Furtel 69 - Chapter 1

Story by Daigarus on SoFurry

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#1 of Furtel 69 (erotic novel)

A lascivious detective bumps into a young female cleaner.

The original story is written in Spanish and has a prologue and an epilogue, but it's not necessary to read them. All the characters belong to me and cannot be used without permission.

Fugitive from the law - Mr. Jack Hock's record

Inside the mephitic files room, records and folders of different types lay scattered under the intense white light emitted by the bulb from above, which hung from the filthy ceiling by means of a braided black wire. Wrapped in a grayish shade mixed with dark brown, the porous walls and smooth floors were awash with dust and balls of fluff. On the crooked table in the center, next to two solid chairs and a huge pile of labeled cardboard boxes, the file of a criminal who had escaped from prison a week ago, by using a cunning strategy, stood out from the other files.

From the only metal door at the rear, appeared the dark figure of a stag with short antlers, slender legs, a black overcoat, a hat with special holes for horns, a cigar in his mouth, wide pants with a hole for the tail, and leather boots. He was over one-hundred and eighty centimeters tall; he looked taller when wearing thick-soled boots. His name was Eric Hallmark.

Upon taking a gander at the orange file, he saw some opaque photographs of the fugitive who had managed to flee without anyone noticing. The ex-prisoner was a saturnine brown-furred coyote who had lived the last years of his life in the suburbs, in a rented apartment he shared with his partner: a snowy-furred vixen called Natasha Linger. His real name was confidential so authorities called him 'the devious pooch'.

The escape he had mapped out was far too complex for a fool to plan. He, with two companions' help, carried out one of the most difficult feats in the world: escape from a maximum-security prison located in a remote region, surrounded by steep hills and deep pits. In the proximities, upright were the watchtowers from which the guards watched day and night. Cameras installed in each corner of the thick walls closely followed every single movement. Barbed wire and electrified fences surrounded the walled compound. Bear traps everywhere rested under a thick layer of mud. Only a real professional could escape.

By reading the coyote's criminal record, the stag laid the cigar on the table and sighed with relief. He was glad to begin an exhaustive search for the troublesome runaway canine. It was not the first time he had gotten into a complicated case, although it could certainly be the last time. He was known throughout the city for being the most efficient and lustiest private detective of his ilk.

The reason for the incarceration was owing to aggravated tax evasion. The coyote had not paid his taxes as he should have, he had obtained income for several years that at no time did he declare before the Treasury Department, many of his sales were supported by spurious documentation and, in several occasions, he forged his signature so that his true identity would not be discovered. In addition, it was believed that he had had direct contact with a dealer from whom he bought narcotics and psychotropic drugs with some frequency for then resell, and thus, obtain an extra income.

As regards his partner, no trace was found after the coyote's arrest at his home. The vixen, also guilty of having violated the law by being an accessory to his criminal acts, had vanished before the police went after her. Daunted by the fear of being locked in a pandemonium beset with wild animals, she disappeared from sight overnight. Nonetheless, the authorities had been in charge of sealing the only bridge that led to the next city, so she could never have left her hometown.

The stag's edgy bony fingers made a noise as they hit the table, his legs were restless and his short tail bristled all the time. He inhaled the last portion of nicotine, took the file, put it in a pocket of his coat, and headed for the door to leave.

He stepped fully into the hallway that led to the main room where the building's employees worked in the daytime. He was rushing to the exit door when one of the cleaners' soft voice resounded. Dressed in a loose-fitting cinder-colored uniform, a cap, white boots, and a pair of latex gloves, the one-meter thirty-eight tall, sallow-eyed, pale-faced young ewe stared at him in utter amazement as he searched for a way to conceal his carnal disquiet.

"Did you take what you needed?"

"Yes ... I did," he stuttered as she tried to hide his latent masculinity between his legs.

"I see you quite nervous. Something wrong?"

He approached her quickly and sniffed her damsel scent. Imagine her naked was sufficient to arouse him. He did not need to make a great deal of effort to get a complete erection.

"Hey, honey, doesn't it bother you to be cleaning at this time?"

"No. I do it all nights."

"Good!" he showed a cheeky smile. "Could you take me to the bathroom, please? It's hard for me to move with this annoying cramp I have."

"Come with me," she took him by his hand and led him into the spacious bathroom with the strong fragrance of bleach and room deodorant.

The immaculate site possessed ten cabins with gleaming toilets, eight separate urinals with their respective marble partitions, a large sink with a clear mirror, containers with liquid soap, a wall-mounted dryer located under the single aluminum vent, no-patterns ceramic floor, a moisture-free wall and a porous ceiling with four flashing bulbs protected with a thin glass sheet. The thick whiteness distinguished the bathroom from the rest of the rooms.

"This place smells great."

"I just cleaned it, but I don't mind if you use it now."

