Transformation Day

Story by Kyzun on SoFurry

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On a distant-future Earth, every sixth year the population transforms, with every sapient life form transitioning to a different species. The Change, as it has been named, is embraced and celebrated by free-thinking cultures, and following each Change is a time of physical exploration and experimentation as people test their new bodies.

(Heavily edited from the original version posted to fur.stories.erotica back in July 2002.)

Copyright 2002, 2021 (c) Kyzun Longtail.


This is a fictional story with explicit descriptions of sex involving anthropomorphized animal people. Read only if legal for you to do so, and with an open mind.


When I wrote Transformation Day, I tried to imagine the world if all inhabitants were forced to accept and embrace diversity (versus seeking and imposing conformity, as has long been the cultural norm of many past generations).

I started with: What if there were a button you could push, and you didn't know exactly what it was going to do to any one individual, but it would shake everything up and no-one would be the same afterward? What if all of the people of the world, in their petty social cliques and communities divided by race and made up social rules, found the boundaries they'd so carefully erected torn down, and found themselves to be more dissimilar to each other than they'd ever been to anyone to whom they'd shown prejudice? And what if, just as society was getting back on its feet and began stubbornly to redraw those lines, someone pushed that button again? What if this became a pattern, compelled regularly upon society, to keep it from returning to old behaviors?

As I wrote the story, the button became a cosmic event, a force of nature imposing an unjudging will upon the populace. No divine intervention; just evolution stepped up to 11 by a quirk of fate.


November 18, 2347. The Night Before.

In a quiet university dorm room, a clock on a dresser softly glowed 11:47 PM. Brian, a 20-year-old raccoon, glanced at it from his bed, trying unsuccessfully to relax in the dark as midnight approached.

The night was unusually silent, and little studying was being done throughout the hall; most students, like Brian, were trying to sleep. Of course, there were some loud and late parties, but they were mostly off-campus affairs at the more rowdy fraternities and sororities. For now though, Brian enjoyed the quiet. His roommate, a shy yet hyper dingo in his freshman year, had gone home for the holiday to stay with his parents.

Brian lay perfectly still without so much as a twitch along his grey- and black-ringed tail, as his thoughts drifted anxiously in anticipation of the coming morning.

Tomorrow would be Transformation Day.

All classes were cancelled, and Brian had checked the news earlier to get the latest details - the Change would happen in his city at 11:18 AM. "Time enough to get breakfast and enjoy my last few hours like this," he thought to himself. Rolling to his side, he sank into his pillows, and closed his eyes. Attempting unsuccessfully to slip into dreams, he recalled the events of the first Transformation Day and the years that followed. His professors had covered the subject recently in his classes; comforting himself, Brian thought how glad he was to have not been around back then.

Eight or so generations before Brian's time, Earth astronomers and scientists were excited by a strange new comet making its way into the inner solar system for its first visit in recorded history. They did not worry when projections forecast that the Earth would soon pass through the tail of this new comet; after all, the Earth had passed through other comets' tails before, such as with Halley's in 1910. In that time, some crowds had whipped into a panic after spectroscopy had revealed how that comet's tail vapor contained deadly cyanogen, and newspapers gleefully flaunted headlines of doom and gloom. But the density of the earth's atmosphere would prove to easily resist against the thin gas of Halley's tail, and in retrospect, society's worries would seem foolish.

This time there would be no rash of death cults and suicides, no predictions of mass casualties; those reactions had played themselves out years before, and the world was tired of such drama. Self confidence abounded in the world's safety, bolstered by the great advances of the time.

Only recently, the richest countries had collaboratively built a new Earth defense system to protect against the potential devastation of a major meteorite impact. The refinement of recycling processes had made dredging and re-using materials from old landfills cheaper than mining new ones. New automation technologies had melded privately owned vehicles with the efficiencies of mass transit, and ninety-five percent of all traffic accidents had been eliminated in developed areas.

So life seemed good, and many people felt that science either had all the answers, or soon would. Still, a few stubborn problems persisted: the world population was still growing, leading to overcrowding and food shortages, despite religious wars that still broke out between disparate cultures.

In science, a paradigm shift is signaled by observations that violate established theory. The then-still-unnamed comet would trigger such a shift, for unknown to scientists of the time, its appearance in the sky was a true herald of change. Never before in recorded history had Earth encountered such an object, travelling at a different direction and velocity from Earth in the fourth dimension. On this fourth plane, the Earth's atmosphere was not an impediment to the sub-particles and radiation flowing out from the dirty, icy snowball. Earth's scientists did not yet know that the radiation of as-yet undiscovered M-particles across this fourth plane was quite commonplace, and the primary source of genetic mutations; nor had they yet discovered that accelerated periods of evolution could be traced to increased inter-planar flows. The greatest times of genetic change in history had always coincided with increased activity from that unseen dimension.

