M Rhyperior/Slowking Gangbang

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#38 of Pokemorph Sex Stories

Rhyperior and Slowking are about to get married when a drunken incident occurs that forces them both to get a bit frisky with the other pokemon, much to Slowking's dismay and eventual enjoyment

In the Takahashi residence, there lived two pokemon that had been childhood friends since the very beginning. They have lived together for a long time as family, but one of them loves the other more than what a family should be perceiving each other.

These two pokemon were Rhyperior and Slowking.

Rhyperior was an innocent and clumsy little thing, despite his size, he had the innocence of a child as well as the naivety of one, who loved every one of Yamato's pokemon, considering them as his brothers

Slowking was not like others of his kind, and wasn't as slow as the other slowkings would be. In fact, he almost acts like a big brother to everyone in the household, cooking for everyone whenever they wake up for breakfast, making the beds, making sure nobody was slacking for their daily training, and even making sure their trainer didn't turn into a slob just because he ran a gym.

The other pokemon in the household comprised of his stepfather Machoke, their father Nidoking, and Aggron, Blastoise. There are still many more, but these are his closest friends among Yamato's other pokemon.

"Congratulations Rhyperior! You're getting married soon!" Machoke congratulated him.

"You as well Slowking, you both have grown so fast" Nidoking chimed in.

"Thank you papa Nidoking and papa Machoke! We're glad you're happy for the both of us!~" Rhyperior said appreciatively of them.

"... Yeah, thank you" Slowking thanked his fathers although he didn't like that Nidoking joined in on congratulating them.

There were several drinks propped on the table as well as pokefood made specifically for all of them with Yamato's family's help.

Yamato's family had given the house all to themselves for Rhyperior and Slowking's bachelor party. They trusted that they wouldn't make a mess when they got back at least, most importantly trusting Slowking to make sure that doesn't happen.

"Come on Slowking! You're spoiling the fun! This is all about having fun tonight before you get married!" Blastoise encouraged Slowking to let loose.

"You're not going to trash the house just because Yamato isn't around today" Slowking said sternly.

"What's this? It looks so tasty!" Rhyperior said as he started opening a bottle of liquor placed on the table.

"Rhyperior! Don't! You're not allowed to drink that much!" Slowking yelled before snatching the bottle from him.

Rhyperior moaned in disappointment as the bottle was snatched from him, then feeling guilty as he thought he had done something terrible.

"S-S-Sorry Slowking... I-I didn't mean it... D-Does this mean we're not getting married anymore?" Rhyperior asked him as he looked like he was about to cry.

Aggron held his head as he looked at Slowking.

"Hey man, ease up! You're going to ruin your own wedding by yelling at him like that. You do know he's old enough to drink right?" Aggron asked Slowking.

"I-I am?" Rhyperior asked him.

"Of course you are, kiddo! Come on, let's get you a cup, drinking these takes time okay?" Aggron said as he dragged Rhyperior over to get a cup.

Slowking sighed, he didn't mean to make Rhyperior sad, he just didn't want him to get intoxicated and do something he'd regret in the morning.

"Slowking, you might jinx your own wedding you know? What if Rhyperior decides to say no because of what you said?" Machoke asked him.

"W-What? W-Would he?" Slowking said, stuttering as he felt even guiltier.

"Hey, just as long as you apologize to him tonight, you won't lose him... I think. You should check on him, unless you want everyone to get the wrong idea of you" Nidoking advised him.

Slowking did as he was told and tried to find Rhyperior, and found him in the living room with Aggron slowly feeding him some sake, and giving him advice to drink it slowly and not down in one gulp.

"Yes that's it... You'll feel a bit of warmth rushing to your head" Aggron advised him as Rhyperior began to blush and took a liking to the alcoholic drink.

"It's so sweet and it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy Aggron-nii-chan!" Rhyperior said as he now had a dark blush on his face, and began sipping more eagerly and not heeding Aggron's advice.

Slowking started to approach and put a hand on his shoulder as he tried to apologize to Rhyperior.

"Rhy, I'm sorry about-" Slowking said as he tried to apologize for earlier but Rhyperior smacked his hand, not in an angry manner but in a carefree and drunken one.

"I donnn't care! You tried to stop meeeee from drinking this in a long time but this doesn't taste baaaad! I feel like I can flyyyyyyyy... Weeeeeeeee!!!~" Rhyperior said as he started running around the room and stretching his arms to the side like an airplane, knocking some furniture and appliances over.

