Exploring Options

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Third Vignette for Ashgar~

Back to Tizak and Ashgar. This time around Ashgar is experimenting with new shapeshifting techniques. He just doesn't realize that turning his tail into a snake comes with some new .... instincts.

Contains: D&D style Fantasy, Bear-Lizard Hybrid, Transformation, Magic, Tail Growth, Unexpecting Kobolds, Tailmaw, Unaware Predator, Tail Vore, Unwilling-to-Willing Prey, Implied Endosoma and Blushy Feelings All Around.

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Late in the evening, Ashgar sat, cross-legged. The bear-lizard had his eyes closed and was in his more upright form. The druid breathed slowly, communing with the forest, feeling the moss against his tail and the roots of a nearby tree against the sole of one of his feet.

For a long time, he had perfected a general hybridization of his body to the point where his form was second nature, both as a humanoid or in his wilder shape. This left a new avenue for expansion, however. Could he control his body well enough to transform and hybridize individual limbs?

His tail was long, mostly reptilian beneath the soft coat of bear fur. Was it so different from a snake? Not just the body of a snake, but the whole thing?

Ashgar focused his mind upon the idea of a snake, and of his tail, and blending the two ideas within his thoughts. On the forest floor behind him, the thick limb began to gain further girth, extending and expanding. A soft croon escaped the druid as he felt the changes begin to take place, extending his spine and adding onto it...


Tizak stepped across the moss, the kobold coming to check on the hybrid since he had been 'communing' for quite some time. He spotted the familiar tip of the druid's tail peeking out around the trunk of a tree and changed his direction to walk around its base.

However, as he stepped closer, the tail suddenly slithered further into view, revealing it was significantly larger than it had appeared moments prior. As the tip reared up, the fur parted, revealing a wet, serpentine set of jaws.

The tiny draconid hardly had a chance to cry out before he was plunged into darkness by the lunging furred snake. He struggled, feeling the hot flesh working over his shoulders and starting to shove itself down his torso. Tizak grunted and tried to push his arms away from his sides, but another swallow forced his hands to his hips again.

He dropped to his knees, hoping to gain a few inches with dropping away, only to find the maw lunge down his thighs. He keened, blushing deeply within the depths of the rippling throat. The world rotated as his knees were hefted off the moss and his legs and tail were tossed upward.


Ashgar had been focused on the sensations of transformation, warm stretching and undulation. It wasn't until the odd trembling he'd felt at the tip of his tail started roiling back towards his hips, accompanied with another stretching feeling, that he opened his eyes and looked back at his tail.

The druid's eyes widened as he spotted a familiar pair of kobold claws and the tip a similarly scaled tail vanish into a wet maw amongst his transformed appendage's fur. Not a moment after he recognized what was happening, it clamped shut. In the aftermath there was no sign that there had ever been any jaws there.

Tizak, for his part, continued to struggle even as his three feet of height made a very noticeable bulge travelling along the length of the serpentine limb.

Ashgar twisted to wrap his hands around his tail just below the advancing lump and try to wring his companion back out of the hungry appendage. Unfortunately, it was hard for him to get a good grip considering just how much thicker the fifth limb had become. Compounding this, a kobold's muzzle was a bit too tapered, the shape of his writhing body merely spreading apart the hybrid's grip as the peristalsis around him continued to drag him deeper.

The druid kept trying, even as it got so close to the base of his spine he had to reach behind his own back to try to prevent the continued advance. Ashgar leaned forward against the weight of the massive limb to balance, looking quite odd kneeling in the moss with his hands pressing at the thick root of his tail as a wriggling lump sank deeper.

The kobold within kept squirming as much as he could, even as his form became more and more obscured. His snout reappeared once his hips were vanishing into his companion's own, however. Tizak's snout bulged the lower abdomen of the bear-lizard, soon followed by his hands.

Ashgar groaned out, eyes unfocusing a bit as a blush rose in his cheeks. Despite the unintentionality of the situation, he couldn't help enjoying the feeling of having his companion getting pressed into his stomach once again. Indeed, the bulges conveyed that the kobold was starting to have to curl up within.

The hybrid planted his hands on his swelling belly, trembling a bit and beginning to knead. His tail curled and the tip nuzzled along the belly as well, even as the last of Tizak was deposited into the warm chamber.


Huffing bashfully, the kobold pounded a fist against the stomach wall where he felt the rubbing pressing in on him. "I can't believe you found another way to get me in here!" Tizak shouted through the heavy flesh.

The kneading from outside continued, as he felt as much as heard his companion's response. "I'm sorry," He sounded far more amused than contrite. "I guess my body really likes you..."

Tizak blushed a bit deeper and sank a bit into his curl under the continued massage, occasionally pressing one of his feet out to provide himself a little more room. He'd never admit it out loud, but... It wasn't so bad...

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