Paying for The Past
Paying for the Past By Carl Blessing/Murphy Slaugh Yes we know that way back then A terrible mistake was made. By it's been corrected since then, So why is the price still needing to be paid? He suffered enough, but he's still in pain, Why...
Commission Info
Hello All. Nexus Shifter here. Hello. NexusShifter here! My commissions are officially open. If you look below, you will see all the details for a commission. Anything with an asterisk next to it can be further explained at the bottom. If you have...
#1 of great escape in which refuge in a dragon's lands is bought. (3600 words) **payment** _2008 gren drake_ the mountainside bethann climbed was not a cliff; though not vertical, it was quite steep.
As he neared the place that he and the pack lived, he slowed, hesitant and unsure whether or not the dobermans would already be there to "collect" their payment.
The Payment
Ghosts of the Past Fur-fiction written by HrryNrmn All characters and events portrayed herein are property of and copywriten by HrryNrmn and may not be used without his express, written permission. All accounts herein are fictional and any...
I woke to the grey dawn, a pale and gibbous offering this early just barely insinuating it's way into my bedroom like an assassin; and to the figure of a real assassin, his eyes wide and staring. I felt the touch of steel, and in spite of my...
The Payment
Rut offered me two days and twenty more gold on the payment." jasti paused and nodded solemnly. "i'm so sorry. that is a very tall order. the girls have gotten a little bit of coin together, what they would spare, but it's only about one and a half.
Weekend Payments
Weekend payments for guy\_threepwood by draconicon it didn't take the tanuki long to hustle the rest of his customers out of the shop.
Down Payment
Nook's thick cock had left the twink slightly gaped but he was right to assume that hershel would be tight each and every time nook came to get a mortgage payment.
Payment and Payback
Are we going to come to blows or are you going to give us the payment?" "dir, give them their due," said sloj. "if tep shows up later to get paid, skunk him and while he's getting pissed, we'll describe these two fucks."
Tutoring Payment
**tutoring payment** by forgotten wolf \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* jim looked at his watch. only 1:36!
Payment with Interest
So, please, take it now, _shujin_... please consider that payment for my rent. and if you want interest... well..."