Hyena Sentencing and Submission 3/Finale

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#9 of Catching the King Off Guard

With time passing and the hyenas shaking up Simba's expectations, he notices that there's something going on that they have yet to tell him. Instead of pushing he waits in silence to see what will play out.


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Weeks had gone by and the hyenas were performing better than even Simba expected. No longer were they complaining about their duties and the king had enough trust in them to lead them away from the main parts of the Pride Lands, taking them somewhere out of the way but special nonetheless.

"Hey boss, where exactly are we going?" It was Banzai who asked the question. The title given to him was not the king he was used to, but he preferred it over "Mr. Lion." The way it was spoken carried much more respect.

"You'll find out soon enough. This has been on my mind for a while, but I had to make sure you three were obedient enough," Simba told them.

"We're plenty obedient, your highness," Shenzi assured. "Even the zebras love us now."

"Hmm," the lion mused aloud. "I have to admit, I wasn't sure myself but you have behaved the whole time you were here."

"Of course we were," Banzai snickered. "This is the best kind of living we've ever had. Why would we mess that up for ourselves?"

Simba nodded, getting the point. For many weeks, he continued to use them and give them out to others. In that time they showed signs of losing their old ways, becoming more eager to submit themselves and even changing their tone towards the lionesses, who they claimed to despise.

"So, you admit that you enjoy your new lives," Simba asked with a smirk. "Even as toys?"

"Well, it was rough at first -- I mean really rough -- but after the fifth zebra cock you kinda get used to it. Besides, even having your hole spread is better than scrounging for scraps in the Outlands," Shenzi said, and that struck the king. "We get a pretty nice place to live, fed the best meat we've ever had, and sometimes the whole toy thing doesn't feel too bad."

"I'll say," Banzai cackled. "Those lionesses are insatiable. The moment one was done, another was sitting on me."

Simba had to laugh himself, knowing very well how they could get and he was admittedly glad to have the addition of the two males to ease the strain that sometimes came from having so many to satisfy.

"You really like it here, don't you?" he asked. Ed nodded fiercely, flinging a few strings of drool as he nodded. He hated to dampen their spirits, but he spoke firmly. "I still need to know if I can trust you. Some way that proves that you are willing to cast your past acts away entirely."

The three fell quiet, but they were not disappointed like he was expecting, rather than flashing a certain look to each other, as if there was something they knew that he did not. Instead of saying something, he decided to remain quiet himself, deciding that this would be the trio's defining moment. He would give them time and see for himself what they would decide to do.

The mood changed when he told them that they were there. This new location was a jungle with thick foliage that had the heavy smell of blooming flowers and ripe fruits in the air. The hyenas quickly grew fond of the place, feeling a new sense of peace almost at once.

This jungle was of course home to Timon and Pumbaa, who were promised a surprise by Simba. The lion also warned them that they would have to prepare themselves, but the meerkat especially was sure that he was ready for anything that Simba had to show them.

But there was some panic when Simba appeared with hyenas in tow.

"Calm down, Timon!" the lion soothed, gently patting the much smaller male on the back. He then explained everything that had happened to the meerkat and warthog, and while doing so, he looked over to see the three hyenas standing by. They whispered a bit to each other but gave no signs of planning anything.

"When are you gonna stop trying to give me a heart attack," Timon groaned, hanging in his head. "This is the one time you could have warned me in advance."

"Yeah, I know..." Simba said, his tone becoming more apologetic. "But I'm pretty sure you would have freaked out either way."

"So you've...trained them?" Pumbaa asked, confusion and disbelief were heavy in his voice.

"More or less," Simba said, looking back at the three. "I've kept them in line so far and I'm starting to think it's going to stay that way. But I need your help in making sure."

Timon and Pumbaa were also crucial parts in taking down Scar's reign. It was clear from the way that Timon reacted; there was still much of a grudge on his end. He was sure that the three of them felt the same but how they would act when he gave them a command, that was what he wanted to know. Getting down low to the two of them, the lion then revealed why he brought them and offered their bodies to them.

"When Pumbaa mentioned training, I would have never thought of something like this," Timon said. But now he was smirking, that fear had nearly melted away. Simba promised to stop them from trying anything and now the meerkat was rather curious as to just how well the lion tamed them.

"Then you're ready?" Simba asked them, getting a nod in response. Nodding himself, he turned to the hyenas and ordered them to come forward.

Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed did so but felt rather uneasy. They knew that, for all those that disliked them for what they did, the meerkat and warthog must have hated them. But they were still determined to prove just how much they wanted to stay.

"Yes, your highness?" Shenzi asked, stopping just short of the lion. The others followed suit and stood at attention for the Pride Lands' king.

"Timon and Pumbaa have agreed to have you, so I want you to behave and let them do as they please," Simba's tone was soft but stern. He was a bit concerned that their old grudges would flare up and again, leading to something happening.

But the three of them shared a nod and smirked, more than ready to prove the lion wrong.

"Sure thing, boss!" Banzai said. He eyed Timon and Pumbaa and gave a sigh. "Look, I know that we caused a lot of trouble to say the least. But, we're really trying to change here. We got a good thing going on in these lands. And if getting underneath you is what it takes to let bygones be bygones, then have at it."

Both the meerkat and warthog were stunned. "Well, then. We got a little saying around here," the meerkat chuckled. "We're not the type to dwell on the past but...a little compensation won't hurt either."

Simba was surprised as they talked, chuckling and giving each other playful grins. It was almost as if Timon and Banzai were lifelong friends making up after a petty fight. He cleared his voice, getting their attention. "So, Timon and Pumbaa, who do you choose for a toy?"

"Let's see..." the meerkat stepped back and looked among the three, despite knowing exactly who he was going to choose. But he still made a grand show out of it, pretending that the choice was oh so hard to make. But his choice was Shenzi, pointing to her. Both he and the female hyena chuckled.

"Hmm, I should have known," she said, stepping close to the much smaller male. "I always wondered how serious you were about that marriage offer."

"How about we take things slow to start?" the meerkat suggested. They were already going off, finding a spot a few steps away.

Shenzi got low to the ground, lying on her stomach as Timon approached. For the first few moments, she felt nothing, making her wonder what was going on. But all of a sudden there were some touches directly to her opening.

"Getting a good feel for it, huh..." Her chuckle was cut short by the meerkat pressing inside of her, his entire paw was sinking inside of the soft sex, feeling around. A shudder ran through her from the digits pressing to her walls, gliding over the dampening flesh.

"W-whoa!" Shenzi's eyes were now wide as the paw was reaching deeper, still feeling around inside of her. Soft sighs came as she let the meerkat do his thing. "That's what I'm talking about..." Lifting her tail higher, she gave Timon a better view. He was enjoying the softness that surrounded his paw, now up to his wrist. Testing it out, he pumped his arm back and forth sliding against the walls, feeling them twitch and quaver under his faster touch. The hyena's moans had gotten louder, bringing a grin to his own face.

"I'm not trying to impress anyone. I know that what I have isn't enough to get you off, but I can at least try with the rest of me," Timon proposed. It had been a secret of his that he did consider the possible outcome of Shenzi agreeing to marry him. At first, he just found it amusing, but then he thought more about it, wondering what getting close to the larger female would be like. This was how he saw it, being rather generous in wanting to see her cum first.

"How about we kick things up a notch?" he offered. Shenzi agreed but was not prepared for Timon to suddenly jam his paw inside, sinking all the way down his arm, easing his body until he was nearly up to his shoulder. Now, his fur was getting damp with her fluids, the scent of the passage filling his nose. With even more force, he was pumping his entire arm inside of her, feeling immense satisfaction at her suddenly even louder moans, continuously spilling out from the rough jacks back and forth within.

While the other two were getting busy, Pumbaa picked out Banzai. The hyena smirked as he approached, and took up position in front of the porcine, lifting his tail and looking back at the hooved male.

"See something you like, Mr. Pig?" he asked, knowing that it would rile Pumbaa up. Sure enough, the warthog snorted as he stomped up to him. Banzai himself was wearing an excited grin, even waving his rump around as he taunted once more, giving a wheeze when his body was pressed under the tusked male's weight. His body was gripped tight as a snort puffed warm breath against the back of his neck, then came some strong thrusts that ground his sheath over the hyena's rump fur. Pumbaa's anger was quickly diminished, instead used it as fuel to roughly hump, rousing his cock into hardness.

