XXXMAS Day Fifteen - Service Top/Power Bottom

Story by ThatDarnDodo on SoFurry

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#15 of XXXMAS

Summary: Brax is a massive power bottom of a boar and his little fox husband couldn't be happier.

So, what is XXXMAS? For every day of the month of December I will post a short story, each featuring a different kink that was randomly chosen by several kink generators I found online. I'm doing this as a sort of writing challenge, test my skills with the help of some very different kinks and themes, as well as to build up a sort of writing portfolio. Each story is completely unrelated so you can skip whichever ones aren't your cup of tea.

I love writing stories with small tops and big bottoms. Especially when it's a service top/power bottom dynamic going on. What I'm saying is that this prompt was made for me.

"All right, boys, one fresh home made pizza coming right up!"

The swift fox placed the still steaming hot pizza on the coffee table and all three men lounging on the couch made a mad dash for a piece. One of the men, a moose named Mo, ate half his slice in one go and, with a mouth full of cheese and pastry, said, "Damn, Taylor, this is great. Wish my boyfriend cooked as good as you. Guy can't even make toast without us calling the fire department."

Another man, a bear called Burt, piped up, "Dude, you know what you should make again? That malva pudding we had last time were were here. That was fucking amazing."

Taylor gave Burt a smile while his gaze subtly turned to the third man in the room who hadn't yet said a word. Said man was a large, dark brown boar with a massive belly, arms like tree trunks, and tusks you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. He'd already scoffed down one slice of pizza and was picking up his second when he said, "Maybe next time, boys. Taylor needs a rest. He's not a personal chef for your sorry arses."

"Aw, don't be like that, Brax, You can't hog him all to yourself," Mo laughed.

"Being a boar, I'll 'hog' him all I want," he replied as he gave Taylor a wink, making the fox blush.

"Oh, shit, the game's back on," Burst said pointing to the TV, Taylor quickly being ignored by two of the three men in favour of rugby.

The boar, Braxton, or Brax as he preferred, said, "Hey, grab a beer for me, babe? Why not grab yourself one and join us?"

"Thanks for the offer, hun, but..."

"Yeah, I know, sports ain't ya thing. Heh, can't blame a guy for wanting any excuse to hangout with his hot husband, right?"

"Oi, no flirting while the rugs is on," Burt said to the two.

"Piss off, old man. And who calls it 'the rugs' anyhow?" Brax snapped back.

Taylor smiled and rolled his eyes as he headed back to the kitchen for that beer. He decided to grab two more for his friends, an act that got many thanks from the thirsty men.

"Fuck, you're a life saver, Taylor. Been dying for one of these," Mo said as he unscrewed the bottle's lid.

"You could've gotten one yourself," Brax said as he took a swig.

"Yeah but that would involve getting up, wouldn't it?"

The three men on the couch laughed. Taylor just smiled at them and rolled his eyes before saying, "Well, you boys enjoy your game. I'm gonna go read in the bedroom. Call me if you need anything else, okay?" He then leaned down and gave Brax a kiss on the snout, earning him a cheer from the other two.

"Get a room, you two," Burt laughed.

"Bro, if you think that's saucy then it really has been a long time for you, hasn't it?" Mo said, giving him a playful shove.

Taylor left the men to their own devices to go read like he'd said. Their room was just down the hall and, being a group of men who'd already had a few beers in them even before the food came out, Taylor could hear every single loud word the boisterous trio said.

"So, how's married life treating you?" Mo asked. "It's been, what, five months already?"

"It's been the best decision of my life," Brax answered, Taylor breaking out into a wide smile at his words.

"I bet its been!" Burt laughed. "Not only can he cook and clean but he's of the hottest guys around. How did a fat tub of lard like you ever get a guy like that?" Burt sounded almost dreamy as he added, "That tiny waist of his mixed with that fat arse...damn, what I wouldn't give to have at least one go. Hey, uh, Brax-"

"For the last time, meat head, we're a hundred percent monogamous. Your grubby little paws ain't gettin' anywhere near my man."

Taylor couldn't help but giggle at his mate's words, the book in his hands quickly being forgotten as he continued to listen to the men's banter.

"Okay, but, real talk for a moment," Burt started, "the guy's a screamer, right? I've fucked foxes before and they're all loud. It's, like, coded into their DNA or something."

Mo laughed as he said, "Come on, man, you know Brax doesn't like talking about his sex life with Taylor."

"Which is weird as hell! You used to give us all the juicy details with your other guys. But its when you start dating a total bombshell that you choose to zip it? That's just cruel, man."

Taylor could practically hear Brax rolling his eyes. "I thought we came here to watch sports? Not talk about my fuck life with my husband. Seriously, you two were the ones that suggested coming over here. It wasn't all just an excuse to talk about my mate's tail, now, was it?"

"I mean, not really, but seeing as he's not in the room anymore..." Burt trailed off.

"Just shut up and watch the game."

