A Father's Love

Story by Dusk_Winterfang96 on SoFurry

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#3 of Misc. Stories

A stego find himself struggling with his feelings for the one he lives the most. Warning: Does contain incest and all involved are 18+. If this isn't to your liking then don't read

It was a windy spring afternoon as a male stego entered the kitchen, half awake and glasses slightly askew. He was five feet and seven inches tall, with red skin and grey stripes, blue eyes, a slightly pudgy build that wasn't really skinny but also not really fat just in between with a bit of pudge and currently dressed in a pair of black boxer briefs and a light grey t-shirt. He let out a yawn as he opened the door of the fridge with one hand, while scratching his balls with the other. As he browsed through the fridge he could make out the sound of heavy footsteps coming toward the kitchen. Entering was a male t-rex with orange skin and blue stripes, red eyes and a chubby build that was the epitome of a dad bod, clad in a pair of light grey briefs that hugged his crotch and chubby ass as well as a black muscle shirt that was a size too small, showing off his round gut. "Morning Iggy. You sleep alright?" Igneous, or Iggy as many called him, looked over to the six foot, seven inch Rex with tired eyes and sighed as he looked back in the fridge. "Not really." His father didn't reply right away, instead walking over to hug the tired stego. "I"m sorry to hear that kiddo. I know you've been having trouble sleeping for years, wish there was something I could do to help." He wasn't wrong, as when Iggy was fourteen his mother had flown to visit family they had on the other side of the country when she ended up going missing. Three weeks later she was found or rather, her body was. Losing her was a blow to Iggy and Talon, a blow that they had struggled to recover from. Iggy withdrew from nearly everything and everyone while Talon doubled down on work, leaving him very little free time until his boss urged him to cut back on his hours, to relax a bit more and to spend time with his son. Ultimately the two managed to reconnect after years of drifting apart as a result of the grief. Talon released his son and headed over to the cupboard to fetch something, prompting Iggy to glance at him and sigh again. Amongst the turmoil he had ended up discovering something about himself that he adamantly tried to suppress, thinking it to be a weird phase, even after eleven years of it. He had fallen for his father and has tried as hard as he can to suppress those feelings as it was pretty taboo. Sure he had heard rumors of a town where such relationships were welcomed but he didn't know the truth of it and even if it was, his father likely didn't feel the same. Pushing those thoughts aside, Iggy shut the fridge and headed out of the kitchen. Talon watched him go and worried for him, should he try and do something to help or would Igneous think that he was giving him too much? Or would he be fine with it? The rex sighed and grabbed a box of cereal from the cupboard before fetching a bowl, spoon and the milk. 'Maybe some time away and fresh air would do him some good. Maybe South Maple Forest, a good place to camp at and plenty to do.' He munched away on his cereal as his mind started to work up ideas on things to do to help his son relax and unwind. Once finished eating, Talon returned to his bedroom to get online and look more into South Maple. As he browsed through, he found himself pondering on the past and the mistake he had made. He had been so absorbed by his own grief that he neglected his own son who was suffering just as bad as him and it had made him feel guilty, even more so four years ago when one of his best friends, who was also his boss, had come to him to tell him to ease up and stop overworking himself and spend time helping Iggy with his grief. It had been a turning point for him and he had vowed to do everything he could to help Iggy since, no matter what it took.

