Parenthood - Part 1

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Story Commission - Part 1

Logan's grin was enormous.

Not that he wanted to try and hide it though.

He gazed out of the window next to his work station. He didn't really like the building covered skyline. But his beloved wanted to be closer to her parents, and he didn't want to prevent her from being near to them.

He wished he could be closer to his own parents, but his father and step mom didn't particularly like Jen, or the fact he was married to her. His birth mother however was overjoyed when she received the invitation to their wedding. And when he told her that Jen was pregnant, well she almost burst with joy.

He smiled, looking forward to the afternoon. He was going to be taking Jen to the local hospital that afternoon for her three month ultrasound. Jen was nervous, but in the good way. She was happy that she was pregnant, but her self-esteem was starting to plummet. Working for one of the city's top fashion studio's, she was constantly under pressure to look the part.

Now her tummy was starting to bulge with a baby bump, she was struggling to fit into many of her clothes. She didn't want to wear maternity pants to her work, for fear of what her colleges might say. So she was in a sense, stuck wearing tracksuit pants, and Logan's old T-shirts.

He turned back to his work, as the mid summer sun shone into the window. It wasn't long before he had to draw the blinds, his dark grey fur becoming unbearably hot. That was one of the few things he disliked about his fur. He wished his whole body was the same colour as his light grey chest, or his tawny brown mane.

As the hours flew by his thoughts returned to his wife, his long bushy tail swishing from side to side.

He looked up from the paper he'd been writing on and looked at his computers clock.


It was almost 3pm, Jen would be beginning to wonder where he was.

He rushed to gather his things before handing his work to Jason, his co-worker for the medical engineering company he worked for.

"Logan, what the hell? You should of left half an hour ago!"

"Don't remind me. I got too caught up in the work."

He rushed out the door and almost threw his bag and other belongings into the backseat for his truck, before starting the engine and nearly speeding off down the street. At least he was only ten minutes from home.


Jennifer waited patiently. She was starting to consider calling Logan and asking where he was.

She glanced over at the phone that sat near the house's stairs.

Ten minutes. She'd give him ten more minutes before calling and demanding to know where he was.

The minutes ticked by, and her gaze wandered down to her tummy, stroking the slight bulge with her furred hand, teasing the white fur. She giggled as her fur fluffed and shifted around beneath her touch. The sun shone pleasantly though one of the windows, warming her light grey fur, but making her dark brown hair almost feel as if it was on fire.

She looked at her watch as she moved out of the sun. It had almost been ten minutes.

She rose from the couch and moved over to the phone. He fingers brushed the smooth plastic receiver just as the front door opened and Logan rushed in. She smiled and pretended to be frustrated with him.

"And where have you been?" She said with a pout and put her hands to her hips. He came over to her and embraced her.

"Sorry, I got distracted at work."

She put her arms around his shoulders, as he ran his fingers through her dark brown hair.

"At least your here now, and that's all I care about."

She felt his smile spread across his muzzle, and he pulled back from the embrace, giving her a light kiss on the cheek as he did.

"Are you going to be comfortable in those pants? It's getting a little warm outside."

She smiled at him.

"Well I would wear one of my skirts, but none of them are really fitting at the moment."

He smiled and quickly moved up stairs, nearly dragging her with him.

"I'm sure we can make one of them fit. And I really need to change out of these clothes."

She smiled and allowed him to take her halfway up the stairs, before stopping. He looked back at her curiously. She put on the cutest look possible.

"My feet are a little tired."

He grinned and went behind her before scooping her up into his arms and carrying her to their bed room and placing her gently onto the bed.

"Anything else I can get for you my lady?"

She smiled at the remark and pointed to her closet.

"My pink skirt, I think it might still fit."

He smiled and got it for her. She paused, watching him strip down to his underwear, before she slowly removed her pants, before slipping the skirt on. She looked up as she finished putting it on to see Logan pulling on a loose white T-shirt.

"You can't tell me your going out in that!"

He looked himself over.

"What? I don't see anything wrong with this."

She looked at the cargo shorts, with a green and brown camo pattern covering them.

"Never mind, I guess not everyone has a mind for fashion as I do."

She smiled cheekily at him.

"You lucky your pregnant, otherwise I'd be pouncing on you right now."


They sat in the hospital foyer as they filled out the forms a nurse had handed them.

Logan was rather disinterested.

"I hate paper work," was his only comment.

