Deviant Delights #34 - Soothsayer

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#34 of Deviant Delights: Vol. I

Zale and Dylann have a talk about the past. Jared continues to be seduced by Zagan and the power of Pride.

"Oof, why's it so hot out lately?" Zale complained, though he didn't draw away from Mark as they walked down the street with an arm wrapped around each other's waists.

"Hey, it happens. Especially in a city," Mark said, causing Zale to grumble.

"Yeah, I know. I live here remember? So do you."

"Still, it feels good to get out of the house... apartment... you know what I mean."

"...I still can't believe he's just giving it to us," Zale said, amazed at the earlier conversation with Dylann. "Not to mention he'll still be paying his part of the rent, so we don't need to find anyone else to move in."

"I'll miss the fishies, though," Mark laughed. "Still... that was cool of him. You think he's moving into Seth's place or his realm?"

"Nah. Seth said he was moving out too. I guess they'll be living in the palace or something," Zale said, uncertain himself. "I don't think they won't visit, but... it might be harder to visit them from now on."

"Yeah. Still feels like something out of a fairy tale though," Mark said, furrowing his brow. "Not that I'm saying Seth is a princess or anything..."

"Yeah don't let him hear you say that," Zale laughed. "I know what you mean, though. I already had a lot to think about when he went and just became a daemon. On his birthday, no less."

"I guess it's just always going to feel a bit weird when it comes to daemons," Mark said, resigned to his fate of constant confusion and surprise. "I am happy for those two, though. But are we really going to spend our walk being so serious about all our friends now? I thought the point was to get away from all that, especially the wedding plans."

"Oh right," Zale sighed. "I guess I'm just so used to everything happening all the time. It's been so peaceful lately though. Even if it is too hot out... though, you do smell nice with a bit of musk on you, I have to admit."

"So do you. Very manly. But hey, let's take a cold shower after this..."

"Not cold. I don't want to freeze myself out either. Just not super hot," Zale said, smiling at the thought of just enjoying a shower with his fiance. To be fair, thinking about doing anything with Mark put a smile on his face these days. Just like...

"What's wrong?" Mark asked, sensing a shift in Zale's mood.

"...Nothing much. Just remembering the old days."

"...Ah. I see," Mark said, growing more bashful. "I was a bit much then, wasn't I?"

"Not what I meant, though I can't say I'm complaining about you being a bit 'much'," Zale said, a flirtatious look in his eye for a moment. "...I was just thinking how I used to be with Dylann. That's all..."

"...Do you still feel that way?" Mark asked, after a few moments.

"That's the thing. I don't," Zale sighed, not quite hearing the sigh of relief from Mark. "But it's been bothering me lately. I realized I never actually talked to him about it after well... everything. I just hope he's not thinking about me and letting it distract him. I don't want to lead him on."

"So talk to him about it, then," Mark encouraged. "If you want, I'll be there with you."

"No, it's something I need to do by myself, but I really do appreciate the support," Zale said, finding the words as he sorted his own thoughts. "I guess I'm also scared though. What if I find out he moved on almost immediately? That would just suck."

"You know he didn't. But I know what you mean," Mark said, squeezing him affectionately. "I still think you should talk to him, though. If it's bothering you, then you should clear that up with him no matter how he reacts. Don't you think?"


"Besides, if he's the Dylann I remember, he'll understand completely. But he won't dismiss you like some sort of trophy he no longer has a use for. He's not like that."

"...Plus I need to know if he actually still has feelings for me. Like I said, I don't want to lead him on, especially with all the fun we had. I can see him being the type to get emotionally involved that way. I'm kind of the same, sometimes."

"All the more reason, then," Mark said, nodding in understanding. "We don't have to talk about this now, though. If you don't want to."

"Nah, I think I've already said what I wanted to anyway," Zale replied, feeling awkward all of a sudden. "You're right though. I need to tell him all this in person. Thanks for letting me talk about it... but you know you're the only one for me, right?"

"For now," Mark joked, though Zale smiled at how he seemed to cling to him even more tightly. As if afraid to let him go. "...But I'm glad. I can't really see myself being with anyone else, either. Not anymore."

"Not yet," Zale chuckled, winking back at him. "But let's stop pretending we're lust daemons and just enjoy the moment, yeah?"

"Yeah..." Mark said, resting his head against Zale's shoulder. "Let's just do that."


"Even you have to admit this is relaxing," Zagan said, flapping his wings in contentment from where they lay stretched out. Jared lazily opened his eye to look over at the dragon wiggling around on the large rock and rubbing his back against it like some sort of cat.

"...Fine, I admit it," Jared sighed, closing his eye again. "The sun feels really nice here. You were right."

"I'm always right," Zagan joked, eliciting a chuckle from Jared. "Got you."

