The Full Treatment 2: Treat Harder

Story by PapaDelta on SoFurry

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So a groomer gets a repeat visit from a favored client...

~7,400 words

This is a sequel to The Full Treatment, I would highly suggest you read it first since I make quite a few callbacks to it.

>Oh boy oh man it's Friday!

>Well technically it's Thursday, which is your Friday since it's your last day of work before the weekend

>But that doesn't make today feel any less special

>When you're finished with work you're going to get in your car and head straight to your apartment, take a nice long shower to soothe your aching muscles, then veg out for the rest of the day to give your body some well needed rest after a long week

>And the reason for your sore muscles and lack of sleep at the end of this week?

>That big fucking bear Lady that came in a few days ago

>And maybe some binge watching due to your poor impulse control

>But mostly that big sultry bear

>You do your hardest to not get an erection in front of the client you're currently grooming while saucy memories bubble up into your consciousness

>You think back to Charlotte and the strange events of that day

>She just came in five minutes before closing, demanded a whole nights work from you, then she shamelessly hit on you until you finally gave in and sealed the deal with a cheesy pickup line

>And then, well, you got a few new bruises on your pelvis

>Worth it though

>Yet what pains you is that you never got any contact info from her

>Were you just a one night fling? A simple smash and dash? Just a disposable young stallion to be tamed and forgotten about?

>Or were the two of you simply too horny to be thinking about something as complex and unsexy as a collection of numbers that night?

>The 7 foot tall answer walks through the door

>Coffee colored coat, fur still showing signs of your styling, loose clothing, oh yeah that's her

>You sneak peeks at her while she talks to the receptionist

>She's talking, probably sharing some pleasantries with the lady at the front, now she's pointing to you, and now she's taking a seat in the waiting area

>Well, looks like someone picked out a preferred groomer a few days ago

>You finish up work on the lioness occupying your station and wish her a good rest of her day before crossing your arms and giving a knowing look to the bear in the waiting room

>She replies with a self-assured grin of her own before walking towards you, dark brown eyes locked on your face the entire way

>Charlotte stops next to your chair and cocks her head

>"Miss me?" She states with a healthy amount of smugness

>You both know it's a rhetorical question

>"I hope you came to apologize for ruining my shirt the other day. I wasn't joking when I said it was expensive." You respond coyly.

>She steps closer as she comes up with a response

>"I'm pretty sure I paid you back for it. I paid you back all night in fact." Her lips curl back into a pleased smile.

>You chuckle

>"But Charlotte, you forgot about interest. Gotta read all the fine print when you're dealing with the bank of Anon."

>She puts a hand on her chest as she feigns embarrassment

>"Oh no! How could I have forgotten about that. And what would, in your humble opinion, be a suitable form of repayment to make us even? I want for us to be nothing if not amicable."

>The second the last word leaves her mouth a familiar devious look enters her eye

>You raise a hand to your chin and look at the ground, trying to look as deep in thought as possible before finally turning your head back up to her

>"How about some digits? Thirteen to be exact." You pause as a memory from a previous stand up enters your mind. "And they better not lead to a sex hotline I swear to god!"

>"Oh I can give you something better than a phone number sweetie."

>There's an awkward silence as you expect her to continue, yet she remains silent. You decide to push her on it

>"Oh yeah? Like what?"

>"How about an address?"

>Your eyebrow raise in shock for a moment before lowering back down. She wanted you to come over to her place? A date? This was going to be interesting.

>"An address huh? Sure. Go ahead and give me it."

>She wags her finger at you while shaking her head disapprovingly

>"Nuh uh uh, you only get your interest when you're done with my grooming today. And If I'm not satisfied with your work," she pouts her lips and takes on a sad tone, "then you aren't going to get it, no ifs ands or buts."

>Oh boy what could that possibly mean? Her fur still had a healthy shine from Sunday and there was no excess hair left to cut. A glance at her nails revealed them to still be a vibrant scarlet color with sharp tips. What could she possibly want you to do? A massage? A recolor? Fur extension?

>"That's a deal Charlotte, but uhh, what exactly do you want me to do? I think I did a pretty nice job last time you came in here, not to brag or anything."

>"Oh really?!" She fires back.

