Virtually Real Part 43 Distractions and Bullies

Story by Prowl-Ar on SoFurry

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#51 of Virtually Real

With the events of the Colony transport still fresh and the fear that everything is falling apart eating at him Prowl-Ar nearly falls apart himself.

Virtually Real Chapter 43: Distractions and Bullies


Prowl-Ar: Team Leader, Grand High Whatever of the Furry Nation

Kyle: Recreation of Red XII second in command

Shock: Diplomat and internet streaming celebrity

Wolf: Team doctor

Rin: Mechanical genius Prowl-Ar, Kyle, and Shock's adopted daughter

Frost: Teen Dragon, Prowl-Ar, Kyle, and Shock's son

Luca: Drone specialist and all around horny Sergal

Vexy: Confused Dragon

Trace and Tye: Prowl-Ar's twin sons

Mahan: AI of the Shadow Runner

Tank and Tuft: Captain and first mate of the Bad Luck

Buck and Dirk: Security and medical specialists on the Bad Luck

Brook: Ships medical assistant

Silverbolt: Furry Station One A.I.

Monte: FS-1's school headmaster.

My Wolf was technically dead. As the seconds seemed to pass like hours I continued the chest compressions and breaths. It wasn't working and I knew unless I restarted his heart the med tube was useless. Stopping CPR was a bad idea, but without assistance I didn't have a choice. I ran to my bedside table and grabbed Shock's wind staff, thankful he kept it close when sleeping. Running back over, I hit Wolf with half charge.

"Medical scanners back online. Wolf's heart isn't beating." Mahan announced.

"No shit!" I dialed the staff up to 75% and hit him again.

"Wolf's heart is now beating. It is weak and sporadic, but he does have a heartbeat."

"Where's the damn med tube!"

"Behind you." Brook said, softly.

I shifted and then moved Jordan into the tube. "Please, come back to me. I love you, my wolf." I closed the lid and slumped onto the floor.

"I'm bringing his heart rate up to normal. Scans indicate no brain damage." Brook tried to reassure me.

"Mahan, put us in Earth orbit."

"What are you planning on doing?" He asked.

"I'm about to show those bastards I'm not someone they should piss off. Which country is being the most anti-furry?"

"The Kingdom of Persia. Basically what you know as Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of the surrounding countries."

"Target an unoccupied area and glass it." I ordered.

"Captain, we haven't tested it on a planet with atmosphere, you could kill everyone!" Mahan yelled.

"Go with lowest setting and dial the heat up. I'm not going to kill anyone. Not yet anyway. Give me a live planetary feed and prepare to fire."

Mahan put up an image of me standing on the bridge. "Feed is open but that's all I can give you until my systems are repaired."

"It has come to my attention that since I came out of hiding persecution of furrys and their families have been on the rise. This is going to stop."

"Tiger, don't do this. What happened to me isn't their fault."

"Wolf! You should be unconscious and healing." I turned to confront him, but he wasn't there.

"Captain, are you alright?" Mahan asked.

I shook my head, I must have imagined it. "Starting today I'm going to begin the process of allowing furrys and their families to immigrate to a furry colony. Any country that tries to stop the immigration process will face dire consequences. Mahan cut the feed."

"There, see that was much better than using the Runner's weapons." Wolf said.

"Wolf, are you dead?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"No. At least I don't think so. It seems when we broke the link to the ship both our minds ended up in your body. For the record it is really crowded in here."

"Yeah, but well organized." I forced myself up and moved to the bed.

"Do you really think now is a good time to take a nap?" He asked.

"That's not what I'm doing. I hope this works. Try to follow my mind." I dropped into trance and was almost instantly next to my tiger. In all three realms our souls were happy. In mine I was telling Kyle and Kelly a story.

"You were a cute kid. Given what I've seen in your memories this never happened?" Jordan asked.

"Look away now. You are not supposed to be here like this. Prowl-Ar, I told you, you can't bond with him." My Tiger growled.

"You must be the tiger he talks so much about."

"Jordan, it is really dangerous for you to be here. Don't try not to look at, talk to, or touch anything unless I tell you it's safe. Tiger, show me the link to Jordan."

"Ah, that might actually work." My tiger said in surprise.

"What?" Jordan quickly covered his mouth.

"This link connects us." I noticed it was larger and brighter, obviously the link was getting stronger. "It connects both of us so you should be safe touching it. Hopefully you'll be able to follow it back to your own body."

"I need to know, can you see my memories?" Wolf asked.

"No, I can hear you and even see you when we're here in my soul, but I can't see your thoughts."

"I'm glad. However I want you to know I feel the same way about you as you feel about me. I want to hug you but that will have to wait. Big Brother, I want you to be the first one I see when I wake us, alright?"

"Wolf, I won't leave your side until you wake."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Jordan smiled and touched the link. He disappeared immediately.

I came out of the trance as I felt myself being lifted to my feet.


"No Dad, its Tye. Nature is in command of the Thunderbird, the others are guarding the colony while R2 deploys the solar arrays. Kyle and Shock insisted you were a bit upset but physically fine. Mahan then informed us what happened to Wolf. I'm sorry, I was sure I'd completely protected him."

"When the merge was broken he downloaded into me."

"Oh no! If we hurry we can use a memcrystal to revive-"

"He'll recover. I sent him back to his own body."

"That's not possible. Not without a telegem anyway."

"Live for a thousand years and you pick up some unexpected skills."

"Wow, I thought Trace and I were technically the oldest at three hundred." Tye slapped his paw to his muzzle."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not much of a secret when I'm the one that wrote it."

"Right. Anyway you get some rest. I'll take Wolf down to the infirmary and then try to get the Runner's systems online again." Tye said trying to help me over to the bed.



"I promised not to leave his side."

"Is this a Dawna situation? You're scared he'll wake up and go insane?"

"No, I made a promise and I don't break my word." I didn't tell him that I was worried that my Wolf wouldn't return to me. I stumbled as I realized I was thinking of Jordan as more of a third mate.

Tye caught me. "I know how tiring merge can be. Especially where you were the one doing all the work. However, and I'm certain Wolf would agree, you injuring yourself just to stay close to him is stupid. Technically you should still be recovering as it is. Sit down and rest. Brook and I'll take Wolf down to the infirmary and get this pod hooked up. Then I'll bring a hover chair up and take you down to stay with him. While he's in the tube he isn't going to wake up so you don't have to worry about him forgetting about you. As for your promise as long as you're on the ship you're still with him."

Tye pushed me down into my chair and I didn't have the energy to resist.


It took three weeks for Wolf to wake up. The first thing he said was that he loved me, then he locked himself away in VR ordering Mahan not to disturb him unless it was an emergency. The simulation was private so I was unable to look in or even contact him. It hurt, a lot. I couldn't help thinking he saw something in my memories that disturbed him. I made sure to keep my feeling blocked from the link we shared though.

