An Unlikely Pairing, Part 10

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#10 of An Unlikely Pairing.

An Unlikely Pairing.

By Wolfie St...

_**An Unlikely Pairing.

By Wolfie Steel.

Part 10.**_

Authors Note: This story will contain bad language, violence (Mild) and homosexual acts, if any of these cause you the reader a problem such as being under age or easily offended, then do not read on. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

_ Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all of the furs that have agreed to appear in this story, including, Rion Kagemon who for this story stars as Daniel Kanon, Manolo Sampaio as himself, Dragonmale as Andrew Joseph, and Chance 12 as Max Lightgrave. Guys, thank you from the bottom of my heart. _

After our shower Daniel and I head out of the dorm to begin our day of lessons, my first lesson of the day is English, a boring subject at the best of times but our teacher seems to have the ability to drag it to an all time low. I enter the classroom and find that I have the room practically to myself, with there just being two other students in the room, Manolo being one of them.

Manolo gives me a knowing nod as I walk passed him and head to a desk at the back of the room. As I take my seat the room begins to fill up with the rest of the students, and suddenly my eyes catch sight of a new student, well let's face it this guy is going to be hard to miss, he is a huge 7'2" Dragon, blue bodied and from the look of him he will take no prisoners.

Hank is sat at the desk next to mine and I notice that he has his eyes firmly glued to the Dragon.

"Earth to Hank, come in please" I joke. This quickly brings Hank out of his dream state.

"Er what? Who? What the fuck?"

He looks at me and then finds that his ability to talk has returned.

"Oh sorry Tyler, I....I was just...."

I finish his sentence for him.

"You were just ogling that Blue Dragon that just walked in, by the way, wipe your muzzle your drooling and for the love of god put your tongue away, and I don't want to know what he is doing to your nether regions"

Hank blushes to a deep crimson and quickly puts his paws over his groin area thus confirming my suspicion, this new guy has given Hank a boner, I let out a giggle and continue to talk.

"You like him don't you?"

Hank's blush deepens but he gently nods. What happened next made me think that we would need the paramedics, the Dragon now walks up to Hank's desk and squishes himself into the seat next to Hank.

The Dragon cautiously introduces himself.

"H...Hi my name is Andrew Joseph, I've just transferred here from Jackson High and I'm kinda low on friends"

The Dragon offers his hand to Hank who shakily takes it in his paw and returns the introduction.

"H...Hank Miles and I'm kind of new here too, and the Dalmatian in the next desk over that is Tyler Winthrop III, he has helped me a lot......"

I cut into the conversation.

"Hank, I maybe a Dally but I'm not a dumb one, I can talk you know"

Hank blushes again and I give a gentle nod to the Dragon. I also notice that the Dragon has gained the interest of Manolo who is retaking this English lesson to try and get his grades back up, Hank looks at Manolo and then back to me and speaks.

"Hey Tyler, I thought Manolo was a senior? If so why is he in our class?"

I begin to explain to Hank about the reason why Manolo is in the lesson. With my explanation now complete I head over to Manolo's desk and speak to him.

"Hey Manolo, get your eyes off the Blue Dragon, you have Tyrone as a mate now and I'm pretty sure that Hank has a crush on him so I just wanna see how far that goes, in short what I'm saying is this, you can look but you can't touch"

Just as I finish my sentence the teacher enters the room and the lesson begins. The lesson is now at its half way point and my Dalmatian nose picks up a slight musky scent coming from the desk to my left, the desk of Hank and Andrew, a slight smile plays across my muzzle as I get back to the book that I'm reading.

The bell rings to announce the end of the lesson, before the bell has even silenced Hank is out of the room like a shot, I stand and begin to walk from the room only to be called back by Andrew.

"Tyler, can I ask you something kinda........personal?"

I turn to the Dragon and perk my ears a little.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears"

The Dragon blushes and then continues.

"That guy I was sat with, Hank, I.......I think I may have upset him after the way he took off out of here"

Again a smile breaks out across my muzzle.

"Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, trust me on this Hank is in no way upset with you, in fact quite the opposite is true of my friend Hank"

A confused look appears on the Dragon's muzzle, I motion for the Dragon to lower his head so that I may whisper into his ear.

"Andrew, I think that Hank kinda has a crush on you"

The Dragon stumbles slightly and then has to sit on a chair to take what he has just been told in.

"You mean....that H-Hank is gay?"

I make my reply.

"Yes Andrew, Hank is gay. For the love of god though don't hurt him, he obviously knows that he has no chance of ever being with you, that is why he ran from the classroom like his tail was on fire, he also probably realised that you may have noticed something about him and didn't want to wait around for you to clobber him"

Again the Dragon looks at me confused, I let out a giggle and continue.

"You mean to tell me that you didn't notice the two huge neon signs he put up? First he had a boner that just wouldn't quit, and then there was the musky scent of love. Now I don't know which way you swing, but if you are straight, please don't be too hard on him"

We both start to walk towards the door and towards our next class when the Dragon stops me.

"Tyler, if you see Hank in any of your other lessons can you tell him that there is a certain Blue Dragon that is quite taken with a mixed up Shepherd pup and that he would like to see the Shepherd pup in the parking area after school?"

I give the Dragon the sweetest of smiles and a gentle nod, we both head off to our next classes before we are marked as late. My next lesson is biology and there sitting at the back of the classroom is Hank with his head in his paws; I gently lay a paw on his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze. Hank looks up at me, his eyes are blood red and I can tell that he has been crying for some time, so I decide to end his misery once and for all.

"Hank, I have a strange message to give you"

I clear my throat and continue.

"Tell Hank that there is a certain Blue Dragon that is quite taken with a mixed up Shepherd pup, now forgive me, but there is only one Blue Dragon in this place and to my knowledge you are the only mixed breed Shepherd here"

Hank buries his head back into his paws again and mumbles.

"He probably said that he wants to meet me after school too, well I ain't fuckin' stupid, I know that he just wants to mash me into the floor"

With that I leave Hank to his own thoughts and take my seat ready for the lesson to begin. The lesson ends without any contact with Hank, but as I begin to leave the classroom I hear Hank call my name.

"Tyler, please wait, I need to speak to you"

I walk to one of the benches that line the hallway and take a seat to wait for Hank to join me. Hank arrives at the bench then takes a seat next to me and continues.

"Tyler, I really like Andrew, but I'm afraid to go and meet him after school because it could all be a trap, I mean you have seen the scars on my body, and don't pretend that you haven't because I have caught you looking, well those scars are from an abusive home life and an even more abusive street life, a guy as big as Andrew would waste no time in crushing me"

I turn my head to look at Hank and reply.

"Yes your right I have seen the scars and bruises that litter your body, but I don't think that Andrew wants to add to them, in fact I would say that he might even be interested in you, I mean come on dude let's face facts here if I wasn't in love with Daniel, I would be showing my interest in you. As for the meeting after school I will make a deal with you, if you go through with the meeting and give yourself a shot at love, then I will be there with you to make sure that the meeting is not a trap, I mean think about it, Andrew is hardly likely to try any rough stuff if I'm there"

Hank lets out a sigh but then nods his head.

"Ok Tyler, you win, I guess it would be nice to think that I might have some sort of future with Andrew, maybe then I can continue to get my life back on track"


The rest of the school day goes by without incident and the final bell sounds, I stand and wait for the German Shepherd to emerge from his final class of the day. He is the last student to leave and is now visibly shaking, I gently lay my paw on his shoulder to offer him support and then we make our way towards the meeting point.

As we get closer we can see that Andrew is already there and that he is alone, I quickly scan the area to check that there are no hidden students waiting to ambush us, finding none we continue to walk towards where Andrew is standing. The Blue Dragon sees me walking with Hank and gains a confused look on his face.

"Tyler, how come you are with Hank?"

I make my reply.

