the Dalmatian under the tree part five

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#5 of the Dalmation under the tree (First attempt at writing)

Eli opened his eyes and smiled as he stretched under the nice big warm doona; Eli giggled as he felt a paw on his thigh that ran up to his hip then went down and around Elis waist and pulled him in to be greeted with a lick to the neck.

"Good morning" Khareem whispered into his ear Eli giggled

"Good morning wolfie" Eli whispered back turning around to face the gorgeous black and blue wolf

"How did you sleep pup" Khareem whispered looking deeply into Elis eyes who put his maw against Khareems

"Warmly against my wolf" Eli whispered rubbing Khareems chest

"Good can't have my Sheppard being cold" Khareem said getting out of the bed "You stay here and watch the T.V and I'll be back with breakfast" Khareem said turning the medium sized plasma on.

"Kay but hurry" Eli asked and Khareem giggled "oh and by the way love ya boxers, you should were them more often" Eli said and Khareem looked down to his naked body

"But I'm not wearing any... OH right" Khareem said laughing and he went down stairs to the kitchen. Eli lay in the warm bed watching the dribble on the news, Eli sighed as a news story about a car crash came on, luckily there were no deaths when the phone rang, Eli grabbed it and pressed the button.


"Oh you must be Eli, Hi I'm Jessica I'm Khareems sister"

"Oh hi yes It's very good to hear from you I'm guessing you would be looking for..."

"Me" Khareem said from no where

"Yes Khareem I'm looking for you"

"Okay thanks Eli"

"No problem bye jess"


Eli put the phone down and continued to watch the T.V. Soon Khareem came back up the stairs with a wooden board with a plate full of pancakes, two glasses of apple juice and cutlery.

"Oh you don't hold back do you" Eli said sitting up and Khareem walked over to his side of the bed and got in putting the wooden board on their legs

"Well not for you any way" Khareem said grabbing Elis maw and putting them together for a minute

"He-he you're so adorable" Eli said resting against Khareems body who put his arm around Elis waist. Khareem got a knife and cut the pancakes up into smaller pieces then he grabbed the fork and got a piece and put it in front of Eli who opened his maw and took it.

"Mmm chocolaty, with a hint of vanilla" Eli said tasting it

"Wow good guess" Khareem said popping a piece into his maw smiling, Eli got the other fork and dug in, soon all that was left was one piece but both were to full to eat it

"I think I'm about to explode" Khareem burped and Eli nodded

"Agreed, so what did jess need" Eli said

"Oh she wanted me and you to meet her new boy friend Seth" Khareem said now on his side "so their gonna stay her for four days" Khareem said and Eli smiled

"Oh cool" Eli said, Khareem smiled getting the wooden board but Eli grabbed his wrist

"Excuse me you staying here while I go and clean up thank you" Eli said grabbing the wooden board going down stairs. Eli had just finished the dishes when he felt two soft, loving paws go around him

"Thought I told you to stay in bed naughty" Eli said and Khareem laughed running his paws all over Elis naked stomach

"Couldn't, I missed you to much" Khareem whined

"Aww poor puppy" Eli said turning around to face the big wolf that stood in front of him smiling,

"So what are the plans for today" Eli asked ad Khareem thought for a while

"Well do you have a beanie, gloves and long, warm clothes" Khareem asked and Eli thought

"No gloves" Eli said and Khareem smiled

"Ah well we have a couple hundred here" Khareem said pulling a draw out and grabbing a pair of black gloves and handing them to Eli

"Oh thank you" Eli said with a lick to Khareems nose then grabbed his paw and they went up stairs to get changed, Eli was getting his second pair of jeans on when Khareem grabbed him, picked him up then spun him around.

"PUT ME DOWN WOLFIE IF YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YA" Eli yelled and Khareem stopped and put Eli down with a lick to his neck "Shouldn't you be getting dressed" Eli asked spinning around to see the already dressed wolf "ohh" Eli said

"Yer you need to speed up" Khareem said grabbing the jeans, pulling them up then grabbing a T-shirt and jumper from Elis suit case and dressing Eli

"There and you would have taken forever" Khareem laughed, Eli giggled then grabbed his beanie and put his gloves on

"Ready" Eli said

"Finally, lets go" Khareem said grabbing Elis paw and running down the stairs, outside then grabbing Eli and falling down into the 3 inch snow, Eli laughed. Khareem looked at Eli as he looked around outside, looking at the white covered trees, the frozen lake, the fields and fields of white dust. Khareem put his paw on the back of Elis head and pulled him down kissing him, Eli and Khareem lay in the three inch snow with their tongues in each other's maw, they murred as their body heat kept each other warm.

"So do you like it here" Khareem asked as they broke the kiss

"I have never been anywhere more white and amazing" Eli said putting their noses together

"Good to hear" Khareem said sitting up. Eli and Khareem were out in the snow all day, they threw snow at each other, rolled in the snow and made snow angels once or twice and soon Eli and Khareem were freezing and decided to go inside, Eli looked at the clock it was three forty-five

"Eli I'm going to put the fire on can make some coffee" Khareem asked and Eli giggled

"Of course Hun I could use some anyways" Eli said turning into the kitchen, Khareem went over to the basket full of wood, put a couple of big pieces into the big mouth in the wall and set them alight. Khareem stood up to go into the kitchen but Eli was already on the couch

"Coffee" Eli asked holding the coffee mug out with his legs crossed

"Oh yes please" Khareem said walking over to Eli grabbing the mug, Khareem touched Elis paw and it was as cold as ice "oh Eli your freezing" Khareem said pulling Eli up from the couch and bringing him over toward the fire. Khareem and Eli lay near the fire cuddling up to each other and drinking their coffee

"Warmed up yet" Khareem asked and Eli nuzzled him

"Getting there, your helping" Eli said and Khareem kissed his cold neck then he softly let out a warm breath on Elis neck causing Elis toes to curl in pleasure and Eli let out a faint moan, Khareem giggled and noticed Elis mug was empty along with his. Khareem gave another kiss to Elis cheek

"Stay here I'll be right back" Khareem whispered standing up getting the two mugs and going into the kitchen, Eli sighed happily and lay embracing the warmth, Eli took his jumper, shirt and the first pair of jeans off and lay down letting his cold chest get warmed by the dancing fire that sway to no music or breeze, it danced as if it had a mind of its own. Khareem came back with two glasses of wine

"Oh getting comfy are we" Khareem said handing him a glass

"Yes care to join me" Eli asked

"Hmm why not, can you hold this please" Khareem asked handing Eli his glass, Khareem took his shirts and his first pair off long pants off then lay down next to his lover in front of the fire taking his wine back

"Thank you" Khareem said tapping his glass against Elis and they both took a sip, Khareem and Eli watched the fire as they drunk their wine, Khareem held Eli close and tight as they sat watched the magical fire dance, free to move and sway crackling with every move, Eli took his last sip of wine then put his glass over to the side and Khareem giggled

"You finally finished are you" Khareem past him his empty glass and Eli put it with his, Khareem pulled Eli up on top of him

"Oh hello" Eli said as he suddenly felt Khareems abs against his flat stomach, Khareem pulled Elis head down to meet his, Khareem and Eli kissed in front of the fire taking each other's maws and tongues, The fire kept them warm as they took each other's pants and underwear off. Khareem rolled over and Eli moaned as he felt their sheaths together, Eli ran his paw down Khareems chest to his sheath then massaged and rubbed Khareems growing member coaxing it to its nine inches of wolf meat. Khareem moved his member so it poked Elis hole and Eli moaned feeling the very tip of Khareems member inside of him

"Oh fuck me Khareem please" Eli begged and Khareem obeyed with no hesitation, burying his member in Elis hole. It got deeper and deeper into Eli who moaned louder and louder in pleasure

"Yes" Eli moaned

"Oh Fuck yes" Khareem whined in pleasure. Khareem them started to pull out, then with a tremendous push back in

"OHHH" Eli howled and Khareem kept going in and out of Eli getting faster and harder with every pound, Elis member was fully hard and Khareem took it in his paw and moved it up and down Elis eight long inches of German sausage, Eli lay on the floor having him member pawed and his ass rammed

"Ohh yes Harder please" Eli begged and Khareem began to go harder into Eli slamming his member into him rubbing his prostate, Eli pulled Khareem down to meet his lips, They kissed each other while Khareem went in and out of him and paws him off harder

"Khareem... ohh I'm gonna cum" Eli yelled, Khareem pawed Eli off faster and harder still fucking him

"NGGGGHHAAAAA" Eli yelled as his sticky, white cum shot all over him leaving white puddles all over his body. Khareem bent down and clean his Sheppard

"OHHHHH" Khareem howled as he released his load into Eli painting his insides white. Khareem collapsed next to Eli panting trying to catch his breath.

