Dragoness' Heat Chapter 10 (Lewd Scene)

Story by Nightdraklin on SoFurry

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Eep! My first lewd scene! Please be gentle with mee! OwO What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

"N-Nature!? How did I....? What am I doing here?!" Skyler fearfully asked as he back away slowly from Nature who is giving him a flirtatious look. His tail wrapped on his left leg as his eyes darted left to right as he nervously asked Nature to stop this nonsense.

For some reason, Skyler woke up in a cave that is vaguely familiar to him. He tried to remember why this cave is so familiar to him and why it sent a few shivers in his spine. Then he noticed a familiar dragoness at the end of the cave walking towards him, giving him the bedroom eyes, and noticed that her hind legs have been dripping something wet.

But how? He could've sworn that he fell asleep on the floor with his siblings in his room at his home. If that's the case, then how did he get here? Why is he here? Many unanswered questions don't make any sense that baffled Skyler as he tried to find a way to escape while slowly giving himself distance from the upcoming dragoness.

He suddenly felt the cold hard wall behind him and noticed the wall closing in on him with nowhere to run, like a mouse trapped into a corner by a cat.

Nature quickly closed the gap between them as she nuzzled Skyler's neck passionately. She closed her eyes as she felt his warmth radiating within her as she could feel him shifting.

Skyler tried to make sense of the situation he is in now. First, he wakes up in Nature's cave. Second, he was about to be sexually assaulted again. Third, he is starting to get horny for reasons known that made him want to go back home and slam his head in the bathroom sink until he'll get a concussion.

'Are female dragons always this dominant when they are horny?!' Skyler thought as he shivered when Nature licked his maw.

Of course, his thoughts were rudely interrupted when he suddenly fell with his back facing the floor and Nature looming over him again. Just like last time, Nature intertwined her tail with his and proceeded to rub her belly against his as she let out a pleasurable moan.

Nature raised her head and looked directly and Skyler's eyes and said,

"I love you~~"

Skyler's face felt hot, which is an understatement since he is overheating. He felt Nature shift her weight on him as she decided to nibble on Skyler's earfin.

An unexplainable sensation made Skyler's whole body shiver with pleasure as he convulsed afterward at Nature's bold move.

Nature learned this technique when she accidentally hit her earfin from a tree branch when scavenging for food, hard enough that she spent most of her days in the forest convulsing with pleasure with a leaking pussy rather than finding food. Fortunately for her, this is a good time than any to use the technique she learned on her love as she enjoyed watching and feeling him wither with pleasure. She could see that he is panting heavily, his body hot, and she could feel something prodding her underbelly. Nature grinned as she was done nibbling Skyler's earfin and decided to lick the rest of his body to his growing boner.

Skyler on the other hand closed his eyes and tried to take off his mind of this event. Unfortunately for him, he could feel something growing between his legs and he is pretty sure that the cause of it was because of the dragoness that is on top of him. Because of his growing boner, Skyler's thoughts came rushing back towards this erotical display of affection as he silently prayed to the God in Heaven to pass on divine intervention and save him from this crazy horny dragoness. He tried to tell his mind and body that this is wrong, but it felt so good. Never in his life had he felt such pleasure. It felt so rewarding.... so good.... so...

Skyler suddenly let out a moan of pleasure as he felt Nature live a sensitive part between his hind legs. Nature noticed this and halted her licking and tried experimenting on Skyler if what she did to him is what caused him to moan.

She wiggled low and pushed her muzzle between Skyler's hind legs, there she licked and lapped between his slit and which rewarder her with an even larger moan from him.

Nature smiled gleefully. She was overjoyed to see that he is taking this surprisingly well, at least, from her point of view. Skyler on the other hand was having a debate with his mind and body whether or not he should just submit to the dragoness and let her fuck him. Of course, like the stubborn person he is, Skyler refuses to let his draconic pleasure overrun his logical intuition and decided to rebel against her pleasurable acts. Although it proved to be useless since his body is already overstimulated. A single touch from her is enough to make him moan lewdly which echoes throughout the damp dark cave.

" N-nature...*moan* P-please.... *huff*..." Skyler said between breaths, although at this point, he is not sure if he meant it.

Nature was surprised that he still have the mindset to let out a few words, even after all that pleasure and stimulation of his body, Skyler is still in a coherent mindset to know and to resist.

' This dragon... He is mentally strong.....he is an ideal mate for me. ' Nature thought as she saw Skyler's growing erection. She stopped her lapping between Skyler's slit as she took a few sniffs on his growing cock. She took in his strong, dragon male musk as she opened her muzzle, letting out her forked tongue, and took a few experimental grinding licks to his growing tool.

