a single straight line, the third symbol in a row was a Wild symbol. No multiplier, but it continued the reels which slowed even further where I could see each individual symbols!

"Holy fuck." I whispered, as the fourth, and finally the fifth symbols landed.

By my seventeenth spin, I was up to four hundred and eighteen diapers in total available payout. I sat back on the seat, ignoring the slick squelch under my backside as I stared at the reels before me. The payout numbers were rapidly increasing at a blur as I ran my eyes back and forth over the row of shiny black tentacles.

Pacifier-Terinas-X1 Diaper-Bib-Pacifier

_X2 Wild Tentacles-X3 Wild Tentacles-X1 Wild Tentacle-X2 Wild Tentacle-X3 Wild Tentacles _

Terinas-X2 Diaper-Pacifier-Mittens-Metal Chastity Cage

"A hundred..." I whispered, completely stupefied. I don't know what my face must have looked like, but it must have been drastic, because I didn't even notice a black tentacle, with suckers like an octopus, had slithered across the floor to gently attach to my leg.

The exhausted potty monster was concerned enough for me that it forced itself to move over to me so it could check on me. "Are you alright? You look like you... okay, that makes sense. Congratulations on your massive win Steve! I haven't seen a payout like that in nearly forty years. Do you have any plans for what to spend it on?"

_ _ I was lost for words, unable to even form a legible reply in my mind, and the voice in my head was simply chuckling in amusement.

"One hundred eighteen thousand, eight hundred diapers." A smooth and amused voice spoke from right beside my ear, causing me to jump and let out a yelp of surprise, much to Terinas' amusement.

"How? Should such a spin even be possible? Did either of you make this happen? Was it Tundra?" I asked, staring at the impressive payout number of 118,800, bringing my total current payout to just barely under a hundred and twenty thousand diapers.

"And you still have two spins left. And no, all gambling is legitimate. I would never adjust payouts for anyone, not even my lord Tundra. If my staff wished to adjust things, the payout would come from their personal stash and not the casino. As for my lord, I doubt it. He would rather have you lose everything and try to earn it back from him personally. This was entirely your own luck. Congratulations." He purred, his voice highly amused.

"What will you spend it on?" The tentacle creature asked curiously, its voice sounding almost excited.

The sudden question brought me from my staring at the screen. I turned my head towards the creature, then over to Terinas, and once more back to the potty monster. "Uh, I have some ideas, but maybe you should consider making a wager with your fellow staff before I tell you."

"What do you mean by wager?" He asked, and even Terinas had an amused glint in his eye.

"Well, you all had a wager based on who would be the first to receive a tip right? Everyone wagered a hundred diapers or something, and the little fox at roulette ended up winning that bet. What if you started a bet based on what you think my next purchase will be? Whomever is the closest to one on my first three purchases at the store wins the pot?" I suggested with a chuckle.

"That is a strange idea, why do you think anyone will bet on such a thing?" Terinas asked, which was mirrored by the potty monster.

"Because they're all bored out of their minds? I mean, if I came in here merely to use the slot machine, would you be looking for anything to do to pass the time? How many dealers right now have people willingly doing anything other than gambling?" I tried to explain.

_"True, if I didn't know you were coming, I'd just be bubbling away. Perhaps I'd go count all my diapers once more since I don't have any photo albums to look at either. I'd probably be willing to gamble on anything just to change things up."_The tentacle creature spoke into my mind, it's voice less exhausted as it began to recover.

I even noticed a few tentacles lifting off the floor and moving out of sight.

"Hmm, fair enough. But how would the wager be advertised? What would the prize be?" Terinas asked, his own expression becoming slightly interested in the idea.

"What if you put it as, one of the humans won over a hundred thousand diapers while gambling. The person who guesses their first purchase after collecting their winnings correctly, wins a party for them, and up to ten of their closest friends. If there is no winner, it will be the person with the closest guess determined by Terinas. Every staff member gets three guesses?" I suggested with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, I'm in. My first guess is." The tentacle creature wriggled in the air excitedly before I cut him off with a sharp wordless sound.

