The Swarm

The final scene of the film involved her swarm attacking her co-star, only to have her 'queen' insect killed and thus her swarm killed. that effect would be added with special effects later, of course.

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Within a few minutes, nearly the entire swarm had been killed, including the queen. the few stragglers whom had escaped fled in every direction. without their queen or the swarm, they would not be any kind of problem any longer.

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Swarm Front

Written by theo_winters swarm front by theo winters written for arrow quivershaft there was something wrong with the old broken village, but it wasn't just a single thing.

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Return of The Swarm

She looked on jewel and her father in the garden playing and laughing, she never knew such joy since the swarm never believed in family and that emotions distract them from ones duty.

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Vengance of the Swarm

"vengance for the swarm...." "tamati please!!!-gah!!"

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I don't write nearly enough swarming, and this was a pleasure. ^^ tagged for a cute pixie swarm tf and some shrinking, written in august 2020.

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Tagged for null, bodyswap, skunk spray (kinda), corruption and out-of-control tf and some swarming, splitting, multi tf; it has lots of names. written in feb 2021. quite interested in this sort of setting and theme. <3 would you like to see more?

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The Swarm War prologue

The swarm war year 2852 date march "15" in the pitch black depths of space a rupture in space and time emerged. it's iridescent and vibrant colors highlighted the massive ship that formed out of its core.

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[c] Sating the Swarm

The swarm was expected to pass neptune any day now. he leaned back, unconcerned, ready to flip the switch to hail the swarm fleet's advance scouts the moment they came within range. it wouldn't be that long now.

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Arc 1: Part 1 - A Sewer Shortcut

It failed miserably, rats swarmed up the wall in a wave, arching around the curve of the tunnel to launch directly at aira's chest! the stream of swarming rodents bowled the cleric backwards and he vanished beneath the surface with a yelp.

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Swarm Front (TF, Zerg)

swarm front by theo winters written for arrow quivershaft there was something wrong with the old broken village, but it wasn't just a single thing.

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A Visit to a Nanite Fantasy Transformation Parlor

And, besides, julian had really seemed to like being a swarm... julian couldn't possibly conceive of what would scare him after he'd been a swarm of wasps.

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