Paying The Price

Story by KaenEmbertail on SoFurry

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#5 of Love And Pain

A shy wolf gets roped into a game of punishment with the caracal twins after he's caught in a compromising position, leading to a night of pain, bonding and pleasure that he won't soon forget.

After over a year on the backburner and lots of revisions, I'm proud to finally bring this story to you! This has turned into the longest entry in the series so far by a fair amount, and overall I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. I'm looking forward to any feedback, so if you enjoy it, don't forget to fave and leave a comment! <3

Eisla sat on the floor of her bedroom, sipping a soda. She was dressed in her favorite night wear, an over-sized black shirt with a rock band's logo over black pajama pants. Across from her sat the caracal twins, River and Skye, who'd yet to change into their own pajamas. It'd been about a week since the excitement at her last sleepover with the twins, and they'd asked to stay over at her house next so they could see her own brother, Aidan. The twins had always had something of a soft spot for the brat, and she couldn't really blame them. He sometimes got on her nerves, but overall, she was fairly protective of him since he was a bit shy and timid. He was pretty sweet overall. That didn't stop her from giving him a good kick every now and then when he pissed her off, however.

The wolf became aware of eyes focusing on her and turned her gaze to the twins, who had rather worrying smirks etched across their muzzles. "What are you two smirking about?" She raised an eyebrow, her confusion and curiosity as plain as day.

"You know..." River scooted closer to Eisla, leaning forward with a suggestive tone creeping into her voice. "Riley's been pretty happy since the weekend you stayed over."

Eisla immediately regretted deciding to take another sip of her drink, as the moment River finished her sentence, she choked on it and coughed. As the twins broke into a fit of giggles, she composed herself and sat up straight. "You don't say! I wonder why that is." Try as she might, she couldn't hide the blush creeping into her features as she averted her gaze. The mere thought of her special feline set her heart ablaze and fluttering.

Skye joined her sister in moving closer, a knowing look in her eyes. "I wonder if it has something to do with why you were late coming to bed the one night. What might have happened that had our dear brother smiling the next day?"

"I...took a shower before bed, you know that." Her heart was racing slightly. Much as she wasn't ashamed of what she'd done with Riley, there was something a bit embarrassing about talking to his sisters about it, considering how personal things had ended up getting. Her composure didn't last, however, as the twins continued to give her their knowing smirks. "...and Riley may have been with me when I did, after we...had some fun in his room." She took another sip of her drink, staring at the wall as though she suddenly found it the most fascinating thing in the room.

River whistled. "Yeah, that would definitely do it." She burst into another fit of giggles.

"So...he was really that happy?" Eisla's embarrassment began to fade a little bit as her curiosity turned towards Riley's reaction to the event. They'd video chatted several times throughout the week, but it was nice to hear how he was when she wasn't around. Her tail began to softly wag behind her, though she was unaware of it at the time.

Skye caught onto the shift in attention and grinned. "Oh yeah. Little brat was positively beaming the whole week after that. We kept asking what had made him so happy and he'd blush and dodge the question! I bet he was thinking about your tits."

The wolf couldn't help but giggle remembering the way he'd reacted to her rubbing his face into them. There was no doubt in her mind he was spending at least part of the time thinking about her breasts. Hell, after the way things had gone, there were probably several parts of her on his mind. "I'm not going to say anything to embarrass or incriminate my adorable kitten." She playfully stuck her tongue out at them.

The choice of wording hadn't eluded either of the twins' attention, however. They exchanged surprised looks and then looked to Eisla and grinned, speaking in unison. "Yours?"

The white wolf's ears dropped against her skull in a heartbeat, realizing the small mistake she'd made. She was quick to recover, however, deciding that the gig was pretty much up anyway. With a sly smile, she cast aside her shame and embraced the situation. "I licked him, so he's mine."

"Oh my..." River put a hand to her muzzle and stifled a giggle. "Now that explains how happy he's been."

Skye looked at her sister, a confused expression crossing her features. "What's _that_supposed to mean? Do you know something I don't?" The feline turned on her sister and swatted her playfully on the muzzle. "Spill it!"

River let out a yelp and covered her face, bursting into a fit of giggles. "You mean you didn't notice? Our dear sweet brother has a massive crush on Eisla!" Her gaze turned decisively onto the white wolf, who was still marveling at Skye's lack of awareness. "And you...definitely have a thing for him too."

Eisla swallowed hard. There wasn't any point in denying it, but the words felt heavy all the same. "I have for a long time. I was content with how things were, even knowing how he felt, but...he surprised me. He admitted his feelings to me, and I couldn' anything other than reciprocate them." She blushed. Describing what had happened was slightly harder than she imagined.

River gave her a warm smile. "I've always been able to tell how much you care about him. He's always tried to hide it, but...he really cares about you too. I think you'll both make each other happy."

Skye nodded. "I may have been slow to notice, but seeing how happy he's been, I can only agree with River. If anyone was going to end up with our brother, I'm glad it was you."

Eisla fell silent. Their words made her happy, but also very self-conscious. "I appreciate your words, but I'm getting super embarrassed, two can talk about that amongst yourselves while I go get us more sodas!" Blushing furiously, she stood and left the room, the sounds of giggling following her into the hallway.


Eisla's heart was beating fast as she stepped into her family's kitchen. It tickled her relentlessly to hear how happy her caracal had been since the night they'd spent together. There hadn't been a good moment to sneak off with him again the following day, so it had been mostly made up of hanging out with him and the twins. Inevitably, he'd ended up getting himself kicked in the balls by Skye while she and River laughed. He'd rolled about in pain before looking up to her with his muzzle scrunched up and resting on the ground. He'd looked so adorable that way that she couldn't resist cuddling him in her lap. He seemed to appreciate that, even as she giggled and teased him about it. She had an unmistakable soft spot for the feline, so it was no surprise it'd been noticed by at least one of the twins.

Her tail swished happily back and forth as she walked to the fridge, a slight sway in her step as she hummed quietly to herself and thought about the next time she was going to see him. She foraged through the refrigerator and grabbed a few sodas, closing the door with her foot and heading back towards her room.

As she padded into the hall leading down to her bedroom, carrying the three sodas propped against her chest and arms, the hum slowly died in her throat. Her little brother, Aidan, was sitting up on his knees outside her bedroom door, looking through the opening where the door was left open a crack. What exactly was he looking at? Whatever it was, he was far too focused on it to notice as she quietly crept up behind him and took a glance through the opening herself to see. To her surprise, River and Skye were bottomless and topless respectively, though facing away from them, as they changed into their sleeping clothes. Much like her, they apparently embraced going commando in their PJ's. Their clothing of choice was comprised of a T-shirt and a matching pair of shorts, both of which hugged decently close to their bodies. River's were light blue while Skye's were a darker shade. She was almost about to stop and enjoy the sight herself, before she remembered her brother was also watching. More importantly, he still hadn't noticed her presence with her standing right_behind him! Just how oblivious _was he? Well, he was about to pay for both his peeping and his lack of awareness.

