Mewtwo Makes a Master Part 4

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Barret and Azalea hash out what they both need out of this, and he shows her what he had been held back by for all this time.

Commissioned by Sonic232

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Mewtwo Makes a Master

Part 4

for sonic232

by Draconicon

Barret hadn't realized just how draining it could be to be part of a Psychic's psyche until just that moment. Having been assailed with all the knowledge and power that Mewtwo kept to himself, having been the one to finally see just how much power that the Psychic type had to his credit, he felt like he had been completely overwhelmed, like something had come within inches of burning him out from the inside. The sheer exhaustion was enough to make him wish for sleep, for the sweet endless darkness of that oblivion.

The only thing keeping him from it was Azalea, and the fact that he knew that she deserved some answers for everything that had happened so far. The Gardevoir sat across from him in the small room in the Pokemon Center, and his eyes were everywhere but on her.

At least, until she turned his head with a bit of her power. He resisted for a moment, but then he was made to look her in the eyes.

"You said that you would do it, Barret."

"I know. I know."

"If you don't start talking with me...we need to be honest, and you know it."

"I know."

"Why are you so..."

"...I..." He sighed, the horse rubbing the back of his head. "I don't know. I keep...I want to be something, but I don''s hard to explain."

She nodded, the Gardevoir pressing one hand to her chin as she thought. The grip on his head eased, and he was tempted to look away. That temptation lasted all of a second before he pushed it away. That would have been more than slightly disresepectful, and if there was one thing that he did want to give Azalea right now, it was the respect that she deserved. She had gone through hell with him during their training, and more afterward, with trying to have a relationship with him, and she deserved the same support from him that she'd given him throughout their time together.

So, he sat quietly, looking down at the ground as he breathed slowly. It was mostly to recover, to stop feeling so flighty. He had been doing better, going further than he had been the first time that he had melded with Mewtwo, but once he saw what the possibilities were, once he realized just how far the Pokemon's power could go, he couldn't help but want to break away. Some part of him, no matter how horny, just couldn't go for that sort of power level.


He looked up as Azalea spoke. She rubbed the back of her head.



"I have psychic power too, you know."

"...Are you saying -"

"We can't merge, not the way that you and he can. That was a different level of power, and there's no way that I can carry off something like that. But we can come together, our minds touching, and...maybe that way you can be honest in a way that you can't when we're just talking?"

" not a bad idea."

And it would mean that he might not need to say things all the time. He could go through things, show what he had instead of talking about it. That way, she could see what he had gone through, and more to the point, she would be able to pick out things that he might have missed the first time around. That was a win-win for the both of them, as far as he was concerned. The only thing that was off about it was, of course, the fact that she was having to do it for him once more, and that she had to offer it without him commanding it.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead. The fact that his psychic, his girlfriend, wanted him to take such control was something that he believed, now. He had seen it in her mind, had had her say it multiple times. She meant it. Why was it so hard for him to believe that?

The easy answer was because nobody else had been that good to him, and he had been taught that being that grasping, that wanting, that commanding over others was a good way to get people to hate him. It had been drilled into his head over and over and over again, and every time he had been made to believe it that much more than before until every little fantasy that popped into his head about dominating someone was met with the emotional equivalent of a brick wall falling on it, trying to smother it and kill it. He groaned, rubbing his head at the very idea of going through something like this, but he knew...he knew, deep down, now that Mewtwo had started this, that there was no way of going back. Not without going back to lying to himself once more, and that would hurt much more now.

He took a deep breath, pushed it out, and then looked Azalea in the eyes. He nodded.

"Alright. Let's try it."

"Okay. This is going to be...less violent than what happened with him. And slower."

"I'm good with that."

"I'm going to reach out for you with my power. You will need to reach out and take it."

"Just touch it, or..."

"I said 'take it.' In this case, I'm sorry, but that's what I mean."

Barret nodded. He imagined that this was also a good way for him to start putting himself together, to learn how to be a good dom, a good top for her, and that was something that he welcomed the lessons for. He wanted to be the sort of man she needed, but...but he needed her to know what he was. Everything that he was, not just the parts that she wanted him to be, or the things that he fantasized about being.

He needed her to understand the pains that came with this. If she didn't, then there was no point in taking this further.

The Gardevoir folded her hands over her lap, and he copied her pose, getting as comfortable as he could on the couch as she sat on the bed. They looked one another in the eye, and he could see the flickers of psychic energy forming in her eyes. The familiar pink light that came from her, the soft warmth that filled the air as she started reaching out, it was all there, and he forced himself to feel the comfort of it rather than the anxiety of what would happen when he screwed up. After all, there was no guarantee that he was going to screw up, just the possibility of it, and not that strong a possibility for it, either.

