What Angelo Wants and What Angelo Needs

Story by wrenquire on SoFurry

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#3 of Angelo's Ballad

As his relationship with Coach Dre develops into something more consensual, Angelo's relationship to his brother develops into something more needy. Coach has a plan that will hopefully free Angelo from his brother's influence. But will Angelo even want to follow through when the time comes?

More horny stories with these characters can be found on my patreon here: https://bit.ly/2JReJL8

Sleeping in. Sunlight peeked through Drew's curtains and woke him. The lean, athletic snow leopard stretched, back arching, toes wiggling beneath the sheets sleep-kicked to his ankles. Another night of nightmares--though, this time he did not recall the particulars. He only knew because his first impulse upon waking was to toss his window the cold shoulder and drift back to sleep. He rolled over and scooped his phone off the nightstand. Normally he ignored any notifications until he had some coffee, but a particular message from A made him sit up with a curse. Angelo, the preview of the text read, Hey coach, sorry, I'm in big troub...

Drew quickly unlocked his phone and read the remainder:

Hey coach, sorry, I'm in big trouble and don't know who to go to. My little brother figured out about our arrangement and has been blackmailing and tormenting me. He's TOLD people about me, at school, and I think it's only a matter of time before word gets out. My parents will kill me no matter what I tell them, I need help. Please

Drew tossed his phone on the bed. "Fuck," he muttered before rubbing his eyes. This was serious shit. If they got found out... Well, Angelo was the age of consent, but Drew would definitely lose his job. Not to mention what would happen when the kid's parents got involved. Drew hadn't asked Angelo directly, but the sense he got was that the kid's parents spared little empathy or compassion for queers.

Then there was Mateo. Drew had seen the little shit swagger about the school, but all he knew came from praise-filled coaches and complaint-ridden teachers. Drew could guess his type in a second. Unlike Angelo, he wouldn't be scared of Drew unless he had some leverage over the exveemon. Angelo would know better than anyone what that would be.

Drew reached for his phone but stopped himself. Not yet. Shower first, do stretches, get the coffee brewing, then he would respond to this. Experience had long since taught Drew not to dive into something till he had time to think over just how deep it went.


"Thanks for meeting with me, Coach," Angelo said as he shut the door to Drew's car.

"Think I'd just leave you high and dry?" Drew asked. He started his car. They met at a gas station not far from Angelo's house. As he pulled out and onto the road, he asked, "Tell me what's been going on."

Angelo hugged himself. He dressed in a baggy black hoodie, hood pulled up. An obvious sign to Drew that his pet wanted to be as small and unnoticeable as possible. Angelo said, "It started a while ago, actually. I just--it was so fucked up, I was afraid to say anything..."

"He's been fucking you," Drew said. He'd seen signs of Angelo getting with other guys, but never brought it up. He could be possessive to get the kid riled up, but he wasn't one to stop Angelo from exploring. Clearly, he had misread what had been going on.

"Y-yeah..." Angelo said, and added when Drew kept driving in silence, "I figured people would just blame me. I'm the bigger brother, but he's stronger and has blackmail. Imagine if I accused him of fucking me to my parents--he'd just pull out all those toys I have and..." Angelo cupped his head in his hands. "I just feel powerless."

Drew rubbed his back, eyes still on the road. "It's going to be alright," he whispered--barely heard over the engine. "We're going to put him in his place."


Drew stopped at a light. He looked at Angelo and saw his eyes watering. The kid flinched when Drew reached over, but he simply brushed away a tear, which turned into him cupping Angelo's cheek for a moment. "It won't be easy. I'm probably going to ask you to do some things you might not like, but we'll get there."

Angelo nodded. Kid practically looked doe-eyed, and Drew resisted the urge to lean over and kiss him. Things between the two of them were hardly normal, but he did have a lot of affection for Angelo--saw a lot of his younger self in him.

The light turned, and Drew started driving again. "For now, let's get something to eat together, and we can come up with a plan to deal with that little prick."


"Not a ketchup guy?" Coach Dre asked before dipping a pair of fries in a prepackaged cup of the stuff. He tossed the fries in his mouth, leaning back and scanning through the mall food court. It wasn't that busy, a few tables taken up by families or teenagers, and Coach Dre had driven them to the mall across town to make it less likely anyone would recognize the pair.

Angelo sipped the milkshake in his hand, looking down at the tray full of french-fries. He said, "Not unless it's spicy or something."

