The Medallion - Outline

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#3 of The Last Medallion

I had the idea a few years ago to put together a story dealing with heartbreak and sexiness in equal measure. The story got huge really quick and a bit overwhelming for me to write honestly. The way things are going in my life I don't think I will ever get to writing it properly.

So! I wanted to share it with all of you in its unfinished form. As an outline its narratively complete but is missing descriptions, dialogue and character emotions. Each sentence in this outline would be at least a paragraph in a "real" story. I hope you all get something from reading this and let me know your thoughts in the comments!

The Medallion - Outline

Family is happy but poor cattle farmers with few crops. Duncan is an life-long inventor. Possibly smartest man in town? House is full of books. Both Mary and Duncan can read. Mary reading is a rarity and she hides it from town. Mary read stories to Colt when he was young for bedtime. Was best times of Colts life, despite their poor life.

Duncan and Mary love each other very much, Colt has never known the lash of a whip. Duncans inventions don't really work or are never complete. Poor but happy. Duncan doesn't lose temper, is very kind and level headed.

Cow raiders from south attack the far away village. Duncan and Mary think they are safe because village is far away. Colt is scared but Duncan tells his Colt that he will always protect him. Colt is calmed.

Raiders on their way south free and steal their cows, burn down part of their house. Family hides in cellar as they destroy/steal/burn. Heavy hooves on the floorboards. After are gone Colt helps them recover and are able to only put out half of house fire with water from well.

They are destitute, all their stored provisions are gone, cows and much of food too. Raiders don't notice Duncans invention workshop in the woods.

Parents begin long walk to town to get help, pack as much of Duncans inventions (gears and wheels and parts) as they can. Leave Colt to tend farm and repairs. Ask each other if they should give it to him, decide not to, Colt is confused (silver sword hint for later). Give Colt a rusted sword for protection.

Parents arrive in town ragged and tired, bleeding from wounds during raid.

They beg for help but nobody can/will help them, they have all lost as well. Tries to sell inventions to blacksmith but he has no use of them. Gets desperate and tries to sell just as metal scraps. Blacksmith has very little after raiders but gives them enough for some bread and takes the parts. Parents sleep in barn, some with other villagers that have lost homes join them, inn has burnt down. Homes that remain are overfull.

Wife cries in husbands arms, knowing that they may die if they do not get help, Colt will die. A hooded refugee hugs her knees, is asking for food. Husband and wife share some of their bread with her, even though they have nothing. Hooded refugee turns out to be a strange woman they have never seen, she seems very sad. Thanks them for their kindness. They talk and tell their story, when ask woman what happened to her she becomes very quiet, doesn't tell them anything, they think she has just suffered a loss. Duncan and Mary express regret that they couldnt do anything to stop bandits, seems to impact the girl.

All go to sleep. Husband and wife wake up to find a small solid gold coin engraved with a strange symbol of a bulls head and strange writing on it wrapped in the same cloak the woman was wearing laid next to their meager belongings.

Don't know if it is legitimate gold or stolen, what the strange symbols are or if they should use it. They realize they have enough to buy many cows but they decide to buy just one and a load of food and seeds. The vendor takes the coin without question, but doesn't see it properly, thinks they are paying in the kings currency (illusion). Unsure where they got it but doesn't question them too much. The couple gets bags of actual kings currency as change back, cleans out merchant's cash for the gold coin.

They begin their trek home, once at the perimeter of their property the cow spooks and throws their bags off its back. Runs into the forest to not be seen again. They what little of the food and seeds the rest of the way. They are able to carry more than they should be able to.

Arrive home, their Colt repairing roof. Present him with all they have gotten. He is amazed. Husband and wife are scratching at their clothes, their wounds have healed far too much as Colt roots through their supplies.

That night Colt very proudly presents their repaired bed pushed into the dry corner of the house. Husband and wife are so proud of Colt. Gives them a little comfort in their hard time. Colt goes to stand guard outside house for signs of raiders, lets parents rest, want to protect what they brought back and parents.

Duncan wakes up first, doesn't realize anything has changed, feels too heavy.

Brushes his hair with hand and realsies has grown small nubs of horns out of head. Also has start of a tail growing out of spine. Panics as he realizes whats happening, wakes up Mary and son with scream. Colt runs in to find Duncan naked clutching his head. Mary is barely dressed as she askes Duncan whats wrong but is assaulted with pain.

Colt is forced to watch as his parents transform [NEED TO ADD DETAILS] into anthro cows in front of him. Dunan moos for him to run, get out of there but Colt wants to help. Family is important more than anything. They scream how hot they are, Colt tries to splash them with water but when he returns with a bucket they are almost fully cow. Duncan's cock is flopped over leg as it pulses and thickens and Mary's breasts are still growing as face extends.

Parents are begging Colt to kill them before they change completely.

Mary pleas for Colt to tie them up. He gets ropes and they make their way to large beam holding up wall. He ties them down as best he can, but their muscles are bulging against the ropes. They are screaming at him to release them as they buck and change. Mary's breasts spill between the rope, forcing milk out of the nipples as she changes. Ducnan's cock becomes erect at the strain against the ropes.

Lots of pleas and gurgles of pain as they change. Colt tries to comfort them, wants to get help but is too afraid to leave them. Colty is shocked as both parents orgasm as transformation finishes and the ropes break due to their size and muscles. Spilling juices and cum all over floor.

Both monstrous/bovine, go into a panic, dont understand whats happening, crashes into wall, almost breaking house. Both roar/moo are afraid of each other. Think other parent is a raider attacking, unable to produce words, just mooing (right now) throw things at each other.

The cows realize who they are with crude sign language, they manage to moo out some words with their new deeper vocal cords. Hold each other, beastial bodies feel strange and foreign. Mary sobs into husbands chest, Duncan hesitantly pets wifes fur to calm her.

Colt discovers the giant cow people in his house, most of his work from the day before destroyed. Cow people recoil, dont want Colt to see them. Colt panics and tries to run, falls on the ruined door sill and is knocked unconscious.

Colt wakes up in his parents broken bed to Mary who is now a huge cow doting over him with a wet rag. Panics again but is held down by husband as she tries to calm him, she finally gets the words out to explain. Voice is deeper/huskier but Colt recognizes it sounds like Mary, cant mentally reconcile.

Colt doesn't believe it, cant believe it. He notices her giant exposed breasts and is embarrassed. The bull is huge, he realizes neither are wearing anything, bulls' sheath is too close for comfort and massive. Moms breasts are huge, bigger than any he has ever seen. Her pussy on fully display, is huge too. He is scared but slowly realizes they aren't attacking him. Notices scraps of his dads shirt still clinging to the bulls shoulders and mom's skirt wrapped around her wide hips.

He begins to calm down. Cows release him. Colt cant look at them, tries to ask them if they are still them, they nod. Begin to explain with their words. All together realize it was a witch and coin that caused (after much thinking and parents retelling what happened to Colt).

Parents getting used to new senses of taste, smell and hearing. Plus their immense strength, cause them to break things they dont mean to.

Send Colt back to town to find her, he goes but is still in shock. Towns people see his shock and think his parents have died, he doesn't correct them. Cant find any sign of witch and nobody had seen a perColt like that. Asks the shop keeper to see the gold he was paid and the shop keeper says that he already exchanged it to a traveling merchant.

Colt returns home to find parents cleaning up house, dad can lift whole beams easily and mom is weeding the yard. Duncan and Mary have huge ass cheeks with cow tails that he finds himself staring at for far too long, Duncans are more muscular and moms are more rounded and jiggly, before shaking out of it.

Colt tries to make the best of it but cant keep himself from crying. Parents try to console him. Their touch scares him but is also comforting. Duncan says he should go and check previously set traps for dinner. Colt agrees, looks for excuse to get out of house anyway.

Colt checks rabbit traps and finds only one out of many traps. Take back home and skin and prepare the one, is worried isn't enough. That night mom tries to makes dinner clumsily with new hands, dad cant sit in chairs as they break immediately. Colt notices his dad's assets are still on full display and even larger now that he is looking at them. Asks parents to wear clothes and they wrap themselves in some old sheets for now.

Parents try to eat rabbit soup and spit it out. Cant stand it. Doesn't taste right. Colt gets some of the dried pork they bought, they cant eat it either. Then brings grains and vegetables. They dig in. Colt realizes they are vegetarians now.

Begin eating by trying to use utensils, then hands, then faces to plates. They ask for more and more food, Colt keeps going into stores for more, but is depleting their reserves. He tries to reason with them that they don't have enough and they still demand food. Colt cuts them off but Duncan goes and gets all he can carry, which is a lot, and dumps on table. Colt gives up and is disgusted as they gorge, feels like he is in their barn.

Parents gladly go to sleep on collapsed bed. Colt very uneasily. Parents very easily. Parents lay on bed, but is far too small for them. Have to roll close. Colt begins to hear creaking noises and grunts.

Duncan and Mary feelings, haven't had each other in a long time because of Colt. Urges raging through bodies, both smell so good. Hardly think about it before it starts happening. Mary has never felt something so large, she feels a compulsion to have it inside of her.

Wakes up to see dad withdrawing his cock from his mom with impossibly large cock Colt has seen bulls mate before but they don't look like that, dads cock is much much thicker and 13" long. Colt falls backwards making a racket (falling pans, tables, etc), both look at him and realize what they are doing and stop, but only make it worse as he sees everything.

Colt goes to sleep outside near their barn, stays awake all night but doesn't hear any more noises. Thinks about running away but has nowhere to go. Cant cope with his parents becoming monsters. Cant let anybody in town know.