As the Earth moved into the comet's tail, the planet was struck with with an intense wave of life-changing inter-planar radiation. The resulting mutations were sudden and drastic, and few life forms on Earth were left unaffected.

Even in Brian's time, scientists still disagreed on exactly how the process worked, but on that day, the first Change began. Some speculated that the DNA of humans somehow became cross-pollinated with that of many other creatures, like putting the world's genetics into a blender. Others believed the changes simply demonstrated an accelerated evolution within each person, an advancing and scrambling of the genetic code. However it happened, the Change imposed fresh diversity into the once lone sapient species of a world that had long been homogenous. Humans as a species ceased to exist that day, with every person on the planet transforming into an intelligent mammal, reptile, or avian. Each had been assigned at random a new species, some mixture of what they had been before combined with some other creature.

In the first days after the first Change, some societies collapsed. Governments and families struggled to deal with the sudden identity crisis inflicted on the world. The economies of richer nations suffered for a small while, but they recovered as their citizens adapted to their new bodies and as new industries were developed to address the ergonomic needs of a now more variably-shaped society. And gradually the world came to terms with the new reality, as even the cultures that handled it badly began to acclimate out of necessity.

But no one predicted that only six years later, the Change would come again.

Like any other comet, the celestial body now known as Mutare had left a heavy trail of dust and debris along its path. While the Earth would enter this field in the known three dimensions annually, every sixth year the planet also coincided with the trail's fourth dimensional position.

Thus was born "Transformation Day." This year would be the 35th. And the world adapted, each time.

The Change became a maker and breaker of relationships based on physical attraction. The most superficial love struggled to hold up when a couple found themselves transformed into vastly differing species, such as a rhinoceros and a chinchilla, or a crocodile and an eagle. So with every Change, weaker partnerships collapsed, as those couples found each other to no longer be the same person to whom they had once been attracted.

Most societies began to encourage adult couples of the same species to bear children while they could, because they would rarely find themselves genetically compatible after a Change. The months following a Transformation Day would always see a falling-off of new pregnancies, then a gradual rise again after the first year. As one major (and beneficial) outcome, Transformation Day had achieved what Science could not: the world population fell into recession, no longer threatening a bleak, overcrowded and hungry future. Over the past 200 years, the population had shrunk from a high of around 12 billion people to something more stable and sustainable, around 4 billion.

Tiring of his recollection of dry history and socioeconomic lectures, Brian turned his thoughts towards his girlfriend, Sandy. A busty and cheerful rabbit with an exciting penchant for pushing Brian into new things, Sandy had been going steady together with Brian for the past year. Their relationship had survived the summer while they were apart, but tomorrow would be unpredictable. Brian wondered how he would handle the situation if he didn't see Sandy as attractive after her Change. Then he worried how she might react to his own transformation, liking that idea even less. Happy with his partner as things were, Brian was not looking forward to the morning. He dwelled on it like he was awaiting some inevitable punishment.

Troubled by these thoughts, sleep finally overtook the anxious raccoon, and he drifted into a fitful slumber.

November 19, 2347. Transformation Day.

The harsh buzz of his alarm clock stirred Brian from his sleep. Looking across the room with a bleary eye opened halfway, he could see the numbers now showed 8:01. While he relished the opportunity to sleep in later than normal, he didn't want to get up too late and risk letting his schedule slip. Classes would resume the very next day; the "holiday" had inconveniently landed on a Wednesday. Rolling to the side and pulling his tail out of the way, he clambered out of bed.

Altogether, his morning passed uneventfully. The plumpish raccoon had an early breakfast, and after a rest, he went jogging around campus, part of his usual routine to keep some semblance of a healthy figure. Along the way he saw several of his classmates, most wearing brightly colored robes, and a couple of them strutting around only in their fur, feathers, or scales. This behavior was not uncommon on Transformation Day; either people wore very loose-fitting attire or nothing at all, rather than risk injuring themselves should the Change begin while wearing tight clothes.

By the time Brian returned to his dorm room, most of the campus had come to life, but the raccoon just wanted to spend a little quiet time working on a research paper due the following week. He was only able to complete a half page though as his mind drifted between past and present, reflecting on his own prior transformations and the impending next Change.