It was now two months since the colony's arrival and everyone was busy. I wanted to be helping but everyone insisted I supervise operations from the Shadow Runner. All I had, other than when someone called for advice, was Mahan and he was being over taxed scanning everyone's past. So I was alone, again.

"Mahan I'm going to my quarters. Full security lock down and privacy mode."

I stumbled to the lift and rode it up. Once I made it to the bed I fell on it, pulled a pillow to my chest, blocked all my links and cried myself to sleep.

I woke to the feeling of being spooned and grinding. "Good morning, I feel someone's in the mood to play." Obviously my feelings had leaked out and either Wolf or Kyle had come to comfort me.

"I'm more than willing if you can get these damn uniforms to retract."

My eyes shot open and I rolled off the bed and into a fighting stance. "Luca! What the fuck?"

"I wish, but I couldn't remove our uniforms." Luca said, grinning.

"What are you doing here?" I growled.

"I live here."

"I mean in my quarters. In my freaking bed!" I yelled.

Luca smirked at me, "Well, I tried Tye's, bed but it was too full. Then I tried my bed and it was too empty. Finally I tried your bed and it was just right."

I wanted to yell but someone else beat me to it.

"What the fu-freaking hell is going on!" I turned to see Shock, Rin, and Frost in the doorway.

"Come on Frosty, we'll talk to Dad later. Maybe a lot later if Papa decides to kill him first."

"I can explain." Luca started.

"Luca, get the fuck off this ship." Shock yelled.

"Hold it! Luca, please wait in my office. I would like an explanation first."

"Um." Luca said looking between Shock and I.

"You heard him get your tail to the office and wait there." Shock said, darkly. We remained silent until sure Luca was in the office. "Tiger, I know you were feeling lonely but come on. All you had to do is call Kyle or me and we'd have been here immediately. You didn't have to call Luca."

"I didn't." I tried to defend myself.

"Then how did he bypass security?"

"That is a very good question, Mahan how did Luca get past the security systems?"

"Internal security systems are still offline. However the modifications Rin made to the uniform nanites is still working, so I can guarantee you didn't have sex."

"Uniform modifications?" I asked.

Shock laughed despite the waves of anger emanating from him. "While you were out Rin came to me and suggested a little side project. She noticed how most furrys seemed to be infatuated with you. Of course you being the loving individual you are can't seem to say no, so she made it so you have to have Kyle's, my, and now Wolf's permission to, basically take your clothes off around others."


"What? Unfair? Too bad. You belong to us and we belong to you, there is no mention there of other crew members."

"What about Wolf? What made you . . . Oh?" Shock's anger turned to lust so quickly even I got hard at his feelings. "You love him as much as I do." I gasped.

"It's hard not to love him he's incredibly sexy, and his feelings for you and all of us are so, so wonderful we couldn't help but want him be a part of us. That's another thing, why haven't you soul bonded with him yet?"

"We can't. I have a bond with Wolf but it is different than our bond. It seems we can't soul bond with anyone else. My tiger made that clear and I could tell our other guardians agree if we try to add a fourth we'll cease to be individuals and become more of a merged hive mind."

"Ooo, definitely don't want that. Anyway, now that I've calmed down what did we walk in on?"

"I have no clue. I woke up being spooned and I thought it was Kyle or Wolf. When Luca talked I jumped out of bed just an instant before you arrived."

"Last night you felt really down, but Kyle and I couldn't get away. Trace said he'd . . ." Shock groaned. "He said he's cheer you up. We thought he'd come over and remind you that we are all thinking of you."

I laughed. "Yeah that sounds like Trace. Instead of cheering me up he sent Luca to sex me up."

"With your permission I'd like to have a few words with him."

"Are your uniform nanites the same as mine?" I quickly asked.

"Yes but I don't-"

"You don't need my permission, you are to consider Trace and Tye your sons as well. I just needed to be sure you wouldn't end up in his bed begging for more."

"You think he'd try to do that?"

"I think he'd try to 'do that' to me if he could get away with it."

"Mmm, that could be really hot."

"Foxy, don't even think about it."

"Mahan, lock the door. Uniforms off. Alright Tiger, how about you remind me of my place." Shock said, as he walked over to the bed, bent over and flagged his tail to one side showing off his full nuts and his tiny pink fox hole.

"It's a good thing you're my mate" I said, as I retrieved the bottle of lube from the bedside table. "Otherwise I'd accuse you of being as horny as Luca and only sticking around for the sex."

Suddenly I found myself flat on my back with Shock frotting me. "Just for that slight against me I'm going to prove I'm twice as horny as the Sergal by riding you until I'm satisfied. If you pass out I'll wake you back up. No one is as horny as I am." He growled.


I stumbled into my office. I really wished I'd had time to clean up. Shock had used me in ways I never thought he had considered before, and I certainly wasn't complaining. He'd never wanted to top before, but he had this time. When he wasn't topping me he was being a power bottom.

I ran my hand over my hair only to find it was plastered to my scalp with cum. I turned to leave, Luca had waited nearly two and a half hours, and another ten . . . twenty minutes wouldn't make a difference. I was stopped by arms wrapped around my waist.

"You smell good. Is that you, Shock, or a combination?" Luca asked, as he spun me around.

"Luca-" He licked the side of my face.

"You taste even better than you smell. How about you unlock our suits and we pick up where we left off?"

"No, this isn't going to happen. Luca, I'm not going to have sex with you."

"Oh, so Jordan is good enough but I'm not? I was really hoping to be able to change like everybody else."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trace and Tye were talking about how you'd figured out how to use the evolver to create shifters. They wondered what a Sergal would be like unfortunately you only transformed people who you sleep with or are related to you."

My mind seemed to pause at this news.

"Prowl-Ar, are you alright?" He quickly asked.

"I'm going to have to sit those two down and set the record straight, obviously. Now come on."

"Are you kicking me off the ship now?"

"No, I'm going to transform you into the world's first living Sergal."

"And you don't have to sleep with me?" He asked in surprise.

"No, I don't have to sleep with you."

"Are you sure? I'll be sure you enjoy it immensely. Don't think I haven't seen you looking."

"Go down to the cafeteria and wait for me there. I need to speak with Rin and Shock, but afterwards we'll get you transformed. Mahan, would you please present Luca with the available options, when he reaches the cafeteria."

"You might want to shower first. Even I can smell the fox cum on you and I'm still human." Luca smirked.

"Go!" I yelled.

As he hurried out I did sneak a peek and I had to admit Luca was hot and I hoped he wouldn't make too many changes to his sexy form. He was right though, I needed a shower. As I headed back into my room I noticed Shock was out cold. "I finally out sexed you."

"Noooooo." he moaned, even though I could tell he was still asleep.

