Deviant Delights #39 - My Mortal Life, Part II

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#39 of Deviant Delights: Vol. I

Davin's success over the past months have been encouraging for him, though there are still some mental hurdles holding him back. Yet even though his life has been getting better and better, it all comes crashing down when he learns what he really is and what has been happening to him.

"Hey, Davin. What's your dream job?"

"Hm? What's this all of a sudden?" Davin asked, slurping up more of his delicious smoothie. They'd just gotten done with an intense workout session, though it was just him and Bruce today.

"Dream job! Don't tell me you enjoy working in that gloomy office..." Bruce said, shaking his head.

"You first, then," Davin smirked, flexing his tired muscles. It had been a few months since he'd first started working out with them, and already he was looking better than he had ever thought possible.

"Well, for me... I guess opening a shop with my boyfriend," Bruce said, a dreamy look on his face.

"What kind of shop?"

"Curios. You know, interesting stuff. Though maybe with a bit of an 'adult' section in the back for the more adventurous..."

"Oh so a toy shop," Davin laughed, though he had to admit to himself he'd probably visit a shop like that.

"Whatever," Bruce said, rolling his eyes. "But now you. Dream job. Go."

"Hm... I guess I'd open a bar?" Davin said, yet the idea seemed oddly familiar... as if he'd already done something like that. What was that called? Deja vu?

"What kind of bar?"

"Oh... um... a gay bar. A place people could just go to unwind, whether they want to drink or dance. Maybe a dance night for performers?"

"Oh, a strip club."

"Ah... no? They wouldn't strip, anyway," Davin said, blushing. "Still I guess... there would be a pole..."

"Anyway, sounds like it'd be a fun place!" Bruce said, noticing his discomfort. "Definitely would have to check it out! What would you name it?"

"I'm not really sure yet," Davin said, shrugging. "Besides, it's just a fantasy. I could never actually do anything like that..."

"Yes you could," Bruce said, booping his nose. His piercing was still a bit sensitive, and he rubbed it in irritation. "Never say never, Davin. Especially when faced with overwhelming odds!"

"You're optimistic, but ah... thanks. For thinking I could," Davin said, feeling somewhat encouraged somehow. "I might not be able to make it tomorrow..."

"Boss got you working an all-nighter?" Bruce asked, before Davin shook his head.

"No. My psychiatrist wants to see me for a bit. I don't know if it'll be an hour or longer... last time I was in, I lost track of time for longer than I thought I had. I didn't let him know I knew, though. It just seemed odd at the time."

"Psychiatrist, huh?" Bruce said, mulling over his words. "You didn't tell me you were seeing someone like that."

"It never came up. I kind of started seeing him the same day I bumped into you, actually. My boss recommended him."

"Really?" Bruce asked, surprised. "Weird."

"Is that weird?" Davin asked, not sure himself. "It's the company psychiatrist. I feel like it's been helping me with my depression. Especially after the anti-depressant he put me on."

"What kind? If you don't mind me asking, anyway..." Bruce said, suddenly realizing he was prying a bit too much.

"Oh, um... I always forget the name of it. It's like this red and black pill? I just take one in the morning and that's that. It must be helping because Lucian says my work's been improving a lot lately. Though I have to admit I've been horny as hell too."

"That's probably because of the exercise, honestly," Bruce said, smirking at him. "I don't know of any anti-depressants that increase your libido. But I do know I'm always horny after a workout. Especially with you, bro."


"But hey, I know you're not into me. Not like how you're into Jared, anyway..."

"Ah! I-"

"I love seeing you squirm, hah," Bruce said, a big smile on his face. "But c'mon, bro. You thought you could hide that from me? Hell, he seems really into you, too. You'd make an awesome couple if you both wanted to go for it."

"...You really think he'd...?" Davin asked, before sighing. He was doing it again. Think positive, right? "I guess I wouldn't know until I tried, huh?"

"Yeah. If you try and get shot down, then at least you'd know, bro. But if you never try at all, then you'll always be left wondering. You really want to live life full of regrets?"

"No! No," Davin said, feeling those words rattle his entire being. He didn't like it. "I... I hate regretting things."

"Hey. Seems like something happened in your past," Bruce said, his smile fading. "I'm not going to pry. That is your personal business. But, do me one favor, will you?"