Colt wakes up to dad plowing field himself, pushing the hoe with his massive body. Mom is putting seeds into the ground. They see him but are scared to approach, they greet him with much better words. They tell him they are still his same parents and they are dealing with the changes as well. They promise to Colt that he will never seen them like that again, never give in to the urges/heat. Colt sees Duncans balls are huge and jostle between legs, along with sheath. Mom has massive breasts and exposed pussy, makes Colt blush/look away. Parents notice he is looking/distracted and try to cover themselves, didn't notice/think about nakedness somehow. They try to cover themselves. Seeing Duncan grabbing himself and Mary cupping her breasts and crotch makes it worse somehow for Colt. They race inside and return with their hastily put on sheets. Is a little better but Colt can still see outlines of Duncans junk, Marys breasts are barely contained.

Colt helps mom cook and distribute seeds as her hands are too unwieldy for her at first. She gets better and more dextrous as time goes by. But parents continue to use hands instead of forks for food, say its easier for them but Colt is becoming aware even if their minds were untouched they aren't as human as they were before.

Duncan goes to workshop and tries to finish his latest invention project to get them some money, hands are too big and imprecise. Rakes large hand hooves across table. Grows abnormally angry. He cant help it as his cock becomes erect, his hormones washing over him. Duncan fights it but is in a growing rage. Duncan becomes increasingly angry as he smashes invention after invention in his too-big/strong hands, horns catch on hanging ropes. Balls swing wildly as they plump slightly, Duncans body grows slightly, muscles convulse under skin but he doesnt cum. Proceeds to destroy his small workshop, cant cope with not being able to do his work, anger is too great.

Duncan never mentions workshop to Colt.

Mary makes clothes for herself and Duncan, basic rough underwear and real pants and shirt and a dress for herself. First attempt fails as openings aren't large enough for their hooves and strange digitigrade legs. She eventually gets it right, but uses all cloth they have. Has some holes in her dress (hips, side of bosom), not enough cloth to patch, hope its good enough for now. Clothes feel itchy and wrong against fur, but she wants to be modest in front of husband and Colt.

Duncan initially likes clothes but then struggles to get underwear over his sheath and balls, Colt has to look away as he struggles to get it over his maleness. Finally does but doesnt hide very much, contours the rise of his sheath and rests over the sloping shelf of his balls. As he flexes to try to fit it around his tail and ass cheeks it reveals the sides of his package. Colt is still thankful that they are wearing something. Duncan seems less anxious to put on shirt and pants, thinks underwear is enough but Mary and Colt convince him otherwise.

Colt helps them with farming, crops go well, time passes. Musk in house is almost unbearable, Colt cant breath, Colt asks parents to wash themselves (is strange for even Colt). They dip into deep section of stream near house, feel almost normal again, like they were before when they went swimming. Colt is happier, parents tell him his smell also is assaulting them now and he winds up having to bathe as well.

Duncans horns are too big, cant sleep on side. Laying on back presses tail between cheeks, uncomfortable. Sleeping next to wife is hard, bodies are so warm. Try using blankets but feels too warm. Night clothes feel too constricting. Balls/sheath feel too tightly wrapped. Wind up thrashing and turning in bed. Wife has similar issues, breasts are so heavy on chest when lays on back. Both feel fur rubbing against fur as they wrestle for comfort. Wifes undergarment pulls into her huge ass. They commiserate with each other. Husband cant stop looking at wifes breasts as she breathes. Begin spooning, husband rubs his hands over wife. Comments how big she has gotten, how sexy. Wife resists but rubs up against husband, feels sheath/balls on her ass, comments how big he hass gotten as well. Neither has felt so amorous before, are having hard time fighting it.

Husbands hand works it way down wifes body and plays with clit. Inserts finger into her, her body shudders. Tells husband to stop, but husband nuzzles her neck and inserts another finger, her body prys at fingers, cant help it. Wife turns and lays towards husband, crotches meet. Wife grabs husbands balls and fondles them, admires how large they are. Hand can barely fit around tool that has become engorged.

Both stop themselves before it goes too far, slick liquids seeping out of cock/pussy. They turn away from each other, but asses rub against each other as they try to stop the hormones flooding their bodies. Tails intertwine, loins are inflamed, hard to press thighs against them. Grind against each other but catch each other again. Decide to sleep separately, Duncan takes floor.

House gets repaired but larger than before as parents build quickly due to their strength and bodies. Parents eat an enormous amount of their stored food. Duncan builds larger buckets for water for hauling. Colt says he cant carry them, are too large/heavy when full. Duncan angrily takes on task of bringing water. Duncan seem increasingly angry at odd times, is holding himself back but Colt can see it growing in him. Duncans feels too constricted by clothing, fights horniness, gets erections frequently and in wrong/bad times. Tail tugs on hem of pants as they often fall to reveal his cheeks and top of balls. Colt reminds him that his clothes are falling off and Duncan unintentionally snaps at him.

Colt tells towns people that parents died from their wounds but used money to buy some new cows. Keeps them a secret from everybody.

Mary begins to become horny. Her pussy feels slick inside all the time. Tries reading/sewing/cooking to calm her, distracted from growing heat, never wants Colt to see her mate again. But cant focus, breasts are too large and in the way, feel like pushing against dress. Tries sewing first, but hand hooves are shaking from the horniness. Tries to read, use imagination to escape her body, has a hard time turning pages to get under next page with hands. Her arms press on sides of breasts, have too much pressure in them to ignore, are painful and nipples rub against rough cloth. Begins to leaking milk through clothes onto book pages. Gets hot between her legs. Hefts overfull breasts, leak milk and she realizes she must be milked as heat gets worse between legs. Is hesitant to milk herself, thinks about her Colt and husband and what they will think. But starts to milk herself in secret every day, dropping top of dress off of her. Body becomes even more voluptuous as she milks. Hips widen and lower lips swell. Milking herself causes her to become sopping wet between the legs and eventually orgasm. Orgasms become more powerful and long-lasting as she milks herself over time. Feels like orgasming through her nipples and vagina at the same time. Clit is swollen and throbs constantly above her lower lips. She is alarmed by the amount of fluids she squirts out into dress, has to bathe to try to erase evidence out of her fur. Feels too good to stop. Soaks her dress in the water to explain its wetness. Bunches up dress and pressed between her legs to try to soak up her juices. Grinds against it in a lustful fervor, soaking it.

Some time later Mary is crying, afraid she is losing herself to the cow. She thinks if she can put on old clothes maybe she can be like she was. Tries to put on her nicest clothes. Body is obscenely oversized for them. Somehow gets skirt up to the start of her hips while holding breath. But is physically impossible to move higher up. Barely covers her thick lower lips and treasure trail that leads to them. The skirt hem is feet off the ground due to her size. Fabric presses against her curves. Her pussy is defined enough that it presses against the skirt. Breasts pour out of top, she madly tries to stuff them into it but it agitates her hardening nipples. Is afraid to move, clothes creak. She lets out her breath which rubs her nipples and clit against the skirt. Begins to feel overly hot and tries to get to wall for support. Stumbles as hard pulse of lower muscles. Masturbates, tearing skirt with her hoof hand as she madly tries to put out the fire. Breasts tear open blouse and she cums all over floor, ruining the clothes as her body swells. Screams in agony and pleasure as hands rake the wall for support. Passes out and absentmindedly tears off the shreds of remaining clothes and walks to the barn for milking.

Husband follows pheromones from her heat cause them to begin to mate again as she is milking herself (haven't mated since Colt saw them at first night). Mary is coming off of a massive orgasm and cant stop herself from trying to suck Duncans cock. Admires how big he is. Has been trying to stay away, but cant help herself now. Is intoxicated by his smell and precum.

Duncans cock pushes down pants, balls rub against crotch of rough cloth. Duncan resists but cant help but give in as cums into Marys muzzle. Isnt satiated as they both rip off the clothes they have made for each other and mate for hours. Begin to mate every day multiple times a day, hiding from Colt. Sessions vary in roughness/love. Mary wants it rougher and rougher and Duncan cant stop himself from obliging. Feel guilty are breaking promise to Colt to not give into instincts, but feels too good to stop. Is producing more and more precum over time, just thinking about wife makes him start leaking.

Duncan masturabates madly when he cant reach wife, has massive erections in sleep, sometimes wakes up cumming. Same with Mary, she wakes up wet and can only ride orgasm, holding breasts. Both think about each others bodies. Cant keep hands off each other. Duncan wakes up buried deep inside Mary many mornings. Mary wont let him go, doesnt want to feel empty.

Mary tries to clean clothes that they can wear afterwards, sometimes the clothes are soaked through with their fluids and wind up mating again. Both feel shame about breaking promise to Colt and try to stop each other at various times. But cant help selves. Have to wash clothes before Colt sees. Mary makes more pairs with cloth requested Colt buy in town but more and more frequently forget to put them on or use them.

Parents give milk to Colt to sell. Colt is confused where they got it but then realizes where but is unwilling to acknowledge. Takes it to town to sell. Best milk in town. Eventually gets a following, gets higher prices and brings back increasingly large amounts of supplies and food for home. Gets a small cart to carry milk but doesnt want to buy an animal, dont know how parents would react.

When Colt arrives home his Mary pulls Colt aside and confides in him how hard it must be for him, how hard it is for her. Colt is having hard time dealing with how voluptuous and oversexed mom has become. Even as she is talking her top keeps falling off of her breasts to reveal her huge inflamed nipples.

Mom has always been very smart, loves his Duncan. Now tells Colt her body is driving her to have sex all the time, heat feels painful for her, she wanted to apologize for anything that may happen in the future if she lost control. Colt asks her if she can keep promise, she says yes, but is a lie.

She will always be his mom but mom's cow instincts tell her Colt is separate from her, "other" not part of herd. She fights it as she talks to him. She tells him not to be embarrassed by her body as she sees him looking away as she tries to get the top back over her breasts. She stops trying to get the top back on and removes her top entirely and tells Colt she isnt embarrassed by herself. Mary says thought it was strange at first, but now accepts it (sex with Duncan helps) . Colt pleads with her to put top back on, tries to hand it to her but she refuses and places Colts hand on her areola/nipples to try to make him understand, Colt recoils as he feels her hot flesh. Colt doesn't want to touch mom like that. Mary asks him to help her milk, Colt flat out refuses , Mary is confused/hurt that Colt won't acknowledge what she is now.

