Kirara's Surprise Part 5

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#5 of A Boy, A Fox, and A Confession

A day had passed since my last encounter with the fox demon, Shippo and the dog demon, Inuyasha. The urine stain from Shippo was gone off my back, but a small scent lingered on my fur for quite some time. During the night, the fox asked me too fly him back to the flower patch, where we first pleasured each other for our first time, I gladly accepted, hoping the thoughts on his mind were also the thoughts on mine.

I flew closer too the grass, as he jumped off my back a few feet above ground. I changed into my smaller, more vulnerable form, as Shippo looked at my golden fur and smiled. "Kirara, I hope this place can be here forever, so we can have fun for as long as we can!" I hear him blurt out, followed by putting his hands behind his head as he flopping into the flowerbed lazily. I did the same, with no cares within my mind.

The smell of flowers reigned over the area like a sheet of scented oils, waiting to be smelled. Just when I got comfortable with Shippo, who was now snuggling underneath my tails, a ten-foot demon jumped toward us! He was dark blue skinned, red eyes and wielding a club in his right hand. Transforming, I readied myself too protect the one I loved, even if it meant dying. Then Shippo surprised even me with his next stunt. He jumped on my back and yelled, "Let's get him Kirara!" I couldn't believe my ears. He was going too fight by my side. The only thing I could do is simply smile happily, mew, and attack!

I approached the demon with a fierce look in my eyes, though Shippo was slightly scared. I circled the demon with incredible speeds, the fox barely holding on. The attacker seemed confused, swinging his club in a raged fashion at us, barely missing. I made my move after his attack by pouncing on his back, then biting into the back of his left shoulder. I was shaken off him a few seconds later, flying in the air, striking the ground harder than I would have hoped. Injuring my ability too stand, Shippo landed on the ground beside the monstrosity, as he yelled "How dare you hurt Kirara like that!"

I watched in amazement as Shippo defended me when I was lying, nearly paralyzed on the ground. First, he attacked the club using fire bombs, then went straight into a swift run towards his legs. The demon swung at him, missing only by a few inches. By this time, Shippo jumped into the air and struck with more fire bombs, then his finisher, smashing top! The enemy took a sudden plunge too the ground from the weight of the magical top. I got up and ran toward Shippo, giving the demon a strong finishing blow, a sharp claw too the heart.

Ending his life, my forceful attack pierced through tough hide, littering my paw with dark red blood. Shippo was panting from his constant agility and swift strategy, but praised my finisher as if I did all the work. I removed my hand from the body, and made my way too the fox. I transformed into my weaker form, giving him a soft hug for all his hard fighting, followed by a soft lick too the face. He smiled and hugged back. We realized my hand was still bloody but just the tip of my paw. Shippo took care of it by taking off his shirt and using it like a bandage, wiping off the blood from my fur. I thanked him with a simple, joyous mew, as he gave me a soft peck on the lips shortly after.

Only minutes passed between Shippo's glorious fight, and our relaxation in the brightly colored flower patch.

I laid on my back staring at the beautiful stars that shone with still beauty, when I suddenly felt something on my chest, followed by a sensitive feeling. It was Shippo suckling on my left breast. He was sucking very slowly, but I relaxed as much as possible, without tensing. It felt good, sending a tingle through my upper body, while another wave of pleasure struck me when he touched my sensitive clit that was now exposed too him.

He continued rubbing with gracious strokes of his left hand, sending unbelievable amounts of pleasure running through my body and up my spine. His fingers became wet with my juices, as he stopped temporarily to lick his fingers clean right before my eyes. After I calmed down slightly, he moved closer between my hind legs taking one accurate, slow lick towards my clit, almost sending me over the edge.

I could barely hold it in any longer. My breathing was ascending faster, fur standing on end. Shippo's licking never increasing speed since the beginning, making sure I could get the most of my incredible pleasure. With one swift flick of his swirling tongue, I let out my loudest roar, and squirmed almost uncontrollably, losing myself through a wet orgasm, leaking my wet fluids into Shippo's awaiting mouth.

The flowers beneath my lower body were covered with white substances, along with my pink opening, and the fox's lips. It took me several minutes to calm down from my heavy panting. The fox was overlooking my spread legs and exposed body, smiling happily cleaning off his lips with his tongue. I looked into his bright, blue eyes, sharing our emotions with only a simple glance. Shortly after, he broke the lock to look around into the darkening skies and beautiful flowers.

