
Story by nalldook on SoFurry

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I've been having ideas about kinks in a transhuman, post-scarcity world where furs enjoy a high freedom of expression about how they look and who they are. So here's a story about a sweet, lewd synth furry couple trying out new things with each other. Tagged for null, bodyswap, skunk spray (kinda), corruption and out-of-control TF and some swarming, splitting, multi TF; it has lots of names. Written in Feb 2021.

Quite interested in this sort of setting and theme. <3 Would you like to see more?

"I love how soft your fur is, Molo," said the squirrel to the skunk, as their paws brushed through the fluffy pelt. "You don't even have to do anything and it's like you're wrapped in a blanket all day. I'm jelly."

"Aww, silly Rass," said Molo the skunk. "Well, I think your ears are great. And your tail. Plus if I can climb trees half as well as you, I'll be happy."

"I'm looking forwards to spending the day as you," smiled Rass, their squirrel tail bobbing from side to side. "We going to tell anyone? I mean, we should, but it's kinda exciting not to."

"Sure, but I really think we should. Even if we'll have each other's memories and nobody would actually notice."

There wasn't much to visibly mark the two as synths, other than Molo and Rass knowing that they were. That was why it was so easy to swap; all they needed to do was trade bodies in the morning, and trade back the next day. The memory backups would give all the context, leaving them to enjoy the novelty of being each other. Molo was a fuzzy reverse skunk, white with a black stripe; and Rass was a golden red squirrel. Their eyes were very similar, as the pair of them had been created at similar times, and they'd been together ever since.

"Well, let's do it now," urged Rass, holding onto Molo's paws, eager and smiling wide. The command sequence was ready, wireless pings teasing out at the skunk in invitation.

"Now now? I thought we might relax first."

"I've just been looking forward to it all day," pouted the squirrel. "Don't mind me if you'd rather wait."

"Hmm. No, I'm good. Now is fine."

Molo took the lead away from a surprised Rass, slipping arms around them and nibbling at an ear, their minds linking together and doing the silent dance that would send them both into each other. When everything was ready, the skunk set things off with a kiss; tongues wrapped, muzzles close, soft breaths and eyes closing, as sensation and feeling mingled together. For a brief moment, they were one in two bodies; two tails, four ears, like kissing a mirror. Soon after that, they were distinct again, with bodies that felt as new. Molo the squirrel broke the kiss, only for Rass the skunk to move forwards and continue it; their bushy tail wagging in the air as the two of them fell to the fluffy carpet underneath.

"Don't get too excited in there," purred the squirrel, happy at just how buzzed the skunk seemed to be.

"Oh, Molo. Ohh. Look what we did. Eee, I sound just like you. And I feel great, better than great, I'm such a hornball. Y'know, we could show each other a thing or two about ourselves."

"Mmf. I would like that."

They kissed, squirrel under skunk, cuddled with tails wrapping and wiggling together. Molo moaned softly, enjoying Rass's paws which used to be theirs, and the feel of soft fur. Skunk was so energetic, straddling and pressing close to allow their null patches to rub together. Squirrel body was so sensitive it made Molo chitter and close their eyes, happy to be played with. Rass normally took the lead, but today this felt like watching a recorded memory; seeing themself so active, hearing their own voice in lust and pleasure. Following along.

"Spread your legs," said skunk.

"Wiggle your tail," said skunk.

"Kiss me like you'll never see me again," said skunk.

Each time, Molo did so. It occurred to them that Rass still had full control of squirrel, even though they weren't the consciousness inside. That made skunk blush, and whine, loud both in sound and in wireless, pings that were sure to be making other synths take notice. They were not exactly quiet, nor did they want to be.

"Tell me something you want your body to do to you," said skunk.

Squirrel responded straight away, like the good squirrel they were. "Spray me. Push my muzzle under your tail, turn off all the safeties, spray me. Spoil me. Mark me so loudly they'll spot me from space. From Neso."

Rass felt around for the new process of spraying, which they didn't have as a squirrel. The volatile nanofluid was safely held in its magnetic field, inactive and so rarely used for anything. It was an old experiment, both pungent to organics and designed to be highly disruptive to synths. Forced discoloration, sensory and wireless errors, internal processes misfiring, inbuilt resistance to self-repair -- things Molo had considered the synthetic equivalent of being sprayed by a skunk.

"You sure, pet? This stuff is rank, it'll take ages for you to fix up. And I'm not swapping back until you do."

"I'm odd, pet. It's an experience. Having you under my skin. Being helpless with you. Do whatever you want."

"Mmm. Gonna safeword you," said Rass.

"Oh! I'm flattered," grinned Molo. "Yes, please do."

Rass wirelessly pinged over a challenge, and Molo sent back their response. Nothing unusual, everything suggested the squirrel was in control and hadn't been compromised or coerced.

"Well, we did agree we could do anything we liked. You're making me ruin my body?"

"Mine while I'm here. You saying you wouldn't enjoy me stuffing my nose under your tail so you can blow my mind? Don't want to watch a squirrel corrupting while you wait?"

Rass was speechless for a moment, gazing at Molo until looking away, bashfully. "Um. Well. Yes. Okay, I learned something new about me."

"Attaskunk. Take your time."

