Solid Magic (sample 2)

Story by Tagenar on SoFurry

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#2 of Solid Magic

I had a lot of fun writing this story. It combines all the things I think about every day: dragons, muscle, growth, hyper, and who needs the rich?

It's no animation or comic, but the medium of prose allows me to explore this in more depth, giving it more context, mystery, and even purpose. Very proud of how this turned out.

In the year 893, the ambassador to the Netherworld sat down with nine scribes and told his life's story.

M used to be human. When an experimental form of magic trapped him in the Netherworld, he became the first human to enter the mysterious realm where mystical creatures lived, and survive long enough to learn about it. Soul-bound to a blue dragon and able to take on any form, he began exploring the Netherworld with his new companion.

The blue dragon had other desires though. He happened to be in heat, and he wanted M to be the largest, most muscular dragon husband he could imagine.

Censored, destroyed, and rewritten over the centuries, the Sessions have now been reassembled and restored from original manuscripts as well as fragments of surviving documents with every ADULT SCENE and mature detail intact

PLEASE NOTE: this is an academic presentation of the Sessions. The themes of muscle/cock growth are presented in a purely historical sense and are not intended to be interpreted as physically arousing. Rather the intent is to present history exactly as it happened and analyze how such a story aroused the lower classes to rebel against the upper classes.

(Sample 2 of Solid Magic, a new book from KTM Publishing)

by Tagenar

Full book available everywhere! (

SESSION 1 preview is here.


Everyone ready? Had some water, a bite to eat, went to the back?1 Good, because here's where it starts to get interesting,2[highly-informative Footnotes in full edition only] so get comfortable.

I didn't black out. The world started spinning. I was spinning around the cave. My vision became bands of clouds, and I saw the dragon in the cave from a different angle in each one, some swirling to the left, others to the right, some views crisscrossing.

The blue dragon wandered the cave, licking its blood off the floor and sniffing everywhere, probably to make sure no one else was here. It seemed to be moving many times faster than normal. When it was satisfied, it doubled over and began licking its wounds. Then I saw it lying down, apparently sleeping. It didn't move for a long time. When it stretched out and rolled over, the different bands in my vision came together, and I was lying on the dirt.

I was facing the cave wall about ten yards away, and I saw myself as I raised my head. As a human,3 I hadn't been able to see in this dark cave, but now it looked as bright as midday, and a dragon's face was staring back at me. This dragon had green scales, white horns, and white claws. I jumped to my feet and confirmed I had four of them. I stumbled around for a moment before I figured out how to stand on four legs. I turned and looked at the blue dragon. It was still lying on its side, half-asleep. We were about the same size now, and being eye level with a dragon was enough to scare me shitless.

I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but only grunts and rumbles came out. I must have learned how to move on four feet quickly, because I was turning around, looking at myself from as many angles as I could on the walls.

Remember that rope I mentioned earlier, the one the mages tied me to the weapon with? I felt it again, and it led me straight to the blue dragon. I carefully put one foot in front of the other and walked in its direction.

I made it about four steps toward the blue dragon and then something jerked me to a stop. A wave moved through my body. It started between my hind legs and ran through me. I looked down at my hands, and my fingers filled out and lengthened. The wave rose up my neck and down my face, and I saw my new muzzle extend about half a yard. My eye level had also risen.

Another wave hit me, this one starting in my chest, and I looked down. My chest muscles were filling out. My forelegs were also getting thicker, scales falling into crevices as the individual muscles pushed up through them. In a moment, I couldn't see my feet over my chest. I felt waves hitting my neck and moving through my legs. I turned my head to see what was happening.

The view of myself in the cave wall was split between two facets, but it was enough to help me understand what was going on. My dragon body was bulking out, but it was happening in waves that began at my crotch and washed over the rest of me. This wave hit me, and my skin stretched taut, and now cords of muscle ran underneath. My stomach had receded, and all that was left were rippling abdominals. Maybe twenty of them in sight.