"What favor?"

"If you ever get consumed by your past regrets, try not to blame yourself. View it objectively, as if it was happening to someone else. That way, you can see if it was truly your fault or not. But even if it was, even if you wronged someone or did something you wish you could take back... forgive yourself. You can't change what happened, right?"

"You sound like you're speaking from experience," Davin said, surprised at how serious and philosophical Bruce sounded. He seemed older, somehow.

"I am. I made peace with it, though. Living in my regrets like that? It was just poisoning me. It'll poison you too, if you're not careful. So promise me you won't live like that, okay? I care about you too much to see that happen to you, bro."

"I uh... I promise," Davin said, making up his mind right then and there. "It might be hard though."

"It matters more that you keep trying," Bruce said, encouraging him. "Anyway, I'm more worried about that doc of yours. He ever try to take advantage of you or something? How do you lose track of time there?"

"Um... I'm pretty sure he's done nothing but help me," Davin said, feeling a little offended. "But he sometimes hypnotizes me during our sessions. He says it's been very informative in regards to my 'psyche' or whatever. Still, I've been in a much better place the past couple months so... yeah. I trust him to see it through."

"Ah... sorry. It sounds like I'm anti-treatment, huh?" Bruce laughed, scratching his chin. "Sorry bro. I'm all for getting help for mental health. Just sounded kind of weird the way you described him, is all. He's not stuffy like your boss, is he?"

"No, he's actually kind of soothing to listen to," Davin chuckled, licking some smoothie that had gotten on his lip. "Probably why I go so deep for him... mmm..."

"You get off on it, don't you?" Bruce asked, noticing Davin's glazed look and his tenting shorts. "Geez, hypnosis kink huh? I might have to take you to a club or two with me if you're into that kind of thing."

"They have clubs for that?" Davin asked, careful not to sound too curious about it.

"Oh, all sorts of things. At least in this city they do," Bruce said, readjusting his hat. "Nothing permanent, and they're usually run by a daemon or three. But hey, it's great for exploring yourself if you're just crazy enough to try."

"Hm. I might have to check it out then. Ah, just to see if you're telling me the truth, that is."

"Sure, sure..." Bruce said, not believing he was anything but interested. "I bet you're the kind that enjoys being tied up, too."

"Ah..." Davin said, realizing he didn't hate the sound of that at all. "Like, with ropes?"

"Ropes, chains, whatever floats your boat," Bruce laughed. "It can be really fun with the right partner too."

"...Yeah, I imagine so," Davin said, imagining himself being tied up by Jared. Wow. That would be hot, wouldn't it? "...I think you're a bad influence on me, Bruce."

"Who, me?" Bruce chuckled, winking at him. "I've done nothing wrong. You're the one with the guttermind."

"Says the guy who comments on every man with a decent ass," Davin muttered, before finishing his shake.

"Hey! I appreciate art, you cretin!"

"Anyway, thanks for working out with me today. I thought for sure I was going to have to do this alone today."

"You probably could too, but it's always better with a bro, huh?" Bruce asked, fist-bumping Davin. "I know I always do better with a workout partner."

"You know, I never asked you before, but what do you do for a living? You know where I work," Davin asked. He didn't know why it had never occurred to him to ask that.

"Me? I work here," Bruce said, smiling sheepishly. When Davin looked at him in shock, he laughed nervously. "Actually, ah... I own the place."


"Seriously. It's not my dream job, sure, but it's the next best thing right now. Besides, I like helping people get into shape. Kind of like how you'd want to help people relax after a hard day with your dream job."

"I just wish I'd known," Davin said, smiling. "I might have asked for a discount."

"Ah! Freeloader!" Bruce gasped, mock terror on his face. "My worst nightmare!"

"Yeah yeah," Davin said, rolling his eyes as he stood up. "I'm hitting the showers. You coming?"

"Sure," Bruce said, finishing his own shake as he trailed after him. Davin knew nothing would happen between them, but it still felt like he was bonding somehow. Then again, his whole thought process had been much more relaxed after hanging out with Bruce lately. It was like everything about him was infectious... or was it just him wanting to be like him that was doing this? Maybe it didn't matter. He found himself being more like him anyway, though in his own way.


