
Story by nalldook on SoFurry

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It's that late-night convention mood while out in fursuit, and the fuzzy things seem just a bit more real. Until it turns out they are real, and it's not a big leap from there to getting stuck in fursuit, hypnotised and cuddled and shrank into a nice cuddly plushie. :) Written in July 2020.

"You're a good derg," said the hyena to the plushie dragon. The night was late, the snugs were lovely, the convention floor was pretty much empty, and they'd been flopped there for hours now.

"You know what, though? Now it's quiet, I got a secret. I'm not wearing a fursuit," said the yeen. Dragon shuffled about with their limited movement, and looked up through the eyes of their suit; oh! Real fur, spots and ears, vibrant eyes, wide smile. How hadn't they noticed that before? Hold on, so that meant...

"It's fun at these events, 'cause just a little magic and I can pretty much be myself. How about you, though? Nice suit, maybe you'd like to get stuck in there? How about it? It's fine to say no."

"No, um, I mean, yes! I... well I think I would like that," said the dragon, who looked no different but was happily blushing.

"I hoped so. I thought you might. Well, plush, you sit right there and I'll see what I can do," smiled the hyena, rifling through his pockets. "Oh look, and I just happen to have a lockable collar, and a padlock, and a sewing kit. That's at least four ways to trap you as a plush dragon. Gosh, we might never get you out, you'll have to just be a plush for all time."

Hyena's words made for a squeaky, flustered dragon. "But, but, but, wait, four ways? That's only three."

"Well. The fourth is to look into my eyes, plush, not that you need to move, just gaze up and listen to the sound of my voice, warm and soft, don't look away, just listen and relax..."

The suit was warm, the room was quiet, and it was easy for the dragon to settle down and sink into the hyena's eyes. He kept talking, lowering them into trance, so subtle and gentle.

"You're a plushie dragon. What are you, again?

"Plushie dragon."

"Remind me again, I forgot."

"Plushie dragon."

"Good. No suit, just you. Like you can feel this, and this, and this."

Those pushes could be felt, squeezing at the plushie's soft stuffing. It was easy not to see the mesh, a little harder but possible to tune out breathing, they were a plush from top to bottom.

"Of course, there's no zip, no reason to be. Just soft stuffing all the way through. All you need do is squeak. Are you happy, plush?"

"... squeak!"

Coming up from trance was pleasant, the dragon wasn't even sure how much time had passed. It was still dark outside, but here it was deep into the early morning. Dragon wasn't even sure if they could move, they certainly didn't feel the need to.

"Gonna roll you over now," said the hyena. He did, so the dragon ended up flopped forwards on his big, cuddly belly, watching the floor.

"You can't see me so I'll have to tell you what I'm doing," said the yeen. "Now, of course a plush doesn't have a zip, so I'm definitely not locking it closed..." Click! The metallic sound made them shiver a little, even if plush was a plush and didn't have a zip.

"I guess a locking collar also isn't going to change very much, is it? You'll just be a plush with a fancy collar. Even if you had a zip, which you don't, there's no way you'd be getting out." Snap, a lighter metallic sound, the feel of a collar being tugged that made a dragon squeak very much.

"Now, hold still... there's this odd little seam here, I think it'd be good for plush if I gave it some good stitching, don't you agree?"


Paws pressed on their back, nimble fingers worked back and forth, and plush soon felt a bit tighter all round. Round and round, sewn up with the stitch tied tight near their tail, the hyena ran a paw along his handiwork.

"There you go! Very patient plush. I think it's time you rolled over and we had some more snugs to celebrate you being so very stuck, don't you think so?"

The dragon squeaked their agreement, and over they came, tail back and belly up. Arms out, nice cosy place for the hyena to settle up and get cosy once more.

"Definitely plush. I bet if that was a suit you wouldn't even notice sinking into the soft polyfill, plumping it out as you feel every little touch on what is now your hide, soft fake fur, rubbed and brushed and snug. Can't blink, plushies don't blink; can't breathe, plushies don't breathe. Don't need to. They're just soft and snuggly all the way through. All the way through..."

The dragon sighed, happily, or they would if they could. Whether through the suggestive tone or magic, they couldn't see or feel any sign of being in a suit. No zip, no head, no wiggle room inside, just squishy softness, ears and tail and body and snout that felt like theirs. A little tag with their name on it. So calming and soft and quiet, gosh.

"I think it's time I got a bit of rest though. Plush could come be snuggly if that's okay?"

Squeak! Some deep silly noise from within the dragon seemed to agree.

"Alright! Well, I can't move you unless you're a bit smaller..."

The hypnosis and suggestions blended so well into the magic up to this point, but only when the world started to grow did the dragon realise it was real. Smaller, and smaller still, until the hyena had to stand up, until he could lift the plush in two arms. Big, cute dragon. Yeen meet their gaze nose to nose, giving the sweet snout a silly noseboop with his own. Dragon squeaked, and the hyena wandered away, back towards the lifts and the promise of rest with a nice snuggly companion.