Skyler panted. He knew begging Nature to stop will only be useless. Of course, there is the option of fighting his way through but there are a few problems why he couldn't do so. Mainly because he doesn't know how to maneuver properly in this body. He could, however, try to fight his way through her, after all, he's not a simp. He does however proclaim himself as an advocate of true gender equality (mainly because of animé). Female privileges don't concern him when it comes to injustices to true gender equality!! Although, he might get beaten down into submission. Remembering the time where Nature and her sister fought before made him shiver as he contemplated whether or not he should fight back in---

Skyler's eyes open wide as he could feel something warm and wet in his boner. He regretfully raised his head and looked down and saw Nature kissing his growing tool. Skyler blushed as he suppress a moan as his hind legs buckled making it easier for Nature to cover his whole dick with her saliva from top to bottom.

Nature felt every detail of Skyler's erection as her tongue flicked over his barbs. She licked the bottom of Skyler's shaft as a thought came up in her mind. Her tongue flicked some of those barbs making Skyler shudder as she mindlessly quickened her pace.

"Hnggg! S-stop! Na- *moans*...." Skyler couldn't let out a single sentence right as his thoughts were starting to get cloudy. He looked at Nature who seems to be enjoying herself more than he does.

Well, couldn't blame her though, a thousand years trapped in a crystal with no male to relieve her of her urges is just too painful to bear, and now, with a male within his grasp, all of those sexual frustrations of not having any relief for all those years are being poured out to her one and only male draggy.

With a devious grin, she looked up and noticed that Skyler is watching her, panting and trying to hold back a moan. Since she knew that he is watching, Nature closed her eyes and opened her mouth as she went to take all of Skyler's tools.

Skyler blushed as he saw his rod vanish from Nature swallowing it. His body let out a visible shudder as he squirmed. He couldn't believe what is happening right now. A dragon is giving him a sexy and sloppy blowjob, which he guiltily enjoyed much to his surprise. Seriously, What man can resist such utterly erotic actions after all the licking, the pleasure, and the stimulation?

"A-ah." Skyler's paws clenched as he involuntarily thrust upwards into Nature's maw, making her gag a little but continue to suck him hard. She could feel his erection throbbing inside her maw as she started to bob her head up and down slowly.

Skyler closed his eyes as he began to give in and let the dragoness do whatever she wanted due to the lust-filled hormones that is clouding his judgment. With his mind set on submitting himself to the dragoness, he parted his hind legs to give Nature more space for her to do her job. Nature, noticing that he is finally, genuinely starting to enjoy herself smiled inwardly and proceeded to suck harder as if her life depend on it.

Skyler panted, his tongue let loose on his mouth as he arched his back and let out a feral growl. His breathing became a little bit quicker as he could feel himself about to cum. Adding the scent of the dragoness in heat increases his libido as he began to buck back at Nature who is giving him the blowjob of his life.

Nature noticed this and smiled. Finally, after all those painstaking years of heat and loneliness, she can finally find someone to spend the rest of the days with her. In a flash of a moment, she saw Skyler not as a dragon that will satisfy her heat, but as a dragon, worthy of a mate to her.

Nature felt that Skyler was about to cum. As much as she wanted to taste the explosive taste of his dragon milk within her maw, she halted her blowjob on his. He removed herself from him as Skyler let out a whine.

He looked at her, begging for release. Nature just smiled lustfully as she again straddled Skyler in an alternative mating position. She hovered her leaking and winking pussy over his rock-hard erection. Both of them felt each other's tools are radiating warmth as Nature murmured something on Skyler's ear. Although, Skyler didn't get everything since his mind is solely focused on being submitted to the dragoness above.

Nature got a brilliant idea. She knew that he is literally begging to be fucked right now, but after remembering all the time she went through of trying (translated: forcing) to be his mate, she decided to let him beg more as she let her hot pussy touch the tip of Skyler's engorged cockhead.

Skyler whined once again as he tried to thrust upward and burry his already hot and throbbing cock inside the warm, fleshy walls of her breeding hole. He looked at her, pleading at her to breed ber but she just looked at him with smugness in her eyes.

She slowly rocked back and forth, her slit gently rubbing the cockhead of Skyler's as he whined and thrashed, trying to impale her with his already hard shaft. He whined loudly as Nature only held him there smiling at how eager his mate is.