Davin's days were pretty much standard routine now. Wake up, take his medicine, get ready for work if it was a work day. Workout with his bros. Go back home. Maybe he'd chat a bit with Zagan on the phone, maybe he'd text Jared... he found himself torn between the two, somehow. He'd tried to tell Zagan about his friends before, but the dragon seemed disinterested at best. While it was disheartening, Davin couldn't really find it in himself to stop speaking with Zagan. There was just something alluring about the dragon; some nights, he found Zagan completely dominated his thoughts. Was he becoming obsessed or something? Yet, as exciting as it was to think about being with Zagan, he felt himself feeling happy and warm inside whenever he thought about Jared. Nothing sexual had happened between them just yet, though Davin had the feeling all he had to do was ask. Yet something was holding him back... he wasn't sure why, but he felt some kind of guilt whenever he considered the idea of them being together.

It was another month or so when Davin started seeing real gains with his workouts. It was almost like he was born to naturally grow muscle, and with every inch or pound he added it felt like it was supposed to be there. Like a balloon that was being inflated, brought into its true form. He'd lost the gut a while ago; nothing but abs showed now as he proudly felt them. He had abs. That meal plan really worked, didn't it? He'd have to recommend Chase the next time he got the chance. The gym rat knew what he was doing.

At work, he'd gotten several pay raises to reflect his improvement, and Lucian was even starting to pay him compliments and give him advice. Rune's sessions were more of a blur lately, yet he always felt refreshed somehow after seeing the doctor and had even started to see him more and more often. The previous worries Bruce had given him had completely faded away by now, replaced with a fierce loyalty to his boss and the company. He always kept thinking of ways to improve himself and his performance... maybe he'd finally get that promotion he'd had his eye on for a while.

"Davin, you look good," he said to himself in the mirror, adjusting his tie. He'd gotten a better work outfit, one Lucian had suggested to him. When he'd voiced his concerns about how much such a suit might cost, Lucian merely gave him a bonus to cover it. Life was starting to get better, slowly but surely. He still lived in the same apartment, but now heads turned when he walked by. Was this the same person who months ago had looked like your average pencil pusher? He looked and felt good. He was going to be somebody. He deserved the best.

"Hey there," Zagan said, as he entered the passenger side of the car. He'd started carpooling with the dragon a while ago, but he never failed to be impressed by how much bigger it was on the inside than the outside. He also couldn't help but feel it was all familiar somehow... nostalgic, even.

"Hey. You look good today, Zagan."

"So do you, stud. New cologne?"

"Yeah I'm trying it out," Davin said, shrugging. "You like it?"

"...Mmm, definitely," Zagan smirked, resting a hand on Davin's thigh. Blushing, Davin looked away... yet he didn't move Zagan's hand. "Ready for work?"

"Y-yeah, sure am," Davin said, looking forward to his day somehow. "I might have to stop by the pharmacy today though. I'm out of my meds, so I hope Rune refills it or... thinks I don't need it or something. So yeah."

"Hey, be more confident. We talked about this, Davin. You're a winner. Remember?"

"Yeah. I'm a winner," Davin said, looking into the side mirror. "I feel like one lately."

"You always were one. You just didn't realize it yet," Zagan said, taking his hand away and putting the car into drive. "Buckle up."

"Oh, right," Davin said, pulling the seat belt over him. They drove for a while, but when they were stuck in a particularly nasty bit of traffic Davin was overcome with the need to talk about something. Anything. "Hey, can I ask your opinion on something?"

"Go for it."

"I've been doing well lately. Lucian seems to like me since I've improved. Maybe he always did? I guess I was a disappointment before... no. I wasn't giving my best before," Davin said, rephrasing the negative into something a little more positive.

"He was sad to see your potential going to such waste. Of course he'd be happy with you now that you're actively trying to be your best self. Going to see Rune was the first step on that path. It was also a test."

"A test? Would he have fired me if I'd refused, then?"

"No, nothing like that. But he wouldn't have bothered investing his time in you anymore. If you got fired, it would have been over your work performance. But you impressed him by seeking help. It showed him that deep down, you still cared. Don't tell him I told you this, but he's proud of your progress. But where is this going, Davin? Didn't you want to ask my opinion on something?"

"Ah... well, do you think I should ask for a promotion?"

"Do you want one?" Zagan asked, slowly accelerating and stopping in time with the traffic.