Next day, Colt discovers his Duncans trashed workshop in woods. Brings a smashed invention to his Duncan. Duncan doesn't acknowledge it at first but Colt keeps prodding. Duncan grabs it from him and smashes it fully. Colt is in shock. Colt tells him his dream was to finish that and sell it to make peoples lives easier. Duncan says that isn't him anymore and keeps plowing the field. Is now pulling the hoe instead of pushing, is in the position of the steer instead of the farmer. Duncan looks at smashed invention but then looks away, anger rising in him. He groans in front of Colt as his balls swell in his pants, his cock begins to peek out of his sheath, pushing into abused clothing. Rips tear down pants, exposing his thighs. Horns grow a bit larger and more fur turns white. Cock arches as it pushes down front of slacks, revealing top of throbbing tool. He pulls harder on the plow, hooves dig into the dirt as it coats the remains of invention. Colt retreats, Duncan is raging against his bridle, almost like animal. Later goes back and recovers invention parts from dirt, realizes hands are too big to manipulate it, realizes invention days are over and crushes it, leaves it destroyed in field.

Parents havent had secret sex all day, stop when see Colt come back. Mary and Duncan clean each other with mouths. Mary races in to start dinner, wants to hide it from Colt. Mary is making food but leaking down legs, fondles herself absentmindedly between stirs of food, still hot and bothered. Is only wearing top to hold her huge breasts, bottom of dress is torn off. Duncan still licking her juices off his muzzle enters and begin to have foreplay with each other. Mary says Colt will find them, tries to put Duncans cock back in sheath, but feels too good to stop. Her pleas decrease as she increasingly grinds against husband. Colt comes inside that night to find Mary on Duncans lap, his cock pressing against her stomach, fondling each other, their clothes torn/pushed aside/destroyed.

Duncans fingers prying at her folds opening her to the air, his cock slapping her stomach with pre, grinding against her opening. Neither realize are doing it in front of Colt. Colt is in shock, but cant look away, tells them to stop, but they don't seem to hear. Mom is supposed to be making food but she is just mooing and moaning. Colt asks mom to stop, to remember their conversation she starts to snap out of it, remember promise. Mary looks at Colt, eyes have tears, asks Colt to not look, tries to get out of Duncans clutches but Duncan thrusts cock into her and she moos in almost immediate orgasm, and regresses back into her own satisfaction. She is moaning to be milked as her nipples dribble liquid down chest. Colt grabs Duncans huge muscled arm and tries to get his attention away from his Marys breasts as he squeezes their contents over the floor/table. Both their eyes are glazed over as their hips pump and sexes squelch..

Duncan swats him away in a sexual daze (detaches hand from Marys breast), which throws him against the wall due to his strength. Colt's scream of pain causes Duncan to snap out of it to find his Colt bleeding against the wall. Wife hardly notices as she cums over and over all over her thighs and base of Duncans cock. Duncan realizes what he has done and can't deal with it, detaches from her and runs away. He is angry at self but increasingly angry at Colt for disturbing him, emotions fighting inside him. His anger and hormones mix causing him to cum in their field as he grapples with what he has become. Colt comes to, his Mary taking care of him, huge breasts hanging over him. She is entirely naked. She apologizes as she takes care of him, but he notices that her thighs and exposed flaring pussy are still slick with their juices. She licks the wounds with her tongue and they begin to heal quickly. Colt doesn't want to forgive her.

Duncan comes back after soul searching, realizes that he is becoming more animal than man and pledges to wife and Colt that it will never happen again. Its as painful for Colt to see Duncan in such pain that he is the one forgiving more than anything. Things improve for a while.

Mary goes out of heat, hasn't become pregnant, Colt is thankful. Mom is strangely happy/sad. Wasnt able to become pregnant except with Colt, always wanted a big family. Body wants to be pregnant, but human part of her doesn't want to be. Duncan and Mary almost entirely stop mating for a while. They stop wearing clothes entirely though. Duncan is still having urges but can control it, often his cock is soft/sticking out of sheath. Colt sees it peeking past his balls when he sees him bathing by accident. Colt sees parents nuzzling each other, they are still in love below all the monstrous features and lust they had. Milk production is down too, but is fine with Colt.

Colt is happy for a time.

Colt has spare time with Duncan and Mary doing so much of farm work and begins to clean up and try to sort through dads inventions. Finds a small geared assembly with a fan on it. Thinks it can be upscaled into a full on windmill to help grind flour out of their wheat. Right now Duncan and Mary sell it directly, he can do better he thinks.

Colt works on windmill, his gears are wooden and keep breaking as he carves them. Duncan discovers him, Colt shrinks away, prepares for Duncan to fly into a rage, but Duncan helps Colt instead. Duncan sees his old self in Colt. Duncan easily bends metal for around wooden gears so they don't break down. Asks Colt to help him do fine detail work. Colt and Duncans hands meet, show the size difference, both realize how different they are now. Colt asks if he can touch horns, Duncan agrees. Colt is amazed how solid they feel, is still unreal for him.

Colt and Duncan erect column and drive shaft, fashion paddles for windmill and build support structure. Duncan brings massive stones from river. Feels like old times, except Colt is acutely aware Duncan is a bull monster now. Colt is amazed by his strength. First time Colt has really talked with his Duncan in a long time. Feels like old times. Colt gathers courage to ask Duncan if it hurts to be a bull. Duncan is confused by question, says he is bigger, stronger and feels better than he ever has. Barely remembers what it was like before. Colt feels like Duncan enjoys this now, doesn't want to turn back. Asks Duncan the same. Duncan is taken aback, hasn't thought about himself as a human/becoming human in a long time. Colt is saddened by that.

Colt stares at Duncans package as they mount windmill on structure, Duncan is tall enough to reach without a ladder. Duncan notices him looking, asks if it embarrasses him. Colt lies that it doesn't. Duncan knows Colt is lying and puts down windmill fan and wants to show him that its just a part of him same as his horns or tail. Colt says those shouldn't be part of him either. Duncan gets angry, cock begins to become erect. Duncan doesn't realize as he approaches his Colt, pulling at his fur and asking if its so wrong, pulls at horns and then balls up fists. Anger surges in him. Asks Colt whats to be embarrassed about angrily.

Musk given off is overwhelming, precum gushing from cock onto ground. Colt is backing up every time Duncan approaches him, Duncan gets increasingly angry why Colt is afraid of him, snorting/huffing. Colt cant answer, Duncans huge cock is swinging in front of him. Colt falls down as he stumbles backwards, Duncan looms over him, cock bobbing inches from his chest, Colt calls out to Duncans humanity and Duncan snaps out of it. Realizes that cock is fully erect, has been drooling/foaming from mouth. Anger subsides, is sorry, helps Colt up, Colt flinches but accepts help. Duncan realizes he has gone too far and embraces Colt. Colt fights it at first, as is being pulled against erect cock, cock is just inches from under chin, feels heat and musk, urethra is huge, still wet from precum. Realizes his dad just wants to hug and embraces him back. Duncan doesn't even realize is hugging Colt against his tool. Duncan is so large that Colt's head is pushed into bottom of pecs and hands hug right above his ass cheeks. Colt reiterates that is so glad Duncan is in there and and not just cow. Duncan feels offended, cow himself are hard to differentiate now, Colt feels so small and weak in his arms.

They separate and finish windmill. Thankfully Duncans cock goes back into sheath, they dont talk about it again that day. Duncan is proud of Colt, is doing inventions and building that he cant. No wind blows so cant tell if working yet.

Colt and Duncan work together in fields and Colt is happy. Neither Mary or Duncan does anything especially embarrassing except their constant nudity. So much more farming is possible with Duncan and Mary's strength. Colt make special harnesses for them to wear so they can pull hoes more effectively. Colt doesn't consider Marys breasts when he makes harness for her, they laugh as she tries to put it on. First time they have all laughed together since transformation.

Crops come in and harvests start.

Colt notices that parents hooves are cracking from working/being in the field. Gets special shoes made for them. Cant get them applied in town by blacksmith but has him make some and takes them home. Takes some time/effort to convince parents that they need them. Duncan gets angry and cock begins to come out while talking to Colt, says they are fine as-is. Colt is stern and Duncan relents for once.

Applies shoes to Mary and Duncan, has them lay on bench outside. Tries not to stare at their crotches as he nails into hooves. Does mom first as she is the most accepting of the help. Tries not to pay attention but Colt notices that his mom's nethers are engorged and glistening. Her pussy/body grows as he nails in shoes, nails start popping out of hooves and he has to re-nail. Colt is panicked, asks her whats happening and she just moos, breasts get closer to ground as grow heavier. Colt holds onto her leg and begs hers to stop, more they grow the further away from themselves, their human selves, they get. Mary hips widen and ass plumps even more, batting tail is hitting him in the face. Colt is shaken but forced to concentrate to avoid looking at growth, her leg pushes on him. Mary kicks her legs as she feels her birth canal growing larger and burrowing deeper into her. Is leaking between legs. Regains her composure and tells Colt it's nothing as she grows more wet. Liquid pools on the bench. Colt finishes quickly as he can, trying not to look at her gaping privates.

Mary departs from bench after recovering herself. Duncan decides doesn't want the shoes but Mary convinces Duncan to submit, Duncan begrudgingly allows Colt to nail in shoes. Decides to sit instead of lay down. Nostrils flare from Mary's fluids pooled on the bench beside him. Colt can see father is trying not to lean down and lick at the fluids. Eyes dart to them and then away. Colt feels bad for father, sees him out of control. Dad's package is too close for comfort as Colt applies shoes. Has to look at his taught perineum/taint, jostling balls and ass/tail as he has to have Duncan get up to change positions. Duncan keeps shifting to allow room for his balls between thighs. Colt asks him to stop moving, already too hard for him. Colt has flashbacks to the hug after windmill. Colt notices that Duncans balls barely fit in his sac due to their ongoing growth. Duncan is snorting in Marys scent fully has a visible growing erection as stomps away once Colt is done without saying thank you.