"Aggron! I thought you were trying to teach him how to drink properly!?" Slowking yelled at Aggron.

"H-Hey! It's his party so let him let loose! It's not like he'll cause that much trouble!" Aggron said as he tried to give excuses.

"Where's Machoke and Nidoking? They should be helping on keeping an eye on Rhyperior too!" Slowking asked Aggron.

"I don't know, I'm not keeping an eye on everyone here" Aggron said as Rhyperior knocked over some of the books placed on the bookcase.

Slowking ran over to the kitchen to get the two fathers but found that they were now drinking carelessly with blastoise holding two bottles and pouring them into their mouths.

"These... Fucking... Idiots!" Slowking whispered angrily as he stomped over to them and grabbed the bottles from Blastoise.

Hey! We weren't done yet!" Blastoise yelled as he tried to take the bottle, although he had trouble doing so considering Slowking was using psychic to keep it out of his reach.

"You all better start acting like adults! You're all acting like this is your bachelor party" Slowking reprimanded both of them.

Nidoking and Machoke, in their drunken states, began apologizing like children.

"We're sorry, we were... I'm so sorry Machoke" Nidoking said before sobbing onto Machoke.

"It's alright... Come here" Machoke said before they started making out in public.

"... This is stupid" Slowking muttered as he smashed the bottle on Blastoise's head, knocking out the turtle who kept trying to steal the bottles back.

Feraligatr walked in on the scene, Blastoise knocked out on the floor while Machoke and Nidoking were making out on the floor.

"What the fuck is going on here!?" Feraligatr asked nobody.

"I don't have time for this Feraligatr... Look, I know you're not like them, so please help me out here, I can't deal with all this trouble right now. Take... Take everything to the gym area, take everything but the alcohol and move the party there. This is getting out of hand, I'll try to deal with Rai, Nidoking, Machoke, Blastoise, and Aggron, they're too much trouble right now" Slowking ordered Feraligatr.

Feraligatr nodded, based on the three of them alone in the kitchen, he could imagine the trouble they could get into if they were allowed to keep doing what they wanted.

Feraligatr took everyone else who wasn't drunk and took them to the dojo, along with the food and drinks, excluding the alcohol.

"These two are... Busy with each other. And Blastoise is out cold, I just have to take Rai and Aggron, and try to snap them out of their drunken shenanigans" Slowking said as he went back to the living room.

The living room was a mess as he saw Aggron and his two lackeys, Emboar and Ursaring, have taken most of the sushi earlier and eating them ravenously as they stuffed them into their mouths carelessly while Rhyperior was talking to the teddy bear in the corner of the room and thinking it was talking back.

"Rhyperior, come on, let's go to the dojo, we'll get you sobered up there okay?" Slowking told him.

"Heehee, I'll see you tomorrow, Slowking is calling me. Let's get married too okay?" Rhyperior told the plush as he was dragged away

"That's it... That's it..." Slowking said as he led Rhyperior outside and onto the dojo until Aggron blocked their path.

"Hey! Where is everyone!? Don't tell me this has something to do with you Slowking!" Aggron said as he looked around.

"We're moving the party to the dojo, no more alcohol for everyone" Slowking told him.

"What... Hey! But that's the best part! What are we gonna drink for fun? Prune juice!?" Aggron said.

"You'll get your alcohol some other night, you're not ruining this for me and Rai tonight" Slowking reprimanded him.

"Hey hey hey! Just because this is your party doesn't mean it isn't Rai's party. Why don't we ask him if he wants to spend it here or in the dojo then?" Aggron asked him.

"No way! He's too drunk to be making-" Slowking tried to say but Rai began to act up impatiently.

"I wanna drink some moooooooooore!" Rai said as he escaped from Slowking's grasp and ran over to the kitchen.

"Rai! Wait!" Slowking tried to chase him down when Emboar and Ursaring pinned him down on the floor.

"Gah! H-Hey! Knock it off!" Slowking yelled as he struggled to get the two heavier pokemon off of him.

"You're not gonna spoil the fun for us! Now where is everyone? You spoiled the party for them so much you made them leave?" Aggron asked him.

"I moved the party to the dojo if that's what you're asking... Now release me and maybe we can still save this party while we still can" Slowking said, wanting to just get this over with.

Aggron gave a smirk as he had something else in mind.

"You know what? Nah, for once WE'RE gonna be in charge of the house this time! And nobody will be around to help you spoil the mood" Aggron said evilly.