My chest stuck so far in front of me it looked comical. My legs were rock solid. I tested one of them, lifting it off the ground, and the muscles contracted. They were packed so tight together the leg nearly doubled in thickness just using my muscles like this. My scales were so tight I saw every twitch of every fiber underneath them.

The forelegs impressed me most. I guess I still saw myself as a human, so the biceps caught my eye. I turned my hand over, clenched my fist and gave it a flex. It wasn't just one muscle; it was four, and as I moved them, they all swelled up beyond the size of my head, pushing one another thicker and taller. The detail looked amazing.

As I looked at it, it grew again. The other one stretched and filled out. My neck rose another yard up, and I had to adjust my stance as the wave hit the rest of me. In the cave walls, I saw everything pushing outward, and my height rising at the same time. Three more waves hit me like this, and I was now twice the height of the blue dragon, and easily thrice as bulky.

The other dragon had rolled to his back. His eyes were closed. He was half-asleep. Oh yes, now I knew it was a he because he was out of his slit, on full display.

I glanced at myself in the cave wall again. I'd seen hundreds of drawings and images of dragons before, but none of them looked like this. I pushed off the ground and rose to my hind legs. I was still trying to frame myself in human terms, so I needed to stand like a human to understand what I was looking at. Not easy to do on backwards legs, but I managed to look myself over in a posture I understood.

My arms were so thick I couldn't keep them at my sides. My chest muscles were larger than my head, and I couldn't see my toes when I looked down--all I saw was my chest. I counted at least thirty abdominal muscles along my stomach. Even my long neck had rippling definition. I was so bulky I wondered if I could move.

My legs struggled to hold me up, and then I dropped to all fours again. I made a crashing sound that echoed in the cave. Now the blue dragon opened his eyes and looked over at me. He barely breathed for two whole minutes as I stood there, and he just gazed. I took a step toward him, lowering my neck down to his eye level. My chest muscles pushed against each other. My biceps puckered my chest. My thighs rubbed together. I even felt muscles in my back rubbing against one another. But I could move. I tried to speak, but again just grumbling sounds came out.

Remember that uncooked fish smell I mentioned earlier? I caught it again, but now it had a different effect on me. Now it went straight from my nose to my groin. I didn't have nuts anymore, but the tingling feeling felt the same. I went straight to his cock. It didn't smell like fish anymore. Now that smell... Well, I guess human languages have no words for it. Try to imagine perfume that smells so good it makes you hard, so you want to keep breathing it, and finally you just have to fuck something.

I kept sniffing it. Then I licked it. It was about as long as my new muzzle and had spines and ridges, all of them soft and fleshy. In the back of my head, I knew what I was doing, but at the same time I couldn't get enough of that smell.

Bluey just lay there, letting me inspect him. He later told me as far as he knew, I had just arrived. Some muscular dragon dropped in and began lapping up the scent coming from his slit. God, it tasted good. I actually felt my belly filling up just licking it. Just thinking about it makes me hard. Sorry.

It was going straight to my groin. I felt something hot slipping out from between my legs. I pulled away from B's crotch and checked myself. My new dick looked similar to his. Long, tapered, ropelike, fleshy barbs and prongs lining the tip. My sense of scale was completely distorted by now, but the thing was as long as my arm and about half as thick. Dripping in clear fluid. Forgot to mention that. The slit between my legs was dripping so much I had made a little lake underneath me.

A wave hit me.

My dick expanded in a wave from my crotch down to the tip. Now it was as thick as my over-muscled foreleg.

I turned and looked at my blue observer. He was rubbing himself as he craned his neck to see. His fingers were playing with his fleshy barbs.

I looked over at the wall. My dick now reached my chest, and it was almost as thick as my torso. I turned down, and it peeked between my chest muscles. I felt it underneath me, slithering like a snake, slick and throbbing.

Little B was still on his back, rubbing himself faster, completely oblivious to these waves moving through me. I wanted to do something about that, but my expanding dick distracted me too much. The barbs were rubbing against my stomach, and the thing was hot.