Eisla grinned mischievously and stepped back a little bit, glancing down at her brother's lower half. His tail was up and wagging happily from side to side, his knees carelessly parted. She could vaguely make out the outline of his fluffy little wolf balls against his pajama pants, and she guessed the silly little male was probably totally unsheathed looking at her two friends. Without a sound, she cocked her leg back and launched her bare foot directly into his defenseless balls, catching both between her toes and his pelvis. He let out a howl of pain and tumbled forward, his face pushing the door open as it smacked into it. He flopped onto the carpet, curling up into a ball with his hands cupped between his legs. His muzzle scrunched up and his ears pinned back against his head, his tail slipping up between his legs to join his hands.

"AWWWH!MY BALLS!" He rolled back and forth, cursing and muttering under his breath.

"What the hell?" River quickly threw her shorts on and looked down at the crumpled male, raising an eyebrow as she burst into a fit of giggles. "Talk about walking into the lion's den."

"We're not lions though...and he kinda fell in." Skye, having finished changing before her sister, leaned forward with her hands on her knees and a devious grin across her muzzle. "What's wrong, pup? Got your nuts kicked in by your big sis for peeping? Serves you right!"

Eisla lightly nudged him further into the room with her foot, then crossed over to her dresser and set the sodas down before whirling around to face him, hands on her hips. "Really, Aidan!? Spying on my friends!? What would mom and dad say about this!?"

The bruised pup looked up at his sister, his ears pinned and a soft whine in his voice. "Ow...I'm sorry, Eisla, I couldn' it! You're not...ow...going to tell mom and dad...ow...are you!?"

Eisla gave a frustrated sigh. She closed the door and knelt down to his level. "First of all, I'm not the one you should be sorry to., I'm not going to tell them. But you know why I'm mad, don't you?" Seeing him slowly nod to her question, she started to relax a bit.

River and Skye both knelt next to him as well, with Skye playfully poking him between the ears. "You don't make a habit of doing things like this, do you?"

Aidan shook his head. "Never done it before...I was on my way to the kitchen when I happened to catch a glimpse through the open door...and I couldn't help myself..."

"Well, that's good at least. You're just lucky me and River are so forgiving. But..." She smirked and touched a finger to his nose, giggling as he tried to follow it with his eyes. "...we can't exactly let you go without punishing you, can we?"

Aidan swallowed hard, his eyes instinctively moving to look at the three pairs of feet in the room before him. If his ears could pin back any further, they'd have sunk into his head. Clearly, he knew all too well what was in store for him. "E-Eisla just punished me though! Can't you let me off the hook?" Even as he asked, his tail curled closer to his groin.

Eisla chuckled as she watched him. "Sure, I did. But I'm not the one you were spying on." There was a hint of devilish glee in her voice. "I feel like they deserve to punish you too."

He gave another soft whine at those words. "I hate to ask, but...what punishment did you have in mind?" His gaze flicked towards their feet again, curling up a little tighter as he did.

Skye tapped her fingers against the hand covering his groin, causing him to yelp quietly. "Kinda seems like you already have an idea." The devilish smile she gave him carried through to her voice.

River giggled. "Well...I'll make a deal with you." She slipped her hand under his chin and gently lifted it, so he was looking at her face, scratching at the fur there. This seemed to relax him a little bit as his tail slipped out from between his legs and wagged softly. "No matter what, Skye's going to kick you. She seems to really like it."

Skye lightly swatted River on the rear, causing her to yelp and snicker. "I swear, you make me sound like some kinda sadist. I just think it's funny! Not like Eisla, who..." The feline clamped her muzzle shut when she saw Eisla glaring at her. Some things didn't necessarily need to be shared with her little brother. But he was already hanging onto the end of Skye's sentence, waiting for her to finish. " kind of a bitch?"

Eisla huffed and playfully swatted at Skye, with the giggling feline nimbly pulling away. "Gee, thanks!" She laughed and turned her attention back to Aidan. She reached a hand out and scratched him between the ears, knowing that was as relaxing for him as it was for her. As much as she didn't mind him being punished, watching him be tense and scared about it bothered the big sister in her. "Relax. I'll get you some ice afterwards. Alright, River, you were saying?"

"I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted." She shot a playful glare at Skye, who stuck her tongue out. "I'll make a deal with you. I won't kick you, but you..." She poked him gently to emphasize her words. "...need to do something else for me, and then we'll be even."

Aidan swallowed hard, unconsciously leaning into their touches. "What do you want me to do...?" There was a small amount of apprehension in his voice.

She patted him on the head, ruffling the fur between his ears. "There, there. It won't be so bad!" She cooed to him and smiled brightly, though her smile soon turned to one of mischief. "All I need you to strip."


Aidan went quiet, his eyes widening. "S-Strip? You mean, like, naked?" His heart was beating quicker by the moment. He'd never been naked in front of a girl before. Hell, he'd done his best not to be naked in front of anyone outside his family before. He often hid when it came time to change in the locker room, seeing as he had enough trouble with bullies as it was.

River giggled and smiled at him. "Yep. Completely. I want to see...everything." Her voice dipped into a seductive tone.

Aidan's ears pinned back slightly as he shifted up onto his knees. "Like...right now?" Despite how surprised he'd been at the request, part of him considered that it might not be a terrible experience, potential kicks aside.

Skye snickered, her gaze drifting down to the male's clothed crotch. "Ooh, good idea, sis! Look, it's only fair, pup. You were peeping on us, remember? Stands to reason we get a look at the goods too."

"I guess that's true..." All things considered, he couldn't exactly argue with her logic.

"No guessing about it!" She looked towards River, her eyes lighting up. "Although...wouldn't it be more fun to strip him ourselves?" His eyes widened at that question.

"That is a very good point." River leaned closer to Aidan until their muzzles were nearly touching, purring softly as she looked him in the eye. It would have been an exciting moment for him, if not for the wicked glint in those eyes. "The question is...are you going to be a good pup and cooperate?"

Aidan swallowed hard. River's sultry demeanor was giving him very confused but pleasant feelings. There was something about the whole situation that he was finding more exciting than anything. Before he could say anything in response, Skye was reaching for the bottom of his shirt. She tugged the garment up to his chest, while River reached out with a hand to softly trace a line through his belly fur. He shivered softly, clearly enjoying the attention.

"Your fur is so soft, just like your sister's." She ran her fingers in circles through his fur, sending a ticklish feeling through his body that he honestly didn't hate.