"Sorry. You just sounded like Lucian a bit," Jared said, his smile faltering a bit at the thought. "I know I've been difficult, but I really am enjoying spending time with you. Even if it's still really weird and awkward."

"And like I said, I don't blame you for feeling that way," Zagan said, resting his hands behind his head. "But I love spending time with you, too. You've been so tense lately, so that's why I thought you might enjoy my favorite sunning spot instead of another bath alone."

"...It feels better, honestly," Jared sighed. "Almost makes me want to stay this way if it feels this good."

"Why can't you?"

"For one, I like being a sabertooth tiger," Jared said, holding up a finger. "And two, changing my form isn't the same for me as it is for you. I'd have to change back to my original self before I could use this power again for another form. So it's always been temporary, even if it's been easy for me to maintain for this long"

"Have you really been in that form this entire time?"

"Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?"

"I just thought you were using those baths to take time to rest your magic... well, and avoid me."

"I was avoiding you, but also I like to spend time alone taking a bath sometimes. It helps me think about stuff. But no, been this way the entire time. I mean, what kind of Odin would I be if I couldn't?"

"...Odin or no, that's really impressive for a mortal," Zagan said, turning to his side and resting his head on one hand. Jared opened his eye again to see Zagan's own gaze staring at him with an intensity he'd only seen a few times before. Unlike the previous times however, Jared said nothing this time. Some part of him wanted to be admired, even if the situation was awkward for them both at times.

"What do you think of me?" Jared asked, breaking the silence. "Really? Don't just tell me what you think I want to hear, or what you think Lucian thinks I want to hear."

"Should I swear upon your spear first?" Zagan asked, prompting Jared to shake his head.

"No. It's a bit pointless to lie to me anyway about this, and I don't think you want to regardless. So just tell me."

"Fair enough," Zagan said, smiling widely. "I know my initial attraction for you came from Davin, but ever since then I've only felt those feelings grow. Especially now."

"Why especially now? I've been awful to you," Jared sighed, cracking his back against the rock as he stretched. "Mmf. Needed that one."

"Do I need to say it? You are strong and brave, even if you don't believe it yourself sometimes. You've come so far in such a short amount of time, I can't help but be proud of you. Besides, I enjoy talking with you. You're always so honest."

"What, no complimenting me on my new dragon body like the rest of them?" Jared asked, a bit more bitterly than he meant to. "Ah... sorry."

"Do you enjoy it?" Zagan asked, and Jared nodded. He had to admit that he did. "Then that's all that matters. You asked me what I think about you though, not your body."

"Oh..." Jared said, feeling a bit shy all of a sudden. "I did, didn't I?"

"Hey. No need to feel so modest here," Zagan said, his voice soft yet firm. "You should feel proud. I meant to compliment your mind, not criticize you."

"You really do sound like a Pride daemon when you say things like that," Jared laughed, realizing he was right. "I guess you would be if it weren't for well... everything else."

"What do you think about the realm, while we're on the subject of Pride and his daemons?" Zagan asked, curious. "Anything like what you had in mind?"

"I didn't realize how aerial everything would be here, but I guess it makes sense. 'Prince of the powers of the air' or something like that. I just didn't think it'd be so beautiful here. So welcoming... sort of the opposite of Lucian on a good day."

"He's not as stuffy as he seems," Zagan said, returning to his back. "He simply demands the respect he's owed. Sometimes, that makes him seem cruel. I think once you get that, you'll understand more about him. But I am glad you're enjoying your time here. It means a lot to me."

"I appreciate that. But I was just teasing about Lucian," Jared sighed. "Still, there is this one other thing that's been bothering me."

"What's that?"

"Well... it's more like I feel it should bother me," Jared said, trying to put words to the feeling. "I enjoy it here. The longer I stay here the more welcome I feel. I thought everyone would constantly put each other down here, but they do the opposite. It's been a huge ego boost, since I can tell that most of the time they really mean what they say."

"What's so bad about that?" Zagan said, smiling. "You deserve every ounce of praise you receive, after all."

"...I do. I really feel like I do," Jared said, smiling proudly. "But I shouldn't feel that way. I should be more modest, or ashamed, or... something. At the very least I shouldn't be feeling so selfish, right?"

"Is it so bad to be selfish?" Zagan asked, a dismissive tone in his voice.

"...Yeah, kind of," Jared said, wondering at the statement.

"Let me rephrase that. Is it so bad to pursue your own interests instead of sacrificing every piece you have left to a world that takes and never gives back?"

"...No, I guess not. Not when you say it like that," Jared said. "But is that how you feel about the world? I assume you mean Earth."

"I mean any realm where the weak constantly drag down the strong. If the strong wish to help those in need, shouldn't that be their choice? Why must the powerful bow to those who would betray them for a speck of true agency in their lives? But I feel strongly about this, and you're not ready to hear it."