Banzai felt something hard and already wet on his lower half. As the length hardened, ropes of his pre were already steaming from the tip, getting the fur along his tail wet and sticky. The thrusts were rather uneven, but a few of them rubbed over the hyena's hole, slathering it in the warm fluid. Pumbaa continued to grunt, going from sounds of annoyance to sporadic sounds of pleasure from his cock being coated in his own lubing fluids, grinding harder as he shifted his hips, now directly pressing his shaft to the hole itself.

"That did the trick, didn't it?" Banzai snickered and Pumbaa then realized that he was more or less lured into doing this. He gave another snort and smirked as well. If this is what the hyena wanted, then he would give the bottoming male that and more. Unlike the others, there was no underlying malice in his actions, instead he was rather curious to see what a hyena could do, trusting Simba in having them perfectly trained. More rolls of his hips smeared more of his fluids over the ring of flesh, lightly pressing directly against it, teasing Banzai with it just barely slipping inside.

Just before another came to coax the warthog into finally penetrating him, Pumbaa beat him to the point, holding him even closer as he drove him lower half forward, jamming his surprisingly large maleness underneath Banzai's tail, getting him to yelp. This time, it was the warthog chuckling, knowing that they had the hyena beat. And he continued to drive his cock inside, slowly spreading it and squirting a layer of pre along those inner walls.

"Ooh..! Y-yup, a real big pig..." Just as Simba said, the hyena was quickly used as means of gaining pleasure. He always loved fooling around with Timon, but there were some things that their difference in size simply did not allow. As nice as he was, Pumbaa was often getting pent up with a desire to feel more than paws and a tongue on his cock. Taking that out on Banzai, he was already shoving his cock in with force, spreading the other male's hole around his girth.

Moans were now coming from the previously cocky hyena, feeling every bit of the stretching that came from the hot, throbbing shaft sinking all the way in. Now, Pumbaa's full weight was on his back, a bit of a strain on him, but Banzai found it rather thrilling. He spread his legs wider just before the real thrusts came, tugging the length back and then back into his hole, feeding every inch back and forth, from tip to base, with their bodies thumping every time they met.

Heavy pants came as the porcine was already picking up speed, sending both pleasure and a bit of pain from the sudden stretching deep inside. His prostate was repeatedly run over, leading to intense bursts of pleasure within him. In reaction, more clenches squeezed down on the cock moving within him. Pumbaa mumbled in pleasure, enjoying the hot squeezes to his inches, pumping against them, making sure to ease all the way back before driving it back inside.

Watching were Simba and Ed, who were both sporting full erections and just eyeing each other soon had them together as well. The king was once more taking the leading position, but with a spin on his own. The cross-eyed hyena was lying on his back with his paws splayed to his chest while Simba stepped over him. The lion proceeded to lower his body, soon grinding his ass against the spotted male's erection, rousing it even more into full length and hardness, feeling it pulse against his tailhole.

Reaching a paw underneath himself, Simba eased his body up and lined the tip against his pucker. After giving a deep breath he pushed his heavier body down on Ed's cock, roaring out as he took the length, enjoying the feeling being hardly stretched all at once, filling himself with inch after inch until he was fully sitting on the hyena's pelvis, just barely keeping his weight from pressing down.

He sat still for a few moments, just enjoying the smooth and sizable prick that pressed against his borders, sending light tingles through his body. Starting out slow, the golden feline rocked his hips, slowly bouncing up and down while Ed was already groaning underneath him. His eyes lidded and a line of drool was dripping from the tongue that flopped from the side of his muzzle. He too had quickly got used to the steady pace, enjoying the warm flesh that rubbed up and down the length, giving presses on his girth, already milking a few drips of his pre, making the hole slick and even warmer.

"You've gotten pretty used to being pinned," Simba chuckled, looking down at the hyena's expression of pleasure. "But I know how much you love filling someone else. Start pleasing your king."

Without needing to be told twice, short jerks of Ed's hips eased his cock in deeper. They were rather forceful given the hyena's nature, never being a fan of taking things gentle and slow. And in response, he was treated to the sounds of deep purring and looked up to see Simba's face of enjoyment, bouncing up a bit faster to meet the bucks given. The two of them made noises of delight, rocking their bodies against one another, feeling the length slipping deep within the tight hole, made even tighter by the king's purposeful clenches, dramatically increasing the pressure around Ed's dick.

Ed was enjoying the feelings immensely, reacting to every little bounce and squeezing given to his shaft, giving his own humps in return. In addition, he was also rolling his hips, grinding against those walls, poking at them with his tip and increasing the pressure, making the lion arch his back. A smirk was on the hyena's face, taking control for the moment as he focused on teasing the passage, locating and directly stimulating those spots; sometimes just rubbing over them and other times he gather strength, using his hips to directly poke his cocktip to them, making Simba jump and yowl.

"Ooh... Just like that! But don't count me out yet..!"

Simba proved that he was not easy to outdo by working his ass against the hyena's cock, giving the same treatment by grinding in small circles, rubbing his soft walls along the girth, controlling the spots that the cock hit and treated it to hard clenches that ended up making it pulse harder. In addition, the king was changing the pace as he saw fit, going from slow lifts and drops to suddenly making rapid bounces that pounded his backside to Ed's body.

The two of them were riding out the pleasure the other brought, enjoying every sudden shift that sent something strong through their bodies or the smooth, controlled motions that brought steady tingles that forced them to shiver. Simba was especially fond of taking other male's in this position, still expressing his domination, controlling the pace with his stronger body and weight. He kept Ed from outdoing him, matching every new motion he had with a trick of his own, proving that he was rather talented in both giving and receiving.

Shenzi's moans were getting even louder. She wasn't prepared for Timon's arm to pleasure her the way it was. He was doing more than simply reaching inside, the meerkat seemed to know which spots to hit, touching the areas that made the digging in and dragging of her claws through the earth. She could only be impressed from the smaller male that was making her sex throb harder.

"I've got more of a thing for other guys, but I step outside of my comfort zone from time to time," Timon said, very much enjoying the strokes to his ego. He could feel her arousal via the growing strength of those clenches. It made the fur along his arm soaked in her fluids but he enjoyed the slick warmth. In fact, it was so slippery that it led to him getting an idea.

"I think you can stand to take just a bit more..." Timon told her. And through her pleasure, Shenzi was rather confused as to what he was referring to but sooner than later the answer was made very clear by Timon's other hand poking at her entrance. It was starting out by tracing along the outside, countering the firm pumps of his arm with smooth drags along the shape.

Just as her senses adjusted to the feeling, she couldn't help but wail out. All the feelings she experienced before were instantly cranked up the moment the meerkat wedged his other hand into the hole that was even higher. Her unprepared ass was quick to clench down on the entering fist, but Timon further surprised her by pumping through them, reaching in deep. After a pause, he was rocking his body, working both arms with all his might as he pushed deep and tugged back within both holes.

This quickly became too much for Shenzi, who couldn't even voice the plateau of her pleasure. About time her shout of bliss came out, she was already spurting her juices up Timon's arm and onto his body, both holes were squeezing down firmly, and now wet slurps were sounding as Timon continued driving his fist into the sopping hole, not stopping until he felt the clenches cease, signaling her complete release.

With his body wet and smelling strongly of female arousal and ejaculate, he was good and riled up, now feeling his cock throbbing strongly with a need to feel something. While the larger mammal was sighing in bliss, Timon all but stomped his way over to her.

"Glad you had your fun, but now it's my turn."

"Oh, look at you finally growing a spine," Shenzi teased, taking note of the meerkat's tone. It was firm and just short of a demand. She found that oddly arousing in itself. "What did you have in mind, little stud?"

Timon chose to ignore the "little" part and smirked as he stroked himself, slathering his length in her juices. Rather just say what he wanted outright, the smaller mammal just approached her and proceeded to slap his cock against her dark lips, smearing her own fluids onto them.

Understanding, Shenzi opened her mouth slowly, showing off her fangs before sliding her tongue forwards. Timon shuddered at the sight, but no longer out of fear. It was Simba that got him used to such a sight and he was now eagerly grinding his shaft over the long, smooth tongue.

"Yeah..." Timon sighed. It was much flatter than Pumbaa's thick tongue and smoother than Simba's rough texture, giving him a new feeling to work with. And he eagerly took advantage, already moaning as he took in more of that feeling, slowly humping along the soft, wet surface, easing his body closer and closer.