"How kind you are, my dear."

He undid his fly, unbuttoned his pair of underpants, and let his hardened masculine bulge come out. It was a stiff, reddish, cylindrical-shaped appendage. Show it to females always turned him red-hot and fueled his pride.

"I thought you wanted to use the bathroom," the young ewe stammered with a bit of unease in her words.

"Maybe later," the excited stag murmured. "For now, I need to cum somewhere.

"You can use the urinals."

"I cum better when others give me a hand," he fixed his brown eyes on her pale face as though he was trying to hypnotize her.

"That's not part of my job. I'm sorry."

"I'll pay you for the service," he promised. "How about one hundred bucks?"

"Well, I--"

"Two hundred?

"The thing is that--"

"Three hundred?"

"I have boyfriend."

"Don't worry, I'm not jealous. I don't think he would mind you give me a good blowjob. After all, you'll get money for this. Don't you think it's fair?"

"But if someone here finds out, I'll have problems."

"No one will know about this. My mouth is a grave," he made the gesture of a zip doing up in front of his nose.

Convinced by his interesting proposal, the cleaner took her member in her hands and jerked him off as if it were the most normal thing in the world. She placed the dick's tip in her mouth and stimulated him. The stag cornered her against the back wall and grabbed her by the ears so she wouldn't let go of him. Gasping with pleasure at receiving fellatio from her, he went into the most intense abyss of complacency. He enjoyed the tasty blowjob until her animal instinct no longer resisted and came in her mouth. His orgasm lasted no more than ten seconds.

"Holy fuck! That was delicious," he said, satisfied with the result. "If you go on, I'll double the amount of money," he suggested her so that she went on with her work. "Swallow everything, don't spit. I'm sure you don't want to clean the floor again."


Excited to be able to get more money, she went on giving him head lovingly, as if she were blowing her beloved ram, and made him come for a second time. She left him happier than before.

"Want to duplicate again?"

"I don't usually do it, but what the heck. Come that sucking," he said.

Once again, the young ewe swallowed his dick, doing it enthusiastically. In less than expected, the third coming crossed through the female's gullet.

"I should be totally satisfied by now, but I'm not. How about one more time?"

"No problem," she took the stiff dick again and thrust it into her mouth.

Her hands massaged the numb base, her restless tongue offered more pleasure than necessary. Enfolded in a blanket of shivering and electrifying sensations, the stag came for the fourth time.

"I think that's enough for today."

"One more time," she begged him with a pitying look.


"Completely sure."

"Well, one more time then."

She went ahead with her service and sucked his dick for the fifth time, not because she liked doing it, because she would get more money. She was so lucky to have gotten a sensitive male who came with minimal stimulation. In less than a minute, she felt his cum running through her mouth and swallowed it.

"Phew! Now I'm satisfied," he kept his relaxed dick in its place and did up his fly.

"It's four thousand eight hundred," she held out her right hand for him to pay her.

"You're lucky I'm a guy who always keeps what he promises," he opened his wallet and took out almost all the bills he had, keeping just two hundred bucks.

"Now I'm satisfied," she took the money and went. She still had to keep cleaning the rest of the building. With some fresh mouthwash, she could remove the unpleasant taste the horny male had left inside her oral cavity.

The stag washed his hands and wet his face. He left the bathroom, crossed the hall, left the darkened main room, and abandoned the building as quick as possible. Going down the stairs, he remembered he had to pay a taxi to take him home, which was thirty kilometers away from there.

"Shit!" he realized the money he had wasn't enough to pay for such a long journey. He had no choice but to walk back on foot. His uncontrollable lust always cost him a lot. "Ah, anyway," he whispered.

He placed another cigar in his mouth, lit it with his lighter, and walked across the desolate sidewalk under the full moon, in the silent night. He walked with absolute tranquility since he was in a safe area, not in a residential neighborhood. Anyway, he always carried a revolver in case an assailant suddenly showed up. He had no pity for bandits or scoundrels.

After midnight, he reached his abode, went upstairs, and went into his home. He turned on the light, put the keys on the three-hook key ring, and lay down on the bed to take one last look at the file before going to sleep.

His little house seemed more like a hostel than a dwelling. It had a small bathroom with an electric shower, a kitchenette, an external laundry room, a single room with birch furniture, a double bed, a large quantity of messy papers in the drawers, a table with two chairs, three barred windows, and a low ceiling. He shared the neighborhood with twenty houses very similar to his.

"So the devious pooch wants to play cat and mouse with me? We'll play then. And when I find him, he'll be sorry," he whispered to himself.

The coyote had already investigated about the detectives from the city. He knew where they lived and how much they charged for their activities. Obviously, he did not know exactly what they were physically like. He was a cautious fellow who trusted no one. Very soon, he was going to have the pleasure of meeting his seeker.