"That was amazing" Eli panted kissing Khareem

"He-he good" Khareem said kissing him again "shall we clean you out in the shower" Khareem asked and Eli nodded

"WE'RE HERE SORRY WE ARE, HOLY SHIT" a woman's voice came from the door and Khareem and Eli jumped "sorry"

"Bloody hell Jess you said tomorrow" Khareem said getting up and running up stairs

"SORRY" Jess called back

"IT'S FINE" Eli yelled back before Khareem shut the door, Khareem got into the shower with Eli. Eli looked at his lovers face noticing he was mad so Eli grabbed his maw and planted a soft loving kiss on his lips "Easy puppy, what's wrong" Eli asked

"Oh she just said tomorrow and now she's here and Grrr she just aggravates me sometimes, I love her I do but she could have called" Khareem said and Eli nuzzled him.

"Well she didn't so just cool down and focus on the job ahead" Eli said bouncing once

"He-he true" Khareem said "neck attack" Khareem whispered then he put his lips against Elis neck and kissed Elis neck softly, lovingly just so Eli could feel it, Eli moaned softly but when Khareem pulled out he let out a loud moan.

"Shh" Khareem said and Eli giggled moaning softly as Khareem ran his soft tongue up and down his neck, Khareem picked Eli up buy his ass and Eli wrapped his legs around his molester

"Were did you learn to do this" Eli asked as Khareem softly kissed his neck, Khareem kissed Elis neck then let out a warm breath out onto his neck

"Nowhere" Khareem said looking into Elis eyes

"Nowhere so you're telling me you're just amazing at neck play" Eli asked and Khareem nodded

"Hay can I ask you something" Khareem asked and Eli nodded

"Mmhm anything" Eli answered

"What does it feel like when I uhh" Khareem started trying to find the right words

"Fuck me" Eli asked


"Umm well it's kinda hard to explain umm" Eli said grabbing a bottle of shampoo and putting some on his finger without Khareem knowing "Ahh I guess like this" Eli said shoving his finger into Khareems who jumped and then dropped Eli

"Oh shit Eli are you okay" Khareem asked picking Eli up hugging him "I'm so sorry, you scared me" Khareem said and Eli nodded laughing

"Pup it was my fault I Probably should have warned you" Eli said kissing him

"Well yer you should have warned me but I still shouldn't have dropped you" Khareem said kissing his neck

"Oh well I'm fine but have you ever taken it before" Eli asked and Khareem shook his head

"That's why I asked" Khareem responded

"And the verdict" Eli asked

"I can see why you liked it" Khareem said pulling Elis hips towards his then planting as soft kiss on Elis maw

"Hay we have people here" Eli said turning the shower off

"True" Khareem sighed putting his lover down with a kiss "Well come on then let's get dried" Khareem said grabbing a towel for Eli then one for himself. The two dogs dried them self's got into some pants and T-shirts then went down stairs

"Jess" Khareem yelled running to his sister black and purple wolf sister and hug spinning her

"Khareem oh I've missed you" Jess said hugging her little brother

"I have missed you too, how was Japan" Khareem asked

"Oh boring, all I did was translate but hay that's my job, and who is this stud" Jess asked looking over at Eli who smiled

"Jess I would like you to meet my boy friend Eli and Eli this is my sister Jess" Khareem said and Jess stuck her paw out and Eli shook her paw

"It's so great to finally met you, the last E-mail I got from this one didn't shut up about you saying how amazing, cute and sexy you are and I can see it was correct" Jess said realising Elis paw

"He-he really and If I may ask where is the lucky fellow" Eli asked and Jess smiled

"Hay Seth get that cute ass of yours out here and meet my brother and my brothers boy friend" Jess called out and in came a six foot one, little muscled lion, He walked up smiling and he hugged Jess from behind

"So this is Khareem and Eli" Seth said holding out his paw to Khareem and shook his paw then he held it out to Eli and shook his paw.

"That's us" Khareem said pulling Eli closer to him

"So how did you two meet" Seth asked

"How about we discuss this over a glass of wine" Jess suggested

"Sounds great" Seth said with a kiss to her cheek

"Yer okay" Khareem said and Eli smiled

"Okay" Jess said walking into the kitchen grabbing four glassed

"Wait Jess put two back" Khareem said going into the lounge room

"Why don't you two want any" Jess asked then Khareem came in with the glasses "Oh" She said filling them up, She handed one to Seth and Khareem grabbed his and one for Eli

"Here you go" Khareem said handing it to Eli

"Thanks pup" Eli said

"Oh already at the puppy stage are we" Jess laughed and Khareem growled playfully

"Yer we are" Khareem said and Jess smiled

"Awww so cute" Jess said and Eli thought he saw Seth gag but he disposed of the idea because Seth smiled at him. Khareem stood behind Eli then bent down licking his cheek

"So how did you two meet" Seth asked again

"Well the night before I met this hunk I had just broken up with Tyler a Dalmatian after he had cheated on me" Eli explained "So I was at a friends' house and I felt really down so I went for a walk and after an hour I came to

Cotton tree park and I sat down against the tree and just well cried" Eli said and Khareem hugged him "And the next thing I hear is this one asking me if I was alright and we got talking and then he asked me out and here we are" Eli explained and Khareem smiled

"And I'm happy we are" Khareem said with a lick to the side of his maw.

"And what about you two" Eli asked

"Oh well I had just gotten back from Japan and I was getting a Taxi and of course they ignore me until I hear a loud whistle and I look behind me" Jess started "Taxis so stubborn Seth said and I laughed and agreed we ended up sharing a taxi and at the end I gave him my number and when he dropped me off and I got out of the car my phone rang and on the other line was this lion asking me out" Jess said "So we went out and we liked each other and we did it again and we fell for each other" Jess said and Seth leant over and kissed her

"Well I'm happy for you two" Eli said

"Thank you Eli" Seth thanked and Khareem went to his ear

"Suck up" He whispered and Eli laughed then softly elbowed him in the chest. They all drank their wine

"Who's up for another" Seth asked and everybody wanted but their only bottle was empty "Dam we're out" Seth said

"Oh me and Khareem will go get some more" Jess said getting her keys and the two left and Eli and Seth were left alone

"So you're gay huh" Seth asked

"Bit obvious, why do you have a problem" Eli smiled

"Yer actually, I do" Seth said walking over to Eli with a look that Eli didn't quite like

"What" Eli asked walking up to meet him even though he towered over him

"Fags, their just girls with balls, ugly things" Seth said looking directly into Elis eyes

"Oh well insulted" Eli said sarcastically

"Well it's true and Khareem he's just got muscle but probably got a tiny prick" Seth said harshly

"Khareems more of a man than you'll ever be, oh and that says something" Eli said and that's when Seth threw the first punch into Elis stomach then another one to his ribs, Seth then picked him up by his shirt then threw him into the wall. Eli tried to stand up but Seth gave him a kick to the stomach and Eli fell clenching his stomach

"More of a man huh" Seth said grabbing Elis leg and dragging him into the kitchen and picked him up by the back of his neck then grabbing the back of his head Seth slammed Elis head into the table, Eli let out a yelp of pain as he cut his lip.

"I'll show you who is more of a fucking man" Seth said and he cut Elis pants

"NO get off me" Eli said kicking him off but Seth drove his elbow into Elis back and Eli howled in pain

"Shut the fuck up bitch" Seth warned

"I'm not your fucking BITCH" Eli yelled "GET THE FUCK OFF ME OR I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU" Eli yelled and Seth lifted Elis head then slammed his maw into the table then slammed his face into it

"You won't cause you can't" Seth said then he undid his zipper and his button of his jeans. Elis nose, mouth and cheek were bleeding rapidly making Eli loss a lot of blood, Eli was crying in pain

"So bitch ya ready" Seth said

"Fuck you" Eli cried

"I'll take that as a yes" Seth said and he shoved his 8 and a half inches into Eli with no remorse

"FUCK" Eli screamed in pain

"Oh what's the matter to used to a tiny prick" Seth mocked and Eli gripped the table in pain not from it being to big but it from being too fat, Seth's cock was an Inch and a half in diameter and it ripped Elis ass causing blood to drip from Elis ass, Seth just used it as a lube.

"Enjoying it Fag" Seth asked mockingly

"Fuck yOARRRGGG" Eli screamed as Seth went faster and harder into him

"I'd stop your swearing if I was you, I hate swearing" Seth warned and went faster into Eli. Seth pulled out of Eli and some blood and some pre cum landed on the floor. Seth pulled Eli off the table and grabbed his head and put it in front of Eli

"Suck it slut" Seth said "And if you don't I'll just go back to fucking your ass" Seth warned and Eli reluctantly moved in closer to Seth's cock, Elis fur was soaked from tears as he put his maw over Seths member

"COME ON" Seth yelled slapping him over the head

"Okay" Eli said in fear and he started to suck on Seth's member. Eli bobbed his head back and forth tasting cum and blood

"Mmm use your tongue" Seth moaned and in fear Eli moved his tongue over Seths' eight inches of man hood.