Two weeks later and the father son duo was off the South Maple Forest, though Iggy wasn't all that excited for it. Though it's probably at least partially the fact that he wasn't prepared to share a tent with his dad. As luck would have it though, they'd end up staying in a two bedroom cabin as the weather didn't seem promising for tenting. So Talon rented one and drove himself and Iggy there to drop their stuff off and get settled in. Igneous let his dad have the master bedroom and it's king-sized bed or rex-sized bed as his dad would say. Regardless, Iggy shut the door to his room and flopped on the bed. While this was better than being packed in together in a tent, Iggy still wasn't too fond of this. Being out in the woods with his attractive father where he'd no doubt feel all kinds of temptations. 'Just two weeks.' He thought. 'Just need to control myself for two weeks.' And for the next several days Iggy did the best he could but of course it was a struggle to not stare and keep any bones under control. Not helping was that the shorts his dad would wear were form fitting, the legs of which stopped about a fourth down his legs, gave crotch a noticeable and pronounced bulge and and his chubby ass was well pronounced in them as well, Iggy wondering if the shorts could even contain his father's fat ass or get swallowed up by it. The hikes they'd take together, simply filled Iggy with the temptation to step off the trail with his dad and have a quick fuck. He fought hard against such temptations though it didn't help that at times it seemed like his dad was actively teasing him. It was during one of these hikes that Talon suggested heading off the trail, causing a sense of panic in Iggy, though it subsided once Talon mentioned simply seeing something in the area that a friend of his had told him about. After nearly an hour of searching Talon soon found what he was looking for, a small lake. Iggy was in awe at how isolated and beautiful it was. "This is beautiful dad." "Indeed it is. Kalvin had told me about it when he visited and happened to come across it while exploring off the trail." Iggy walked around the edge of the lake, taking a moment to admire the scenery. "What do you say to taking a quick dip, kiddo?" "Huh? But we don't-." Iggy didn't get to finish as Talon pulled his shirt off, making his plump pecs and gut jiggle before set about untying his hiking boots, slipping them off alongside his sock before moving on to his shorts. "Just the two of us here, don't have to have swimsuits. Besides, it'd be uncomfortable making the rest of our walk in wet clothes." Iggy quickly tore his gaze away, cheeks burning hot. ('No no no no. Why this? Why like this? Must I be tempted like this?') The stego was blushing heavily and internally panicking. The sound of splashing water sounded before Talon spoke up. "Well? What are you waiting for? You plan on getting in?" "Y-yeah, I am." Iggy slowly pulled off his shirt before slipping off his sneakers and socks. He hesitated for a moment at his jeans, before taking a deep breath and unbuttoned them before pulling them off alongside his underwear. He took a few more deep breaths before easing into the water, which was a bit cold but Iggy considered that a plus as other than helping cool off from the hike but keep all his lust in check, at least he hoped it would. The next hour or so was a fun filled swim for the two before it became time to leave the water and dry off. Iggy chose it swim for a bit longer, though he found himself looking over to where his father was taking a short nap and instantly started to feel warm as his eyes took in the sight of his father's uncovered crotch, the cock slit that sat above a pair of large balls that looked to be the size of large apples. ('Fuck. Dad is packing and that's just his balls, what does his cock look like? No. No I can't think about that, it wouldn't work out.') With a sigh, Iggy climbed out of the water and stretched for a moment. ('It'd be better if I move on from these feelings.') Iggy laid out on the grass and let the sun shine on him for awhile before getting dressed. Talon relaxed for a while longer before he followed suit and the duo returned to the trail.

Later that evening they settled down in the cabin for dinner. Talon had shed his t-shirt, deciding to get more comfortable though he of course kept his shorts on, even if he really wanted to shed them too. Regardless, the two sat down on the edge of Talon's bed to eat their meal of hamburgers. "So Iggy." The stego looked over to the rex, curious as to what he was about to say. "There someone you have your eye on?" "What do you mean?" "Someone that you're crushing on. It's something you don't usually forget, I still remember the day I fell for your mother after all." "What happened?" "It was our freshman year of high school when we had first met. I remember being captivated by her, though it was some time until I worked up the courage to ask her out." "......." "That time together was wonderful, especially once you came into our lives." "I miss her." "I do too kiddo. I do too." Talon leaned over to hug Iggy. "No matter what though, she'll be with us no matter what." "Yeah..." Iggy sighed and leaned into the embrace putting aside any potential embarrassment to focus just on the comfort of it, letting his head rest against his father's pillowey chest. Talon rubbed his son's back and spines. "I'm sorry that I let you alone after we got the news." "Dad..." "I just found it hard to be at home. Felt I needed to work myself to exhaustion to cope. Didn't even think about how you were hurting just as much as I was." Iggy turned in his dad's arms to hug him back as best he could. "It okay dad. As much as it hurt to be left alone, I knew that you were dealing with mom's loss in your own way." "I still feel guilty for leaving you alone like that." "You've made up for it since." Talon smiled and leaned down to plant a light kiss on Iggy's head. "Thank you son. It makes me happy to hear you say that." "Ummm, to answer your question from earlier. There is someone but I don't know if they feel the same way as me." "Be courageous and tell them how you feel." "But what if it makes things weird between us? That he decides that he wants nothing to do with me?" "Igneous. If they truly care about you, they will not hate you for telling them how you feel. They might even feel the same as you do." "I don't know about that dad." "It is possible. Don't need to give up on it. Whoever they end up being, I will support you." "Thanks dad."