The wolf let out a soft whine of confusion. "Exactly how much have you touched my sister?" He turned his head to look at Eisla, but she averted her gaze and stuck her tongue out. He was about to say something further, but all that came was a soft yelp, his eyes shooting wide open. River had skipped from his belly to his crotch and was now grasping his balls through the material of his pajama pants.

"I've got an even better question. Are _these_as soft and fluffy as everywhere else?" She gave them a light squeeze for emphasis, drawing a quiet yelp from him and laughter from the other girls.

Aidan's ears flattened, his head turning to look at River with pleading eyes. Skye giggled and prodded his chest with her index finger, briefly bringing his attention to her. "Ooh...I bet that sucks. Riley hates it when I do it."

River pulled his attention back to her by doing exactly that, giving a slight tug to his captured testicles as she rolled them in her hand. "Eyes on me. So? Are they fluffy? They feel pretty soft, but I think that's normal for boys."

He panicked, his gaze quickly shifting back to River. "Y-Yes! They're fluffy...and quite fragile, so please let them go..."

River pouted softly. " I have to? I like playing with them! And I like the way you react when I do...this..." She gave him another light squeeze and a playful tug, drawing a whimpering moan from the young wolf before she reluctantly let him go.

"I thought you weren't going to do anything..." There was a sense of disappointment in his voice as he cupped his freshly aching privates in his hands.

"No...I said I wasn't going to kick you. I didn't say I wasn't going to do anything." She smirked and licked his muzzle, earning a confused and slightly pleased yelp. "Sorry, that was kind of mean, huh? You looked so cute when I did it though."

"Cute...?" His ears perked up and twitched slightly at the word. He wasn't quite sure what to make of that comment given the context, but it felt good to hear regardless. "Don't think I've ever been called that..."

River tilted her head. "Really? That's kind of surprising, actually." She turned to look at Skye. "Don't you think so?"

Skye nodded and gave him a bright smile. "Yeah, I can't believe no one's told you that before! You're very cute!"

He couldn't help but blush at that. While he was distracted by their compliments, Skye took the opportunity to yank his shirt up and over his head, discarding it to the side. Both girls leaned closer and began feeling the fur of his upper body.

"He really does feel very soft." Skye marveled at the feeling, tracing random shapes through his fur and eliciting a pleasant ticklish sensation. That part of things, he could definitely get used to.

"Doesn't he? Kind of makes you want to scoop him up and cuddle him."

Aidan couldn't help smiling at that comment. "I don't think I'd mind that at all, honestly..."

River smirked. "After we're done, you can cuddle with me and watch TV with us if you want. I'm very cuddly, just ask my sister."

"If he even wants to be around you after this experience." Eisla chuckled.

"I think he'd rather be around River than me or you." Skye grinned, her eyes sparkling with sadistic glee. "In fact, let's have him pick who he likes better. How about it, pup? Do you like me or River better?" She sat up straight and crossed her arms under her breasts, purposely pressing them out against her shirt.

The inexperienced male couldn't help but be distracted by the way her breasts were emphasized, remembering the view he'd gotten of them bared from behind. He quickly shook off the daze before giving his answer. "I mean...River is a lot nicer..."

Skye laughed. "I can be plenty nice! Look, I'll even let you choose how I kick you. You can choose between..." She held up five fingers. "...five light ones, or..." She put down three of them. "...two hard ones."

Aidan whimpered softly. "Neither of those sounds very nice! They _both_sound unpleasant..."

"Wouldn't be much of a punishment if it wasn't, would it?" She giggled quietly. "So, pick one!"

He felt Eisla rest her head on top of his head between his ears. "I'd go with the light ones if I were you. Riley tends to be down for a while after just one of her hard ones."

Despite the intent of her words, she really wasn't making him feel much better. After all, even if the light ones were gentler, she hadn't specified by how much. "T-The five light ones, then..." He hoped he wouldn't regret that.

"Nice!" Skye grinned. "Quality is good, but sometimes you just can't go wrong with quantity! haven't actually answered my first question."

River couldn't help but give a sly smile towards her sister. "He did, though! He said I'm nicer, so clearly that's his answer."

Skye stuck her tongue out and playfully swatted her sister on the muzzle, drawing a giggling yelp. "Quiet, you! I wanna hear him say the words." She turned her gaze back to Aidan and nuzzled his cheek. "So?"

He blushed at the sudden affection she was showing, averting his gaze. "N-No comment..." He certainly didn't want to pick favorites between the two when his balls were on the line.

"Well,that's no fun! I might just have to make one of those kicks a hard one for that."

"Wait, wait, wait!" He frantically looked between the two, his ears pinned, then focused his attention on Skye. "...are you going to give me a hard kick anyways if I don't choose you?"

Skye couldn't help but chuckle at that question. "I kinda feel like you're tempting fate just by asking that, pup."

River gave him a sad look, her ears pinning back. "I might be so hurt by you not choosing me that I'll give you a hard kick." Despite her words, she couldn't help the smirk that tugged at her muzzle.

"What!?" The wolf panicked while Eisla burst out laughing behind him. He just couldn't win, could he? "T-Then River! River's my favorite!"

Skye gave a mock gasp. "I guess I'll have to give you that hard kick, then!" She cackled, lightly circling a finger through his fur. "Told ya you were tempting fate."

His ears flattened as she spoke. "I _knew_it..." The two were obviously having fun messing with him. It seemed no matter what, he was completely at their mercy. "Which...which one's going to be the hard one, then?"

"I mean...I could tell you that, but then I'd be ruining the surprise, wouldn't I?"

"I can do without those kinds of surprises!" The outburst drew laughs from all three girls.

"We're getting ahead of ourselves though." River hooked a couple fingers into the waistband of his pants, giving him a teasing look as she did so. "We've gotta get these off him and check out what he's got." She tugged the front of his pants out slightly and released, drawing an adorable yelp.

"You're right, I almost forgot." Skye's eyes slipped down his body, and she licked her muzzle as they fell upon his crotch. "You know, pup, the only other boy we've seen naked is our brother. Kinda curious what a wolf looks like down there..." Behind the wicked glee she'd been displaying, there was an unmistakable hint of lust.

Aidan's brain was addled with confused thoughts and feelings. Despite the fact that he was soon to endure a great deal of pain at Skye's hands, there was part of him that couldn't help but feel excited. They genuinely seemed interested in getting him naked. He'd never had a girl show that much interest in him before, and it was...nice. A blush started to creep into his features, which did not elude anyone's notice.

"Someone's embarrassed." River giggled softly. "First time someone's going to see it?"

"Y-Yeah..." Much to his surprise, he was starting to feel like he wasn't going to hate this that much after all. He wanted them to see and find out what they thought. "Are you...are you excited to see it?" His breathing was starting to quicken as his heart rate did.

Both twins exchanged surprised glances. They didn't seem to have expected him to ask that. They turned back to look at him, both smiling, but River was the one who spoke up. "Yes, we are. Are you excited to show it? Because you really seem to be getting there..." She nodded towards his crotch, where a noticeable tent was forming.