"Yer you love it" Seth said moaning "OH" Seth moaned bucking his hips into Elis maw, Seth felt his climax growing

"Come on bitch faster" Seth moaned bucking faster, Eli closed his eyes and waited; Seth put his paws over Elis head and pushed him down his member and with a massive roar Seth ejaculated in Elis maw, the salty, disgusting sperm slowly went down Elis throat

"Swallow it all bitch" Seth growled and Eli cleaned off Seth's member and Seth pushed him off sending him the ground gasping for air, Seth did his pants up then kneeled next to him

"And if you tell anybody about this" Seth said smiling at first but his teeth were clenched together and Seth drove his paw into Elis throat and held him down "I'm going to kill you, Khareem and Jessica" Seth warned and let him go

"You would kill the one you love" Eli coughed standing up

"Love" Seth laughed "I don't love that ugly bitch, I'm only into her for her money" Seth laughed "Now come here" Seth said with his glass of wine, Eli backed off in fear

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OVER HERE" Seth yelled, Eli walked over slowly in fear and Seth pushed him over making him hit the back of his head on the tiles, Seth then took Elis pants off and poured his wine over them

"Throw them out and get changed oh and get all that blood of your face" Seth said, Eli got upstairs and shut the door. Eli slid down the door then hugged his knees, Eli cried for a while till he heard Khareem and Jess come home, He ran into the bathroom and locked the door, He cleaned his face still crying. Eli took his shirt and his underwear off then got in the shower,Eli got some shampoo on his finger and fingered himself cleaning his insides. Eli yelped in pain as he did it but he was scared, He didn't want to get hurt again. Eli stopped when he heard a knock at the door

"Eli sweetie, it's me" he heard and he got out and unlocked the door and in came his big blue wolf "Are you okay Hun I saw blood, Seth said you fell into the table" Khareem said taking his clothes off and joining him in the shower. Khareem put his paws softly on Elis cheeks checking him looking at his cut cheek and lip "oh Eli you need to be more careful" Khareem said hugging Eli, Khareems arm touched the area where Seth had elbowed him and Eli let out a loud yelped and Khareem took his arms off him

"WHAT" Khareem asked scared

"My back, I was dizzy after I hit the table and I-I slammed by back into the fridge" Eli said having to think

"Oh puppy" Khareem said kissing him softly

"Get dried and let me have a look at you" Khareem said softly, Eli nodded then turned the water off, got dry and laid on the bed with his back facing up

"Okay now if It hurts don't be scared to say so" Khareem said with a kiss to the back of Elis neck, Eli nodded and Khareem softly ran his paws down Elis back feeling around, Khareem ran over Elis bruise and Eli whimpered

"Sorry" Khareem said taking his paws away, Eli nodded and Khareem went back to feeling around Elis back

"Okay sweetie turnover" Khareem asked and Eli turned over. Khareem ran his paws from his neck down, Khareem stopped at Elis ribs where Seth had punched him and Eli howled in pain, tears pouring from his eyes.

"Oh puppy I'm sorry, shhh I know it hurts but I'm doing this for a reason" Khareem said grabbing his puppy, Khareem brought him to his chest and held Eli as he cried in pain.

"It's okay just let it out I'm here" Khareem whispered and there was a knock at the door and Eli forced himself to stop crying "hang on" Khareem said putting Eli down softly. Khareem got a pair of boxers for himself then put them on then got Eli some slipping them on,

"Yer" Khareem said then Jessica and Seth walked in

"How is he" Jessica asked

"Bad, so far I have found a huge bruise on his back, a broken rib and I can already see the bruise on his stomach" Khareem said and Seth smiled on the inside

"I'm sure he'll be fine he's a strong dog" Seth said putting a paw on his head and tussling his head and Eli whimpered

"Eli what is it" Khareem asked taking a look at his head, Khareem saw his nose had been a bit fractured and there was a huge bruise on the side of his head.

"Oh puppy what did you do to yourself" Khareem asked and Eli looked away "okay that's it there is a hospital about half an hour away we are going" Khareem said getting Eli some pants and a T-shirt

"Are you sure I mean it's not fatal" Seth asked

"He has got bruises all over his body and probably a broken rib so yer I'm sure" Khareem said raising his voice a bit

"Khareem Seth was just asking you don't need to raise your voice" jess said

"You're right, sorry Seth" Khareem said and Seth nodded

"It's okay man, you're looking out for the one you love, I would do the same for Jess" Seth explained putting his arm around her shoulders. Khareem helped Eli up, helped get him dressed then picked him up and walked him to the jeep. He put Eli in with a kiss to the forehead

"Ok, you okay" Khareem asked, Eli nodded and even that hurt, It felt like the day Tyler saved him from his mother

"It just hurts" Eli said with a tear going down his cheek. Khareem wiped away the tear and kissed him

"It will stop, I promise puppy" Khareem said shutting the door wiping the tear that fell from his eye, Khareem was nearly in tears himself from seeing his puppy like this, He got in the car and drove off. When they were a fair distance away from the house he pulled over

"What are you doing" Eli asked

"Did Seth do this to you, If he did you need to tell me and I swear I will rip his fucking head off" Khareem asked Eli opened his mouth

"Seth..." Eli started but then he remembered what Seth said

If you tell anybody I will kill you, Khareem and jess

"Only tried to help me" Eli sighed and Khareem got him maw

"Are you telling me the truth" Khareem asked, Eli nodded and Khareem kissed him then continued to drive to the hospital. The doctors took an X-ray, looked at the bruises and his cuts, in the end Eli had a big bandage wrapped around his chest.

"Eli really did some damage to himself, he has a broken rib, a stomach bruise so he can not have any solid foods or alcohol his nose is also fractured and his bruises should be gone in three days" the falcon said "and Khareem do you mind If I had a privet word with Eli" The doctor asked

"Khareem is like my brother doc he can hear anything you have to say to me" Eli said and Khareem put his hand on Elis shoulder

"Oh okay then umm when we were looking at your maw we found traces of seamen and we were wondering how that got their" The doc asked, Khareems eyes widened and looked at Eli

"This afternoon at around four me and Khareem we ahhh" Eli said and the doctor stopped him

"I get it, it's okay, we were just wondering" The doctor said and Eli nodded. They finally finished and they were in the car

"Where did the sperm really come from Eli" Khareem asked looking at him with a worried look in his face

"Puppy when I came some landed in my maw, I swear" Eli lied and Khareem nodded

"Okay" Khareem said. They arrived home and Jess was waiting on the couch with Seth comforting her

"Eli, Khareem" Jess came over and softly hugged Eli "What's the verdict" Jess asked

"Broken rib, fractured nose, no solids or alcohol" Eli said walking to the stairs and walking to his room.

Khareem sighed

"Here let me go talk to him" Seth suggested

"Yer good Idea" Jess said Khareem nodded reluctantly, he still suspected Seth but he had no proof. Seth walked into the room to see Eli hugging his legs, he looked up then coward to the wall, Seth smiled and walked over getting close and saw Eli shaking

"So what did you tell him" Seth asked cracking his knuckles to scare Eli.

"Nothing, I swear" Eli whimpered

"You're not lying to me are you" Seth asked putting his paw on Elis throat "Because I hate liars" Seth asked tightening his grip, Eli shook his head and Seth pushed Eli against the wall then let go. Eli collapsed to the floor coughing, Khareem walked in as Seth was kneeling next to Eli as he coughed

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Khareem yelled and Seth looked up

"He just started coughing" Seth said and Eli coughed up some blood then stopped coughing "Eli are you alright" Seth asked, Eli got on to one knee then pushed up and Khareem held him

"Puppy" Khareem asked and Eli nodded clearing his throat and cuddling up to Khareem who held him. Seth left then Khareem sat Eli on the bed and hugged him kissing his forehead

"What happened" Khareem asked

"I don't know I just swallowed m-my saliva wrong" Eli said. Seth took his ear away from the door and smiled as he walked down stairs, Khareem lay down on their bed with Eli

"Close your eyes puppy you need rest" Khareem said and Eli closed his eyes and Khareem watched his puppy sleep, Soon Khareem drifted off to sleep himself holding his puppy. Eli woke up the next morning, yawned and turned around to a note.