The flailing of tendrils paused and began to droop when I explained. "Don't tell me, that wouldn't be fair to all of your staff or me. If I didn't pick your guess, that would make me a huge asshole. Plus, it's up to Terinas if it will actually happen." I explained, and after a few seconds, I received a gentle squeeze on my calf indicating understanding. I reached down to where the thick tentacle wrapped around my leg, and I gave it a few gentle pets on the smooth side without suckers.

Terinas seemed to think for a moment longer before nodding. "That sounds fair, I know my staff are eager to spend time together, they would probably jump at the chance to wager on anything. Where should they have the party though?"

I shrugged a bit before slapping the spin button on the machine once more, the reels quickly stopping with me not earning a single point. "The second floor is pretty open, with lots of furniture and a good atmosphere for a party. If every staff member pays a hundred diapers to bet, that should cover the cost of booze, food and decorations."

I paused briefly before continuing, expressing my thoughts as they came to me. "I'm sure in your magical vault you have a sound system, karaoke, and all sorts of other fun party stuff. I'm sure one of the humans knows how to DJ, offer them five hundred diapers for an eight-hour party."

Terinas nodded and flashed a slight smile. "I think that sounds good. But what do you get out of this? You do know I am going to ask you to avoid cashing in your winnings until this evening when all of my staff have time to vote."

I hit spin on the machine for the last time, and for my final spin it came out as a complete loss. As was expected. Pretty sure I used all of my luck for the century.

"I get nothing out of it, but your staff get hope, excitement, and eleven of them will get a party. Even if the area is closed off to humans, I might be able to see them having a good time, and maybe catch some of the music. That is a big win, no loss situation." I replied with a shrug and a grin as I hit the button for the machine to spit out my voucher.


I grabbed the voucher gently, as if it was fragile and priceless. Terinas chuckled at my reaction, like a billionaire watching a common person find twenty bucks on the sidewalk.

"Very well, keep in mind, that can be stolen from you and used by anyone. Keep it safe. I will let you know when it is safe to deposit it into your bank account for use." Terinas said with a nod.

"And please do let me know when you are done compiling the pictures, I would love to see the photo album when you're done." He added with a chuckle towards the potty monster, flashing it a wink before disappearing in a cloud of baby-powder.

I sat in silence for a little while, the tentacle around my leg remaining silent with me. Finally I spoke and I got an amused burble in reply. "He still smelled like cum, I must really be bothering him if he doesn't even have time to change his diaper between visits."

We both had a chuckle before I stood up from the machine and stretched. All the posing and stretching was quite exhausting, and I still had the heavy taste of rubber on my breath. "I think I'm pretty much empty, could I bother you for one more diaper change, and then some information?" I asked.

"In a hurry?" The voice asked curiously as it began to unwind, its suckers letting out soft popping noises as they released from the flesh of my leg.

"Not really, but I do want to get this token put into my room as quick as possible, to keep it safe, and then I want to check in with my friends before heading off to bed. We need to have a strategy session I think." I replied, walking over to the changing table once more, one of its tendrils wiping my cum off of the padded surface much to my embarrassment.

The tenacle creature was wringing out dozens of rags into a mop bucket, black goo being cleaned off the floor as much as possible, and Xander had a feeling he was just as embarrassed about his own orgasms when Tundra arrived.

"Fair enough, I'm a little too exhausted to stuff you for another three hours. If you would like, there is a nice big dragon three machines to the left that really enjoys cock and anal vore." The tentacles voiced in my mind, it's chuckling slightly ominous.

"I'm afraid to ask, but what is vore? Is it what it sounds like?" I asked, hesitantly climbing onto the changing table once the critter was done wiping its surface.

"Vore means to eat. In this case it's not necessarily vie the mou-"

_ _ "Nope, not interested. Just letters and gambling for him then." I cut him off with a hard shake of the head, and his voice chuckled in my mind.

"Went pretty far with the mainte-"

_ _ "So how about that weather we're having? A beautiful summer day eh? Sun is shining, birds are singing." I cut him off once more, hoping it was obvious that I wanted to talk about literally anything else whatsoever.

"Point taken, and actually yes, it is a beautiful day. Less birds and sunshine, and more excellent company. Next time you come by, you should bring a few beer, and we can hang out." He replied in my mind, even sending me the mental version of a relaxed sigh as he went to work untapping my darkened diaper.