It didn't take long for him to reach her actual muzzle. The meerkat then eased his body up as those lips wrapped around his cock, already getting busy with soft slurps and sucks. Timon was immediately shuddering and moaning from the treatment to his cock. Along his length, the licks started out slow and light, but they steadily progressed, soon becoming faster and harder, sliding over the twitching flesh, feeling just how hard it was, being treated to spurts of precum along her tongue as well. A paw reached around and pressed to his back, pulling him in closer.

The meerkat was just enjoying the feel of it on his cock, the warmth that surrounded it. It only added the feelings that came from the steady touches, one after the other, of the long, pink muscle. His paws were now gripping the top of Shenzi's muzzle, getting a hold for the rest of his body to drape over. While mounting the working mouth, Timon still held his body steady, just enjoying the feeling of it all.

Shenzi continued to nurse his cock, using the volume of his voice to gauge what the meerkat liked best. Those quicker grinds of her tongue was really driving him wild so she kept the up, being treated to more spurts of pre that she lapped up as well, letting it slather her tongue in a thick layer.

For as pent up as he was and the amazing feeling on his cock, Timon was aware that he was getting rather close to his limit. Gripping the hyena's muzzle tighter, the sudden rock of his hips came, pushing deeper into her mouth. A soft gasp of surprise came when she felt the meerkat grinding himself over her tongue once more.

"K-keep licking!" Timon demanded, picking up the pace rather quickly, thrusting hard enough to make small smacks as his pelvis crashed into her lips. He only kept humping faster and faster, ramming himself inside with a near desperation to feel more of that unique pleasure. In turn, Shenzi did as she was told, moving her tongue even harder in time with each of his own motions. More of those wet smacks sounded between them as they worked together to get him all the closer, bringing him nearly there.

"Just a bit more..." Timon was giving all he had, almost impatient to cum inside of the hot, soft muzzle. With a few more humps the meerkat was gritting his teeth as the pleasure suddenly rose, becoming too much for him. Finally, his cock gave a series of strong throbs, shooting his load into Shenzi's mouth. The hyena in question was again surprised by just how much smaller mammal's balls were producing. She had expected a single thin rope or two, but her mouth quickly became nearly filled with meerkat essence, heavily coating her tongue before a few shots hit the back of her throat. Now, Shenzi was rather impressed, taking in the meerkat's grunts and moans and allowing the seed to make her mouth messier and messier.

They weren't the only one's having fun. Pumbaa was giving a similar treatment to Banzai, more than glad to have a hole to pound into, especially one that reacted to his thrusts, meeting him with firm squeezes that steadily milked clear fluids from his churning and swaying balls. The heavy sack bumped just underneath hyena's with each incoming rut.

Starting out already with firm strokes within his hole, Pumbaa was spreading his rim accordingly, reaching the tip of his tapered cock within his depths, spreading that sticky heat wherever it touched. Banzai very much enjoyed the feeling within, but Pumbaa's motions were only increasing with him, pounding his heavy body harder against the hyena's, literally pounding him into the dirt underneath them. While he was not as big as a zebra, Pumbaa proved to be quite the force, able to slam himself inside much quicker, jerking his hips with bursts of strength.

Moans and wheezes came freely from Banzai, who was now enduring the rough mating, starting to understand just how pent up the warthog was. All the same, he still worked his body against the motions, controlling what he could but squeezing his hole down on the incoming strokes and often rubbing his backside in short rolls that made the tip brush all around his walls, coating from top to bottom. At this point, Banzai's insides were overly lubed with the substance, it was even trickling down his balls, pushed out by more hard humps, making him feel messier and messier inside.

"Ooah! W-was it something I said?" Banzai chuckled through his moans. In response an extra hard squeeze was given to his body. Pumbaa was holding him tighter, biting his lips from the feeling of pleasure within him, steadily growing stronger and stronger. But through it all he refused to relent on his speed and power, giving all that he could to pound hard and deep within the tight passage working in time with him, enjoying both the hyena's moans and the loud, sticky sounds of his cock pumping in and out.

Snorting heavily, Pumbaa jammed himself inside, reaching as deep as he could, holding his cock there as he came. He and Banzai raised their voices as he filled the hole rather quickly, thick streams of his seed rushing inside of the hyena. In no time, Banzai felt his ass being filled with the sticky heat, more and more until he could no longer hold it. Those heavy, swollen balls were churning and pumping the plentiful loads that they stored, pumping them through his cock and into the moaning male hyena.

"So good..." Pumbaa groaned, enjoying every little pulse and jet from his tip, unloading all of his pent up desires the whole time. His weight was pressed even more down on Banzai, who was also making soft hums from the heat that coursed through him, only aided by his own cock shooting against his belly.

Simba had watched this, doing so while bouncing faster on Ed's dick, purring louder from his faster and harder motions, not only bouncing with more speed, but every drop of his body was aided by more weight, slamming his body down on top of the hyena's lower half.

He was still getting used to the feeling of hyena endowment inside of him, enjoying how slender and smooth it was. It slid so easily inside and stroked along the spots that made his body twitch and shudder. Looking down, he could see that Ed was enjoying it just as much, having his head tilted back, drooling on himself even more. He was still giving humps into the hole pushing against him, but they were fewer and farther in between, letting the lion take control, using his cock in any way he saw fit.

"Someone's having fun..." Simba teased, slowly rubbing his paw over the hyena's chest. Ed gave a nod that made him chuckle, his paw continued drifting lower and lower, rubbing over his belly. From this, Ed kicked his back leg, showing just how much he enjoyed that. With a wider smile on his face, Simba traced even lower, finally reaching his paw up to his own body, wrapping it around his dripping erection.

In time with the lifts and drops of his body, the king began to stroke his cock, pumping his paw up and down, using the pre that freely dribbled from his tip, smearing the warmth over the rough pads, pleasuring himself as it drifted along the inches, smearing the fluid along and producing even more from the two sources of stimulation.

Ed was mumbling louder as his hips jerked, pairing with the more and more frequent pulses of his cock. Approaching his limit, the hyena whined and thrust as hard as he could, taking Simba by surprise as he yipped, shooting ropes of his hyena spunk into the feline's tailhole. Being caught off guard by this, Simba was also pulled into a climax, snarling and growling deeply as he shot thick ropes of his own seed onto Ed's heaving chest. They rode their orgasms out until they were panting heavily and grinning at each other.

Timon agreed to forget all the bad blood between them if they made sure to drop by regularly, and Pumbaa agreed wholeheartedly and then it was decided and Simba departed the oasis, pleasantly surprised.

"That went well," the lion said to them, keeping his eyes forward.

"Can't complain myself," Shenzi agreed, walking away rather satisfied. Though she didn't dare say it out loud, the hyena was looking forward to their next visit. At her side was Ed, giving a nod and snicker in agreement.

Now the king was rather sure in his choice. There was no doubt that their past would come creeping back on any of them. Although, in the back of his mind the lion was aware that there was something that they knew that they had not told him. It would have been easy to demand the truth from them, but the true test would be to see if they would come forward willingly.


Nala had gotten used to the trio's presence. When Simba returned to her, the lioness could always notice the scent and even taste of hyena on him. It was clear that he was having much fun in their presence. Despite that, Simba kept her more than satisfied, assuring that she meant the whole world to him.

One morning, she woke up to find Simba already absent from the cavern. Looking outside, it was easy to tell that it had been a few hours after sunrise. He was likely gone off to tend his royal affairs. The first thing that the feline noticed after standing and stretching was the panging in her loins. It was rather strong, not quite that of heat, but enough to bother her quite a bit. Usually, her paws and tongue would be enough to get by before Simba returned, but this was going to require something a bit more.

While walking through the main cavern of Pride Rock, Nala picked up the sounds of mating. Being just outside of the hyena's assigned chamber, she peaked inside to see one of the other lionesses being lapped by Ed. Strong hindlegs wrapped around the hyena's neck, keeping him close. Her moans filled the cavern and as she stepped in, Nala could see the hyena's short tail wagging, along with the unfamiliar erection between his own hindlegs.

It would have not been long ago that such a such would have disgusted her. But Simba told of the hyena's process that too led to her having a new idea of them. That paired with the arousal that only strengthened the moment she walked into the chamber, being met with the smells and sounds of sex. It was coming especially strongly from Ed, suggesting that he had been at this for some time, the subtle scents of multiple lionesses now coming to her as she drew closer, keeping quiet to not disturb them.