Jess and I are at the shops we will be home around three

Love ya


As Eli read the note and he shook with fear, he was home alone with Seth, Eli looked at the clock it was twelve O'clock now he only need to do what he was told for three hours. Eli got up and got into some shorts and a T-shirt and walked out of his room, Eli walked down the hall and down the stairs, He sat at the piano and put the damper pedal on and practised. Eli finished playing für Elise when he heard a very slow and sarcastic clap coming from the stairs

"Wow so the pathetic fur can play" Seth said

"Better then you" Eli whispered

"What was that" Seth asked

"I didn't say anything" Eli responded taking the damper pedal off and playing cannon in D. Eli was half way through the song when Seth came and stood next to the piano pretending to watch

"What's this song called" Seth asked

"Cannon in ARGGGGG" Eli yelled as Seth pushed the big wooden block that covered the piano keys down onto his fingers. Seth laughed

"Never heard that before" Seth laughed going to the kitchen, Eli held his fingers holding back the tears that were about to escape his eyes. Eli got up and opened the lid up to look at the strings where he found a book of the fray's music. Eli smiled and he sat down and opened the book up and looking for 'how to save a life'. Eli found it and started to read and learn

"What the fuck are you reading" Seth asked

"It's called music" Eli said "each black note stands for a key on the piano see here on that line that's a C sharp" Eli explained hitting the C sharp on the piano.

"Oh how boring" Seth said

"For you but for me it's a lot of fun" El said looking over it again

"Eli stop reading it and kneel down" Seth ordered and Eli looked over

"Why" Eli asked and Seth grabbed his throat

"Are we going to go through this again, I say it you fucking do it. I'm horny and you're a cum bag now kneel" Seth growled and threw him off the chair Eli was about to kneel when Seth gave him a kick to the face. Eli screamed in pain as the kick got him in the nose

"NOW get on your knees" Seth growled and Eli shook as he got up off the floor and onto his knees. Seth pulled his boxers down

"Arouse me" Seth ordered and Eli reluctantly ran his tongue up Seths sheath

"Mmm that's it slut, just like that" Seth moaned and his member poked out of his sheath, Eli continued to lick even tho his nose was oozing with blood, he had to other wise he would be punished. Seth grew fully hard

"Now I need to be more comfortable, on the couch seem nice" Seth said grabbing Elis throat and throwing him over, Eli hit the ground with a loud thud and a yelp while Seth sat down on the couch legs spread apart

"Okay bitch lets go" Seth said and Eli crawled over with tears streaming from his eyes. Eli put his maw over Seths cock and bobbed his head

"Mmm that's it" Seth moaned putting his paw on the back of Elis head pushing Eli down further down his pole. Eli bobbed his head up and down Seth's cock gagging constantly

"Mmm deep throat me bitch" Seth ordered and Eli cried as he went as deep as he could

"Swallow" Seth gasped and Eli swallowed making his throat close up against Seths eight and a half inches.

"Ohh that's right now go faster bitch" Seth ordered and Eli bobbed his head as fast as he could, Seth moaned as his member was enveloped and sucked on by the German Sheppard

"Oh keep going fag that's it" Seth moaned as he felt he wouldn't last too much longer. Elis fur was soaked in tears and pre-cum as he blew the Lion, Eli looked at him with nothing but hatred as he bobbed his head

"OHHHH" Seth howled as his climax reached his peak and shot his white disgusting load down Elis throat

"Swallow it bitch" Seth panted, Eli swallowed the thick seed nearly puking it back up. Eli stood up and went to the kitchen getting a glass of milk and drinking it, Seth came into the kitchen and laughed

"Guess you really do love cum" Seth giggled

"Oh yer because now female cows give out sperm instead of milk now" Eli said and Seth stopped laughing

"Do you need an attitude adjustment" Seth said looking at Eli with a very livid look on his face

"N-no sorry" Eli said shaking a bit, Seth walked over towering over Eli looking into his eyes

"Don't let it happen again bitch" Seth said slapping him over the back of the head and Eli nodded.

"And brush your teeth I can smell my cum from here" Seth said leaving the room, Eli finished his milk then went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Eli went out and leaned against the banister looking out of the house and looking at the clock

"Three" Eli whispered to himself

"Three what" a voice came from behind him and he jumped turning around to see Seth with a look in his eyes that Eli didn't really like

"The time I-its three o'clock" Eli said up against the glass frame that stopped furs from falling off.

"You know it's a bit of a fall from here to the first level" Seth said and Elis eyes widened

"You wouldn't" Eli asked then Seth grabbed his shirt by the scruff and pulling him in

"Wouldn't I" Seth asked looking into Elis eyes "who would stop me" Seth said pushing him a bit

"NO PLEASE" Eli yelled and Seth let him go. Eli fell back off the banister hitting his head on the glass then falling head first on the hard ground. Elis body followed him and Eli lay on the floor unconscious, blood pouring from his head. Seth laughed and walked down the stairs and kicked Elis body

"Oh Eli if only you hadn't slipped and fell" Seth laughed then he turned around and hit something hard.

"KHAreem" Seth gasped backing off slowly

"You fucking ass hole" Khareem said grabbing his throat lifting him off the ground, Seth grabbed at Khareems paw trying to get him to let him go.

"ELI" Jess screamed and ran over "What happened" Jess asked

"This fucking ass wipe pushed Eli from the second story. Jess I need you to take Eli to the hospital" Khareem asked with a tear falling from his eye

"Okay" jess said picking Eli up and walking to the garage

"JESS" Seth yelled and Jess looked back

"Fuck him up Khareem" Jess said running into the garage

"YOU ASS HOLE" Khareem yelled throwing Seth into the wall "YOU JUST THOUGH BECASUE HES WEAKER THEN YOU, YOU COULD BEAT HIM, RAPE HIM AND NEARLY KILL HIM, WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG" Khareem yelled kicking him in the stomach. Seth gasped for air and Khareem picked him up by his fur


"Did you stop for ELI" Khareem said punching him in the stomach then throwing him into the table. Seth got up and threw a punch at Khareem who grabbed Seth's wrist then drove his paw into Seths' elbow breaking it. Seth howled in pain

"You hurt the one I love and now your gonna pay" Khareem hissed, Seth tried to run to the door but Khareem choke slammed him into the ground then grabbed his hind paw and dragged him up the stairs

"OH GOD PLEASE NO" Seth pleaded trying to grab hold of a stair but his hands were too sweaty. Khareem held him over the edge and Seth began to cry

"When you raped him what did he do" Khareem asked and Seth looked around "WHAT DID HE DO" Khareem yelled

"He screamed in pain and asked me to stop" Seth responded crying

"And did you" Khareem asked with a tear falling down his face looking at Seth who cried "DID YOU"

"NO, no" Seth replied looking away

"And why did you beat and rape him huh why" Khareem asked

"Because he's... he's" Seth started

"Gay, because he's fucking gay" Khareem said letting him go and Seth nodded standing up. Khareem balled his fists and gave a strong hard punch to his face and then he gave him a hard kick to the balls. Seth fell backwards falling off the banister and falling to the floor. Khareem walked down the stairs never taking his gaze off the one that hurt his puppy, Khareem rolled him over and Seth coughed. Khareem squatted down and grabbed Seths shirt pulling him closer

"People like you shouldn't be born or be allowed to roam free bashing innocent people" Khareem said with another tear falling from his eye. Khareem went back up stairs grabbed the lions suit case, went back down stairs picked the lion by the scruff of the shirt, dragged him out-side and threw him out followed by his suit case

"If I ever see you fucking face ever again hope to god I don't tear it off" Khareem said walking back inside and locking the door. Khareem grabbed his car keys and went to his car opened the garage door drove out shutting the garage door then stopping beside Seth

"Stay away from Eli and Jess if you know what's good for you" Khareem warned, Seth walked down the road leaving and Khareem took off to the hospital. Khareem parked his car and ran into the big building and soon found Jess crying on the chair

"Jess" Khareem asked and Jess ran over and hugged him "how is he" Khareem asked

"I don't know, what happened with Seth" Jess asked

"We'll never hear from him again" Khareem assured her and she hugged her little brother then the doctor came out

"How is he doc" Jess asked

"Elis is going to be just fine but he has suffered a bit of memory loss" The doctor said and Khareem covered his maw "Eli can't remember anything that happened in the last two days" Khareem hugged his sister

"Is it permanent" Jess asked

"We have no idea; Eli may get his memory back he may not we're just going to have to wait and see" The Rhino explained and Jess nodded

"Can we see him" Jessica asked and the doctor nodded. Khareem went in first

"Eli" Khareem said as he saw his puppy with a bandage around his head

"KHAREEM" Eli said, Khareem ran up and hugged his lover then kissed him, Eli looked up and saw Jess "Umm puppy who's this" Eli asked and Khareems smile dropped, Khareems eyes started to water and Khareem forced a smile

"Eli this is my sister Jessica and Jessica this is Eli" Khareem introduced

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jess" Eli said smiling holding his paw out and Jess smiled hiding her tears and shook Elis paw

"Same here, Khareem always spoke highly of you" Jess explained "I can see why" Jess said nearly in tears. Khareem moved Eli over and got in next to him, the two dogs lay looking into each other's eyes, as Eli looked he saw a tear fall from Khareems eye onto the pillow and Eli moved in closer