Coach shrugged and said, "Fair enough. We should be good to talk here. For your own sake, best not mention the b-word, though."

Angelo's brow furrowed. "Bitch?"

Coach Dre leaned forward and hissed, "Brother. Come on, Angel, you're a smart kid."

Angelo blinked. "Right... right." He didn't feel smart--just hollowed out and empty and exhausted.

Coach Dre's expression softened. "Come on, eat some food. Spoil yourself." Angelo did as he was told, but he barely tasted the bursts of salt in the fried starch. Coach had asked what Angelo ate as comfort food, and this is what they came back to the table with.

Coach Dre said while Angelo took another long drink from his shake, "I've dealt with types like Mateo before. He might be dumb in school, but he's definitely not when it comes to people. If he was, he'd have fucked himself over a long time ago."

Angelo asked, "So you think he knows what he's doing when he tells his friends about me?"

Coach Dre said, "He's still young enough to think he's too invincible for risks like this to matter." He took a few more fries, said while dipping them in ketchup, "What I mean is he's not gullible, so humiliating him won't be easy."

Coach Dre stopped for a bite, and Angelo asked, "So we're going to humiliate him?"

"That's the only way to stop little shits like this, Angel. It's not enough to beat them in a fight, you got to make them lose so bad that they're too afraid to come back for round two."

And they talked it through, the pile of fries diminishing to just a few scraps and sprinklings of salt across the plastic blue tray. Coach Dre outlined a plan that Angelo not only believed Mateo would fall for, but that would really humiliate his brother as much as he suggested. They walked back to the car with a late summer sun on their backs. Despite the heat, Angelo still kept his hood drawn.

They crossed into the parking garage by the mall, and Angelo said after they got out of the sun, "Thank you, for helping me."

"Don't mention it, kid. What your brother is doing is fucked up."

"Yeah, I just don't want all this getting out."

Coach Dre stopped and turned around, grabbing Angelo's shoulder. "Hey, this is more than just this news getting out. Let me ask you, Angel, do you _want_your brother to keep treating you like this?"

Angelo flinched a little at the question. He was grateful his black scales hid any blush he might have had. Flushed because it embarrassed him to admit that at any point he liked that treatment, but his body did take some kind of twisted pleasure from it. Which meant, something in his gut turned, like he might be lying when he said, "I... I want him to stop."

Coach squeezed his shoulder, "Then that's reason enough to help you. I know it's probably hard to believe, coming from me, but I don't want to see you getting abused by him. All that other stuff, sure, that matters, but what's more important is that you get some kind of say in how you're treated." And Coach Dre pulled Angelo into a hug. The flamedramon gasped against his warm chest, his scent a strange comfort.

Angelo returned the hug, surprised at the sting of fresh tears in his throat. "Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you, thank you..."

"God," Coach Dre stroked up and down Angelo's back. "Don't thank me for this, kid."

A car surged past them, its engine bouncing off and echoing around the concrete structure so much Angelo missed what Coach had said, missed the bitterness tinged in his voice.


"Um, Coach?"

Drew glanced up from the paperwork on the table to find Angelo with his head poked through the door.

"Need something Angel?"

The flamedramon shyly slunk inside, closing the door. He wore nothing more than his swimming speedo. "I, um... you didn't tell me to stay after practice or give me any kind of instructions."

Drew's brow arched. It had been a few days since their trip to the mall, and in that time his guilt about what he'd done to the young teenager had only grown. "Guess I was so concerned about the upcoming meet that I forgot."

Angelo's tail curled shyly around his hips as he said, "Is there anything I can do to, uh, help?"

"Heh, I doubt helping me with my paperwork is what you had in mind."

Angelo now ran his fingers across the tip of his tail. "A-are you really going to make me ask for it?"

Did Angelo really think Drew played some kind of game? He stood and placed his paws on the table, "Angel, I'm letting you take the day off. I know it's hard enough with me asking you to pretend you're happy to be your brother's plaything, you don't need to pretend to be mine, too."

"But... but..." Angelo stomped his foot and snapped, "Is this some kind of test?"

Drew sighed, "It's not. I don't want to force this on you anymore."

"What if I want it?"

Drew gawked at the boy.