"What!? Come on guys! Stop messing around!" Slowking struggled to get off of the two and thrashed his body, before remembering he could use psychic.

"Hey, for someone who's celebrating a bachelor's party, you're not drinking anything. Here, this should be tasty for you" Emboar said before taking a swig of the remaining bottle of liquor and shared a kiss with him and transferring the drink into his mouth.

Slowking was forced to drink the shared sake, and felt his use of psychic weaken drastically as he felt a bit dizzy both from the kiss and alcohol.

Blastoise, Machoke, Nidoking, and Rai came back from the kitchen, and Slowking could smell the alcohol they drank all the way from where he was as they entered.

"Heehee... Slowking looks so nice laying there... Dads... I wanna know what it's like to be a husbaaaaaaaand~" Rai said carelessly.

Blastoise, who wasn't too drunk, smirked and pulled Rai over.

"Heh, you want to be a good husband, huh? Then I know the perfect way to do so. You have to improve your sexual techniques~" Blastoise says to Rai

"Sexual techniques? What's that? Can I learn it like a move? How do I learn it?" Rai asked him.

Machoke and Nidoking joined in.

"Well son, it's a very special activity for *hic* for everyone that you love. So the first thing is that you should lick their penis~" Machoke said as he shamelessly told Rai about this.

Nidoking's penis, which was starting to grow harder and harder as his member grew in front of Rai's face, and Machoke's member started forming a bulge in his underwear.

Slowking was annoyed and outraged by this and started screaming.

"If you so much as touch Rai I'll- Grk!" Slowking was interrupted by a cock going halfway in his mouth before he pulled it out and started coughing.

Emboar had shoved his cock inside his mouth earlier to shut him up.

"Ha! Good job Emboar!" Ursaring high fived Emboar.

"Hey Rai! See what Slowking did? That's what you do when you're married. Why don't you show your fathers how much better you suck their penises" Aggron encouraged Rai.

Too drunk to consider what they were doing, Machoke and Nidoking presented their members to Rai shamelessly, twitching and precumming in front of his innocent face, he could smell the musk coming from both cocks.

"Heehee, is this a contest or something?" Rai asked them.

Blastoise joined in and presented his cock as well to him.

"Maybe if you lick and suck on it, you will soon get a special prize~" Blastoise encouraged him.

"I love prizes!" Rai exclaimed as he didn't hesitate to suck Machoke's cock and give it loving licks as he gave Nidoking and Blastoise handjobs.

"Nidoking! Machoke! Snap out of it!" Slowking watched as the four of them started having sex in front of him... His own boyfriend having sex with others besides him.

"Hey! No need to get left out! Come here!" Said Ursaring as he started to lick his neck and molest him.

"Hey! Stop it or I'll tell Yamato about all this!" Slowking said with a hint of annoyance.

Slowking's vision was blocked as Emboar's cock blocked his eyes from seeing further, he could smell his strong musk as Ursaring started groping his cock.

"Don't be selfish Slowking, let us see yours too! This is a bachelor's party after all" Ursaring pervertedly said as Slowking slowly got hard as well.

"Idiot! This is me and Rai's bachelor party! Not yours! Besides, this is something two people like me and Rai to do! Not like anybody would like you!" Slowking said as he tried to use psychic weakly to get Ursaring off but in his state, he could only push him away as weak as a toddler.

"What the hell! You're spoiling the party! We're supposed to be enjoying all this togetherrrr~" Ursaring said as he felt up the pink member in his clawed paws.

Ursaring's paw could feel how pent up and excited Slowking was becoming as it twitched in his hand.

Emboar, growing impatient, started thrusting his cock and rubbing it all over Slowking's face, gaining some semblance of pleasure from it rubbing on the face.

"Come on, lick it please!" Emboar said with a bit of a frustrated tone.

Slowking was getting dizzier from the scent, and it doesn't help that the cock was rubbing up against his nose as well.

"Like... H-Hell I would... You're not who I'm marrying anyway!" Slowking said, although he felt his resistance fading as his repressed sexual urges starting to get stronger.

"Well then maybe you should forget marrying Rai and marry us instead" Ursaring said before taking Slowking's chin in his claws and kissed him.

Slowking was pissed that he was getting sexually harrassed by what he considered to be his own family... But the kiss was enough to take his mind over with lust as Ursaring snaked his tongue into his mouth and wrapped each other in a sloppy, drunken kiss with him.