"What wrong puppy" Eli asked

"Nothing why" Khareem lied, Eli leaned over and kissed Khareem softly and lovingly slowly moving his tongues against Khareems and caressing it softly

"Khareem I can see something's wrong, I can see it in those ruby eyes of yours" Eli said moving in closer

"I-I just wish I could have caught you when you fell but I wasn't their" Khareem said finally letting go of his tears "I wasn't their" He whispered crying. Eli got his maw and kissed him, holding him in place so Khareem couldn't move away

"Was it your fault I fell" Eli asked, Khareem shook his head "then why are you crying, puppy you can't be there for me twenty four seven, there will be some times when your gonna be out and I'm just gonna stay home" Eli explained grabbing Khareems paws "and if something happens to me it will never, never be your fault" Eli said with another soft kiss, Khareem put his paws around Elis waist holding him close not ever wanting to let his lover go. Soon the rhino came in

"Umm I sorry to interrupt but Elis actually allowed to go if you want" He explained and Khareem nodded

"So you two wanna go home" Jess asked, Eli smiled and nodded

"Yup" Eli said happily and Khareem nodded. Eli got out of the bed wobbling to the door and Khareem put Elis arm around his shoulder and helped him along

"Umm Khareem may I have a word" The Rhino asked

"Yer sure, Jess can you help Eli to the car" Khareem asked handing her his keys

"Sure, come on Sheppard let's go" Jess said and Eli giggled. The Rhino shut the door

"If Elis memory does come back it will happen in short flash backs" The doctor started "Eli will also suffer from migraines and may find his motor control hard to use but don't worry these aren't permanent, they will be gone in a week or so for the migraines" The Rhino handed him a sheet of paper

"Dixsomina" Khareem said

"It's a new drug, side effects may include drowsiness, light headedness and a little bit of depression" The Rhino said sadly, Khareem sighed

"Thanks doc" Khareem sighed. Khareem left the room and went down the stairs and into the chemist

"Hi how can I help you" The jaguar asked

"Just this please" Khareem said handing the jaguar the prescription

"Wow this is powerful stuff, what's happened to you" He asked walking into the other room

"My friend took a nasty fall and cracked his head open, he now has a bit of memory loss and going to suffer from migraines" Khareem said wiping away a rogue tear. The jaguar came back with a little light olive green box

"Okay my friend here's the meds and I hope your friend well" He said smiling "Oh and here's the repeat slip" He said handing him a rectangular piece of paper.

"Thank you" Khareem said weakly then walked up to the cash register handing the Fox the box. The Fox scanned it

"That'll be nineteen fifty big boy" He said smiling

"Right" Khareem huffed and got his wallet out grabbing his debt card out

"Any cash out" The Fox asked and Khareem shook his head "If I may ask why so down" The fox asked

"My friend just took a nasty fall and I'm worried" Khareem said wiping away another rogue tear

"Oh dear that doesn't sound good at all, how is he" The fox asked

"He's happy because he doesn't remember that he was pushed, he doesn't remember anything that happened in the last two days" Khareem said balling his fists, the fox put his paw on Khareems

"Well at least he's okay right" The fox asked and Khareem nodded "So if I may say and don't take offence to this look on the good side of this" The fox said and Khareem looked at him

"And what would that be" Khareem asked

"That he's happy, you're with him and he doesn't remember the horrid part" The fox said and Khareem nodded

"Yer I guess" Khareem sighed

"So my advice is to make this time for him as easy as possible" The fox said smiling

"Yer. Thank you" Khareem said smiling

"My pleasure" He responded and Khareem left. Khareem got out to the parking lot, went to his car and got in

"Hay pu..." Eli started but Khareem grabbed him and kissed him, Eli giggled as his big wolf brought him over to his lap and frenched him, Eli moaned softly as their tongues danced around in their maws. Khareem broke the kiss and Eli was frozen with pleasure

"I love you puppy" Khareem whispered and Eli licked his cheek

"And I love you Khareem you know that" Eli whispered back getting back into his seat, doing his seat belt up then laying on Khareems arm who put his arm around Eli holding his puppy. Khareem and Eli drove home in silence and hugging each other, they arrived home and Jess was sitting on the couch crying

"Jess is everything okay" Eli asked and Jess looked up

"Yer Hun just dealing with a breakup" Jess sniffed, Eli sat beside her and gave her a hug

"I know how difficult it is but you will get through it and then you'll find a great guy who you deserve and who will treat you correctly" Eli promised and Jess hugged back

"Thanks Eli" She said and Khareem smiled

"So what was he like" Eli asked and Jess suddenly froze

"What" She asked

"What was your boy friend like" Eli asked, Jess looked down letting another tear lose

"He was a total and utter fuck whit" Jess growled, Eli nodded then squeezed her

"Well you deserve better" Eli said hugging her. Jess smiled then kissed his cheek

"Does anybody want a glass of wine" Jess asked

"Oh yes please" Eli said

"Oh sorry puppy, look at your stomach" Khareem said and Eli lifted his shirt to a massive bruise

"How did I get that" Eli asked

"The night before the fall, you fell into the table" Jess said "But I can get you some water or milk in a wine glass" Jess suggested

"Milk please" Eli sighed and Khareem sat next to him and hugged him

"Hay your good to drink alcohol again in another day" Khareem said and Eli nodded. Jess brought over a glass of milk for Eli and a glass of wine for Khareem who shook his head

"No if Eli isn't having wine I won't either" Khareem said and Eli put his paw on his chest

"Puppy you don't need to do that for me, if you want it have it, okay" Eli said and Khareem shook his head

"Oh well saves another glass" Jess said taking a sip. Eli drunk his milk then looked over to the piano

"Hay Eli why not go play something for us" Khareem suggested

"Eli plays piano" Jess asked

"Yer not very well tho" Eli said modestly

"BULLSHIT" Khareem sneezed, Eli blushed

"Well go on Eli show us your skill" Jess asked, Eli got up and went over to the piano and thought for a while then started to play für Elise, Eli finished and the two wolfs clapped

"Beautiful" jess said "know anything else" Jess asked

"Umm I know cannon in D" Eli said and Jess smiled

"Love that one" She said and Eli started playing, He had got half way through when he remembered someone standing next to the piano

What's this song called

Cannon in ARGGGGG

Eli pulled his paws away as if they were in a basket of poisonous snakes.

"Eli are you okay" Khareem asked and Eli kept looking at the piano "ELI" Khareem said and Eli looked over

"A lion stood here while I played" Eli said pointing next to the piano

"Seth" Jess whispered Khareem walked over

"A lion" Khareem asked

"Yer as I was playing that song, he asked what the name but as I answered he slammed the Key cover on my fingers" Eli explained

"HE WHAT" Khareem asked yelling

"Khareem what is it" Eli asked

"Nothing, it's nothing don't worry just give me you paws" Khareem asked and Eli held his paws out and Khareem ran his thumbs down Elis fingers, Khareem finished with a kiss to Elis paws

"Their fine" he said and Eli smiled but his face went from smiling to in pain

"OW" Eli yelped

"Puppy what is it" Khareem asked

"MY head, its pounding" Eli said gripping his head. Khareem picked him up then took him to the couch, Khareem got the Dixsomina from the jeep and he got some water. Khareem read that Eli was only allowed to take half a pill so he broke one up and took it to his hurting puppy

"Here take this" Khareem said handing him the pill and Eli took it and drunk the water. Khareem sat on the couch with Eli on his lap, Eli curled up on Khareems lap closing his eyes

"Are you tired puppy" Khareem asked stroking his arm

"A little" Eli responded

"Have you eaten" Jess asked

"Yer the hospital gave me dinner" Eli yawned

"Are you still hungry" Khareem asked and Eli shook his head

"Okay then" Khareem said picking Eli up and taking him upstairs and into their room. Khareem pulled the covers away and put Eli down then took his shirt and pants off then put the doona over him

"If you need anything just call" Khareem told him and he nodded "Okay puppy" Khareem said and kissed Eli "Go to sleep, love you" Khareem said

"Love you too" Eli yawned then turned over. Khareem went down stairs were he found Jess in the kitchen

"What are you making" Khareem asked

"Umm just a salad we haven't got any meat" Jess sighed

"Go sit down sis you've gone through enough today" Khareem said taking the knife out of her paws kissing her forehead

"Okay, thanks" Jess said hugging Khareem. Khareem hugged her and she went and turned the T.V on, Khareem cut up the lettuce, mushrooms, carrot, tomatoes and the beetroot then put them in the two bowls then mixed. Khareem grabbed two forks, put one in each bowl then walked over to Jess and handed her her salad.