Brian could not recall his birth form or his first transformation, though he had seen pictures of the baby red squirrel he had been before metamorphosing into a panda at age 2. His eighth year brought the first Change he could actually remember, when he became a boar, and nine months following his 14th birthday he'd acquired his current procyonid form. None of the transformations had been painful, but they were not pleasant memories either; after each Change he had felt sick for a few days, and he had suffered a lot of teasing from his classmates in third grade until proving that pigs could be pretty good fighters.

At 11AM a cacophony of desk alarms broke out from many of the nearby dorm rooms. Various students had set the alarms to the same conspicuous time to ensure they wouldn't begin the Change unprepared. Brian sat his books down on his desk and stretched out on his bed, with his robe flopped open and his grey-furred belly exposed. Closing his eyes, he let his right hand drift down and stroked over the soft, silvery fur of his sheath, and he relaxed. Directing his hand lower, he brushed his fingertips under his ballsac, and released a deep sigh. He had become rather attached to his current body, even with its imperfections, and was going to miss it. He had matured into an adult and had his first sex in this form. And though he felt sexually tense at the moment, he was too worried about the coming Change to find release. Resignedly, he let his hand just lay there atop his familiar anatomy, and leaned his head back into his pillow, watching the minutes as they crawled slowly by.

11:15. 11:16. 11:17.

The clock reached 11:18, and still Brian lay upon the bed, eyes focused somewhere beyond the top of his dresser. He sat upright with a jerk and looked at the numbers as he heard someone let out a whoop down the hall. Then, all was quiet again. He swallowed nervously, and the seconds seemed to tick past more slowly. 24, 25, 26...

At 32 seconds, Brian felt his pulse rising and his breath quickening, but not from panic; he knew from experience that this meant the Change was beginning. The inside of his muzzle felt hot and dry. Dizziness filled his head; queasiness filled his stomach. These feelings passed after a moment though, as greater things began to happen.

Blinking and rubbing at his eyes, Brian tried to watch himself in the small mirror on the dresser, but he could only see a blurry shape as his eyes refused to focus. His skin felt as if worms were crawling over every inch of his body, and within he was warm and still slightly giddy. He knew that throughout his body his cells were being reprogrammed by an unseen bombardment of M-particles, but no matter how science had tried to explain it, he could never shake the idea of something magical or divine involved. The next phase, in fact, still baffled the best physiologists of his time. He took a deep breath, and he could feel things begin to seriously shift.

The restructuring phase had begun: a period of rapid regrowth and readjustment, where some cells died while other cells divided and grew swiftly as his body took on its new form. It started with every hair in Brian's body shedding from his skin simultaneously as new fur sprouted underneath. In a matter of seconds, his old wiry 'coon coat was replaced by a shaggier, darker grey, leaving his bed coated in a downy mat of his old fur.

Bowing his head and hugging himself as the world seemed to sway and convulse around him, Brian took a deep breath and felt his chin bump into his chest, and with each gasp his muzzle elongated, pushing his head up a bit more. He felt his upper torso growing heavier, too, and he wheezed sharply in surprise, lifting his hands to caress at his pects, finding his chest expanding outwards gradually.

As Brian curled his fingers around his still-swelling breasts, he tried to look down between them, blinking to try and clear the blurriness from his eyes. Below, he could discern the shape of his sheath still there, but he could feel changes beneath it and within, so he slid his right hand down past his groin to feel at his balls. Brian's sac had drawn itself tightly up against his body, and as his fingers brushed over it, he sensed it pulling inwards. Immediately, soft folds of flesh began to spread under his touch.

While Brian focused his attention on these changes, he was less aware that his muzzle had not only grown longer but also a bit broader, or that his new tail and tail-fur was bushier and dog-like, or that his tummy (which he had fought to keep slim as a raccoon) was becoming firm and sleek.

With labored breathing, Brian swallowed and flopped his head back against his pillow. The transformation was drawing to a close, leaving him starved and exhausted. The Change always consumed a great deal of energy, and Brian had anticipated this in advance. He reached weakly over to a protein formula he'd prepared beforehand, and lifted the straw to his muzzle, poking the end into his whiskers a few times before finding his lips. He gulped at the sweet vanilla-flavored mixture, and swallowed as much as he could before passing out into a deep, dreamless sleep. The clock on the dresser showed 11:26.

A few hours later, Brian stirred quietly, reformed eyes adjusting to the light in the room and searching about for the clock. The time was a half hour past 2. He stretched and rubbed a hand against his muzzle to scratch an itch, thumping his nose by accident as he began to recall the details of his metamorphosis. Slipping out of bed and leaving his robe behind, he scattered his old fur onto the floor and lumbered heavily over to the full-length mirror attached to his closet door. Then he took a first look at his new self.