He was yammering, rabbiting in his own head, and he forced that down. Focus. He had to focus, to be that herd stallion, to be that dominant master. If he couldn't do that with her, then there was no way that he could do that with Mewtwo, and if he couldn't do that with Mewtwo...

Focus. And he did.

The power was all around him, tendrils of her mind and her insight gently nudging at his perception. He had learned how to reach out for that in return. Mewtwo had forced him to learn how to do that, so he reached out just as before. Feeling one of her thought tendrils to his left, he reached out and took it, pulling on it almost like a leash. It bounced towards him, and then pulled back almost like a bungee cord, pulling his perceptions along for the ride.

They didn't meld, not like he and Mewtwo did, but they did come together, their thoughts bumping into one another, sliding along one another. Here and there, they came together almost like puzzle pieces, and when that happened, it was like feeling a burst of pleasure for the action, and he smiled as they bounced against one another and touched, came apart, and touched again. It was almost like a game, and a good game, at that.

He was just starting to get into the fun of it when he started feeling something coming from her. She was letting parts of herself through, little bits of her that he had already seen. The little Gardevoir that needed someone to look after her, the growing Gardevoir that wanted to take care of someone else, and the current one that had married the two parts of herself together, creating a decent, normal person that had normal desires, normal hungers. She had become someone that knew what she was, and embraced it.

It was strange, so very strange, to feel it like that. Concepts and feelings pulsed through her memories of herself, and he knew that this was a self-written history, something that came from how she remembered growing up, how she remembered feeling at the time. It would have been a biased chronicle, but one that came from someone that had lived it could only be that.

This is me, she thought at him, and he nodded. What are you?

This was the moment of truth. Barret hesitated, feeling the inner walls, knowing that she was doing the same. They were like ghosts, shimmering clouds of ephemera between the two of them, but at the same time, he could feel her thoughts touching him like questing fingers. He could feel her touching his inner barriers like someone probing at a wound, careful, gentle.

Yet, in the kindness of that touch, there was something else, something that made him ease, if not happy. It made him feel as if he was with someone that he could trust, giving him comfort, even a hint of pleasure in the embrace of love that he felt around her thoughts. He reached out, took her hand, and gently pulled her towards the barrier, letting her inside, through the cracks and tears that had been left after Mewtwo slammed through him.

They were in his memories, and he felt her looking through his eyes. He let her see the first memory, from when he was a child, when he had been caught bossing his sister around, how he had used his size and his age to tell her what to do. Nothing much, just making her give him a toy and do a chore that he didn't want to do, but the shouting had been harsh, and the message had stuck.

Never make someone do something! Never, ever! You are a selfish, horrible brat, Barret. Never do that again, do you understand me?!

His mother's shouting still echoed in his ears even today, and the pain of her shrill voice was a good way to make the message stick. It had never faded away, and it had formed the foundation of everything that would come aferward. Everything, everything, telling him to not take advantage of others, to never use his strength and size to take control, to never, ever take command.

Another memory, another thing with another woman. He had started to show her some of the things that he liked, and he had been ridiculed. She had laughed at him, shoved him away.

You think anyone would ever let you do that? It's a woman's world now, Barret. We get to do what we want, and men help us. That's the way it works, you know? Or are you just some tool that thinks we belong under you?

He felt Azalea reach out, felt her thought-presence squeeze him, almost like a hug or a hand holding moment. Either way, it didn't take away the sting of hearing that again, but it did make him feel a bit better about letting her see it. It made him feel like, maybe, she was starting to understand why he was the way he was. He wasn't the sort of man that grew up with people that understood him or encouraged him. He had been a stallion made to give in to other things, to be something different, something safe for those around him. Barret had almost forgotten just how many memories there were down here, but he knew that he had to confront them, and more than that, he had to make sure that Azalea understood the baggage that she was taking on by asking him to do this.

They went through the whole of them, going from one memory to another. Some of them were little things, little reminders. People that were intimidated because he was bigger and stronger than them were common, tiny blows that made him think about how much he still had to do to make people feel safe in his presence, while others were larger. He showed her the times that he had been forced to let Pokemon go before she came into his life, times when he had been tempted in bad ways, when he had scared others, when he had...

He had...

You didn't do anything...

Azalea took him by the hand, and this time, they turned away from the memories. He had a feeling of looking at her, even though neither of them really had physical bodies or forms in this particular state. She was looking him in the eye, though, filling him with the sensation of being held, supported, and that was all that mattered.

None of that was right. None of that was your fault. That was them, not you. That was not the sort of Barret that I know. You...