"Thanks" She said and Khareem smiled weakly

"No problem" Khareem said and they watched the T.V. Half an hour later Eli came out of the room rubbing his eye

"Hay what are you doing up" Khareem asked

"oh I'm just thirsty" Eli responded

"Okay well go back to bed I'll get it, I'm about to come join you anyway" Khareem said

"Okay pup" Eli said turning around then going back to their room, Khareem stood up then went into the kitchen and got Eli his water then went for the stairs

"You're a great boy friend Khareem" Jess said smiling "I hope I'll find somebody like you"

"Jess you shouldn't say that, you'll probably find a gay friend now" Khareem laughed and Jess joined him

"True, goodnight" Jess laughed

"Goodnight" Khareem said and he went up the stairs and into their room. Eli was sitting up on the bed

"Hay" Khareem said walking in handing him his water

"Thanks" Eli said drinking it all.

"you were thirsty" Khareem said putting the glass on the dresser, Khareem took his shirt and jeans off when he felt Elis soft paws go around his waist

"What are you doing" Khareem gigged then gasped as felt Elis paw going into his underwear and him kissing his neck "oh that's what you're doing" Khareem moaned as Eli rubbed his sheath

"I knew the water would get you up here" Eli said against his neck

"You smart, evil canine" Khareem gasped and turned around picking Eli up kissing him, Khareem and Eli rubbed their tongues against each other as their lips were together. Khareem walked over to the bed and lay down on top of Eli kissing his neck

"Ohh" Eli moaned as Khareem ran his tender, soft lips up and down his neck, Khareem pulled Elis underwear off leaving him exposed

"Mmm I love that body of yours" Khareem said running his paw from his belly button to his chest

"Oh I have more to love" Eli said running his paw down Khareems abs then into his underwear and Khareem murred in pleasure. Khareem kissed Eli again rubbing his covered member against his uncovered, growing sheath

"Let's get that covering off" Eli said gripping Khareems green undies and pulling them down, Khareem got them off and threw them off to the side then kissing Eli again laying on top of him. Eli continued to massage and coax Khareems member to harden, Khareems member stiffened and Eli ran his paw up and down Khareems nine inches

"Oh Ghod" Khareem moaned Eli kissed Khareem tasting his lips and tongue, Khareem kisses Eli then his neck then made his way Down Elis body, Eli moaned as he felt Khareems soft moist tongue against his body

"God you know how to ohh" Eli moaned loudly interrupted by Khareem placing his maw over Elis length.

Khareem moved his head up and down Elis eight inches of German meat moaning send vibrations of pleasure through Elis body

"Ohhh" Eli moaned softly. Khareem wrapped his tongue around Elis hard, juicy member lightly sucking on it while bobbing his head up and down, Eli let out a moan realising some pre cum into Khareems maw. Khareem lapped it down then continued to bob his head going faster, Khareem ran his paw underneath Elis ass rubbing the entrance with his finger, Eli let out a soft moan but then grew to a loud grunt as Khareem pushed his finger into Elis tail-hole. Eli felt his climax growing he felt he wouldn't last too much longer

"Khareem fuck me please" Eli begged and Khareem stopped sucking and pulled his finger out (literally) then he pulled Elis legs up into the air and slowly inserted his member into the German Sheppard. Khareem wrapped Elis legs around his waist pushing further into his rump, Khareem bucked into Eli as he grabbed hold of Elis member and jerked at it

"OH yes" Eli moaned in pleasure and Khareem went faster slipping his member in and out of Elis ass. Khareem pumped at Elis eight inches

"Oh yes OHHHH" Eli moaned as Khareem rubbed against his prostate getting faster and faster with every hump, Khareem put his free paw on Elis hip to stop him from collapsing on Eli when he had finished, Eli moaned louder as he felt his orgasm and climax growing, Elis toes curled in pleasure and then he flung his head into the bed

"OHH KHAREEM" Eli yelled in pleasure as his white seed shot from his member landing all over Khareems paw and Elis chest. Khareem grabbed Elis leg and turned him over putting him back up, Khareem grabbed Elis hips who moaned in ecstasy having Khareems member inside him, Eli then saw the table

Oh what's the matter to used to a little prick

Enjoying it fag

Eli became scared

"NO" Eli yelled standing up and turning around with an upper cut which got Khareem under the maw, Khareem yelped in pain and he fell to the floor with a loud thud, Eli stood there now noticing what he had just done "K-Khareem" Eli asked with his eyes watering

"Puppy what happened" Khareem asked moving the bottom part of his jaw side to side checking if Eli had broken it. He hadn't.

"Eli" Khareem said standing up moving over to Eli "Puppy what happened" Khareem said putting his paws on the sides of Elis shoulders.

"I saw the table downstairs I was being held on it and I was being raped" Eli cried with tears rolling down his cheeks

"Oh puppy, it's okay here" Khareem said with a kiss to his cheek

"I'm sorry, so sorry" Eli cried leaning up against Khareem, Khareem hugged him tightly and took him to the bed, Khareem lay him down, cleaned his chest then took his maw against his. Khareem kissed his Sheppard who was still crying

"I'm fine Eli and you don't need to apologise I could see you were scared" Khareem whispered while he held Eli as he cried. Khareem held him to his chest feeling his tears fall onto his fur

"That's it pup just let it out" Khareem whispered as he held his crying puppy closer to him stroking his arm softly, Eli stopped crying after a while but lay on Khareem

"You okay pup" Khareem asked giving his forehead a lick

"Yer I'm better but angry with myself" Eli said rubbing Khareems chest

"Why" Khareem said gasping as Eli suddenly put his paw on his sheath softly rubbing it

"We stopped before you had finished" Eli said continuing to rub Khareems member

"Don't do it just cause you ohhh feel bad" Khareem said moaning

"I'm doing this to say one" Eli said licking his maw "To say thank you and two" Eli said licking his neck "Because I want to" Eli said and Khareems member grew to its nine inches. Eli ran his paw up and down Khareems member, softly tugging at it

"Oh god Eli that feels amazing" Khareem moaned leaning over kissing him, Elis and Khareems tongues caressed each other as Eli pawed Khareem off. Eli then moved his paw up and down all of the nine full inches, Khareem moaned lightly as he put his paws on Elis hips pulling him in closer as he pawed him off. Eli then kissed Khareems neck then slowly made his way his down Khareems ripped body still pawing him, Eli put his maw over the top of Khareems wolf meat running his paw over only five of the nine put taking the rest in his maw moving up and down moving his tongue around caressing Khareems member coaxing him to explode in Elis maw. Khareem moaned loudly and his toes curled

"Fuck Eli oh god that feels good OHHH" Khareem moaned in nothing but total ecstasy as he felt his climax close. Khareem ran his paw on Elis head as he bobbed and pawed him off, Khareem had his head and ears back panting wildly as his member got the attention it needed, Khareem then let out some pre and Eli slurped it up licking more slowly which dove Khareem over the edge

"OHHHH" Khareem howled as his member exploded with cum covering the inside of Elis maw with the fresh delicious salty cum slowly sliding down his throat, Khareem lay on the bed with his head and ears back panting. Eli cleaned Khareems member slowly liking up and down causing Khareem to moan more.

"Eli that was incredible" Khareem panted and Eli kissed his way softly back up to Khareem who greeted his lover with a soft and loving kiss to his lips. Eli kissed his big wolf back; Khareem laid Eli next to him with their maws together

"I love you puppy" Khareem whispered as they broke the kiss the held them together. Eli smiled then lay down on Khareems chest

"And Khareem I love you too, always will too" Eli whispered then Khareem kissed his head softly

"Good night Hun sleep well" Khareem whispered with a rub to Elis back, Eli gave Khareems chest a lick

"You too sweetie" Eli yawned closing his eyes and falling asleep on his big loving wolf who didn't fall asleep a second after him. Eli opened his eyes and he was holding a glass of wine and he was in Khareems lap and sitting directly opposite them was Jess with a person Eli didn't recognise. The lion was holdings Jesses paw and they were all laughing

"Who's up for another" The lion said getting up

"Oh I'll have one" jess said

"Oh yer me and Eli to please" Khareem said handing the smiling lion their glasses

"Trying to get me drunk Khareem" Eli asked and Khareem giggled

"Yup then your mine tonight" Khareem whispered into Elis ear with a rub to his front and Eli giggled

"Dam we're out" the lion said from the kitchen

"Oh me and Khareem will go get some more" Jess said getting her keys and the two left and Eli looked over at the lion trying to figure out who he was

"So you're gay huh" he asked

"Bit obvious, why do you have a problem" Eli smiled

"Yer actually, I do" the lion said walking over to Eli with a look that Eli didn't quite like

"What" Eli asked walking up to the lion confused about what he was doing

"Fags, their just girls with balls, ugly things" the lion said looking directly into Elis eyes

"Oh well insulted" Eli said sarcastically

"Well it's true and Khareem he's just got muscle but probably got a tiny prick" the lion said harshly

"Khareems more of a man than you'll ever be, oh and that says something" Eli said and that's when the lion punched Eli in the stomach then again to his ribs, the lion then picked him up by his shirt and threw him into the wall. Eli tried to stand up but the lion gave him a kick to the stomach, Eli fell clenching his stomach

"More of a man huh" the lion said grabbing Elis leg and dragging him into the kitchen and picked him up by the back of his neck then grabbing the back of his head and slamming it into the table, Eli let out a yelp of pain as he felt his lip get cut.