"No, no... it makes sense, sort of," Jared said, clutching a tired hand to his head. "...I was one of those who was weak. But now I'm strong by my own choice. Sure, I had a bit of help from an old Norse god, but it was ultimately the path I chose to take. It wasn't forced on me. When I think what to do with this 'power', I sometimes feel like it would be the worst thing in the world if people found out. Outside of those who already know, anyway. Why do you think I've been so quiet about it here?"

"I don't really know why, actually," Zagan laughed, lazily scratching his chest. "None here would beg for your favor... except maybe to worship you. We don't do a lot of begging here."

"What if they did though?" Jared asked, contempt in his voice. "Even if I could, why should I grant them anything?"

"You shouldn't. Not unless you want to," Zagan said, his tail flicking almost like a cat's. "You're starting to understand, I think. You're just afraid to embrace it fully."

"Because I... shouldn't be like this. Should I?"

"You tell me," Zagan said, opening an eye to stare at him. "I'm not going to give you a choice that you can simply choose from and be done with it. A mindless answer for a thoughtless question. So instead, how about you tell me who you are? Every thought is your own here; if you're feeling conflicted, it's entirely because of yourself."

"How reassuring," Jared sarcastically said, but Zagan was right. He was looking for some kind of excuse. An out. He didn't want to just admit that he was starting to enjoy feeling this way. He was still angry at Lucian, so it made sense to lash out at anything that was 'his'. Yet he couldn't fight his own feelings. He'd already done this before with himself. Perhaps reverting to his old ways was just a coping mechanism... one he needed to let go of.

"So? Who are you?" Zagan asked. His smug smile made it seem like he already knew the answer, but he waited patiently all the same.

"Jared, obviously."

"You know what I mean, silly."

"Yeah yeah," Jared said, relaxing as he closed his eye. "I'm Odin and I'm a fucking badass dragon."


"And I fucking love it," Jared replied, meaning every word. "Why shouldn't I? It's amazing."

"Weren't you just saying you shouldn't feel so prideful? At least, you implied it..."

"So what? It's just us talking. I'm allowed to have doubts, aren't I?"

"Of course."

"Well, I've cleared them up now. Yes, you had a part in it, but I realized I was thinking like how I used to before I became a himbo sabertooth bartender. I didn't sacrifice an eye and hang from a tree with a spear in my side just to have doubts now."

"No you didn't," Zagan agreed. "It's just good to see you so sure of yourself now. So confident. So... alluring..."

"What is it you want, Zagan?" Jared said, grumbling as he shut his eye and tried to relax again. He could hear Zagan moving about as he waited for an answer. He was surprised to feel a hand playfully caressing his abs, causing him to bolt up before he realized he was being kissed and pushed gently down. Initially repulsed, Jared slowly melted into his touch as they enjoyed each other. It was some time before Zagan broke the kiss and smiled.

"Isn't it obvious, Jared? I want you," Zagan said, a gentle expression on his face even despite his midnight eyes. No, they were almost like galaxies, somehow. What Jared thought were inky wells of darkness was actually the night sky. "I want to be in your thoughts, your heart... just as you are in mine."

"...I should punch you," Jared said, though the empty threat fell away almost instantly.

"You can, though I hope you won't."

"...No. I won't. But I shouldn't want this so much. I should leave."

"Then why aren't you pulling away?" Zagan asked, resting beside him to prove a point. As his wing folded over them protectively, Jared had to admit it felt very nice.

"I guess... I find you alluring..." Jared said, smirking back at the dragon. "...I just keep thinking this can't work, in the end."

"Then don't think," Zagan said, chuckling. "Just be."

"Just be?"

"You really think any of us in this realm worry about the future? Why worry when Master Lucian watches over us, ensuring we can be our best selves without judgment? The past doesn't matter, the future even less so."

"There's only the present," Jared said, realizing Zagan was echoing his own thoughts as of late. "But-"

"No buts," Zagan said, shutting him up with another quick kiss. "And no Davin talk for the rest of the week; you'll see enough of him soon. Just be with me, and only me... if only for a while."

"...Should I pretend I live here, too?" Jared asked, half-joking.

"If you want. As far as I'm concerned, you belong here. It's already your home, if you want it."

"I do want it," Jared sighed, smiling at the realization. "Okay. I'll 'just be' with you. For now."

"That's all I ask..." Zagan said, embracing him as Jared locked lips with him once more. Jared would have thought he was under some kind of spell if Zagan hadn't told him everything was his decision. Submission didn't seem like a Pride thing anyway, and he had already warded himself plenty of times over since visiting this place. Sure, he could feel the power of the realm resonate with him, but it was more like he was adding to it than it was adding to him. He wasn't familiar with this side of himself, but he really wanted to explore it even if it had to be with Zagan for the time being. No, wait... it was because of Zagan he wanted to explore. He had to admit, the dragon sent a thrill through him that Davin couldn't.