"That does sound like a good idea. Speaking of sunshine and birds, just curious what your favorite scenery is? One of my friends, Ryan, says he is an artist, and I think he would have some fun practicing painting some scenery. Don't get me wrong, I love what you've done with the place, though the whole Castle dungeon turned nursery must get kind of boring after a while?"

"Truth be told, I have never seen any scenery before. Us denizens are essentially pure planar power condensed into shape by those who came before us. I have seen nothing other than this casino and the instances of my friends. If your friend enjoys painting, in my opinion, he should just paint, and show us a catalogue of sorts of what he has for sale." He offered. His voice did sound completely interested however.

The tentacle creature continued to wipe my crotch and behind gently as I lay back on the table in companionable silence. I thought about my time in the casino so far. From meeting the fox at the roulette table and changing my first diaper during my stay here.

Spending an entire night in the nursery with that cow, having my first orgasm in diapers multiple times and then sleeping in a crib while helplessly soiling myself.

Being covered in diapers on stage in front of everyone, fucked repeatedly, and even pissed in just to set an example to scare off thieves.

Meeting Ryan, Callum, Lee and Jonas. Forming a sort of brotherhood between us, and making a plan to help eachother move forward in our new and fucked up lives.

Drinking coffee with a gorilla bartender, and having my butt filled with water so much it was painful and it actually felt good for the first time to shit my diapers.

I fucked a clown of all things.

I won't talk about the diaper fox.

meeting a literal potty monster that enjoys photography, and creates a huge mess when he is forced to orgasm.

And meeting the true ruler of this universe, who's mere presence caused an exhausting and non-stop orgasm from everyone in the room.

"You've had quite the adventure, and here you are, preparing as hard as you can to win in the upcoming competition. Though I guess you don't really need the diapers now after your win?" The tentacle creature spoke softly as it read my thoughts.

"Well, I do still want to win, and if not me, at least my friends. The sooner we get our selves set up, the sooner we can relax and actually live comfortably. Go hard now, so we can take it easy later." I replied with a shrug as he lifted up my legs gently and pulled my diaper from under me, cleaning me up just a bit more before setting me down.

I was getting strangely used to having my ass wiped by others.

"That's fair. You must have good friends. I know the slot machines can only have one human enter at a time, but I would like to meet them someday. Now, I'll let you know about the fourth challenge." The creature commented in my head, his voice sounding hopeful at the idea of meeting my friends.

"The fourth challenge is based entirely around infantile outfits and puzzle solving. I believe this challenge is the reason my friend sent you to me. The object is to complete five puzzles of increasing difficulty, each unlocking a different piece of clothing, and then to put on all of the clothes. Once you have all of the clothing on, the door will open to the fifth challenge."

_ _ I let out a whistle as the tentacle creature unfolded a thick ducky diaper in front of me and lifted my butt off the changing table to slide it underneath. "He really did help me out by sending me where he did with those letters. I mean, you've pretty much helped me for all of the challenges, but the other dealers all seem to specialize." I commented before letting out a tired yawn, barely covering my mouth in time.

"Pardon me." I said, wondering what the time actually was. After everything that happened today so far, I was exhausted.

"Not a problem, it is getting late. The first puzzle is simple. There is a box with shapes cut into the top, and a small pile of shaped blocks beside it. You simply have to put all the shapes in the right holes. Putting in all the blocks will open a cabinet on the wall to the left or right that holds a thick cloth diaper with a hole in the bum, diaper pins and plastic pants with a hole in the bum as well. You have to put that on, though the order doesn't matter. I mean, you can put the plastic pants on first, but you will leak everywhere if you pee." The tentacle creature explained, ending with a small chuckle of amusement.

"The second puzzle is a word game. You have a pile of alphabet blocks that you have to line up on a plexiglass shelf to spell out a phrase. This is where earning advice for the challenge will really save time. On the top shelf you simply put the letter I, then the next shelf down is the word Love. Continuing down you write out Cumming in my sissy diapers. Once it's spelled out correctly, a second cabinet will open up, and thigh high stockings will be inside. Like the diaper, you have to put them on."