He looked down at himself. He hadn't exactly realized how aroused he was getting until it had been pointed out to him. "I...I guess I am. Is that...bad?" He looked up at them, his ears pinned back, a slightly worried expression on his face. More than the pain, he feared rejection or scorn for the things that he couldn't help.

The unexpected change of tone caused them to fall silent for a moment, until Eisla gave him an affectionate nuzzle. "It's not bad. You don't have to be ashamed for what you like, you know? No one in this room is going to judge you for that, and no one outside this room really matters." She slipped her arms around him to give him a hug.

A warm feeling spread through him. Despite the times she got angry and kicked him in the balls, his sister had always stood up for him, and moments like this only served to reinforce how much she actually cared about him. Reluctantly, he embraced her arms. "Eisla...I know I'm an annoying brother sometimes, but you're a pretty great sister."

She laughed softly near his ear and pulled away from him, breaking the hug. "Aww, that's sweet of you. Sweet talk's not getting you out of your punishment though."

The twins giggled. Skye leaned in and nuzzled his cheek again. "You're so adorable though. I kinda wanna hug you too. But, at this point, stripping him isn't much of a punishment, is it?"

River smirked. "I mean, it wasn't really supposed to be anyways. That's what the kicks are for. I just wanted to get him naked."

Aidan whined softly at being reminded there was more to come than just getting naked. "Please go easy on me..."

Skye looked him in the eye, and he couldn't exactly tell what was going through her head at that moment. She wasn't smiling or teasing him, rather, she seemed to be deep in thought. When she finally spoke up, she surprised him. "Tell you what...we can forget about the hard kick. We were partly just teasing you with that anyways."

He stared at her in amazement. "You really can be nice sometimes."

That comment got her laughing. "Don't push your luck, pup. Now stand up so we can get this over with, yeah?"

He nodded and reluctantly did as she asked. Eisla got up and went to sit on her bed where she could supervise things from a distance. Unlike the twins, she wasn't terribly interested in closely examining her brother's naked body.

"Alright then...shall we?" River smirked and playfully tugged at the waist of Aidan's pants, causing him to tense up slightly. Skye gripped the other side and together they slowly worked them off his hips, drawing the garment down to his feet, placing them at eye level with his most intimate parts. "Aha...wolf stuff has been located!" River giggled softly and gently ran a paw pad across his tip, sending a pleasant shiver down his spine. The wolf flushed with heat. Having them examine him so closely was simultaneously one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences of his life up to that moment, not to mention embarrassing.

"It does look somewhat different..." Skye marveled at the sight, tracing a finger to the base of his sheath where she found his uninflated knot. "What's this? I don't remember Riley having one."

"Hm?" River followed her sister's gaze and touched it for herself. "I think I remember reading about this. It's his knot. Only canine males have one. It swells up when they have an orgasm."

"Really..." Skye seemed genuinely fascinated, tracing the shape of it with her finger. She looked up at his face, a curious expression etched across her features. "What does it...feel like when we touch it? Is it sensitive?"

"K-Kind feels similar to touching anything else in that area." Aidan's heart was racing as he looked into her eyes. He'd never seen her so gentle and curious before. River seemed to be thinking something similar, as she too was watching her sister with interest.

" feels good, then?" She looked down at his groin again and continued to gently explore how it felt to touch him, tracing her fingers along his exposed erection, his sheath, his knot and especially around his balls. She suddenly seemed more fascinated by the pleasant shivers she was giving him than anything else. "It's funny how you've got all this stuff hanging out down here...and it can either give you intense pleasure, or intense pain..." Fortunately for the wolf who was hanging onto her every word, she continued to focus on the pleasant sensations even as she spoke of pain. "And I can do all of that in the same breath." She looked up at his face again, watching his expression as she spoke. There was something glimmering in those pale yellow eyes that filled him with heat. As his breathing quickened, she held his gaze for a moment longer...then released him from her grip and pulled away from him, smiling and getting to her feet. "What were you hoping for just now?"

Aidan cleared his throat, averting his gaze. She'd had him wrapped around her little finger and he hadn't even realized it. "N-Nothing..." It was probably obvious to everyone that he was lying. The insides of his ears had turned scarlet. But luckily for him, no one decided to press him on that. Perhaps they'd decided he'd had enough humiliation.

River finished her own examinations and gently patted him, then stepped away from him to sit on the bed next to Eisla, taking more of a spectator role now that she'd gotten what she wanted. "There's only one thing left now, pup. Remember, Skye, you said you'd do it lightly."

"I know, I know." She watched Aidan, who was doing his best not to look as anxious as he felt. The anxiety for what was to come was quickly causing his erection to retreat into his sheath, much to her amusement. "I'm kinda curious though, now that I think about much did you actually get to see when you were spying on us?"

Aidan tilted his head. "Why do you want to know that all of a sudden?"

"Just curious. Just be honest with me, I'm not gonna use it against you or anything."

He watched her face closely, his ears splayed. She looked genuinely interested in his answer, and not necessarily in a malicious way. "I...I didn't see much. I wasn't looking for very long before Eisla kicked me. You were both facing away from me the whole time. You were taking your bra off, and River was taking her underwear off. So...I saw your back and part of your boobs, and...River's ass." He swallowed hard. He'd decided to be completely upfront with them and hoped he wasn't going to pay for it.

She looked down at herself, giving a thoughtful hum before meeting his gaze again. "Did you like it?"

He stared at her, blinking slowly. "I mean...yeah, I did. Why do you..." He trailed off as she pressed a finger to his muzzle.

"Shh. I'm gonna tell you a secret between us...and then I'm gonna kick you in the balls. Got it?"

His ears pinned back at her last words, but he nodded slowly. She leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear so only he could hear her. Her breath felt ticklish and sent a pleasant shiver through him as she spoke.

"I like looking at your body too. And the idea of you getting hard because of me...kinda turns me on."

The poor wolf struggled to process that information as she stepped away from him. He followed her with his eyes, watching as she giggled and smiled at him. She was still smiling when she lashed out quickly with her right foot, catching him in the balls and pulling her foot back as he groaned in pain and bent forward, his hands reluctantly slipping to his knees instead of where he really wanted them. Even when she'd warned him it was coming, it really didn't make it much better.

Skye laughed softly and patted him on the head, ruffling the fur between his ears. "Want the next one? Or do you need a minute?" Beneath the amusement in her voice, there was a sense of sympathy that was slightly uncharacteristic of the feline.

He leaned into her touch, his tail gently wagging even as it attempted to slink between his legs. "J-Just a minute..." Man, even though it'd been quick and light, it was still quite painful.

"Say, Skye?" River suddenly spoke up, a strange sing-song tone to her voice. "I'm curious, when did you start showing mercy like that? I'm sure Riley would _love_to see that side of you."