"Ugh," Jared sighed, breaking the kiss. "I'm sorry."

"Something wrong?"

"I can't stop thinking about Davin even when I try," Jared sighed, feeling guilty suddenly. "I know you said not to, but..."

"Don't do it just because I asked. What I want is for you to think of me as more than 'the one Davin lives inside of'. That's all."

"Oh, I... didn't think of it like that," Jared said, suddenly ashamed. Coughing to cover it up, he slowly sat up with Zagan's help. Folding his wings, he was grateful to feel Zagan's own wing wrap around him almost like a blanket. It was comforting, and it shielded him from a lot of eyes that might look their way. "...Whatever else you are, you are a person. Aren't you?"

"No less than that 'Bruce' is a person, though perhaps he is even more so than I," Zagan said, and Jared detected the first hint of insecurity in his voice. He didn't think Zagan could even be insecure about anything. "He was the essence of a real person who has since passed on, but I am simply a mental construct. A very sentient construct, but..."

"I mean, isn't that how all daemons are born? Genesis'd... whatever," Jared said, trying to reassure him without making it too obvious. "Vance is like that. He started off as an ice golem. Did you know that?"

"I know what Davin knew. So yes... but that does make some sense," Zagan said, folding his hands together. "I didn't even realize I was feeling like this, but you've begun to put me at ease already. I feel I can tell you things I normally can't with the others here."

"I'm glad you feel that way. But... maybe we can find a way to give you your own body," Jared suggested, not sure where he was going with this exactly. "I know it's possible, but..."

"Maybe. But for now, my pendant is bound to this body," Zagan said, shrugging. "If it were to be placed upon you, for instance, there would be no effect. I'm very certain it would look great on you, but that's all. Even though Master Lucian is very powerful, it takes a great amount of energy and skill to preserve a personality even he himself created. Spare body or not, I am as intertwined with Davin's fate as he is with mine."

"...Well, I'm glad you at least would consider it," Jared said, sighing. "Sounds complicated. But now that I think about it, Davin would be okay with me spending time with you. I think..."

"I feel that he would," Zagan said, reassuring him. "Maybe not for a long time, but for the week? Sure. He wants you to be happy."

"And you know that because you want me to be happy, too?"

"Of course," Zagan said, before his smile faltered. "But I am selfish, too. I admit I want you all to myself, but not if you're unhappy. I am no Greed, nor am I Lust. If you are ashamed to be with me, just say so... then I will at least have my dignity."

"I'm not, though," Jared said, hesitating only slightly before resting a hand on Zagan's thigh. "I'm really not. I know I was resistant at first, but I thought you were just some mindless puppet before. It's obvious that you're not, but maybe that's how I was justifying it before. Now, I'm not saying we should start sleeping in the same bed right away, but I'd like to at least see where this goes while we can. So... I'll let Davin have his break. I guess that's what it is, isn't it? I'm still not used to that idea, even if it was Davin who said it."

"It's a lot more common than you'd think," Zagan chuckled. "Though for a mortal it's much harder to do without help. That Bruce you know of? He had to have had magic in him, just like you did when Odin appeared to you. But to the rest of us daemons, sometimes just existing can be painful. So we take 'breaks'. We flip aspects. We change and grow in ways mortals could never do with their limited lifespans."

"Even Lucian?"

"Especially him. I'm not speaking ill of him, but there are times when one might compare how he is now with his past... and regard him a saint."

"So you're saying he was an insufferable prick a long time ago."

"Don't let him hear you say that, and no. I'm not," Zagan said, his expression a mix of amusement and horror. "I'm simply saying he's changed too. But whether it's for better or for worse, well, it depends on who you ask."

"...Alright. I won't say it again. But it's still funny to me," Jared said, smirking. "But I'm done sulking if you are. Anything else you want to show me today? I promise to give it my best shot from now on... especially since sunning was a good idea in the end. Mmm... I might come back here later..."

"I have a few ideas, but right now all I want is to just sit here with you," Zagan said, slowly wrapping an arm around Jared's waist. When Jared returned the side hug and relaxed against his shoulder, Zagan held him more firmly as he sighed in contentment.

"This does feel nice," Jared admitted. The sun's warm light slowly lulled him into a deeper state of relaxation, and before he knew it he was dozing off in Zagan's strong arms.


Dylann took one last look at the apartment, smiling at the memories he'd shared in such a short time with his former roommates. This place was now theirs, even though they'd insisted on finding their own place. Dylann wasn't about to have that, not if he was going to get a house one day with Seth. He had never considered it before but now it seemed like the perfect home away from home idea. Finding even a good lot in this economy, however, was easier said than done. It would take time to find the perfect location, nevermind any work that might need to be done. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts, standing there in his human form, that he didn't hear the door open and close behind him.