Instead, she waited it out, watching and pawing at herself, listening to the moans and sounds of slurps getting louder and louder. She couldn't couldn't help but trail on the hyena's shaft, inspecting it from a small distance. It was not like what lion's sported at all. She was used to the coned shape of Simba's cock, decorated with barbs that her body had gotten used to. But the hyena's endowment was something else entirely, being rather long, slender, and smooth. The tip was dripping and she could smell the arousal of a different species of male. It was making her all the more riled up and getting her rather impatient as well.

Luckily, a few moments later gave her hope as the lioness moaned on. Ed was still licking at her sex as juices splashed over his muzzle, adding to the fluids of those who came before her. Simba had left earlier that morning, taking Shenzi and Banzai for work relief with the restoration project. He was ordered to stay behind and perhaps it was the absence of the king that led to the many females approaching him for pleasure.

The hold around his neck was dropped releasing him. He was treated to some scratches under the chin, making him pant and thump his leg on the cavern floor.

"Oh, you're just too much Ed..." the feline purred. "Until next time..." She then walked away and noticed her queen, bowing before truly making her departure. That left Nala and Ed all alone and the hyena seemed to finally notice her as well, jumping a bit before bowing as well.

"That's alright, Ed." Nala soothed as she stepped towards the erect male. "In fact, I'm just her to take my own turn."

Ed's eyes went wide but sure enough the queen of the Pride Lands was turning around and showing off her predicament; giving the staring hyena a full view of her twitching and dripping vent. From her earlier pawing at it, the vent was now wafting her scent into the cavern, drowning out the scent of any who came before.

Now, Nala was curious. She had already taken the first step: offering herself to a hyena. It was easier than expected, but the lioness noticed that Ed had not moved from his spot.

Even with his mouth slathered in the fluids and scents of other lionesses, Nala's was filling his nose, leading to his cock giving strong throbs. But he made himself stay in place. Though he was not a hyena of many thoughts, he could recall Simba's words, stating who they had permission to be with. But he could not recall Nala being part of that. Sure, she could be classified as a lioness, but even someone like him knew better than to just pounce on the mate of the king.

"It's alright," she assured. "As queen, I have jurisdiction of my own. And I can smooth things over if Simba gets angry. Now, as your queen, I am ordering for you to satisfy me!"

There was silence at first, but Nala's ears flicked in response to the clicking of claws against the cavern floor, getting closer and closer. His presence was felt by a puff of warm breath underneath her tail. And though he had been working his tongue on a fair number of females, Ed felt his mouth water as he took in the alluring scent directly.

Nala's impatience was flaring up yet again but it instantly diminished as she felt something warm and wet not only licking at her sex, but slowly pressing itself in already. Behind her, Ed was doing all he could to keep himself from quickly jamming his tongue all the way inside. The best he could do was some quick flick of tongue-tip, stretching the walls just enough to prepare for the length of his tongue fed its way in.

Now moans were bouncing from the chamber's stone walls. She thought herself prepared, but it did take much to prove that wrong. Not only were the motions of his tongue unexpected but so was the shape of the tongue itself. Being so used to Simba, she expected to feel a rough texture brushing along her walls. But the thing inside of her was smaller, but made up for that by being rather smooth, gliding right over her flesh with no resistance. Ed was already swirling it around inside of her, highlighting the other thing that she was not ready for: the sheer length of it. it was already reaching deep inside of her, still swirling and teasing her spots that were not usually touched.

As these lickings continued, Nala purred and realized that she was subtly pressing her body back, allowing Ed more reach into her. And he was using what was given very well, already leading to clenches and surges of pleasure throughout. Clenching her teeth, the lioness feared that she was going to reach her peak. Usually that would not be a problem, but it gave clues that it would be rather powerful. It was the queen's fear that the incoming orgasm would negate the need for them to continue. And thought it was probably best to hurry this along, Nala was selfishly having too much fun exploring what this male could do. Now, the feline was craving more. If Ed's tongue was any inclination of what he could do, then she wanted to feel what the proof of his maleness had in store.

She voiced this to Ed, ordering him to stop and pull back. He did so immediately, much to her relief. Even the quick dragging of his tongue on the way out threatened to push her over the edge. With her sex dripping even more and throbbing hard, Nala took deep breaths to steady herself, enduring the agonizing wait as she felt the feeling dying down.

It was only then that she allowed Ed to come close again, but she had another surprise. And he was stunned to hear them coming from the queen's mouth.

"I want you to mate with me." That was all that she said, all that she needed to say but it was enough to make even Ed speechless. He was at a loss of the few words he usually had. But what became clear enough was the lust that he felt and the almost painful throbs of his cock, silently urging him to take full advantage. There was pretty much no resistance, he listened to his other head and advanced.

What came as another shock was not Ed approaching, but suddenly pouncing on her. His weight suddenly brought her body lower. She adjusted and held firm, taking note that the hyena didn't falter in the slightest, keeping a firm hold on her back. Rubbing over her own pelt was a rougher texture of fur, reminding her of the hyena's rugged background. Already, she could feel something prodding at her entrance. Now a thrill was racing through Nala, realizing just how naughty this was, about to be mated to not only a hyena, but a former enemy.

Using lust and excitement to drive his actions, the hyena was quick to find the spot of entry. His previous licking had already spread the folds enough and the ample fluids that were only added by his own spit made it all too easy for him to not only penetrate her but to press the length of his cock inside. The shape and smooth texture brought no resistance. Sighing deeply, Ed enjoyed every second of it.

Nala was now the one with wide eyes, feeling herself being filled with something that could reach even deeper than Simba could. There was a moment of pain from her inner depths never being touched like this, but it faded quickly, giving way for a newer and intenser type of pleasure. Once more, she was expecting the feelings that came with Simba's entry. But there were no unflared barbs to grind within her. The smooth maleness simply slid along as it was tugged back.

The retraction was quickly followed by a quick jam of his cock back inside, the motion was rather rough, using force to press every inch back within the warm hold, once more stretching the lioness' depths. He started out with strong humps that got Nala to react as well, arching her back and gasping aloud when repeatedly touched so deep within. Rather quickly, her body was adjusting to this new kind of pleasure, finding it more than enjoyable, especially at such a pace.

Just as Ed realized what he was doing, the lioness' moans finally registered in his ears. The pure sounds of pleasure spurred him on and he continued to rut himself deep inside with full force. His body was gripping hers rather tightly, his front paws wrapping around while his lower half was nearly a blur. This was the way that he did things, taking them full force. And he was having his own fun, loving every moment of his cock slipping along those soaked borders, sliding in as far as he could reach, being treated to an even tighter hold.

For anyone passing by, it would seem that Ed's treatment was rather excessive and rather violent looking. But the hyena was aware of his style of mating and did his best to prepare the recipient. Nala just made it all the easier and quicker by being so wet and slightly stretched. His tongue coated the area with his thick spit, allowing him to do just this. It was a bit more work for males, especially Banzai, who would always complain when he was roughly and quickly pounded. But Ed knew that his whining was used as a way to cover the enjoyment that he secretly felt.

But the Pride Lands' queen was a lot more vocal, gasping and moaning as she pressed her body back against the hammering yeen. Between them, drips of her juices and his pre were falling onto the chamber's floor, creating a very small puddle. Alongside the feline's moans and the hyena's pants were the 'plaps' of his pelvis slamming underneath her tail.

Before she knew it, Nala was being pulled into the orgasm. It was coming back with a vengeance. The throbs that grew in strength promised for it to be one of the strongest she ever had. And it was only growing stronger thanks to Ed proving that he had even more to give, gripping her body tighter as he drove himself in with even more speed and power, rocking her body with nearly as much force as Simba could. All the same, every second brought a thrust that pulled her closer and closer., Nala knew that there was no holding it off this time. She wanted this, to be brought to a strong release.

It happened suddenly, with her crying out as she did cum hard against Ed's cock, both squirting her juices around the drilling shaft but also squeezing even harder around it. He was still going with all the force afforded, powering right through her body's climactic reaction. But Ed had his own limits. And they were met with a final, strong thrust that shoved every inch deep inside. The movements of his hips ceased and he held himself in place, groaning and drooling on her as he drained his balls, firing his load even farther within her with force as well, leading to a deep heat that seeped down into the core of her body, spreading outwards. As the hyena emptied himself, Nala panted and purred, just enjoying the feeling that paired with her afterglow. It was a bit of a wait as Ed proved that he also had much to give from his balls. She was thankful that he was of a different species, as the heat continued to build in time with the heated, sticky feeling within her, Nala was certain that she would have been impregnated without a doubt.