She nudged him playfully as the nurse came up to them.

"All finished?"

Jen nodded and handed her the clipboard. The nurse smiled at them and lead them down one of the hospital corridors. Before stopping outside a office and knocking on the door.

"Beth, The Hollings are here."

The door opened after a few moments, and a lightly built Fox stood in the door way. She had silver fur, and blonde hair. Her grey eyes shone with a gentleness, that helped Jen relax a little.

"Hello, My name is Bethany, but you may call me Beth. I'll be performing your ultrasound this afternoon. Are you excited."

Jen nodded eagerly.

"Yes, will I be able to know what the baby's going to be, gender wise?"

Beth sighed a little.

"No with me at the helm unfortunately. I'm not as experienced as some other technicians. Don't get me wrong, I've been doing this for several years, but not enough to be able to discern what gender the little one will be yet."

Jen smiled and followed Beth further down the corridor, Logan following closely.

They stopped outside a small room, and Beth lead them inside, before handing Jen a drab hospital gown. Then she practically shoved Logan out the door.

"We will give you a chance to change in privacy," she said as she closed the door. After a short struggle with her clothes, she managed to get into the gown. She went to the door and opened it, Beth looked over, and stood from her chair.

"Ready?" she asked her, Jen nodding, and stepping back as Beth and Logan re-entered the small room.

Beth switched the ultrasound machine on, and patted the couch that sat next to it. Jen got up onto it and Logan pulled one of the other chairs in the room closer so he could hold Jen's hand. Beth rose from her chair and dimmed the rooms lights.

"Ok, let's begin. Are you familiar ultrasounds at all?

Jen shook her head.

"That's ok, what we do, is use a special probe to look inside your womb first. Then we do a more traditional ultrasound."

Beth presented the probe to Jen, and allowed her to look at it.

"I hope it doesn't hurt," Jen managed, causing Beth to laugh slightly.

"I don't think it does," she managed between her giggles, as Jen handed back the probe.

After putting some gel on it, Beth slid it inside Jen, causing her to shiver slightly.

"Sorry, I don't have any warm gel at the moment, otherwise I would have used it."

Jen blushed slightly, as pleasure rose inside her, while Beth moved the probe around. It felt very strange, but Beth quickly found the child, before smiling.

"So, do you want the good news, or the good news?" She asked. Jen's heart skipped a beat.

"The good news I guess," Logan replied, while Jen was silent. Beth swivelled one of the monitors around so they could both see it.

"Ok, see the pointer?

Jen nodded.

"Alright, I'll point them out."

"Them?" Logan asked with a little surprise.

Beth grinned.

"Yep, your carrying twins."

Jen gasped and looked down to her tummy.

"Really? I have two inside me?"

Beth nodded and used the cursor to point out the two silhouettes. Jen held Logan's hand tightly as Beth went through everything else, explaining as she did so, what she was doing.

After 15 minutes, Beth finished the internal and slowly removed the probe, causing Jen to blush once more.

"Alright, now that is done, we'll finish up with the more traditional ultrasound."

Beth reached for a clean bottle and pushed aside Jen's hospital gown. She tipped the bottle up and squeezed some of its contents onto Jen's furred tummy.

Jen squealed and gripped Logan's hand tighter as Beth moved the scanner around on her tummy.

He smiled at her and wiggled his fingers, stroking her arm.


Jen practically skipped back to the car, and was glowing with joy all the way home.

"How bout we stop and grab an early dinner honey?" Logan stoked her thigh as they drove down the highway.

"Not to a restaurant please. Not while I'm wearing you drab clothes."

"And what's wrong with my clothes? You used to wear them all the time."

"Only because it annoyed you," she poked her tongue out at him, and he grinned back.

"No, we won't go to a restaurant. I was thinking more like take-away, and we eat it at home."

Jen grinned at him, and Logan pulled off the highway into a street lined with fast food restaurants. Jen put a finger to her muzzle trying to decide what she wanted, forcing Logan to drive up and down the street a few times before she decided on burgers.

"Haven't had a good burger in a while," she giggled as Logan pulled into the drive through, and placed their order. When they got their food, Jen couldn't help diving into one of the several servings of chips they'd gotten, feeding a few to Logan as he drove them home.

"Hey come on girl, let me swallow them first before you give me more!"

Jen giggled and pouted at him.

"Spoil sport."

He stuck his tongue out at her.