Mary cant stop mooing and gyrating during dinner. Legs of parents touch bottom of table, table already uncomfortably tall for Colt. Colt suggests they sit on floor. Colt hears dripping on the floor from her chair and smells her scent. He wants to believe that its not what he thinks it is.

Colt comes to realization she is in heat again when Dad's cock lifts the table off the floor as he smells her scent. Cant deny it anymore. Both struggle to not copulate in front of son, hands are shaking as they try to eat. Table rocks on Duncans cock head, starts spilling food onto floor. Both are mooing/moaning. Colt begs them to hold it together, if they can only fight it once maybe they can stop it completely, the urges. Duncan is gouging table with his hands, so is Mary.

Colt realizes this is worse than letting them do it and gives in and tells them to do it outside so they don't break anything. Duncan grunts he doesn't need permission of Colt as anger/rage takes over, but quickly forgets as wife summons him out. They go and Colt has to cradle his ears as they mate all night, sometimes shaking wall of house as mom is plowed up against wall of his separate room.

Colt finds that more and more household duties are being undone, no fire started, clothes unwashed, etc. Duncan starts bringing Colt more and more milk again. His parents gradually bone and milk more and more often. Duncan isn't bringing the water to house anymore, Colt cant carry the pails so has to make many many trips to bring water. Refuses to drink the copious milk available. Parents fur color is changing, seem larger every day.

Their increasingly neglect weighs on him. The increased milk production causes them to make a lot more money, but Colt spends all day hauling milk and goods from market and back. Buys more donkeys to handle capacity and pays farmer to hold them for him. Colt is partially thankful keeps him away from their home. Colt stays out of fields where parents are as much as possible. Still stumbles upon Duncan masturbating in bed, his cock as thick as Colt's neck. Duncan sees him and doesn't even stop. Tries to get image out of his head of giant mooing bull-man with pre-soaked fingers but cant.

Colt wakes up and parents aren't anywhere to be seen, are passed out in the field outside. He tries to wake them up but they just groan and swat at him. Mary half-asleep begins to massage her cum-filled pussy and breasts, begins to grind against dad. Dad grips soft cock and begins to masturbate, also half-asleep. Colt shakes her to try to make her stop. She pulls him in to try to grind against him. She strokes his face with his Duncans seed and her juices, tries to force his head to suck her breast as she pleasures herself. Colt recoils in disgust, tries to get away, but even half-asleep she is too strong. She begins to cum, it wakes her up fully and she realizes Colt is there and he is terrified. She lets him go, is sorry but heat overwhelms her, makes her try to present herself to him but is squirting/spasming so badly she cant hold it together, legs kicking. Colt runs away into forest, she realizes what she has done after she stops orgasming, mind becomes clearer.

Colt hides in forest, hears Mary calling out to him. He hides. He peeks through a tree. She says she is sorry she doesn't know how its gotten so bad. Colt wants to go to her but cant deal with her right now. Mary pleads with him to come back but mid-speech her horns begin growing and her breasts surge, breasts are leaking down her chest. She collapses onto knees and begins to orgasm as her body grows, clothing tears from her body as she massages breast and crotch. Mary's cries for him to come back devolve into orgasm moans. Eventually Mary staggers back up and goes goes back, forgetting why she was out there to begin with.

Colt doesn't return for several hours, Colt sheepishly re-enters house and doesn't say anything to parents as they stop talking entirely. Mary gets up and hugs him, he hugs her back and sobs into her fur/breasts, he realizes that she is larger than she was this morning. As he squishes against her breasts she moos that her breasts feel too full. Duncan is holding back territorial feelings, bull bull inside tells him Colt is a rival and is taking his herd. Duncan manages to hold back. Mary puts Colts hands on her leaking teats and implores him to help her. Uses her own hands to guide Colt's to knead her teats before he can react. Colt withdraws and stumbles backwards, hands covered in Marys milk, is in shock. Its as if Mary has forgotten what she just tried to do to him earlier, which makes Colt even more sad/angry. Duncan's cock is fully out as he watches the scene unfold.

He quickly announces he is going to the market angrily/quickly storms out. He cant even look at them or make eye contact with them as he leaves. They quickly forget him and start milking/fondling each other. Duncan huffs at Colt like a defeated rival and begins sucking on moms breast, milk pouring down the sides of his mouth and down his chest.

Duncan sees Colts increasing distance and discomfort. Spontaneously offers to go fishing with Colt. Colt is confused as they don't eat meat, Duncan says thats ok, wants to spend time with Colt. Go fishing downstream from farm, in old fishing spot. Is very awkward and silent for a while as they sit on river bank. Giant bull with small Colt. But eventually open up, feels like old times. If Colt doesn't look at Duncan can almost imagine that Duncan is human again. Colt and dad have first good time with each other in a long time. Duncan uses large tree branch as pole as small ones aren't large enough for hands. Asks Colt for help threading string and hook. Duncan catches a fish but pulls too hard and loses balance, hoofs are no good on rocks and falls into water. Makes huge splash due to size. Colt laughs, seeing huge bull lose balance and hit water, feels good to laugh. Duncan laughs too and pulls Colt into water. Both are laughing and soaked. Are both standing in water, too deep for Colt to touch bottom but Duncan does easily. Duncan submerges head in water and "hunts" Colt like they used to, Colt says its too easy with the horns.

Both emerge from river, Duncan insists on giving Colt a piggy back ride despite Colt's protestations, Colt holds onto his huge horns for support as they jog through their expansive fields. Soaking wet fur on Duncan is flinging water everywhere, Colt finds grip on horns slippery when wet. Colt is so high up, has never been so high up is scared but also happy, tells Duncan is too high. Colt hasn't realized how huge and muscled Duncan had become. Dad leaps over some baled hay and asks if this is better than riding their dairy cow when Colt was little. They both laugh as Duncan carries him through the forest. Colt doesn't know why but begins to scratch dads long ear like he did with their old cows. Dad moos happily and leans into the scratch.

Colt sounds sad as well, knows that things will never be the same again in their family. Duncan comforts him and assures him whatever happens, even with their new family additions they will never stop loving him, won't let himself get out of control again. Colt doesn't believe him.

Colt is calmed and smiles down at dad, but asks him if they can start wearing some clothes again. Dad says maybe with grin.

Time passes, things are good again, Duncan suggests they need a larger home if they are going to have calfs. Duncans height is too much for existing house, has to duck because scraping roof beams with horns because of growth. Duncan begins to fell trees, Colt helps planning and directs dad where to put things. Goes very quickly with his strength. Colt still not comfortable with how his sheath and balls jiggle as he swings axe or carries lumber. Mary is getting so large she can barely stand, Duncan feels the calves kicking. Beckons for Colt to feel but he feels uncomfortable, but does anyway. Eyes widen as realizes there are more than one.

Duncan calls Colt from field one day. Has Colt sit and sits across from him on hay. Duncan is shifting uncomfortably, Colt smells wrong but is putting all effort into acting "human".

Asks Colt how he is doing, haven't talked much about Colt since changed into bull. Colt answers that things are as good as they can be, starts tearing up a bit. Wants to comfort him but stops himself as he reaches out, Duncan huffs, Colt doesnt smell right. Tries to focus and regains train of thought, puts Colt's hand in his huge hand, says that too much has changed. Looks Colt in eyes, says that he is having a hard time keeping the bull inside at bay. Doesn't know how much longer he will still be himself, his Duncan, begins to tear up himself. Is scared of what he is becoming. Colt doesn't know what to do with huge bull crying. Colt doesnt know what to do to comfort Duncan as bull sobs and heaves. Colt begins to to cry as well.

Duncan looks at Colt with urgent eyes and holds Colts shoulders. Tells him he should leave their farm, leave while Duncan is still himself. Before the bull he is becoming hurts him again. Duncan says something is changing in him, eating him away. Duncan is scared, scared how much he likes it. Duncan is shaking, is holding it back inside of him, muscles are bulging. Colt says he isnt going to leave, not until he can help Duncan and Mary be cured as he holds Duncans tear-stained muzzle.

Duncan detaches himself and tells Colt to go back to fiends as he turns away. Duncan pulls at his fur/body, is losing control. Wants to dominate Colt, rival male, Colt turns to say something to Duncan but Duncan urgently yells at him to go.

Duncan is shaking as he is holding himself back, teeth gritting. Reiterates more deeply/angrily that Colt has to go as he holds his head, groaning as the bull inside asserts itself. Colt goes just in time as Duncan starts tearing apart the hay that Colt was sitting on, massive body convulsing as he begins masturbating to cover the humans scent with his own.

Mary is mooing that her breasts are too full. Wants help to milk from Duncan, Colt hesitantly offers to help her. Mary has been trying to get him to milk her for so long that he is tired of fighting. Thinks it may be fine if he thinks about it like milking one of their cows. Marys is having a hard time milking herself, eyes are glazed over often as she strokes her belly, unable to take care of herself as her mammaries grow overfull. Breasts are even larger due to pregnancy. Colt hesitantly helps her to milking shed. Realizes that the floor is coated in dried cum and milk, smell repulses him. Helps her lay down and begins to tug at her massive breasts, almost touch the ground, has to have her lay on hay bales to raise her up enough. Milk flows in large spurts equal or more than their old cows, Colt is disturbed by his Marys moos. Starts out telling Colt he is doing a good job and near end is just mooing. Realizes that she is becoming sexually aroused the more he milks. He begs her to stop but soon she is orgasming, enough liquid gushes out between her legs that he thinks her water has broken. Her orgasm lasts a long time with multiple waves hitting her. Her breasts are pouring milk into pail without Colt touching her. Mary is bucking against bench, Colt retreats, doesn't want to watch.