After sliding off of her, Ed was kind enough or maybe just kinky enough to clean up his mess, eagerly lapping his load from the stretched passage. There was much to lap up and he was rather thorough, enough to pull the lioness in a second, unexpected climax that once more splattered juices onto his muzzle. Afterwards, she thanked him and gave permission for him to get cleaned up.


In the time that followed, Simba was overjoyed when the project was completed. It took quite some time and coordination, but the last set of young trees were planted, leaving all the desolate parts of the kingdom with newly planted trees. Checking back to their previous projects, it was easy to see that their efforts were making a difference. Short grasses were already growing around the trees, proving that with time and some further care, the Pride Lands could be restored in full.

But these efforts were not an undertaking of his own. The help given by volunteers was paid back by him and the hyenas, rewarding them for their efforts in full. But there was still the matter of thanking those who also assisted, giving them to trees to plant. They came from the Back Lands, delivered from someone with a rather high standing within the lands. A small celebration was held to celebrate the land's healing and it ended with something rather unexpected. Although they had yet to meet, Simba wanted to thank them properly and gave Zazu a message to send over, delivering the invite on his king's behalf.

After the celebration, Simba was still waiting for a response. He used that time to relax in the savanna, lying over the soft grass, basking in the ample warmth of the sun. His ears flicked from the sound of someone approaching. Looking over, the lion saw the trio approaching with some lionesses escorting them.

"They want to speak with you," one of them said. Simba nodded and they departed, leaving the trio and king alone to speak in confidence of one another. By the looks on their faces, there was clearly something bothering them.

He eased himself up and shook the loose blades of grass from his pelt. "Is there something wrong?"

"No. Well...actually," Banzai said, his ears lowering.

"We need to talk to you about something." It was Shenzi who finished for him. Even Ed's expression looked rather serious.

But before they could speak, Zazu dropped back in with a smile on his beak. "It has been here, your highness. The message was received and in response they voiced their excitement. I must inform you that they will be here first thing in the morning."

"That's good to hear. We'll welcome them and I'll make sure to tell them how grateful I am."

"You can't!" Shenzi barked. Shocking the king and majordomo, they looked at the now panicked expression on the hyena's faces.

"And why not?" Zazu asked, looking rather offended.

"Because... It's a trap. S-she knows and has been waiting for this moment," Banzai explained.

"What are you talking about?" Simba asked, his voice much gentler.

After taking a deep breath, Shenzi spoke in a steadier voice. "Zira."

"What about her?" Simba asked. He was aware of her, being one of the top lionesses. She was rather skilled in hunting and coordination, earning a position of leading small parties of other lionesses.

"There's something you need to know about her. She's...Scar's mate. Or was Scar's mate," Banzai revealed. "And she's not happy about you or us snuffing out her lover boy."

Simba was shocked to hear this. When Scar's met his end, he was met with nothing but support, from what he could see there was no-one who took issue with him taking the throne.

"She's been biding her time, waiting for the perfect chance to strike."

"And how do you know all of this?" Zazu asked.

"Because...she came to us. It was easy for her, talking to us while we had to service her. She told us things and expected us to follow her plan. And trust me, Zira's nothing to take lightly." Shenzi paused, looking around for any sign of her. "She's been using her rank to get information from around the Pride Lands. There are others who follow her and they are making a plan to steal the throne back. It was too risky to just attack you, so Zira changed the plan after the party. She told us about it, about how perfect it was."

"She's already planned an attack on the visitors from the Back Lands, and they're going to claim it was an order from you. Zira's plan is to frame you and somehow regain control. She hasn't told all of the details. But there is one thing that she did tell us." Now Banzai was looking over his shoulder. "When we refused, all three of of us, Zira threatened us to keep quiet or she would kill us herself."

Simba was quiet for some time, processing everything he was told. This was the moment he was waiting for, when they dared to be honest with them. It was clear to the king that they knew all of this for some time. Maybe there was some part of them that wanted to be a part of it earlier on. But from the looks on their faces, they seemed to be very concerned, not only for their own sakes, but they gave Simba that look as well, being scared for him. Of course, the mere mention of Scar now made him wary. A part of him was aware that this could possibly be a trap, but he chose to put some faith in them, this would be their chance to prove if they really wanted to remain in the Pride Lands.

If this threat was to be taken seriously, Simba thought it best to act immediately. The hyenas told him of Zira now holding a meeting with her followers, going through the changed plan. They urged him to act quickly and he did just that. But he was subtle in his approach, using a series of covert signals to gather the strongest lionesses, to which they responded quickly, as they were trained to do. Joining them were Nala, who quickly left Kiara in the care of Sarabi. She assured that her granddaughter was in good paws before her daughter in law dashed off.

Simba knew that Nala would not simply return to Pride Rock, but he was also glad to see her, knowing that he could trust her most of all. With them gathered, he told them everything he had recently. There were looks of disbelief, but the king reminded them that if this was the real deal, it needed to be taken seriously.

Once more putting his trust in the hyenas, he asked them to guide him to the location. The lionesses would follow behind at a short distance.


Naturally, the trio were uneasy as they approached a rather distant cavern. And from within, they could hear Zira herself still preaching to her small band of followers, followers of Scar to be exact. They were disillusioned when the fallen lion tried to pin the blame on them when his back was against the wall. But Zira was adamant -- no, she was obsessed with the previous king, convinced that his legacy would be carried out through her.

Just a month ago, the three of them wouldn't have cared less if Simba lived or died. But in the time that they spent in the lands, the golden lion, despite all that they had done to him... Simba still treated them fairly. Even while being toys for the pleasure of others, he made sure that they had somewhere to sleep, food and water. He listened to their words and believed them. They could hardly believe it themselves, but Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed were all in agreement that they could not just sit idly by and let this lion, whom they had grown to care about, be further pained by the everlasting presence of Scar's wrath.

They approached just as Zira and the other lionesses were departing and they met, looking at each other with wide eyes.

But the lioness proved to be cunning, clearing her throat and bowing to the king. "Your highness, what are you doing so far away from Pride Rock?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Simba said, also keeping his tone under control. Two could play at this game. "I was doing a headcount and noticed that a significant number of lionesses were missing. I asked around and these three claimed to have an idea of where you would be."

"Oh did they?" If one would blink, they would have missed the glace that Zira flashed the hyenas. Despite being so short it carried nothing but pure, threatening malice.

But Simba saw it and stepped in front of them. "I've heard quite a few rumors. Of secret meetings and plans of sabotage, all in the name of...Scar was it?" There was another change in her face. It was also quick but Simba saw her go pale just for a moment. "But that can't be right. After all, the lionesses swore loyalty to me and not the lion that committed atrocity after atrocity, leaving a permanent stain of the royal family. Even going so low as to single out his own allies to save his skin at the last moment? My uncle, who met his end, leaving us all the better for it?"

It did take much more than that for Zira to lose her cool, snarling and even swiping her claws at the king, who jumped back.

"How dare you?" she spat. But then she started to chuckle. "Very, your highness. You may have figured out my plan, but did you think I was foolish enough to carry it out myself? No, you know me and every other lioness behind me. But are you aware of my children?"

"Your what?" Shenzi said, nearly choking on her own tongue.

"In the grief of losing my beloved Scar...and the cubs that we were always meant to have. I was ready to lose hope but fate blessed me in the form of three orphaned cubs. It was a sign and I heard my beloved's voice, telling me that these were the children that were always meant to be. And my darling, obedient cubs will carry out my plans!"

Simba thought that Scar's acts were low, but Zira set a new precedent. She was out of her mind, claiming to her the voice of Scar. But this new revelation, the use of some poor cubs to do her bidding. There was no way they would actually do harm to fully grown leopards. She was sending them to their deaths if they struck back. He called the hidden lionesses to his side and they were quick to overpower Zira's forces, barring their way, keeping them in the closed off cavern.

Try as he might, Simba couldn't get Zira to tell him where the cubs were. He was growing more than frustrated, unsheathing his claws and dragging them across the stone floor.