When they arrived home Logan turned their oven on low and put the burgers, and what was left of their chips inside. He knew they'd be eating them soon, but they both preferred their burgers to be warm like they'd just bought them.

"Mmm, they smell better now, than when we got them," Jen commented as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Logan smiled and poured her a drink, sliding it across the table to her. She stopped it.

"One of these day's I'm not going to catch it you know," She rose the glass to her lips and sipped the cool liquid. "And you'll make a big mess on the floor."

He smiled and removed their dinner from the oven, putting her burger and half of the chips on a plate and sliding them across the table to her.

"Until that happens," He dropped into his own chair next to her with his plate. "I'm not going to stop."

She smiled and kissed his cheek, before ravenously digging into her burger, taking a massive bite from it. Logan only shook his head. Jen could be very un-lady like at times, but that was why he loved her.


Jen lay on their bed reading a trashy girl magazine while Logan was in the shower, content with a belly full of good food and two little children. She smiled to herself as she looked over the images of the slender girls in its pages, noticing a few tops she had designed. She felt herself flush with jealousy at not being able to wear a fair deal of her own clothes.

"Crap," she heard as something thumped in the shower. "Come back here you slippery thing!"

She giggled as she imagined Logan chasing the bar of soap around the shower.

A few minutes later Logan emerged from their bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Your turn smelly," he chirped, as Jen gave him a sour look.

"I think I might need you to keep an eye on me tonight. I'm feeling a little unsteady on my feet."

He nodded and helped her up from the bed.

"You want me to come in with you?"

She smiled at him and shook her head.

"Not in the shower, but in the bathroom, yes."

He smiled and help her remove his clothes from her bulging frame.

"You're going to have to stop wearing my clothes," he said with disdain. "Your stretching them way too much."

"Hey, that's a little unfair!" She gave him a playful punch in the arm and he smiled up at her, then helped her into the shower.

She turned on the taps, and moments later a pleasantly hot stream of water washed over her furred body. She didn't even try to stop her fluffy wolf tail from wagging from side to side. Logan had been a little right with his comment back in the bedroom, as she hadn't showered for at least a few days. She'd just been feeling really tired lately, the two little ones growing inside her were wearing her down like nothing else ever had.

"If I'm feeling this tired with them inside me, I'm dreading thinking what they'll be like when they're actually born."

Logan chuckled lightly.

"We'll come to that when they're actually born love."

She grunted and began soaping herself up, gripping the bar of soap lightly so it wouldn't jump from her grasp. She finished in the shower after a few minutes and with Logan's help dried herself off. Logan sat on the toilet the whole time, working on the parts she couldn't reach.

He finished and she sat herself on his lap. He was surprised, but even more so when she kissed him passionately. He gently stroked her shoulders. She pulled away, both of them breathing slightly heavier.

"Well... that was a pleasant surprise," he whispered, cupping her cheek in his palm. She smiled and ran a finger along his chest, giving him a rather seductive look.

"Would you like a little more? Cause I need some attention."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and rose from his lap taking his hand in hers. She lead him back into the bedroom and to the bed. She sat down on the soft mattress and Logan knelt in front of her, taking hold of one of her legs and lifting it slightly off the ground. He slowly began massaging her thigh, elicting a slight pleasured moan from her. He smiled and worked his way down her leg to her hindpaws, rubbing her toes.

Then with the slowest movements possible he worked back up her leg, stopping at her stomach, kissing and stroking it gently. Jen's eyes fluttered as he stood and kissed her lips, gently pushing her back onto the bed.

She wrapped her arms around his back, stroking the back of his head and his ears. He pulled away from their kiss, Jen panting slightly.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

She pushed forward so her muzzle was next to his ear.

"Yes, I love you and want to be as close to you as I can be."

She felt him kiss her cheek as she reached down and removed the towel he was still wearing. She smiled as she felt his already stiff member pressing against her. Her eyes closed as he kissed her again and gently and slowly pressed into her.

She could tell he was still a little unsure and nervous. But she knew he only ever wanted to make her feel happy, and loved. She was beginning to pant harder as he slowly withdrew, and she hooked her legs around him so he couldn't go all the way out. She didn't even want him to pull out even a little way. This was the first time in months they had done this. The feeling of him being inside her was over whelming. She never wanted the feeling to leave her.