"Mahan contact Kyle. I need to talk to him."

"He is currently busy. I'll let you know when he is available."

Something was wrong. I could feel it in the link. "Mahan, I order you to tell me what is going on." I waited a minute ant then two. "Mahan?" Now I was really suspicious. "Computer, what is Mahan's current state?" When the computer didn't answer I knew something bad was happening. I headed for the pod.

"Don't even think about it."

I turned and Shock was pointing the lube bottle at me as if it was a stun gun. "Put the weapon down. You're barley conscious as it is." I laughed.

"How? You should be completely debilitated." Shock groaned.

"My bouts of coma are actually my body's way of rebooting. Right now, I'm physically and mentally close to twenty six or twenty seven. Now tell me what's going on."

Shock sighed, "We figured out a way to move Cait Sith without the Runner."

"There are no other ships in the junkyard with the merge system." I insisted.

Shock looked away, "It's not exactly a merge ship."

My mouth dropped open.

Shock nodded. "Tank built an altered space sled that allows the Bad Luck to expand its field and Tuft was built to merge."

"If you're here, who is Kyle's back seat?"

Shock bit his lip. "I promised not to tell. You wouldn't make me break-"

"Oh God, its Wolf isn't it?"

Shock just looked down and refused to speak.

"Last time nearly killed him. I don't want to lose either of them!" I yelled.

"Him. They're in a full double merge." Shock said quietly.

"What?" I yelled.

"Transit complete Furry Colony Two, Cait Sith, is now in place. Colony three designation Haro is still on course and Colony Four designation Kryten is still being built." Mahan announced.

"Tiger, Wolf and I are fine. Obviously from the turbulent feelings our Fox wasn't able to keep silent." Kyle announced.

"I asked question's he couldn't answer and figured it out for myself. Wolf, how are you feeling?" I demanded.

"After being trapped in your mind, this was like a vacation. Kyle's mind is like a comforting chaos and yours is . . ."

When Wolf didn't finish for a minute I did it for him. "Ordered and controlled madness. While your mind is a warm and comforting blanket of good emotions."

"I doubt that." Wolf laughed.

"No, our Tiger is right. That is a very good description of what being merged with you feels like. Anyway, Tiger, Mahan left a message you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes, I- I need to use your memory crystal so you can be Luca, and Vexy's First Shift guide."

"That's fine just make sure they know I won't have those memories. The memories I already have are difficult enough. Anyway, we should be done in a week or two just send our Fox back over here while I send our Wolf back to you."

"What do you mean 'our Wolf' I never agreed to marry any of you." Jordan said, loudly.

"It doesn't matter, you are ours and we are yours. Even if you find another mate you will always be a part of us." Shock replied. "You love all of us the same as we love you."

"Kyle, There is something we want to share with our Wolf and you're the closest." I said.

"Understood." Kyle replied.

Shock and I embraced and then kissed as one. It was like each of us and all three of us kissed Wolf. I pulled Shock closer dropping my hand to play with his cum coated hole. "Ready for round two?"

"Always, just . . . try to keep up with our Drake. I want you to take me hard and make me scream for more."


I stepped into the living room, freshly showered and ready to start the new day, even if it was going to be pure hell. "Mahan, what is the status of the repairs?"

"I've taken the VR computer off line. I'm seeing stray bits of code popping up. I'm going to purge the system and restart with the backup files from before your colony stunt. Weapons are still offline but should be repaired in a day or two. All shield systems are good, but the jump drive is completely shot. Tye, Nature, Tank, and Tuft are working on pulling the backup parts from the junkyard. Kyle, Jordan, Trace, Vexy, Buck and Dirk are working to get people screened and settled on the colonies. Luca and Rin are in the drone lab working on a project, until Luca can transfer back to the Thunderbird, and Rin wants to speak to you privately. Frost is in his room and doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Is he that angry at me?" I asked.

"No, from all indications I'd call it depression."

"That doesn't sound like Frost at all."

"I've been reviewing his nanites and it started a few days after classes started. There is also an abnormally high nanite turnover rate suggesting he's sustained injuries."

"Contact Silverbolt."

"Captain, 'tis good to see you looking so healthy."

"Thank you Silverbolt. I called to ask you for some security files."

"You realize I have to report this request to my security team?" Silverbolt asked.

"Yes, and if I'm right they're likely going to want to know. Search all security video files of students teasing, assaulting, or spreading rumors about other students."

"Any particular student or students?"

"No just give me a good mix." After ten minutes I shut down the videos. "Silverbolt please bring Monte into the conversation."

"Bill! Long time no see. I'm glad you're back on your feet. You are still you, right?"

"First off, how many times do I have to remind you its Prowl-Ar. Anyway the school has a significant bullying problem. Silverbolt please provide Monte with access to the files you collected. I really don't want to have to do this but if things don't improve I'm going to have to rule the school a failed experiment."

"From what I've seen so far I'm filling out forms to have several students expelled already." Monte said, sadly. "I really can't believe some of these student's actions."

"Good. I only know about this because Frost isn't acting like himself. I'm going to go talk with him now. I just thought I should have an idea of what was going on."

"Let me just search . . . Um, that doesn't look good. Silverbolt, please review the security files for private areas and forward them to . . . I was going to say security but . . . Prowl-Ar, I think you really need to talk to Frost. If he doesn't want to come back, don't force him. He was assaulted. If you know a child psychologist call them. If you don't, I'd suggest you find one. Silverbolt, please flag this video as highest priority and turn it over to security. I want the students involved incarcerated immediately. Prowl-Ar, I don't want to say this but, I think the experiment is a failure, Monte out."

"Commander, do you wish to see the file?" Silverbolt asked.

"No, but give it to Mahan, in case I need it later."

"Understood. Silverbolt, out."

"I'm reviewing the file . . . and recalling our medical personnel. Frost was assaulted, quite brutally. I'm going to request all files on the bullies' interactions with Frost and if Silverbolt refuses I'm going deep to get the answers myself." Mahan seemed to growl.

"What's going on?" Shock asked, coming out of the bedroom.

"Mahan has a video clip for you to watch. I'm going to go talk to Frost."


I found Frost on his bed wearing his headphones and reading a comic. He was facing away from me. I gently touched his arm He screamed and curled into the fetal position. It obviously wasn't a single assault. "Frost, you're safe. It's me, your Dad."

He uncurled and looked at me. "Oh, you um, you surprised me is all."

"Frost, I know."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I know what's been happening to you." I said, gently.

"I. . . I still don't know what you mean."

"Mahan is gathering evidence against the ones who've been hurting you."

"Please, don't do anything." He begged.

"I haven't even looked at the video. I want to know what they did to keep you from fighting back. If your self-defense training wasn't enough you can shift into a dragon."