With Shippo ready too explode, I took action. I loosened the dark blue strap too his pants, revealing his small, fully erect member. He was already dripping from the time spent pleasuring my body. I licked the cum from him, then moved toward his upper body sucking on small nipples, returning his favour. Shippo 's tail was wagging back and forth slowly, toes curling and uncurling. I stopped from sucking for a moment, to lick the grinning kitsune on the cheek. From a small glance, I noticed his eyes were closed shut with intense force, my best sign he was growing closer and closer.

I started grinding my soft belly against his stiff foxhood, more pre seeping out, staining my underbelly with stickiness. He had very quick moans by this point. He was only seconds away from finishing when I quickened my pace. After my struggle for Shippo's orgasm, he finally gave in, squirting semen all over my stomach. "Oww Kirara!" he screamed toward me, having a noticeably bigger orgasm than before. My grinding stopped shortly after he stopped squirming from his pleasure. I looked into his eyes like before, as if I was asking, "How was that?"

"Kirara, that was..." Shippo started, losing track of words through panting. I lay down on my back, my head between his legs, staring at the stars, as he was not so long ago. I also realized how beautiful the darkness really was, with luminous stars glowing within the grim shadows of night.

When the fox was calm enough to move freely, I transformed into my great beast, with the smaller demon jumping on my back. I took us toward a spring, not even a five minute flight away. We landed next to the water as my claws touched the hard dark rocks beneath us. Shippo got stripped from his clothes while I stood guard for demons, but I also watched him from the corner of my eye. Once he was undressed, I transformed into my smaller, more playful form as we both hopped into the steaming hot spring so we could clean ourselves from our fun.

When he was cleaning off his lower body, I caught him off guard by splashing him with a pawful of water. "Hey, Kirara! That's no fair!" he said to me with a giggle in his voice. "You'll pay for that." as he used both hands to create a small wave, getting a direct hit on me. "How did you like-...Kirara? Where did you go?" Shortly after, I popped up behind him, striking his body with water, and then landed on his shoulders with a smile on my face. Shippo gave me a heart-warming smirk, as I nuzzled his right cheek with my ears.

A few moments later, the fox was dressed, I was transformed, and we were on our way back to the village. Our small journey back was quiet like the previous flight, but this one was freed from tension between the binds of me and Shippo. The whole way back, he laid sprawled out on his back, completely relaxed, also half asleep.

My eyes were getting weary from staying up in the night, for it made soaring through the skies more difficult than usual. My paw was stinging like a poisonous blade from the previous fight, but my cure was the feeling of the fluffy tail on my back, attached too the fox I deeply loved.

The two of us touched down on soft grass, only a few minutes away from the village. Shippo was still sleeping, murmuring my name silently to himself. I refused to wake the fox from his slumber, continuing through the village gates, no guards in sight.

I stepped foot into the hut with everyone sleeping but the dog demon, Inuyasha. He was smirking at me, watching me blush. I knew he heard us, or smelled us at least. He whispered underneath his breath, just enough for me to hear, "Have fun with the fox on your back? Looks like you tired him out." following with a small laugh. "Let's get to sleep before we wake up Shippo."

I set Shippo down beside Inuyasha, on the right wall of the small room. I curled up in Shippo's arms for comfort, as he snuggled my body toward his soft chest. The three of us slept soundly with each other in our thoughts. Many things can happen in a short period of time, for better or for worse.

Kirara's Surprise Part 6

I awoke slowly, barely being able to open my eyes. I must have slept for quite a while, noticing the sun was at its peak in the sky around noon or so. Everyone else, even Shippo was up already. I stretched out my fur and my paws, letting out a big...

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Shippo's Surprise Part 4

On the way back to the village, I noticed that Kirara seemed very focused on getting back to the village. I stayed quiet, in case I may have said the wrong thing, but I was still curious why the cat demon suddenly switched from being in pleasure and...

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Shippo's Surprise Part 3

This chapter is dedicated to KitsuneYoukai, Check out stories written by KitsuneYoukai if you like mine. The days passed slowly while I think what I have been through, with Inuyasha's strong arms around me, and when he plays with my body so...

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