TITZ 'N' AZZ Day 1

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#2 of TITZ 'N' AZZ




Voxanna Claps.




Voxanna awoke to hir crying infant, needing to be fed, so shi got out of bed and picked hir up, pulling out hir ample bosom with hir lactating teat, which shi latched onto, suckling the warm milk. The Vulpinoid herm smiled, then still carrying hir infant, shi walked into the dining room, where the rest of hir new family was waiting. Sunrise was nursing hir own cub, Solarblaze, as hir mate Stephan was helping hir other co-mate, Illumanati, preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hmmm looks like the new moms job starts in the morning, eh Sunny?" Voxy replied, smiling, as shi sat on the chair next to the light blue chakat.

"It sure does, so feeling better about yesterday hun?" shi asked, referring to the dejection from the job application.

"A little, but I am still annoyed at such bigotry. Anyway, as much as I would love to dance there, I figured that such discrimination would just make working their intolerable." The chakat smiled and stroke hir own cub, who was purring happily with content, the suckling noises from both mothers, caused Stephan to poke his head out from the kitchen.

"You know, ladies, with all that tit sucking coming from here, it's making Nati really horny." He smirked, an obvious bulge showing in his dressing gown and pj pants.

"Shi's not the only one, we see." Sunrise teased, squirting milk from hir other teat, in Stephan's direction, hitting his chest and the floor.

Illumanati emerged behind him and started rubbing his bulge, nibbling his ear playfully. Groaning, he reached back and rubbed hir ears.

"Yes dear... I can't wait." He moaned, to something shi said to him in private, via telepathy.

"What?" Sunrise asked, curious about what hir Nati asked hir mate.

"Shi wants a blowjob..." Blushes and looks at Voxanna, who just smiled and winked, seductively.

"I sure hope it's after, and not during preparing the breakfast?" the chakat asked, giggling.

"After, definitely after... oh, do you want one or two sausages Voxy?" Stephan moaned, as his mate playfully bumped against his groin every so often.

"Three... if one is thick and black and attached to your waist..." giggles, as shi murrs from hir daughters suckling.

"Hmmm my sausage is full of cheese, do you like that?" he groaned, then yelped as his mate nipped his earlobe.

"Hmm white thick and creamy..." Voxanna giggled, looking at Sunrise, who was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

Finally, Stephan and Illumanati emerged with the food, placing the plates in front of the hungry felinetaur and vixen, who politely said grace and then proceeded to eat the breakfast in front of them.

This was pretty hard to do, as they were both nursing their cubs at the same time as feeding themselves.

After breakfast, Stephan and Sunrise left the house to take the cubs to pre-school before heading off to work, Nati had the day off, so shi decided to stay and keep Voxanna company.

Shi was busy looking through the classifieds for a job, when one caught hir attention.



Dancers and Bar Maids!

No Experience required.

Training Available

All Genders Welcome

Hours and Pay Negotiable

There was a number and an address, so Voxanna called a number and got a female receptionist. After a brief conversation, shi hung up.

"Oh, Illumanati dear." Shi called out to the foxtaur.

<Yes sweety.> shi replied, drying hir hands after doing the dishes.

"I have a job interview, do you mind looking after Crysteen for me?"

<No hun, in fact, lets all go out for lunch, what time is the interview?>

"Any time after 1:00pm" Voxanna said, picking up hir daughter, who nuzzled into hir chest.

<Excellent, where is the job interview?">

"It's on Skunktaur Archipelago, in New Bletchley." Shi said, walking into hir room to get changed, placing hir kit in the crib.

Shortly, shi emerged, wearing a short denim skirt, top tied in the middle, showing off hir ample cleavage, as well as a leather jacket. Shi also had black shoes and stockings. Shi wore a skimpy thong that didn't conceal hir sheath or hir rump.

"Well? How do I look?" shi asked hir close foxtaur friend.

<Hmmm very.... Ummmm>


<Slutty... are you sure you're dressed properly for the job interview?> Nati asked, feeling a slight twinge in hir groin.

"Yes hun, the nice girl on the phone explained what kind of place it is."

<Well, I hope you get the job dear.> The foxtaur replied, giving Voxanna a hug and a kisslick. Voxanna went to collected hir daughter, then came back and Illumanati teleported them into the busy district of Bletchley, startling a few skunktaur with their arrival. But soon they merged with the crowd, mingling with the populace.