>She turns her head to reveal a tuft of fur on the side of her neck that was clearly longer than the rest, guess you must have missed it last Sunday

>"Damn, sorry about that Charlotte. I'll get that fixed up real quick." She gets in your chair and you get your scissors out to begin correcting your mistake.

>"Oh don't worry about it too much Anon, I know I may have been distracting you a little bit the last time I came in. That damn sun dress always was a little loose on me."

>That cheeky little ursine. With a just a few cuts you fix the defect on her coat.

>"Alright Charlotte, it's fixed. Now what else do you want me to do?"

>She motions for you to come closer and you lean in, her black nose coming up right next to your ear.

>"Next, I want you to drive to 451 Kodiak Court as quickly as you can after work. Be there by six o'clock sharp or don't show up at all. Dress nice because we'll be eating dinner together. But not too nice because you won't be wearing those clothes for long after you arrive."

>She removes her muzzle from your ear before getting out of the chair and doing a quick check of your work. Satisfied, she turns her head to you

>"Oh and don't worry, I'll be providing the mop and bucket this time."

>You're left speechless as she gives a wink and a sly smile before turning and walking away, the telltale pep in her step revealing her pleasure with how the conversation went

>You glance at the clock on the wall, it was only an hour until your shift ended but it would end up feeling like an eternity

>An eternity that would mercifully come to an end though, the clock now showed 5:00

>You scramble to clean up your station and sweep the floor, limbs in a blur as you rush to get everything done before driving down to your apartment to clean up and then to Charlottes place

>Your human coworker notices your unusually high motivation and leans on your chair

>"Geez anon, you got somewhere to be?"

>"Ya I'm going to be late for a date I don't leave here soon." You quickly spit out.

>"A date? Good for you. Who's the lucky lady? Or should I say fortunate fellow?" She jabs.

>"Oh screw off Katie, her name is Charlotte and I'm on a very tight schedule right now so I would appreciate it if you would stop slowing me down."

>"Better hope that's not the only thing that's going to be tight tonight." She can barely keep from laughing at her own joke.

>A confident smile graces your lips as memories of Sunday night burst into your consciousness

>"You know what Katie, for some reason I strongly doubt it will be. And if you keep talking like that you may find that next week all your scissors have been mysteriously dulled. We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

>She puts her hands out in front of her

>"Okay okay, calm down there Mr. "Can't take a joke to save his life". Now you and this Charlotte woman have a good time together. Try not to break the bed okay?"

>"I don't think that's going to be up to me Katie. Now can you hand me my jacket so I can finally get the hell out of here?"

>You enter your car and start the engine. The clock on the dash reads 05:10. Fucking hell, you're going to have drive like a maniac to make it to her place on time.

>After driving only slightly slower than a genuine maniac you make it to your apartment, tires screeching as your car comes to a halt

>Like a man on fire you rush through your doorway and into your bedroom, frantically searching your closet for something that approaches "Nice, but not too nice"

>There we go! A dress shirt, tie, and khakis. The three horsemen of a young bachelor trying to be fancy for a date

>You put the clothes under your arm and rush to your bathroom to take a quick ten minu-

>Five minute shower and then you'll leave for her place

>After your 3 minute shower you rush to brush your teeth, apply deodorant, check your hair for cowlicks, and make sure you don't have any facial deformities you weren't born with

>Okay Anon, looking good so far, you're pretty sure your dress shoes are two sizes too small but other than that you look and feel fairly presentable

>Time to go, you run to your car and unlock it with the remote before throwing yourself inside

>Okay, 05:35, you have time right?

>You get your phone out and punch Charlotte's address in, waiting with rapt anticipation as it determines the best route to take

>The screen finally switches to a map with a blue curving line and you look at the estimated time to get there

>29 minutes...FUCK

>You slam your car into reverse and screech out of your parking space, not waiting for it to come to a complete stop before throwing it back into drive and shooting out of the parking lot

>You get on the highway to the bone zone and accelerate to a speed that would cause your mother to faint if she knew just how high it was, the yellow and orange leaves outside a blur as you race around the cars in front of you

>Dodging traffic like a pro your eyes occasionally glance at the estimated time of arrival on your phone, happy to see it gradually fall from 06:04 to 06:01 as you progress

>You turn off the interstate and the synthesized voice from your phone takes you into a residential neighborhood, houses uniformly two story and white trimmed

>"You have arrived."