"Yeah. I feel like I could do more."

"Then tell him that. I can't tell you whether to go for a promotion or not. That's up to you and what you want. If you want it bad enough, though, I say you should at least talk with him about it. He does make these decisions, you know?"

"Hah! I suppose," Davin said, shaking his head. "I just wanted to ask you first since well... I value your judgment on these things. You've been good to me."

"I doubt I've been 'good' to you, but I'm happy to hear that," Zagan said, flashing a smile at him. Why did that seem so familiar? It was like when he did it in the mirror... of course, it made sense he would start copying Zagan lately. "Anyway, if you need a ride to the pharmacy later, we'll stop there first. Promise."

"Thanks. I'd hate to walk," laughed Davin, feeling self-conscious about his lack of transportation.

"So... Davin. Since you asked me a question, let me ask you one in return."

"What's on your mind?"

"If you were offered the chance to be me, would you take it?"

"That's a strange question," Davin said, confused. "What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I asked. If you could be a dragon like me, would you do it?"

"...I mean, I'd have to think about it but... it's not exactly something that'd happen, anyway. I'm not sure what you want me to say."

"Let me cut to the chase, then. Lucian and I are daemons."

"...What?" Davin said, looking over at Zagan. He thought he was joking at first, but the stern look on his face was all Davin needed to see he was being serious. "I had no idea."

"Well, no. You wouldn't. We hide it very well," Zagan chuckled, finally able to turn out of the congested traffic. "But we do have power. I'm certain Lucian will promote you if you ask for it, but if you really wanted to show your dedication then becoming a dragon like us would prove that. But it's entirely optional, of course. Those rumors about Lucian favoring only dragons are false. It's just a coincidence most of our coworkers higher up than you have decided to take that leap. So what would you choose? Dragon or no?"

"...Like I said. I'd have to think about it. It's not every day you get asked if you want to change what you are," Davin said, though he wondered why that sounded strange to him all of a sudden. "Would it hurt?"

"Not at all. The experience is quite pleasant, actually. Slower though. You've actually been primed for it with your medicine."

"I... what?"

"Oh, they are anti-depressants. They're just usually ones us dragon anthros use. 'Dragon's Breath', they call it. But you won't transform completely unless you want to continue. I'm only telling you this because Rune will ask if you want to keep taking the medicine. After this month, you'll be a dragon like us."

"It's a transformative? Isn't that illegal to..."

"You haven't started transforming yet, have you? And I'm telling you before you do, so you know what to expect," Zagan said, all business now. "You've got a choice to make soon, Davin. Thirty days. Thirty pills. The last one will seal your fate."

"...I'm not sure how to process this..." Davin said, anxiety forming a ball in his stomach. "I..."

"Maybe I should have waited until you were ready to hear this," Zagan sighed, hand clenching the steering wheel. "Don't worry about processing this, Davin. All you need to be is a sleepy dragon for me."

Davin's body stiffened a bit at hearing the trigger words, before he slowly slumped down into his seat. A wave of pure relaxation washed away all his concerns and doubts as Zagan kept speaking to him, though whatever he was saying was lost to his conscious mind. He lost all sense of time and self until the snapping of fingers woke him.

"We're here, Davin," Zagan said, unbuckling his seat belt. "You must be staying up late again, seeing as how you took a little nap just now."

"Ah, sorry," Davin said, having no memory of what they'd spoken about before when he was awake. "And after I was asking if I should get a promotion or not... geez."

"Hey, you weren't sleeping in the office, so I'll keep your secret," Zagan said, winking as he got out of the car. Davin followed his example, walking with him to the exit of the parking garage.


"Hey bro, you got a rash or something?" Bruce asked, looking down at him in confusion.

"No? Why do you ask that?" Davin said between reps. He was benching more than he ever had before, and yet it felt too easy somehow.

"Because," Bruce replied, forcing him to rack the weights. "Your chest. I thought I saw skin or something. You're usually pretty hairy though, I thought?"

"I don't know what you mean," Davin said, peering down his shirt. "Everything seems fine to me."

"Take it off."

"We're in the middle of the gym, Bruce," Davin said, still confused.

"I own the gym, remember? Take off your shirt."

"...Okay," Davin said, seeing how serious Bruce was. Taking off his tank top, he set it to the side before gesturing to himself. "See? Nothing's wrong."