"Forgive me Andrew, but Hank was a little afraid of meeting you alone, he thought that maybe it could be a setup for him to get a beating"

Andrew kneels down in front of Hank, his face taking on a gentle and friendly look. The Dragon gently raises his hand up to cup Hank's muzzle.

"Hank, I won't hurt you, not after Tyler told me that you were interested in me"

A gentle growl emanates from Hank's throat and he gives me a look that says that I'm going to pay for that later, Hank then looks back at Andrew and speaks.

"A certain Dalmatian has a big muzzle, but yes I am interested in you as a friend and maybe even as a mate"

A smile breaks out over the Dragon's muzzle.

"Oh don't worry Hank, you have already won me as a friend, as for a mate, well let me tell ya something, I know the smell of male sexual musk and you were giving off loads in class earlier, I also took a sneaky peek down below and saw your tented trousers, but I said nothing to you, because that would have given me away, you see I too was sporting a boner. It was no accident that I came and sat next to you, I mean think about it, there was a spare place next to Tyler, but I chose to sit next to you because I wanted to get to know you more"

I let out a giggle after hearing the lies spewing from the Dragon's muzzle, but it seemed to do the trick as Hank blushes profusely as he realises that Andrew has seen his tent. Andrew continues.

"I know that for us to be mates will be difficult, but what is it they say? Nothing good ever comes easy"

Suddenly Andrew gently takes hold of Hank and hugs him tight; the Dragon's left hand slowly drifts down to the Shepherd's butt and gives it a gentle squeeze. Hank lets out a slight gasp but then all his fears seem to just melt away.

I quietly turn away and head back into the school giving the two boys some much needed privacy. I make my way back to the dorm that I share with my friend and lover Daniel. Once inside the dorm I sit at the desk that both me and Daniel use to do our homework, I only have a page of straight forward maths problems to complete, followed by a short English essay to write, then I can finally start to get ready for the party in Manolo's dorm.


Daniel is also heading back to the dorm to get ready for the party, he walks passed the cafeteria and hears a noise coming from the kitchen area. Knowing that all of the catering staff has left for the day Daniel heads into the cafeteria to investigate the noise.

As he enters the large room, he sees a large amount of broken glass by one of the emergency doors; he also notices that one of the emergency doors has been opened. Daniel now heads behind the counter and towards the kitchen area; again the door that separates the counter area from the kitchen has been forced open. Daniel gently pushes the door open further and sees a young Black Furred wolf raiding various cupboards obviously in search of food. Daniel clears his throat to announce his presence to the wolf; the wolf stops dead and slowly turns to face Daniel. Danny is the first to speak.

"Ok, I think you had better explain yourself and I warn ya, I am the captain of the football team so don't even think about trying to take me down"

The wolf rises to his full height which is approximately 5'7" and starts to think of something to say.

"Please, I'm absolutely starvin'; I haven't had any food for four days maybe longer"

Daniel considers his options, sure he could call Principal Lions who would no doubt call the police and have the youth charged with breaking into the school, he could also call Manolo and have him come and deal with the youth, or option three, he could get the youth fed, clean up the mess and then go with the youth to see Principal Lions.

"Ok here's the deal, I will get you something to eat and drink, and then I will clean up the mess that you left, then you and me have a date with the schools Principal"

The wolf lets out an audible gulp as he hears Daniel mention the Principal.

"Is there another option that doesn't involve speaking to the Principal?"

Daniel smiles at the youth and replies.

"Sure there is, I could take out my cell phone and call the cops, you would then be hauled off in cuffs and be charged with criminal damage and breaking into a school"

The youth hangs his head in shame just as his stomach begins to growl; Daniel looks at the youth's body and even under his thick fur Daniel can quite easily make out his ribs, Daniel continues to speak.

"Ok, take a seat and I will get you something to eat and drink"

The wolf heads over to one of the preparation counters and sits whilst Daniel begins to prepare the youth's meal.


