Saphira’s First Time

Story by Calkulater on SoFurry

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#3 of Saphira Finds A Mate

Disclaimer: I don't own any character in this story except Saraha the elf and Aura the dragon.

This story is copyright (c) 2007 by me, Calkulater, so no stealing!

This chapter contains Dracophiliac sex.

Chapter 4

Saphira's First Time

Saphira was laid out in front of her mate, her purple sex exposed to the air. Thorn was paralyzed. He'd practically dreamed of Saphira since he'd seen her for the very first time. Now, when he was about to get what he'd hoped for all this time, he couldn't move.

"Well, don't keep me waiting, Thorn! I know you want this!" Saphira released as much of her scent as she could. This of course, made Thorn came close to his climax without even touching his dick.

Driven even wilder than he already was by Saphira's scent, he rammed himself into her, his entire 2-yard pole disappearing between Saphira's purple lips with a loud squelch. He didn't care that he was already close to his climax, he just wanted pussy, and he wanted it now.

It only took 2 thrusts for him to orgasm, his dick throbbing, growing and shrinking in time to Saphira's contractions. They roared their love for each other, and French kissed until they were gasping for air. They were both so frenzied by now that this went on for a good ten minutes. When Thorn finally stopped gushing his seed, with Saphira still squeezing him softly, he knew that they were mates for life, enemy or not. "If our rider's don't like it, that's their problem and not ours," he thought to himself.

Saphira was too exhausted to move, her energy spent from her massive orgasm. So she asked Thorn to go hunt for them, to "bring back some food for the family," as she put it.

"Yes, my love. I will go hunt for you and our developing children." Thorn said as he slowly withdrew from inside her, Sorry that it was over so soon. Saphira had already fallen asleep, with what Thorn thought was the most beautiful draconic look on her face. As he leaped off the cliff, he wondered how their life would be, two enemies brought together by love. He knew it couldn't be bad. At least, not too bad.

A few miles away in Glaedr's cave, the Elf had the enormous gold dragon on his back, writhing underneath her, mumbling in a foreign language. She was pleasuring him, which is pretty hard to do when you've got a 15-foot dick. She'd lick up and down its length, then straddle the huge member and slide forward and back, grinding with the help of her own lube juice. She already came at least ten times, but the dragon had incredible staying power. Or so she thought.

You see, Glaedr had been on the edge after about her second orgasm. He'd just been muttering ancient words to keep him there this entire time; he was enjoying it so much. He hadn't had this good of a time for at least 40 years. "I might just have to keep her on the job," he thought. "Hell, once I teach her some of my own tricks, I might just have to pay her if she keeps it up like this!"

The Elf kept at it for another fifteen minutes and grinding through another twelve orgasms. "Glaedr, how much longer are you going to hold back? I can't do this much longer!" She screamed this at him, in the throes of another powerful orgasm. In response, Glaedr told her, "Shut up, elf! I'll come when I'm good and ready!" He decided to wait only a little longer, then he'd let her have it.

Five minutes later, Glaedr decided he'd had enough. He nearly screamed through his mind into hers, "Saraha! I'm getting close! Start sucking!" With that, the elf got off his rod and walked to the head, she sat down in front of it and started licking and sucking it, poking her tongue into the hole. Glaedr stopped mumbling his words and started into a low growl that got near snarling as she sucked and probed him to completion.

After only about ten seconds of this, Glaedr's dick throbbed once, twice... a white burning glob shot onto Saraha's chest, and Glaedr's dick started throbbing for real this time. He curled up almost into a ball, with the elf at the center getting covered by his cum. Glaedr was exploding just like when he'd lost his virginity to Aura. The stuff was coming out in such volume that it started a sort of cumfall down his sides.

Saraha was only slightly impressed by the amount of cum squirting out of the rod in front of her; she'd known that a dragon his size could produce almost twice as much in a single orgasm as there was now. But Glaedr was old, and he was lucky he could still have a good time at all. Though that didn't disguise the fact that she was now thoroughly covered in dragon spooge, and there was a good sized puddle of it on the ground, let alone Glaedr's own belly.

He was still going strong, but it was starting to slow down. She wondered how the hell a female dragon could hold all that cum. Then again, if her pussy was as big as his dick, it just might work. She cupped her hands under his dick, and drank it. She actually thought it tasted quite pleasant. She then had the crazy idea of trying to fit him inside her.