"You really think that, don't you?" Bruce asked, concern in his eyes. "Shit. You're scaled up like crazy. What are they doing to you?"

"Bruce, are you okay?" Davin asked. Now he was concerned. "I'm the same as I've always been. I mean, besides the gains I guess."

"Come with me," Bruce said, motioning for him to follow. Not sure where this was going, Davin followed him until they were in a smaller room. Looking around, he wasn't sure what the point of it was. "Go look in the mirror over there."


"Just do it," Bruce snapped. Davin sighed, nodding. He might as well just humor him for now. Whatever was happening with Bruce, he'd figure it out later once he... once he...

"...What the fuck?" Davin said, looking at the reflection of himself. He hardly recognized his torso; it was almost completely covered in scales. Quickly stripping his shorts and underwear off, he stared in abject horror at what he was seeing. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"I fucking knew it," Bruce grumbled, crossing his arms. "That doc of yours is bad news. They've got you on fucking Dragon's Breath, don't they? I thought that shit was a myth, but..."

"What the fuck is happening to me?!" Davin shouted, trying to claw the scales off his body. Grunting in pain, he stopped; whatever this was, it was part of him.

"You're turning into a dragon, Davin. How long have you been taking that 'medicine' of yours?"

"I mean... since we met. I told you that, didn't I? I'm halfway through my current bottle right now... oh gods... Bruce, what's going on?"

"First, I should explain why you're only seeing this now," Bruce said, waving a hand over the mirror. His reflection faded away, showing only a void. "This mirror lets you see yourself. And before you get all snarky with me, I mean it lets you see yourself as you currently are no matter how much magic or brainwashing you've gone under to ignore it. I bet all those 'sessions' have been messing with your head so that you'd just accept whatever you saw. That's fucked up, bro."

"I... but shouldn't the Virtues...?"

"Yeah, they should. For a mortal, anyway," Bruce sighed.

"What should I do? Should I quit or...?"

"Bro, I'm not going to tell you to quit your job. That's on you. But I would seriously reconsider taking any more of that medicine. And I'd definitely avoid that doc of yours."

"I... why would I do that?" Davin said, growing defiant all of a sudden. "They've been helping me..."

"Shit they've got you good, huh bro? But it's not like I wasn't prepared for this either," Bruce said, snapping his fingers. Strange designs sprouted up all around him, surprising and terrifying him.

"You're a daemon?" Davin asked, feeling hurt and betrayed as he found himself immobilized.

"No. I'm just... let's say, 'magically gifted'," Bruce said, winking at him. "This won't take long. I promise. I just need to see what else they've been doing to you. Think of this as... I don't know. An impromptu bondage session."

"I... ohhhh," Davin said, feeling very aroused at the idea. He had to admit, as strange as all this was, it was... kind of hot. He wasn't sure what to think about Bruce, but if he was truly trying to help him then... maybe he should trust him? He hadn't steered him wrong before, and he could see why he'd keep this a secret. Mortals didn't normally have magic, not in today's day and age... but how did he know that? It was like a fact to him, yet he'd never heard that before. Right?

"Well, good news is the only magic they're filling you up with is that draconic shit," Bruce said, looking over what looked like just another magic circle of some kind. He seemed to be reading something from it though, because he simply turned or moved it as he looked over every part of it. "I guess they've been relying on hypnosis to keep you in the dark. And of course, to offer up resistance when someone tries to tell you to stop taking the meds or going to your sessions with that doc. Another dragon, I bet."

"Yeah. He is..."

"Yeah I figured. Anyway, I can dispel the extra magic built up in you, but I can't stop the transformation. That has to be your choice. I bet if you tell any of them this, though, they'll just make you forget again somehow. I mean you're ready to fight me just for suggesting you not do the very thing turning you into a dragon, you know?"

"Yeah, I kind of want to deck you for some reason. That's not right though, is it?" Davin asked, trying to shake his head but to no avail. "I'm sorry for all this, Bruce."

"Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything wrong. I'm the one who's been dosing you with wards anyway, so if anyone should apologize it's me."

"What? Why have you been doing that?"

"Because, I really don't trust Zagan. Seems I was right not to, bro. Still should've told you though, sorry."