Angelo hugged himself and admitted, "I hate that doing things with my brother feels good, hate myself, but with you..." Angelo paused, staring at Drew before he muttered, "With you I feel just good, and I... I know you're not going to hurt me, I bet you won't even tell my parents a thing if I quit the swim team and tell you to fuck off." Then he glared and tugged down the speedo to show the cock cage he wore, which glistened with pent up precum, "Besides! You're the one who made me like this. Y-you should at least take responsibility for me!"

Drew really was speechless, but his pet's accusation: "You made me like this..." Drew had shaped and sculpted Angelo's body. Hours of swim training leaving the once gangly teen athletic with refined muscle that looked so good under those fine, silver and black scales. That needy, caged cock leaked still, with Angelo's tail raised, no doubt his pucker itchy, needing to be spread and filled. Drew had trained this boy to be _his_prize slut, and knowing Angelo wanted him back, wanted more of that treatment, made Drew hornier than he had any right to be. His breath caught in his throat, sheath fattening up with his rising pulse.

"W-well?" Angelo asked. "You just gonna stare at me?"

Drew lunged at his student. A big cat's predatory instincts made him move so fast Angelo barely had time to flinch before he'd been swept up in the snow leopard's strong arms. They fell against Drew's couch, Angelo's gasp cut off by his coach's maw. Drew's domineering kiss made the boy melt in his arms. A mewling, quivering mess of teenage lust that hungrily kissed him back, gladly rubbing his tastebuds against Drew's scratchy tongue.

Drew's muzzle pecked down Angelo's jaw to his throat. His tongue scraped across sensitive scales, following the line where black turned silver. The boy's neck arched into the gentle bite that followed. "Coach," Angelo breathed.

Drew pushed himself off to look Angelo square in the eyes. "Dre."

Now Angelo hesitated. "N-not Coach or Master?"

Drew cupped his cheek. "There'll be times for that." He kissed the boy again and spoke what he felt, "Right now, though, I want to hear you call me by my name."

"Dre..." Angelo said it and laughed a little between kisses. His hands slipped to the hem of Drew's tank top and yanked it off with Drew's help. Those hands went to his chest and fur, teasing the barbell piercings on his nipples for just a moment before whispering, "Dre... God, just saying your name..."

Drew's erection fought with his jock for freedom. He kissed down Angelo's cheek and whispered in his ear, "It get you hot to say it, Angel?"

Angelo hugged him close, hips humping against the bulge in his gym shorts. "I just feel so... special. Like I'm the only student who gets to call you that."

Drew actually chuckled. He kissed Angelo's temple, hips grinding back against the boy's. Lust and affection wrestled through his chest in equal bouts. He whispered, "You are special, boy. For more than just your ass." He groped that fine little bubble butt in his paws.

"Fuck, Dre, I need you inside of me," Angelo whined, humping blindly against his coach.

Drew obliged, his other paw tugging down his shorts and jock. He kicked both off, sitting up on his knees. He took a moment to admire the view: his barbed cock leaking precum across Angelo's messy cage; the muscles under the boy's silver scales tense with need. Angelo's obvious lust fogged over his eyes as he panted, looking up at his coach. A slight sheen of drool on the corner of his lips glistened from their messy kiss.

As he took Angelo's legs in his paws and spread him, Drew asked, "You know how many men would line up wanting a piece of you?"

"N-no..." Angelo looked away. "How..." he took a breath, forcing himself to ask, "How many?"

Drew's paws shifted to Angelo's hamstrings, pushing him back on the couch, ass tilted toward the ceiling. A small, silicone hook dug into the boy's taint, the handle to a plug Angelo must have worn to school.

He licked his chops, eyeing that clenching rim as he said, "If people knew what I did, Angel, guys would beg me for a chance to use you." He grabbed the hook between finger and thumb, twisting it. Angelo's tail twitched, followed by a whimper. Drew continued, "You're not interested in just any guy, though, are you?"

"N-no," Angelo breathed.

Drew's balls ached. He wanted to yank out the plug and plough his boy now, but he held back. Agonizing for both males, he slowly eased the plug from Angelo's ass. That tender bud yawned open around the purple silicone, wider and wider till it reached the plug's apex: just a little less thick than the barbed cock now leaking over Angelo's tail.

Drew stopped the plug there and locked his gaze with his student. "Who do you want?" he growled.


"Say my name, Angel."

"You Dre! I want you--ahh!"