"I thought you might be here, Dylann."

"Zale..." Dylann said, as surprised as he was happy to see him. "I thought you were still on your walk with Mark?"

"I was... he's gone to get us some popcorn and snacks for tonight. We're going to watch a movie or two later."

"I'd have thought you'd go with him? You two have been pretty inseparable ever since you both proposed."

"Well, I needed to talk with you. About us."

"...Ah," Dylann said, after a moment of confusion. Of course he meant back then. "I... what do you need to say? I'm here for you."

"Dylann, I spent some of the best years of my life with you and your kingdom," Zale said, after a moment to think. "I might still be serving you if the circumstances had been different, and gladly so. But I still remember that connection we had, and..."

"I understand, but..." Dylann said, stumbling to find the words to let him down easily.

"Let me finish," Zale said, more sternly than Dylann would have thought him to be. "This isn't easy for me to say."

"Okay," Dylann sighed, bracing himself for a confession he could no longer reciprocate.

"Dylann, know that you'll always be my friend. But I think that's all you and I can be, no matter what else we may have done... both in and out of the ocean," Zale said, eyes sad and downcast even as he smiled with fond memories. "I can't say I ever loved you like Seth does, though. We had a connection, a small spark... but nothing more. I'm sorry to do this to you so soon after finding happiness, but that's the truth of it."

"...Actually, I understand completely," Dylann said, a huge weight off his shoulders. "I've been dreading this exact conversation for a while, because I didn't want to break your heart so soon after you and Mark got engaged. I feel the same as you do."

"Hey, what do you know?" Zale said, looking relieved. "I guess we both had the same idea after all. I guess I worried over nothing. Don't get me wrong though... I do care about you. Just not in the way you need."

"I didn't really know what I needed, until Seth came back," Dylann said, sighing as he brushed a hand through his blue hair. "He fills a hole in my heart that I never realized was there. As gushy as that sounds, it's true."

"It's not gushy, or stupid, or dumb," Zale replied, quick to reassure him. "He came back. He realized his feelings, as did you. From what I hear, you danced in the garden. That's fucking romantic, but it wasn't what won him over you know."

"I know. And... I'm glad you came to talk with me and clear the air. I wasn't sure what to make of us until now."

"Well, Mark and I did blur the lines a little. It's been fun having you play with us," Zale said, blushing a bit under his fur. "But I wanted to clear up any misconceptions we both might have had. Seems it wasn't necessary after all, but it's still nice to know for sure."

"So... there's only one thing left to ask," Dylann said, smiling mischievously.

"What's that?"

"Whether Seth and I are invited or not," Dylann laughed. "I need to know whether I have to send your present by courier or if I can deliver it personally."

"Oh god, the apartment itself is enough.. and then there's that swimming realm you gave me the key for. You really don't have to go out of your way to-"

"I want to. It's not any trouble, not at all. I'm not going to buy you two a yacht, sure, but I want to give you two something on your special day."

"...Thank you. And of course you're both invited! Mark would kill me if I excluded either of you, even if I wanted to... we just don't know the date yet. But, how would we send the invitations? I don't think the postal service delivers to ocean palaces, and email or text is just too impersonal..."

"I'll let you know soon. Trust me, I have my ways. Just worry about yourselves for now," Dylann said, beaming at the good news. "I'm glad we had this talk. I feel I can be your friend without it... well..."

"Being super fucking awkward, right," Zale laughed. "I feel the same way. But while I'm here, do you need help moving anything out or...?"

"No, I've already taken care of it," Dylann said, treating his hand like a finger gun and blowing on it. "Perks of being an elder daemon. Oh and don't worry about the lease. I had a talk with the manager and we came to an arrangement that won't violate it. Honestly, as long as they get their rent they don't really care. Still no normal four-legged dogs or cats allowed though, sorry to say."

"Which makes no sense when these places are built for furs but... still. It's been an honor... my lord."

Zale straightened himself into a military-like posture before offering the usual salute of those of Dylann's realm. For a moment he looked every part the commander of his forces, before the look in his eyes faded from the stern warrior to the happily engaged merlion he was now.

"If you ever want to retire, I promise you'll both have a place with us," Dylann said, and Zale simply nodded.

"That's a long ways away, but it's humbling to know you'd still do that for us. Plus, I bet the ocean would be better on my back once it starts giving out again. Becoming a flexible feline fur's been a blessing on that front."

"I bet. So, do you two need any help planning anything?" Dylann asked, growing more excited by the second. "I have a list of caterers that might interest you, oh and there's floral arrangements I suppose... and the guest list alone is going to be..."

"Dylann... Dylann!" Zale exclaimed, realizing Dylann was going full wedding planner on him. "I know you love weddings, but still! Show some restraint!"