He stopped her, gently redirecting her power. He barely realized that he had done it until after he did it, and then they both stopped. She projected mild embarrassment and slight pleasure being put to use like that, while he...he felt a mix of shame and arousal being able to do it.

She was easier than Mewtwo, much easier to control that way, and while she didn't have the same level of power that the greatest of all Psychics did, she had some power, and that could be used against either of them. Or for them.

Finally, he pulled her down to his core, and he let her see what he had been holding back. More to the point, he let himself see it, see the thing that so many other people had called monstrous, wrong, horrible. He let himself see the part that wanted to take control, that had the fantasies, that had the needs and hungers that he had been informed over and over again were the worst part of himself.

But when he saw it, he saw something...different. He saw something that was not just hungry for power, for domination, but was hungry for someone that it could take care of. Yes, it wanted gratification, but that was no different to something else wanting validation, or someone else craving for affection, or other such things. Everyone needed something.

He looked at this part, this hunger to take control. He saw the image of leashes coming off of that deep part of him, something that reached out and grasped for other people to put under him. Not under him in a humiliating, demeaning way, but in a way that allowed them to both have fun, in a way that allowed him and his Pokemon to be together with one another in a very powerful, very intimate way. They would obey, and he would care for them, protect them, heal them, train them. That was all there was to say about it.

You weren't allowed to embrace it,_

Azalea said.

He should have. He fucking should have.

The connection between the two of them wobbled for a moment, shaken by the strong burst of emotion echoing out from him, pulsing through the air and between their minds. He shook, almost losing his grip. They might have gone back to their bodies in that moment if he hadn't reached out and taken hold, taking charge of the pair of them in that moment by pure instinct.

When he did, and the connection stabilized, Azalea fixed him with a smile again. This time, he knew exactly why she was giving him that look, and he chuckled.

_Okay...I guess I still have part of that.

You have more than part of that. It's a powerful piece of you.

I know, but it's not...

Are you still going to say that it's not right?

I'm going to say that it's hard to feel that it is,_

he admitted.

Then you need to fix that. I want you to fix that.

That was something that he wanted, too, and never so much as he wanted it right in that moment. The stallion wanted to be able to feel like that again, to feel like he was the man, the Man, the proper, suitable, powerful partner that someone like Azalea needed in her life, and more importantly, the sort of man that he needed to be for himself. He had never realized just how much he had held himself back by listening to all that he had been forced to bow to all these years, how many different messages he had completely internalized.

_How many years have I wasted?

Don't ask yourself that. Ask yourself, how much longer am I going to keep doing this?


They embraced again, and this time, he pulled his arms around her, a thought that embraced and squeezed and held her tight to his chest. It was a good feeling, a better feeling than he expected, and he threw himself into it.

In the process, he also threw himself into her. He didn't realize what he was doing at first, but as the pleasure grew around him, he realized that he was touching her, rubbing her through her own power. Barret gasped at the feeling that he was getting from her, realizing that he was all but groping her with her psychic powers, but as he felt that she was into it, he felt something different.

For the first time, he wanted to take it further without being asked.

He detached ever so slightly, pulling back just enough to allow himself to 'see' her properly, and he fixed her with a grin. She looked almost puzzled, pleasured but puzzled, only to gasp as he pushed down with her power, rubbing right between her legs without asking. Without asking. That was so much a first for him that he barely realized that he was doing it, but he felt himself getting stiffer and stiffer, his biological reactions just barely there at the edge of his consciousness.

_You're mine...and I should feel good about this.

Oh're really..._

I want you. I've always wanted you.


And for the first time, he took it as the permission that it was. Not 'don't do this,' but 'don't stop.' Barret had hidden himself behind barriers for so long, kept that part of himsel away for so many years because he was told that good boys didn't do that, that good men didn't push and take charge. He was supposed to do what others told him and no more, if he wanted to be a good person.

No more. His mental fingers - his authority over the Gardevoir's power, his domination over her - pushed him to reach out and hold her between the legs. She arched her back in their mental stage, gasping, shivering, panting from what he was doing to her. Some part of him strained to feel guilty about it, to tell him that he was doing something wrong, but he punted that part of him away.

This wasn't wrong. This was what they both wanted from each other, and that was all that mattered in the grand scheme of things.

This was him.

This was her.

This was pleasure.

As she kept gasping in their thought-realm, as he kept fondling her, he tried different things. He reached through their link, touching at her mind. He could not change her, not from here, but he could make her feel things. The stallion touched her mind, making her feel as if he was behind her, rubbing his cock between her ass cheeks. Azalea moaned, shivering, pushing herself closer and almost falling to all fours. want...