>You stop the car and look at the mailboxes around you, the one just in front bears the numbers four five and one

>Slowly, as to not make it obvious you were in a rush, you roll up into her driveway and park the car

>One last look at yourself in the rear view mirror and you're walking up to her front door

>Looking at your phone the time is exactly 06:00. Ha! You made it!

>You see the glowing white button beside the front door and push it, hearing soft chimes come from the other side

>There's a flutter in your chest as you think of what she could possibly have in store for tonight

>You imagine she's probably going to greet you in skimpy lingerie at the door, then the two of you will go to some fancy restaurant she has reservations at before going back to her place for a wild night of boning and moaning

>Ya, it was going to be good

>That is if she would get to the door already, you've been waiting a full minute on her porch and you have yet to see her fur in the stained glass windows on her front door

>You eventually decide to ring the doorbell again, maybe just didn't hear it the first time? She's in the shower or something?

>Another 60 seconds of silence

>Shit, she's not ghosting you is she? If she left any hints this was all a setup they were beyond your perceptiveness

>With growing impatience you ring the doorbell once again

>Guess the 3rd time was the charm since you hear a muffled "I'm coming" from somewhere inside the house

>Footsteps gradually become louder and you spy her blurry form through the glass

>The door opens and you're met with Charlotte in a...cream colored bath robe

>Her fur was ruffled and unkempt, it was obvious you had just woken her from a nap

>She yawns loudly before lazily licking her lips and staring you in the face with drowsy eyes for a few silent seconds

>You eventually decide to break the silence

>"Hey Charlotte, I got here as quick as I could, barely made it in time."

>She continues her silent stare down for a few more seconds before grabbing your tie and pulling you through the door

>She shuts it behind you, her gaze now equal parts annoyed and fatigued

>"One minute later and I would have fallen asleep and left you high and dry by the door Anon."

>"Fallen asleep?! Charlotte it's only like six o'clock." You state in disbelief.

>She puts her hand on her hips and sticks her head out towards you

>"And what season is it?"

>"F-fall?" You eek out.

>"And around when do bears usually enter hibernation?" She says with a mocking tone.

>"Fall" You now state with confidence as the pieces click in your head

>Of course! How could you have forgotten? One of the traits bear anthros still shared with their feral cousins was a period of hibernation in the colder months. While they didn't hibernate nearly as deeply, most just needed a few more hours of sleep every day, it was still one of those little biological quirks furred species tended to have.

>"Now you're finally crossing the finish line Anon. Now...about..."

>She yawns loudly again, when her gaze returns to you it's not nearly as fatigued as before. Guess your arrival has finally perked her up. She continues.

>"About tonight, I was planning on going out but you know what? Screw that! Going out means I have to get dressed, and get my fur looking nice again, and then we have to fight traffic to get down there, then we have to hope they aren't too crowded so we can get a table quickly, and so on. I am frankly far too tired to be dealing with any of that bullcocky so we will be having our little date here, in my humble den."

>You look around at her place. It looked nice, modern yet warm. The short hallway you were in opened up to her living room and dining room. Pictures of varying landscapes adorned the walls of the entrance, seems she has a thing for snow.

>"I would like nothing more than to spend the evening with you Charlotte. So were you just thinking we would have dinner, watch notflix for a bit, then, well you know?"

>You raise your eyebrows up and down to get the point across

>"And then we both kiss each other on the cheek, say farewell to each other, and I watch you leave with a longing look in my eye? Yes that's exactly what I was thinking. Very storybookish."

>The smug smile you were wearing disappears

>"I hope that's sarcasm Charlotte."

>A familiar devious expression comes upon her face

>"Guess we'll just have to find out after dinner, now won't we?"

>Well that line seems familiar, and you remember what happened after the last time she said it

>You smile, "Guess we will. Now, what were you thinking for dinner?"

>The answer turns out to be steaks with a few sides

>You stare at the mighty cut of meat on your plate with a look of astonishment

>Granted, you knew some of the larger anthro species often had a different outlook on what constituted a single serving of something, but Jesus this has got to be a 24 ounce cut

>Charlotte apparently notices the look on your face and responds

>"You know Anon, if you were a vegetarian you really should have told me before I cooked the meat. Steaks are expensive and I'm not made of money you know."