Slowking, with what little resistance left, tried to shake his head away from Ursaring's kiss, but the bear's lip lock was firm as he was forced to make out with him.

Slowking eventually able to release himself from the alcohol ridden bear, taking several large gulps of air before feeling a different set of claws grab the back of his head and felt Emboar kiss him in place of Ursaring.

"Uwah... S-Stop... I...!" Slowking was overpowered by the both of them as Ursaring joined in and pinned him down onto the carpeted floor.

The two pokemon, driven by their lust and inebriated states, stuffed their tongues into Slowking's mouth.

Slowking could feel the two wet muscles meet his own, erotically kissing and slurping messily into him, making him blush deep as the two double teamed his tongue from within.

The lewd feeling as they shared saliva eventually became too much as Slowking returned the carnal desires, wriggling their tongues together and fighting back with a futile attempt to come out on top of the handicap kissing.

Soon, they were french kissing as their tongues came out and started dancing and rubbing against each other in the open air while Aggron watched, smirking as he jerked his wet, precumming cock in front of them and enjoying the show.

Rai innocently gave Blastoise and Nidoking handjobs, feeling them twitch in his claws as he gave Machoke a blowjob.

Rai's tongue licked Machoke's cock and felt it twitch with each stroke of his tongue, he could feel how warm it was, he never thought he'd see his adoptive father figure take his underwear off in front of him ever.

"That's my son, you're an expert at this even though you have no experience yet... Uwoh... You make me so proud with your slutty skills~" Nidoking complimented him as he thrusted eagerly into his claws.

"Yeah Rai, maybe you should make a living out of this. You'll become really rich if you keep doing this kind of job~" Blastoise encouraged him.

"R-Really?" Rai asked them as he started to suck and nibble Machoke's balls.

"Yes Rai, I'm so proud of you~" Machoke agreed as he moaned in the air and started to kiss Nidoking, who returned it with no delay.

Blastoise, feeling left out, decided he'd make Rai advance even further.

"Hey look there Rai, your own husband is beating you. He's kissing two people at the same time, will you let him beat you like that?" Blastoise pointed at Slowking who was kissing Ursaring and Emboar.

"Damn, I should do this with Yamato at some point, that'll surely make Feraligatr so fucking jealous" Blastoise thought.

"N-No I won't! Dads! Blastoise! I wanna kiiiiiiiss!!!" Rai said, still thinking this was some sort of contest.

Nidoking, Machoke, and Blastoise obliged as Rai stretched his claws out in a welcoming manner, opening his mouth for them all as they all leaned at the same time and doing the same thing that Slowking was doing, filling Rai's mouth with their tongues.

Rai felt delighted by the feeling of their tongues and was glad he was gonna win the contest now that he had more people's tongues inside him than Slowking had.

Aggron looked at them, and smirked at Slowking.

"Looks like you're losing pretty badly Slowking" Aggron said as Ursaring and Emboar immediately pulled away for their leader to talk to him.

Slowking felt the two tongues leave him, moaning disappointedly before catching himself and pretending to hate it by spitting in the air.

"Like... Like I enjoyed it!" Slowking retorted.

"Did you not? It doesn't matter. What matters is that Rai is, and you wouldn't want to spoil his fun would you? Or ruin what he's enjoying right now" Aggron said as he presented his cock in front of Slowking.

"Don't point that thing at me, like I'll enjoy something so baseless and demeaning like a bunch of mindless animals in a rut" Slowking said with an unamused expression.

"I gave you an easy way out, but it seems you wanna be humiliated even further... Unless that's your kink. Emboar, Ursaring, hold him down and make him watch Rai" Aggron ordered them both.

Emboar and Ursaring followed Aggron's orders and made Slowking lie face down, making him watch as Rai had sex like the slut he was.

"The hell are you doing!?" Slowking yelled angrily, but he felt a mix of arousal as he watched Rai fuck with everyone else.

"Just giving you an incentive to want to fuck with us. If you're taking Rai for yourself, be our guest, it's your wedding. But it doesn't mean we're not gonna share him until that happens... Or even after that~" Aggron said as he walked over to Slowking's rear, and then lifting his hips up to eat Slowking's ass out.

Slowking gasped as his hole was licked by the steel type, his cock now growing fully hard as he was not only made to watch Rai but was forced to have his rear hole prepared by someone he had no desire to get fucked by... Or originally at least.