"Is it ever actually night here?" Jared asked, holding his lips as still as he could. He was locked in a pose with Zagan and temporarily enchanted to be unable to move, all so the artist they were posing for could paint them with accuracy. While the pose was heroic and romantic, their lips hovering near each other, it didn't stop them from moving their mouths and tongues enough to speak properly.

"Yes, but you're usually too tired to notice. It's never actually dark here, only slightly less light. The sun never completely sets before it rises again, though we consider that 'sunset' to be a 'day' here. We don't measure time by any other means, really. No clocks, no calendars... just the sun in the sky."

"That sounds a lot less stressful than Earth, where you're weighed and measured by the minute," Jared sighed. "I mean, the bar's great and all but mortals work themselves to death in a lot of jobs."

"There you go again, calling them mortals like you're a daemon yourself."

"Well it's hard to see myself the same way as them," Jared admitted, realizing his slip of the tongue only after Zagan had pointed it out. "And I hear it often enough from you and the others every day. It's not my fault I'm picking up your lingo."

"Oh, I'm not mocking you," Zagan said, his eyes smiling despite his locked expression. "It's true, you're not like the rest of them. You'll live a very long time in fact, assuming you don't get yourself killed in the process."

"I know. But it's kind of easy to lose track of time, I guess," Jared said, wondering why he needed to really do that anymore. "Especially when everyone here is so laid back about it all."

"What made you think of it now, then?"

"Your eyes. They remind me of the sky, back... on Earth," Jared said. He'd been about to say 'home' but it hardly felt that way now. He was more welcome in this world than the one he'd come from, and a growing part of him was more and more resentful at the idea of having to go back.

"How romantic," Zagan said, his voice tender. "I could hold you like this forever."

"N-now who's being romantic?" Jared stuttered, his heart racing. "Don't be a tease."

"Who's teasing? You've known me long enough to know better by now."

"Yeah... I know," Jared sighed. "How long has it been, anyway?"

"How long...?" Zagan trailed off, confused at what he meant.

"You know. Since we met. Officially."

"I can't give an exact number, but I'd say years," Zagan said, surprised. "Don't you remember?"

"Not... really?" Jared said, not really worrying about the past much. "I mean I feel like I was waiting for Lord Lucian to do or say.. something... but I can't remember what exactly. Do you?"

"A lot's happened since we met, Rune. It's probably not that important if you don't remember," Zagan encouraged. "If Pride wishes you to know something or perform some task, he will tell you. I am glad you're not angry with him anymore, though."

"Yeah I was... a rude guest," Jared sighed, not wanting to remember that either. "I don't even know why I'd be mad at him. He introduced us, didn't he?"

"I think we met once or twice before then, but ultimately yes. He did bring us together."

"Alright you two, no more talking now. I have to paint your mouths now and I can't do that if you're flapping your gums," the painter said, more amused at the conversation than he was irritated that they were speaking at all. "I'll numb your minds if I have to and keep you here for a week as a trophy."

A week? Why did that sound so familiar to him... yet, he did what he was told and kept his mouth from moving even slightly while his unblinking eyes stared lovingly into Zagan's. Even that one small concern he'd had faded as he felt pride well up within him. From the sound of it they had been great models, and he couldn't wait to see the results.

"Okay, you can both move now. I'm finally finished," the painter said, setting aside his custom painting tools and brush. They were made to fit a dragon's hand rather than a humans, among other quality of life changes.

"Feels good to stretch again," Zagan said, helping Jared back to a proper standing position as he popped his back and neck.

"And it feels very weird to be able to blink..." Jared laughed, blinking a few times manually. "You know, normally."

"You can come over and look, but no touching. Obviously," the slender dragon stated. While he was much smaller than they were, the canvas he had worked with would be large enough to impress any mortal gallery. Walking over with Zagan, they both smiled with immense pride as they saw the vision the artist had brought to life. Jared was the first to speak and voice his thoughts.

"I know you said the paintings you made-"

"Lovingly crafted," the artist laughed, correcting him.

"...lovingly crafted were breathtaking, but I didn't realize just how breathtaking it could be. You're a... master doesn't even begin to describe it," Jared finished, feeling nothing but awe and a slight need to apprentice himself to the daemon.

"You've truly outdone yourself this time," Zagan said, his eyes roving over their figures in the work of art. "Somehow you even managed to capture my stars, and I thought they'd give you some trouble. Besides, it's so hard to capture my good side."

"I was surprised when Master Lucian commissioned a work of art featuring two models I had never worked with before, but now I see he was right as always. And so long as he is pleased with my work and myself, I am pleased. But your praise is very much appreciated as well. If you should ever want to model for me again, you only need to say the word."

"A true honor. We'll need to think on it," Zagan said, neither promising nor rejecting anything. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have some kinks in our wings to work out..."

"Of course, of course! Don't let me stop you," the artist encouraged, waving them off as they said their goodbyes. Walking outside, they fell together before letting the wind catch their wings.