My legs lifted off the ground. I looked at the wall, and sure enough I was lying on my dick, claws dangling just over the dirt.

Waves hit me. My legs stretched and thickened, and I could stand again, but now it looked like even my dick had muscles. As the waves traveled through me, I rose higher, my shoulders became thicker, and my chest obscured more of my downward vision.

Then I smelled something. Next thing I knew, I was down on the ground licking the blue dragon's seed. He made a lot of it, and it filled me up. I kept my mouth over his dick as he finished for what must have been five minutes, swallowing everything.

I don't remember exactly what happened next. The next thing I can remember I was back down to his eye level, dick hidden, a normal green dragon again. I still had more muscle on me than should have been possible. Still couldn't see my feet under my chest. After I had turned around a couple times, examining myself from all angles, I heard footsteps approaching. The blue dragon was walking up to me. I faced him.

He stood nose to nose with me, scenting me. Then he rubbed snouts. I was so delirious, still trying to get a grip on what was happening I couldn't even remember my name, or how I got there, so I rubbed him back. He smelled so good my nose led me down to his crotch and I licked his slit again. That's the right word for it, yes? Thanks.4

He let me do that for a minute, and then he circled me, sniffing and poking me with his snout. I stood in place, not sure what to do. I felt exhausted and full, as if I'd had a full side of lamb at a tavern, and this dragon's scent was the mug of cider.

I hung my head and panted I was so tired. He examined me and scented me up and down. I felt a hand on my thigh, and I turned to look at him. He was feeling the muscles, testing them, as if he couldn't believe they were solid. They gave to his touch, and when I moved one, it bulged out and became like a tree trunk. His hand wandered to my flank, and being touched reassured me I was still real. Once in a while he paused and looked at me, as if expecting me to vanish or attack or something. I didn't feel real until now. His fingers on my scales told me I had skin. His hands exploring the lines between the muscles made me feel like a living creature. I licked his snout this time when he hesitated, and he continued exploring me. The contact felt amazing, and his scent made me feel like I was lying in a field on a beautiful summer afternoon.

He felt my foreleg up. I held my arm out and flexed the muscles for him, and he marveled how he couldn't get his hands around my arm. He seemed to like feeling my chest muscles, and also my shoulders. When he felt my neck, I moved with his hands, hoping to show him I liked this, too, and I really did. Being touched helped me settle into this new skin.

Finally he stood in front of me again, nuzzling me. I nosed him back. For the first time I noticed the wounds I had inflicted on him earlier had healed, as if I had never stabbed him with the sword. I didn't smell blood anywhere. All I could smell was whatever was coming out of his slit.

He seemed to have calmed down by now. The fog of scent had cleared up, and no more waves hit me. I felt completely exhausted. I was huge, but I felt so small now compared to a few minutes ago.

The big blue dragon was grunting at me and huffing through his nose. Then he waited, as if expecting something. I looked at him, then looked at my arms again. No waves. Nothing happened.

The dragon turned halfway around and gestured upward. I looked up and noticed the reflective walls extended so far I couldn't see where they ended. A large hole in the wall yawned a couple hundred yards up, and the blue dragon had just spread his wings. I looked back at my wings. I didn't know how to move them, so I had forgotten about them.

The blue dragon flapped a few times and rose into the air with such ease and grace I thought it deserved a poem or something. He hovered in place and looked down at me. I didn't know what I should do, so I started moving muscles in my back.

What? Well, it's interesting to me! You'd dwell on it, too, if you woke up one day walking on four legs and had wings.