_ "The third puzzle is Simon Says, though instead of following verbal commands, there will be an inflatable animal creature, just like many of the dealers, and it will be semi-transparent. It will be standing in front of a glass pedestal with a dildo on top. Before you will be a pedestal with a similar dildo on top of it. You have to do to your dildo exactly what the pool toy does to its own, though you don't have to worry it is instantly self-cleaning."_ It said in my mind as it pulled the tapes of my new diaper tight over my waist, then gave my butt a playful pat as I thought over what it said with a grimace.

"I thought you would react like that. Now there are five different actions the pool toy will do. Keep in mind, you have to follow fifteen of its actions and it will do one action every sixty seconds. You do not have to do fifteen consecutively, though only doing the safe actions will take much longer. The actions it does are Lick the dildo from balls to tip, pump the dildo as if giving it a handjob, Hump the dildo with its diapered crotch, deepthroat the dildo to the balls, and finally take the dildo up the bum to the balls as well." It let its words sink in for a few moments, it's voice quite amused as it continued on.

_ "You can imagine what actions it will do most frequently. If you ant to speed through this fastest, you have to be prepared to take it up the bum, and then deepthroat it a few times. Though if you wish to simply skip the anal, you can still make decent time. The next piece of clothing you will unlock is a dress with onesie snaps for your diaper, which also has a hole in the seat for easy access. I should mention that you will be able to wet these diapers but unable to mess."_

_ "The next puzzle is a simple search. There is a small ball pit five feet in diameter and four feet deep, full of plastic balls. Inside the ball pit are three balled-up diapers. One is dry, another soaked, and another messy. Each have a button inside you have to push, though you only have to push one. Pushing the one in the wet diaper will take three minutes off your current time, and the messy one ten minutes. When you push the button you open a cabinet that has a bonnet and bib inside and you have to put those on."_

_ _ I grimaced at the thought of sticking my hand into a dirty diaper to push a button, but ten minutes saved could be the reason I win the competition instead of someone else. I honestly had no idea how anyone else were doing in regards to gathering information and there were a hundred humans in the casino.

_ "The final puzzle is a drinking challenge. There are five baby bottles lined up on a small table. Each is lined up from left to right with a different liquid inside with a label of the contents, and how much time will be taken off your run if you drink it. You only have to drink one to unlock the last piece of clothing, the pacifier gag, and a key for the final obstacle in the challenge. The pacifier gag needs to be strapped onto your face for the door to open."_

_ _ After the tentacle creature finished explaining, he helped me off of the changing table, setting me gently down onto the floor and giving me one last pat on the behind with a tentacle.

"I know I'm going to hate asking, but what are the liquids I would have to drink?" I asked hesitantly, and I received a chuckle in my mind.

"The first bottle is water, and it doesn't reduce your time. The second bottle is prune juice. Drinking it saves one minute. The third bottle is piss, it will save five minutes. The fourth is semen, which will save ten minutes, and the last is liquid rubber, and it will also render you completely incontinent for three days after drinking. It will save you twenty minutes. Yes, you can drink multiple bottles, and you can also have a negative final time if you go fast." He said with an amused chuckle.

"You really helped prepare me for this challenge then. Thank you. Final question, can I unscrew the nipples on the baby bottles?" I asked, more hopeful than curious. If I could drink fast and chase with the water, I could probably handle drinking all of the bottles to get a huge head start.

"Yes you can, and there is no penalty for doing it. I just couldn't tell you if you didn't earn the answer and ask. Giving you an answer that you earned is one thing, giving you blatant cheats is another." It responded with an amused tone.

"Now you should probably go, it is after eleven and even I can tell you're exhausted. Thank you for entertaining me today, I do hope you will come by again soon. I do admit that I am curious as to what your first purchase is going to be, I think by now all of the dealers should have made their wagers."

"Pleasure to meet you too, but yeah, I think I should probably go and at least deposit my voucher into my room, I'll deposit it in the morning just in case." I replied while walking over to the slot machine, and plucking the ticket with the still shocking value off of the seat before stuffing it into the crotch of my diaper for safety. I mean, nobody would reach in there to steal from me, and the ticket seemed to be made out of plastic so I assumed it was waterproof.