Aidan looked over to see the sly grin she wore as she rested her head against her palm. What was she implying? Whatever it was, Skye turned and reached out to swat her sister for at least the third time that evening, though the giggling feline narrowly dodged away from it.

"Hush, you! It's not like I'm heartless, geez." She turned back to Aidan, her tail swishing behind her like she was about to pounce on her prey. "Minute's up." She lashed out with her foot again before he had time to react to her words, catching him completely off guard as it made contact with his vulnerable balls. This time he slipped down towards the floor, his knees and eyes crossing as he clutched himself.

"Awwwh...! That was a bit worse than the first one...!" His tail curled up against his hands between his legs as he slumped forward, his voice strained.

Skye burst into a fit of giggles, leaning forward with her hands on her knees to put her face near his. "I guess that was a bullseye. Aww, does it hurt?" She cooed softly to him. "Did I get 'em both?"

The wolf slowly sat up, his muzzle scrunched up in pain as he looked at her. "Yeah, you did..." He took a few moments to rub the aching orbs between his legs while she watched him with a smile, then shakily got to his feet, putting his arms at his sides. "T-Three more, right?"

Skye tilted her head as she watched him, standing up straight. "Yep." She seemed to be contemplating something as she regarded the pained look on his face. Rather than go for a full kick, she slipped close to him, her muzzle nearly touching his, and slipped her leg neatly in between his. She put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, and him, and quickly rammed her thigh up against his balls, crushing them against his pelvis. Her thigh was mercifully soft, but still very painful. As he groaned in pain and she brought her leg back down, she gave him a moment and then quickly repeated the motion, slightly harder. On the third and final strike, she let it linger, releasing her grip on his shoulders and allowing him to slump forward against her. "And that's five."

Through the pain, Aidan looked up at her with watery eyes. His muzzle had ended up pressed between her breasts, but she didn't seem to mind at that particular moment. The soft warmth encapsulating him from all sides filled him with a pleasant sensation that conflicted with the pain. She'd held back quite a lot on those last three. Did she take pity on him? He couldn't tell just from looking at her face, as she was smiling and giggling at him. Through her chest, though, he could feel her heart racing.

She gazed into his face for what felt like a long moment, then slowly pulled away from him and let him curl up in a shivering ball on the floor. "Well, that's my part of the punishment done. You gonna be alright down there, buddy?" She leaned forward and ruffled the fur between his ears.

"Eventually..." He groaned in misery, relieved that the worst part was over. Simultaneously, the ghost of that soft warmth played across his muzzle, inspiring all manner of lewd fantasies to flicker through his head.

Eisla stood up from her bed and walked to the door. "I'll get you some ice as promised. Oh, and..." She nodded towards the sodas she'd brought from the kitchen, long forgotten in the excitement. "You can have my soda. I'm starting to get tired." With a smile, she left the room.

River watched her go, then looked down at Aidan. The wolf slowly stood up, one paw tucked between his legs, and pulled his pants back up. He found his shirt and put it on, then padded over to the sodas, taking one and opening it. His attention then turned to River as Skye came to sit next to her. "That was nice of you." His ears twitched at the sound of River's words. Had she noticed the same thing he had?

"Told you I could be nice..." Uncharacteristically, she averted her gaze away from both of them, a blush creeping into her ears. "I just thought he'd paid his price, that's all."

River grinned. "Deep down, you're just a big softie." Her voice was filled with amusement at her sister's expense.

Skye whipped her head back around to her sister, a grin spreading across her muzzle. "I'll show you soft, you marshmallow!" She pounced on her sister and pinned her to the bed, playfully tickling her while she giggled and squirmed.

"I give, I give! S-Stop tickling!"

"No surrender! You pay the price for your crimes in full!"

Aidan watched them playfully struggle with each other, a smile on his face. Soon, he couldn't help bursting out laughing, which drew their attention to him.

River, finally given reprieve from her sister's torment, gave him a devious smirk. "Sounds like someone wants to join the fun."

"Wait,what!?" He'd just set his soda down when they joined forces in grabbing him and pinning him to the bed, tickling him wherever he was the most ticklish. He laughed even harder, squirming under their attention. After a few moments of this torment, they stopped and smiled down at him. Looking back at them, his ears pinned back slightly, an expression of guilt crossing his face. "Um...I didn't say this yet, but I'm sorry know...spying on you."

The twins exchanged looks, then looked back at him and simultaneously swatted his muzzle, causing him to yelp while they laughed. "You're silly, pup. We've already forgiven you." River's voice was reassuring as she spoke. "But it is still a welcome gesture."

He was about to say something further when they both leaned in and kissed him on either cheek, wiping the words from his mind. His ears perked up and a dumb grin slipped across his muzzle.

"Come on, pup. Let's go meet your sister in the kitchen for that ice so we can cuddle as promised." As the twins led him out of the bedroom, his tail wagging behind him, he realized he'd briefly forgotten all about the pain.


A little while later, River sat on Eisla's couch watching TV with her sister and Aidan. Eisla had gone to bed before them while Aidan had rather eagerly decided to stay up with the twins given it'd come with the promise of cuddling. He was sitting between her legs and resting against her chest, an ice pack pressed against his groin, as she rested her back against the arm of the couch with her arms around him. Skye sat facing the TV at the other end of the couch. Their empty soda cans sat on the end table next to her. River wasn't necessarily paying as much attention to the TV as she was to the adorable fluffy wolf she was cuddling. His tail was draped across her leg, wagging softly. Every now and then his ears would twitch as well, tickling her each time. As far as she could tell, he was quite the happy little wolf at that moment.

"Comfy?" She hugged him and nuzzled between his ears.

"Y-Yeah..." He sounded quite nervous, which was fairly understandable for several reasons.

"Good!" River purred softly. She and Skye had always had a soft spot for Aidan. Something about his shy demeanor and how adorably fluffy he was always made River want to hug him. And now she was! Her own tail twitched happily next to them, gently brushing against his. She felt him shudder and heard a low whine. "What's wrong? Balls still hurt?" She cooed to him and drummed her fingers against his tail.

"Y-Yeah. Still a bit tender. I kinda had it coming, though, so..." There was a sense of guilt in his voice.

River's ear twitched at that, and she saw Skye turn to look at him as well. She was kind of surprised to hear him say that, given that even she felt they might have taken it too far. To her surprise, it was Skye who spoke up first. "Nah...maybe the first one from Eisla. Technically, we were probably even once we stripped you. But I can get pretty carried away when I'm having fun. You're probably not gonna hear me apologize for it though." She chuckled softly. "But I'll tell you what...I'll let you get me back. Can't promise it'll hurt as much though." She put her feet up on the couch, leaning against the opposite armrest and parting her legs.

