Two Friends Who Like Doin' a Buncha Stuff Together

Story by ahsanoj on SoFurry

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#6 of Discoveries (Gideon x Travis)

After Travis found he wasn't as prepared to take Gideon as he thought he was, the two friends continue to try to take things further than they have in the past.

Gideon and Travis had gone up to the Grey family's bathroom, equipped with the supplies in Travis' bag. After several awkward minutes of Travis teaching the fox about preparing for anal sex, the two had returned to Gideon's room in the basement, the fox laying on his stomach, legs spread apart.

"The pornos sure don't cover all the prep work." Gideon spoke, patting his rump. "That sure felt damn weird." The fox grinned. "Anyhow, now that that's out of the way go ahead and have some fun back there." He swayed his fluffy tail back and forth over his rump, before laying it to the side to give the ferret free access.

Travis kneeled between the fox's legs with a tube of lube in hand, before squirting the substance between the plump mounds. "Okay Gid, try and relax. I'm going to use my fingers first."

Gideon closed his eyes and attempted to relax, panting out as he felt nimble paws gliding over his tight muscle. "Uhngh!" The fox clenched tight as a finger tried to push its way inside.

Travis gently massaged the slick anus, giving Gideon more time to adjust.

"Okay, okay try again," the fox consented.

The ferret massaged the plump cheeks before doing so. The large fox under him continued to grunt and tense as he worked his fingers in and out of the clenching hole, spreading the lubricant.

"All right Trav, go ahead." Gideon sheepishly grinned. Travis' finger actually felt nice, and the fox's member had mostly extended out of his sheath, despite his nervousness.

The lithe form trembled as he guided his member first against the tense entrance, then finally slipped inside, rocking his hips.

"Nnnggh, uh Trav, uh... I dunno about this." Gideon tried to relax, but failed. Despite their size difference, he was caught off guard by the intense sensation. A couple fingers were nothing compared to the real thing.

For his part Travis was enraptured by the larger male and the comparatively gargantuan rump that welcomed him, or attempted to welcome him. He pulled most of the way out again, hands feeling up Gideon's rear end, staring in awe as his member disappeared into the alluring crescent. Trembling, he pushed forward again into the exquisitely tight warmth gripping his maleness, but stopped at the sound of a yelp, withdrawing completely and sitting down on the bed.

"Sorry." Gideon frowned, his large tail once more covering his rear before he too turned around and sat on the bed, facing the ferret. "I thought for sure you'd fit in there no problem, what with your being smaller than me an' all. I sure didn't expect this to be so damn hard."

Travis sat silently for a moment. This wasn't the seamless night of passion he had imagined it would be.

"Okay, okay." Gideon shook his head. "I still want ya to pound me silly, but that'll have to be another day." The fox smiled, "On account of us both being right tight back there, let's try a do over."

Travis shook his head in response. "It's going to take more practice Gid... I didn't bring my... uh... 'toys' with."

Without warning the fox leaned forward and kissed and licked at the pouting ferret's muzzle. "Just 'cause I can't fit it all in don't mean I can't hump ya silly jus' like ya wanted! How's about you strike a pose, just like when we started? I got an epitome!"

The ferret giggled, though without a hint of malice. "I think you mean epiphany, Gid. What's the plan?"

"That's a surprise!" The fox exclaimed.

The ferret wordlessly blushed and smiled in response.

Gideon got up, his bouncing member well on the way to recovering its vigor. Smiling widely, he grabbed the tube of lube and squirted it over his member again. Soon Travis was back on all fours, excitedly moving his long tail aside to expose himself. Gideon squirted a generous amount of lube between the exposed pert cheeks.

The fox scooted to the side of the bed and reached under it quickly, trying to do so without Travis noticing.

The ferret noticed Gideon rummage under the bed but before he had a chance to react he yelped as the vulpine tongue returned, lapping aggressively and messily spreading the lube all over his rump.

The fox shuffled forward, completely covering the mustelid. At first he held his cock and brushed it back and forth through his friend's crack, pushing slightly into his hole but not fully penetrating. Finally he leaned forward and pushed his member tightly between the offered buttocks. "Oh Trav, yer ass feels mighty fine!" The larger male's ears burned with embarrassment at his words, but that embarrassment was outweighed by his genuine lust. Grinning, he reached around to his partner's crotch with a still slick handpaw, gripping his length and lightly stroking it.

'Dooking' noises once more filled the room as Travis panted in excitement. The vulpine member wasn't massaging his prostate like his toys at home did, but the slick flesh stroking between his buns and against his anus was still very pleasant indeed.

The fox put his muzzle beside the ferret's, nuzzling against him. Hearing the panting and noises of pleasure as he humped and stroked was heavenly.