Eventually their little vacation came to an end and they returned home, where Iggy realized that he was suddenly filled with a small amount of courage that maybe things could work out. He wasn't sure why though but if be was going to take that leap of faith, it'd wait until a date when he felt truly confident enough to say it. A couple days later Iggy thought about heading out to eat and seeing if his dad wanted to tag along or at least want some food brought back. He headed upstairs and peeked into his dad's room, mouth open to speak only for the words to die in his throat. Talon was kneeling on the bed, a dildo buried in his ass (Iggy could only guess at how big it could be), one hand alternating between massaging his pecs and nipples while the other held a fleshlight that he thrust his cock into. He was positioned with his right side to the door and was too caught up in his pleasure to notice Iggy peeping on him. The stego's face burned like the sun as his eyes took everything in with his cock straining against his jeans, begging to be let out. His gaze zoned in on the fleshlight that his father was fucking as if it were an actual person. Iggy tried to get an idea of just how big that cock really was, but with the fast movements, the angle he was viewing from and the fleshlight being more or less the same size made for a difficult examination. He quickly backed away, the temptation to either join in or keep watching while masturbating to it was strong but Iggy resisted and headed for the bathroom to try and calm his nerves before undressing and taking a cold shower while simultaneously trying to banish the sight he had seen and yet... he couldn't. It was burned into his brain and nearly impossible to forget. Once dried off and dressed he quickly headed out, with the intention to pick something up for Talon on the way back. It was about an hour and a half later that Iggy returned, getting Italian takeout for Talon on the way back. As he walked into the kitchen, he found the rex there looking through the cupboards, clad in nothing but light grey briefs. Talon glanced at him, noticing his arrival. "There ya are. You head out?" "Y-yeah, got something to eat and brought you something as well." Iggy held the bag out, which was immediately accepted by Talon before bringing his son close for a hug. "Thanks son, I appreciate it." "S-sure thing." Iggy blushed and headed for his bedroom once released. ('I... I gotta tell him at some point soon. If I keep holding this in, it's probably just going to get harder to contain.')