"I'll show you who is more of a fucking man" the lion said and he cut Elis pants

"NO get off me" Eli said kicking him off but the lion pushed the leg away and drove his elbow into Elis back and Eli howled in pain

"Shut the fuck up bitch" the lion commanded

"I'm not your fucking BITCH" Eli yelled "GET THE FUCK OFF ME OR I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU" Eli yelled and the lion lifted Elis head then slammed his maw into the table then slammed his face into it

"You won't cause you can't" the lion said then he undid his zipper and his button of his jeans. Elis nose, mouth and cheek were bleeding rapidly making Eli loss a lot of blood, Eli was crying in pain

"So bitch ya ready" the lion said

"Fuck you" Eli cried

"I'll take that as a yes" the lion said and Eli felt him shoving his cock into him

"FUCK" Eli screamed in pain

"Oh what's the matter to used to a tiny prick" the lion mocked and Eli gripped the table in pain.

"Enjoying it Fag" the lion asked mockingly and Eli started to cry wondering why the lion was doing this to him

"Fuck yOARRRGGG" Eli screamed as the lion went faster and harder into him

"I'd stop your swearing if I was you, I hate swearing" the lion warned and went faster into Eli. The lion suddenly pulled out of Eli pulled him off the table then grabbed his head and put his cock in front of Eli

"Suck it slut" the lion said "And if you don't I'll just go back to fucking your ass" he warned and Eli reluctantly moved in closer to Seth's cock, Elis fur was soaked from tears as he put his maw over the lions member

"COME ON" he yelled slapping him over the head

"Okay" Eli said in fear and he started to suck on the lions member. Eli bobbed his head back and forth tasting cum and blood

"Mmm use your tongue" he moaned and Eli moved his tongue over the eight inches of lion hood.

"Yer you love it" the lion said moaning "OH" he moaned and Eli felt him starting to buck into his maw

"Come on bitch faster" the lion moaned bucking faster, Eli closed his eyes and waited for the lion to finish then he felt to massive paws on his head pushing him into the lions cock then he heard a massive roar and he felt the lion filling his maw with his salty, disgusting sperm slowly going down his throat

"Swallow it all bitch" the lion growled and Eli cleaned off the lions member, then Eli was pushed to the ground gasping for air, the lion did his pants up then kneeled next to Elo

"And if you tell anybody about this" the lion started smiling at first but his teeth were clenched together and the lion drove his paw into Elis throat and held him down "I'm going to kill you, Khareem and Jessica" the lion warned and let him go

"You would kill the one you love" Eli coughed getting up

"Love" the lion laughed "I don't love that ugly bitch, I'm only into her for her money" the lion laughed "Now come here" the lion said grabbing him glass of wine, Eli backed off

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OVER HERE" the lion yelled, Eli walked over slowly in fear and the lion pushed him over and Eli felt his head hit the hard ground where he woke with a scream.

"ELI" Khareem yelled grabbing his puppy and holding him "Shh its okay it was just a nightmare, it can't hurt you" Khareem assured him Eli began to cry

"No i-it was a memory, I can remember that day so clearly now" Eli cried the Jess ran in

"What's wrong I heard screaming" Jess said and Khareem covering himself and Elis naked body with the blanket.

"Eli remembered the first time he met Seth" Khareem explained, Jess walked over and put her paw on Elis shoulder

"Are you okay Hun" Jess asked, Eli shook his head

"Seth didn't deserve you, he didn't even love you, He needs to be locked up for what he did to you jess, you didn't deserve what he did to you and I'm sorry" Eli said hugging her

"Thanks Eli" Jess said kissing his cheek, then she stood and walked to her room stopping at the door "He's a keeper Khareem" jess giggled then left, Eli smiled then felt a paw on his leg, Eli looked over at Khareem

"Yer, he is" Khareem said softly putting his paw on the side of Elis face leaning over and kissing Eli softly then hugging him making him feel safe. Eli and Khareem lay down holding each other with their maws together kissing each other lovingly

"Feeling better" Khareem asked rubbing Elis cheek, Eli nodded then Khareem kissed him "good so do you think you can sleep" Khareem asked, Eli moved in closer putting their bodies together then he put his head on Elis neck

"Can now" Eli yawned and Khareem giggled

"Ok goodnight Hun sleep well and I'll see you in the morning" Khareem whispered kissing Elis neck. Eli son drifted off into his slumber warm and safe in the big wolfs arms who held him softly yet tightly, Khareem fell asleep holding Eli not ever letting go and not wanting to, that night was calm and peaceful a soft breeze blew in the cold mountains but Eli and Khareem had each other to warm up. The sun rose making the snow glisten and sparkle, melting into puddles of water as the day grew on. Khareem woke up smiling, he went to hug Eli but he hugged the air

"Eli" Khareem asked to the empty room, Khareem sat up and yawned when he heard the piano, Khareem stood up, got some boxers on then went out to find Eli looking at a book with lines and dots on it

"What ya doing puppy" Khareem asked and Eli turned around smiling

"Good morning" Eli said with Khareem then kissing him, Eli then looked back at his book with Khareem hugging him "Just learning a song" Eli explained. Khareem looked at the book in front of Eli

"How, all I see is lines and dots" Khareem said

"He he its called music sweetie, these dots represent different keys on the piano like here that dot there says to play D then the one next to it says C and F together" Eli said playing the nots as he said them. Khareem nodded smiling

"It's too complex for me puppy" Khareem said and Eli giggled

"No you have just never seen it before" Eli said and Khareem nodded

"Yer probably" Khareem said kissing Elis cheek "Ya hungry" he asked

"Starving" Eli said and Khareem giggled walking into the kitchen to find a note from Jess.

To Khareem and Eli

I want to start by saying I'm sorry I brought that ass hole into your lives, Its all my fault Eli got hurt and I will never forgive myself, Khareem I love you so much and you will always be my little brother and Eli look after the big guy will you just till I see him again anyway. I have left and gone back home I didn't want to wake you two, you guys just looked so peaceful and cute together.

Love ya both


"Oh jess" Khareem sighed "JESS HAS GONE HOME" Khareem yelled to Eli

"WHY" Eli asked


"OKAY SEND HER MY LOVE" Eli yelled and Khareem grabbed him mobile and gave his sis a call while Eli played the piano. Eli was in the middle of playing für Elise when his head started pounding, Eli grabbed his head

"ARGGG" Eli yelled out "FUCK" He yelled in pain getting up pushing the stool over, Eli stumbled to the kitchen, got the dixsomnia and put it on the table, Eli got a glass then his head gave another huge pound

"ARRRRR" Eli said falling to his knees in pain then with another pound Eli passed out. Khareem heard a glass smash

"ELI YOU OKAY" Khareem asked "Hay can I call you back, okay but hay it wasn't your fault, remember that sis okay, okay by love ya bye" Khareem hung the phone up and walked inside "Puppy, you okay, Eli" Khareem asked then walking into the kitchen seeing his lover on the floor "ELI" Khareem ran over kneeling over him picking him up "Eli, come on puppy wake up, ELI," Khareem saw he was still breathing so that calmed him a bit so he lay Eli on the bench and got a tea towel, put it under the freezing cold water, squeezed it then Khareem lay it on Elis forehead. Khareem then cleaned up the broken glass, put it in the bin then he picked Eli up and put him on the couch and kneeled next to him with Elis paw in his and waited for the one that he loved to wake. Khareem waited three hours next to Eli when Eli finally opened his eyes

"K-Khareem" Eli said weakly

"Oh thank god, hay puppy what happened" Khareem asked taking the tea towel off his head and rubbing chest

"I-I don't know my head just started to pound like my head was against a wall and somebody was hitting me with a hammer" Eli explained

"Whoever it was I'll rip em in half pup" Khareem told Eli who laughed

"Thanks I feel a lot better" Eli said sitting up slowly, Khareem put his paw on Elis back to help him, Eli have his wolf a hug then licked his neck, Khareem held his lover smiling when he felt Elis wet tongue against his neck. Khareem stood up with Eli in his arms then Khareem sat on the couch placing Eli in his lap, Khareem ran a loving paw up and down Elis chest and Eli thanked him with a soft kiss to his maw, Khareem and Eli sat down kissing each other lovingly not ever wanting to stop, they moaned as their tongues rubbed against each other's they moaned as they held each other close not letting go, they moaned as they sat on the couch showing each other how much they love and care for each other. Khareem lay down with Eli on top of him with the lips against one another's softly and lovingly rubbing against each other

"You know" Eli said muffled by Khareems lips and tongue "I also remembered the good things that happened in the last two days" Eli said

"Like what" Khareem asked it again muffled

"Like our fireplace fun" Eli said breaking the kiss

"He-he yer that was a great fun" Khareem said bring Eli back down kissing him again. Eli giggled and blushed as he and his lover kissed for what seemed like seconds but truly they were on the couch for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes of pure heaven. Elis stomach then growled and Khareem growled back which made Eli laugh

"I'm guessing you're hungry" Khareem asked

"What gave it away" Eli asked "Was it the fact that I'm skin and bones or was it my stomach"

"No I think it was your stomach" Khareem giggled and Eli smiled

"So what are we gonna have pup" Eli asked getting off Khareem and Khareem grabbed his tail

"Wait up" Khareem said getting up then Khareem put his head in-between Elis legs and stood up putting Eli on his shoulders

"WOAH" Eli said with his arms flapping, Eli finally grabbed Khareems maw for balance

"You good" Khareem asked

"Yer I'm good now, sooo how long was I out" Eli asked

"Three hours" Khareem said getting two bowls from the cupboard then grabbing some crunchy nut from the pantry.

