Kinktober Day 16: Public

Story by URBeast on SoFurry

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#13 of Kinktober 2021

... I have a real talent for inserting a sudden DILF into a story with 0 plan to do that at the start, lol. Hopefully sudden DILFs are acceptable! This one is inspired by a prompt from ScalySexFanatic on Inkbunny;

"* In a Hot Tub Jacuzzi / Swimming Pool and mount private part in front of Water Jets."

Hopefully it turned out alright, lol. I wound up going for a swimming pool, and decided on my hyena boy Bud taking front and center; like all of the named characters I've used for Kinktober stuff, there is a story or two in mind with him. This is probably super non-canonical to any of those, but oh well. (TBH I should probably just assume people are going to assume that any named characters might show up again in something else, but I'm bad at thinking of things to say here!)

  1. Public / Medical Play / Body Swap

(CW: Public, Age difference)

The teenaged hyena was bored.

He'd gone along with his best friend's family to the public pool. It was fairly empty, to Bud's surprise, not that he minded too much. There was maybe a half-dozen small groups at the pool, and about as many lone individuals swimming or relaxing in the sun.

The freshly-18-year-old hyena sat at the edge of the pool, his brown-gray fur thoroughly soaked with chlorinated water from the few dips he'd taken, swim trunks still equally wet and clingy. Down at the shallow end of the pool, he could see his friend's lion family: his best friend, Caesar, and the lion's mother were both helping teach the youngest of their family to swim. The father had gone off somewhere, probably to get a drink or use the bathroom or something.

Bud sighed. As much as he liked swimming, and hanging out with Caesar's family, he'd been in a bit of a mood that day. He was just lucky nobody had noticed him getting hard while staring at random women and men.

He kicked his legs idly, half wondering if he should take to the bathroom and rub one out in semi-privacy. In the midst of his thoughtless leg-kicking, he inadvertently put his limb in front of one of the pool's jets. He paused, noticing that. He'd heard, from his uncle, about people who would actually put their dicks inside a jet like that, the rushing heat and vibration stimulating them to orgasm. Not that his crude uncle would have told it that way; he'd said something more along the lines of, `Yeah, you can stick your cock in there! Shit feels amazing. I hear. From friends. Not me, though.'

... He was seriously going to do this?

The freshly-adult hyena dropped from the edge of the pool into the water, sure to keep himself from sinking too deep as he got in front of the jet. He could feel it rumbling on his back as he got a look at the distracted lion family, and the others swimming about.

Nobody was paying attention to him. A glance at the lifeguard on duty assured that he wasn't watching the hyena either.

Bud gulped, and turned around to face the wall, one arm settling up on the edge of the pool and the other going to his waistband. The height was perfect, he noted, the hot rush of vibrating water rumbling right against his groin.

The hyena nudged his swim trunks down, keeping them hiked up over his rump since he didn't want to mess with the tail-tie that kept it secured at the back. Instead, he just shoved the front down a bit, hooking them under his fat, teenaged balls and exposing his throbbingly hard, pink-fleshed humanoid dick. A glance down between himself and the wall told him that it was fully hard, the rumbling motion against his cock stimulating enough to arouse him fully despite his public surroundings.

Wasting no time, Bud slipped his thick, throbbing prick into the hole that sat perfectly at groin-height now. He groaned, biting his tongue to keep from getting loud enough to catch attention. Perfect timing, too, because some couple in bathing suits strode right passed him on their way to the showers nearby.

It felt amazing, he had to admit. The young hyena nestled his hips against the wall, feeling both his nuts and dick settle inside the hole easily. He kept his teeth firmly clamped on his tongue, struggling to keep from crying out as the powerful rumbling and heat rushing against his aching cock drove him near-wild. He gave a testing thrust, rocking his hips back as subtly as he could to avoid being clearly some random teen fucking the pool jets, and humped back forward.

His legs trembled in the water, and he set his other arm up on the edge for more purchase. He was sunk into the water up to his chest, Bud holding himself to the wall with his head rested on both arms, trying to look like he was casually hanging out as his cock throbbed inside the jet tube. His toes curled as he gave another slow thrust.

``Hey, Bud!''

The hyena nearly yelped, but kept himself quiet, going fully still with his dick sheathed inside the jet, rumbling pleasure still rolling away hotly at his sensitive shaft. His friend, Caesar, just a bit older than him, had swum up to his side, smiling in that ever-friendly way he did.

``Y- Yeah, man?'' Bud asked, trying to sound casual as he was masturbated by the vent.

I was gonna get Basil and me some popsicles from the snack stand over there,'' he explained, gesturing to the little shack nearby. It sold mostly drinks and ice cream for those at the pool.Want me to grab you anything?''