"I remember when I was new to all this," Jared said, once they were close enough to speak. Somehow in this realm, no matter how much wind there was or how someone was flying, conversations were easy to hear and participate in if you were close enough.

"I remember you falling... with style, of course," Zagan joked. "I was actually surprised you learned as quickly as you did, but then you did have a lot of teachers that day."

"Yeah. What awful name was I using, though? Jake? John?"

"Nope. It was a J name, though," Zagan said, smiling as he allowed Jared to work it out.

"It wasn't Jeremy, was it?"

"Wrong again, Rune."

"...Oh right. Jared," he said, remembering his name with contempt. "I'm sure that's fine for someone else, but for me? A dragon, and Odin as well? No thanks."

"You remembered," Zagan laughed, shaking his head. "Look at you now, though. A proper dragon in a realm of light. Of course Jared could never be your name. Why Rune, though?"

"Just came to me... one day. Back as a mortal? I mean uh... as a mortal on Earth," Jared said, catching himself this time. "Besides, I like it. Is there any better reason?"

"None at all," Zagan said. "Your name is your name. Whatever you choose it to be."

"Damn right it is," Jared laughed, beating his wings as they flew through the sky at a leisurely pace. "But Zagan, I've been thinking..."

"That's dangerous," Zagan said, smirking at him.

"Oh shut up. You'll want to hear this anyway."

"Alright, humor me. What have you been thinking so dangerously about?"

"You know how I'm not a real dragon?" Jared asked, his voice a bit quieter as he choked them out. "Well... I was thinking I could take the elixir."

"...You mean that elixir?" Zagan said, almost forgetting to flap his wings before he corrected himself. "Are you certain?"

"Do you not approve?"

"It's not that I don't approve. I'm just surprised you'd even consider it."

"Well if I'm going to spend years like this, and many more to come, then I don't see why I shouldn't just make it official. I already can't think of myself as... whatever I used to be. A tiger or something. I don't know if changing back is something I even want, so... might as well just shift my form to this one. I talked to Lucian about it the other day and he said he'd look into it."

"Yeah it might not affect you the same way as the others," Zagan said thoughtfully, crossing his arms. "You're not a daemon, but not quite mortal either. You're unique."

"So are you. Unique, I mean," Jared said, smiling smugly. "No one else is his Herald. Even if you are on hiatus for some reason..."

"Hopefully he will allow me to return to my duties instead of the odd task here and there, but it is once again up to his discretion. I simply follow his commands, and in return I am honored above all others aside from himself."

"I still wonder what he sees in me. I am no master of anything, nor am I a sycophant."

"You are Odin. A master of magic and runes among inept mortals is still a master," Zagan praised. His smile made Jared feel warm inside, even though he wasn't a daemon and Zagan wasn't a mortal to feed from. "If nothing else, Pride has already said he will look into the elixir for you. That's very promising."

"I just hope-" Jared began, faltering once he saw Zagan's eyes glow with the same blue fire as the flame above his head. "Zagan?"

"...I see," Zagan said, closing his eyes before he opened them again. They were back to their normal solid black. "He wishes to see us. Both of us."

"Perfect timing. Let's go," Jared said, knowing not to waste time as Zagan circled back around. Following, Jared couldn't help but feel anticipation at what was to come... and yet, he was just as excited.


"My lord, I present Rune and myself. As you have commanded, so we have come."

"So you have," Lucian said, a look of smug amusement on his face. "You know you don't have to be so formal when it's just you and Rune, Zagan. You are my favorites."

"If I may be so bold, why are we here?" Rune asked, puzzled. "We came as quickly as we could so Zagan couldn't tell me."

"You may be as bold as you like, Rune. Any other mortal I would punish, but you are different. But because you are different, I had to dig deep into the old knowledge to be sure of my own. My elixir will work on you, even if I have to use more essence than I normally would."

"Do I need to change back first?"

"No. You don't," Lucian scoffed, as if it was a dumb question to begin with. "All we are doing is tricking your own magic into accepting your new form as your original one. It was easier than I thought once I knew there could be no mistake. All you have to do is be willing, and drink."

Waving his hand, an ornate goblet upon a golden table appeared. It bubbled with some red liquid, though Jared thought he could detect hints of blue or purple mixed in when the light hit just right. Jared was dumbfounded before Zagan gave him a slight nudge.

"What are you waiting for?" Zagan asked, just as amused as Lucian was. "Not having second thoughts, are you?"

"No, I was simply admiring our lord's handiwork," Jared said, smiling smugly before taking the goblet. Even as large as he was, it still required both of his hands to even lift, though it looked no heavier than any other goblet he'd used recently. Without any more hesitation, he brought it to his lips and drank deeply from it. Fighting the burning inside him, he finished before gently lowering it back to the table. A lesser mortal would have collapsed to his knees in pain or awe, but Jared stood unblinking as he looked up into Lucian's own eyes. The feeling subsided, though Jared kept waiting.