It was about a month and a half later when Iggy resolved to finally confess to his dad how he feels and as for what comes after? He isn't sure and he also doesn't want to hope too much. Iggy started up the stairs and soon stopped at the door to his dad's room, took a deep breath and then walked in. In hindsight he should have knocked. Why? Talon had been in the middle of changing his clothes, with his briefs being half off. "Iggy?" "S-s-s-shit I-I-Im sorry dad. I-I-I didn't mean to... I didn't realize...." The stego quickly averted his eyes, face burning with embarrassment and shame. Talon pulled his briefs back all the way and sat down on the edge of the bed before patting at a spot next to him. "Come on. Shut the door and take a seat." Iggy shut the door and shuffled over to sit down next to Talon, struggling to look him in the eye. "What'd you need to talk to me about?" "A-a-actually, I needed to confess something." "Oh?" Iggy took another deep breath before speaking. "For a good while now I've..... had a crush on you. I didn't want to admit it for awhile, thought it was some kinda weird phase or something but..... they never went away. I eventually decided that I needed to tell you, regardless of what you might think." Silence started to sink in and instead of speaking, Talon allowed his next action to speak for him. He wrapped his arms around Iggy and hugged the nervous stego tight. "Dad?" "You recall that I said to you that regardless of who you like, I'd accept them, and I meant it." "But... it's you. You're my dad and I'm your son." "Maybe so but I don't mind. To tell you the truth, I suspected that you did and I honestly felt the same but simply planned to support you in your own love life until I knew for sure." "When did you first know?" "At some point two and a half years ago I realized that my love for you had grown into a love like that I had for your mother." "Dad..." "Hey, Igneous." Talon turned his son's head to face him. "I mean it and in moments like this?" He leaned in and pressed his lips to Iggy's and kissed him, pressing his tongue into the stego's mouth, giving him a deep French kiss before pulling away and leaving Iggy breathless. "You're free to call me Talon if you want." "O-okay." Iggy was left panting, breathless from the kiss he just had. "I knew you were watching me awhile ago, when I was in here riding my dildo and giving my fleshlight a good fucking. I knew you were watching me. You were thinking of coming in and letting daddy pound your ass?" He remarked in a mischievous and flirty tone. "I-I..." "Knew you were staring at my junk too when we were at that lake in South Maple." "W-well..." "You want a good and proper look?" "Y-yes please." Letting go of Iggy and standing up, Talon then hooked his thumbs on the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down in one swift motion, his balls bouncing a bit. "And here you are." Iggy swallowed hard and was transfixed. If he thought that his dad's balls looked big at the lake, they definitely were big now that he could see them up close. "Feel free to come closer, I won't bite~." Iggy gulped but slid off the bed and kneeled down in front of Talon. He had guessed that they were the size of large apples and he now knew that it had been a bit of an underestimate as they were grapefruit sized. "God damn..." He muttered in awe, making Talon smirk. "I know you're dying to touch them, to lick and suckle them. Well, go ahead then. Polish daddy fat nuts." Iggy took a deep breath, let it out and got to licking, suckling on Talon's fat nuts and despite being too big, still trying to get them in his mouth to better suckle on. "Wasn't aware my son was such a horny slut. All the better that you're mine." Iggy moaned around Talon's sack, his dad's words helping to really get him going. He stopped his nut polishing, letting out a horny sounding gasp. He stared up at Talon with hungry eyes filled with lust. "Good boy. Now how about you give my slit some attention. But first." Talon walked around Iggy and sat on the edge of the bed. "There, now how about you shed those clothes of yours?" Iggy stood up and pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside before unbuttoning his pants and tugging them down with his boxer briefs, making his erection spring free of it's cloth prison. Iggy's cock stood at seven inches long and five inches thick with his average sized balls hanging below them. "I... I know I'm not as big as you but..." "You're fine Iggy. Besides, you very well could end up as endowed as me. You are my son after all." "Thanks dad." "You're welcome, now come over here and give my slit a good licking." Iggy didn't waste too much time as he knelt down and sized up his father's cock slit. Took another deep breath and then dove in, licking from bottom to top making sure his tongue went inside at least somewhat. "Yeah that's it son. You're doing great." Talon remarked as he groaned with pleasure. It had been far too long since he had last gotten off with someone else. As Iggy licked away (the whole thing feeling like a dream come true for him) his tongue started to brush against something else, which left Talon moaning in pleasure even more. It wasn't hard to figure out it was his dad's growing cock his was now grazing with his tongue. Iggy kept at it until before long, Talon's cock was fully erect and free from it's confines. If the stego had been in awe of Talon's balls, he especially was in regards to the rex cock in front of him, currently resting on his snout. It was a foot long and nine inches thick. Talon couldn't help but chuckle to himself, looking down at Iggy who was completely out of it with the full