>You shake your apologetically

>"No no no it's not that! It's just that I'm not used to getting my daily recommended caloric intake from a single piece of food."

>She chuckles and facepalms upon realizing her oversight

>"Oh my gosh, I really should have cut that steak a little smaller, shouldn't I have? Sorry, I'm a little too used to cooking for myself I guess. It's already made so just take whatever you don't eat home, have another meal on me."

>"Don't worry about it Charlotte, after all, I know how much you like your...meat."

>A smile appears on her lips but is quickly suppressed as she tries to look serious

>"No innuendos at the dinner table mister!" She picks up a roll and throws it at you. "You're going to make me lose my appetite!" She sternly states.

>The rolls hits your chest and falls onto your lap. You pick it up and take a bite out of it.

>"Alright Charlotte, no more innuendos, order received. After all what's the point of innuendo when the main course is right around the corner?" You slyly respond.

>Another roll manages to hit your forehead before your eyes see it.

>Her lips are pursed and eyes are squinted while she wags a claw at you

>"Need I remind you how sharp these claws are Anon? You wouldn't want me to slip and make a disfiguring mark on a certain part of your anatomy after dinner, would you?"

>You nervously chuckle

>"Absolutely not. Maybe I shouldn't have done such a good job sharpening your claws if I knew you were going to be threatening me with them a few days later."

>She raises her hand to her face and admires her shiny red nails, twirling them in the light

>"That's just the thing anon. Now that I know how high the quality of your work can be I'll expect you to give me the same treatment every time I come in to your salon from now on. Same attention to detail, same customer service, same..." Her eyes move from her claws to your face "...stamina."

>Her serious expression fades after the last word leaves her lips

>"Hey! No more innuendos missy!" You throw a roll at her this time, it bounces off her shoulder

>You both laugh as before silently agreeing to eat dinner before it got cold

>Idle conversation is shared between the two of you as the meal progressed

>You complained about a few of your pickier clients

>She ranted about how hard her office job was pushing her

>You shared a story about that one time you got really drunk and streaked in front of the administration building in college

>She gave away some juicy gossip about some weird rabbit in her office that apparently got pregnant and left without a trace

>As the conversation progresses you notice her gradually becoming more and more drowsy, by the end of the meal she's having trouble keeping her eyes open. Hibernation must be hitting her hard. Poor bear, if she really wasn't feeling up to sexy times tonight you weren't going to force it

>"Well Charlotte that meal was fantastic." You set your fork and knife onto your plate. "So are you feeling like continuing tonight or would you prefer to end things here?"

>Her arm is propped up on the table with her furry head above it, eyes barely kept open

>She mumbles something but your ears can't make out any of the words

>You lean your head forward, "What was that?"

>She shakes her head vigorously to wake herself from her stupor

>"Dessert! We haven't had dessert yet! Sorry, getting a little sleepy here but we can keep tonight going until I pass out." She blinks a few times to purge any remaining drowsiness and a smile crosses her maw. "Now about dessert, Anon do you like strawberries?"

>"Oh yeah, love'em. Got something red and sweet planned?"

>"Heh, you could say that. Now let me just uhhh, go and get it."

>She gets up and walks off to grab a few things from the kitchen before scampering off to another room.

>You wonder what strawberry related delight would be gracing your palate soon. Strawberry shortcake? Strawberries and ice cream? A strawberry smoothie? Something with strawberry sauce maybe?

>The sound of a whipped cream can being used somewhere behind you can narrows it down

>Strawberries and cream then. Could still be strawberries and ice cream with a whipped topping though

>You hear Charlotte loudly clear her throat behind you

>You turn your head to be met with...dessert

>She was completely naked from head to toe, though perhaps naked wasn't quite the correct term

>A fluffy white line of whipped cream started at each nipple on her heavy breasts and met in the center of her chest, from there another line lead downward until it disappeared between her legs

>Two strawberries were embedded in the dollop of whipped cream covering her nipples, pointed ends sticking out

>Another strawberry was sliced in half from the top down and placed just above her crotch, it's shape resembling an arrow pointing downward

>She has an uncertain look on her face as she stares at you expectantly

>"Well anon? What do you think?"