I have always wanted you...

Like that?

In every way._

He pushed against her again, and he gave her other feelings. He allowed her to feel him inside of her, and then inside of her other hole. He allowed her to feel him shoving her head down against his crotch, taking charge like someone that really wanted her, like someone really would if they were given free reign.

And with every experiment he tried, she responded with full, wonderful blasts of pleasure. She never gave him the impression that she disliked even a bit of it, always giving him that push to go further, always letting him know that he was doing great. That was what he needed. This was exactly what he had needed ever since he had first felt those feelings, someone that would tell him that it was alright. No, someone that would tell him that he was alright.

That was the biggest and most important thing, and he didn't know if he could ever make it clear to her just how much this mattered. She had freed him. She had given him the chance to step out of the cage.

Even if...even if Mewtwo had been the one to give him the key, he knew that he never could have turned it in the lock the way that Mewtwo treated him, Azalea, she was the one that had the patience and the love to give him the chance to accept this part of himself. He didn't have to be...he didn't have to be so passive. He didn't have to be this little boy waiting for someone to command him and make him do things. He could be a man, a stallion, and take what he wanted.

And so, he took her.

They pressed together again and again in the mental space between them, touching, teasing, running their thought-fingers over one another. It was an entirely different feeling than just touching one another in real life, better in some ways, different in others. He pushed himself on her in ways that he had never dared try in the real world, forcing her down on his cock until she felt like she was gagging, only to turn her around and take her unspeakably hard. He could feel her thoughts pulsing, running out of control the more that they did together.

It was in that moment that he realized that he had taken complete control of her, pushed himself as far as he possibly could in that moment. She could still break free, as this was her power, but she was submitting completely to him. Not just because she wanted to, though she dearly did, but because he had given her the reason to. He had become that person that would allow her to submit and feel right in it, rather than just being mom to some bumbling foal.

That thought almost made him cry as he realized just how far he had fallen through his life, but the pleasure that he felt buoyed him through the feeling, allowing him to stay on those heights. He gritted his teeth, pushing down, feeling her sinking deeper onto his mental sex.



You me that again and again...

Master...oh Master...


Master! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...


It was a mental orgasm, not a physical one. It didn't come with that trademark throbbing feeling that he always got when his cock was buried inside of something, nor did it have that pulsing feeling that came with his seed rising up his shaft. Instead, it came with a different sort of satisfaction, like a lightning bolt running through his head, a sudden surge of excitement followed by a lack of pressure, almost like that moment of bliss was followed by actual release. His mind felt like it was no longer quite as cluttered, and in a huge way, he realized that was because he had just orgasmed through a very different way, as if he had completely, finally accepted himself.

They were shaking now, their connection fading, and this time, he allowed it to slide away. He let go, and he felt himself falling backwards.

When he opened his eyes, Barret Not in a horrible way, but now that he had weight to his body again, and...

No, that wasn't it. It wasn't that he was physical again, though he supposed it was a small part of it. The major part of it, the part that was already irritating him and making it difficult to feel settled in himself, was the fact that he felt like he he was no longer strong enough to do what he wanted.

He had no powers on his own, and that meant that he couldn't take control, couldn't push out with those sensations the way that he had when he and Azalea had been playing with each other. There was none of that awareness, none of that access, none of that permission to reach out and do things that having psychic powers allowed him. He felt like he had been neutered, almost, and the sensation was not entirely a pleasant one, particularly considering how hard and how long he had fought against using those powers that way.

His Gardevoir opened her eyes, her cheeks burning slightly. He smelled the air and realized that she had gotten wet during their play, and he cleared his throat.

"Would you like to use the shower?"

"Um...yes, I think so."

"I'll wait."


One shower - and a bit of cold water down the pants - later, they were both as close to normal again as they were going to get. They sat together at the foot of the bed, staring at the far wall rather than at each other. It was less out of embarrassment and more just a lack of being entirely sure what to say next. Azalea was no longer pushing at the edges of his thoughts, probably out of respect for what they had just gone through together, while he was just staring straight ahead and trying to sort himself out.

Finally, he was startled out of it, not by his own thoughts, but by a question he never would have expected.

" you want to do that again sometime?" Azalea asked.

"That's...that's a question?"

"Well, I had a good time, but..."

"We were connected, weren't we? Couldn't you sense how much I liked that?"

"...I wanted to be sure."

"I loved it. I loved it more than I ever thought I'd be allowed to love it."

"If I ever see your mother, I'm slapping her."

"Well, make sure that you do it when I'm not looking. I can't technically give permission for that."


