Dragons Destiny: chapter 3: the change

Story by Draco Cindyr on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragons Destiny

Chapter 3: the change

"Yes Draco I can make you into the things you dream, fulfil your wildest fantasies"

"Then please, please do, I would be forever in your debt"

Sapphire simply nodded and closed her eyes placing her hand over his heart. "This is going to hurt allot" warned Sapphire "please don't fear me because of it"

Draco nodded and said "I don't care if this hurts, I've just waited so long for this" as Draco said that he felt Sapphires hand begin to heat up, but not uncomfortably so.

"See this doesn't ... OOOOH MY GOD IT DOES HURT!"

It felt like she were driving a blade into his heart, but much worse, as Draco screamed his voice started to deepen to the point he was almost at a roar, his skin was stretched as both his muscles and his bones grew to sizes not meant to be, Draco was in agony as he felt his whole body shift and change, his skin began to rip and tear as his body grew beyond its own means.

"OH GOD MAKE IT STOP PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE IT!" screamed Draco as his body was put through so many levels of pain it was almost torture.

"Do not worry little one all shall be over soon" said Sapphire in a surprisingly calm voice.

As Draco reached the final stages of his transformation he felt his back begin to split and bleed as two bones began to grow from it, the bones then formed a joint half way down and formed a set of wings slowly growing black feathers, his splits in his skin began to seal leaving black scales instead of normal human skin, grey fur started growing from his chest and was soon thick and deep, he chanced a look behind him and saw he now had a tail complete with a black flame at its tip, his eyes became fully black as what looked like pure shadow raised from them in little wisps.

Then Sapphire removed her hand from his now fur covered chest and smiled up at his 8ft greatness.

Draco looked down at Sapphire with a rather toothy grin.

"Thank you so much for what you have done, I am truly amazed at the new body I have, but how will I walk among humans without raising suspicion?" Cooed Draco to the now smaller dragon.

"You will find that you can change back into a human any time you want if you concentrate on it hard enough" said Sapphire as she looked into the dark pits of his eyes "but your human state will have some ... perks"

"Like what?" asked Draco

dragons destiny: chapter 4: A gaze shared a crush revealed

Chapter 4: A gaze shared a crush revealed "well little one the first of the so called perks would be increased strength, on a massive scale" said sapphire whilst still looking into Draco's dark eyes "well that is good, I've always been in need of a...

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Dragons Destiny: chapter 2: she came from nowhere

Chapter Two: She came from nowhere: As Draco lay in complete darkness he wasn't scared but he was worried for that dragon he had seen. {Did she get away? Why did she attack me? Is she out for revenge? ... am I dead?} Draco chased these thoughts...

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Dragons Destiny: chapter one

DISCLAIMER: 1. Any similarities between characters or places in my book and real people and places are purely coincidental and were not based on reality. 2. All characters belong to their respective creators: Draco Hawk, sapphire, ruby and princess...

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