"Actually, just to make sure, are these tickets waterproof or should I go to my room as fast as possible?" I asked just as the last tendril pulled from my thigh, only to return a moment later to respond.

"Yes actually, they are waterproof and the ink won't run. It's not technically paper or card, its closer to formed cosmic energies that only looks like a simple slot ticket. Everything is made of energy here, even the numerous diapers you filled earlier. There is no spoon, though your mind and soul cannot withstand the power required to manipulate the energies. For all intents and purposes, this place is physical to you, but you do not need to worry about your ticket getting damaged in your diaper. Have a good night Steve."

I blinked a few times as I registered what he had said. So, nothing in this world could be damaged unless it was designed to be damaged. I thought the way the paper was torn from my notebook seemed a little too clean.

I shook my head to clear the thoughts that were too far above my paygrade and smiled at the creature, giving him and the robot a wave. "Have a good night you two. Thanks for all the help today, I appreciate it."

As I turned and reached for the door, I caught the sight of a waving tentacle and robot before the world flashed and shimmered, and I was suddenly sitting and staring at a familiar slot machine where all its numbers had been reset to zero.

"No luck dude?" Came a voice from directly behind me, and I totally did not scream like a little girl. Not even a flinch. No sir-ree.

When Callum stopped his bent over laughing, he wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye while chuckling. "Come on man. When you didn't show up at ten, we all figured you would have a fortune with you and they sent me here to make sure you didn't get attacked again."

I turned and looked at Callum with a raised eyebrow. Like me he was actually wearing a diaper as well, the familiar yellow duckies covering his crotch, and to my surprise, his crotch was visibly wet.

He actually blushed when he caught me looking and nodded his head to his right. "Tell you in the room, let's go, Ryan passed out an hour ago, the rest of us are only still standing from being used to long days."

I stood up and nodded, following along behind him as he strode purposely between the rows of slot machines. "After the competition, we decided that we are going to take you to certain dealers and we are going to get you stronger and teach you to defend yourself. You are the major breadwinner of the group, but if one of us aren't around you are an easy target."

I nodded along in understanding as we made our way up the stairs, both of us giving a wave to Lee and Jonas who were getting up from the couches near the showers. As we neared I saw that Ryan was indeed sleeping soundly, his head laying in the diaper-foxes lap who was petting his hair gently with a white plastic paw.

Before I could ask, Callum explained quietly. "You were gone for nearly seven hours. He was alone with the fox for six of those. When he came out of the shower, he wouldn't say a word, he simply went over to a couch and laid down. The fox put him in a diaper and then let him sleep." He explained, his voice filled with respect, and a hint of pity.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in respect for the guy. When he decided to put in the effort to earn his keep, he really went hard. Earning diapers without gambling was not easy. It took spending an entire night with the cow mom to earn just a thousand, and I wasn't sure how much easier it was to earn free spins either. But it took me getting fucked in the ass, mouth and dick over thirty times to earn what I did. Even then it was close to being near zero.

Lee was laying on the ground in just a diaper, the pile of rubber clothes, hooves and harness being used as a pillow, the designs on his diaper faded slightly, and the seat distended as if he had heavily soiled himself. Jonas as well was wearing just a diaper, though his was one of the blue ones with cartoon cars, and unlike Callum and Lee, his diaper was dry.

Seeing us approach, Jonas bent down to help Lee up off of the ground, who groaned pitifully as he stood on shaky legs. He slung Lee's arm over his shoulder without a word and helped brace him up and they began to walk slowly towards the nearest hallway.

The fox gently aroused Ryan before slipping out from under him and then turning to pick him up in a princess carry like he had done with me in the shower earlier. Giving me a bright smile, he carried Ryan towards the hallway, quickly catching up to lee and Jonas.

Finally, Callum bent down and picked up the rubber clothing and Lee's notebook before turning slightly to wait for me to catch up. "Come on, we have to talk about a few things, and others are starting to get access to the second floor. Secrets aren't as safe here anymore."

"Gotcha, let's go. I have things to say too." I replied, getting myself a shake of the head and an amused grin as I offered to help carry some of the heavy rubber for him.