Drew ripped the plug from Angelo's body. He tossed it back on the floor, where it bounced and rolled across the tile. They barely noticed--Drew already lined his barbed prick up with Angelo's needy pucker. That hole remained slightly agape, blushing red under the silver scales and winking until Drew's rod wedged against it. Angelo grabbed his legs by the pits of his knees to keep himself spread, taking a deep breath. Drew could see him trying to relax himself, but he did not try to be gentle. He knew what his boy wanted.

Angelo groaned as Drew slammed into him. Only half his length forced its way inside on the first thrust. Angelo clenched soon as he got penetrated, halting his coach's advance. Drew, snarling at the reflexive resistance, yanked backwards and rammed his hips against his boy. This time Angelo yielded with little more than a yelp, his body melting around that prick.

Drew fell against his student in a mating press. He let his dick bask in Angelo's tight heat. His boy's walls contracted around his shaft. Drew grabbed Angelo's head and yanked the boy into a hard, passionate kiss. Angelo shuddered and squealed, his mouth full of snow leopard tongue. Drew started working his hips at the same time, lifting and lowering, heavy nuts slapping that silver to black rear. Angelo tilted his muzzle and forced his tongue in Drew's mouth. The boy rarely took this kind of initiative. He released his legs and let Drew's weight keep him in place, opting to grab Drew's back, fists full of grey fur, trying to hold his coach closer.

Drew could not remember Angelo ever needing him like this. So obviously. So readily. No teasing or training or coercing, just raw lust and want. It made Drew's heart race. He wrapped his arms around Angelo, to show he wanted the boy just as badly. He worked his hips faster, plugging away at Angelo's asshole. He made a mess of it, his barbs scraping and inflaming that flesh, making it more tender. Angelo writhed against him, blindly trying to hump up against his coach while their tongues continued to wrestle with each other.

Angelo broke the kiss when he came. Drew knew because the boy went rigid against him, freezing up one moment before he groaned and squealed. Cum, in sloppy, weak spurts, jetted out between his cock cage. Spunk matted Drew's fur, washed across Angelo's scales, and filled the room with the smell of ripe, pent up teenager. Angelo relaxed a little, huffing, panting, "Oh god, Dre... oh fuck..."

Hearing his name like that, it made Drew's balls clench. He growled, "Feels good, getting bred, don't it?"

"So good, hah, I love it," Angelo whined while Drew's cock see-sawed out his abused rim. On every backwards tug, precum leaked from his rim, pooling on his tail, getting soaked up by the furry balls slapping against it. Sticky filaments connected their bodies, glistening arousal evidencing Drew's impending orgasm.

"I'm, hnnf, close, Angel."

"God Dre..." Angelo kissed his neck, nuzzled into Drew cheek and whispered, "Please Dre! Breed me, knock me up."

"Fu-fucking hell, boy," Drew snarled. The thought of breeding his student, really knocking him up, the evidence of their affair becoming more obvious with every day, threw Drew over the edge. He yowled before clamping his jaw down on Angelo's collarbone. His fangs punched through scales and he tasted the boy's blood as he marked him.

Angelo screamed. Pained and pleasured as Drew hilted and came. Angelo locked legs and arms around his teacher, ass clenching as he was bred. Drew's dick twitched and flooded the boy's bowels with virile spunk. More than enough to knock him up if such a thing was possible. A perverted fantasy both males shared while rope after rope of snow leopard sperm filled the teen. It was such a simple romp for the pair, but Drew could not remember the last time he came so hard with Angelo. His balls clenched and dropped against that silver butt. Cum eventually leaked in thick, pearly gobs around Drew's shaft, seeping into the sheath flattened against the boy, down those silver scales.

Drew came back to reality with Angelo shuddering against him, still holding him tight and whispering, "Thank you... thank you, thank you, thank you."

He blinked, maw almost full of his student's blood. Drew swallowed and released him, cursing and trying to pull back, but Angelo clung onto him. He said, "We got to get this cleaned up, Angel."

"Do we?" Angelo asked. "I... I like having it."

Drew frowned. "If we just let it bleed and scab over you're going to be marked for days. It'll scar for sure. You can't swim--"

"I'll say some girl did it," Angelo insisted. "Please Dre. Wh-when we're at practice, at the next meet, I want people to see it." He clenched around Drew's spent cock upon saying that. Angelo kissed him, licking Drew's lips and teeth, cleaning the blood that stained his muzzle. "I like tasting it on you. My blood, I mean."