As her orgasm she moos that she's too full still, Colt grits his teeth and keeps milking her breasts, she fills up several huge buckets. Her hips thrust against an invisible lover as he does, he almost runs away but keeps at it. She shudders from orgasms 2-3 more times. Mary becomes more lucid after milking, realizes what she has done and thanks Colt for helping her, expresses how horny she feels, describes what its like to be filled by Duncan. Makes Colt very uncomfortable. After incident Colt tells dad he has to help her, Colt cant take it. Dad starts having thoughts about not liking rival male touching his mate. Agrees it was a bad idea to have Colt milk her, but not for reasons Colt thinks.

Duncan and Mary talk about Colt at night with each other. Duncan describes heart to heart and Mary says that she has tried as well. Both say he doesnt feel right. Begin to think of themselves as more cow people than human, see humans as "other". Don't know what they are but they arent human. Grapple with their Colt being human. He doesn't smell right even with his baths. Grow tired of accommodating him, have to remind each other that he is their Colt more and more often. Don't know why Colt wears clothes, feels like he is protecting himself from them.

Next day Duncan tells Colt to not wear clothes, like them, Colt refuses. Duncan says to not be embarrassed by size of his tool, even if he is so small. Colt gets really embarrassed and asks them not to talk about his bits. Parents are confused. Colt tries to make them remember what it was to be human, but fails. They remember but cant fully grasp why he doesnt want to be nude now.

Colt walks in on Duncan resting in house. Is lying on his stomach, his cock in partially erect, huge cock is poking out past stomach. Snoring loudly. Duncan shifts at sound of Colts footsteps, begins to wake up. Cock begins to jump more and more erect as he sits up, half asleep still Duncan begins to absentmindedly kneads base of cock. Hands can barely fit around the monster as it jerks larger. Duncan is growing in front of Colts eyes. Is huffing and snorting animalistically, smears precum over its broad domed head. Colt tries to back away but misses the door and backs against the wall, pot crashes off wall onto floor. Duncan turns around, eyes jerk open wide and Duncan looks straight at Colt, fully awake. Turns towards Colt. Colt says Duncan is growing, has to stop jerking off. Duncan realizes what he is doing in front of Colt and tries to stop/tell Colt to get out but bull takes over as eyes transition from caring to full of lust and anger as his balls swell larger and tighter between legs. Makes eyes roll in head as bull hormones flood body causing him to moo in lust. Colt is speechless at the scene in front of him, Duncans cock is jutting hugely/heavily from between legs as it grows longer, trying to be dragged down by gravity but pointing straight at Colt. Duncan's hands grip cock harder, if anything he intensifies as balls jostle and roll under him, huge chest rising and falling as nostrils flare. Eyes are distant and unfocused.

Colt shrinks back, feels like he is cornered by a wild beast. Chokes out that he needs to leave, before he can get up and get out Duncan bolts out of bed, his huge bodies muscles are straining under his skin as grow slightly larger, shoulders widen. Duncan pins him against the wall, lifting his feet off the ground with his arms. His massive cock presses hard against Colts chest, almost touching his chin. Colt sees large urethra bubbling up precum. Begs Duncan to stop, is hurting him, as Duncan squeezes his arms in massive hands. His body is so much larger than Colts, pressing against him, feels like his bones are going to break.

Duncan huffs and grunts wordlessly. Colts pleads, Duncan begins to remember that Colt is his child. Parts of him are fighting inside, doesnt feel right but he lets go of Colt, Colt drops to the floor crying. Duncan moos as he grabs his face, its stretching, pre production increases and long thick strands leak all over his Colt. Colt staggers and crumples outside, thinks his Duncan is truly gone now as he hears Duncan mooing in lust and pain. The cow has taken him over. Colt decides to stay though, if town ever found out about them they would kill them.

Blacksmith is concerned with Colt and rides horse to come see him at the farm. Colt runs to intercept him as soon as he hears the hooves on the cobbles outside of their home. He hears his mother and father mating and tries to distract the blacksmith before he discovers them or, what Colt thinks may be worse, is if they discover the blacksmith. Colt manages to get the blacksmith to turn around despite bruises on his face from his father's assault.

Colt comes back from market to find parents boning in the middle of the road. They have grown, somehow even larger than they were before. They are definitely larger, Duncan has put on more than a foot in height and so has mom. Duncan is 9 ft tall, Mary 8ft. Colt knows he is completely losing them and loses it himself and yells at them in tears. Duncan becomes enraged and lunges at him mid-way through cumming in Mary. Thick ropes of cum launch into air as Duncan closes in on Colt. She cries for him to put it back in as his huge cock lays on Colt as he pins him to the ground, cock is a massive 17", much larger than it was before along with his body, large muzzle close to his face huffing out hot air. Duncan is hurting him. Musk of bull is overwhelming, makes him choke. Duncan is monstrously large 9 ft tall, huge horns. Balls as big as small melons lay on his legs.

Duncan won't let Colt interfere with his mating, tells him that no human can tell him what to do. Hand is large enough to almost span entire Colts chest. Colt thinks Duncan may kill him. Colt is in shock and cries out to his Mary, she manages to come to his aide, even though he is a human. Duncan roars at her to stay back and she falls in line. As Duncan yells his cock becomes somehow more engorged, leaking remnants of cum/pre onto Colt. Colt tells Duncan that the real him would never act like this. That his Duncan told him he would always protect him (callback). Duncan struggles a little but sees Colt as rival, wants to dominate his rival, rage and anger dominate him.

Cock grinds against Colt, leaking pre all over him, feels like it weighs a 100lbs. Grinds him against ground. Colt cries out, pleads turn into screams. Mary is mooing/crying. Colt's arm gets free and manages to grab a rock, smashes against side of dads face. Dad moos in a rage, his giant fist raising to smash his Colt but right before he almost does Duncan's eyes clear and soften, manages to pull it back together (flashes of raising child, child helping him invent, rushes through his mind).

Duncan collapses backwards, hands grabbing his head/horns, not sure what he was doing. His body is out of his control, his even larger cock is still jutting and leaking small river of precum down its length. His whole body shakes uncontrollably. Giant balls are hitching in their sac as they churn on the ground, his prostate driving him to mate. Mary tends to her Colt, her hands are shaking from a mix of concern and something else as well. Colt gasps for air, is shaking as well but is hit by sweeter musk. Sees that his Marys pussy huge and is flaring open, streams of fluid running down her legs. Tears stream down her muzzle, she is in heat he realizes and is taking all her willpower to not mate and take care of him. Her body is larger than she used to be as well, her horns and breasts are substantially larger as well. Her nipples all over him as she hugs him. He realizes that her stomach is swollen, she is pregnant.

Colt is relieved that his Mary is still in the huge cow she has become, sees it in her eyes. Colt thanks her for everything and tells her he has to talk to his dad. Mary pleads with him not to further antagonize him. Colt sees that she is horny, her nether leaking even though heat has long ended. Mary is reluctant to let him go. Colt feels determination, cant let this go on anymore. Colt lets her know he won't be long.

Colt approaches his Duncan who is now gripping his massive cock, mooing and sobbing. Colt isn't sure how much of his dad is in the bull still. Colt begins to conquer his fear of him, despite his new size and almost killing him, determination builds. Colt sits down next to him and lays a hand on his wide shaking back. Is surprised how much muscle is on fathers back. Tells him its ok, reiterates what his dad told him about protecting him. Knows dad is still in there, wouldn't have killed him, has almost given in many times but has never let the bull win. Duncan responds that he's not sure, hard to feel things like he used to, barely remembers what he was before. Colt asks him why he didn't change with them, would be so much easier for him. Sobs into Duncan's side.

Duncan registers his Colt is there and expresses how sorry he is, he admits he cant control himself, cant protect his Colt from himself. Reiterates that Colt has to go. Dad doesn't know how much of him is left. Colt forces himself to forgive, doesn't want to lose his parents. Even with all that has happened to him, he finds strength in himself. Colt tells Duncan he has to get it under control for their new family additions. Colt begs them to keep their mating down he worries they will completely lose themselves. Duncan is shocked, was unaware wife was pregnant, too busy having sex in daze. Duncan feels new feelings surging in him, wants to protect calves, is struggling to feel the same for Colt pleading with him.

Duncan huffs agreement to restricting their mating. Colt sees that Duncan is fading again though, promise isnt worth much as his huge balls hitch as is re-flooded with hormones. Duncan seems to almost immediately regress as Colt's mom hesitantly begins to pleasure herself and is moaning and writhing on the ground. Duncan almost pushes Colt over getting to her. Duncan begins cunnilingus on mom as her breasts leak milk, Colt quickly goes back to house so he doesn't have to see. Mary moos as Duncans almost 8" tongue pierces her insides, drinking of her juices. Colt in denial about Duncan, wants to ignore that he so quickly regressed, still thinks Duncan is in him. That he will keep promise even as Duncan begins mating with Mary.

That night family sits down for dinner. Colt is surprised are having dinner after what just happened, chest still hurts. Duncan hands Colt his rusty sword. Says that he has to use it if Duncan ever hurts him again. Sword seems too small in Duncans hands. Duncans eyes are dark and grim, he never wants to hurt his Colt again or let the beast inside him win. Colt take the sword but has never fought, not sure he could do anything if Duncan attacked again, especially given his even more imposing size.

Colt spends evening after chores hitting sword against log, but isn't any good, Dad tries to help but cant hold back his strength, was never a fighter himself and is clumsy, bad teacher. Colt persists without him. Dad admires his grit, finds the anger growing as he realizes why his Colt is trying to train, feels a deep sadness. His cock begins to emerge as he tries to put distance between them.