heft of his cock on the stego's snout, eyes glazed over with infatuated lust, breathless pants and some drooling. It was pretty amusing to him but figured he should break Iggy out of his trance before they wasted too much time. "Come on kiddo. It's not gonna suck Itself if all you do is stare at it." Snapping out of the trance, Iggy readjusted so the Talon's cock flopped off of his snout and hung at mouth level. He started to lap at the tip before easing it into his mouth to suck on. "That's it kiddo. Just take it easy, no need to rush." Iggy eased more of his dad's cock into his mouth before eventually being stopped by his gag reflex. He was almost half way, he mentally thanked the practice he had down over almost four years with a dildo even if said dildo was not as big as his dad's actual cock. The thought then came to him that his dad must have a rather monstrous sized dildo for his ass, though it was quickly pushed aside as he focused on sucking on Talon's dick. Talon watched as Iggy sucked and slurped on his dick, no doubt having fantasized about doing so for quite a while. Iggy reached down with one hand to grasp at Talon's balls and start fondling & massaging them. He had partially come from these balls, the sperm that had made him had been produced in the very balls he was fondling and that same sperm had been shot out of the very dick that he was sucking on. Something about that thought made the whole experience hotter to Iggy, prompting him to pick up the pace a bit, sucking and fondling harder and faster. Talon was panting and moaning hard. "*Pant* Damn... Iggy I'm... I'm getting close." Hearing that spurred Iggy to only double his efforts, determined to have his dad spill all that fertile rex seed in his stomach. "*Pant* *Pant* Iggy... I'm... I'm going to..." In an instant Talon came hard, letting out a roar as he did so. Iggy gulped down shot after shot of cum, a full sensation quickly making itself known. The feeling was euphoric for Iggy, with so much thick and hot cum shooting down his mouth and into his stomach was intense, and as it started to become too much for him, it started to overflow in his mouth before running out and flowing down along his chin. His vision was starting to grow dark but before he could blackout from a combination of sensory overload and a lack of air, Talon pulled him off which ended up prompting Iggy to breathe in a deep breath. Talon observed Iggy's face which was that of a drunken haze, cum running down his chin and from the corners of his mouth and he also noticed that Iggy ended up with a bloated stomach. His cock twitched, acting as an additional sign that let him know that he enjoyed seeing his son in such a state. He reached down and lifted Iggy up into his lap. "Easy there son. Take a moment to catch your breath." Iggy took some slow breaths and as he did so, the haze slowly started to lift even if he still felt drunk on Talon's cum. "Rex cum is some pretty potent stuff. You're not the only one to have gotten drunk off of it." Iggy leaned forward, pressing his mouth to Talon's as he tried to drunkenly kiss him. It was a rather messy kiss but it was enough for Iggy for the time being. "Fuck me dad. I want you to fuck my ass hard and to fill it full." "As you wish." Talon gripped Iggy by the waist, lifted him up and positioned him so that he was ready to be penetrated. "I'm ready." Talon started to ease Iggy down, the tip of his cock pushing inside followed by the rest. Iggy moaned aloud as he was stretched open by his dad's thick cock. "G-... fuuuu..." Iggy grunted out. "You like that don't you? Getting spread open by daddy's fat cock?" "Y-yes! I... I love it!" "That's what I love to hear, good boy." Talon then stood up, rotated Iggy so that his back was to Talon's chest before turning toward the bed and placing Iggy down on it. "If you want this so bad, might as well give you a proper breeding." "P-please... do it daddy!" With a grin, Talon eased back until only his tip remained in and thrusted in, going balls deep. Iggy shouted out as Talon hilted inside of him, balls smacking against him. "Fuck, yes!" Talon started with slow and strong thrusts, battering Iggy's prostate in the process. Iggy's body seized up as he came hard, cum getting smeared between his bloated stomach and the bed. Talon continued to simply pound him through it. As Iggy came down from his orgasm, Talon started to pick up speed which in turn made Iggy moan louder and harder, with stars flashing in his eyes. "Y- yes! Harder daddy! Fuck me harder!" Talon reared back and gave it everything he had, giving Iggy the rough fucking that he wanted. The room echoed with the sound of Talon's balls slapping against Iggy, Talon's feral sounding grunts and Iggy's shouts and moans of ecstasy. Iggy's mind was consumed with having his years-long fantasy brought to life and the sensations that he was feeling. "You ready for daddy to fill you full of his seed?" He heard Talon whisper to him, sending chills down his spine. "Y-yes! Do it! Cum in me daddy! Make me yours!" Talon started to pound as hard and fast as he could, orgasm fast approaching. Iggy came a second time, his body tensing up and going numb. With a couple more thrusts, Talon roared with all the power and might one would expect from a t-rex and came in Iggy, quickly stuffing his ass full before pulling out to douse the stego with cum. Iggy could feel his body and mind shutting down, overwhelmed from the whole experience, spots in his eyes as they grew dark but that last thing he heard before passing out was: "Rest Iggy. Rest well and know that I love you, no matter what."

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