>You can feel your mouth salivate at the sight of her delectable form

>"Charlotte you look...perfect."

>Her timid disposition disappears as a warm smile crosses her face

>"Good! Any other answer and I would be very disappointed, this is my first time doing Heard about it ages ago but never had a chance to try it out." She dips a red claw into the fluffy white substance on her chest and licks it clean, "Now, I hope you still have an appetite Anon, there's still plenty of new flavors for you to savor tonight."

>She motions with a finger for you to follow her and you comply, winding your way through her house and to a closed door

>She opens it and you're met with what must be her bedroom

>A large bed took up the center of the space, it's headboard up against the wall opposite of the room's entrance

>Lights were dimmed and scented candles were lit in each corner, she must have done this before making "desert"

>She saunters over to her bear sized bed and lies down on her back, the full extent of her mature curves visible in the flickering orange light

>"Well anon, what are you waiting for? Dig in." She sings with a lusty tone.

>You walk over to the bed and jump on, crawling your way next to her left side

>You decide to start with the strawberry covering her left nipple and lean down to bite it with your mouth

>But a hand on your shoulder stops you

>"Hold up anon, I don't want your tie getting into the whipped cream."

>She puts a claw under your collar with the intention of cutting the tie off your neck but stops herself just short of slicing through the thin fabric

>"Well, how much did you pay for the tie?" She says with a hint of reluctance

>"Got it at the goodwill."

>One swift motion and it falls off your neck and onto the bed

>"No cutting anymore of my clothing Charlotte, everything else I have on I actually like wearing."

>She chuckles

>"No promises anon, now stop trying to lecture me and get to work!"

>She places a paw on the back of your head and pushes you into her breast, your mouth manages to open in time to eat the strawberry but whipped cream surrounding it was now splattered around the outside of your mouth

>You both can't but giggle as you remove your face from her boob

>"Oops, my bad anon, let me help you with that." An apology with no regretfullness behind it.

>She leans forward and with one swipe of her pink tongue cleans the whipped cream off of your mouth

>"Thanks" You say while still chewing the strawberry

>"Don't mention it, now seriously get to work eating this stuff before it melts. I'm beginning to see why it was only human women doing this back when I first found out about it, my fur is going to end up a sticky mess after this."

>You wordlessly get back to work cleaning up the last of the cream on her left breast and gently suck the nipple hidden under the thin fur covering it, feeling it slightly stiffen in response from your stimulation

>A few pleasured moans later and you're working your way to the opposite boob, this time eating the strawberry without any complications from Charlotte

>Once again you pause to suck her teat and she places a paw on the back of your head to hold you in place while the other ventures further down her body and between her legs

>She brings it up with a claw covered in rapidly melting cream and moves it next to your mouth

>Getting the hint, you stop pleasuring her tit and very carefully take her claw into your mouth

>After deftly avoiding cutting your mouth open your lips leave her claw and you're left with the sweet taste of sugar and the sweeter taste of Charlotte

>"It's melting down there from the heat, pick up the pace mister."

>"Yes Ma'am." You state enthusiastically

>You finish up with her right breast and start following the fluffy white trail to her womanhood

>When you reach the half of a strawberry pointing down an idea enters your mind and you gently take it between your teeth

>Crawling up towards her you put the strawberry right in front of muzzle

>Charlotte gently moves her head forward and opens her mouth to take the strawberry from your own

>"You're lucky my parents taught me how to share Charlotte, didn't want to leave you out of desert."

>"Oh believe me anon, you've already shared more than enough with me." She swallows the strawberry. "Now get back down there and finish what you started, you're close to finishing, and so am I."