Shrugging my shoulders, we went after the others, catching up when they were standing outside the first door. The fox had a full boner once more, likely from watching Lee and Jonas's backsides, though his attention was turned to me as we neared.

Without waiting any longer, I voiced out softly "I would like to bring all of the people with me into my room with me." And I grasped the door knob, once again turning the world into a swirling mass of shifting colors.

When the world returned to normal, we were all standing inside the hallway to my apartment, and immediately we noticed the hallway was twice as long and twice as wide.

"Steve, what did you do?" Jonas asked with a chuckle before he helped the limping Lee down the hall. The others shared looks, save for the fox who happily trotted down the hall, easily bypassing Jonas.

"Oh, you know me, I got an achievement. Nothing too spectacular." I replied nonchalant before being unable to stop myself from grinning.

"Dude seriously?" Jonas spoke out from ahead of the group as he exited the hall and arrived at the edge of the main room. Following behind, Callum let out a whistle. Even lee forgot about his injuries as he stared stupidly.

As my achievement said, the room's base size had doubled, once again my crib was in the new center of the room, and the guys diapers were no longer against the far wall on our right, but nearly half way to the far end of the room.

My twenty square foot apartment had upgraded to a forty square foot house. Even the ceiling that had been ten feet high, was now twenty feet high.

"I wonder if I can buy lumber at the bank. I could probably make some bedrooms in here with a second floor and actually turn it into a house." I commented idly before shrugging and walking towards the center of the larger room to take a seat on the edge of the crib.

By this point Ryan had woken up, and he was looking around dumbly as the fox set him down on his feet near the entrance.

I was the only one paying attention to the fox as the others walked towards me, their heads on a swivel as they checked out the new dimensions of the place.

The fox flashed me a smile and a wink as he neared the pile where Ryan's diapers lay, much diminished after paying for the coffee that morning. The fox waved his hands, and in a pink puff of powder, a pile of ten and twenty-point diapers appeared nearly as tall as the fox's waist. I kept my expression neutral, but I was curious how many diapers Ryan had earned from his efforts.

"Okay man, you got an achievement, what achievement gives you larger apartments?" Callum asked while Jonas set Lee back on the floor gently. Callum set the pile of rubber clothing on the floor as well, and then sat down heavily beside it.

As everyone turned to me, Ryan added "Your room got bigger because of an achievement? That's good, I didn't pay for the third floor yet. Would have hated to wake up in the diaper pail after shitting myself. Scoot over Steve, I call crib dibs."

"Crib dibs?" I asked needing a moment to process his words as he climbed past me into the crib, the mattress crinkling louder than his diaper, even with the sheet laying overtop. He reached over and grabbed a few of my diapers and piled them up as a pillow, getting a few chuckles of amusement from his antics.

"Crib dibs. It's dibs, on sleeping in the crib for the night. Keep up man." He replied with a grin before letting out a yawn.

"Haha fine, well, I got the First achievement achievement. For getting over twenty-five first achievement rewards, I get free rent on every floor for each ten first achievement rewards I have. I have over thirty, so I get free rent on the third floor as well. An added bonus, for every floor I have my rent covered, my room size is doubled." I explained, and enjoyed the dumbfounded looks on everyone's face as a result.

"Jesus man, what rarity is it? Or do you even know?" Lee asked, pushing himself into a sitting position with a grimace as his diaper squished wetly beneath him.

"It's a legendary achievement. Thanks to getting two legendries at the same time, Terinas and his boss Tundra both showed up in person to give them to me. I'll warn you guys now, as Tundra was showing up, his aura made everyone in the room cum helplessly and continuously. It did a number on the tentacle creature. I think he gave up on trying to mop all the goo off the floor and I think he decided to simply let it disappear with the instance when I left."

"Fuck man that sounds terrible." Lee whispered, his face slightly pale as if he was ill. The others shared his opinion based on their expressions.

I watched as the diaper fox stepped over to the hallway, before turning towards me and blowing me a kiss. I stood up from the edge of the crib to everyone's confusion and casually strolled over to the fox before he could leave. "Personal policy, nobody leaves without getting a hug first. Thanks for looking after Ryan by the way, he obviously needed the rest." I said, and was punctuated by a loud snore coming from the crib behind me.