"...Eh. You're fine," sighed Davin. "It's not like you're hurting me. Wards just protect, right?"

"Yep! Though the ones guarding you can't protect against ingesting something as powerful as what you're on. They only work against someone transforming you or influencing you with magic directly."

"Then how are you doing this to me?"

"Oh, you think my own magic is going to deny me?" laughed Bruce. Despite his current situation, Davin couldn't help but smile back. "Besides, ah... your bindings are different."

"Different... how?" Davin asked, causing Bruce to sigh.

"You really think you're mortal, don't you?"

"Because I am!" Davin said, shocked to hear a question like that. "I've always been mortal! Why... why wouldn't I be...?"

"I don't know. You tell me," Bruce said, watching him. "But those bindings are designed with only one purpose in mind: to restrain daemons and allow the caster to see their true nature. My boyfriend thinks it's hot though."

"It... it really is, though," Davin admitted. He was already vulnerable and his cock was on full display. Denying what he was feeling was just a fruitless endeavor at this point. "God, this is hot."

"Yeah, it is. But if we have fun in the future, Davin, I don't want to do it while you're this vulnerable. Here, let me get you down now."

Davin felt himself slowly lowered back to the ground as his bindings faded away into nothing. Standing there for a second to process what had just happened, he gathered up his clothes and slowly slipped them back on. Waiting in silence as his erection went back down, he looked over to Bruce.

"...I'm a daemon?"

"So the spell says."

"...Why don't I feel like one?"

"What do you imagine being a daemon feels like?"

"I don't know. Strong? Powerful? Able to use magic or something...? I don't get how I'm a daemon."

"Do you remember where you were born? Who your parents are? Where you grew up?"

"I... no. I don't!" Davin said, amazed at himself. How could he not remember something as important as that? His head was pounding, overwhelmed by the information he was receiving. "But I don't remember being a daemon, either..."

"Not yet," Bruce said, shrugging. "Maybe it'll come to you though?"

"...Maybe?" Davin said. He felt like he should argue more. Of course he was mortal! You're just trying to trick me! All these thoughts and more presented themselves... yet, he knew deep down that Bruce was right. He was a daemon. How could he have forgotten that? Unless... unless he hadn't wanted to remember. "I... I need some air."

"Yeah. Let's go for a walk, bro."

Davin nodded, allowing Bruce to lead him out of the gym and down the street. The air helped to clear his head a bit, feeling good against his fur and... scales. Fuck, he had scales. He was turning into a dragon. He was a fucking daemon... what the fuck.

"Talk to me, bro."

"Ah! Sorry," Davin said, realizing how he must have looked. "I just... this is a lot to take in, you know? Even if it's something I should have known already, it's..."

"Yeah, it's a lot. Sorry to do this all at once, bro. It's some pretty heavy shit you're going through, seems like. I just thought we'd have had more time to explore it, you know?"

"What do you mean? What else do you know?"

"I know a lot of things. Some I can't tell you, since you're not ready for it yet. Some I can."


"Well, for one, I have a theory 'bout why you'd think you're mortal."

"What would that be?" Davin asked, skeptical.

"First, tell me something. How did you feel about yourself before we met?"

"...Sad. Alone. Worthless," Davin sighed, the pain returning as if it were yesterday. "I felt like a failure."

"I see. How did you feel when you saw my friends? Our friends?"

"...Chase is nice. Great personal trainer. Hot as fuck too."

"And Jared?"

"Um... I like him. A lot. I want to ask him out but... I don't know. I feel really guilty about doing it for some reason..."

"Like maybe you don't deserve him? Or maybe like you've wronged him somehow?"

"...Both. It makes no fucking sense, but both sound right."

"Then I'm right. You tricked yourself into thinking you're mortal because you just couldn't face the guilt and pain anymore. And I doubt that doc you've been seeing has been helping with any of that, except maybe to bury it deeper. I can't say for sure, but that's the theory. I don't know much about daemon psychology unfortunately."

"Um... I'm just not sure why I'd feel that way?" Davin said, not sure any of this was making sense. Yet, he couldn't deny the truth of it. Bruce's words were resonating with something deep inside of him... yet he still couldn't remember. It was frustrating.

"I can't really tell you, bro. But I think when you're ready to face it, then you'll remember everything."

"What if I'm never ready?"