>She softly pushes your head back down and you don't offer much resistance

>It doesn't take long to trace the path back below her paunch on onto the hotness between her legs

>She really wasn't joking about the whipped cream melting, by now the sticky substance has melted into her fur and made cleaning it up with your tongue a nearly impossible task

>Not that you won't try

>You trace the tip of your tongue all around her lips eliciting sharp moans and occasional twitches as the waves of pleasure work their way up her body

>Having done what you can around her pussy you place a thumb on either side of her love canal and spread it to give your tongue an easier entrance

>A couple of paws on the back of your head pushing your entire face into her crotch shows her satisfaction with what you're doing

>Your tongue explores her folds deeper than before, her velvety walls warm and slick

>After eating her out for a while and seeing no indication she was any closer to orgasm, you decide for a change in tactics

>You move head up slightly and now attack her clit with your tongue, circling it, licking it, then lightly sucking her love button

>Your change in tactics seems to be producing results, her moans are gradually growing in volume and length

>Without any warning the paws on the back of her head practically crushes your head against her pelvis and she lets out an earth shattering roar as her back tenses upward

>When she's done her paws release themselves from your skull and she falls back onto the bed, utterly spent in a post orgasmic bliss

>"Damn Charlotte, I'm pretty sure the whole block could hear that."

>"Good...never my neighbors...always...mowing 8am...assholes" She manages to say in between labored breaths.

>You crawl up alongside her, viewing her busty chest rise and fall with each inhale and exhale

>Propping up one arm on a pillow you begin absentmindedly running your fingers through the fur around her shoulder

>"So, I hope you're ready for round 2, I'm not even undressed yet." You say softly.

>Her big brown eyes turn to meet yours

>"Anon, I don't think I have a round 2 in me, but I can go for a found one point five."

>You stop stroking her fur, what the hell was a round one point five?

>"And uhh, what exactly does that mean Charlotte?"

>She leans up and looks down, surveying the patches of cream flavored mess still present on her body

>"Well anon, I am going to take a shower to clean my fur up. And if you want to join me for a little reciprocal grooming..."

>Reciprocal grooming? Sounds like something you could get into, heh, get into

>"Sounds fun Charlotte, lead the way."

>She gets up and you follow her to the bathroom attached to the bedroom

>For a bathroom it was quite spacious, in particular was the incredibly roomy shower that took up one wall of the room

>You quickly undress while Charlotte gets the shower ready, you were NOT going to give her a chance to rip into clothes that you actually liked

>By the time you were down to your birthday suit Charlotte was already under the shower head, faint traces of steam rising above the frosted glass walls that made up the shower

>You walk up to the frosted glass door and slide it open to see your bear lover standing under the stream of warm water, her fur now drenched and turned dark brown in color

>Sneaking up behind her, which was no accomplishment with the sound of the water easily masking your movement, you quickly throw your arms around her lower chest and smush your head against her back, the smell of her wet fur oddly comforting

>Not at all startled by your sudden bear hug, she looks down and runs her paws across your arms, your soft skin contrasting with the slightly rougher texture of her paw pads

>After embracing her for what felt like the correct amount of time your arms fall to your sides and she turns around to face you

>She looks down at you with warm eyes for a few tender moments before slowly closing the distances between your two faces and draping her arms across your shoulders

>She moves in for a kiss and you tilt your head up to accept, her supple black lips now giving soft kisses to your own

>Your hands move onto her chest and drift upwards, tufts of wet dark fur slipping between your fingers as they advance

>Soon they reach her cheeks and stay there while you two continue to make out, steam wafting around your naked bodies in misty waves

>Eventually you two decide to break the connection, and your faces drift apart

>Charlotte looks down to see your throbbing erection while the fiery primal urge to stick it somewhere wet and warm starts overpowering your higher functions

>She lowers an arm and holds your cock in her paw, slowly stroking up and down it's length to keep you at full erectness

>"Well, well, well Anon. We'll have to do something about that healthy display of manhood down there, now won't we?"

>"Why don't you turn around and see what I have planned for it?" You saucily reply

>She chuckles before swiveling her head around, attempting to find the best way position herself in the shower for an imminent backside beating

>Two paws place themselves against the glass door of the shower as she leans over and spreads her legs slightly

>Even in the confines of the shower you would have more than enough space to grab her hips and sway with the motion of the ocean

>You place yourself behind her rump and grab her love handles, your supple fingers sinking into her soaked fur

>With the showerhead bathing your side and her back in warm water you grip your rod and line yourself up with her love tunnel

>But first

>"Hey Charlotte."

>She turns her head so see you

>"What?" She says with a tinge of aggravation at the fact that you haven't started the back and forth yet

>"I hope that you don't mind that I'm about to ride you bare back." You state with a smug smile.