"Glaedr? I'm going to try and fit you inside me," she told him. Still spurting cum, she fitted her soaking clit to his head and pushed. Surprisingly, he slipped right in, one of the magical properties of dragon cum, she guessed. Of course, he was still squirting, and it sprayed from her pussy in a huge cone pattern. The combination of the pressure of his ejaculate and the heat made her orgasm almost immediately.

After an amazing 10 minutes, he was finally slowing down enough to lie back down from his curled position. Now Saraha was impressed. There was so much semen on the ground and her body that it seemed like it had been raining cum. "I guess you could say it WAS raining cum," she thought to herself with a chuckle.

Glaedr mumbled some ancient words to clean up his cave, and all the cum just disappeared. Saraha looked impressed.

"What?" Glaedr asked her, sounding like a schoolboy caught picking his nose.

"I'm just amazed at the amount of semen you put out!" she exclaimed. "Can I stay with you and be your sex slave?" she asked him.

Glaedr looked surprised, then he chuckled and said, "Yes, as a matter of fact you can. I was going to ask the same of you." And with that he dropped off to sleep, his energy spent from the massive orgasm.

"Heh, some dragon you are," Saraha said before falling asleep on his stomach.

Thorn flew over the forest in search of prey. As he circled over the lake, he felt a twinge of thought from something. He didn't know what it was; it couldn't be Saphira since she was so out that he couldn't wake her no matter what he tried. So he dismissed the thought to the back of his mind for later.

He heard some movement in the brush far below. He pulled into a dive just like Saphira did only a few days ago. He crashed through the trees to see nothing was there. He took off again, and dove into the lake after he saw a large fish jump. He came up with an enormous catfish, fully a yard and a half long. As he turned for home, he tried to contact Saphira. Still getting nothing from her, he knew she must have still been out cold.

Hovering over the ledge in front of their cave, he dropped the fish in front of the opening. He touched down and walked inside the cave only to see that Saphira wasn't there.

"Saphira? Where are you?" Thorn asked her. When he got no response, he said, "That's not funny Saphira. I know you can hear me! Come out of your hiding, I have brought some food home for you."

Saphira was actually still in the cave, Thorn just didn't see her. In fact, she hadn't moved since she'd fallen asleep some time ago. Her body had actually blended in to the cave, making her seem invisible.

Thorn stopped to listen for telltale signs of her being there. He heard a faint snore coming from the cave, but he knew that nobody was in there...

He walked into the cave as quiet as he could. The noise was definitely coming from the cave. He walked over to the source and saw... nothing? So he nudged the invisible noise and felt Saphira's body was there. "That's strange..." he thought.

"SAPHIRA! WAKE UP!" He bellowed, right next to where her head should be. Suddenly Saphira's body just appeared out of nowhere and she jumped to her feet, snarling.

When she saw Thorn, she said "Oh, it's you. Have you brought back food for us?" Thorn just stood there with a surprised look on his face. "What?"

"You were invisible before I woke you up! How did you do that?" He asked her.

"Oh, you didn't know about that? It's one of a mated female's defense mechanisms. After female dragons mate, we fall into a deep sleep, and are totally defenseless, so our bodies take on the image of our surroundings. I don't even know exactly how it works, otherwise I'd learn how to do it when I was awake, too," she explained.

"Well, I have brought a large fish for us to eat. I hope you like it! I took a bite out of it on the way back, it tastes pretty good."

"I actually do like fish. Thank you."

They walked out of the cave together and Thorn slashed open the fish. He picked out a tasty morsel for Saphira and gave it to her. She quickly chewed and swallowed it, giving Thorn a nod of approval. Thorn then started eating the fish too. The two dragons were touching each other's snouts the entire time, looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Thorn. I hope our riders approve of this, or we might never see each other again," Saphira told him.

"I love you too. If Murtagh does not like us being together, I will leave him just for you. I know Eragon will understand, he has a good heart." Thorn nuzzled Saphira's neck, Saphira doing the same. They both knew that if either's rider did not approve, then they would leave to live on their own.

As they ate their meal in the sunset's orange light, they both knew it to be true.

Well, you know what to do! Review!

More Saphira and Thorn sex to come, next chapter won't have any flashbacks or "meanwhile's".

But I'll only write more if I get good reviews!!

Saphira Meets Thorn

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character except Saraha the Elf and Aura the Dragon. This story is copyright (c) 2007 by me, Calkulater, so no stealing! Author's note: I don't know how to make things italic or bold in this little box that...

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A Terrible Truth

Disclaimer, the normal stuff: I don't own Eragon or Eldest or any of the major or minor characters contained within. Christopher Paolini does, and he probably always will. I do however own this particular fanfic, so don't steal my work, even if you...