Mary is apologetic after milking incident and offers to read to him tonight. Colt hesitantly accepts, he hasn't been read to in ages. But he sees that mom wants to do something for him so he accepts. He tucks in for the night and mom enters, she is wearing some of the clothes they made so long ago. It fits far too tightly, went from obscene to lewd as they were smaller then (now confirmed). Clothing doesn't hide anything, her breasts are spilling out of the too-small top and nipples are obvious and most of her hips and side of her crotch. Colt sees she is trying though. The book she has brought was a book from his childhood, he begins to object that its for kids but decides not to. It goes smoothly but Mary seems to be having a hard time with the words as progresses. Colt isn't sure if she is distracted or her intelligence has decreased. Milk begins to leak out of her nipples into cloth. She is getting annoyed and begins shifting in chair, her muzzle is open and panting, trying to read with all her might. Colt is correcting her or filling in words she seems stuck on from memorization. She raises her voice that she can do it herself but gets stuck on a word as her body shudders.

Colt puts hand on book and lowers it, Mary puts it on her lap. He says its ok. She is crying/mooing and shaking. She doesn't know whats she is anymore. That she cant read disturbs her. Now she is pregnant, she doesn't know what her children will be like. Mary presses on the book between her legs. She cries that she cant help it, she just wants to have sex so much now. Thinks about Duncans cock all the time, Colt doesn't want to hear about it. Even with children on the way. Isn't fair to Colt, she feels like she is losing herself. Its not even the heat anymore, she just thinks about it all the time (thinks about Duncan's cock, feels empty), cant get it out of her head.

Colt smells her juice smell even though he isn't a cow, its familiar pungent sweetness. She paws at her too-small skirt and pushes it into herself with the book, she wraps her legs around it, humping the binding, he sees her wetness seeping into the cloth. She drops the book and tears at her skirt, revealing her huge wet lower lips. She begs him to help her, wants him to touch her, spreading her legs and diving into herself with her fingers, twisting her thumb-sized clit on her swollen mound. Pussy opening is large enough Colt could easily put his arm inside her. Milk is pulsing/pouring out of her breasts. Sex musk everywhere.

Colt is repulsed, but is shocked how used to this he has gotten. Colt tells her to leave him alone/go to his dad. She says she needs help now and begins to straddle him on his bed before he can react, his bed begins to creak from he weight. She begins to grind herself against his sheets, her pussy and hips are huge, she moos that she wants him to milk her, fluid soaking his sheets as she leans forward. Her opening spreads as she grinds herself onto him, her huge thick lips spreading. Colt is having flashbacks to dad grinding his cock against him, panics, his hands grasp at her stomach's fur to try to push her off, she is crushing his legs/crotch. Her massive breasts break through top, are so big/heavy as they bounce on chest.

Colt is being smothered by her breasts as she lays forward, fully wrapping him in her body, 450lbs of pregnant anthro cow writhing against him. Breasts are quite a bit larger than his head. Colt cant breath as Mary grinds her hips against him. But as she snorts in his smell, she stops. He doesn't smell right. Smells not-cow, smells human. She rears up and pushes arms against his chest, almost crushing him, pushing Colt deep into hay mattress. Mary seems repulsed but not for the right reasons, that she tried to mate with a not-cow. Bed suddenly breaks as weight is too much and throws her backwards off onto the floor.

Marys legs are still spread wide as the heavy thud of her landing on back sends shock into her pussy and she begins orgasming and squirting, soaking her thighs/legs/butt. Hands pull at her breasts as she rolls on the floor riding her heat. Colt is panting hard as he can breathe as she orgasms on the floor, he is crying and in shock.

Mary is mooing/crying in apology to Colt, wants to console Colt but the orgasm is too strong, feels too good.

As last waves of orgasm fade she realizes what she almost did, what she thought of the Colt. Colt is curled up into corner, trying to hide from her, she tries to go to him but he recoils. She crawls on her hands and knees, unable to get up because torn skirt bunched around her calves. She tries to apologize again but moos in need as her horniness takes control, fresh liquid leaks between legs onto floor. Her hips widen and her horns grow larger.

Colt screams at her to go. She is past shame and begins to masturbate in front of him as she finally gets upright, fully destroying the clothes she made for herself as her tail swishes behind her. Fur soaked in her fluids/milk. Reveals her thick folds to him, tail is whipping around, she is gushing down her legs as she masturbates standing up, kneading her huge breast with one hand and delving into herself with the other. Her fluid pours onto her tattered clothes and book. Nipples spurt long arcs of milk as she moos and moans.

Duncan hears the commotion and takes her out of the room, glaring at Colt like he has done something wrong. Once she is gone and Colt collects himelf, he picks up the abused book, its very wet and stinks of her juices . He holds it and looks at its soaked pages, the letters staining down the pages, he realizes his childhood is long over now. Colt throws it into fire, despite its value, as he hears his Duncan and Mary grunt in familiar throws of sex, walls shaking.

Week goes by, Colt avoids parents as much as he can, Mary cant look him in the eyes anymore. He feels similarly. Duncan ignores him, is trying to fight the instincts to battle/attack him as a rival, anger rises in him when he sees Colt, cock grows erect and he huffs. Is easier for Colt to avoid him. Parents mate all the time now, even farming seems to not happen. Mary is absolutely massively pregnant. Duncan is 9 ft and Mary 8 ft tall, beastial, feel dangerous to Colt.

Doesn't hear them talk, is afraid that they have lost the ability to do anything but have sex. Windmill is broken by one of their sessions but Colt is too scared to bring it up. Eats separate from them in his room or outside. Has to sneak past them to go to bed, sees their eyes following him before they go back to mating or foreplay. Duncans gaze is especially worryingly angry and animalistic, like eying prey or a rival. Mary looks like she wants to say something to him but is pulled away by Duncan's cum and juice coated fingers.

Duncan writhes in field as almost final transformation takes him, white fur progresses up his neck. Body is growing and Duncan feels like his mind is being overwhelmed. Spots Colt out of the corner of his eye as he is writhing in the dirt. He thinks of his son, not wanting him to see him like this, but the more he thinks about it the less he cares. Is aware of self enough to realize that the empathy for his son is disappearing. He realizes that after this transformation he is going to lose all care for his human son. Duncan begs to nobody in particular to not take his son from him as his body grows larger, hands swelling and gripping the ground and the white fur consumes the last of his black fur on his muzzle. Cock grows erect and falls heavily against the ground, putting on additional girth and length, pushing a ditch into the dirt as he moos and cries. Precum pours from his urethra, creating a growing pool in the arid dirt. The dirt cant absorb the volume fast enough. The final changes wrack his body.

Tears pour from his eyes down his muzzle as his care for his son is pushed away by the powerful hormones surging through body as his prostate swells. Balls push against his inner thighs as they grow heavier and thicker, his muscled ass cheeks push out. By time the changes are done he isnt sure why he was crying, begins to cum powerfully in field, feeling the strength and size of his now complete 9 ft tall body. His hands can barely get around his larger tool as he begins to masturbate, his libido rages through his body. Balls are monstrously large and swollen and need to be emptied as he pleasures himself. Hands are all over himself, gripping girth and length as well as squeezing balls. Once he starts cumming he scoops salty cum into his muzzle to taste himself. Moos and moans deeply with his own cum making thick strands between his teeth.

Parents go through all their food, water, aren't bringing milk for him to sell anymore, both grow angry at lack of food, tell Colt so, only time they talk to him in weeks. Mary protects Colt from Duncans aggression but is increasingly apathetic to all but the most severe responses. Colt realizes he is losing Mary too.

Colt tries to sleep but parents are fondling each other and mooing incessantly as they do every night. Colt walks into kitchen to find Mary spreading her legs after being cum in by Duncan, huge pussy lips still engorged and dripping wet, her thick pussy lips spasm in orgasm.

Mary's water breaks as she cums again, pushing out Duncans cum in the surge. She collapses backwards. She is half screaming/moaning as her her birth canal stretches hugely. Her final transformation occurs while she is giving birth, her body growing as is struggles to push out her new calves. Horns stretch as her face grows, breasts grow bigger and heavier as torrent of milk leaks out over her chest, arms and stretching pussy. Her nipples surge larger and harder as they extend to 2.5 inch long teats and her areola are the size of dinner plates. Her clit grows swollen and larger as her lips below thicken and open to allow birthing. She is having multiple orgasms as she pushes the calves out of herself, her height growing to a full 8.5 feet tall as she bathes the calves in her birthing and orgasmic fluids.

Head of the first calf begins to peek through. Colt wants to help but is torn, has helped birth calves before, but not with his own Mary. Duncan is imposing and acting aggressively, huffing and snorting as he paces, Colt unsure if he should help, Duncan looks like he may kill him. After indecision Colt decides to help but Duncan pushes him away, protective instincts overwhelming him. Duncans eyes are wild and feral, Colt is scared again Duncan is huffing and snorting like a wild animal, pacing but not helping. Duncans huge cock jiggling between legs due to his protective instincts and excitement, pre splattering the floor mixing with Marys huge amount of fluids.

Colt ignores the massive erection and tells his dad that he can help him, he has helped with many cow birthings. Colt gets sheets and water but Duncan bats them to the floor and pushes him down. Duncan snorts at him that he is tired of doing things human ways as he breathes in Marys birthing pheromones, his cock becoming even more engorged. Colt manages to escape his grasp but not before the pheromones wrack Duncans body causing thick ropes of bovine cum to splatter his face and chest.

Colt washes himself in the stream and feels a little better, but still feels the scalds on his skin where the cum hit him. No amount of scrubbing makes it go away. Colt waits all night outside again, reminds him of the early days, makes him wonder what he will do. Knows he has to leave. He hears his moms stressed mooing as she gives birth for what seems like hours. It goes on so long he doesn't know if she is actually being mated, he doesn't care.

He approaches house in the morning and his Mary is asleep in a pile with what looks like 5 calves, but they are humanoid like them in a variety of fur colors. One opens its sleepy eyes and looks at him, eyes sparkle with intelligence, make soft sounds like human babies almost.