>She stares at you blankly for a few moments before the pieces click in her head

>"Bear back. Very funny. Now get to work before you get me out of the mood and I have to add you to the list of people that got mauled for making bad puns before sex." She flatly replies

>You reach down with your hand and rub the outside of her crotch

>"I don't know Charlotte, the heat down here is telling me the only thing that might get you out of the mood is another toe curling orgasm."

>You see the faintest hint of a grin before she faces the shower door again

>"Shut up. Get to it."

>No time like the present to follow some orders

>You reaffirm your grip on her sides and plunge your cock inside her

>Warm, wet, moist, tight, just what the horny caveman inside of you is craving

>You slowly pull out and buck forward again, a similar wave of pleasure once again going straight from cock to brain

>You slowly begin speeding up your pace as the grip on her love handles subconsciously tightens

>A little tired of looking at her furry back, your gaze moves further up to see Charlottes head steadily bobbing up and down with each heavy pleasure induced breath, the glass misting in front of her with each exhale

>There it is, that familiar tingle, a message from your body that you were about to give her a cream filled surprise

>You try to ignore it until the feeling eventually becomes all powerful and in a single orgasmic thrust you buck forward into her

>You feel the piping hot cum fill her velvety insides and no longer in complete control of your body you buck forward several more times until your balls are finally drained

>It also seems that one of those last few thrusts was enough to push Charlotte over the edge as well, and you feel her legs wobble slightly before regaining her footing and curving her nech towards the ceiling

>She belts out another roar, longer but quieter than the last one

>But the sound that your ears picked up the most was the glass screeching under her claws as she comes down from her lusty high

>As you stand there panting you get a good view of the 10 long claw marks scratched into the frosted glass

>The waves of bliss no longer rushing through you, you pull out of her folds and she soon straightens her back

>She takes a couple steps towards the rear of the shower and sits down on the floor, back against the darkly tiled wall

>You follow suit and sit next to her

>"You know anon, you're a real bad influence on my sleep cycle. I was supposed to be in bed hours ago." She chides you.

>"Consider it payback for not letting me get any sleep last Sunday. A red eye for a red eye." You shoot back.

>"Well I promise you're going to sleep like a cub tonight. You probably didn't notice it back there but my bed is probably the plushiest one in the whole neighborhood. Like sleeping on a cloud."

>She wanted you to spend the night at her place? Not like you have anywhere to be tomorrow, and you have a feeling she isn't lying about the bed, bears anthros do have a tendency to be picky about sleeping accommodations.

>"Well personally I would prefer to sleep on a marshmallow, but I guess I'll settle for your big bear bed tonight Charlotte."

>"Good." She gets up on her feet and looks down on you. "Now while we're here I suppose we might as well clean ourselves up before the hot water runs out."

>She reaches over to a shelf and removes a large bottle of shampoo, looks like reciprocal grooming wasn't just some kind of innuendo after all

>You stand up to see Charlotte about to squirt some shampoo into her paw, but she stops herself and raises her gaze to you

>"Hell Anon you're the expert here, I think I'll leave my grooming for tonight up to you." She thrusts the shampoo bottle towards you

>"I don't recall making house calls being in my job description for the salon, but for you? I'll make an exception." You grab the bottle and get to work spreading a blanket of bubbly pink suds across her voluptuous body

>Fingers dance across her darkened fur rubbing and lathering while she stands in place, her pleased smile a constant view from below

>Down the neck, across the chest, beyond the hips and between the calves, your work is thorough while maintaining a needless veneer of professionality

>When you're finished only traces of her fur are visible below the pink suds

>"All done Charlotte, I hope my supple human fingers were once again up to your expectations?"

>"My expectations were exceeded once again my favorite little groomer. This was supposed to be a reciprocal grooming and you don't exactly have much to work with, but I'll do what I can."

>She scoops up some bubbles from her own body and smushes them against your head, rubbing them into your hair

>"Well I guess it's the thought that counts."

>"Or maybe you should grow your hair out Anon, give me a little something to work with next time."

>"Next time? Keep using me for home visits and I may have to start charging a fee. You know what they say, if you're good at something never do it for free."

>"Even if it's your favorite mama bear requesting one? I never knew you could be so heartless anon, maybe I made a bad decision inviting someone so cold and unfeeling into my home."