Anyway, I found the muscles that made my wings move and tested them. Just as I was starting to wonder if my wings were large enough to lift me off, a wave hit me, and my wings stretched longer and bulked out. I looked back at them, and finally they looked like enough to raise me off the ground, and on one flap, I did.5

I followed him through a tunnel, which was also lined in slippery obsidian. I tried to think back on any descriptions I'd heard of these mountains, but I couldn't remember anyone mentioning a cave system covered in glass. I watched myself walk. I could see the muscles under my scales. Every twitch, every pucker, every stretch. Just walking normally like this made them double in thickness. I was intimidated by the reflections I saw. As a hired sword, if I had seen a dragon like this anywhere, I would have given my employer their money back and fled to the next kingdom. Maybe two kingdoms and across the sea, just to be safe.

When we got outside, I was surprised to see trees and grass. Also surprising: I didn't have to wait for my eyes to adjust. The light seemed just the same as the inside of the cave.

I saw a plateau of trees of grass tucked between a cluster of mountain peaks. Weird trees. Weird grass. The trees themselves had no leaves; the bark was green, and the branches twisted and curved in and around each other. The grass also grew in curls. The people in this kingdom had never mentioned a place like this, so I guessed no human had ever seen it before. My blue companion huffed and made throaty growls as he took to the air. I flapped my over-muscled wings and followed him.

As I flew over this place, I looked out over the mountain ranges. My vision was so good I could see individual trees on top of peaks that were miles away. They looked so vivid even from this distance. I could make out animals. Strange animals that I knew didn't live among men. The blue dragon banked and dove. I didn't follow but hovered in midair. From here, I watched him land. He killed a gryphon. I had only heard of these animals before; never in my life did I think I would ever see one. I dismissed them as tavern stories, just like dragons, but the blue dragon had just taken one out with no fight.

He stood over the kill and looked up at me. He then hopped up on his hind legs a couple times like an excited puppy. I didn't know how to dive, so I flapped lighter and descended to the ground, touching down on two feet and then dropping to all fours. I walked up to him. Walking felt weird. Arms always colliding with my chest, thighs scraping together, shoulder muscles pushing against my neck.

The dragon ripped the body open and held out a piece of meat for me. I wasn't hungry, but it felt wrong to refuse, so I opened my mouth and took it.

The meat fell through my jaw and splattered on the ground.

The blue dragon recoiled, slinking lower, glancing between me and the meat.

I turned to him, then the meat, then the sky, then the curly trees and grass. I looked all around me.

Now I recognized where I was. I had been in places like this before. Mages and court wizards sent people like me to these areas from time to time. Places where magical plants grew, magical objects were hidden, and enchanted creatures lived. Dangerous places. They always looked shadowy and lethal. The leafless trees looked like bones sticking up from the ground in agony. The grass was thorny and seemed to move when you weren't watching.

The Netherworld. Mages and alchemists spoke of it often, always in hushed tones. They warned me to be careful when they sent me to one of those places that kind of bled into the Netherworld, that things didn't behave normally, that plants and animals were strange and if I went too far in, I would never return. I was in one of those places right now. At some point, I had crossed over into the Netherworld itself, and it looked like a child's drawing of springtime to me now.

It finally hit me. I was not human anymore; I was now one of those dangerous creatures that lived in the Netherworld, and now I just discovered I couldn't eat.

I stumbled around on my four legs, trying to make noise, trying to shout for help. Try to imagine remembering words but being unable to use them. To try again and again but nothing works the way you think it should.

I forgot how to fly, so I galloped away. I deliberately ran into trees and knocked them down. Some of the trees reached out for me and entangled me, but I easily broke free and pushed them aside. If I had come to this place as a human, I would have been terrified of these trees, but now they fell before me.

Some clumps of grass reached out to me and attached themselves to my feet. I felt little teeth trying to bore holes in my scales, no doubt to suck my blood or soul or something, but they couldn't break through. I kept running, trying to speak, trying to scream for help.

I was starting to run out of breath, and I felt a rope tightening around my throat. I felt as if I had left something behind. Something important. I fought the feeling and kept running, hoping if I ran far enough I'd end up back in the land of men.

Air was all around me, but I couldn't breathe it.