Colt tries to find some food to eat, but tries to stay quiet to not wake them. Not out of consideration but fear. He hadn't seen his Duncan like he was during birthing, is dangerous. Colt turns and Duncan is suddenly there. His realizes that his fur has turned entirely white. Cock is massively erect, eyes look wild. Colt hesitatingly greets him, Duncan grabs him and pulls him against his erect cock. Duncan roars why is he here. Balls slap against Colt's chest, knock wind out of him. Duncan grunts that he wants to make him smell right, make him like them. Cock is leaking enormous amount of precum. Colt tries to make him stop but Duncan tries to rip shirt from Colts shoulders, make him more like them, naked.

Colt escapes Duncans grasp due to lubrication as his Duncan tears the shirt off him. He staggers backwards and collapses against Mary, who was awakened by the struggle, and is enveloped in the cleavage of her huge breasts.

Colt thinks he is safe, thanks his mother even as his weight causes her breasts to leak milk. But Mary pushes him away, telling him to not touch her or her babies. Colt is pushed to floor again. Mary realizes what she has just said and recoils. She almost apologizes but then hardens, realizes that she did mean it. Everything about human seems wrong, smell and look. Maternal instincts for calves is stronger.

Colt realizes he has lost them completely, has taken so much but cant take anymore.

Colt announces he is leaving as anger boils over. Duncan moos angrily and tells him they don't need a human in their herd anymore anyway, he makes things difficult for them with his human ways. Duncan realizes what he has said but he also feels that its true, conflicting emotions of what's left of his human and more dominant bull side. Colt begins to frantically pack his few belongings. As he turns to leave Duncan throws at him all the money they have saved and earned from their crops and milk. Colt rejects offering at first, but Duncan says they don't need human money. Colt realizes what that means and hesitantly takes it.

Colts anger is mixed with regret as he leaves towards town, he can't bear to look back. Mary moos/cries in sadness but Duncan seems more angry. Mary gets distracted by calves and goes to tend to them, feeding with breasts. Doesn't think of the strange human that is gone from herd, but regret nips at her and she cant explain why.

Once Colt disappears Duncan rips up trees/punches trees in anger after Colt leaves, does it for hours, doesn't know why is so angry. Why Colt makes him so angry. Humps/cums all over tree as his horns/face grow for the last time, back stretches as he collapses to knees, sobbing and mooing, swollen balls drag on the ground between huge thighs as all his fur turns pure white.

Colt finds lodging in town with innkeeper that has always been kind to him. Hides the money and why he cant go home. Town doesn't question him as they think his parents are dead, and their homestead is too far away to be worth investigating any further. Colt says raiders killed their new cows as well. Town has had so many losses that nobody questions him. Sometimes he thinks he can hear parents distinct mooing in the distance.

Colt accompanies the traveling salesman that used to buy their milk into the city, wants to find a way to reverse what was done to his parents.

Journey to city takes many days, halfway through he trip they are ambushed in the dead of night. Colt hears horses screaming/neighing. Sees a huge bull emerge from the darkness, illuminated by fire. Thinks its his Duncan, tries to stop him. But soon realizes isn't his Duncan at all, but another anthro bovine. And then realizes he isn't alone, many cows with him, all anthro but at least 2 ft shorter than Duncan (8 ft or so tall).

Merchant is freaking out, tries to run and cow tackles him to ground, Colt is afraid but also unfazed by cows, Has seen them before in parents, but is shocked that there are more. Wonders if were cursed the same way as parents, if are anything alike he knows he can't reason with them.

Cows take everything, kill horses, but don't eat them (Colt knows the cows are vegetarian). Enslave humans, add to large group of humans already captured. Are heading towards village to raid it, easier than city. Colt sees horn symbol on their armor same as what parents described on coin. Cows are armored/dressed but very utilitarian, very few have anything on below the waist. Some cows press up against human slaves as they march them, people are crying/screaming. Colt sees them release and throw weak humans into the woods, probably die from impact.

Cows stop suddenly outside town, leader sniffs the air. Says he smells like kind. Diverts raiding party and slaves towards the smell, away from town. Colt realizes they are going towards his home.

Leader stops at edge of their house. Colt cant believe he is back, swore to never return. Things look different but the same, hurts his heart. Is only human slave unafraid of the cows. Leader smells male bull, says smells powerful, Colt cant smell anything. Leader and several younger bulls approach home as rest hang back. Colt tries to shout out to warn parents but is leashed and punched back into line.

Bull breaks down door and Colt hears sounds in home as other bulls rush in after him. But not as much as expected. After a short time there is movement. His heart sinks to feet as he sees his Mary and Duncan coming out with them. Even at distance can tell is Duncan due to white fur color, Mary and Duncan stand feet above most of the rest of the bulls. They have 5 small cows with them, are already much larger and walking, only been a few weeks.

Leader brings them to meet other cows. Parents put his bovine sisters/brothers back in house before joining them. Colt feels a pit in his stomach seeing them so caring with new siblings. Doesn't know how to feel about them, is angry and resentful, but also sad.

Duncan glances towards humans and Colt and Duncans eyes meet. Colt isn't sure what's going through his head, didn't leave well. Duncan turns back to cows without any indication of recognition besides the lingering gaze. Leader notices the faint interest and brings them over to humans. Says that he keeps them for labor and pleasure. Kills one in front of them, Duncan and Mary flinch slightly but dont protest. Leader walks them down the line, Colt thinks to call out to them, ask them to help but instead hangs head, cant bear to look at them as they pass. He thinks they have betrayed not only him but their humanity. Can feel them looking at him, but cant bear to look at them. They have betrayed everything, are joining the very raiders that took everything from them, caused this all to happen. Colts teeth gnash in his mouth as he feels anger well up.

Leader offers that they can have some fun with the humans, despite their size, has some new fresh ones. Leader expresses amazement at parents size and inspects their bodies. Leader grabs Marys breasts, says he has never seen so large, elicits several weak streams of milk that coat some of the humans. She moos in pleasure, asks him to stop, leaders' hand cups her her crotch but Duncans hand grabs his wrist away before he does, huffs in anger, wordlessly. Leader admires Duncans strength, grabs Duncans huge balls, admiring size, Duncan swats him away. Bloodies leaders muzzle, makes him smile and laugh, says has a good use for him. Not sure why are way out in this farm.

That night cow raiders set up camp around homestead, raiders share food with his Duncan and Mary. Colt and slaves are sequestered into barn, hear laughing and sex sounds from outside, cows have setup fires. Colt doesnt believe he is locked in his own barn as a slave. Female cow opens barn door and says that humans are needed, Colt sees fresh cum leaking from her exposed snatch. Most humans recoil towards rear of barn. Colt stands there, is too tired to run, knows too much to fight. She grabs him and pushes him towards the door and then grabs several other screaming/sobbing humans to join him.

She warns them to not run or she will kill them. She leads them to the huge fire where all the bulls and a few females are sitting around it. Colt sees Duncan at the fire, his head/eyes follow him. Colt damns his own anger, needs Duncans help or they may kill him. Tries to call out to him for help but the female cow prods him onwards. Duncan is larger than any other cow in the circle. She points him towards a scarred bull on the far side of the fire. He doesn't understand, she pushes him in the back as he staggers forward onto the ground in front of him. Bull is dark-colored, huge balls resting off the side of the log on which he sits. Colt sees other slaves being pushed towards the other bulls, few females are fighting over one of the human males.

Scarred bull plays with sheath and demands he come closer. Colt resists, for a moment but sees a wildness in the bulls eyes similar to his Duncans and hesitantly obliges and bull hoists him onto his lap, presses Colt's face against his stomach. Grabs Colts sides and begins to grind him against his tool. Colt feels flat head of cock and sheath through his pants. Is large, but not as large as he remembers Duncan being.

Cock begins to become erect, is pungent and leaking as he is trapped between bulls wide chest and tool. Sees other humans undergoing similar treatment. Duncan even has a woman still on the ground, hefting and massaging his huge balls in her hands, but they are almost too much for her, Duncan's head thrown back in pleasure as he grips his own huge growing member.

Colt cries out for help as cock begins to become larger in front of him and the bull becomes rougher/hurts Colt. Colt abandons any qualms about calling out to Duncan and calls out to Duncan to please help directly. Scarred bull laughs that his Duncan isn't here to help, doesn't realize Colt is calling out to the giant white bull. Colt begs/pleads as the scarred bull wipes thick dollops of pre across his face, pushing his head towards the head of the rising leaking cock thats between them, urging him to suck it despite the head being larger than the Colt's mouth. Colt pleads if there is anything left of his father to help him.

Duncan hears the faint screams even as he is drowning in his own lust. When saw Colt, felt disgust, disgust that human was Colt, but also guilt, bull and whats left of human sides cant reconcile why. All humans looked and smelled funny. Remembers Colt, but doesn't feel anything towards him when saw him in the shackles. Cows felt right, his own people. Jolts of pleasure rupture through him at human pleasuring his balls. But Colt's pleas becomes louder in head, hurts him and interferes with lust, but isn't sure why. Pleasure is being subdued by the screams, remembers him raising Colt, how long wife and him tried to have children. He lowers his head from his rapturous pleasure and he looks over to the human being abused in the bulls lap. Anger wells up in him, uncontrollable anger, is just a human but has to act. His cock becomes hugely painfully erect from anger more than lust.

Duncan gets up, knocking woman pleasuring him backwards as his balls slap her face as he steps over her. His long cock swinging between his legs as he approaches the scarred bull. Scarred bull is too preoccupied with Colt to notice. Duncan tells him to stop. Bull looks up in surprise, laughs. Sees Duncans huge erection and tells Duncan he can have him next if he isn't broken. Duncan punches him in his wide snout, hand is larger than the bulls head, throws him backwards. Cow yells in pain as snout is bloodied. Duncan grabs Colt before he falls with the bull, scarred bull's hooves kick in air as he holds his face mooing in pain.