"Really" Eli asked

"Yer that migraine must have hurt like a bitch" Khareem emphasized

"Yer it did, but it's gone now" Eli said licking one of Khareems ears

"HA-HA-HA stop that you know that's my tickle spot" Khareem laughed

"Oh do I know" Eli said giving it another lick then Khareem put the milk down the grabbed Eli, got him of his shoulders then got his paws under his arms and tickled him

"NO HA-HA-HA TORCHER HA-HA-HA-HA" Eli yelled laughing

"HA PAY BACK IS SWEET" Khareem said, Eli fell to the floor and Khareem went with him

"STOP I'M GOING TO PEE" Eli laughed and Khareem giggled and stoped

"Ewww I ain't cleaning it up" Khareem said and Eli and Khareem lay on the floor laughing, Eli had tears running down his face and he was clenching his sides

"OWW" Eli laughed "I hate you"

"Oh you'll get over it" Khareem said standing up then pulling Eli up. Eli put his arms around the wolfs waist while he made their breakfast, Khareem then opened the draw, got two spoons and put them in the bowls then handed a bowl to Eli

"My love" Khareem said handing Eli his breakfast kissing him

"Thanks Hun" Eli said taking a spoonful. Eli and Khareem finished their breakfast and were cleaning up

"So do you like crunchy nut" Khareem asked

"Yer it's awesome but nobody loves it as much as Lillllly oh shit" Eli said slamming his paw into the table

"What's up pup" Khareem asked

"I forgot to call them I need to do that now sorry pup" Eli apologised

"No It's fine" Khareem said, Eli grabbed his phone and stood outside and called Lily but when she picked up she was crying


"Eli thank god you called"

"Lily what's wrong"

"I-its Tyler Eli he-he I'll just put him on"



"Yer pup what's wrong" Eli asked then he heard Tyler cry "Puppy what's wrong"

"I have liver cancer" Tyler said and Eli nearly dropped his phone


"The doctors gave me three months but mum has paid for the operation which is in two days and the doctors say it has a thirty percent chance of success"

"No NO this can't be happening, I'm coming home"

"NO don't let me ruin your holiday"

"Tyler I still care about you and your life is a little bit more important than a holiday"


"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Okay love you"

"I love you too" Eli hung the phone up and went into the kitchen.

"So how is everybody" Khareem asked

"We need to go back today" Eli said

"Why puppy what's happened" Khareem asked, Elis eyes started to water and Khareem ran over and hugged his crying Sheppard

"Tylers got liver cancer and they say the operations got thirty percent chance of success" Eli cried, Khareem hugged Eli tightly

"Okay puppy go pack up and I'll get everything ready" Khareem said

"I'm so sorry Khareem" Eli apologised

"Eli why are you apologising, I would be doing the same thing" Khareem said kissing his forehead. Khareem and Eli packed up got their suit cases together then left. The car trip was long and worrisome filled with reassuring hugs, I'm here for you kisses and a couple of I love you nuzzles but soon they arrived at their home at two in the morning. Eli went in, set an alarm for six, brushed his teeth then met his black and blue wolf in bed

"I don't think I'm even going to sleep tonight" Eli huffed and Khareem pulled him in close

"Just close your eyes and try then Hun" Khareem suggested and Eli closed his big red eyes and tried to sleep. Khareem feel asleep very fast, Eli looked behind him and watched his wolf sleep, Eli smiled s the big wolfs peaceful face was smiling, Eli shut his eyes and listened to his pups' breathing and before he knew it he was waking up to *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*. Eli rubbed his eyes grabbing his phone turning it off then he was suddenly pulled back into a very muscular chest

"So what do we have here a German Sheppard waking up early? Dam this is new" Khareem joked and Eli giggled

"Oh I've done it plenty" Eli said kissing him softly on the lips "And I only have an hour till visiting hours start" Eli said getting up going into the bathroom and turning the shower on. Eli got his shampoo and rubbed it all over his body not missing an area, He washed it all off then he turned around to see Khareem resting against the back of the shower, Eli looked all over his big, muscular abs down his strong legs then to his sheath, Khareem giggled as he saw his lovers member growing, Eli blushed noticing himself

"Well h-hello there" Eli said embarrassed

"Hi" Khareem said stepping over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist then laying his soft tender lips on Elis, Eli kissed back as Khareem picked him up and put him against the wall, Eli moaned as their tongues dance together again, softly yet lovingly caressed each others.

"He-he you smell nice" Khareem complimented

"Good to see the shampoo works now to condition" Eli said going to gt down but Khareem didn't let him "Excuse me" Eli asked and Khareem shook his head

"Nope" Khareem said and Eli giggled then he remembered how to make him drop him

"Are you sure" Eli said putting some shampoo on his finger

"Yup I ain't letting go" Khareem said

"Okay I guess I will have to make you" Eli said lining up and Khareems tail was wagging so Eli had a good shot to his hole

"And how are you going to do that" Khareem asked

"Like this" Eli said shoving his finger into Khareem who moaned but still held Eli "Dam you held on" Eli said getting deeper

"MmmHMMM" Khareem moaned as Eli started to move in and out. Eli felt Khareems member poke his hole and Eli moaned

"I can't I only have half an hour till its time" Eli moaned and Khareem nodded then put him down with a kiss and Eli pulled his finger out (again literally). Khareem smiled

"It's cool pup I'll get ya later" Khareem said and Eli nodded jumping up into his arms

"Can't wait" Eli said kissing him, Eli then grabbed the conditioner and rubbed it all through his fur making it all silky and smooth, Khareem smiled as his puppy dried his fur and it bounced as he walked

"He-he looks and" Khareem said bending down giving Elis neck a sniff "Smells lovly"

"Good now can you please take me to the hospital sweetie" Eli asked and Khareem smiled

"Corse I can but the question do I want you to leave" Khareem said picking him up by his hip then spinning him around

"Well you don't have a choice in the matter unless you want to make your puppy walk the long way" Eli said putting on his puppy dog eyes and Khareem laughed

"You never told me you have the best PDEs'" Khareem giggled and Eli raised an eyebrow

"PDS's" Eli asked

"Oh god, think about it" Khareem said and Eli thought then shrugged "Puppy dog eyes Eli" Eli blushed embarrassed and Khareem kisses him which only made it worse. Eli got dressed and Khareem took him to the hospital, Eli walked into Tyler's room and Tyler was leaning up against the wall

"Hay what are you doing out of bed" Eli asked

"Oh didn't you know" Tyler said smiling walking over to Eli giving him a loving kiss "Today I get to be free till eight tomorrow"

"Oh so what are the plans today sweetness" Eli asked and Tyler hugged Him

"Spend some time with you" Tyler said

"Well let's get going then Hun" Eli whispered hugging him back then kissing him. Tyler walked to the office with his arm around and told them he was leaving, Tyler left the hospital with his arm around Eli and both of them were smiling, excited about the day ahead.

To be continued 0.=.0

the Dalmatian under the tree part six

Eli and Tyler went out into the perfect temperature, summer day to Tyler's red 4WD, they got in the car and Eli was waiting to head off by looking out the window. Eli then heard a sniff; he turned around to see the big Dalmatian his eyes red...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part four

Is going to be fine" The hyena said smiling and everybody sighed in relief. Eli hugged Khareem as he heard the good news "He is actually awake if someone wants to go in" The doctor said and everybody looked at Kelly who shook her head "No I can't...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part three

Eli Woke to the sun shining in his eyes, He put his arm up tiredly to block it and yawned then giggled as he felt a paw rubbing his stomach "Good morning" Tyler said licking Elis' neck and Eli moved in closer "Good morning to you to" Eli said and...

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