River could see the blush spread through Aidan's ears as he stared at her shorts-clad crotch, followed by him rapidly shaking his head. "Even if it's not as bad, I don't really...have a desire to hurt you."

Skye tilted her head, looking him over. "You're a real sweetheart, you know that? Riley would have jumped at that opportunity. Little brat has gotten me there by accident before."

"And it hurt a lot more than you let on. You were complaining to me about it all night afterwards. Not that you didn't have it coming." River giggled softly, then looked down at Aidan. "Don't tell our brother I said that though, he'll have a field day."

"Yeah, well, he got lucky and hit just the right spot! Anyways, enough of that." She nudged Aidan's leg playfully with her foot. "If you don't want to get me back, what_do_ you want?" There was a somewhat suggestive tone to her words that River wasn't used to hearing. Skye had never seemed as interested in that side of things as she was. At least, she hadn't thought so until they'd stripped Aidan earlier on and she'd witnessed _several_things that weren't typical for her.

The wolf went quiet for a moment, squirming a bit and fidgeting with his tail. It seemed as though he was working up the courage to ask. " could do something to make it feel better? If you want to, that is..." As the words left his mouth, he immediately seemed to regret them, curling a paw between his legs. "D-Don't kick me again, it was just a suggestion!"

Skye burst out laughing at his defensive outburst. "Relax, I'm not gonna kick you. I think you've had enough of that for the night, unless you do something _colossally_stupid. Which...for the record, I don't think this counts. I admire the guts it took for you to ask that." She looked up at River, a warm smile on her face. "I don't mind if River doesn't. I'm, uh...not all that knowledgeable about things like this though, so...maybe she should take the lead?"

Aidan's ears perked up and he looked towards River, an adorably hopeful look on his face. Honestly, she was quite interested in playing with him, but she was also curious about her sister's more affectionate side that seemed to be showing itself more as the night went on. They'd both watched Eisla pleasure Riley, but they'd obviously never considered doing the same for their own brother. Now, though, it was the first time they had the chance to try something similar, and that idea seemed to have taken hold of her. River herself had looked up various things on the topic in her spare time, so while she had no experience either, Skye was right that she was probably the better one to lead.

She giggled and nodded. "Sounds like fun to me. Guess you're getting naked again, huh, pup? You'll have to move your hands though." She drummed her fingers against him again, encouraging him to do as she asked.

He did so, and Skye nudged his feet further apart gently with her own while River took the ice pack and set it aside. Upon seeing him tense up slightly, Skye laughed. "Relax. We've got a truce right now. But I'm pretty comfy and I like touching things with my feet, so..." She traced her toes up the inside of his leg until she reached his thighs, tapping them gently against him and causing him to shiver. "Let me see if I can get your pants off like this. I can be real gentle and..." She grasped a bit of the thin fabric between two of her toes, tugging it gently away from his body. "...grabby with my toes." There was a hint of a seductive tone behind her words.

River giggled softly to herself as she watched her sister very playfully begin tugging at various parts of the wolf's pants with her toes. She had to hand it to her, for someone who wasn't very knowledgeable about sex, she had something of a natural talent for teasing, even if she didn't realize just how hot and bothered Aidan was getting. River felt every tremble of his body as Skye's toes brushed across his thighs. If she wasn't careful, she was going to end up giving the boy a foot fetish on top of everything else. If he didn't already have one, that is.

As Skye gently worked the wolf's pants down his thighs, he raised his hips slightly to allow her easier access. As they came down more, they got caught on his growing erection, much to the feline's amusement. "Are you getting hard already? We haven't really even _started_yet, pup." She giggled softly.

"Your feet feel good, so it kind of just...happened." The wolf laughed nervously.

Skye's eyebrows raised, a devious smirk crossing her muzzle. "Is that right? My feet, huh..." She grasped his pants with them and gently tugged them away from his body, allowing them to pass over his erection and slide further down until they were around his feet. "I see a wolf boner." She spoke with a sing-song lilt as she brushed her toes across his knees and followed his legs back to his thighs, kneading the now exposed fur with her feet. "How does this feel?" There was a lustful purr to her voice, and it quickly became obvious that she was very much enjoying herself.

Aidan shivered softly, and River lifted his shirt up and over his head and tossed it on the floor. She put her hands on his shoulders and gently tugged him back against her again, his head resting against her chest. He let out a cute yelp of surprise, which had River giggling. "What was that noise for?"

"I-It wasn't as obvious with my shirt on, but I can really feel your boobs on my neck and back..." The insides of his ears were so red, she thought he was going to blow steam any moment.

River giggled softly. "Is that a complaint?" She burst into a fit of laughter as he rapidly shook his head. "God, you're cute." She purred and nuzzled his ear, causing him to give a very happy sounding yelp. His ears twitched and she couldn't help brushing the pads of her fingers against them, inciting more shivers. At some point, the twins both noticed that the wolf's leg was twitching as well.

"Wow, he's really happy right now!" Skye burst into a fit of giggles, watching his reactions closely while continuing to massage his thighs. Her words caused him to put his hands over his face, clearly ashamed of the display. "Aww, are you embarrassed?" She chuckled softly, then looked at him with a warm smile. "You don't have to be. Your reactions are so adorable, it kinda makes me wanna tease you more..."

He reluctantly put his hands down, averting his gaze as he spoke. "You...really think so? You don't think I'm like...really weird or something?"

Skye blinked at him and exchanged confused looks with River, who also couldn't really believe what he'd said. Skye beat her to the punch though. "Fuck, no. Where'd you get that idea?"

"I'm kind of a pervert, and a huge nerd, so people tend to make fun of me a lot." He fidgeted with his fingers, still averting his gaze. "They think I'm kind of creepy and weird."

Skye scoffed, her muzzle scrunching up. "Everyone thinks about this kinda thing. You just think about it a little more. There's not really anything wrong with that. As long as you don't do things like spying, which you already showed remorse for. Besides..." She grinned and looked up at River. "My sister thinks about it just as much as you do."

River's ears pinned back, her jaw dropping in shock. "Hey! What are you throwing me_under the bus for!?" She gave a light kick to her sister's leg, causing her to snicker. Admittedly, she wasn't _that upset about it. It wasn't really much of a secret. "There's also our friend Amira."

Aidan looked up at River with curiosity. "Who's Amira?"

Skye giggled quietly. "She is something else. She's a jackal in our class. We haven't ever had her over, but we've hung out with her a lot. She is very...friendly. But the point is...even if some idiots think you're weird, just know that we don't. And I'm sure your sister doesn't either."

River grinned. "We totally should invite her sometime though. I bet this cutie here would enjoy having her around." She ruffled the fur between his ears. "But you're definitely not weird to us, as she said. You're a sweetheart, and anyone who can't see that is blind."