"I- They-" Frost grabbed me and hugged me tight, "Don't make me go back there. I don't need friends." He said, before he started sobbing.

"Captain, I know you can feel Shock's anger right now. Please remain with Frost. I'm going to sedate him for the time being." Mahan said, through the nanites embedded in my ears, so that Frost wouldn't over hear.

"Son please, just tell me what happened."

"I- I thought they wanted to be friends. I mean that's the way it seemed at first. Then they'd ask for little things. I mean it wasn't anything bad and they didn't have free access to the matter generator like I did. I thought they were my friends so it wasn't a big deal. But soon they wanted more. They asked me to get them time in the VR chamber. I had access and the level was limited so again it was something I could do for my new friends. Then they wanted something different in VR, something that I couldn't give them."

"They wanted access to adult content?" I asked, knowingly.

"Yeah, but I knew that I didn't have access to that on the station. They got mad and they hit me. Of course I shifted and they immediately backed off. I told them how I got in trouble and had my access restricted and they apologized for getting so mad at me. I- I thought we were good and we could go back to being friends." Frost sniffled

That wasn't the end, was it?" I asked.

"No, I woke up and found they'd tied me up. So I immediately shifted."

I shuddered and hugged Frost to me. "It's my fault, I should have warned you."

"I don't know what they used but it cut down to the bone. I shifted to my otter form as quickly as possible so that I could heal faster and they tied me up in that form and kicked me around. I- I was knocked out at some point because when I woke up I was in an airlock. Eventually they let me out, but they said if I ever told anybody next time I'd be ejected. They- they-"

Frost shifted to full dragon form and I gasped. A little over half his tail was missing.

"They tried stuffing me into the matter disposal, but only my tail fit. It- It's even worse in my otter form. Dad, I can't stand up in my median forms and I can't swim anymore. I wish they'd ejected me out the airlock. Then you could have brought me back the way I was before."

"You'll still have the memories, but this damage can easily be repaired. Were any of the station kids involved?" I asked, wanting to be sure none of the people I approved had been involved.

"No. They won't talk to me. I don't know if it's because I got them in trouble or if my new- if they were scared off."

I nodded. "You're not going to have to go back, if you don't want, but I can tell you right now things are changing. Monte is in the process of expelling anyone guilty of bullying. Still I don't want to close the school down because it would be unfair to the good students. I really want you to spend time with kids who are generally your age. So, once the colonies are set up enough to have schools you can go there. I can't guarantee there won't be bullies, but since nearly all of them will either be furry or have furry parents, they'll be more likely to want to be friendly with you. Now let's go get that tail regenerated. Mahan, have Luca meet us in the cafeteria."

"He wants to know if you're really going to show up this time." Mahan stated flatly.

I immediately felt guilty. I'd completely forgotten I was supposed to meet Luca right after only taking a shower. "Tell him yes, I'm on my way there now and nothing is going to distract me."


I looked over the information Mahan had provided on Luca's transformation. For his human form all he wanted was to be taller, as for his Sergal form he wanted to be a generic southern Sergal with golden brown fur.

"It's about fucking time! You had me waiting here all day yesterday! What happened? Your fox toy not get enough the first time?" Luca yelled, as he stormed in.

I swung at him. Only catching myself in the last instant retracting my claws. Still, Luca was knocked off his feet and had minor scratches across the side of his face. I knelt down next to him. "Yell at me all you want, call me any name that comes to mind, but don't ever insult my mates or kids." I stood up and held out my paw. I'm sorry about the scratches, they'll be repaired in the evolver.

Luca glared at me, but finally took my paw as I helped him onto his feet. "I'm sorry for what I said about Shock. However, you should have let me know, even if through Mahan, that you wouldn't be showing up."

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry, but things came up."

"Mmm, I bet they did."

I rolled my eyes at how quickly he could go from being angry to horny. "Come on then."

"In the cafeteria restroom? Damn, you're kinkier than I imagined. I can't-"

"The entrance to the Evolver is hidden in here." I said rolling my eyes.

"A shame, I was hoping to find out if both you and Trace make the same cute sounds when you're being pounded."

"Listen there are a few things you need to know. First we need to make a memory crystal for you. Second after your transformation you'll spend a year as a feral. Don't worry, Kyle will be your guide." I said, wondering if maybe I'd made the wrong decision letting Luca anywhere near the ship. Let alone the crew.

"A whole year alone with that sexy dragon? I can't wait!"

"About that, Kyle is a top only. If you try to top him he'll see it as a challenge of dominance and then you'll be fucked. Figuratively and likely literally. Another thing you need to know is that Frost is waiting for us. He was . . . injured and needs more than the med bay can offer. I'm asking you, please don't make things worse than the already are." I deflected his comment, but I was a bit worried if he could be this horny now, how would I deal with him once he had to deal with the rush of hormones shifting created. I'd need to get him and Trace together as quickly as possible after the change.

"I think I understand, what happened to him?"

We stepped into the chamber. Frost had already stripped down and was standing in front of the first tube.

Okay Dad, I'm ready."

"In order to repair the damage you're going to need to shift into one of your anthro forms." I pointed out.

Frost looked at Luca and then back at me. "Do I have to?"

I shook my head he had no problem with nudity, but revealing the damage the bullies had caused was bothering him. "Unfortunately, yes you do. I'm opening the tube to make it quicker."

Frost changed and we could clearly see the mass of scar tissue at the base of his back. It was cracked and bleeding slightly from the nanites being unable to keep up with the damage. Frost crawled in and waved at me just as the tube closed and stared repairing the damage.

I heard heaving sounds and looked around only to discover Luca was gone. Then I heard more puking and realized he at least made it back to the restroom. I frowned and started programming Luca's changes. I hoped he was at least able to keep Frost from noticing.

"What happened?" Luca rasped out, as he returned.

"Some bullies tried to stuff him in the disintegrator unit. Now I need you to lie on the bed over there so we can make a crystal for you."

Luca remained quiet through the crystal generating process and the full body scan. As he approached the second tube he turned back, "Frost is a good kid, if you need help dealing with his attackers count me in."

I just nodded and closed the tube starting the transformation process. I took the crystal to the VR chamber and started the First Shift program as well.

I sighed, "Now to go see how Rin is doing."

"Oh I'm doing splendidly." Rin growled

I spun around to find her glaring at me. "Listen about what you saw-"

"You mean about cheating on Papa with _MY_Luca? How could you? It's not enough you've claimed three mates, but now you're going to claim Luca as well?"

"I'm not- there's nothing- Your Luca?" I asked, as something finally clicked. "You have feelings for Luca?"

Rin turned and started to walk away.

"Rin! First off, nothing happened between Luca and me. Yes, I admit he's attractive, but I was as surprised as you to find him in my bed. Also, as you should well know, since you adjusted the program, the nanite suits wouldn't come off even if I wanted to, which I don't."