"Hey, boss. Let us look for them," Banzai offered. Shenzi and Ed nodded beside him. "If anyone's good at tracking, it's a hyena." Simba had doubts for a moment, but they were willing to risk their own lives, telling the truth. If it wasn't for them, he would have never known of this plot or the cubs being used to make it happen. He gave them a nod and they were quick to depart. Their idea was to use the scent of Zira to track the young felines. Surely they smelled like her.


Following the scent only led them so far. Zira proved to have hidden them well. They should have known. The wicked lion was the only other person that shared Scar's level of cunning. The sun was near setting; they knew tracking them at night would make the search all the harder.

Ed took a break, stopping at a watering hole to quench his thirst. The sun was dipping lower and lower. The sunset's shades of orange and pink were reflected in the pool of water. Looking down at it, Ed nearly choked as he saw something. It wasn't his reflection, but that of the late lion himself. The form simply pointed off in a direction before fading into Ed's visage, leaving the hyena to wonder if he was just seeing things.

Ed told them of what he saw and the direction that the image pointed. Banzai and Shenzi were not so sure of the third hyena's claim, but they figured that it was better than nothing. So, they followed and went further out into the savanna. Of all the places that led to, they were back at the cavern that they took refuge within.

"Wait a minute..." Banzai pondered to himself. "Scar did mention about a secret cave of his. Does this mean that we were staying in it the whole time?"

Shenzi stepped forward, through the cover of tangled foliage and sure enough, there were three forms within, huddled together. The moment they realized it was not their claimed mother coming back for them, they trembled and squealed.

"Hold on..." Shenzi said, speaking in the calmest tone she could. "We're not here to hurt you. We came to bring you back."

It took some convincing, but the three told the cubs of what their "mother" was truly like and what she planned for them. The eldest of these cubs stepped forward, calling himself Nuka. He believed them. There was something about the lionesses that took them in that struck him as not right but all he wanted was to help his siblings find some place for them to live. They were the children of a rogue lioness, forced to flee while their true mother stayed behind to protect them. Nuka did all that he could, but was aware that he could not provide what a new mother could.

He convinced Kovu and Vitani to trust them as well. They were assured that things were going to be okay. Rather than lie, they revealed what Zira had in store for them, likely fooling them for her own gain.

Nuka pieced that together himself, often seeing Zira mumbling to herself, looking off in the distance. Sometimes she gave him a gaze that stared right through his body. Her words were kind but there was something about them that seemed off. Looking after his brother and sister forced Nuka to pick up things that could be a danger to them, and he got bad vibes from Zira but chose to remain solely for the sake of them. At least with her they were given shelter and food...

The lionesses kept their eyes on the followers of Scar and Simba was growing rather anxious, worried for the sake of those cubs. But Shenzi did return, informing him that the cubs were found and watched over by Banzai and Ed. With that, Simba gave the order to have them apprehended, and it was quickly done. Scar's followers came quietly but Zira took two lionesses to pin her down.

Right after, the king held a trial. Just as he did for the hyenas, Simba gave Zira the chance to explain herself.

The wicked lioness knew she was beaten. During the trial, she and her adversaries were surrounded by not only lionesses but other various animals to keep them from escaping. Rather than actually explaining herself, she seemed to have snapped, devolving into mad ramblings of continuing Scar's glorious reign and promising to rip away every shred of Simba's influence.

There was no doubt that she was guilty, but now Simba was put in a difficult position, the lion was more than sure that banishing her would just result in the lioness returning with a vengeance. But he couldn't bring himself to carry out an execution. He couldn't even do it for Scar and Zira was one of his own as well.

"Allow us to propose a rather...fitting punishment, boss."


Their own punishment of "community service" gave them the grand idea of sentencing the guilty party to something similar.

That very night, they were rounded, Zira was dragged with her paws bound, and escorted to the Outlands. The trio led the way back to the turf of their own kind. Of course, their presence was not met with joyous welcomes, but they kept their distance upon seeing the king and multiple lionesses accompanying them.

"I have an offer to make," Simba started, raising his voice. "These lionesses."

To this, there were many gasps of shock. It seemed just too good to be true. But Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed assured that it was true.

"All I ask is that you first allow these three within your ranks. The second is that you keep them within your reach."

There was more shock as the king almost gave them entirely free reign to do with them as they pleased as long as what they made them do was "community service" and was not needlessly harming them. In addition, Simba gave them a test. If they could keep them in line for an entire month, the hyenas would be allowed in the Pride Lands, given that they hunt within reason. Sure enough, they accepted the group of felines, being quick to usher them inside. Zira was still ranting but they just laughed at her, not paying any mind to a single word she said, not while they were quickly getting aroused from pushing them within the confines of their caverns.

Simba expected this to be where they parted ways. He thanked them and lifted their punishment, and offered a full welcome into the Pride Lands. But to his surprise, they followed when he walked away. For every step he took, they took one as well.

He turned around and saw them smirking. "Aw come on, boss. We got a good thing going on, you're really just gonna call it off like that?"

A smile was on the king's face as he returned him with them as his side.

On the journey back they explained how Ed managed to find the cubs, Banzai and Shenzi tried to play it off as possibly just being a dream, but Simba told them he had talked to his father through a pond before he went back and overthrew his uncle.

Simba did not quite know what to think of this revelation. It still hurt thinking about what the dark lion did to him. At first, Simba found himself doubting that his uncle could have regretted what he had done.

But why else would he have pointed the hyenas in the right direction?

The thought had him recall a talk he had with Timon and Pumbaa. He had stepped on a very sharp thorn and had almost lashed out at them in confused pain, but after they had calmed him down and removed it and the pain went away he had been so confused.

They had consoled him, the line between pain and anger wasn't as clear cut as one would think. One easily bled into another. Simba recalled a couple of times during his confrontation with his uncle where he had acted...strangely...as if he was confused and...the look in his eyes...maybe that emotion that had bled into anger had actually been pain?

Perhaps it had not all been as clear-cut as he had thought?

Hopefully if that was the case then his uncle got the help he needed in the afterlife to remove his metaphorical "thorn", whatever it might be.


The next day, Simba had gotten up extra early to ask Rafiki about it.

"It is entirely possible," the mandrill said between grunts of pleasure. While talking to the king, he was also thrusting into Shenzi's tailhole. The hyena's voice was muffled thanks to Simba's own cock filling it.

"The spirits work in mysterious ways. It is said that many find the answers they were looking for after their death. Perhaps even Scar could have found a sense of peace after his demise."

This made Simba ponder, even as he continued to grind his cock against the smooth, licking tongue. Even after the punishment was lifted the hyenas chose to carry out their position, finding their own enjoyment in it. But this was for more than simple pleasure. They had already finished with Banzai and Ed before. They were lying on the hollow's floor with symbols painted on their fur. There were signs of forgiveness and new beginnings.

Simba and Rafiki's stuffing of her holes was the final show of that. Being that she was willingly taking them both, moaning around the king's maleness as well as the royal mjuzi's. Through his thrusts, he made sure to chant some words that were in a tongue that neither Simba nor Shenzi understood. Once he was done, he suddenly pressed himself deep inside. There was no reason that he could not indulge in being with a hyena as well.

In turn. Shenzi was doing her best to please them both; bobbing her head and clenching her hole around the primate's pumping length. Their moans filled her ears and it aided in her own pleasure building. Simba caught her by surprise, groaning as he shoved the entire thing inside, shooting ropes of his royal seed all over her tongue, being further pleasured by her cleaning licks. Following close behind, Shenzi was treated to the feeling of hands instead of paws gripping her body. The thrusts in her ass got much stronger, pulling her into a climax just as Rafiki winced, cumming into her ass, filling it with his warm load.

With that the three of them were recognized as true Pride Landers, absolved of their past crimes. Once recovering, they made a promise to the king to put those old ways behind them. And they were as good as their word. When not giving time to pleasure others, the three were assisting in raising the three cubs, oddly enough they did it alongside Timon and Pumbaa. The duo admitted that they missed the company and challenges of raising a rowdy cub. But with the challenge of caring for three, they were more than happy to have the assistance of the trio, who proved to be rather talented in caring for them.


Later that day, Simba met with the visitors of the Back Lands. He thanked them for giving the trees that were instrumental to healing the whole of the Pride Lands. They were gracious in accepting the apology and asked for a tour of the lands, to which Simba was eager to do, especially with the prospect of paying them back for all that they had done.