As a raccoon, Brian had stood 5 foot 7 inches tall. Staring back now was a form several inches taller, nearly six feet in height, covered in shaggy dark grey fur. A ruffled tail wagged back and forth behind the rear. Strong muscles, though not overdeveloped, rippled gently under the thick coat.

More to his surprise, Brian's chest now carried two heavy breasts, C-sized cups that jiggled in response to a sudden vanilla-flavored hiccough. Brian's eyes grew wide, taking in the view, then gazed lower.

Nestled against the thick belly fur, Brian's sheath was now a bit thicker and more pronounced, especially without the slight 'coon paunch that once shadowed above it. But below, no sight was to be found of of his ballsac. In its place were a pair of dark velvety lips. Brian stroked a finger over them, and they spread gently, the tip of his digit sliding in slightly. Pulling the fingertip back out and lightly brushing from clitoris to bottom along the new cleft, Brian shuddered, exploring the anatomy of his new vulva.

Brian had Changed into a wolf... and a hermaphrodite.

For a moment, the now-lupine stood there staring, disbelieving with hir eyes. To convince hirself that she wasn't still asleep, shi grasped a nipple between two fingers and pinched gently, and a faint moan escaped hir lips.

Brian reviewed what shi had heard: Sexual transition during Transformation Day was rare, though not entirely unheard of. During this Change, experts had estimated that roughly 4000 people - less than one in a million - would wake from their Change as the opposite sex. Hermaphroditism was much more unusual. Only a few cases had been documented since the very first Change. Brian would be a celebrity when the local media found out, and the story might even go bigger. Shi wondered what hir parents would think, too. Shi pondered giving them a call.

Brian's introspection was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door, and shi grabbed for hir robe, tugging it around hir body and holding it closed over hir breasts with one hand. Then shi answered the door, cracking it open and peeking out with most of hir body hidden. Outside stood a dark form in a deep blue kimono. A muzzle with a white stripe along its nose poked into the doorframe, sniffing gently. "Brian-sweetie!" sang a female voice.

Brian gulped. "Sandy?" Although the voice had changed slightly, her mannerisms were unmistakable.

"Of course, silly! Let me in, it's chilly out here in the hallway." To emphasize her point, she gave a noisy shake, fluffing her fur out in all directions. Brian got a brief glimpse behind Sandy of a white stripe along a thick, fluffy black tail. Behind the muzzle that poked through hir door, a pair of dark eyes glittered, dressed with fringes of white fur dangling from a thick shock of pale fur nesting between two black-furred, rounded ears. Hir girlfriend was now a pleasantly curvy striped skunk. As the wolf stood there, the mephit lass lifted a hand and brushed a lock of alabaster away from her eyes, and cast a slightly impatient look.

After a moment's hesitation, Brian cleared hir throat and opened the door wider, but shuffled uneasily behind it as hir girlfriend sauntered in and sat herself down in the chair at the study desk. The wolf closed the door quietly, locked it, then turned to glance at the mephit girl. With hir fist still clenching hir robe tightly, Brian kept the shape of hir new body concealed.

Showing considerably less inhibition, Sandy let her kimono flop open as she sat, giving the wolf an immodest view of her breasts and sex. The edges of the blue cloth draped softly around her dark curves, hanging just to the sides of her nipples. Looking both smug and expectant at Brian, she asked "Well? C'mon, I haven't got all day, what are you so embarrassed about?" Then she added with a grin, "You certainly weren't this shy last time we shared your bed."

Brian blushed, feeling warmth rush to hir cheeks and hir pointed ears. Shi chuckled apologetically. "Sorry. I'm having a little extra difficulty getting used to my new form." Stretching hir arms out and exhaling, shi brought hir hands back to hir center and slowly peeled off hir robe, letting it drop silently to the floor behind hir. Shi checked pensively for Sandy's reaction.

Silence filled the room for a moment while the skunk's jaw dropped two inches. Her eyes traced from Brian's large padded feet up to hir triangular ears and then back down before she let out a low whistle. "Impressive," she cooed, regaining her grin.

At that, Brian relaxed a bit and smiled. Swishing hir bristly tail and turning to the side, shi tilted hir head with renewed confidence and asked, "You like?"