Although, as much as how she enjoyed watching him beg for it, her self-control is starting to break from the heat within her and the pheromone-induced air that she smelled.

With that in mind, Nature licked a particular area on Skyler's neck, there, when she started licking on it, she noticed that his scales are quite soft. She shrugged it off anyway as she licked vigorously on his neck fast whole trying to avoid letting Skyler impale her with his shaft.

Skyler couldn't take it anymore. His body is too sensitive and every touch Nature made on him can make his cock leak a few beads of pre-cum. He whimpered as he noticed Nature licking a particular area on his neck. Whatever it was that she is doing on him, he decided to bathe on the pleasure of it and let his cock drip more pre, coating every inch of its fiber with lube.

Finally, after what felt like years of waiting even though it's just been less than a minute. Skyler, through his half-lidded eyes, saw Nature removing her head on his neck looked at him, and smile. He thought that Nature was about to tease him again and whined loudly. He couldn't handle another of said teasing, in fact, he couldn't even call it teasing at all, just pure torture.

Just when he thought that she was about to do it again, Skyler's eyes shot open as his breath got stuck in his throat as Nature suddenly slammed her pussy in his cock, impaling herself with his barbed cock and covering it with her heat radiating fleshy wall.

As if a beast broke free from inside Skyler, he let out a loud, powerful roar that echoes throughout the cave whereas Nature did the same afterward.

As Nature feel the patterns barbs inside her, she quickly nibbled hard on Skyler's oversensitive earfin which made him roar in pleasure again. His eyes roll towards the back of his head as he tried to get accustomed to the pleasure and release he waited for so long.

The barbs that impaled Nature felt really good inside her, just moving an inch caused her to writhe with astronomical pleasure as she panted, readying herself of what was about to come.

Both of them let out a visible shudder as Nature slowly removed herself from his impaled shaft. But with one swift thrust again, Skyler's cock breached her entrance and delve deep into the most corners of Nature's womb. She roared again as a few of her feminine juices let loos, coating his cock with it as she pulled out again, looking at Skyler's face, she knew that she has been waiting for this moment ever since she pleasured him nonstop.

Without further ado, Nature slammed her pussy back again really hard and fast, pistoning herself on Skyler as her hips jiggled beautifully from behind. Her tail slapped against the ground as Skyler roared and moaned with each thrust.

Both of them reveled in the sensations. Any form of speed that Nature did before couldn't compare to what she did now. With a continuance of her increased pace, both of their bodies looked connected as Skyler's shaft impaled Nature fast and hard like a raging piston that railed her pussy. Every graze of their tool makes them shudder with pleasure and satisfaction.

While Nature is focused on pistoning her pussy on Skyler's shaft, he on the other hand had to have difficulty trying to keep his eyes open while his tongue fell from his mouth as he involuntarily thrust back at her.

One of Skyler's inflamed barbs flicked the outer part of Nature's pussy lips just right which cause her to momentarily stop her thrusting as she shivered. Ever since she has been using his tool to thrust inside her womb, she could feel the unmistakable feeling of her orgasm approaching, more so that she was using his tool to thrust at her pussy nonstop not too long ago.

Skyler could feel Nature thrusting fast and hard, a sign that any clear-minded person would know that her dragon is cumming. He thrust back at her, trying to cum the same time as her, but that didn't happen, however, as he heard Nature roar aloud, smashing her pussy hard as a huge stream of feminine juices erupted inside her, some of it even leaking out of her pussy and into Skyler's.

Nothing mattered besides the sexual moment that they are feeling now. Nature squeezed hard on his cock inside her as she shivered from the overwhelming pleasure she felt. The way Skyler's cock stabbed any part inside her womb caused her to flutter.

Nothing mattered between them except their animalistic mating. Both their sex tools are growing numb from thrusting too much as they focus solely on the pleasure that they revel in.

Nature quickly clamped down on Skyler's neck, drawing a little bit of blood within as Skyler roared. He thrust back at her, trying to reach his peak but that only made her orgasm again, this time, however, her stream became a huge tidal wave of cum the floor is now coated with her pure white cum.

Both of them are now sweating and panting heavily, Nature quickly licked the blood that is dripping from Skyler's neck as he shook and flailed.

A familiar feeling grew from below Skyler. He knew what it meant. His inner balls clenched, telling him that he too was about to cum. Determined to finally end this here and now, Skyler let out a feral growl as he thrust upwards like an animal, giving Nature more than enough pleasure to make her cum again.