Rai in the meantime was deepthroating Machoke, taking his large cock easily in his mouth, treating it like a hotdog and taking it in one gulp.

Blastoise had taken to position himself underneath Rai and frotted their cocks, in terms of length, Rai was both bigger and thicker in size, their cocks precumming and slick against each other as they thrusted, feeling their balls touching each time.

Nidoking had began licking Rai's rear hole, lifting his tail up and jerking himself as he not only licked Rai's hole, but also Blastoise's, taking turns with tasting the two other pokemon.

"Uwah... R-Rai... If you make us cum first... We'll reward you with another gangbang~" Machoke told him.

"G-Gangbang?" Rai asked, not knowing what that is.

"Don't mind him... Just keep doing what you're doing~" Nidoking said, as he let go of his tail as Rai voluntarily lifted his tail up willingly.

"Keep rubbing against me Rai...! Your cock feels so good grinding against mine...~" Blastoise moaned as they thrusted against each other.

"M-My hole feels... W-Weird~" Rai said as he felt his hole clench on nothing, as if it needed something inside it.

"That means your hole is ready Rai, here, let me show you how you should take your husband's virginity in the future~" Nidoking said like the responsible father he believed himself to be and started rubbing his cock on Rai's hole.

"Rai! S-Snap.... H-Hah... Out of... Uwoh right there...! I mean...! Don't-" Slowking tried to stop what was happening but his vision was obscured yet again by Emboar's fat ass.

"Hey! Pay attention to us! For now, before you get married to Rai, you're married to uuuuuus~" Emboar said and pushed his legs up, feeling the musky hole of the pig pressing up against his face.

The combined horniness of the situation along with his neglected, twitching cock between his own legs didn't help at all as he started eating Emboar out.

"He's enjoying himself, the bastard loves eating Emboar out HAHAHAHA!" Ursaring laughed as Slowking lost himself to the fat ass in front of him.

Slowking felt like he had a hunger awakened within himself, it was like eating at a buffet except he grew hungrier and hungrier to eat the ass out more eagerly by the second.

Aggron finished licking his hole, before teasingly giving Slowking's cock one lick, even taking both his balls in his mouth and releasing the wet orbs from his mouth.

"Time for the main event, maybe if you make us cum first, we won't do this anymore~" Aggron said, his cock rubbing up against Slowking's hole.

"R-Really? How do I know you're even telling the truth..." Slowking managed to say as he ate Emboar out.

"I can always just fuck the hell out of your slutty hole, either way you have no choice" Aggron said before trying his luck with the tip, with Slowking still being tight.

"... Fine! I... I won't lose..." Slowking said, noticing he had his hands free now as Ursaring was too busy trying to join in and whining about not having enough space.

"Hey! No Fair! There's not even enough space for me to fuck him!" Ursaring said with a disappointed tone.

"... Why don't you join me with his hole then? He could use a good stretch" Aggron pointed at his hole, his tip trying to get past his hole.

"Two at the same time? I'm not complaining" Ursaring said as they both stood beside each other and tried pushing in Slowking's ass.

"...! Wait! I-I can't take two...! G-Graaaauuuughhh!!!" Slowking roared as he felt his ass stretching his hole, tensing up as he felt both rods take his virginity.

"Guwoh... That's a good stretch... You're definitely ready to take Rai's cock now~" Ursaring said a bit mockingly.

"Uwah... You're taking my cock so well... It's like you're in love with me Slowking... Is that it huh? You secretly love my cock? <3" Aggron smirked as he thrusted in him so suddenly.

"As if I'd love someone someone... A-Ah! L-Like you... Don't stop...!" Slowking moaned as he tried his best to not cum right there.

"Nguwah... Slowking I love your tongue..." Emboar drunkenly said.

"Fuck you, you stupid fatass!" Slowking immediately rejected his proposal.

"Hey! Y-You hurt my feelings T^T" Emboar said sadly as he continued to get eaten out.

Aggron grabbed Slowking's cock, which was like a switch that made Slowking's tone change.

"Uwah! P-Please don't touch t-t-t-that!!!" Slowking yelled as his eyes rolled up from his neglected, pent up cock being given attention.

"You're like a comic book Slowking! Easily manipulated with a single touch~" Ursaring sad as he and Aggron thrusted, whenever Aggron would pull out, Emboar would push himself in and vice versa, while Emboar laid there, in heaven from Slowking's tongue.