And with that the conversation was done and the only noise Taylor heard from then on was cheers and curses as the men really did begin to get into their rugby, previous questions about their friend's love life seemingly forgotten. Taylor sighed as he got comfortable under the duvet, getting back to the latest gripping mystery from his favourite author.

A couple of hours later and Mo and Burt were gone, leaving a half drunk Brax to crawl onto the bed and collapse beside his fox. "Have a good game?" Taylor asked.

"Pretty all right," Brax said as he scratched his bare belly, his clothes, save for his briefs, having been scattered on the floor when he came in. The boar had never been the biggest fan of clothing and chose to go waltz around in his underwear, sometimes even not that, when they were home alone. Taylor wasn't exactly complaining.

"I heard you guys talking about me," Taylor said, doing his best to sound as casual as possible while he pretended to read his novel.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You know how they can get. Those two idiots got sex on the brain twenty-four goddamn seven." Brax grinned. "But, not gonna lie, I kinda love it."


"Come on. I managed to bag the sexiest guy in our community. I have ultimate bragging rights."

"I should be the one bragging." He leaned over and the two men shared a kiss that lasted a little longer than it probably needed to. When they finally came up for air, Taylor looked at his love and said with a smile, "And thanks for not talking about, you know, our love life. I know how much you used to love boasting about your conquests."

"Hey, you know you mean more to me than just a good lay. Wouldn't have put a ring on your cute little finger if you didn't. And if you don't want me to boast about what we get up to in the bedroom to my mates then I won't. I still don't really get it, though. You're the one who'd come out on top of all my stories. Quite literally." He leaned over a placed a peck on Taylor's cheek. "But you're the type that doesn't like everyone knowing about their dirty deeds and I'll support that...even if it means I don't get to gloat about how amazing your dick is."

Before they began dating, Brax had had something of a reputation. Even if they'd never met him, everyone knew Brax, the total power top who spent his evenings in bars drinking and picking up men for a wild time at his place. All that ended when he set his sights on a certain swift fox. Taylor wasn't the fling kind of guy, he wanted a serious relationship, not a few hours of fun before never being called again.

Much to everyone's surprise, Taylor was able to tame the wild boar and, just two years later, made an honest man out of him. Although, Brax's wondering eye wasn't the only thing he'd changed about the burly boar. Thanks to an incident with an abusive ex a number of years ago, the very concept of bottoming was not something Taylor ever wanted to think about again. And, after threatening to rip his old boyfriend's dick off, Brax agreed that whenever they had anal that he'd bottom. Brax had never actually bottomoned before he met Taylor but, after that first night, both realised the boar would never top again. Turns out Brax liked riding dick. A lot.

And by the way he waggled his eyebrows at his spouse, it looked as though he was ready for a round or two. Taylor chuckled as he shook his head. "Let me at least finish my book first. I've only got two chapters left."

He raised his novel to emphasis the point. Too bad for him that Brax took the opportunity to pluck it from his hands and place it gently on the table his side of the bed. Once while in the mood, he'd tossed Taylor's book across the room, an action that got him the ear chewing of his life. Books needed to be treated with respect in that house, a mistake he didn't make twice.

"Let's make a deal," Brax said to him. "Eat my arse out and I'll take you to the library tomorrow and get you a million books."

"They only let you take out four at a time," Taylor laughed. "You'd know that if you got your own library card."

"Babe, I love you, I really do, but even cutting off my nutsack wouldn't get me to be a bookworm."

"Why do I love such a meathead like you?"

"Because I've got the fattest backside that would make even the holiest of men weep. Now, shirt and shorts off, hot stuff."

Brax yanked off the duvet before making quick work of Taylor's clothes, the fox only laughing as he struggled with the button on his pants. Once naked, Brax licked his lips as he looked the man up and down. "Damn, you look tasty, babe. Bet you're not as tasty as me, though. I wasn't kidding about the arse eating."

"Didn't think you were," Taylor said with a sultry smile.

Brax took off his briefs and tossed them to the side, sighing with relief as his cock was freed. "I swear, my underwear gets smaller and smaller every time I wear it. You think they're shrinking in the wash?"

"I think it's more you getting big in the posterior region."

"Fancy way of saying I got a fat arse," Brax laughed. Then, with a leer, he added, "Now, lie down, babe. This fat arse wants a bit of attention."

With his back facing the headboard, Brax threw his leg over Taylor, his massive backside now hovering over the fox's snout. He parted his cheeks with his large, meaty hands, revealing a winking hole ready for some action. He lowered himself onto Taylor, a man all too happy for a face full of big boar butt.

"Well? Get to it, foxy," Brax said with a low growl.

Taylor parted his lips and stuck out his tongue to press against Brax's entrance, all while inhaling that masculine scent of his that he loved so much. He began to lap at his mate's hole and sniff in earnest, the musky smell from the skin engulfing his face almost intoxicating.