She tightened on him, mostly to make it more difficult, but also to make it more pleasurable for the both of them. He began to push into her slightly harder, not wanting to hurt her or the two precious little lives she was carrying.

She could tell he was getting close, by the way his tail was flicking her hindpaws as it curled up to the small of his back. She bit her lower lip to stifle a loud moan as she felt her own climax rising. It felt amazing, just like the first time they made love on their wedding night.

Both of them were panting heavily, and she pulled him into one last passionate kiss before she was overcome with her own pleasure. Feeling herself clamping down on him, which in turn sent him over the edge. She moaned into the kiss as she felt her husband, and lovers seed flood her insides.

He pulled back from the kiss and they both rolled onto their side.

He held her close, and then pulled the covers over them both, Jen snuggling into his chest. With a content murr, she drifted off to sleep, Logan gently stroking her tummy, and their children.


6 months later

She couldn't quite put her finger down on what woke her first. Was it when the children moved, or the sudden intense pain. Or maybe it was the wet feeling that soaked her panties and pooled around her crotch.

Jen opened her eyes and looked over at her bed side clock.

"Hmm, almost 6am."

She felt movement next to her, as Logan rolled over in bed. Slowly, she lifted the covers to see what was making her feel like she'd wet herself. Sure enough there now was a large wet patch between her legs. Logan felt the cool air on his back, and opened his eyes, looking at where her gaze was fixated.

"Oh no, honey, did it happen again?" his voice was soothing as he gently rubbed her arm.

"I don't know," she reached down and touched the wet patch. In the past month or so she'd wet the bed a couple of times. It had really gotten her down and depressed. But this time something felt different. The fluid certainly smelled like her, but she also smelt something else, or rather more than one thing different. It also felt sticky, not just wet like urine did.

They sat there for a few minutes, trying to figure out what was going on, when Jen grabbed Logan's arm and squeezed. It only lasted a few seconds, but Logan noticed a little more fluid drip from her. He touched it and it felt just like the stuff that was soaking into the mattress.

"Honey, I have a feeling your water broke."

Jen's eyes widened.

"What? It can't be! The doctor said that they shouldn't be coming for another few days!"

Logan stood and picked up the phone, to call Jen's mid-wife.

"Beth, it's Logan. Yeah it's about Jen, look she's had a little accident in bed, but what came out of her doesn't seem to be urine. Yeah... it's a little sticky... yeah and it smells really strongly of her. It is, ok, so what do we do? Really, so soon? Ok you're the expert, ok bye."

He set the phone down, and sat next to her.

"What did Beth say?"

"She said it sounds like your water has broken. She says to go to the hospital, and she'll meet us there."

Jen nodded and he helped her to get into some clean comfy clothes, helping her out of her now sodden panties. She smiled and pulled her clean underwear on. Logan collected some extra clothes and a few other things to keep them both occupied, placing them into a large bag. Then he came over with her coat.

It wasn't going to be winter for another month or so, but this time in the morning was nearly always chilly at the current time of the year. Last thing either of them wanted was for Jen to get sick.

Logan helped her out of bed, and slowly they made their way down stairs, Logan grabbing his keys and both of their mobile phones on the way out of the house.

"Give me mine, I want to call Mum and Dad. Tell them we're going to the hospital."

He nodded and dialled Jen's parents phone number, then passed it to her. She placed it to her ear just as her mother picked up on the other end.

"Hey Mum, it's me. Yeah I'm not too bad, look I have something important to tell you... yeah let me say it first. The twins, they're on their way.

Jen pulled the phone from her ear as her mother squealed loudly into the phone.

"Me and Logan are on our way to the hospital now. Go back to bed and come in later ok, I'll get Logan to text you where we are."

A few more words were quickly exchanged as Logan helped her into the car, closing the door gently, and walking back to the house to get their bag and to lock the front door.


It had been a few hours since they had left for the hospital, and Jen and Logan now sat in a small room. Beth had help admit her, and not long after they had arrived Jen's mother had shown up too, even though she had told her to wait until later in the morning before coming in.

The door opened and Beth walked in.

"Hello, how are you feeling this morning?" she asked shaking Logan's hand.

"Ahh... not bad, we think my water broke this morning."

She nodded and checked her clipboard.

"Can you tell me what it felt like? What the fluid looked like?"

"Ahh, there was a little pain, and I felt the little ones move a bit."

Beth noted this down.

"Can you describe what the fluid you said came out was like?"

Jen nodded.