"Definitely!" came Sandy's reply, and she hopped out of her chair and nearly knocked the grey wolf into the door. The skunk ran her paws slowly over Brian's chest, massaging at the wolf's breasts and lightly tickling at hir nipples. Brian squirmed. "Ah," said the mephit with a giggle, "looks like they're all in functioning order. I can think of some fun we could have with these."

Brian's face flushed with warmth again, and as Sandy pressed her lips to hirs, returned the kiss, their mouths quickly parting and pressing closer. For a few moments their tongues entwined before separating again, and each looked into the other's eyes. "I never knew," murmured the shi-wolf, "that you might like female parts on someone."

Sandy giggled and placed her paw directly on Brian's sheath. "Sure I do. But this," she emphasized with a tug, "is still the main attraction. The female bits are just icing, dear." Then she grinned and reached for the doorknob with her free hand, still holding onto the prize at Brian's groin.

Brian sputtered in surprise. "What? No! Hey! Are you kidding? Wait!"

The jaunty mephit neither relented nor answered to the wolf's protestations. Wordlessly, Sandy dragged her naked herm-boyfriend along the dorm's hallway and a down a flight of stairs, stopping at the door to the study lounge. By then, the tugging on Brian's sheath had given hir a partial erection, and shi blushed fiercely. Unhesitatingly, Sandy opened the lounge door, and before Brian could take in the scene, the skunk gave another insistent tug at the wolf's privates and shi had to follow.

Sprawled across couches, chairs, and on the floor, nearly two dozen students were busily "studying" their new anatomies and "learning" their new sexual limitations and abilities. Grunts, moans, and howls of pleasure filled Brian's ears as hir girlfriend kept tugging, pulling hir into the center of the orgy room.

On one sofa, a female leopard and male gazelle were lustfully coupling, the cat's growls and shrill cries making up most of the noise in the small and crowded room. In a seat beside them, two male ferrets rocked back and forth slowly, one sitting with legs spread in the other's lap, churring softly as his friend beneath stroked at his shaft and thrust eagerly into his tight rear. All around the room, similar pairings were licking, sucking, and fucking in a grand display of hedonistic glory worthy of ancient Roman times.

Brian's eyes scanned from couple to couple around the room until shi spotted a lone uninvolved figure sitting close to the door shi had just been pulled through. Sandy also turned in the same direction and let out a hearty chuckle. A handsome tan coyote smiled back at them, with his bushy tail twitching a little nervously. The yote's trim tummy sported a thick cream-colored sheath and the red tip of a budding erection, already dribbling pre slightly. Sandy released Brian to put both of her hands on her hips, facing the beige-furred canid. "Richard!" she chided jokingly. "I thought you said you could wait!"

Richard's familiar accent answered, "Well, I am waiting... but watching everyone in here has an effect, you know."

Brian's eyes went wide. Sandy had set this up in advance; this had been planned all along! The wolf's ears turned even redder than before as Richard let out a satisfied laugh.

Richard and Brian were best friends, and had known each other since junior high school when Brian was still a swine and Richard was a lithe jaguar. They had grown up in the same town, shared similar interests, and their friendship only grew stronger after Brian had become a raccoon and Richard turned to a black bear. At one point, a rumor had circulated through high school that they were "more than just friends," but it was only a rumor; the two had never shown any interest in either each other like that. The gossip died when Richard found a girlfriend in tenth grade, though their relationship only lasted a year before they broke up. Even now, though Brian was a year ahead of Richard in college, they still spent a lot of time together

Brian shook hir head a little, trying to readjust hir image of the former bear. Shi could see the coyote's shaggy tail wagging more enthusiastically. Richard's brow raised a half-inch as he looked over Brian. "Now, this is an unexpected turn of events," he murmured with a sharp grin and a conspiratorial wink towards Sandy. Sandy winked back, and leaned over to the 'yote. The two whispered back and forth for a few moments as Richard glanced back and forth between the mephit next to him and the lupine standing aloof. With a note of finality, Richard smiled to Sandy and said audibly, "A change from the plan? I, hmmmmm." The lanky brown canine's eyes scanned up and down Brian's torso again. He grinned again. "Sure, why not? If Brian doesn't mind, I'd be up for it."

The skunk turned on the wolf suddenly. "Yes or no?" she asked.

Brian blinked. "What?"

Sandy poked the shi-wolf in the ribs. "Do you mind? Yes or no. Pick one." Brian squirmed. Sandy could be totally devilish when she wanted, which normally led to fun if embarrassing things, and Brian could feel this afternoon was one of those times. Sandy would never tell hir what shi was supposed to mind or not mind, and with Richard standing by smiling complicitly, shi would have to make a decision based on trust. Further, while wondering what Sandy was planning she had another another nagging question: What had she previously planned, that had now been dropped in favor of this new diabolical scheme?