Gideon changed his angle, slapping his balls up against the ferret's smaller pair. As he hot dogged his fully unsheathed length back and forth, his not-yet-engorged knot rhythmically pressed up against the ferret's taint, putting some pressure on the ferret's prostate and giving him a delightful tingle of pleasure inside.

Travis moaned and continued his sounds of pleasure. It wasn't the same as his toys pressing up inside and it wasn't what he had in mind for the night, but his fox was driving him wild.

"I'm not gonna last much longer," the panting fox exclaimed, getting back up on his knees and admiring the slick mess of lube spread all over the ferret's rump from their activities. "Time for the surprise, Trav! I reckon what with your practicin' you can take some of this here willy. I won't be knotting ya any time soon, but this here is the next best thing."

The fox reached beside him and picked up what he grabbed from under the bed: His father's old tie-simulating sleeve Travis had found when they first started messing around. He slipped it down his slick penis, positioning it at his base. He shuddered in anticipation of the barely comprehensible delight it would bring him soon.

Once more the fox took both buns in his paws, humping between them and watching his member glide up and down the crack. Finally he held his member up against the ferret's tight star of flesh. "Okay now Trav, back up as much as you want. If it don't feel no good stop."

The grinning ferret gyrated his hips, his sensitive nerves spiking with sexual pleasure as the canine tip poked at his most private of parts. Firmly pushing backwards, he took in the tip of the canine member, stopping as soon as it started getting uncomfortable.

Gideon tightly gripped his base with one paw while stroking up and down the still exposed part of his member with the other. His tip enveloped in the ferret's slick warm flesh. Finally, he let go of his base, carefully holding a fist around his length to stop the ferret from taking more than he was yet comfortable with.

Travis pressed his rump against the fist, stroking half of Gideon's member with his tight hole. As he bounced on the vulpine member, squeaking out moans as the tapered tip delightfully tickled his prostate, Gideon wrapped his other arm around him and gripped the ferret's length once again.

Now with his prostate getting direct stimulation, the ferret closed his eyes and smiled widely, giving out high-pitched moans as his insides burned with pleasure, blossoming in intensity with each stroke the fox gave his pleasure-enveloped length.

For his part, Gideon did his best to hold out as long as he could. Travis' slick warm flesh massaging his member, even if only part of it, was quickly driving him to the point of no return.

Having finally found something that worked, the pair continued their awkward dance, the ferret bouncing firmly against Gideon's fist as the fox in turn continued his reach around. They each took delight in the sounds of pleasure the other made, and the intoxicating smell of sex filling the room.

Gideon gripped his fist more tightly over his length. "Here... here ya go!" In response, the ferret tightened his anus and rapidly bounced back. The fox yipped and moaned as he began to shoot directly into the tight hole, as Travis bounced against the fist that made sure the spurting member did not slide in deeper than he was prepared to take.

In tandem with his ejaculation, Gideon's canine knot did its duty and rapidly inflated. It met the resistance of the tie-simulator, which snugly and tightly gripped the entire knot. "Trav, oh Trav!" Bolts of pleasure overwhelmed the fox as he continued to unload. The ferret's bouncing became simultaneously unbearable yet something he never wanted to end as he was paralyzed with sexual pleasure.

Eventually the fox let go of Travis and pulled back, grinning at the leaking fluids on display. His body was filled with satisfaction, being utterly convinced by the tie simulator that he was snuggly stuck inside his mate. His rigid red length would remain in that state for a good half hour to come, and the toy would naturally slide off as the vulpine member retreated into its fuzzy sheath.

Travis yelped in surprise as Gideon flipped him onto his back, firmly gripping his legs and straddling his long tail, staring between the ferret's butt cheeks at his hole. which clearly displayed a fresh coat of vulpine semen. The fox paused for a moment in hesitation, not as sure of his idea as he was moments before he shot his load. His lustful tenacity won out though, and he extended his long vulpine tongue between the cheeks, lapping at the upturned rump. His face grimaced at the salty taste, but he quickly tried to hide his reaction as he ate out his own load.

After he finished the fox smiled, showcasing the sticky mess in his mouth. In response, Travis smacked his long tail against his crotch, sending a lightning bolt of overstimulation into the canine member. In turn, Gideon gave a smug grin before leaning forward and engulfing the ferret's member to the hilt. As he lapped and suckled he cupped the shapely rump, lowering his friend's rear end back onto the bed. His paws now free, he firmly rubbed a finger against the still quite moist hole, pushing inside and wiggling in a 'come hither' gesture, which he knew would directly target the ferret's bulb of pleasure inside.