Having prepared the meal, the wolf wasted no time in polishing it off with gusto, he then looks up at Daniel with a tear in his eye.

"You are the first person that has ever done anything nice for me, so I guess I have to keep my end of the deal and allow you to take me to see this Principal guy, by the way my name is Jack Wolfe"

Daniel gently takes hold of the wolf's arm and leads him off towards the living quarters of Principal Lions.

"Hey Jack, my name is Daniel Kanon, and relax Principal Lions maybe a Doberman, but you will have me there with you so he will be cool"

The two boys now stand outside the Principal's living quarters and Daniel knocks upon the door. After thirty seconds a voice comes from behind the door.

"Who is it?"

Daniel recognises the voice instantly as that of the Principal.

"Sir, it's me Daniel Kanon and it's important that I speak to you sir"

There is a large growl from behind the closed door but then the Principal gives his reply.

"Very well Mr Kanon, let me just make myself decent"

The sound of heavy whispering can be heard from behind the door, and there is also the sound of a rush dorm clearance, then suddenly the door opens to reveal the Principal.

"Mr Kanon, this had better be good"

Daniel lets out a gulp but then makes his reply.

"Sorry to disturb you sir, but I caught this young wolf raiding the cafeteria after having broken into the school"

The Doberman now stands aside and allows the two boys to enter the dorm, once inside they were asked to sit. Once they are all seated Daniel continues.

"Sir please don't call the police and have the youth arrested, he is really hungry and until just now hasn't eaten in at least four days. I have made him something to eat and drink and I will pay for what I used, I will also pay for the damage to the emergency door. I don't believe that punishment of the boy will work, so with your permission I would like to get him enrolled in school and I will put him to work on the football team"

The Principal sat and listened intently to what Daniel had to say. The Doberman now stands in front of the youth and speaks.

"You can thank your lucky stars that it was Mr Kanon that caught you, if it had been me then you would be behind bars by now, as for joining the school I will allow it and I will even ask the counsellor to get you setup with the essential equipment that you will need, but heed this warning my young friend, one paw out of place and I will be turning you over to the police, do I make myself perfectly clear?"

The wolf nods and lets out a slight whimper, the Principal now looks at the boys fur and even he can see his ribs showing through.

"Daniel, its tonight that Manolo is having his party is it not?"

Daniel lets out a chuckle.

"Yes sir it is, in fact I gotta get back to my dorm to get ready"

The Doberman looks back to Jack and then speaks.

"You are about my size my young friend, so for tonight take a look through my closet and find something to wear; tonight you will party, have fun and above all else have a good feed"

Jack thanks the Principal for his understanding and then vanishes into his bedroom, he exits the room some ten minutes later with a light blue button down shirt, a pair of black jeans and a white pair of running shoes in his paws, again he thanks Principal Lions and both Daniel and Jack leave and head back to the dorm where I am in the middle of getting ready.

Daniel knocks on the door to our dorm which gives me the cue to make myself decent, after a couple of moments Daniel and Jack enter the dorm, a smile crawls over my muzzle as I decide to have some fun with my Horsey.

"So Daniel, you're already bored with me and now you have another new play thing?"

Daniel lets out a little snicker as he makes the introductions.

"Jack, this hunky Dalmatian here is Tyler Winthrop and yes if you haven't already guessed it we are mated"

Both Jack and I blush as red as a stop light, Jack recovers first and speaks.

"Look guys, I'm ok with having gay friends, I mean think about it, I have lived on the streets for almost ten years now, so there ain't much that I haven't seen, from drugs to dicks, alcohol to asses and burglary to balls, I've seen it all, for now though all I would like to do is go have a shower and get ready for tonight"

With that Jack strips off and heads into the shower, whilst he is in the shower Daniel tells me of how he found the wolf in the kitchen and of the deal that had been made between the wolf and Principal Lions.

The wolf comes out of the shower with his black fur still dripping wet; I avert my eyes as Daniel throws him a towel to dry off, oh gods I can already tell that I'm going to have my paws full at the party tonight.