Brian could feel Richard's eyes staring expectantly as well. Putting hir faith in Richard that he wouldn't do anything to hurt hir, shi took a deep breath and answered with a exhaled sigh: "Um, no, I don't mind?"

Sandy giggled gleefully and patted the wolf between the ears. "Good boygirl!" Bouncing joyfully and exchanging knowing grins with Richard again, the femme skunk set about preparing by stretching herself out on her back, sprawling her striped tail out to the side and relaxing on the floor. After a few seconds, she beckoned Brian towards her.

Brian's head was spinning; the aroma of sex from the mating pairs in the room filled hir nostrils, and shi still wasn't sure what to expect. The dazed wolf leaned down over hir girlfriend and smiled nervously back. Behind, shi could hear Richard stirring a bit, and wondered what part he had to play.

The skunk stretched again before Brian, then opened her eyes and gazed lustily up to the wolf's face. "Mmmm. Lick me, I want to see how your new tongue feels."

Glancing around the room and seeing how everyone else seemed self-absorbed in their own indulgences, Brian dropped to hir knees and lowered hir muzzle down to Sandy's clit, and began to softly lick, playing hir tongue over the skunk's nether folds and teasing at hir girlfriend's button-like hood. Sandy gasped and stiffened briefly, then relaxed again, spreading her legs further apart as Brian's broad wolf tongue curled under the edge of her nub and tickled before lapping down to the bottom of her sex. The wolf's whiskers tickled at the mephit's inner legs, making Sandy squirm as Brian pressed closer and slowly worked hir tongue up into the skunk's cunny. Inhaling with hir nose pressed close to Sandy's belly, the skunk's clean yet musky female scent flooded Brian's mind, washing out all thoughts other than sex. While continuing to lick inside the skunk, hir crimson male shaft pushed slowly out of its cover, and soon a glossy strand of pre began to dangle from its chiseled tip.

Sandy arched her back and groaned as the wolf probed within her valley, briefly hugging Brian's shoulders with her legs as the wolf-tongue teased deeply. With deepening breaths, the skunk gasped to her lover to stop, and Brian lifted hir muzzle up with a trickle of female juices running down hir chin. Shi unconsciously flicked hir tongue out to catch it, when over all the noise in the room, hir ears heard only Sandy's voice, begging. "Oh honey... I need you in me now... please, right now."

Brian grinned a broad toothy grin, and slid hirself overtop of the skunk, pressing hir new breasts to Sandy's and wrapping hir arms around her, embracing the warm mephit as the slick and pointed tip of hir wolf-cock brushed against Sandy's saliva-slickened sex. Angling hirself and thrusting once, Brian drove hir tip forward and inward, causing the skunk to squeal and mewl loudly in pleasure. Sandy grasped at her lover's sides, gripping tight as Brian plunged deeper with a series of slow hip-rolls. Her wet passage swallowed Brian's shaft with practiced ease, and soon pressed against the wolf's sheath, sliding it back to the root as Brian gave her every inch. The shi-wolf ground her hips slowly to hir girlfriend's, and after a few lazy thrusts, both of them encountered something that Brian had never dealt with before; each time shi sank into the skunk, the base of Brian's shaft swelled a little, bulging outward.

Sandy wrapped her legs around her lover to hold on more tightly, rocking and groaning as her cunny lips hugged at the growing knot slipping in and out of her pussy. She pressed herself closer to the wolf, preventing hir from sliding out fully, so Brian shortened hir thrusts while picking up speed. But just then, the wolf was interrupted by the feeling of something smooth, slick and warm prodding at hir from behind, nudging up against hir own female sex, and before shi could react, shi felt Richard's arms wrap around hir and his tapered cock slid in partway.

Brian winced a bit and stopped thrusting into Sandy. Shi could feel the 'yote's pointed shaft poking at a thin, tight wall inside hir body, and shi let out a small cry of protest. Sandy stroked a paw over Brian's cheek and consoled hir for a moment. "It'll only take a second dear," she smiled, and gripped Brian close in her arms, giving Richard a quick nod before pressing her lips to Brian's and distracting the herm wolf with a deep, tonguing kiss. On that cue, Richard gave a quick, sharp thrust, breaking the barrier and sliding himself balls-deep into the shi-wolf.