The white plastic of the fox's cheeks actually turned slightly pink in embarrassment as I opened my arms wide and gave him a big squeeze around the waist, which was as high as I could reach on the exceptionally tall creature.

He hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around me in return, giving me a gentle squeeze in return. "Thank you, I'll try to remember not to sneak off in the future then." He commented softly before we both broke the hug, and I began to wipe my chest where his cock dribbled a bit of baby lotion in the embrace.

After the fox disappeared through the door, I returned to the guys and asked the question bothering me the most as I sat back down on the crib.

"Lee, what the hell happened to you? I didn't expect anyone of you to be even remotely willing to be in public with a dirty diaper." I asked finally, and the guys all shared a look before Lee finally replied.

"I borrowed your outfit, and I spent the last six hours having my ass stretched by every single horse in that barn. As for why I shit myself, it's all cum. I was completely cleaned out fifteen horses ago, and every time I think I'm done crapping myself, I end up pushing out more. I feel like I gained fifteen pounds." He replied deadpan, and I gave him a look of surprise.

"Damn dude, even I don't think I could handle some of those horses, why would you do that to yourself?" I asked without even thinking that he might want to keep it private.

"I got a few achievements out of it, as well as that one that you said grants bonus diapers. But I think that I would be able to give you some competition in the upcoming, well, competition. After what you told us, I figured being able to take it up the ass will give a big edge." He replied while flashing me a tired grin.

"More happened which I will not talk about, but I also earned nearly three thousand diapers with the suit as well as the achievement bonus. We have four days before the competition, if we keep this up, we might have real beds before your wager ends. Don't worry man, we got you covered." He added with no small hint of pride.

"Damn man, I better work harder or I won't be able to keep my position as top earner anymore! Which reminds me." I said, getting a chuckle from the guys before I shifted and shoved my hand blatantly down the crotch of my diaper.

"Whoa, what the fuck?" Callum and Jonas commented together, while Lee simply looked at me curiously and Ryan snored softly to the side.

"Calm down guys, I'm actually dry for once. The tentacle creature gave me time to get all of it's goo and eggs out of my system before changing me one last time. Though don't freak out if my diaper turns black when I pee for the next few days. This is my earnings for tonight. Not as much as Lee, but still not too bad." I commented, trying to keep my expression straight as I pulled out the voucher ticket.

"I'll redeem this when I go to the bank in the morning. I am too fucking tired to bother tonight with that." I said before tossing it towards Lee, who caught it easily out of the air.

"How much did you get?" Callum asked as Lee silently passed it over to Jonas with a slight tremble in his hand. Jonas took it while giving Lee a questioning look, before glancing down at the ticket in his hand, and his face immediately paled.

"Are you serious?" He asked, his voice a near whisper. He passed it over to Callum who looked like he was about to explode if he had to wait any longer. When he looked down at the ticket in his hand, he simply said "Holy fuck."

"Are you not worried we will steal it from you?" Lee finally asked after Callum passed it back to me, his eyebrows raised as he gave me an impressed nod.

"Not in the least. You guys aren't idiots. You know I'll share with you guys and if I climb higher, I'll do what I can to bring you with me. Sure, you could steal it and get a head start, but, is it really worth giving up the free rent? Maybe it would be worth betraying me for the last hundred million diapers you need to get the hell out of this place, but this ticket isn't even a drop in the bucket." I replied with a shrug, grabbing one of my diapers inside the crib and slipping the ticket inside so I don't lose it.

"By the point we could rob you for a hundred million diapers, who knows how many hundreds of years we will have been friends by that point. Plus, redemption sounds like either heaven or hell with no middle ground. Doing that to you after that long? I can guess where I would be going if I went through that door." Jonas added, getting a nod from Lee.

"Keep your friends close, and Canadians closer." Ryan mumbled sleepily behind me before he rolled onto his side and resumed his deep breathing.

The guys all relaxed and grinned from the comment before I let out a yawn, trying to stifle it with my hand. "I'll tell you guys about the fourth challenge in the morning. Does anyone else want the crib tonight?" I asked, getting shakes in the negative.