"Yeah, it was clear and a little think, so I knew it wasn't urine. And it was a little sticky, but I'm guessing that's because it's thicker than urine right."

"Yep that is right. From what you've said, your water has broken. How's the pain at the moment, one to ten, how bad?"

"Five, six maybe."

She nodded again, and made a more notes. Then told them she'd come back in a few hours to see how she was going. That was around 7am, and it was now almost 10am.

Logan had gone to get some food for them all, and Jen's mother sat with her daughter, helping sooth her worries.

"Was this what it was like when I was born mum?"

Her mother giggled.

"Sort of, although you weren't on time like your little ones are. It was nearly five days after the doctors expected you to be coming out before you decided you'd had enough of my tummy. Even then I was in labour for almost a day before you were finally born."

The door to the room opened and Logan stepped in with a few food items, passing Jen a bottle of water and her mother a cup of coffee. Jen took a large swig of the cool water before taking a tentative bite from the muffin Logan had gotten. Her tummy had been feeling a little upset since the two little one's inside her began to move around.

"Everything ok?" Logan placed a hand on her shoulder. She managed to nod.

"They're getting a little restless."

Logan smiled and gave her a kiss, giving her tummy a gentle rub as he did so.

"Don't worry sweet, it'll be over soon. And I'll be with you every step of the way."

She smiled and gave him a return kiss.


She gripped Logan's hand with a vice like grip. She could see the tips of his fingers turning purple from under his fur. He smiled all the time, and wiggled his fingers a little when she relaxed her grip.

"That was good Jennifer, very good. One more push like that and we'll have you first born out."

Jen smiled and everyone waited patiently for her next contraction.

She'd hit a peak at around 3pm, and Logan had quickly gotten Beth, who'd confirmed that one of her babies was on its way out. But again everything was going agonisingly slow. She'd been in labour for nearly eight hours, and not one of her children had been born yet.

Beth's encouragement, and Logan's support were the only things stopping her from crying, but Logan was really the only thing, not Beth, not her parents, no one else she knew. Just Logan.

She shut her eyes as another contraction began, and pushed with all her might at Beth's encouragement.

Suddenly, there was a relief, as she felt something removed from her.

"There we go, that's one, we only have one left."

Jen gasped for air as the contraction subsided. She hadn't realised she'd been holding her breath most of the time. It wasn't long before another contraction began, and she felt the other baby's head press against her cervix. Maybe because she'd already had one, this one wouldn't be as hard.

She pushed again, and felt the little one's head slowly push out of her cervix. Beth's words kept touching her ears, encouraging her to keep going. Logan's presence next to her also pushed her on.

She pushed with all her might, and was rewarded with a sudden relief and little cries, as well as a feeling of emptiness.

She didn't dwell on those feelings for long and a bundle was placed into her arms, and Logan took their other child into his.

"Congratulates Jennifer, You are now the proud parents of a beautiful healthy baby boy and baby girl."

Jen smiled down at her gorgeous little son. She gasped as something else slipped out of her, and flushed red.

"It's ok," Beth told her soothingly. "It was just the placenta. Everything is over."

She stood and removed the gloves she was wearing, dropping them into a blood lined plastic bag that all the other waste had been put in. She walked to the door and let everyone else in.

Jens parents were first followed closely by Logan's mother. Beth helped Jen and Logan to quickly clean up the two little cubs, then wrap them snugly in the blankets.

She picked up one of the two clipboards and quickly wrote down some details for the cubs birth certificates. Time of birth, weight, species, gender. She looked up at them.


Jen looked to Logan.

"What do you wanna call them?"

Logan looked at his daughter, then to his son. His daughter, was from the waist down completely black, but her top half was the same light grey fur as Jens', and her eyes were the same blue as hers too which captivated him. His son however was nearly completely white, with a brown strip running from his forehead all the way down his back to the tip of his tail.

"How about Rebecca?"

Jen smiled.


Logan stroked his wife's arm as Beth wrote the names down on the forms.

"Beautiful," Logan lifted his daughter so he was looking into her face. "Welcome to the big wide world, Rebecca."

He laughed lightly as Rebecca poked her little pink tongue out.

Jen smiled at the affection Logan was showing, that used to be exclusive to her. She quickly traded with him, to hold her daughter, holding her close to her chest, feeling the little muzzle and ears tickle and nuzzle her neck.

Parenthood - Part 2

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