She leaned on his shoulder, and he hugged her. Hard to believe that things had changed so drastically between them, and so quickly, too. He had expected them to click well together if he had ever gotten around some of these problems, but -

No, that was a lie. He hadn't even realized that he had most of these problems, and now, he was forcing himself around them for the sake of himself and her. They were so close to being a perfect relationship together, so close to being just what they needed to be for both of them to be happy.

And it was, frustratingly enough, all thanks to Mewtwo.

He looked down at the pokeball on the floor, knowing that the Psychic inside was probably all too aware of what had passed between the two of them. He had been aware of everything that had happened so far, to the point where he seemed to know what the two of them needed before they did.

She couldn't bring herself to tell me what she needed...and I couldn't bring myself to believe that I'd ever have permission...

They had solved his problem, but that didn't mean that they had solved Azalea's. He looked her in the eye, gently turning her head for a change. Marveling at himself for the liberties that he was taking by doing just that little act, he looked her in the eyes.



"I need you to be honest with me."


"That's the point. I need it always. And that means doing what you were doing just now. Understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"That enthusiasm, that...that eagerness. When I'm getting it right, show it to me that way. When I'm getting it wrong, you don't have to, but when I'm getting it right, show me that I'm getting it right. That way...that way, I can keep going, and I don't have to ask you."

"...I think that's fair."


"Okay, it's more than fair, Master. I just..."

He knew what it was. He had seen it in her head, and he knew that she needed more of this, more of the chance to lose herself to the pleasure, more of the chance to just give in and allow someone else to take full control and push her past her limits. She needed someone that would use her the way that she craved, and tell her how to take care of them.

That was all fine and dandy, but everyone had their limits. Everyone had that point where they needed the other person to step in and take control for a few seconds. For him, that point was when it was going that far. If she didn't show him, somehow, that he was getting something that they both needed, or at the very least, both wanted, then he wouldn't have the strength to keep going.

After all, his inner self wasn't necessarily a cruel dom. It wanted to be in control, yes, but it wanted to do that based on the pleasure that could be gotten for all parties involved, not just himself. That meant that he needed to know that everyone was enjoying it, and if they weren't, he needed to know how to shift it so that they could all keep enjoying the game.

He stroked her cheek, and she leaned against him, savoring the connection. He could almost feel her pleasure pulsing off of her, the happiness as clear as her power allowed it to be.

Shaking his head, he looked back at the ball. Mewtwo still had to be dealt with, but this time, he felt...better about it. The powerful psychic had said that they needed to hold off until he knew what he wanted, until Azalea knew what she wanted, but now, it felt like they had finally figured that out. He reached down, tossing the ball from hand to hand as he considered it, knowing that it was going to be a step that they would not be able to back down from.

"Are you going to...dominate him?" Azalea asked.

"I don't know if there's anyone in the world that can entirely dominate him. I mean, he's a powerful guy."

"But he wants to be dominated."

"That doesn't mean much. He also wants someone that's worth submitting to."

"And you think you aren't?"

"Compared to him, I wonder."

Azalea pushed him back, and he landed flat on his back, staring up at her. She straddled his waist, looking down at him and resting her fingers on his chest.

"Look at me."

"I don't have much choice."

"You are a magnificent man, and you''re spectacular. Look at what you did in just a few hours, huh? You just...Master, you became a master. There's no other way for me to say it."


"You can do this. I know you can, and you know that he wants you to be able to do it. All you have to do be you."

She leaned down, and they kissed. He sighed slightly, but by the time that they had split apart again, he was smiling. Not much, but a little bit, enough for him to feel it, and enough for her to see it.

"You get it?" she asked.

"Yes, I get it. I'm sorry. I's still new to me."

"But you don't hate it anymore?"


And he would make sure that he never started hating it again. It was part of him now, and while it was still new, still tender, he needed to take care of it and make sure that nobody could push him back to being what he used to be. This was...this was too good a piece of him to be called bad again.

Barret wondered if this was what coming out felt like for others. The feeling of being true to himself, the feeling of being actually in his own skin rather than just existing, was such a change that he still felt like smiling even with the hard task that lay ahead of him. He wanted to celebrate, somehow, but before he could do that, he had other things that needed to be finished.

I know what I want now, he thought, rolling the pokeball around between his fingers. And I think that it'll be good enough for this.

The End

Summary: Barret and Azalea hash out what they both need out of this, and he shows her what he had been held back by for all this time.

Tags: M/F, Stallion, Pokemon, Gardevoir, Relationship, Master/Slave, Master/Pet, Psychic, Emotional, Series, Psychic Sex, Sex, Orgasm, Mental Orgasm, Wet, Discovery, Domination,