The rope seemed to be pulling me backwards. I collapsed to my stomach as I gasped and gagged. The grass now suckled on my belly and thighs, searching for an opening. A tubular branch of one tree had wrapped around my foot, but I was too heavy for it to pull.

Moments later, the blue dragon's scent hit my nose, and suddenly I had air. The rope slackened. I felt like a leg that had just been reunited with the body. I stopped trying to scream and just breathed. Not air. Scent. B's scent. It didn't go straight to my groin this time.

I felt him standing over me, nuzzling me, making low growls that I hoped were noises of concern and compassion. He started to rub his head against mine, and then he lay next to me. I couldn't run anymore. I just lay there and breathed. His scent was apparently my air now.

I let that thought ferment in my mind for a while.

His touch did feel reassuring, and eventually I started to rub my head against his.

The dragon made some other sounds. Grunts and whines and whistles, and he kept rubbing his muzzle against mine. I raised my head off the ground, separating myself from a couple hundred strands of grass trying to chew on me, and looked at him. He began to whimper. All the stories I'd ever heard about dragons, nobody had ever described a dragon whimpering. It sounded so strange I forgot about the trees and grass trying to pull me apart. I forgot I wasn't human. I reached up and petted his head like a dog.

I had never touched a lizard before. The only lizards I'd ever been around were snakes I'd killed in the forest. His scales felt... nice. Like the quilt my grandmother made that kept me warm as I rode in the back of my father's cart as a boy.

Whimpering, he opened his mouth and coughed fire on my face.

It hit me so fast I didn't even react. I knew I had been hit by fire--the same stuff that almost melted me an hour ago, but now I didn't even feel it. He stared at me as I had my hand between his horns. He whimpered again.

After blinking a few times, I opened my mouth and tried to cough onto him, but nothing happened. He sniffed the inside of my mouth, standing up after a moment. Whatever he smelled in there must have been interesting. I wanted to ask him so many questions, and at the same time I still wanted to run for the hills.

Nuzzling my snout, he lifted a foreleg and bumped me on the side. I took the hint and rolled over. My wings tucked tight against my sides without me telling them to, and I lay sprawled out like a dog.

The blue dragon backed up and stood by my tail, looking up my body. He sniffed my thighs and my crotch. Finally I had a chance to look at my underside, and no, I had no balls or dick anymore. Just a slit between my legs, and he was burying his blue muzzle in it. It felt good, in a way. He kept pausing and looking at me, and I wasn't sure why at the time. It was weird, but I didn't want him to stop either, so I spread my legs farther apart. He seemed to take that as a sign to continue, and now I felt a tongue in there.

The noises I made...6

Please understand, this was not my first time with a man. I'd already broken a few laws of nature in my life, and when you're on a mission in the middle of nowhere, and your only company for weeks is another man, and both of you are in the mood, and nobody is watching, and there's a very real chance you will die tomorrow, both of you just say fuck it and start playing around. I guess I had been looking forward to those employers who needed me to go to some distant fortress off the beaten path, and they wanted to send someone else with me. That's when it was fun. When you're alone with someone, and you just throw caution out the window and show him your dick. Odds are he'll recognize you're out alone and nobody else will ever know, so why not try it? I've had more than one person ask to come with me a second or third time over my life. Never been with the same person more than three times7 though.

So, yes, I wasn't all that surprised by this. When my dick slipped out and the blue muzzle started licking it up, it felt just like those jobs. It didn't seem unusual until I noticed my dick changing shape. A wave moved up my crotch, and my cock grew. It had been about as long as his muzzle and maybe as thick as a couple of my new fingers--hard to remember, my sense of scale was all messed up then--and it had soft barbs around the tip. Now it grew more of those fleshy ridges all up and down, and it doubled in size.

So now I was staring at a dick as thick as my bulging arm and with so many barbs and ridges I couldn't count them.

Another wave rushed up, and it stretched another yard. The dragon was now looking up at it as he ran his tongue from the base midway to the tip.

-end sample 2-

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