"...Bro, you're stronger than you think you are. You'll be ready," Bruce reassured him, patting him on the shoulder. "I know I didn't tell you everything about me, but I'm still your friend. I really care about you bro. That wasn't a lie."

"I know. I know," Davin said, nodding. "I trust you, bro."

"Finally, got you to say it," Bruce said, sticking his tongue out at him. "Anyway, too much mental shit for one day. Wanna finish that workout instead?"

"...Yeah. I need to lift something heavy," Davin said, smiling. "Fuck. My baggage might be the heaviest thing though..."

"Let's go find out!" Bruce laughed, leading Davin back to the gym. He couldn't help but smile as the mortal walked off ahead of him, forcing him to keep up or get left behind. Sure, he felt confused as all hell about who and what he was now, but he did know one thing for sure: he just wanted to focus on the workout ahead of him. The rest could wait until tomorrow.


"And why do you think you're a daemon?" Rune asked, waiting for Davin to answer. They were in one of his sessions.

"Because I am," Davin said, leaving out how he knew. "I remembered. Not everything, sure, but I remembered."

"...Davin, I'm... concerned," Rune said, choosing his words carefully. "This fantasy you've dreamed up... it can't do anything but harm you in the long run. We were making such great progress too."

"And what progress is that?" Davin asked, skeptical. "I don't remember most of our sessions. I tried to stop taking my medicine this morning but... it was like something inside me was forcing me to do it. I felt compelled. It's not addictive, is it?"

"No. You can stop any time you like, Davin. Though I do recommend..."

"Well I can't stop! So the only logical conclusion is that... that something you're doing is making me like this. It's the only thing I can think of."

"If you really felt I was up to something so sinister, then why did you come by today, Davin?"

"...I... I felt like I had to. Like with the medicine. Any time I think about leaving or not coming here, my head hurts and I find myself walking here anyway. I tried three times to leave work today and yet here I am... what's going on? Am I losing my mind?"

"I wouldn't say that, Davin. But this delusion that you're a daemon... it is concerning."

"It isn't a delusion. I am a daemon."

"Not to sound petty, Davin, but do you have proof?"

"I..." Davin said, not sure how to respond to that. Did he have proof? "No... not yet. It's just a feeling, but I know it's the truth."

"Very well, Davin. I'll go along with this for now. But I really think you should keep taking your medicine. You've improved so much since our first session, I'd hate to see you slide back to how you were, or worse. You don't want to be like that again, do you?"

"No, of course not. I..."

"Then promise me you'll keep taking your medicine. At least until the end of the month."

"I won't promise anything," Davin said, before nodding. "But I'll keep taking it for now. I feel like I don't have a choice anyway. I only have like seven left as it is."

"We'll explore this 'compulsion' theory of yours in another session, Davin," Rune said, calm as he checked the clock. "We're out of time for today, however. Try to get some rest, Davin. And if you need to talk, for any reason, you can call my personal line at any time."

"I uh... I'll keep that in mind," Davin said, suddenly feeling foolish. "Thanks for seeing me today. Sorry for how I've been... acting."

"It's fine, Davin. I'm sure come tomorrow morning, you'll realize this was all just a fantasy. If not, we'll talk about it at our next appointment."

Davin simply nodded awkwardly, before leaving toward the elevator. He wasn't surprised at all to see Zagan waiting for him there. Tapping the button for the ground floor, Zagan looked over to him with concern.

"Difficult session today?"

"...Yeah. I'm okay though."

"You don't look okay..." Zagan said, resting a hand on his shoulder before squeezing possessively. "Anything I can do?"

"...Am I a daemon?"

"Are you a... what are you asking me, Davin?"

"Am I a daemon? Seems pretty simple to me."

"...He told you, didn't he?" Zagan said, surprising Davin. "That other person. He knows, doesn't he?"


"Well, Davin. I wanted to do this the easy way," Zagan said, grabbing his arms and slamming him against the wall. "But I guess I have to take a more direct approach, now."

Light and patterns formed against the wall as Zagan let go. He recognized it from before, but this time it was Zagan who had him trapped. The elevator was still moving, so Davin didn't resist and kept still. He had to keep him talking a little longer.

"The easy way? What do you mean?"

"You've been enjoying your life here, haven't you?" Zagan asked, his lips just a little too close to Davin's own. "Enjoyed being with me?"

