The Firbolg and his Cocksleeve (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#17 of Commissions

What do you do when you're a three-foot goblin that wants to get pounded by your nine-foot-tall firbolg friend?

Invest in lube.

This commission was paid for by Elberik. I hope you enjoy!

Bogburg lived up to its name. A massive town built atop swampy lands through stilts and pillars from wood they'd imported. Raindrops and hurried footsteps rattled the wooden walkways as Glimmer and her firbolg friend, Brutus, raced through under cover of darkness. The duo seeked shelter from the ongoing storm, and Glimmer had heard of an inn that could accommodate a goblin such as herself and the big lug behind her.

"Where're we going, Glims?" Brutus asked from above her, his soft voice cutting through the torrent. Normally he'd have a clearer view of where they were headed, but he lacked darkvision and the rain snuffed out the street torches. Glimmer, on the other hand, was well accustomed to the darkness and could see much thanks to Brutus's body blocking most of the rain.

"There!" She shouted and pointed to a swaying shine with the words 'Ogres Den' stamped across it. Buffeted, Brutus pulled the door open and made way for her like the gentlebolg he was. Hearthfire warmth brushed against her drenched cloak, water dripping against the planks underneath as each made their way inside.

Heads turned upon their entrance, but she expected as much. Even as an adventurer, Glimmer got more than her fair share of flak with being a goblin. Wasn't her fault savage tribes still existed. To her relief, none kept their eyes on her, returning back to their own drinks or games to drain the night away. A fair few of the patrons she saw were not humans, nor were they dwarves, elves, or even chubby halflings with their ear-splitting cheery tones. They mixed in, but she'd seen more lizardfolk, tiefling, and oddities such as a goliath and an owlfolk in the crowded tables.

An inn built for the exotic. Just want her and the big lug needed. Brutus's heavy feet stepped up behind her, his beard drenched and long red hair matted with rainwater as he pulled back his hood. "Why this inn?" He asked, leaning forward as always, "There were plenty on the way."

"Well, why don't you stand straight first?" He blinked then looked up. She could tell the wheels were turning in his head, watching him slowly stand straight to the full nine feet stature he carried. Short by firbolg standards, but for a three-foot-five lady like her, he might as well have been a hill giant. Her grin grew wider at the amazement in his amber eyes. "Yeah. No back problems for tonight."

"Welcome to the Ogres' Den!" A blonde haired maiden by the counter called out. Glimmer noticed a stepping stool and, with a glorious stride, climbed up it until she was face to face with the maiden. Well, more face to breasts, but it beat standing on her toes to peer over the desk. "Enjoying the local weather?"

"Depends, how local are the storms?"

The young lady blinked. "She's asking if they're common," Brutus explained, "Glims isn't a fan of strong winds. They tend to blow her off course." Glimmer's green cheeks flushed pink at the comment but said nothing.

"Oh!" The maiden laughed, "Well you're in the rainy season. But luckily we offer drying services this time of year. The maids would be happy to take your clothes through the wash as well."

"How much is that gonna cost?" Glimmer asked with squinting eyes. At places like this, there had to be a catch.

"10 silver. It's a little pricey, but given our clients, we charge a bit more."

Ten silver? Pricey, but not impossible for them. Glimmer planted three gold coins on the counter, "Single room please, with a wash and dry service. And no, we won't be needing two beds if that's what you're thinking."

The lass behind the counter smiled as she slid the coins toward her. "Perish the thought, Miss. You're not the only odd couple I've seen. And I do mean that as a compliment." Glimmer took it in stride and followed along with Brutus close behind, his footsteps creaking across the floor. Just a quick look behind showed her how happy he was standing tall indoors. Poor lug was normally bent over whenever they were in town. He told her it's how he prepared his body for the indoors, but she'd seen him default on it when talking to people.

He had to arch a little when they reached their room, but sure enough, the ceiling was high enough to keep him straight and steady. "Just toss your clothes into the bin and leave them out." The maiden pointed to the large wicker basket in the corner, "While we promise your clothes will return, there's no guarantee that small items will return. So please avoid leaving them there. Have a good night."

Glimmer already tossed her cloak in the bin as the caretaker took her leave, swiftly followed by her shirt, pants, really everything save her boots, some dry undergarments, and pack. Taking note of the fireplace, Glimmer set about warming the room while Brutus cast aside his clothes. Not that she didn't peek at the handsome hairy hunk. Wide shoulders with strong arms, a mighty gut, and an ass she just wanted to slap so hard it'd break her hand. Eventually, she'd ask him to shave, wanting to bask in that physique of his. But not tonight.

Then came the real treat. The flickering flame lights outlined Brutus's flaccid monster, hanging loose over a pair of fat balls. "You know..." Glimmer picked her gloves back from the basket, slowly pulling them on, "I should thank you for keeping me dry."

"It's no trouble, Glims. Really I-"

"Bed," She commanded, pointing to the large mattress, "Now." She watched her command shake him for a moment, that warm smile curling to something mischievous and wanting as his cock twitched. Oh yes, she was going to have fun with that.

Even with the accommodations, Brutus couldn't quite fit their shared space. His legs hung out on both ends. It didn't matter to Glimmer, crawling up between his legs and grabbing hold of his massive rod with gloved fingers. She pinched the tip, toying with his foreskin before breathing in his hearty musk and blowing her warm breath down his cock. Too big to suck, not unless she wanted to unhinge her jaw. But to worship? Nothing too big to worship.