For a minute, the three lay still, each of them panting as Brian shed a tear from the flash of pain. Shi felt Richard kissing tenderly behind hir neck, and Sandy's hands stroking at hir cheek. Quickly, the ache inside faded, leaving hir with a satisfying stretched and full feeling.

Still the three rested for a moment longer, the shock resonating in Brian's mind. Shi had never thought to be mounted by hir best friend, Richard! Shi was so unused to hir new female parts, and now shi had her first male partner already, hir long-time friend, teaching hir the use of them, all while being caressed in hir girlfriend's embrace. The shaggy coyote's thick shaft filled hir tender new sex, and shi could feel it throbbing against her walls; his strong arms held hir tightly from behind, and his pointed muzzle kissed at her tenderly. If shi had known in advance, would shi have agreed to this? But shi had consented, she had trusted them both. And it felt right, in this new body of hirs. She felt at ease.

With the discomfort from hir cherry popping faded, Brian stretched, reveling in the sensation of being sandwiched between hir lover and hir best friend. Involuntarily, hir tail began to wag, thumping the coyote behind hir in the chest, and shi breathed in deep, with the odor of Sandy's sex still tingling in hir nostrils.

Richard nuzzled affectionately behind Brian's ears with his nose and whiskers. "You ok, pal?" The yote's words were tinged with concern, and his warm friendly voice felt familiar and comforting to Brian despite these strange and new circumstances. The shi-wolf slowly nodded hir head a bit. "Yeah... I think so," shi answered. Brian closed hir eyes and squeezed hir inner muscles, tensing around the thick cock filling hir, and exhaled with a low moan of pleasure. The 'yote on hir back gave hir ear a lick and moaned too, and gave his hips a little wiggle. Brian felt Richard's retracted sheath and balls pressing against hir, and shi squirmed back at him. Sandy peered from behind her striped muzzle, smiling up at the two faces above, and kissed Brian on the nose. "I'm ready to continue when you are," she hinted. Brian nodded again. "Alright."

Together, the skunk and 'yote began to thrust their hips, gyrating slowly with the shi-wolf trapped between. Brian's eyes fluttered shut once more, and shi groaned and writhed as hir cock pistoned smoothly between Sandy's tight inner walls, while simultaneously hir pussy gripped at Richard's pumping shaft. Brian's knot, which had shrunken a little during the lull in activity, began to swell again, with hir movements into and out of the skunk getting a little tighter with each cycle. The wolf gulped as shi realized that Richard's canid shaft too was growing, stretching hir cunny lips just a little more each time the 'yote's hips pressed to hirs.

The three bodies heaved and thrust together in unison, passions rising with two cocks rubbing within two tight passages, two pairs of nether lips each hugging and squeezing behind the swollen end of a canid shaft. Brian's and Sandy's breasts stroked together as the wolf's body rocked forward over the skunk, their hard nipples bumping and dragging little trails through each other's fur, heightening their arousal. Brian could also feel the regular thumping of Richard's heavy furred sac against the bottom of hir sex each time the coyote's hips swayed forward, and hir tail reflexively hiked up, bobbing between hir back and Richard's chest.

Brian began to overheat from the double stimulation, and Sandy called a short time-out to reposition themselves as the floor was beginning to feel unforgiving. In a delicate balancing act, Richard and Brian tilted backwards as Sandy sat up, until all of their bodies were mostly upright, with Sandy stacked in Brian's lap and Brian in Richard's, with their four sexes remaining coupled throughout the maneuver. The skunk eagerly wrapped her legs around the lupine and canine, and pressed her muzzle to Brian's once again, kissing and tonguing as she wiggled and jiggled deliberately to make the wolf under her squirm. Brian bucked slowly as the teasing mephit clamped down around hir cock, groaning as this also slid Richard's length deeper within hir.

The threesome shifted and groaned together, with the wet 'plapping' and measured breathing of their mating heavy in their their ears, drowning out all else in the room. Brian's gasps were short and loud, matching the sharp thrusts of the shaggy 'yote filling hir female sex. Sandy's moans were more feminine, with an almost purring-like quality to them as she ground her hips into those of her herm-boyfriend. Under the weight of skunk and wolf, Richard's grunts were low and steady, but increasing in rhythm as the trio began to move faster.

With their pleasure crescendoing, Brian could feel Richard's shaft-base getting larger with each firm push, and soon the 'yote and wolf were tied, with Richard's thick knot swelling too large to pull back out from Brian's inexperienced and tight passage. Groaning as hir sex held Richard in place, Brian continued bucking into Sandy with curtailed thrusts as hir cock continued expanding inside the femme skunk.