By now, the bleeding had slowed. Angelo's body took care of itself, in a few more minutes the teeth marks on his collar would scab over, then scar over. It had been years since Drew had bit someone like that. He'd been careful with Angelo, knowing the boy had no fur to hide such markings.

Drew sighed, "If it's what you want, I won't stop you."

"Do you not want me to have it?"

"I want you to be safe, Angel. And I worry about you having that."

"Don't," Angelo said. "I know a girl who I can blame it on, and she's homeschooled, so no one here has to know."

"And your parents?"

Angelo shrugged. "They already know Mateo isn't a virgin. They should be cool with it."

Drew kissed him and grumbled, "Seeing my mark on you during practice is going to make it hard to keep my cool."

"Hehe, good," Angelo whispered. "Knowing you want me, Dre..." Angelo went silent, and Drew did not press him to finish the thought. Angelo took a deep breath. "It's fucked up... what's happened, but right now..." Words tossed and turned in the boy's mind, Drew could feel it, but he didn't try to guess what Angelo wanted to say. He didn't finish the boy's sentence or put words in his mouth. Patiently, he waited until Angelo asked, "Is it okay for me to be happy right now? About this and us?"

Drew kissed his cheek and whispered, "From now on, Angel, all I want is for you to be happy."


"I'm home!" Angelo announced as he got through the door. He'd spent two hours with Dre after practice, and was so buoyant he didn't even react when he heard Mateo shout from his room, "Welcome home fag!"

Angelo's mother came down the hall from her bedroom, shouting to Mateo's, "Watch your mouth!" Maritza, his mother, was only a little shorter than Angelo, a flamedramon with a blue and white coloring and build that Angelo's mirrored. She marched up to Angelo and grabbed his shoulders, "Where have you been, hmm? You're supposed to text me when you stay late at school, and--" She gasped when she saw Angelo's mark. "What is this?"

Angelo reflexively covered it with his hand. He'd worn a crew-cut shirt to school today and it had no hope of hiding what Dre did to him. He said without looking his mother in the eyes, "It's, uh, a girl did this to me."

"Angelo Enrique-Ricci, were you out fucking some girl?"

Angelo shrank a bit from his mother, noticing that Mateo had rushed into the room when Maritza used his full name. "Yes?" Angelo mumbled.

"Did you use a condom?"

"O-of course--I'm not stupid, mom."

"Oh thank God," Maritza let him go. "Oh my prayers were answered. My son is not gay." She turned and did the sign of the cross and muttered a quick prayer. Then she wheeled around and jabbed a finger into Angelo's ribs. "You better not knock anyone up or I'll do to you what I said I'd do to your little brother. You hear me? I'll use my chancleta to smack your nuts into your throat and make sure you can't ever get another girl pregnant."

"Alright, alright!"

"Good, now go do your homework before your father gets home. I have to make dinner."

Angelo slinked away to his room, only for Mateo to follow him inside. His younger brother shut the door, and said, "So some girl did that, huh?"

Angelo flinched. He dropped his bag and remembered Dre's plan. He faced Mateo and quietly said, "Coach found out about us, and wanted to send you a message."

Mateo folded his arms over his chest. "Heh, I figured. Some message. Guess I'll need to send him something, too."

Angelo grit his teeth. "You going to bite me?"

"Nah, I think... tomorrow instead of lunch, we're going to find a nice little spot and I'm gonna fill you with my cum, plug it up, and let him see how a real stud marks their property when he tries to use you after practice."

Angelo's ass clenched a little at the thought. "G-God, Mateo."

"Heh, you like that idea, don't you faggot?"

Angelo looked down at the floor and mumbled, "Yes."

"Why don't you get on your knees and show me how grateful you are to have a real stud around."

Angelo didn't fight or argue, he crossed the room and fell to his knees before his younger brother's crotch. Even through the fabric, he could smell his brother's funk. That hit of sweaty, teenage musk already had his belly stirring with heat.

Mateo hefted his package and said, "I didn't take a shower after practice today."

"F-fuck," Angelo muttered as he sucked in another deep breath. That's why Mateo smelled so... so good. God, if it were anyone other than this asshole, Angelo doubted he'd be able to resist being their pet. Not when that musk smelled so good.

"I can already see you spacing out," Mateo said. "Faggots like you love the smell of studs like me, don't you?"