The leopard responsible, being named Gazo, had brought two more with him. Their names were Onto and Muun. The three felines were rather polite and were more than happy to be shown around the kingdom, being brought to see the returning life that their trees had a hand in. The tour continued on, showing them prominent spots within the Pride Lands until it brought them back to Pride Rock.

"And there we have it," Simba concluded. He offered the three to join him inside. They followed the maned feline as he stepped into the cavern and led them off into the chamber where the hyenas stayed. They were told ahead of time and were looking rather presentable as the visitors stepped inside.

"And what is this?" Gazo asked. Hyenas weren't as common in the Back Lands and he certainly did not expect to see them sharing a cave with lions.

"These three are good friends of mine and they will be assisting me in thanking you properly, if you are up for it, of course."

They were all soon in the mood and Simba gave them clearance to choose who they would like. Gazo was quick to choose Shenzi, not being interested in other males. Onto was the exact opposite, wanting to be with both Banzai and Ed. The two male hyenas were rather surprised but stepped forward together, approaching the uniquely spotted leopard.

With all the hyenas being chosen, that left Simba and Muun to be paired together. That suited the third leopard just fine, his unique trait being the cross shaped scars on his chest. With the pairs chosen, they all broke away in the spacious chamber and got busy.

"What's with that look?" Shenzi asked, looking at the way the leopard was tilting his head, looking her body over.

"Sorry, just never seen a hyena in this sort of light before," Gazo admitted as he took a step forward. "Just wondering what I can get away with."

"Oh really?"

"Where I come from, things usually go my way, but I'm pretty generous in return." The leopard assured, brushing his flank along hers.

"Well, you're not the only one in a generous mood. Now, are we gonna get to the good stuff or not?"

"I don't usually like to rush, but..." His actions were quick, suddenly getting behind and mounting her. "Ask and you shall receive."

After shifting a bit to steady himself, Gazo was poking the tip at her entrance, already making a soft growl as he made shallow grinds, rubbing his shaft over moistening lips, feeling it becoming wet with her fluids. Dragging up and lining the tip up just right led to a sudden thrust, shoving his leopard cock into her. It was not that much different from Simba's and he quickly came to enjoy the feeling, both familiar but different. He slid inside, enjoying the moan that broke up, basking in the pleasure that came from his maleness sinking inside to it's hilt.

He was quick to get into a motion, his grunts sounding in time with the bucks, sliding his length along her insides, teasing her with the slight scrapes of his barbs, grinding in deep and tugging back, not quite pulling free. Shenzi steadied her body against the incoming motions, doing her best to endure through the pleasure, but her body continued to tremble from the thrusts that pushed his length inside of her.

"Not bad," she taunted.

"Oh yeah?" Gazo snickered, "Then what about this?"

He proved to be holding back before. His hold was tighter, and a gasp came as claws were pressing to her sides, just enough to feel the clawtips. Whatever little pain that she would have felt, it was nothing compared to the increased pleasure that followed suit. Her own claws were scraping over the stone floor.

Now there was nothing for her to say. She enjoyed the feelings that radiated from her loins. Feeling it throb and squeeze, dribbling lines of her fluids. The pricks of claws, the force that the leopard was putting into his ruts, and the growls in her ears. It was all so thrilling and she did her own best to not just cave in, pushing her body back and giving purposeful squeezes of her vent.

While the two were having their fun, the two males hyenas were ushering Onto off to another corner, acting once they were far enough. The two of them already had a plan and it seemed that the leopard was eager to play along.

"Guess we're just meant to be passed from one kitty to another," Banzai teased. Ed just cackled as the two of them surrounded and tread around Onto. The darker furred feline went with this, giving clear signs that he was looking to be one used.

"But I guess this time we're the ones on top." Banzai snickered. "And we should use this chance to get real familiar."

And just like that, one of them pounced. Banzai specifically was upon him. "You're ours now." He eased back and spread his legs, showing off his cock. The tip had slipped from his sheath and the leopard was treated to the sight of it growing out further, extending and getting thicker until it reached it's full mast.

With wide eyes, Onto was already approaching, entranced by the unique rod. But the hyena took control, keeping the roleplay going. With a paw on the leopard's shoulder, he eased himself up, all but mounting the other male's face. That brought the tip of his cock to press against a soft pair of lips. Onto took a moment to just enjoy the hard thing that pressed to his face. Being so close, his nostrils were flaring, taking in his foreign musk.

With his mouth watering, he opened his muzzle and immediately felt that hard meat touching his tongue. Banzai was already easing his shaft inside, filling the soft mouth. Onto was quickly given an example of what made the hyena's endowment different from his fellow leopards. But he adjusted and welcomed the rare feeling of having his throat being filled as well.

Behind him, Ed was making his own move. His presence was almost forgotten until there was a sudden lick underneath the big cat's tail. Following quickly behind was another firm swipe of the other hyena's tongue, already slathering his spit over the winking surface. Ed himself was enjoying himself as well, giving some small sniffs at the same time, taking in the leopard's brand of musk as well. It led to his own excitement, but he was content to instead keep using his tongue, pressing it to the opening. With a bit of pushing he wedged the wet muscle inside and further eased it inside.

Around Banzai's cock, Onto groaned from the sudden filling of his ass, feeling the long tongue already sliding deeper and deeper inside, licking along his walls and leaving behind a thick layer of thick, warm spit. But his attention was drawn back as the other male was thrusting in his cock, groaning out as he pumped his length into the leopard's throat. Onto was yet again surprised, but he held firm and didn't even gag as it was reaching down into his throat. Down within, he could feel the shaft pulsing and when pulling back, a spurt of pre coating his tongue.

"Aah... Thanks for lubing it up," Banzai groaned as he slid out of the soft mouth. His cock continued to throb, dripping with strings of spit. A paw tapped to the ground and Ed ceased his licking, making Onto shudder as the tongue was tugged free. "Now we can get to the real fun."

Simba and Muun were right at it, being fueled by the actions around them. The king let his guest act first, and he was suddenly tackled to the ground. Not being much of a talker, Muun led with his actions, pinning the larger feline down before smirking. He stood, smirked, and turned around, showing off his own erect length. It was used to tease the lion, lowering and grinding over his muzzle.

Easing his own head down, the scarred leopard was brushing his lips over the twitching lion length. Leading strong, he started with a lick, making it slow, making sure that his rough tongue teased the flesh to its fullest extent. His ears flicked in response to Simba's moan and another smirk spread across his muzzle.

Not wanting to be outdone, the king did the same, but gave a few quick licks, showing off his own style of pleasure. There was a short purr in response and Simba got an idea as he eyed the other big cat's backside. Reaching his paws up, he gripped at Muun's flank and pulled it downwards. The hard prick dragged past his lips, but his eyes were on something else. He had enough room and the licks on his cock continued.

Going with the idea in his head, he eased his head higher and planted a kiss to the leopard's soft hole. The touch was soft but still made Muun jump. He eased quickly though as another kiss came, followed by a brush of that large, textured tongue. It made him shudder, his tail flicked and the fur along it bristled. Now Simba was the one slowly using his tongue, still licking at the pucker, getting it nice and wet before he eased his tongue inside.

Muun was yet again struck with a sudden feeling of fullness. That tongue of Simba's pull no punches, reaching in deep and stretching his walls as more and more of it's length eased its way inside, still licking all the while.

It felt so good that the leopard was no longer content to just keep licking over the underside of the lion's cock. He was rather flexible as well and had enough room to do the same and not disturb the king's actions. Reaching his own head upwards, the leopard proceeded to give his own licks to the maned feline's hole, making them rather quick, flicking his smaller tongue over the winking flesh, getting it wetter and wetter with his saliva He could hear Simba's moans, receiving pleasure as well from the equally bristled tongue.

He caught up and was soon pushing his tongue inside, enjoying the feeling of the puffy flesh already squeezing down on it. Slow drags along the walls made the squeezes tighter and the moans that came from Simba grew louder as well. The two of them were soon licking deeply into each other, twirling their tongues and grinding the surface along the soft surfaces, giving each other pleasure, trading it back and forth.

While doing so, they could hear the moans of Shenzi.

She and Gazo were making a bit of a game out of their pairing. For every thrust he gave, the hyena returned it with a hard squeeze of her inner walls. The feline was now realizing that she was not going to take his cock lying down. He was made to work for it, and he did so by increasing the pace, but even that wasn't enough to push her over the edge. With her moans getting louder, Shenzi rocked her own body against his, doing so while squeezing. This rammed his cock deeper inside, as good as it felt for the hyena, she knew that it was even better for Gazo.