>"Oh I promise you I felt quite a few things tonight, and you of all people ought to know there's not a single part of me that could be considered cold with all the skin on fur contact we've had today."

>Charlotte steps back under the running showerhead and the suds covering her dissolve with contact from the warm water

>You do the same and your hair is quickly cleansed of shampoo

>She puts two paws on your back and pushes you into her bosom, your head resting just above her two plump breasts

>Her muzzle points downward to speak to you

>"Tell you what Anon, you give me the occasional home visit and I'll resist the urge to come to your salon and embarrass you in front of all your clients. Moaning lustily when you run your fingers through my fur, whispering lewd nothings into your ear while you work, giving mean glances to any woman that as much as looks at you, you won't have do deal with any of that if you come over to my place every now and then."

>"So you want a friend with benefits huh? Typical anthro woman, just keeping me around for my good looks and high pelvic integrity. I can't believe it, you're just like the rest of them." You state with what you hope is detectible sarcasm.

>She shakes her head

>"No Anon, I assure you I'm not keeping you around for your good looks and I don't want a friend with benefits either."

>You raise a questioning eyebrow, she continues

>"What I want is a groomer with benefits."

>"I'm...not sure exactly what the difference is but okay."

>She chuckles at your ignorance

>"Well anon, maybe if you had to spend the rest of your life covered in fur you would understand the distinction between the two. Typical human male, ignorant of other species cultures, only taking an interest when some action is involved. You little horndog."

>You clear your throat loudly

>"Need I remind you that you're the one that initiated our engagement last Sunday. If anything you're the horndog, or uhh, hornbear."

>"Hornbear? Really? It's called taking the initiative. I could tell you simply couldn't resist my charms mere moments into the grooming session so I pushed my luck a little."

>You feel her claws now lightly pushing into your back

>"Alright alright, you took the initiative. It totally wasn't because you were overcome with horny."

>Her claws stop putting pressure on your back

>"Glad that we could come to an understanding." She shuts the water off. "Now dry yourself off so I can finally get some...some..." Her mouth opens in a tremendous yawn. "...some sleep."

>The shower door opens and you two walk out into the bathroom

>A large towel is thrown to you and you make quick work of drying and getting dressed, as in you only put your boxers on since you didn't exactly bring anything comfortable sleeping in

>Charlotte barely manages to blow dry her fur without dozing off

>When she's done she doesn't even bother to put any clothes on before opening the door and making her way to the bed, you follow behind her

>"Are you too tired to put anything on or do you usually sleep in the nude?"

>"Of course I do, it's more comfortable and I overheat with anything thicker than a silk night gown on." She plops down onto the bed, sinking into it's foam mattress.

>She looks up to you with the best puppy dog eyes she can manage

>"Anon? Could you blow those candles out and turn the lights off. Thank you." She sleepily mumbles

>You don't like sleeping with lights on either, so you dutifully extinguish the candles and flick the light switch off to bathe the room in darkness

>Slowly you walk to where the bed should be and climb on

>Feeling the pillows at the head of the bed you lay your head down and get ready for some well needed rest

>But just laying here you're a little chilly, and come to think of it you don't remember seeing a blanket on her bed before you had dessert


>As if anticipating your next words her furry arms wrap around your frame and drag you close to her body, the majority of your bare skin now in contact with her soft fur

>Your head turns and is met with a face full of her neck fluff, her scent womanly and sweet

>You gently nuzzle into it and you're met with a pleased sigh from above

>"Hey Charlotte?"


>"You never were planning on going out today, were you?"

>"You caught me red pawed Sherlock." She mumbles

>"Well I wanted to let you know I liked what we did today. We should do it again sometime."

>"Good, I know for a fact that there's going to be quite a few home grooming sessions in your future because you'll be paying me back for the shower door you made me scratch."

>"What? I didn't make you do anything, the scratches were your fault. That's totally unreasonable!"

>You feel her nose search around the top of your head before finally finding where your ear was located

>"Got to watch for hidden fees when you're dealing with the bank of Charlotte Anon." She whispers

>"Wha- Charlotte!"

>Your response is only met with a gradually loudening snore

>Not long after you too enter a deep slumber

>You dream of strawberries