For lunch, they visited a nice BBQ restaurant, All You Can Eat for a reasonable price, and considering how much taurs eat because of their large mass, it was the most popular restaurant, so find a table was a 5 minute wait. But soon taur and morph was sitting down and chatting, before Voxanna's growling stomach gave hir the incentive to leave to get lunch. When shi returned, shi was carrying a tray with plates of chicken, rice, beef and roast vegetables. Included was a tall glass of soda. Once shi was settled down, Nati got up and padded over to the serving table. Shi returned with two trays of food, one was carried by a restaurant waitress, struggling under the weight.

"Whoa! Sure you've got enough there?" Voxanna exclaimed, fork almost in hir muzzle, staring wide-eyed at the mountain of food.

<Yes, plenty. Remember dear, I am a taur. We need extra intake of food than morphs or humans, and besides which, with my powers, I need extra energy replenishment from all the teleportation I do.> shi replied, picking up a spare rib and started gnawing on it

"Understandable." Shi replied, sucking the meat from the chicken leg, as hir daughter was suckling on hir exposed breast. At one point, the skunktaur manager came over too ask politely if shi could desist feeding hir kit, which shi calmly stated that they were in a restaurant, and that even cubs need to feed. When hy was about to protest, six other herm mothers with cubs began feeding their cubs as well, as in protest to hys objection. Hy finally gave up, bowed and returned to hys office.

<You know, you can be a real trouble maker.> Illumanati replied, with hir mouth full of potatoes and beef. The handy thing about telepath's is the ability to hold a conversation with their muzzle full of food.

"Don't I just know it" Voxanna remarked, giggling as shi stuffed roast pumpkin with rice I hir muzzle. Crysteen was happily drinking the rich creamy milk from hir mothers ample breast, tail wagging.

15 minutes later, both taur and morph was full and happily strolling down the street, Crysteen in the carry pouch strapped Voxanna's belly. Soon, they reached the Titz N Azz club. It was not hard too miss, Large pink neon lettering spelt Titz N Azz as they were suspended above the entrance.

"Well, here we are, wish me luck." Voxanna replied, handing hir carry bag with Crysteen still sleeping inside too Illumanati, who put it on.

<Yes dear, break a leg> shi replied, kisslicking the young vixen morph.

"Oh, not something you wanna happened at a dance club, now, is it?" shi joked, sticking hir tongue out at the arctic foxtaur.

Shortly, Voxanna was in the foyer, and was amazed at the difference the inside was. Outside, the building was old and dirty, but the inside was bright and cheerful. There were lounges and the service desk. Double doors too hir right had the plaque "PRIVATE AREA" and the doors on the left had the plaque that read "PUBLIC SHOWS." Behind the desk sat a pretty rabbit morph, she or shi, depending on the gender, was busy organising the business schedule on the computer.

Looking up and noticing Voxanna, she/shi smiled and beckoned hir over.

"Good afternoon, my name is Claire Burrows. You must be Voxanna, correct?" she/shi asked, extending her/hir hand.

"Yes, how did you know that?" shi asked the petite rabbit. The rabbit was wearing a skirt and a see through top, revealing that she/shi had no bra on underneath.

"Easy, I'm psychic." Claire replied, placing her/hir fingers on her/hir forehead and hummed softly.

Voxanna watched with amazement before the rabbit shot hir with hir hand shaped pistol, imitating the hammer with her/hir thumb.

"Gotcha." She/shi giggled.

"Heh?" Voxanna replied, confused.

"You're the only appointment we have today for interviews, silly. And I am female, in case you were wondering." Claire replied, lifting up her skirt to also reveal that she was wearing no panties either.

Voxanna just stared at the sweetest young vaginal lips, with orange fur in the shape of a carrot, topped with green for the stem.

"Wanna go down and see how deep the rabbit hole really goes?" she teased, tongue licking her lips.

Voxanna just stood there, stupefied at such a blatant sexual act, but hir body responded as hir sheath started too swell with excitement.

"What's the matter? I thought foxes love eating wabbits?" Claire replied, smirking as she opened the lips, revealing the wet pink interior of her cunny walls.

Voxanna licked her lips and moved closer, sniffing and murring at the sweet fragrance of fresh teenage twat. Just when shi was about too taste the sweet nectar of the rabbits femsex, Claire giggled and bounded away from her.

"Too slow, maybe next time. Besides, the boss will see you now." She replied, lowering her skirt and hiding the dripping snatch from the turned on fox.

"Oh you slut, you'll get yours." Voxanna growled, giving the rabbits rump and smack, making sure one finger struck the slick moist quim. Claire meeped and wiggled her ass.

"Oh, welcum too Titz n Azz Voxanna, hope you will stay." She replied, winking as Voxanna entered the Public Area.



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