Aidan chuckled softly. "Thanks for that..." He fidgeted a little more but soon started to relax again.

"Enough serious talk." River drummed her fingers against his chest and slowly worked her way down until she reached his belly, tracing circles in his fur. "It's about time we made you an even happier wolf..." She purred softly into his ear and slid her hands down to his balls, taking the sore and fluffy orbs gently into her fingers and massaging them. He shuddered against her, a grin slipping across his muzzle as he groaned with the pleasant treatment. "I learned that it feels really nice when a girl touches them gently like this...what do you think? Feel good?" He nodded and she playfully licked his ear, a purr vibrating in her throat. She peered down over his shoulder, watching his cock shift around as she played with his balls. Her gaze slipped to where Skye was still massaging his thighs. A thought occurred to her. "Hey, Skye..." She glanced up at her sister's face. "I think I know something you could try that would make him even happier."

Skye tilted her head slightly. She looked down at her feet, then back up to River and smiled. "I think I know what you have in mind." Before Aidan could ask about it, she reached out with one of her feet and gently traced a line up and down the length of his erection with her toe, interrupting anything he might have wanted to say with a shivering groan of pleasure. "Sounds like I guessed right." She grinned, her face a mask of lustful joy as she watched his reactions to every touch.

River was rather impressed. She picked things up pretty quickly for something she claimed to not know much about. "I think you think about it a little more than you let on, Skye." She gave her sister a wicked grin.

Skye chuckled, focusing her efforts on stroking her velvety footpaw up and down the sensitive organ. "Maybe a little. You're lucky I'm pre-occupied, or I'd throw something at you." She switched feet and gently pressed Aidan's cock against his body, using his fur to add extra stimulation as she began rubbing it in circular motions. The wolf himself had seemingly checked out completely, his muzzle agape in an expression of pure bliss. "It's, and smooth, and slippery." Her breathing was starting to pick up and River began to wonder just how excited she was getting. "So...boys get wet, too, huh..."

River continued to watch, nuzzling the wolf's neck, and rolling his balls around in gentle and soothing motions. "Yep. You might want to hold back a little bit though, or you're liable to set him off. We've only just started, you know?"

Skye giggled and reluctantly pulled her foot away, a pearlescent strand connecting them for a moment before breaking. "My bad. It was just really...fascinating." She returned to resting her feet against his thighs, but kept her eyes fixed between his legs.

Aidan let out a soft whine of disappointment. "That felt so good...I almost never wanted it to end..."

Skye burst into a fit of giggles. "Careful what you wish for, pup. I'm sure there are ways we could make it last for a while." She stuck her tongue out playfully.

Aidan swallowed hard. "N-Not quite sure if I'd love or hate that yet..." He smiled, seemingly genuinely considering it.

River chuckled and licked his neck. "Maybe another time. Tonight, I want to see this adorable wolf shoot for us." She let go of his balls and wrapped her fingers around his length, slowly stroking him. "I'm going to play with you for a while, then Skye can finish you off. Just relax." She stroked him up and down, feeling the slick heat beneath her pads. With each stroke, she felt him tremble against her as quiet moans became the only sound he made.

Skye watched with fascination, then slipped her toes under his balls, feeling their weight as she gently brushed against them. "That doesn't hurt, does it?" There was a genuine note of concern to her voice, almost as if a switch had been flipped. Even to River, who knew her better than anyone, it was unusual. But she honestly liked seeing her sister explore a different aspect of herself.

Aidan shook his head. "It actually feels pretty nice..." He stared at her for a few moments before voicing exactly what River had been thinking. "You're being very gentle. It's...different."

River half-expected her sister to get rough with him for that comment, but...she didn't. She looked back at him with a thoughtful expression on her face and was silent for several moments. When she finally spoke up, she was smiling. "I guess I am, huh? It's kinda...strange to me too. I never really thought about pleasuring someone like this until recently..." She paused, her breathing picking up a little more. Slowly, one of her hands moved to her belly, pushing up the fabric of her shirt until she could rest it just above the waistband of her shorts. "Touching you, and hearing you moan...makes me feel...really good..." As Aidan watched her with rapt attention, she slipped her hand down the front of her shorts and began touching herself, her soft moans adding to the erotic atmosphere that had settled over the trio.

River simply stared for a moment, surprised at how bold Skye was being. There really had been a switch flipped. Admittedly, throughout the interaction, she had been getting pretty aroused as well, but with Aidan sitting against her, there wasn't much she could do. She leaned close to his ear and spoke softly. "She's totally masturbating to you, does that make you feel?"

Aidan was speechless while Skye shot her a playful glare. "S-Shut up! I'm totally gonna swat your muzzle when we go to bed..." Despite her words, interlaced with her soft moans, she made no effort to stop what she was doing.

"I'll accept that." River laughed, her hand on Aidan's cock slowing as she started to feel it twitch. "Alright, let's give him a minute to come down...then you can finish him off." As Skye nodded, River slid her hands back up his body, feeling the soft fur that covered him glide under her pads. The wolf was breathing heavy, and she could feel his heart beating rapidly through his chest. "Feeling better?" She licked his ear and wrapped her arms around him, hugging his soft warmth close to her body.

For a moment he looked confused, his brain obviously addled with pleasure. "Y-Yeah...honestly, at some point I forgot the pain was even there..."

"Good!" She rested her head on his shoulder and watched her sister with interest. She was immersed in her own pleasure, a lustful expression painting her features as she continued to gently brush her toes against Aidan's sack. After a few moments, she wordlessly slipped one foot up to his cock and pinned the sensitive organ between his soft belly fur and her velvety foot pads, gently rubbing it in circles while her other foot continued to play with his balls. Aidan shivered and moaned, his eyes rolling back in bliss as she mixed up and down strokes with the circular ones.

"No more stopping..." Skye spoke in a soft voice, a slight purr to her words that was made even more erotic by her panting, breathy moans. "We're both gonna cum...together..." She focused her efforts, exploring the depths of her own arousal as she continued to stroke him, watching the blissful expression on his face. River did her part by gently nuzzling his neck, licking him in the places she knew to get good reactions. She found herself rubbing her hips up against him as the heat of the moment settled over her. Aidan must have noticed as she felt him running claw tips through the fur of her legs the same way she'd done with his belly fur earlier. Apparently, her sister wasn't the only one who was quick on the uptake. She was tempted to grab his hand and maneuver it down the front of her shorts, but she wanted his attention on Skye. This was her show now.