"Your crib man, we all think you should always have crib dibs. Plus we can always sleep on the couches outside." Callum spoke, and I shrugged.

"If you insist, though Lee is hurting. He should have crib dibs tonight at least?" I offered again, and Lee shook his head.

"It will be easier to change myself on the floor than in the crib. It's your crib, and your room, so you get dibs. It's that simple." He replied, giving me an appreciative nod before letting out a yawn of his own, followed by a wet splattering sound into the seat of his diaper.

He reached up and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger, mumbling "Fuck sakes" under his breath.

"Well as I like to sleep in, don't go buying the most expensive mattresses and stuff tomorrow while I'm asleep. Once you guys do what you need to finish up the bartender's wager, I'm going to buy proper beds for us all. I might only be able to afford cribs like the one I have, but it's still an improvement over any air mattress." I suggested.

"Why would a crib be cheaper than a normal bed?" Jonas asked, clearly confused.

"They are conditioning us to develop a fetish for girly baby stuff. I would bet a thousand diapers that a crib that is pink and has a plastic covered mattress would be cheaper than a mattress and wood bedframe."

The guys paled slightly as they took a moment to think about what I was saying, realization hitting them at separate times after thinking of their own experiences.

"But I don't want to get horny for girly baby stuff." Callum grumbled, before chuckling softly, me and the others joining in.

"I don't want to give you guys nightmare fuel, but both Callum and Ryan were walking around with wet diapers, and Lee just shit a bunch of horse cum into his diaper without going somewhere for a little bit of privacy. This is day three. I think in ten years we'll be wandering around the casino floor wearing baby girl clothes and sporting boners under our diapers. At least I'm sure I will." I chuckled softly.

"Want to bet that wearing regular baby girl clothes gives some sort of benefit, even if its not one of those expensive set outfits?" Lee asked, thinking in video game terms finally.

"Different outfits probably give different stats like in RPG games, I imagine male clothing or adult clothing is probably counted as trash quality gear, good for nothing other than cosmetic. Meanwhile the more infantile and feminine the clothing the better bonuses, like bonus diapers when earning diapers from dealers while wearing it." I suggested with a shrug.

"How would hat be different than set pieces or those dildo things?" Callum asked, frowning slightly.

"Set pieces are for one specific purpose, like the postmaster set is for delivering mail. I imagine wearing a frilly pink baby dress, bib, bonnet and diaper cover would give a universal five percent bonus or something. And there are probably more expensive variations of every type of clothing that give better benefits." Lee replied for me, also seeming deep in thought.

"This is pure speculation, but if this were the case, then you would be able to easily spot all the Steves in the casino, and who to either make friends or watch out for." Jonas said, joining in on the conversation.

"The Steves?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow and receiving a roll of the eyes in response.

"Do you think that for even a single moment if this idea was proven true that you wouldn't immediately start walking around like an overgrown baby princess?" Jonas asked, grinning knowingly at me.

"Spot the Steves, got it." I chuckled

"So, coffee again in the morning?" I asked as I pushed myself back into the crib and crawled over towards my stack of diapers, flopping down hard enough that the crib shook enough to make Ryan pause in his snoring. I laid my head down on a few of my twenty-point diapers as a makeshift pillow, and grabbed my rubber moose plushy to hold to my chest.

Me clutching the rubber doll made Callum chuckle before shaking his head. "I'm down, Lee, you better change, I think we are the ones in charge of shutting off the lights tonight." He commented.

I didn't hear Lee's reply, as I passed into slumber.

The Demons Gamble Part 12

Just like the day before I was the last one to wake up, with Callum guiding Ryan through doing some pushups while Lee and Jonas performed stretches of their own. I groggily pushed myself into a sitting position and wiped drool from...

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The Demons Gamble Part 10

We had all returned to my room, the guys deciding for me that after what had just happened, I would need a relatively safe place to calm down. Callum, Lee, Jonas and Ryan sat on the floor against the wall, beside their respective...

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The Demons Gamble Part 9

"I never thought I'd say I'm happy to be wearing a clean diaper. But I'm happy to be wearing a clean diaper." Jonas joked, getting a chuckle from the rest of us. We were still sitting at the bar counter, discussing our plans for the...

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