Nature felt something entering her pussy, something big and round. Nature lets go of Skyler's blood-stained neck and looked below, only to see Skyler's inflamed knot that is trying to shove it inside her as she shivered excitedly.

Very few dragons are blessed with a knot, and Nature grinned internally as she focused on getting that knot inside of her. Nature looked directly at Skyler's half-lidded eye. Both of them focus on each other's gaze while simultaneously trying to tie each other.

Nature thrust hard once, and then twice. She could feel the knot vacuuming her inside, trying to milk all that male cum inside of her, breeding her and having his clutch of eggs inside her. She let out a feral growl as she is determined to push all that knot way inside her.

She quickly thrust out of Skyler's thick, throbbing and leaky cock completely, then quickly slammed in hard. She continued this process a few times. Lewd slaps echoed across the cave as she felt him shake and shiver, a sign she knew that he was about to cum.

With an expression filled with lust, glee, and pleasure, Skyler hilted inside Nature one last time. Pulling her closer to him in a tight embrace, Skyler's growl became a roar as he finally let out an explosive amount of cum inside her, his knot finally tied them together in the last second he came.

At this moment, Nature was witnessing a collection of mixed feelings inside her. Every part of her womb accepted the seed that had erupted from Skyler, some of it even landed at the farthest back of her womb. Their bodies smashed at each other. Their minds are swimming in cloud nine.

Impregnation is inevitable as he came again, more of his life-bearing seed is planted within her more as Skyler slowly relaxes within the afterglow of his orgasm. Nature on the other hand tried to milk every fiber of her seed, never stopping even though Skyler finally recovered from his lust-induced mind.

"A-ahh! N-nature! S-stop!!" Skyler panted, tears swelled in his eyes as his cock is still painfully being milked the heck out of him by the horny dragoness.

But Nature didn't listen, she was about to cum the fifth time again. With that in mind, she quickly grabbed Skyler's maw and kissed him, her tongue forcing its way inside him as she thrust fast and hard.

Skyler couldn't react in time as his vision was suddenly replaced by the emerald eyes of Nature's. Skyler then felt something invading his mouth as the slimy, wet forked tongue of Nature worked its way through.

With one final thrust from Nature, she then came, only this time, unlike her other orgasm, Skyler felt his knotted cock being covered with warm sticky juices of hers truly. She could feel Nature's stomach bloated from the cum she generated as both of their matings finally came to an end.

Nature, who is still making out of Skyler, closed her eyes and let out a deep and affectionate purr as she pulled her maw away from Skyler, a string of saliva connected from it as she nuzzled affectionately at the bite mark of Skyler's neck.

Time passed, both of them are still connected as Nature rubbed her head against Skyler's neck. She let out a happy sigh as she smiled. Finally, after all these painstaking years, she finally has a dragon that can call her mate.

Skyler on the other hand just laid there. Not caring about what had just transpired. He didn't even care that he became the mate of a dragoness. He is just really tired. For now, and only this time, Skyler wrapped his paws around Nature who's body just perked up.

Nature looked at Skyler, surprised at the action he was making. Skyler just laid there, looking at her with a tiny smile formed on his muzzle as he closed his eyes and instinctively licked Nature's maw.

Nature blushed at what Skyler did. Even after all that mating, after all that teasing she did, never before had she felt Skyler give a genuine affection towards her. In fact, this is the first time that he shows a positive response to her without being in control of lust in his mind.

Nature smiled, she shifted her body slowly, letting out a quiet moan of pleasure at the knotted cock inside her pussy before laying her head on Skyler's neck. Before she could fall asleep, she let out a few words before going off to sleep.

"I love you~."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Skyler shot awake as he let out a manly shriek. He agitatedly looked around him, noticing that he is back home, and realized that all of what had transpired was just actually a dream.

Releasing a sigh of relief, he was about to wake up her sister, Ariel, when he was met with a pillow face-first.


The force of the pillow made Skyler stumble and landed on his tail as he let out a yelp of pain. He quickly stood up and was met with areally grumpy Ariel who is groggily glaring at him.

"Will you please stop screaming in the morning?!" Ariel said as she stifle a yawn. She was about to get back to sleep when she noticed something pink between Skyler's hind legs and smiled.

"And would you please hide your massive erection? We don't want Danny to ask any unnecessary questions in the morning." Ariel grunted as she went back to sleep and covered her face with a blanket.

Skyler was confused for a moment when he felt something moving under him. He looked below him and saw his semi-hard tool dangling below. Skyler blushed and decided to run fast into the shower as he could've sworn he heard Ariel giggling madly from behind the shower door.