"Hey, I said lick my arse not smell it," Brax said to him, noticing all the snuffling going on behind him.

"Sowwy," Taylor's attempt at an apology somewhat muffled by his face full of boar. In an attempt to apologise further, he decided to pull a move he knew his hubby would enjoy.

Brax squealed when he felt the full force of Taylor's tongue shove into him as deep as it could go and swirl around before beginning to piston in and out with as much vigor as he could muster.

"Oh, fuck, babe, just like that. You know how I love it," Brax said, already starting to sound out of breath. "Nice and rough."

As Taylor continued to go to town on him, he could feel his own arousal growing, his cock soon standing to full attention. He loved nothing more than servicing his mate and found nothing better than being absolutely smothered in him. Taylor couldn't help the moan that escaped him, something that was picked up by Brax who chuckled, "You like that, babe? Like my fat arse all over your face?" Taylor mumbled something he hoped sounded like a yes.

"You know, as fun as you tongue fucking me is, I have my eyes on something a little meatier."

Taylor yelped as he felt a hand wrap around his cock. He then practically melted into the mattress as Brax gave it a few hard tugs, saying, "Ready for the main course, babe?"

Without waiting for an answer, Brax lifted himself off of Taylor's face, moved downward and spun around so that he was now facing Taylor while hovering over his dick. He shot him one last cheeky grin before lowering himself onto Taylor's prick. The vast amounts of spit had lubed him up nicely and he slid into him with ease.

"Damn, that look on your face! You gonna jizz yourself already?" Brax laughed.

"C-can you blame me? You're so tight and you look"

"Absolutely fuckable?"

Before Taylor could agree with him wholeheartedly, Brax was raising his rear and slamming himself down so hard that Taylor wouldn't be surprised if he ended up with a cracked pelvis. But despite the fear of broken bones, he couldn't help the moan that escaped him as Brax's walls enveloped his dick, squeezing him with everything they had.

"Oh, god," Taylor gasped, "that feels amazing."

"You bet your sweet tits it does. This is my arse we're talking about, after all."

Brax let out another laugh as he drew himself up so that just Taylor's tip was in before thrusting downward with as much force as before. He continued to move like this, the room filling with the sounds of Brax's grunts, Taylor's moans and an impressive backside slapping against slender thighs.

"Oh, Brax!" Taylor gasped after a particularly hard slam. "I don't know how much more I can take."

"That right, babe? You wanna come already? Well, you're gonna have to work for it."


"Beg. Tell me how much you want it. How much you want all of this." He slapped his large belly and grabbed at one of his bloated pecs for emphasis.

Having lost any shame the moment Brax shoved his face between his cheeks, Taylor just about yelled, "Please, Brax! I want you so bad. No, I need you. Please let me come."

"I dunno. That didn't sound pitiful enough." Brax squeezed his walls around Taylor who was practically sobbing at this point. He could feel his orgasm fast approaching but new that if he came without Brax's say so then he'd been even crueler to him next time.

Brax wrapped his fat fingers around his even fatter cock and began to pump himself as he licked his lips, seemingly loving the hell out of Taylor's suffering. Then the boar said the most beautiful words Taylor had ever heard. "Eh, fuck it. Go nuts."

Taylor let out the most gratifying moan as pure bliss washed over him. Brax grinned as he felt his walls being coated with his partner's seed and just a few pumps of his hand later he was releasing all over Taylor's face and chest.

"Phew, that was good," Brax said with a satisfied sigh. He then noticed Taylor's face painted with his cum and said, "White looks really good on you, babe."

"...I have no idea if I hate or love you right now."

Brax lifted himself off of Taylor's dick to flop down beside him. He then wrapped his arms around the fox and drew him closer so he could rest his head on his proud chest. "Brax, I'm all gross and sticky, it's not time to cuddle," Taylor grumbled while making no attempt to get out of his grip.

"You know, I've been thinking that maybe it's good you're so shy about others knowing about our sex life."

"Oh?" the swift fox questioned with a raised brow.

"Yeah, because then I'd have to fight off a bunch of guys that want after that amazing dick of yours!"

"You are such an idiot," Taylor laughed, burying his face into Brax's fur. "But you're my idiot."

XXXMAS Day Fourteen - Prostitution

"And afterwards the guy just burst into tears...kept on apologising to Jesus and saying what would his pastor say. Like, boy, if you're so worried about what some crusty old man in a white collar thinks then maybe you shouldn't have sucked my...

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XXXMAS Day Thirteen - Feminization

"What do you mean you can't come?!" Joyce tried her best to not let her anger show in her voice but the moment she opened her mouth she knew that wasn't happening. "I haven't seen my sister in months and the one time she's in town you say you...

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XXXMAS Day Eleven - Watersports

When Mitch woke up that morning he wore the world's largest grin, unable to hide the skip in his step as he bounced off to the bathroom for his first piss of the day. Mitch couldn't stop wagging his tail as he pulled out his cock and went to town...

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