Meanwhile, Rai was having his ass plowed by Nidoking, their hips meeting as they passionately made love in front of Slowking, while Rai was now having his mouth fucked by Machoke who no longer hesitated with fucking his mouth.

"I can't wait... To brag to Slowking about this... I'm gonna tease him for being such a cuck tomorrow~" Blastoise said as he gave eager thrusts against himself and Rai, licking Rai's neck and even giving some loving bites on his neck.

"Ngh... Rai... You're sucking so well... I know you'll make a great husband for Slowking...!~" Machoke complimented as he kept Rai's head going with one hand.

Rai could feel Nidoking's cock hitting his prostate like a button, feeling his mind blank out as several jolts of pleasure filled both his mind and body, his cock jumping in delight as he frotted with Blastoise each time Nidoking slammed himself harder into him.

"It feels like... I'm melting... My body's melting...!~" Rai managed to say as he gave a silly smile throughout the blowjob he was giving.

Slowking watched from the side as he turned his eye to the right, looking at the depraved sex they were having.

"Uwoh... Slowking... You're licking me too good... I"m gonna cum!!!" Emboar moaned as his cock twitched in front of himself.

"Me too... You better not have your ass stop squeezing us... <3" Aggron told Slowking as he and Ursaring drilled into him.

"Me too boss... Let's cum together inside him <3" Ursaring moaned out as they both thrusted faster.

Slowking could feel them go rougher and faster on him, showing no mercy upon his worn out body as he felt himself unwillingly getting close as well.

Slowking's eyes widened as he came at the same time as all of them.

Emboar shot his load all over himself, having an anal orgasm as Slowking's tongue was clamped down by his ass, his hot load covering himself as he let go of his legs and felt his big chest rise and fall as he started to fall aslee from the blissful state he was in.

Aggron and Ursaring soon followed, plugging Slowking's tight ass with their cocks, blowing load after load of cum, their combined cocks not letting a single drop escape as they came.

Slowking came hands free, climaxing all over the carpet floor and staining it with his thick load, before laying limp on his own puddle of cum, using Emboar's body as a cushion for himself, not caring that Emboar's warm cock was rubbing up against his face.

"Here it comes, son... This is how you impregnate someone with your cock~" Nidoking said to Rai as he thrusted more ferociously than ever.

"Be sure to accept... Oh yes... Accept every last drop... You're going to be a great daddy one day~" Machoke encouraged Rai.

"Yes... Grk... Papa... I'll do my best to use my cock on Slowking when we get married~" Rai agreed as he rode their cocks like the slut he was now.

"We should make this a weekly celebration Rai... We're family after all so.... Ngah... We have to share each other~" Blastoise joined in.

"Thank you everyone... I'm excited to do this with you all again...!~" Rai shouted, and with one great synchronized thrust, they all gave a mighty roar as Rai accepted their loads into him.

Machoke released his cum into Rai, who drank it like milk, who imagined it like that time he drank moomoo milk in the johto region, except this was much thicker.

Nidoking squeezed his claws on Rai's shoulders, spewing cum all over the insides of Rai's ass, making excessive amounts of cum flow out and making a mess on Rai's ass and thighs.

Blastoise and Rai came all over each other, making a mess all over each other's chests and roaring loudly, almost making the others in the dojo suspicious why Rai still hasn't come, or what the noise was that was coming from the kitchen much to Feraligatr's explanations.

Slowking's vision was blurring from the exhaustion as he watched Rai panting, looking sleepy but still conscious enough.

He thought it was all over... Until he heard Aggron say something.

"Hold him up, I still want a turn with the kid. Make sure Slowking watches~" Aggron ordered Ursaring, who grabbed both his arms and made him watch as he grabbed his head to keep it still.

"Hey, are you forgetting someone? You can't possibly forget me right?~" Aggron asked Rai.

Slowking hoped Rai was too tired, but Rai excitedly looked up at Aggron's cock and practically latched himself onto his cock and worshipping it.

Aggron smirked at Slowking, who glared back at him.

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport, we're not making him do anything he doesn't want~" Aggron said as his cock was basically lubricated and polished by the rock type.

Rai didn't even look like he wasn't enjoying it, quite the opposite in fact.

"Do you like doing this in front of Slowking, hm?" Aggron asked him.

Rai nodded with a joyful smile.

"Yes Aggron-nii-chan! I love it especially when Slowking watches me~" Rai agreed with him.