For a big man, Brutus had the softest moans to her touches. His erection grew steadily, full mast towering over his lying form. Her tongue matted against it, saliva dripping down as she dragged deep to his nuts, tasting and breathing in his scent. Glimmer couldn't help but feel his sack, the churning testes inside just waiting for her touch. "You gotta be churning by now," She giggled, stepping up and pulling back his skin, revealing the fresh tip glistening with pre.

"Your teasing doesn't help."

"You love it," She teased, pressing her foot against his cock and pushing it down to his abs. The full thing was almost half her height, a breaker by any stretch of the imagination. And tonight...she licked her lips. "Bet you want to fuck me." She straddled against it, grinding her underwear against the pulsing rod. "Bury this ungodly cock deep and make me beg for mercy."

He blushed and eyed away, "Well I wouldn't go that far..."

A single claw drew across his head, "You would if I told you," She cooed, giggling at his stifled moans. "Just imagine having a goblin cocksleeve. Or maybe that's not the right idea. Maybe I need a firbolg mount. I could get us a bridle and everything."

"It''d make the horses happier..." His breathing tensed. He wasn't close yet, of that she was certain. But the damn cock between her legs could have provided the night's warmth alone. "But we know you won't fit."

"Couldn't," She corrected. Noting his confusion, she stepped up and stripped off her lower garments. One twist around, and he saw the wide plug she'd buried in her ass. "Bought this over in the last town. Took a while to get used to, but I kept up with it." Grabbing the base, she took a deep breath and slowly twisted, as if unscrewing it from her rectum. Even he had to be surprised at the fist sized plug she let plop to the floor, metal ringing against wood.

"That..." He gulped, "I think I'm still a bit too big, Glims."

"Way ahead of ya." Glimmer hopped off the bed and searched through her bag, finding a bottle of purple liquid. "Bought this at the same shop. The shopkeeper had a supply from the alchemist. It's a special kind of lube, for people like us." She'd heard of the concoction before, a popular buy amongst the halflings and gnomes. Despite this, it couldn't work miracles. No way it alone could have Brutus fuck her.

But it wasn't alone. Tossing her gloves aside, she lathered her fingers in the purple goopy liquid. First, she massaged it around her pucker, then draped it over the firbolg's cock. "Pick me up and impale me," She commanded, her hands outstretched. "Make me your cocksleeve."

With a small grin, he hoisted her up and pressed the tip against her ass. She took a deep breath with each inch, her hole stretching wide and refusing to close around his girth. "Fuck..." Glimmer groaned through gritted teeth, "That's it. Come on..." his hands clasped tighter with the push, digging her deeper and deeper until she could feel it against her gut.

"Ok, that's far enough." Brutus strained. Glimmer couldn't feel her legs, not even to wiggle her toes, but she could tell they still dangled over his body.

"H-Hey..." She breathed out, struggling to speak, "I said all the way."

"Any more, and you'll be bursting," He chuckled, hands on her waist. "So, you ready for the next step?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Taking her grin to heart, his hips bucked and had her bouncing against his cock. Glimmer's green little body slipped and shivered, held tight in the firbolg's steady hands while he jacked her like a fresh sleeve. Her legs twitched, pussy dripping down and mixing with the leftover droplets of lube as the sweet schlicking sounds filled the air. As wild and cantankerous as she was, Glimmer's mouth hung open in silent ecstasy, unable to mouth her pleasure at his cock.

Brutus grew bolder. The bed creaked and cracked underneath his motions, matching his hurried grunts as he fulfilled both desires. She knew how much he wanted to fuck her, it was obvious with all the teasing she'd given and every bashful look he shared. "Rail into me!" She screamed, hands holding digging into his fingers. "Fuck me like I'm made of rubber!"

He rolled off the bed and pressed her tiny body against the window. Each press pushed her against the glass, forcing her hands to unlock it so they didn't break. The rain pitted against her hair, slamming one half of her body in chills, the other in spreading heat. She couldn't breathe, her heartbeat struggling as his cock twisted her stomach.

And by the gods, she couldn't be happier.

With a final grunt and fingers digging into her mouth for reigns, Brutus cried out wild. Glimmer felt his seed surging inside her, twisting past her lower intestines and filling her belly. It kept coming, expanding her green form until her stomach looked eight months pregnant.

"Glims?" Brutus gently tapped her cheek, "Glims you ok?" The warmth of the inn brushed against her as he closed the window. She collapsed against his stomach, cock still deep within her ass but slowly pulling out. "Glims, how many fingers am I holding up?"

"Not enough to fist me..." She muttered before pointing to her bag. "There's another plug. Can ya get it before you pull me off? Don't want this going to waste."

"This a side effect of the lube?" He asked, passing her the golden buttplug. It was two inches wider than what she had before.

Glimmer nodded, slowly sliding off Brutus's trunk of a cock and pushing the plug inside her. The alchemist told her the lube would have some interesting effects. Long-term usage could make her more malleable, but she didn't expect a full belly on the first night. "How can you be this backed up?"

He shrugged, "Not sure, you drain me every week."

Laughing, she crawled back into the bed and nestled against his chest, "Well, maybe I'll have you wait longer. Really make me expand."

"We wouldn't want you to pop, Glims."

She wouldn't. He wouldn't let her. The duo closed their eyes and fell into shared slumbers, with only the crackling of flames, and the pitter-patter of raindrops echoing in the background.

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