"You have full override authorization. I couldn't change that." Rin growled.

"Good to know, but I still wouldn't have slept with Luca. He . . ." I paused I was going to say he was to demanding, but that was the last thing I wanted Rin to know. "Okay, maybe if I wasn't already married to your fathers I might be tempted, but right now it would take someone extra special to-"

"Like Jordan?"

"Huh?" I asked in surprise. Was my feeling for my Wolf really that obvious?

"Come on, Dad. It's obvious that you love him and he loves you. I've overheard Papa Shock and Daddy Kyle plotting the best way to get the two of you together."

"Rin, this conversation has nothing to do with my relationship with-"

"Exactly, I'm not saying I approve of you cheating like that, but I'm asking you stay away from Luca. I love him and I know I can't compete against-"

"Have you told him how you feel?" I quickly asked.

"What? No!"

"That's the first step. You need to see if he feels the same way about you."

"If he does?"

"Then I'll sit down with him and let him know that he needs to exert a lot more self-control. However, you need to be prepared for the possibility that he doesn't have the same feelings for you. If he doesn't I want you to remember it isn't the end of the universe, it'll just feel like it. But there is a worse feeling."

"Worse than this sick pain of being rejected you're forcing me to feel?" Rin asked.

"Yes, the pain of not telling him and having to watch as he finds happiness. The eternal gnawing agony of wondering what could have been."

Rin bit her lip and I scowled that she was picking up one of my bad habits. "Do you think ... would it be possible ... to maybe make a few changes-"?

"Rin! No, and I'm going to do my best to forget you even suggested something like that. First off you can't change the way a person thinks or feels with the Evolver, as powerful as it is can't make a person love someone."

"I- I understand." She said, sadly.

"Good. Now I have a question about your time at school."

We continued talking until we got back to the cafeteria. As we arrived Rin excused herself, saying she needed to clean up the lab. I suspected she planned on building a weapon to use against Frost's tormentors.

I got a cup of hot chocolate and sat down to review the video.


"Mahan, how long unti-."

"Tiger! Are you alright? Mahan told me to come immediately." Jordan said, rushing into the cafeteria. I grabbed him, pulling him into a hug and started to cry.

"Um, Should we come back later?" Buck asked, as he and Dirk glanced back at the door way they had just entered.

Trace then came in and took a seat. "That's new. Prowler, my Prowler, only cried when he thought there was no one around to see him."

"Trace, shut up for once." Mahan ordered, and Trace fell over backward in surprise.

"Everyone please sit down where you can see the monitor. Mahan has a video you need to watch. I'm just going to go check on Luca's progress."

"Cool! I can't wait." Trace yelled.

I entered the chamber and sat at the control board. Both tubes were progressing as expected. I didn't really need to check them. I just couldn't take watching the video again.

A little later Jordan joined me. He leaned against the back of the chair and wrapped his hands around me. "It's going to be okay. I . . . Mahan has been assisting me in learning the skills needed. I had thought I'd need them for you. We'll help Frost deal with what was done to him."

"We?" I asked.

"Buck is going to provide support. You kind of made his past pretty hard to deal with."

I shuddered. "Maybe I shouldn't-"

"Stop right there. You couldn't have known they'd be made real and your stories wouldn't be the same. So don't even think of quitting your writing." Jordan chastised me.

"I haven't written-"

"You're not going to lie to me, are you?" He asked, sternly.

"No!" I yelled without thinking. "Okay, so I still write a bit from time to time."

"I'd like to read it."

"It's not that good. Owe!" I yelled as he cuffed my head. "What was that for?"

"Since coming aboard I've been able to read a bit of your stories, and though I didn't know it was you, I've been a fan of your writing for some time. Saying they're not that good is an insult to your fans."

"Jordan if you're not careful I'll marry you." I said smugly.

"Are you proposing?" He asked.

I seriously considered saying yes, but I needed to discuss this with Kyle and Shock first. Even though I was sure of my feelings for my Wolf, I knew it was much too soon for an eternal commitment. "I'm not saying I won't eventually, but we really need more time together, and I don't mean sex, I'm talking about simple quality time getting to know each other before proposing."

"Thank goodness, I didn't want to have to turn you down. I mean I love you, but as you said, we really should date first."

My knees felt weak, my stomach was tying itself in knots and it felt like fireworks were exploding in my head. Glancing at Jordan I could tell he was feeling much the same thing.

He hugged me and we supported each other. He placed his head on my shoulder and whispered, "I didn't realize the effect saying d- that word, would have on both of us."

"All four of us, actually." Shock said, as he entered. "Don't take too long or I'll propose to him myself. They've finished watching the film. Unless you're ready to risk one of us committing justifiable homicide I suggest you try to come up with some plan."

"I have a plan but I'm scared of the implications it could have."

"Will Frost's attackers be executed?" Jordan asked.

"No, and maybe. Mahan please contact Tank, Tuft, Tye, Nature, and Kyle tell them to assemble in the Shadow Runner Cafeteria as soon as possible. Oh, and have Rin join us as well."

As each crew member arrived Mahan showed them the video before they joined us in the cafeteria. I quickly realized I'd assembled an angry mob. Even Vexy, who I had intended to leave out of this meeting was calling for blood.

"Everyone. I know you're angry and I think I've devised an appropriate punishment. However, as the ruler of the new furry nation I have to be very careful of my actions. These four children, and we have to remember they are children, are representing their countries and technically have diplomatic immunity. So the worst we are allowed to do is send them home."

"We're in space, accidents happen." Tuft yelled.

"We all want to punish them, but as painful as it is we're not the ones who had to suffer. Frost should just about be done healing. As soon as he is, I'm going to discuss my idea with him and if he agrees then I'll tell all of you. Try to remember that we're supposed to be better than the rest of the humans. Mahan, lock down all spacecraft until I say otherwise. And have your drones armed with tranquilizers ready for anyone that gets out of hand." I ordered.

"Does that include you?" He asked.

I sighed, "Yes, that includes me."

As I entered the chamber a drone held up Luca's memory crystal. "All ready for memory implantation. I must say Luca's trauma is unique."

"I don't want to hear about it from anyone but Luca." I quickly said.

"I know that. I'm just warning you not to be overly surprised." The drone immediately left.

I checked the system and both had been completed. I decided to finish with Luca first.

"Who are you and where am I?" He asked as he boldly stepped out of the tube.

"I'm Prowl-Ar Nightiger, Captain of this ship." I said, as I clamped his uniform bracelets on his wrists. "You are Luca Russo, our technical expert, and these, if you'll quit trying to rub your foot in my face, are part of your uniform."

"Why can't I remember anything?"

I finally got the last bracelets in place and his uniform started to form. "It's part of the process you underwent. Don't worry now that you're dressed we can re-activate your memories. Just lay on the bed."