Slowking was devastated... And yet he felt an odd tingle of pleasure in himself as he felt the humiliation and arousal consume him as his cock sprang back to life.

"See Slowking? He's enjoying himself so much that his cock got hard again. Why don't we show him what it would look like if he fucked you? I'll help you demonstrate it to him~" Aggron said as he put Rai in a missionary position.

Slowking tried to close his eyes but Ursaring pried them back open with his claws, and watched the erotic, and hot... No it wasn't hot! The display in front of him... It was only natural to get hard seeing that... Right?

Slowking asked himself that as Aggron didn't waste any time and plunged himself into Rai again, the cum soaked ass easily taking him like a fleshlight.

"Uwoh... You took me in so easily... Ngah... This is the best ass I've ever fucked kiddo... You're the best~" Aggron complimented him.

"Thank you Aggron-nii-chan... Your cock is so good too, I hope Slowking is good as well when we do it one day~" Rai said, not knowing how this was affecting Slowking.

Slowking started thrusting in the air, one part of himself wanted to stop this, but the other part felt horny from watching this, he couldn't decide what to do.

Nidoking and Machoke approached him, still horny and raring to go, and seeing that Slowking was unoccupied, they decided to use him for their own release.

Two shadows loomed above Slowking as he watched, before looking back at who owned them, which was revealed to be Machoke and Nidoking, their hard cocks pressing up against Slowking's nose.

"See this son-in-law~? You want our cocks don't you?~" Machoke asked him, rubbing the tip on his nose and teasing him with his musk.

"Don't you want to spend some quality time with your dads-in-law~" Nidoking teased, beating his cock on Slowking's face.

Slowking started licking the tip of their cocks as far as he could reach in his restrained state, giving lustful licks like he was licking a lollipop.

Aggron and Rai meanwhile had wrapped their claws around each other's head and made out like they were the ones who were getting married instead, their tongues swirling around each other as they tasted each other's saliva with no shame whatsoever.

Aggron pounded Rai's tailhole, relishing in the slick hole's walls as he gyrated his hips and making Rai squeal and make all sorts of sounds with just the use of his cock.

"See that kiddo? He's enjoying himself just as much as you did so don't hold back~" Aggron encouraged Rai to continue.

"Slowking is the best! He's letting me do so many enjoyable activities with all of you~" Rai said as a string of precum shot out in between their bodies, landing on Slowking as he was now at the mercy of both of his in-laws' cocks.

Nidoking carried Slowking, making them face each other while he aimed his cock right on his hole, with Machoke joining in and started pushing his cock with Nidoking's.

"Son-in-law...~" Nidoking dreamily said.

"I-" Slowking tried to say before their mouths passionately met each other and made out.

Machoke and Nidoking rammed themselves in, stretching Slowking's ass once more with two cocks which were much bigger compared to the other two that fucked him earlier.

Slowking couldn't help himself as he started to rub Nidoking's muscles, who squeezed his ass in return.

"Perhaps I should marry you too Slowking, your ass is so juicy~" Nidoking lustfully whispered to him.

"It's very shapely... Like it wants me to keep fucking it all night... Rai is a very lucky pokemon~" Machoke complimented as he joined in and started groping Slowking's ass, along with the rest of his body.

Slowking enjoyed the groping he received, he no longer cared if this was wrong, he wanted this to never end.

He could feel the bumps on both cocks rubbing up against his walls and give him more pleasure, sending him closer and closer to another orgasm.

"Aggron-nii-chan... I can feel something coming again... Like last time...!" Rai warned Aggron.

"Yes... Let it happen kiddo... It's gonna be glorious!" Aggron encouraged him as he started using much more power in his thrusts to dick Rai down on the floor, causing some of the displays on the wall to shake and fall like there's some kind of earthquake.

"Slowking... Accept our seed and love... We love you~" Machoke groaned as his balls slapped against Slowking's.

"Remember Slowking... We love you... And nothing can ever change that~" Nidoking said as the tips of their tongues kept licking each other.

"Yes... I love you both... I love both of you and your manly cocks so much...!~" Slowking said with a silly smile.

The simultaneous roars echoed across the house and the dojo, causing the other pokemon to stop what they were doing and had enough of what was going on.

"Ok that's it, this has gone on long enough. I'm getting Slowking and finding out what the hell has been happening this whole time!" Feraligatr said as he stomped back to the house.