"Yes," Angelo breathed. He felt his brother glaring down at him, but couldn't meet his gaze. He waited, his caged dick throbbing in his underwear, leaking against the fabric. Dre had told Angelo to lean into being Mateo's pet slut. To make Mateo believe Angelo wanted nothing more than to be chained and trained by his younger brother's thick cock. The problem with this plan, however, was when Angelo finally gave in to his brother, started acting like he needed his brother's dick, his body truly did start craving it no matter what Angelo actually felt afterwards.

There would be time for regret later. For now, he needed this. Needed him.

"Please, Master," Angelo whined, finally looking up at Mateo.

"You want to see it, faggot?" Mateo asked.

"I want to worship it," Angelo answered. "Real studs deserve to be worshipped."

"You really are just a hopeless cock slut aren't you?"

"Your cock slut." Angelo fidgeted on the ground, tail thrashing a little. Instead of removing his shorts, Mateo peeled off his shirt. Angelo admired his younger brother's full pecs, his cut abs and the clear definition to his Adonis Belt.

"Worship me, then, faggot."

Angelo did, burrowing into his brother's stomach, nuzzling in and licking off old sweat. Those scales tasted salty, with a teenager's masculine, ripe funk. It stained Angelo's mind much as his brother's scent did. He moaned against Mateo's stomach, licking up and down the lines of those abs while his brother degraded him:

"That's it fag. You love bodies like mine, don't you? Can't live without it... I bet if you didn't have that cage you'd masturbate about me all the time, wouldn't you freak? I bet you love being your little brother's pet slut."

"Yes... my brother's so hot," Angelo breathed between licks. "A true stud."

"You bet, fag." Mateo thrust his hips and bumped Angelo back. He dropped his shorts, no underwear beneath. Just fat, uncut seven inches of potent exveemon cock. Mateo slapped his meat across Angelo's muzzle and ordered, "Stay boy."

Angelo whined, but listened, staring till cross-eyed at those fat glans, half hidden by foreskin. Precum oozed from the urethra, and onto Angelo's muzzle. This close the scent made Angelo almost dizzy. He felt drool building in his mouth, so much so he quickly needed to swallow. Mateo smelled so different from Dre. His brother didn't mind skipping a shower, letting his smell build up just to make Angelo clean his cock for him. Mateo simply smelled _stronger_than Dre on days he didn't shower. That musk overwhelming. Angelo's eyes became half-lidded, his breaths labored as his nostrils flared against that thick, throbbing shaft. If Mateo could somehow force his scent on Angelo all the time, he wondered if he would ever be anything but his younger brother's pet slut.

"God, look at you. I've never known anyone who loves cock like you. Can't believe I used to put work into getting my dick wet when I should have just broken your ass a long time ago." Mateo rubbed Angelo's scalp and asked like he spoke to a dog, "Who's my good mindbroken bitch, hmm?"

"M... me..."

"That's right faggot, it's you. Bet your fucking coach pales in comparison, huh?"

"He does," Angelo responded, but felt the lie coil around in his guts. Only for a moment--another deep breath of Mateo's musk washed the guilt away. Besides, this is what Dre wanted for him, right? To be here. To be used. Like a good pet is supposed to be.

"Clean me, faggot."

Angelo reacted automatically to the order. He nuzzled into Mateo's heavy nuts. The white scrotum was bigger than Dre. The only part of Mateo that really was, and Angelo couldn't deny how much his body burned as he lapped up the sweat on those heavy orbs. Each nut sharp with a metallic salt taste to them. Those musky, teenage pheromones touched Angelo's tastebuds and zapped straight to the pleasure centers of his brain. He scooped one of the fat testes into his maw and suckled, moaning so loudly he risked his mother hearing him. He could care less about getting caught at the moment, didn't have the foresight with his brother's musky balls blocking out every thought.

Completely surrendered to his brother, he tongued every fold of that scaly scrotum before Mateo grabbed him by the snout. His brother lined Angelo up to that wondrous, fat breeding tool. He opened his maw in time for Mateo to slam the flamedramon's face into his hips. Mateo quietly cursed while Angelo let out a delighted, choked squeal. The raunchy taste of his brother's cock overwhelmed him so much his balls clenched. Tiny spurts of cum leaked from his cock. Not quite the orgasm he might get in other circumstances, but Mateo got him so worked up that his body seized with pleasure just with that first thrust.