Every stroke of Skye's foot brought Aidan closer and closer to the edge, his muzzle agape with soft pants and moans. Unconsciously, the closer he got, the more he began pressing his hips against her foot to deepen the stimulation. Skye would focus on rolling her ankle and producing more side-to-side stimulation when he did that, creating an even stronger feeling for him in the process. Before long, he was tensing up and frantically rubbing up against her and they could both tell he was nearing the edge. With a few more dexterous strokes, she happily pushed him over it, her eyes lighting up as his cock pulsed and sprayed his belly with his hot seed. Simultaneously, Skye shivered, her legs unconsciously pulling closer together as she managed to push herself over the edge as well. For several moments afterwards, the only sound in the room was the panting breaths of the two of them as they came down. Aidan had lost all his strength, his limbs splayed as he rested against River.

"So..." Skye composed herself, her foot still resting against his member as it lay against his belly, feeling his inflated knot at its base. "That's what it feels like when it swells up...anyways, I hope that makes up for how rough things got earlier. You certainly look like you enjoyed it." She giggled softly, poking her toes against the hot mess that splattered his fur with interest.

Aidan nodded, his breathing finally beginning to slow. He moved his hands to her foot and gently traced claw tips through her fur. "That was amazing..." He turned his head to look at River again, a look of curiosity on his face. "What about River though?"

River's ears perked. "What, are you worried about me not getting off?" She chuckled. "That's sweet of you, but I can take care of that later." She certainly had plenty to masturbate to. She ruffled the fur between his ears, causing him to giggle and wag his tail softly.

"Maybe he could lend you a hand," Skye teased, waggling her fingers towards her sister. Surprisingly, this caused River to blush a little bit.

"I think we've probably stimulated him enough tonight without putting his hand on my..." She trailed off as she watched his eyes widen in anticipation. "...youknow! But we can always do this another time."

"Another time?" His ears perked at that thought. "Does that'd be willing to do more things like this?" There was a hopeful glint in his eye that made her smile.

"I don't see why not. It's not like there's any harm in it. Besides...I think Skye is already thinking about it, even before I said anything." They both focused their eyes on Skye, who huffed and averted her gaze.

"You're both just asking to get swatted. But...I don't see any reason not to either. I had a lot of fun, and...clearly, so did he!" She giggled and gestured towards the mess they'd made.

"She says, with her legs together to hide the wet spot in her shorts..." It was River's turn to tease, and Skye's turn to blush.

"It's not like I'm doing it on purpose, they just sorta..." She trailed off as she noticed Aidan looking down at her closed legs. "What? You wanna see?" When he nodded, she fidgeted slightly. After a moment of hesitation, she parted her legs again, allowing him to clearly see the damp area where she'd had her own orgasm. The fabric clung closer to her body, giving a better idea of the outline of her most intimate parts. After a few moments, she closed them again, blushing furiously. "There, you saw. It's actually kinda embarrassing having you stare like that...then again, we _have_been staring at yours half the night." She laughed nervously. "Maybe next time we'll show you something else...without you resorting to spying." His ears perked up quite adorably at that statement.

"Oh, I was already planning on it." River giggled, tapping the wolf playfully on the nose as he gazed at her in amazement. "Next time though. Right now, it's bedtime, and I want you to cuddle up between us."

Skye stretched her arms and slowly maneuvered herself off the couch, almost seeming reluctant to get up. "That sounds like a _great_idea. How about it, pup?"

Aidan grinned, his tail wagging rapidly with excitement. "Yes!"

"I'll get a towel and put the ice pack back in the freezer. You two just stay comfy for a moment." Skye picked up the ice pack and left the room, leaving River and Aidan to their own devices. No sooner had she left the room, than River began stirring things up.

"I think we accidentally awakened a new side of her, pup. I've never seen her like this before. It was truly fascinating to watch."

He looked back at her, a curious expression on his face. "You noticed that too? I wasn't sure if I just didn't know her as well." Clearly emboldened by the night's events, he reluctantly leaned his head closer and playfully licked her muzzle, drawing a giggle from her and causing her to move her head slightly to give him better access.

"To be fair, this is the first time we've been in a situation like this with someone who wasn't our brother. Neither of us have ever really had the desire to do this kind of thing with him. But I've always been curious...I just hadn't realized how curious she'd been as well." She laughed softly and gave some licks to his muzzle in return.

The wolf fell quiet for a while, seemingly thinking about something. River was about to ask him what was on his mind when Skye returned with a towel and gently dropped it in his lap. "There you go. I already wiped my feet off, so it's your turn." She sat on her knees and leaned on the arm of the couch they were resting against, watching the wolf wipe himself off in silence.

When he was done, he turned to look at her. She tilted her head, giving him a questioning smile. As he'd done with River, he leaned in and playfully licked Skye's muzzle. She was a bit surprised but giggled softly at the ticklish sensation.

"What's gotten into you, pup? Are you that grateful for my footjob?"

He shook his head, but then rushed to correct himself. "I-I am very grateful, but...that wasn't..." He stumbled over his words in a rather adorable fashion, the blush in his ears growing darker every second. "I wanted to show you how...comfortable I feel with you right now."

Skye smirked and gave him some licks in return as River had. "Aww, that's sweet. Why can't you be our little brother instead of Riley?"

River burst out laughing at that comment. "Skye, if he was our brother, that would make some things a lot more awkward."

"You make a good point...he does have a really cute orgasm face..." She gazed at him, a teasing look in her eyes, seeming to be carefully weighing the options. "Alright, Eisla can keep you as her little brother. Then we can keep playing with you as we wish...and I'm sure you don't have any complaints about that." With a chuckle, she stood and drew away from the couch.

Aidan seemed to be slightly overwhelmed by the implications of Skye's words and had fallen speechless, focusing on pulling his pants back up and looking around for his shirt as he reluctantly pulled away from River and stood up. As he found it and put it back on, he turned back to River and stared with increasingly wide eyes. She followed his gaze down to her shirt, where her nipples were standing out against the fabric, hardened by her arousal. As fascinated as he seemed to be, he quickly averted his gaze, trying to look anywhere else but where he probably_really_ wanted to. River found that pretty fucking cute. She giggled and crossed her arms under her breasts as she stood up, pressing them out more prominently against her shirt.

"Say, Aidan..." She spoke his name with a soft purr, drawing his attention back to her. He very quickly became distracted by her posture, his eyes moving down to her chest as his tail slipped into a more upward position. "I never did ask you earlier when Skye was talking to you...did you enjoy checking out my ass?" Her tail slipped into a raised position as well, forming a sort of question mark shape.

He averted his gaze, clearly beginning to get embarrassed. " was really nice..." He swallowed hard and couldn't help glancing at her from the corner of his eye. God, he was so cute. Skye was giggling at him as well. Clearly both siblings enjoyed his reactions to their teasing.

"Good to know. Guess I know what to flash if I ever want to get a rise out of you." In more than one way, she suspected. He stared in disbelief at her words, his jaw dropping, and that only made her laugh harder. "Alright, I've teased you enough. Let's go to bed, pup." She turned and headed for the hallway, playfully swishing her tail to draw his gaze towards it. Pity she couldn't see the look on his face.