Feraligatr mega kicked the doors open, and found that everyone was passed out on the floor, with swirly eyes and sleeping, but most importantly cum soaked on the ground.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Feraligatr yelled as he looked at the cum soaked house.

"What is all that ruckus for- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!" Incineroar yelled as he covered his eyes from the horrific sight.

"Your eyes!? What about our noses!? The smell is so strong!" Arcanine said as he and Mightyena covered their sensitive noses.

"Hey, just because I'm a water type doesn't mean I'm gonna clean this" Floatzel said as he backed away to the dojo.

Incineroar picked Aggron up who was slowly sneaking out of the room.

"Hey! We're not gonna clean up this... This... This mess! What kind of depraved shit have you been smoking to decide to paint the whole house in jizz!" Incineroar said as he used wake up slaps on Aggron.

Machoke and Nidoking were next to get caught as they tried to sneak from the kitchen's backdoor, but Mightyena and Arcanine snarled as the two tried to get away.

"Don't think you two are gonna get away just because you're the groom's parents" The two said as Machoke and Nidoking kneeled down as a spotlight appeared on them as they both kneeled in shame.

Blastoise, Ursaring and Emboar decided it would be wise to just stay still and pretend to be unconscious as the others were caught red handed and played victim with Slowking and Rai who were sleeping on the ground.

Aggron, Machoke, and Nidoking were made to clean the whole house of their combined loads as everyone else decided to continue the party in the dojo. It wasn't long before they joined them again, and the bachelor's party continued on as normal... As normal as it can get this night at least.


"Will you, Rhyperior, take Slowking as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked Rai.

"I do~" Rai said as he looked at Slowking who was in a tux, the same as him.

"And do you, Slowking, take Rai as your lawfully wedded husband as well?" The priest asked Slowking.

"I do" Slowking said.

"Then I pronounce you as husbands" The priest said as Rai and Slowking kissed, they were officially husbands to each other now.

Rai and Slowking were congratulated by their friends, including Yamato who was happy for them.

Before they left, Rai playfully threw the flowers for anybody to catch them, as many of the other pokemon tried to catch the bouquet.

Feraligatr caught the flowers by accident, which he was then pushed by Yamato and bumped into Incineroar, making Feraligatr blush intensely. He expected Blastoise to be there to tease him but found no sight of him, which greatly made Feraligatr relieved.

The wedding goes on and on for the whole day, with everyone enjoying the rest of the evening with the newly wedded couple, the food, and the souvenirs.

As night arrived, Slowking and Rai enter the new room that they vowed to never use until they got married. A room they always dreamed of consummating their love.

But as they entered, they were greeted by the same six pokemon at the bachelor party, mainly consisting of Blastoise, Machoke, Nidoking, Ursaring, Emboar, and Aggron. But not just them, there were many more pokemon, there was Floatzel, Arcanine, Mightyena, and other pokemon from the neighborhood, all with their cocks out and twitching, eager to get started.

"Hey Rai, remember this? Don't you miss this?" Blastoise pointed at his cock.

Machoke and Nidoking were reluctant, but their lust had overtaken their judgment as they were naked with the others.

Rai was all too happy to kneel down in front of Blastoise and start blowing him, getting surrounded by many pokemon who wanted a piece of his ass.

Slowking took a gulp, he wasn't expecting them, he tried to use psychic but... Found himself not wanting to go through with it as he felt Aggron's cock rubbing up against his ass, who started to strip him of his clothes and molest his body.

"What's wrong Slowking? Aren't you gonna fight back like you always did?~" Aggron teased as he then ripped Slowking's tuxedo apart, feeling his cock get hotdogged by Slowking's ass.

Slowking tried to turn around, what little fight he had in him was immediately extinguished as he was forced into a kiss by him, feeling their cocks twitch lovingly against each other.

The door closed and several moans rang through the room, with Yamato and the others being none the wiser.

From that point on, Rai and Slowking would be used as sluts by their own family of pokemon, Rai would enjoy it more as he would think it was a normal thing to do, But Slowking had it worse since he was enjoying watching Rai get fucked in front of him despite knowing it was wrong to do so. But what mattered to them in the end was that they always did it together as husbands, and in a way, that made it romantic for both of them...despite not having time to use their experiences with each other.

Author's Note:

The pokemon used in this chapter are all from Yamato's OCs, including the trainer named Yamato Takahashi and all the pokemon in this chapter. That's why some pokemon here have this specific personality in them so I don't take credit for any of them except for the sex scene itself.

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