"Well done," Lucian said, smiling wickedly. "You're truly one of my dragons now."

"I don't feel any different, though," Jared said, confused. "Not that I doubt you, but..."

"But you need some convincing. Evidence. That, I can provide," Lucian said, his eyes glowing as they seemed to reach into his soul. He felt awestruck and worthless, yet he was proud to receive his lord's direct attention. It was all clear to him now.

"I could have brought you to your knees just now, shattering your mind with the full power of my voice inside your tiny head, but I believe I've proven my point sufficiently enough," Lucian said, once his eyes had stopped glowing and he'd retreated from Jared's mind. "It's best we acclimate you to my presence rather than break you, however. I want you to be useful, not groveling at my feet like so many others."

"What did you have in mind, Master Lucian?" Jared asked, unable to truly see him in any other light now. He was his. The goblet was the contract, with the liquid past his lips the signature. He had known and had been willing anyway. He couldn't see himself doing anything else anymore, short of what Lucian commanded of him.

"Hm. You are adept at that spear of yours, even if it never misses on its own," Lucian said, musing as he leaned back in his throne. "And you know the old runes once passed down to man. I already have a Herald, otherwise I would consider you for the position. So what to do with you? Where in the sky does your star shine the brightest?"

"Why not create a new position, lord?" Zagan suggested, not shrinking back as Lucian turned his gaze to him.

"...Why not? He is unlike any other in my realm. It would be a waste of his talents for him to serve in a role any mortal could fill. Yes... why not. I believe I know your place now, Rune. Kneel; not out of submission to me, but in acceptance of your new role within my realm."

"Yes, my lord," Jared said, falling to his knees as he gazed upon Lucian in fierce devotion. Every minute that passed had him devoting more of himself to the elder, yet not out of obligation. He chose to do so, to take pride in his service now and to come. "What is my role?"

"You will be my Soothsayer."

"...I... am honored, yet puzzled..." Jared said. Chuckling, Lucian shook his head.

"You're no doubt thinking I've chosen you to be my prophet or tell the future. While I think you do have some ability to predict what is to come, your role will more than likely be to tell me when I am ignoring the truth of a situation, or to soothe my anger at others. Soothsayer once meant someone who tells the truth, someone who placates... though sometimes you may need to lie a little for that last one. We can't be perfect, though we strive ever onward."

"You will be a member of his court," Zagan added, waving his hand. Jared felt himself pulled onto his feet with a gust of wind, but he remained where he was. "Shall I prepare him, my lord?"

"Do so. Then return here. I find myself troubled, lately..."

Jared did not wish to leave the chamber, but he obeyed by following Zagan. Though he had yet to realize it, a bright crimson flame burned above his head in the same way as Zagan's as they flew from the chamber to a nearby platform. He felt like it was a dream almost, with how at peace he felt. How proud he was to serve in such a role.

"Is this how you always feel?" he managed to ask, once they'd entered the building. It appeared to be some kind of servants' quarters, yet far more ornate and less populated. Perhaps this was for Lucian's court?

"All the time," Zagan said, not even looking back. He was in full swing now. "You can feel me as well, if you focus."

"...Yeah. There you are," Jared laughed, feeling more than seeing him.

"There I am. But on to business. I know you can create clothing for yourself, but our lord has just told me what he has in mind for you. Our best are working on it as we speak."

"Could he not simply..."

"Yes, he could. But he also thought to give you the day to adjust to your new role before returning to him. I am to prepare you for it, though we may do so in comfort here. These are my quarters. Now yours as well, unless you wish for your own still?"

"...Wait, the whole thing is your quarters? This is a house... almost..."

"Well, I do have my own servants, and it would seem they've kept everything in order in my absence. Your servants too, if you wish."

"Does our lord know you are offering this to me?"

"He encouraged it, though it is not required. He would happily make something for you, for you have earned his favor."

"I accept then. Besides, lately my thoughts have been more and more dominated by you, Zagan. Not as much as Master Lucian now dominates ours, though I willingly give myself to him. But..."

"I know, Rune. Why else would I offer this? And I told you before; I am selfish and want you all to myself. Though I hear our lord and obey."

"As do I," Jared said, his baritone voice richer and smoother by the moment. "I belong to him and this realm, now. To you as well, if you wish."

"And I to you," Zagan said, caressing his shoulder before pulling away. "But let us begin. There is much to learn. While our days are longer than your old realm's twenty-four hours, that is no excuse to fall behind on our duties. Especially when we will have all night for more... frivolous activities."

"Of course, Herald," Jared said, his honeyed words flowing easily from his lips. His eyes were now a solid red, like blood or wine. "Let us begin."