"Will you be joining me?"

I shook my head; even without memories he was horny. "You need to lay there quietly if you want to remember anything, especially all the sex you've had."

That worked. Luca was the most still I'd ever seen him. Once the implantation was complete he sat up. "Was that real?" He asked.

"To you it was. It was a VR simulation to allow your mind to adapt to the ability to shift."

"So I really can shift now?"

"Try it."

Luca shifted and stood up. He was the same height as myself in my human form so roughly six foot tall. If anything he was actually taller now as a human.

"This is . . . strange." He held up his four fingered hand and formed a fist. Then he carefully balanced and did the same with his foot. "Having so much control over my toe fingers and thumb is going to take a lot to get used to, even with the implanted memories."

"Now shift to your feral form." It was hard to read the look of his wedge shaped face, but my best guess was fear.

"I- I can't. I don't want to do that ever again." He stammered.

"I think you'd better explain."

"Kyle thought it was important that I spend some time in that form but when I shifted . . . I don't have any memories of what happened. I woke up several weeks later covered in blood. Kyle insisted I didn't do anything bad, but there was way too much blood to believe that'"

Now I understood Mahan's warning. "Sergal, you may be surprised to know this, but usually that couple of weeks is how shifters spend the entirety of their first shift, coming away with a single traumatic memory. If your traumatic memory is a week without memories count yourself lucky. Now shift to your feral form you'll still have full control."

He looked doubtful but went ahead and shifted. The creature before me still looked mostly like a Sergal except instead of an upright body he was built more like a baboon. As for size, he was somewhere between Wolf and myself obviously lighter than Wolf. His legs were actually longer, more like a maned wolf. He really was a leggy boy. I shook my head at the thought as he shifted back to his Sergal form.

"You're right! I had complete control, but it felt strange, the way you were looking at me, like I was a malfunctioning drone and you were preparing to take me apart."

"I was just trying to work out the most likely origin of your species as Mahan interpreted it. I guess your analogy is correct, I was sort of taking you apart."

"So now that I can shift are you willing to test out my skills? Anal-ize my equipment perhaps?"

"Hands off my patient, Sergal," Wolf said, as he entered.

"Oh, are you claiming him now?"

Wolf seemed unable to form an answer for a moment.

"Does his mates know how you feel about him?" Sergal asked.

"No!" Wolf yelled.

"Yes, my mates know I'm his patient and that I'm supposed to be resting." I said, at nearly the same time.

Wolf glanced at me, "That is to say, no they don't know I've been putting off letting Tiger return to duty, because I don't think he's rested enough." Wolf recovered.

"Tiger, is it? Not 'The Captain' or 'Prowl-Ar', but Tiger. You know, only Shock, Kyle, and now you call him tiger in his human form or outside of the MAS game. Of course that isn't his only game." Sergal grinned at me and I realized he'd seen more than just a few files in his digging. I sighed, I was going to need to show Jordan the house game. Soon if I wanted to be sure there was no chance of Luca trying to get me into bed using black mail.

Suddenly Sergal looked around. Even I blinked because it looked like he'd been pushed, but there was nobody there.

"I don't know who you brought in here wearing optical camouflage but I suggest you ask the Captain about his House game." Sergal was shoved again. "Okay, I get it, I'm going."

"By the way Mahan has a video for you to watch." Wolf yelled, as Sergal left.

I slumped into the seat. This was it, Wolf would ask about the game and of course I'd tell him. Then he'd leave and one by one so would the rest of the family I'd built.

I was surprised when he spun the seat around and started massaging my shoulders. Tiger, I know about the House game. I told you, Mahan revealed everything to me in order to help you. I admit I was disturbed at first. I realized, I think it was about the time you saved the lion and his sons, it wasn't about having sex with cubs, but about trying to build what you were missing in your life. You want, more than anything, a family you can love and that loves you in return."


"It's obvious you're not opposed to incest so if Frost approached you for sex, would you do it?"

"No!" I replied without thinking'


"He's still too young to . . ." I trailed off, physically he was a young teen but mentally he was at least 150 years old.

Wolf grinned as if he read my thoughts. "That's how I know you're not a bad person you won't have sex with Frost because physically he's too young. And he has tried to show you that he'd be willing on a couple of occasions that Mahan has shared with me. Now let's wake Frost before the mob can't be controlled."


Frost slowly crawled out of the tube. He glanced back at his tail and smiled. "It's so good to be whole again."

I handed him his cuffs and he started putting them on. "Um, Dad, why do I still have all my memories?"

"I'm not going to start erasing memories."

"I agree, from a medical stand point it is dangerous." Wolf added.

"No, I mean I didn't have to wait for my memories to return."

"Oh, that's because you only needed to have parts regenerated instead of a full alteration."

"So have you decided what to do with my- with the ones who did-"

"Frosty! Little brother, why didn't you tell me? I'd have made sure those assholes stumbled out an airlock." Rin said, as she rushed in and hugged Frost.

"Sorry Prowl-Ar, but I couldn't keep them out." Mahan said, as Shock and Kyle followed Rin into the room.

"They will be returned to Earth unharmed." I informed them.

"Yeah, that doesn't work for me." Shock growled.

"Nor for me." Kyle agreed. "Wolf, as our newest potential mate what do you say?"

Wolf looked as surprised as Rin and Frost.

"You big fool. We are supposed to keep that secret." Shock hissed.

"Wolf knows we love him as much as each other. If our Tiger doesn't hurry up I'm going to marry him." Shock grabbed Kyle's barbels and pulled him around to look at Frock and Rin. "Oh, right." Kyle mumbled.

"Maybe I should have said physically unharmed. I'm going to punish each of them by placing their mind in VR, and forcing them to stick a limb into the recycling unit."

"You know, that may be considered cruel and inhumane punishment." Wolf quickly pointed out. "I'm not disagreeing with the punishment, just reminding you, you want to be better."

"Your plan won't work. This was a set up from the beginning. I only looked into the children's school history, I didn't think to research their parents. They are hoping you do something that they can use against the Furry Nation. You know I'm good with contracts it's in the agreement if the children break the rules they will be sent home and the parents will be responsible for paying for the time the student has been on the station. Of course everyone signed it without reading it. Silverbolt has been keeping itemized lists on each student. The money would then be distributed to LGBTQ and Furry support groups."

"Dad what would you do if it was a student other than me?" Frost asked.

Everyone went silent. "I'd send the bullies back to Earth with a full report in their transcripts warning other reputable schools of their actions. Then I would make sure they were banned from all our facilities except emergency care. But it's not some other student and they could have-".

"So? I hate them, and I really would like them to suffer, but you have to treat me as if I was another student. That is the burden of being a ruler. It's something Char made me learn. He said if I was going to survive I needed to understand how humans think. I didn't realize it would be true in the real world."