Sandy hit climax first, inhaling sharply and letting out a passionate scream as her folds twitched and fluttered around Brian's wolf cock, with her cunny juices frothing inside around the swelling base. Brian writhed as Sandy's wet heat seeped around hir shaft, dripping and spilling over hir tie with Richard, but the flow soon became stoppered as hir knot swelled to a tie within the rapidly bouncing skunk. With Sandy's warmth intensifying through her orgasm, Brian tensed and bucked firmly, with wet squelching noises escaping from their union, and hir knot tugged and stretched at the skunk's inner walls. Richard bounced the pair together faster and harder, with his breathing hard and ragged in the wolf's ears. On the hardest thrusts, Brian could feel the coyote's shaft just barely bottoming out, tapping at the end of hir passage.

Sandy looked directly into Brian's eyes and shifted abruptly in hir lap when Richard let out a howl. The skunk's movement jammed Brian downward just a little more, and Richard's cock-tip wedged directly into hir cervical opening. It felt unpleasant and Brian let out a surprised yelp. But then shi then felt the 'yote's spunk begin to spray against hir innermost wall. With the hot, rhythmic, direct jets of Richard's seed painting the roof of hir womb, Brian was pushed to hir limits and began spasming between hir two lovers. Hir knotted cock throbbed within the skunk, and then shi too was cumming, shooting hir pearly wolf cream deep within hir girlfriend.

Their bodies joined together and wracked with bliss, the three friends heaved in tandem, wishing that moment to last forever, but then their thrusting slowed, and stopped, and their minds returned to earth from their brief orbit in heaven. Holding each other, gasping for breath in the afterglow, they were only dimly aware how they had become the spectacle of the room until a smattering of applause erupted from the couples that had finished their own matings and had stayed to watch the menage-a-trois.

Brian and Richard blushed in unison while Sandy basked in the attention, casting a winning smile back at the audience. The canine and lupine managed smiles of their own after recovering their composure; after all, what else could they do? There was no escape from the crowd still tied together by flesh as they were. Stuck in the middle, Brian tried not to think about the continued rhythmic pulsing of the two knotted shafts shi could feel, hir own and Richard's, both still unloading pulses of semen into two stretched snatches.

The others in the room eventually returned to their own lovemaking, and the trio of spent lovers spent the next half hour kissing and grooming passionately, teasing each other, and watching the remaining pairings finishing off.

Among the more curious couplings were a female falcon and a male zebra; the striped equine seemed almost too much for the bird, with the hawk squawking occasionally when her mate would drive too deep. Wincing at those two, they turned their eyes to two females, a mink and a seal, pleasuring each other in ways that made Sandy wink and nudge at Brian, and she whispered naughty ideas in the wolf's pointed ears.

While distracted with their voyeurism of the other couples, the leopard girl that they had noticed earlier crept up behind the trio and giggled loudly in the skunk's ears, just before all three could hear the distinctive *click* of a photo being taken. "I bet the news is going to looooove you!" the feline cackled, emphasizing "love" with an almost mad glee. Before any of them could react, the leopard sprinted out the door and raced down the hallway.

Sandy let out another of her infamous dark giggles. She pinched one of Brian's breasts and grinned at hir. "That's right dear. You'll be a celebrity when the local reporters find out you've got both these... and this, together." On the word 'these', she teased at the wolf's breasts; on the word 'this', she squeezed down on hir still-swollen shaft. "Better get you cleaned up before they arrive, I think our friend that just left is sharing the news already."

The three barely separated in time, with Richard and Sandy pulling in opposite directions until each knot popped out, seed gushing from female sexes and still dripping from male ones. Leaving thick puddles of their spent juices on the floor, and a trail of gooey, milky droplets down the hallway, they ran for the stairs as three broadcast trucks pulled into the dormitory parking lot. Brian hopped into the shower while Sandy and Richard cleaned each other up with towels and water. Throwing their clothes on, the skunk and 'yote went to stall the newscasters for precious time until Brian was decent.

All three received interviews on the 6 o'clock news, with Brian naturally landing the most airtime (much to hir embarrassment and Sandy's delight). Brian's parents called before the segment had completed airing, voicing their support for hir and letting hir know they would love a new photograph.

But to the three, the most important news was not to be found on the television. They had found themselves closer to each other than ever before on this Transformation Day. Not only had their bodies changed, but their relationship had transformed as well, into something new, more daring, and more loving. Each knew the next six years would be something special to look forward to.

And beyond that? There was simply no way to predict what might happen in 2353, but Brian never again felt anxiety about Transformation Day.