"Until today, I'd have said yes to that. Now I'm not so sure..."

"Well, Davin. The truth is, I've been preparing you to become me. You're so close, too. Just seven more pills... but no, let's cut that number in half, shall we?"

The bottle Davin's pills were in appeared in Zagan's hands, and he dumped them all into his large hand. Taking four of them, he moved them to Davin's mouth.

"No! I..."

"You have to take them, Davin. You can't resist it... I can see it in your eyes. Rune's done well with you, even if he's not the Rune that exists outside these walls."

"What do you-" Davin said, before Zagan popped all four into his mouth and held his hand against it. "Mmmf!"

"Shhhh... just swallow them. Let the magic inside you. Do it for me," Zagan said, menacing and demanding. Any attraction or feelings Davin might have had for him before evaporated in that instant. This wasn't a coworker. This was the enemy. Yet, he couldn't stop himself from swallowing the lump of pills. Shuddering as they slid down his esophagus, he felt the effects almost immediately as more scales crawled up his body... he could tell even under his suit that his entire torso was that of a dragon's now, sans wings. The itching along his arms and neck confirmed how much had already been converted. His shoes began to feel too tight, and as much as he wanted to wiggle in discomfort he willed himself to stay still.

"Three pills left. Now, two..." Zagan whispered, taking his hand away from Davin to grab another pill. "Open wide. Let me in."

"...I..." Davin meekly said, before obediently keeping his mouth open. Placing it on his tongue, Zagan watched as Davin tried to fight it... he couldn't. Some part of him was starting to like this, and he found himself swallowing the pill before he realized. Looking up at the display in the elevator, he closed his eyes as he waited. It wouldn't be long now, he hoped.

"Two left," Zagan said, holding a pill in each of his hands. "Which one do you want now, Davin? I'll let you pick."

"...I.... the left... one," Davin said, choosing at random. "Please."

"Very well," Zagan said, smiling cruelly at him. "Here you go. Exactly what you wished for."

Davin wasted no time in swallowing the pill this time. His changes were almost complete; his feet burst out of his shoes, designed for the hooves of a bull but unable to contain his new draconic talons. Everywhere except his face was now turning into a dragon... and he was almost willing to let it happen, too.

"One left... with this, you will become like me. A full dragon, and a Pride daemon at that. We'll be nearly indistinguishable, and you can forget all the pain and guilt you have within you. I can make that all go away... so long as you simply allow yourself to become Zagan."

"How do I do that..." Davin found himself asking. It was like Zagan was inside his mind...

"This is the last pill. Take it willingly, and you will become me. We will merge. I know this doesn't make much sense to you right now, but I promise you that this is all for the best, Davin. You'll be happier as me."

"Happier? Maybe," Davin said, as the display read out they were on the ground floor. The ding of the elevator doors opening was his cue. "But... I refuse."

"Oh Davin, you-" Zagan began, before Davin slammed him to the side; he'd only been pretending to be bound, knowing Bruce's wards were protecting him from that much at least. Running as fast as his new feet would carry him, he pulled out his phone and hit the speed dial, though he managed to scratch the screen with his clumsy dragon fingers in the process.

"Hey bro! What's-"

"Bruce! He's trying to turn me!"

"Who is?"

"Zagan! He wants me to be him! He made me take most of the pills I had left!"

"...Okay, bro. Listen to me carefully. There is one place that he can't do anything to you without your consent."


"Deviant Delights, of course," Bruce said, as if it was obvious. "You already know where it is. I'll meet you there, I promise."

"What?! But I-" Davin began saying, before Bruce hung up on him. "...Deviant Delights? Where have I heard that name before?"

"Ohhhh Davin... you shouldn't have run..." a disappointed, thundering voice said, shaking the earth itself. Davin was barely out of the building before he heard it crashing down around him. He expected everyone to stare in horror with him at the massive dragon emerging from the falling office building, but he soon realized there was no one else around. What the fuck? Focusing on something, anything to get him away from here, he heard a car drive up before he saw it. It was Zagan's... no. It was his car. He remembered now. Hopping in, he allowed his muscle memory to take over as he slammed the gas pedal, the door shutting with the force of the acceleration as he sped down the street away from the titan now strolling after him.