I felt like crying Frost was right, but I still wanted to make those kids suffer even if it was mentally instead of physically.

"Great, I'll prepare a drop pod." Shock said angrily.

"I don't think so. I don't have to be directly bonded to you to know what you're thinking." Wolf said, glaring at Shock.

"I doubt that." Shock shot back.

"Really? You're thinking accidents, like a drop pod malfunctioning, can happen to anyone."

Shocks ears drooped and he looked guilty.

"I'll pilot a shuttle down escorting them home." I said, feeling emotionally drained.

"No." Kyle said.

"Like hell you will," Shock replied.

"I don't think so. Their families are anti-furry and if Mahan is right-" Wolf started.

"There is no doubt about that fact." Mahan interrupted.

"Then it isn't safe." Wolf finished.

"One of us can." I said sadly. "Wolf, you can take them to our embassy in France. From there they can be escorted to the airport by drones and sent on their way. I don't want to ask you, but I know, out of everyone, you'll make sure they'll at least get on the ground safely. The fact that you're still seen as something of a hero in your home country should help keep you safe."

"'What do you mean, hero?" Wolf asked.

Rin laughed "You're the first person to join the Runners who wasn't some kid. Plus a lot of MAS game fans have you hooking up with Prowl-Ar, Kyle, or Shock causing a lot of drama. Right now you are the most popular character in the game."

"Who is the favorite for Wolf hooking up with?" I asked

"The current most likely scenario is Wolf dominating Shock's a- um tail."

Shock scowled and headed back toward the cafeteria. I couldn't help laughing and Kyle joined me only to receive a light slap on the head.

"It's not funny. Shock is feeling left out right now." Wolf growled.

"I so don't want to hear about this." Rin said, as she quickly followed Shock.

Frost grinned and ran up to Wolf hugging him tightly. "Welcome to the family father. No that doesn't feel right. Don't worry I'll come up with something." Frost said, before releasing Wolf and scampering after Rin and Shock.

"At least he seems happy again." Wolf said sadly. "No kid should have to go through that."

Kyle quickly wrapped his arms around Wolf. "And you're embarrassed but extremely happy he called you his father. I really don't get it, but even without the soul bond I know what you are feeling. Don't worry, Shock's just upset he hasn't had any alone time with you, yet."

I stood up and joined their hug. "We'd better get out there and explain the punishment the bullies are going to receive. Hopefully they don't rip me apart in anger.

"Don't worry I'll defend you." Kyle replied.

"And I'll put you both back together afterwards." Wolf said, with a grin.

"That's comforting." I said rolling my eyes.

"Careful, if you get sarcastic I may just do a bit of part swapping in the process." He winked and started toward the exit making both Kyle and I trip. "Of course you could start by not falling apart before they get their hands on you."


As we walked in the first thing I noticed was Rin talking to Luca. She was obviously embarrassed and he looked flustered and more than a bit confused.

As soon as I was noticed everyone quieted. I quickly explained the punishment and then waited as they remained silent.

"Okay, now that you've explained the official punishment, what are you planning on doing to them?" Trace yelled.

I've already told you what is going to happen." I said quietly, forcing them to listen.

"Shock that! I didn't realize the character you created to be my father had more balls than you."

In the blink of an eye Frost was across the room and had Trace pinned to the floor. Ordinarily Trace might have had a chance but in his full dragon form Frost had the advantage. "Take that back! I was the one that told Dad not to treat them any different just because I'm the one they were picking on. Dad has his problems, but he isn't weak. And I don't know what that was about Papa Shock but-"

"Sorry, that was a mistake. I keep forgetting. In my universe the word 'shock' was considered a swear word. However, my version of our father would have-"

"Trace, that was a different person. I was a different person when I wrote the character. However, he would have done what I'm doing. In fact he did do something similar with Dawna's pirate crew." I quickly pointed out.

"They still could have killed you, little brother." Trace argued.

"I know, but they didn't know that. They thought my tail would be regenerated by the nanites."

I flinched, I suspected the kids knew exactly what they were doing and had planned on shoving Frost all the way into the disposal. But I wasn't going to let Frost, Trace, or anyone else in on my suspicions.

"That's it. The meeting is over. Everyone can return to their assigned duties. Kyle, I want you-"

"Of course you do." Kyle said, smiling smugly.

"So hurry up and find provisional Colony command crews so that you can get back to your duties on this ship, where you belong." I finished.

"You heard the Captain, I want my crew back on the Bad Luck as quickly as possible. I don't like the fact our flagship is sitting here dead in space.' Tank yelled, causing Vexy, Dirk, and Buck to scramble toward the door.

"Vex I want you to remain here for now." I yelled.

"Captain, its Vexy, with a "y" Not Vex, and what did I do wrong?"

"The rest of you heard the Captain, move!"

The others, who had paused at the door took off running.

"I think they're more scared of you than they are of me." Tuft laughed.

"That's just because they haven't gotten the chance to meet the real you, my psycho snuggle bunny."

"What did I tell you about calling me that in public?" Tuft asked.

I wasn't able to hear Tank's response, as they left, unfortunately.

"Dad, I'm taking the Phoenix back to the junkyard. I thought it would be needed to make repairs to the Runner." Tye started.

I shook my head. "It was meant for medium ships at the largest."

"Anyway, do you want me and Nature back here on the Runner or on the Thunderbird with Trace and Luca?"

"I'd like all of you back here, but until the Runner is fully operational the Thunderbird is needed to guard the transport shuttles so it's probably best you join them."

Tye nodded. "Trace I'll see you on the Thunderbird, unless you're busy, in which case I'll just take command." Tye laughed, as he and Nature left.

"Okay little dragon, it's time to let your brother up, before he starts to enjoy himself." Sergal said.

Frost yelped and jumped backward.

"As for you, you bad kitty, I'm going to punish you. You sent me over here believing the only way to become a shifter was to sleep with your father. Now, Rin tells me I was sent as just a distraction. One that would allow you to move the second colony before Prowl-Ar could figure out what was happening."

"Hah, I may be a 'bad kitty', but do you really think I can't handle whatever punishment you're planning?" Trace asked defiantly, as he got to his feet.

"Yes indeed. You can't imagine all the things I could do to you." Sergal growled.

"I'd like to see you try." Trace said, with a grin on his muzzle.

Sergal grabbed Trace and tossed him over his shoulder, gave his butt cheek a loud slap and headed out.

I thought Trace was just being his irreverent self until I overheard him as Sergal was carrying him away. "No, I mean it. I'd like to know what you consider to be appropriate punishment for me sending you over here to use sex to distract my Dad."

"Dad?" Frost asked, distracting me from eavesdropping. I quickly knelt in front of him. "I don't want you to close the school. I- I still want to try and make friends."