"Oh, Gid." Pleasure radiated from Travis' crotch as he raggedly moaned. While not tiny in comparison to Gideon, the vulpine muzzle pushed firmly between his legs emphasized their size difference, and the ferret's member easily fit all the way to the hilt in the fox's muzzle. The sloppy mess of lube, saliva, and Gideon's own come covering his member added an extra dirty thrill for the ferret. Travis reached forward and gripped behind Gideon's ears before bucking and letting out squeaking moans as he unloaded himself directly into the exquisite suction. The ferret cried out, the finger probing his anus causing his prostate to burn with pleasure as he pumped out his load.

The fox cocked a goofy grin as he forced himself to swallow, used to the flavor considering the significant amount of 'practice' the two had using their muzzles on each other. His ears throbbed after being yanked quite hard by the climaxing ferret, but he decided it wasn't bad enough to complain about and ruin the moment. Instead, he gripped Travis' member before it had a chance to fully retreat into its sheath, buffering his palm along the tip and causing the ferret to screech and writhe in a combination of pleasure and overstimulation. He stopped after only a moment, with a smug grin. "Well, it's only fair after what you did with that there tail."

Travis considered reciprocating again, but decided not to since he wasn't sure Gideon enjoyed the overstimulation as much as he did. "We did it. We went all the way Gid."

"We sure did," the fox replied before leaning forward and kissing the smaller male, their tongues intertwining as Travis blushed at the cocktail of lewd tastes: saliva, lube, and both of their loads.

Gideon got up and went to turn off the light, being sure to keep his tail lifted out of the way to put on a show, and then came back to bed with an intentional bounce, making his engorged member comically bounce on the way back. He flopped to his side and engulfed Travis into a warm hug, pulling his blanket up, gasping as his sensitive member bounced around, knot still engorged. He hotdogged his length in Travis' butt once more as they spooned, though this time in post-coitus bliss, letting his body think they were tied.

"I told ya it could still be special, ya goof." Gideon nuzzled at Travis' shoulder as the ferret relaxed completely in his embrace.

"Gid?" Travis tensed as he spoke.

The fox replied, "What is it Trav?"

"What are we?"

Gideon considered making a wise crack but he wasn't stupid. He understood the implications of Travis' question. That didn't mean he had a good answer. "Well," the fox paused a moment, "we're two friends who like doin' a buncha stuff together. Jus' some stuff feels mighty nice now too."

Travis sighed, frustrated by the non-response. "We're both off to study for our careers soon Gid. Are we just friends or something more?"

"Well Trav, I always figured I'd be having kits some day." The ferret tensed in his arms. "I think my folks'll be mighty disappointed if I don't bring 'em grandkits, but now I'm not so sure anymore."

"We got to change together Gid. The only thing that didn't change is how much time we spend together. I... I'd like to see where this takes us." The ferret continued, "I don't feel much for the ladies, but it's not fair to you if you want kits, since you seemed mighty into everything in your dad's old stash."

Gideon chuckled, groping his friend from both ends with his comparatively giant paws. "I know some more things I'm mighty into."

The lanky male sighed, before continuing. "Gideon Grey, are we boyfriends or just friends with benefits?"

"Well to quote an old sayin' Trav: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."

The ferret interjected, "...then we're 'probably' boyfriends?" The way he venomously said the word 'probably' betrayed his feelings on the matter. Gideon pretended to not notice.

"Anyhow, you'll always be my best bud, wherever this goes. Does it make a difference if we say the words, or what we call it?" Gideon looked down and licked between the ears under his muzzle.

Travis' ears burned red. Yes, he most definitely thought it did make a difference. Gideon had said he loved him many times since seeing his therapist, but never definitively in a romantic way.

"I love you too Gideon." Travis frowned, then hugged Gideon's arm to his chest. Finally he smiled, deciding not to dwell on it for the time being and enjoying their peaceful snuggle. As the fox kept his arms gently wrapped around the ferret, they both embraced the afterglow and drifted into a gentle slumber.

I hope this little fantasy was pleasing to some others. It's been in my head for a long time, and I actually had a draft of it for over four years but I have a policy of not posting anything unless there's a natural stopping point and I wasn't sure how convincing I made their first time. The stories I posted so far existed in my head before I let them out in written form, and I have a couple ideas I may get around to finishing some day.

All the Way?

In case you missed the tags and rating, please note this is a sexually explicit story. Note: I want to revisit the age thing since coincidentally my original disclaimer follows the new rules on the site about the ages of characters. Gideon...

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Want to Finish Anyway?

Gideon Grey took a moment to compose himself after hearing those fateful words come from his ferret friend's mouth: "Gid? It sucks the power went out but want to finish anyway? ...uh, without the video?" It was a perfect progression of events that led...

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Bi the Way

Gideon walked into his basement room with a pile of old sheets and towels. "I brought these out this time so it's easier to clean up uh... after, ya'know." As Gideon set a stack of towels down beside the couch Travis remarked, "Yeah that makes...

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