"God, faggot, I'll, hnng, never get tired of this maw." Mateo grabbed Angelo's head in both hands. He had no time to savor the taste of Mateo's precum. To wedge his tongue between his stud's glans and foreskin to taste that potent, acrid flavor. No, this was not about his pleasure but his brother's, his master's.

Mateo yanked Angelo's head back and slammed that muzzle back into his crotch. Those pendulous balls smacked against his jaw. Mateo grunted and started working his older brother like a sex toy. Angelo's maw and throat no more than a mewling fleshlight to the younger, domineering boy. Angelo swallowed and gagged around the prick that ploughed him. So much so fast it made his throat burn. A good kind of sting that just made him hotter, needier for his brother. He had learned to love the feeling of servicing cock like this. To service his younger brother, taking choking breaths overpowered by teenage musk. His drool coated Mateo's crotch as drool sloppily leaked around his muzzle, smeared there every time his lips smacked Mateo's scales.

Mateo grunted and bent double. "Fuck." He hilted inside Angelo, choking his older brother with his rod. That cock twitched, Mateo's balls drawn tight--clearly his brother held back his orgasm. With another curse, Mateo snatched Angelo's snout and ripped his cock free, grabbing it by its base. "Beg," Mateo snarled.

"Please, Master," Angelo whined. "I need your cum so bad..." he squirmed, his soft, worthless dick throbbing in the confines of its cage. "I have to smell it, taste it, I can't live without it. Please Master, I need my brother's stud cum--"

Mateo didn't jerk his dick, merely held it at the edge until his older brother's begging sent him over the edge. That first thick rope of sperm splashed a ribbon across Angelo's snout. His begging broke into a moan as the pungent smell of teenage cum made Angelo's dick throb and ooze more weak spouts of seed. He opened his maw wide, and Mateo slapped his mushroom head right on Angelo's tongue. More spunk flooded across Angelo's tongue. That virile, masculine flavor thick with globs of protein that pooled inside his maw, leaked out the corners of his lips, and made Angelo's orgasm pick up in force, drawing it out until there was a clear stain on the front of his shorts.

Mateo turned his head as the front door opened. Angelo wouldn't have even noticed except Mateo said, "Looks like dad's home." Mateo's orgasm tapered off. He removed his dick and jerked his shaft over Angelo's face, and he allowed his younger brother to mark him with more droplets of cum. He closed his eyes and swished and savored those thick, cummy wads of seed in his mouth before finally swallowing his brother's precious semen.

Mateo finished with a sigh, and Angelo heard his parents now talking in the kitchen. His heart sank a little as Mateo began pulling on his shorts.

"Too bad you got home late, we'll have to fucking you for when mom and dad go to bed."

Angelo blinked. "Yeah... I-I guess so."

"Aww, disappointed, faggot?"

Angelo blushed and mumbled, "Yes..."

"Heh, we could take the risk, but you know how nosy dad can be. Although," Mateo cupped Angelo's chin, smirking, "I bet we could convince dad not to freak out if we let him use you, too."

A shiver went down Angelo's spine. "D-don't joke about that."

"Getting you too worked up, faggot? I've seen his dick, you know. It's bigger than mine, for now at least. Figure in a few more years I'll be just as big if not bigger."

As if summoned, they heard their father shout, "Angel! Get out here and lemme see what that girl did to you!"

Mateo chuckled. "Maybe some other time."

Flustered to the point of shaking, Angelo scrambled to clean the cum off his face and change his shorts before his father barged into his room.

"Always Near My Dear" Extended

A full moon always drew me out on wistful walks. The Tumamoc Hiking Trail wasn't far, and at night the whole, rocky hillside emptied out. I liked that. Just the quiet of coyotes, the occasional brush of air, the sharp chill biting my ankles. I had...

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"Always Near My Dear"

A full moon always drew me out on wistful walks. The Tumamoc Hiking Trail wasn't far, and at night the whole, rocky hillside emptied out. I liked that. Just the quiet of coyotes, the occasional brush of air, the sharp chill biting my ankles. I had...

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Breaking the Father

"You going to cum for me, kitten?" Husk growled in Nimble's ear. The blushing cheetah was crushed into a bed of animal skins by Husk's larger bulk. The hyena laid across his back, a finger working in and out of Nimble's cum-slick asshole. The yeen's...

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