I was rather surprised. "Are you sure? Once the colony is set up you'll-"

"Don't worry." Wolf reassured him

I jumped. He had been so quiet I'd forgotten he was there, but I was instantly calmed as he put his arm around me. "I'll convince your Dad it's a good idea to let you try again."

"Thank you ... Um, I'm out of words for Dad." He quickly hugged Wolf.

"Enough of that Frostsicle. Go get your things ready. I'm sure Wolf will be taking us back to the station shortly." Rin said sweetly.

Frost ran for the door but Rin waited until he was gone before turning on me. "You are an absolute asshole! I did what you said and told Luca how I feel. He then said I was too young and what I was feeling was infatuation instead of love. While he was flattered he suggested I find someone more deserving of my attentions. This is all your fault you threatened him in order to make him say that didn't you? Don't try to deny it I can see it written on your face. I hate you!" She yelled, as she stormed out.

Wolf caught me as I started to fall and helped me to a chair. "Don't worry, I'll speak with her. She doesn't really hate you. She's just mad, she'll figure out that Luca was right, eventually."

"I- I know, but it still hurts, hearing her say it." I said, breathlessly.

"I love you, my tiger, and so does she. You just need to give her a little time to recover and then I'm sure she'll apologize."

"I know you need to go, but can you hold me just a little longer? I've been so lonely. If Shock hadn't shown up, I- I might have given in to Luca's charms."

"Once I finish with this mission I'll spend more time with you rather than spending all my time in the lab. How does that sound?"

I hugged him tightly. "If I didn't know Kyle and Shock love you just as much as I do I'd worry we might make them jealous."

"You mean they're serious, if you don't ask me to marry you they'll ask instead? I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment, yet." Wolf said in surprise.

I smiled, "I'll make sure they understand. You'll have all the time you need."

"Now you make me want to stay, but I'd better go. I don't want Rin mad at me, especially if I'm going to try to talk some sense into her." Wolf said, letting me go.

I watched him go wanting him to stay, but knowing he'd return as quickly as possible.

"You two really are cute together." Vexy said, wistfully. "I wish I had someone like that."

"Just for that cute remark, I'm going to have you shifting into a small lizard, perhaps a gecko, instead of a dragon."

"I'm sorry! I take it back! Wait, does this mean you've decided to make me a shifter? I'm really going to be a member of your crew?"

"Do you have quarters on this ship?" I asked.

"Yeah, but they're just temporary guest quarters. Don't get me wrong they're really nice but I didn't want to change anything around."

I laughed. "This ship doesn't have guest quarters. Anyone who isn't crew sleeps in the pilot barracks. Is that where you're sleeping?"

"No, I uh have a room."

"Then you are crew. Now follow me. We need to get you changed." We silently entered the Evolver chamber. "First off I need to do a full scan. That means you need to remove your uniform."

"But then I'll be, you know, naked."

I rolled my eyes. "When you shift to full dragon form you'll also be naked, so what's the difference?"

"I uh . . ."

"I'll turned my back, just hurry up and remove the cuffs. Once you've done that step into the scanning chamber and do as instructed." I waited until the door slid shut then turned around and went to retrieve his uniform cuffs.

I brought up the scan as it was working and set the second monitor for the adjusted settings, I added musculature and increased body density to the maximum allowing for a larger final form. He wouldn't be much larger than Kyle, but the modifications would almost allow for flight. He'd be able to glide easily enough, but no matter what variations I tried he was just too heavy. I frowned what biology couldn't provide I'd find a way with technology.

"That wasn't so bad. I'm not a fan of this paper suit though." Vexy said exiting the scanning chamber.

"Are there any changes to your human form you'd like to make? For the record I've already taken care of most genetic, chemical, and biological problems. You'll only need your glasses as a fashion accessory from now on."

"Can you, you know?" He asked blushing brightly.

"No, you're already a respectable size and increasing it will make you way oversized when you shift. This is what I have so far." I generated the holographic image.

"Holy mother, I'm . . . really hot." He said in surprise.

"It might not be exactly what you want, but some cosmetic changes had to be made in order to achieve this." I replaced the human image with his anthro dragon avatar.

"Um, can I make a few changes?" Vexy asked.

"That's what the image is for."

"Okay, first I think a paler green would look better and I want more hair forming a mane and instead of just red I want it to be purple changing to red at the edges."

I nodded "Tell me when." I said as I started adjusting the skin color. The dragon was nearly white with a green tint when he had me stop. It was a bit underwhelming I considered for a moment and then made some changes of my own. "I hope you like this. In order to keep with the established character I've mixed in chameleon genes so your color changes depending on your mood, for now. With practice you'll have full control over your colors. Then there is this." Suddenly the orange freckles on his face, shoulders, and hips glowed brightly almost looking like they were going to burst into flame. His hair was as he asked looking like it was naturally purple, dyed red and it was just growing out purple again.

"Wow, I- I don't know what to say."

"It's how you're going to look, do you like it?"


I sighed, now for the bad news. "Unfortunately, even though you have wings in this form you can't fly the muscle structure just doesn't allow it plus your wings are too small. Basically they help you remain balanced and they look cool. However, with practice you should be able to learn to use them for maneuvering in zero gravity."

"That sucks, but I'll have a tail. Um, will I have control of it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Will I be able to move it around or will it just drag like a lizards?"

I could hear the note of worry in his voice and made a couple of further adjustments. "You'll have full control, just be carful the end is very sensitive. I've packed in a lot of nerve fibers meaning you can achieve climax just from having your tail stroked."

Vexy gasped and then grinned and I immediately knew I'd been right, he'd been thinking about tail sex.

"Can I make another change?"

"You want more?" I laughed and nodded. "This is going to be you so make sure it's what you want."

"Can you make the end of my tail glow blue?"

"Yeah, I think that is possible." I quickly made the adjustments. "Like that?"


I quickly brought up his final form. "This is your full dragon form. Internal or external?"

"What?" He asked.

I rotated the image and made it lift its tail. "Internal or external genitals?" I switched the options several times.

"External, I don't want anyone mistaking me for a female dragon."

I made the adjustments before turning to face him. "Um, I uh, I can't change this though" I adjusted the image and the holographic dragon unsheathed and quickly grew erect displaying its glowing blue penis.

"That- That's awesome! That and the ability to fly what more could I want?"

I shook my head and sighed. "No, no matter what I adjust I can't get the weight to lift ratios to work. You'll be able to glide no problem it's getting off the ground that won't work. However before you get upset there may still be a way. We'll just have to find a way to reduce your overall weight. It'll take some work, but I should be able to build micro anti-gravity generators."

"So I will be able to fly?"

"It'll take some time, but eventually, yes you'll be able to fly in your feral form.

"Yes! That's all I needed to hear, let's get this done."

"We just need to make a copy of your mind on a memory crystal and the process can start."