Mmf, uh...'' the hyena intoned, toes curling. God, he was really getting off while close enough to touch his best friend. People were walking right on by, not even knowing that he was getting closer and closer to blowing his load in public.Um, n- not right now, man. Maybe in a little bit?''

``Cool,'' the lion nodded, chuckling. He gave his friend a pat on the shoulder, jostling him slightly in a way that made his cock grind slightly against the inside the jet tube. It nearly made the hyena yelp in pleasure, but he kept it stifled.

Caesar hopped out of the pool and, with his younger brother, went towards the snack stand. Bud groaned, biting his lip as his cock throbbed in the jet tube, rumbling stimulation driving him wilder by the second. God, he was so close... Every time somebody walked by and didn't even notice, some even glancing at him, it seemed to make his dick throb all the harder.

He gave another testing thrust, tongue half-lolling from between his lips in the pleasure...

``How's it going, Bud?''

The hyena wanted to scream in pleasure, but somehow lifted his head to look up at the towering lion in front of him. Caesar's dad, a fairly scrawny lion with a scraggly mane by the name of Tiberius. He, unlike most men there, wore a speedo, hugging tightly to his narrow, short-furred frame.

O- Oh, it's...'' Bud struggled to get out. God, his balls ached with need, cock throbbing desperately. His heart was hammering in his chest, and, honestly, his mind was getting fuzzy as his tail freely wagged under the water.It's- It's good! Um, just... Just hanging out, for a second...''

Ah, I getcha,'' the older man nodded, chuckling as he adjusted the round-rimmed sunglasses he wore.Think I'll `hang out' with you for a bit, if you don't mind.''

Oh- that's not-

The lion was already hopping back into the pool, hooking his arm up against the wall to keep himself there, within arms reach of the eighteen-year-old who was balls deep in a pool jet. Bud blushed, ducking his head low to avoid it being seen. Great... not only was he so painfully close to orgasm, but now Caesar's dad, who the hyena had admittedly checked out more than a few times, was right next to him.

Tiberius sighed contently, leaning back against the pool wall as Bud's dick was being assaulted with heat and vibration. Then, the lion glanced at him, smirked, and-

A paw caught his ass. The lion's hand... was on Bud's butt. It squeezed firmly, kneading almost urgingly at the hyena's rump in a way that made it very hard to bite back the moan of pleasure.

``Just keep going, Bud.'' The words were hushed, low enough that nobody could overhear, even as a big boar shuffled along passed them.

Gh- I- I mean, Mister Felidae-

No need to explain, boy,'' the lion halted him easily, squeezing his ass.Mm... I figured out what you were doing while I was watching from a ways away. I doubt anyone else has noticed... But you should cum fast, before someone else realizes what naughty little thing you're doing.''

That firm, paternal paw groped his butt again, fingers nestling between his plump ass cheeks and grinding his swim trunks up into his tailhole. The hyena nearly moaned yet again, but bit his tongue and forced himself to be quiet, huffing and whimpering softly. This... could not be happening. He was about to get off in public (one of his biggest fantasies), with his best friend's dad (one of his biggest crushes)!

He huffed, before clamping his teeth down on his partially-extended tongue. He began rocking his hips, pressing his ass back into Tiberius's paw, and thrusting his cock forward into that sweet, vibrating depth of a pool jet. People walked by, glancing at him and the older man, but seeing only two men lounging about at the pool. His nuts pressed into the wall of the pool, a bit uncomfortable but somehow only adding to the experience. Bud gritted his teeth...

And came. His jaw fell open, and he panted hotly, sagging and shuddering in the water as he orgasmed in the jet. He was sure that every spurt of hot, hyena jizz was just being blown right back onto his own groin, clinging into his pubic fur, but he didn't care. His legs trembled underneath the water, his head settled completely on his arms as he shot an immense load. The overstimulation of the steadily-rumbling water jet added greatly to the experience, milking every drop out of him with its hot, vibrating pleasures. And adding further, of course, was Tiberius's paw on his ass, groping and grinding at him beneath his tail as he finished.

``Hehe... All done, big guy?'' the older lion's voice teased.

Bud shakily rocked his hips back, pulling away from the wall and letting his softening dick float in the water, letting out a shuddering sigh. He blushed as he locked eyes with the older man, gulping nervously before nodding.

Good,'' Tiberius nodded, chuckling lightly. He then reached his paw out and gripped the hyena's swim trunks, tugging them forward and up over his flaccid dick and furry balls, hiding away the clingy, cummy mess. His thumb brushed against the younger man's sensitive length teasingly.Once you can walk without trembling, we'll go get a drink. And then...''

That hushed tone again, teasing smirk on the older lion's lips. ``You can jerk me off under the table.''

``... Okay!'' the hyena nearly squeaked happily.

Who knew fucking a pool jet could turn out so wonderfully?

Kinktober Day 17: Threesome/Sweat

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