Rass breathed in deep, and swung their paws over the squirrel. Molo nuzzled at skunky nullspot, with feetpaws brushing and encouraging them to do the same. As skunk started to work through the safeties, their stripe turned to a mix of black and another colour; green, orange, red, purple. It was part of the process, and it seemed fair for skunk to give some warning, which the colours did along with a more frequent ping. Squirrel moaned, and their touches grew deeper and more eager, caught up in anticipation. Their nose touched as their tongue licked under skunky tail, finding a sensitive spot that made Rass whine and come close to spraying.

"All of it," muffled Molo eagerly, also speaking directly into skunk thoughts. "Until you're empty."

"I had no idea you were so into this. Why haven't we done this before?" purred Rass.

"It's new," murmured the squirrel. "And weird. Huff. You're getting distracted."

The skunk crouched down, putting their weight on squirrel and raising their tail, letting it dangle over their head. Paws squeezed close to Molo underneath them, whose licks were very distracting; Rass needily pushed into their face, wiggling, urging. The tongue couldn't get at any of the nanofluid until skunk chose to release it, though that didn't stop it trying. Both of them took deep, pent-up breaths. Skunk's purple-banded stripe began to fade back to black as they closed their eyes and sprayed, expelling a tight stream; squirrel gasped and coughed and felt the troublesome liquid in their mouth and throat, tracing purple and green lines over their tongue and nose. They gulped it down when there was enough to swallow, though Molo's neck and muzzle were briefly caught in slow-motion that made them shudder. Rass could hold a lot of nanofluid, far more than they needed for any one use, but as asked they emptied themselves right into the squirrel's face.

The pair of them were wirelessly connected almost all of the time, so when Molo stopped pinging, it was very noticeable. Their eyes looked glazed, and sickly-looking lines of purple and green and white ran through their fur. Sure enough, squirrel was corrupting as skunk looked on. Ears became frayed and marked with holes, while golden fur matted and began to fall out in clumps. Nictitating membranes closed over their eyes, tinting their vision red; a surprise, as the squirrel didn't normally have those. Rass slipped off Molo to watch the change and give them some room, with a paw continuing to tease their own null patch as they watched. Skunk was full of embarrassment and satisfaction and warmth at the kinky direction their swap had taken. Squirrel babbled quietly, coughing and sitting up as their tail started to swell up like a balloon.

"Hey, Molo?"

Molo could hear, now and then. Errors were flashing up all over in their vision. Arms and legs weren't always moving how they were supposed to. The squirrel was glitching, just as they'd wanted to be. Fondling their nullspot was too difficult at the moment, but after some time of seeing Molo try, Rass used both of their feet to press and knead there. Sometimes it felt like nothing, but at other times it felt intense and amazing and they whined along with the sensations, clumsily. This was the experience of being thoroughly ruined by skunk spray; colours blurring and blending together, tail squashing and shortening and not keeping still. Squirrel felt itchy and twitchy, with senses in and out of working, wireless pings full of confusing noise. The spray had left very little scent to detect as Molo had swallowed most of it, with nanites deep inside continuing the microscopic equivalent of pulling out circuits and swapping wires and spreading chaos.

During this, the skunk kneaded and fondled both their null patches, closing their eyes and squeaking happily. Very much in control, just where they liked to be. Molo was overwhelmed by involuntary feelings and jitters, giving Rass patchy insights into their mood whenever random chance allowed a connection between them. Happiness turned to euphoria, as the pair of them drew closer to climax; bubbling, building warmth that focused them on each other and gently blotted out their surroundings. Molo panted, feeling so wound up they thought they might just explode.

And they did, in a way. At their apex, the squirrel squealed in a myriad of voices, before tumbling apart into many smaller squirrel shapes. Some of them were more corrupted than others, with about four of them naturally cuddling up to Rass in pleasure, sharing their high mood as the others stayed where they were. Skunk felt Molo's sudden transition at the back of their mind and squeaked out loudly, in sound and by wireless, eyes open as they panted and shivered and trembled at the wave of mixed feeling. Elation turned to gentle confusion at the little swarm of squirrels clinging to their fur. Molo was now eight smaller copies of themself, with one copy by far the most lucid; only a few small glitch marks could be seen, on their ears.

"Rrrf? What happened?" asked the squirrel, amid panting.

"Hiya pet. Um, there's a bunch of you now. Didn't know your spray could do that."

"Never seen it before," they said, flustered. "Wow. Just... wow. You have to try this. I'm everywhere."

"Maybe later. We said we'd only swap for a day, Molo, but I think this is going to take you more than a day to fix," grinned Rass.

"Sorry pet," said the little squirrel, pockmarked ears lowering. "My repairs are going on, but you're right, it'll be a while."

"Such a silly squirrel. This was extremely kinky, you know?"

"Mmm. I know," said Molo, with a smile. "Did you like it?"

"Huff. Yes. I think so. I'll let you know," said the skunk, grinning and resting back on the soft carpet. Relaxing together.

"You all right to look after me while I get fixed up?"

"Course, pet," grinned Rass, scooping the eight little squirrels in for a hug. "All of you."



The spotted skunk was quiet, and stealthy, and took very much care not to wake Nall the pine marten, who slept; open-mouthed, tongue out. Gently he tiptoed around the warm little nest, eyes bright with mischief, tail wiggly with anticipation. Surely at...

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Possum Curse

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