Duncan sets Colt down next to him, Colt gasps thank you, Duncan seems preoccupied/doesnt hear his acknowledgement. Duncan is distracted by leader heading towards them. Leader bull pushes human pleasuring him off and throws him to the side. Rushes at Duncan. Colt hides behinds Duncans sinewy muscled thigh, nowhere else to go, surrounded by cows. Leader doesn't exchange any words as they lock horns and hands as they struggle, both cocks are fully erect and slapping each other as they push, muzzles almost meeting in the middle. Duncan is much larger in body and cock size but leader is more battle-hardened. Colt tries to put some distance between them, but sees other cows getting up and heading towards them, backs up into Duncan's huge jiggling ass cheeks as he continues to struggle with leader bull. Nowhere is safe, Colt thinks cows will kill him if he leaves Duncans side.

Colt has to dodge Duncan's huge hooves as they kick the ground for traction, the balls between his thighs are jostling for position and slap Colt in the back as he tries to stay close to Duncan, almost nestled in his Duncan's huge round ass cheeks. Duncans thick tail swats him in the face, knocking him to ground. Colt tells Duncan that more are coming, they have to escape. Duncan roars as his hands crush the leaders with raw strength, he head butts him, horns clacking loudly. Leader staggers backwards as Duncan grabs his horns with hands and breaks one off, stabbing it into leaders chest. Leaders eyes are wide in shock, doesn't understand why, Duncan is one of them.

Duncan roars/moos in triumph as he conquers foe, tossing him to the ground. Turns around to find Colt cowering away from other cows approaching them. Duncan instinctually pulls him tight, memories of Colt are bubbling up slowly, realizes why he is angry, what he is fighting for. Precum leaks down Colts back, but Colt is too afraid of other cows to be bothered, and presses himself closer to Duncan, despite his huge erection he is pressed up against. Duncan looks down, they lock eyes for a moment. Colt doesnt know what Duncan is thinking. Colt cant stop tears from form in eyes. Duncan is breathing hard, Colt is afraid he may attack him but instead Duncan looks up and roars at the other cows that he is the leader now. Having dominated the leader bull and if they want to challenge him come forward. Most cows stop, some seem hesitant but keep approaching. Duncan releases Colt, kneels down so that eyes can meet. Colt cries out as damn of emotion breaks, hugs Duncans neck, can barely get arms all the way around him. Says he is sorry, sorry about everything. Duncan says that he is the one that should apologize, reiterates that he will always protect him (call back).

Cows are confused why bull is hugging human, but after witnessing his power they are afraid to approach. Duncan stands as scarred bull finally gets to his feet, tries to come at Duncan but Duncan grabs him by his horns, his cock surging. Scarred bulls eyes widen as he realizes what Duncan is going to do, overpowers him easily. Duncan groans as his cock goes to full massive erection, pre leaking everywhere. Colt has never seen Duncan like this, can only watch as he sees Duncan forcibly bend the smaller bull over and insert cock into him. Scarred bull is screaming that its too large. Duncan roars that he will never touch his Colt or endanger his herd again as he takes him angrily, scarred bull crying for mercy, Duncan holding head in a headlock as he mates him.

Scarred cow begs him to stop but cant get off of Duncan as Duncan lifts his thighs into the air, Duncan is bobbing bull's huge body on his massive shaft. Their balls slap together as Duncan hilts, Duncans are much larger than the scarred bull's. Protestations decrease as Duncan dominates the bull totally, soon the scarred bull is reduced to a moaning gurgling beast in front of Colt. Ropes of cum spurting from the scarred bulls cock. Duncan cums into him over and over and finally withdraws from him as he is still cumming. Duncan lets scarred bull collapse to the ground and cums all over cows back with last few thick ropes of his own jism. Duncan looks around to other cows and asks if anybody else wants to challenge him, fists clenching, massive muscles bulging.

Female cow, same as brought the humans to the fire from the barn, lunges at Duncan from across the fire. Huge breasts jiggling in her armor. Duncan overpowers her easily, pushes her to the ground. Is positioning his still erect cock to take her. Colt shouts that he can stop, doesn't need to do this, they can leave, think about Mary. Duncan looks up at Colt, says he cant control it, can't stop himself. The bull inside him is too strong, smells all the sex of the cows around him and has surging feeling of wanting to dominate them. Female cow tries to help Colt reach Duncan, but is being overtaken by his pheromones. Begins to grind against Duncan. Before Colt can stop him he begins to thrust into the cow, dominating her as well, as sucks on her breasts has enough willpower to grab the human slave chain keys off her hips and toss in front of Colt before roaring into sky as he orgasms, muzzle flinging juices as he revels in the pleasure. Has sacrificed last of humanity to help son as the bull finally fully overwhelms him.

Other cows begin to have sex around them, dropping their weapons, the pheromones of Duncan driving them to mate. Colt grabs keys as they land in the dirt. Duncan dismounts the female. Colt tries to stop him from continuing to mate, doesnt care about the mating, but wants them to leave, can be free of the cow raiders as pushes on his hips, but Duncan's body is too powerful and pushes Colt's feet into the ground. Colt pleads with him, but falls on deaf ears. Colt grabs Duncan's tail, tries to get attention but Duncan moves forward ignoring him, pulls him without any effort. Duncan has become massive bull driven to mate above all else.

Duncan grabs a much smaller bull mating with a female and pulls him off, smaller bull screams as his cumming cock is forcibly removed from the female. Colt screams what is he doing, isn't too late. Duncan groans that herd must be taught a lesson. Colt who its leader, his words becoming rough and animalistic, hard to understand as he begins to mate with female in other males place despite her initial protestations. Colt has to let go as Duncan begins to thrust into new cow, too close to the sex, sees Duncans balls heaving. Soon new cow is submitting to him as well, he holds her horns as he spreads her larger than she has ever been spread before. Colt has to look away.

Colt sees/realizes his Mary is among them being mated. Mary is taking a young bull herself Colt tries to reason with her instead, is cheating on Duncan. He tries to pull her off of bull but she ignores him too as she pulls the smaller bull into herself. Colt is partially trapped between the two mating, the young bull is too wrapped in Marys huge thighs to protest human interrupting their love making. Colt is splashed with her milk, choking. Mary's cognition is clouded by need to be filled, doesn't care about anything else.

Duncan suddenly pushes Colt aside and dismounts the bull inside his Mary. Mary screams in protest as she cums all over them both with massive squirting orgasm. Colt can only watch as Duncan mates with his Mary like all the others, cum and juice from other mating coating his cock as he enters her. Ducan didnt save him on purpose, only wants to mate with a female. Duncan doesn't seem to notice its his wife, she is no different from the other females.

Some younger/smaller bulls are adventurous and try to mount Duncan from behind as he mates Mary but he roars at them when he feels them begin to stick their cocks between his huge ass cheeks. Wont abide any challengers as he abandons Mary's clenching pussy for the bulls that tried to mount him, captures two at the same time, holding onto their horns. He lowers his grip onto their cocks, huge hands wrapping around their tools, almost lifting them off the ground by their crotches. Forces both to the ground, forces one to enter the other and Duncan enters that bull, making a chain of roaring bulls and cocks. Duncan rotates the bulls so he takes both of them. Previously dominated bull massages and licks Duncans huge balls in sexual stupor, still cumming lightly between his own legs as Duncan takes the 2nd bull. Duncan's inner bull in full control of him, only instincts are to rut and grind as many of the cows around him to show dominance. Has completely forgotten Colt as he eyes the cows/bulls hungrily and foams from the mouth.

Duncan dominates cow after cow, at least a dozen bulls and cows by Colts estimate, but cant properly count. Every mating he becomes rougher, more animalistic, foam comes from his mouth as he hilts himself over and over. Balls are heaving, seed being produced as fast as he can deposit it, his body seems like its made only for sexual domination as he reduces the cows to a moaning/mooing mess in front of Colt. There are still a good 20-30 cows grouped around them having sex, Duncan seems intent to mate with every single one of them. Colt has never seen anything like it, is a giant orgy of massive cows with Duncan in the center. Colt calls out to Duncan but Duncan is just rearing head and mooing animalistically as log-sized cock pumps in and out of cow after cow. No recognition in his eyes, just wildness.

Colt is too shocked by scene unfolding, forgets the keys. Remembers suddenly. Runs to free the human slaves. They are confused how Colt got the keys, where the other cows are. Colt hears the roaring/mooing in the distance and doesn't tell them, just have to go. Colt hesitates to leave but doesn't think he can get through to parents in their current state.

Colt and slaves retreat to his town, arrive and shelter for night. Colt returns to home in the morning but finds farm a wreck, nobody to be found, no cows, etc. Ground is heavily trampled where his parents were the night before, ground saturated with fluids. Colt feels abandoned, alone. Goes into their house and finds wooden necklace Mary used to wear in parents bedroom, takes it only thing he takes to remember them. Realizes too much is ruined, too many bad memories in house. Even parents at their worst was better than no parents at all. Doesn't think they will be coming back, if there is anything left of them at all. Colt sets the huge house on fire and leaves.

New Shift

The peloton passed Katie with the power of a freight train. There was nothing she could do as the click of gears and heavy breathing of her competition whooshed passed her on the long open stretch of highway. Legs burning she tried to push harder, the...

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The Job - Part 10 - Resistance

Chapter 10 - Resistance * * * Stan needed to mate desperately. He didn't care about another possible attack from the wolf as he released the subdued creature's arms and began manically tearing at Blue's clothing. His large fingers pulled hard enough...

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The Job - Part 9 - The Auction

Chapter 9 - The Auction * * * "Ready?" the voice called out from behind the figure. Sighing the dog-thing reached behind its back and pulled out a long metal rectangle. With a flip of the creature's wrist, the rectangle expanded and cracked open...

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