From the pulses and spurts of pre inside of her and the sudden sharper growls that flared up from the leopard's chest. She just knew that he was being pushed to his limits. And there was no letting up on her end either, grinding against him, pressing her body even more, swaying her hips at the same time.

Gazo was aware that he was losing this battle, but he hardly cared. All that concerned him now was getting more of that amazing feeling; those squeezes around his girth. "A-alright you w-win..." He gave a few more sharp jerks, jamming himself into her depths. A series of snarls came as he proceeded to shoot his load inside of her, spraying ropes of his release onto her still clenching walls. With a growl of her own, Shenzi allowed herself to relax, grinding her own sex against him, using that push herself over the edge as well.

Still inside, Gazo enjoyed the spurts of her juices onto his cock, basking in the messy, hot feeling. With a sigh, he did dismount, and then continued to rub against her just like before.

While they finished, her friends were still in full swing, going into the second phase.

It was their plan all along, more so Banzai's. He was the one now mounted atop the spotted feline, already roughly humping into the tight hole underneath the lifted tail. The moans of Onto filled his ears but he was more concerned about his own pleasure, enjoying the feeling of his prick pumping over the wet flesh, sinking deep into the warm tunnel, enjoying the soft sucking sounds that came from each rock of his hips.

"Yeah that's it. I--"

There was a sudden weight on the mounting male's back. It caught him so off guard that he nearly lost his balance. Hugging him close and breathing down his neck was Ed, already thrusting his hips eagerly.

"Ed! I told you to wait your turn!" Banzai snarled. But the other hyena gave him a puppy dog look that made him cave rather quickly. Rolling his eyes, he instead focused on regaining his pace.

With the weight of two males on top of him, Onto had his work cut out of him, especially with the hard humps that made his legs tremble. He had to keep steady despite that and the added rocks of not his body, but Banzai's. This was because of Ed, his paws wrapped around the other hyena's chest. They held on tight, nearly for dear life. In his excitement, he was humping nowhere near Banzai's raised tail, instead it was rubbed hard over his back.

Banzai did his best to ignore this, focusing on the hole wrapped around his own cock, growling as he was picking up his pace. He could no longer hear the messy smacks of his hilted cock slamming within. In his flicking ears were the huffs and groans of Ed's voice. At least he was having a good time. In fact, the sporadic humps to his backside increased in speed and strength. Ed's mouth hung open as his tongue lolled, smiling wide in delight as he rode out the pleasure, ending it off by suddenly taking Banzai's scruff into his jaws. Growling around it, Ed messily came on the other hyena's back, shooting his large load, coating the other male's rough coat in heavy ropes of his seed, still grunting and huffing as he rode out his climax.

Banzai thought that was the end of it, but Ed was still sporting an erection. With ropes of his own seed coating his tip and first few inches. Just when his friend thought it would be just him and Onto, he was yet again surprised. A yelp came as he was penetrated for real this time, the cum worked as a suitable lube, relieving some pressure as it was pushed inside. And just like before, the wilder yeen was pumping himself inside with full force. Banzai had no choice but to adjust the speed of his own hips, matching that pace. At the very least, it brought him more pleasure and more of his precum squirt from the tip, making the purring leopard's ass delightfully sloppy inside.

With their paces matching, Banzai was helped in the end, his thrusts were given added power, being backed by Ed's actions. Together, they were making Onto yowl out from being pounded hard.

In the leopard's ears were the grunts and snickers of both hyenas as they continued, sharing their pleasure. The scent of sex was already heavy in the air around them, but so was the musk of hyena, brought about by their fervent rutting, and the sweat that came from their frequently repeating actions.

It was all coming to a head, all of them were nearing their peaks. Both hyenas only went further, pounding as fast as they could. Their combined weight was nearly too much for Onto to take and their thrusts were even more so. With his body shaking, the bottoming male came hard, marking the floor below with streaks of his seed. Following suit was Banzai's own orgasm. It struck him hard, making lead to him snarling and heaving as he came next, pumping his own load into the wailing feline's hole. With a deep sigh, he was prepared to ride out this pleasure, but a bark from Ed and a few more hard rams into his spread hole led to him feeling hot splashes within him. Now it was his turn to endure as his neck was drooled on and more short humps rocked his body. He was glad when Ed hopped off of him, as he dismounted, Onto finally collapsed to the ground, leaving Banzai to be nudged by Ed.

"Fine, have at it..." he sighed, turning to the side and lifting his tail. He hid the pleasure he felt as Ed got to licking up his own load, flicking within his seeded hole. It was a hard fight to keep the moans bottled up, but he couldn't bring himself to let Ed or anyone else know just how much he liked Ed cleaning up his own mess, listening to him messily lap up his own load.

With the others having reached their end, that left the pair of felines that were still going at it.

As the others had, the two had gone further with their actions. They were hungrily lapping at each other's tailholes, making purrs and moans as they reached in deep, reaching them in as deep as they could, swirling and flicking, anything they could to bring the other pleasure.

Both of their erections were dripping heavily, making quite the mess as their lusts built. It came to a head as they both pulled their tongues free at about the same time, gasping heavily.

Picking up where they left off, the two of them were back to curling their tongues around each other's cocks, taking them into their maws. Muun grew rather fond of the king's size and got a good feel for it as he bobbed his head up and down, coating his tongue in the dripping pre. Simba was doing the same. They seemed to be on the same page, their simple licking soon evolving into them quickly bobbing their heads back and forth, taking the entire length of each other. Even as their throats were penetrated, neither Simba nor Muun faltered in their actions, keeping the pleasure alive.

They held onto each other, keeping the other steady as they let their hips do the work, humping into each other's muzzles. Of course, Simba's bucks were stronger, but Muun proved to be no slouch, pounding his throbbing shaft into the king's throat, grinding against the soft flesh that squeezed firmly down on his girth. Simba very much enjoyed the treatment being reciprocated. With every action and groan, the two felines were being pulled closer and closer to their own limit.

Both wanted to finish strong and they did so by pounding hard into each other's muzzles, thumping their pelvis to each other's lips, slamming every inch they had inside. All the while, the two were getting rather familiar with each other's smells, indulging in the heavily mixed musk of lion and leopard. The purrs got louder and Simba was especially groaning loud enough for the both of them, being the one to cave first. His cock spurt ropes of his royal spunk right into Muun's throat.

Whether if he was just a few seconds behind or from the arousal that came from drinking down the hot load, whatever the true cause, Muun reached his peak soon after, shooting ropes of his own seed into the throat of the waiting king. The two of them continued to lick and gulp, remaining together until every last drop was licked up and swallowed. Only then did they finally break away, both panting heavily.

The entire cavern was soon filled with a sense of calm as the groups were winding down from their intense sessions. It was followed up by a meal and after the leopards had to leave for their own lands once more, wanting to return by the morning. Simba understood but was sorry that they had to leave so soon.

"Aw, don't look like that, boss." Banzai flashed him a playful grin. "After all, you still got us to keep you company, right?"

In response, Simba nodded and smiled. It was something, looking back at how they used to be bitter enemies. Now he saw the trio as firm friends. He had to agree that he was glad to have them around with the rest that he cared for.

A few nights after, Simba had something on his mind, something that he wanted to see for himself.

Simba knew his father's star, it was the one the image of his father had returned to after speaking with , but it also shone just a little brighter as if Mufasa was looking down on him.

Alongside it a smaller star was there. This was not there before and to Simba it was as if the bigger star was supporting it, helping it not stand alone in the night sky.

"Uncle?" This new star flickered a little as if acknowledging him.

Simba smiled a bit sadly. His time spent with the hyenas had gotten him thinking. Maybe it was about time he let go of that hatred for his uncle. It was doing him no good and they helped him to better understand who Scar was, parts of him that were hidden from everyone else. They painted more than just the black and white image the king had previously. "I pray you get better, Uncle, and maybe I can one day meet the real you, the lion your friends told me about, when my own time as king is over."

"Don't worry, I will take care of those three for you." Simba promised. "And thank you...for helping us find them." The bigger star flickered as if surprised, then shone brighter as if proud.

The smaller star glimmered and Simba could almost imagine his uncle sending him a small, thankful and bit sad smile. And from within, the golden lion felt much lighter. It was late and a yawn parted his jaws. With a sense of peace, Simba retired to his Nala's side, looking forward to what the next day would bring.