An Exchange with a Witch

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Exia ends up looking for a witch, unknowing that the witch will find her first.

Commissioned by JCFoxman

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An Exchange with a Witch

For JCFoxman

By Draconicon

A Doryaan should have been feared and respected wherever she went, but since the incident of Stoneshore, it had been difficult for Exia Ironsoul to command the same respect that she once did. Oh, the villagers that she met were keen to bow and scrape to her face, but the moment that they thought that the reptilian woman wasn't paying attention, the whispers and murmurs started. They were always just loud enough that her ears, trained to pick out the sounds of the jungle from a distance, could always just pick them up.

"Isn't she the one that fights naked?"

"I thought she'd be walking around that way, too."

"Well, she does it at night, I hear."

"Let's hide out and find out."

They were always more interested in what she'd look like when she got her clothing off than what she was at their village for. Even when she was proven right, when she got rid of the monster or chased off the raiders, they were more interested in waiting for her to strip down so they could see the naked warrior. The naked part was always more important to them than the warrior part, and more than once, the flat of her blade was used to bonk someone away from her when they tried to get a little handsy. The curse might have forced her into the life of a nudist, but that didn't mean that she was obliged to let them touch her, or worse.

Five days after Stoneshore, she knew that she had to do something about the curse before it completely shattered her reputation. If she didn't do something, and soon, she would no longer be known as a Beastrider, nor as a warrior, but merely as that woman that went naked at night. The rumors were already spreading that she allowed people to touch her and even lay with her if she was caught, and one person had tried to take advantage of that by waiting just outside her door when she was getting ready for her nightly naked walk.

That had been a rather difficult thing to explain to the chief, but it helped that the younger man had a reputation in the village for harassment. It was clear at that point that she had not invited it, nor asked for it. The cuts and scrapes that the young man had taken for trying to accost her were chalked up as a lesson that he would have needed to learn sooner or later.

But that wouldn't be the case in every village. She needed to find someone that could take at least some of the curse from her, and that meant finding a witch.

She heard rumors of one living inland, near one of the Turquoise Lakes, and Exia directed her beast towards them. Monster hunting, unfortunately, would have to wait.

Two days of travel later, she found herself at the shore of one of the great Turquoise Lakes. They were a bundle of six different lakes, said to be fed from the same underground source that rose through the earth and created the deep, beautiful waters. They were a deeper, more opaque blue to the other lakes, and while they were salty, they were not dangerous to drink. The Doryaan woman knelt down at the edge of the water, running her hand over the surface and feeling the smooth particles in the water.

Much as she didn't wish to foul the water, she knew for a fact that she needed to bathe. There had been no rain for the past two days, and no rivers passed for a quick bath. She shook her head as she stood up, pulling at the cords that held her loincloth to her hips.

This is...irksome...

She didn't quite blush as she removed her loincloth and laid it over the saddle of her beast, but it was a near thing. Once, she had managed to wear leather armor, or more, during her travels. Now, she was forced to keep to little more than leather wraps that barely covered her breasts and did not quite cover her sex when she was riding. When she was standing, it was just enough to keep her modest, but only just.

The curse of the ghosts had made her more and more inclined towards showing off her body, making it hard for her to bear being covered up for longer than a few hours at a time. It had progressed further and further, leaving her in great discomfort when more than her breasts, butt, and sex was covered, and when the night came, when the moon was over the horizon and looking down on her, that silver light made even that covering ache.

She gritted her teeth as the sun went down, the moon just barely showing over the horizon. Its silver light played over her scales, a blue-green color that flattered her curves more than a harder or colder color might have done. White hair ran down from her head, along her back and over her shoulders, while her tail was tipped with similar strands. She was a distinctive woman, there was no doubt about that.

Without the leather of her bra, her breasts bounced, hanging down ever so slightly if only because of their size. She wasn't old enough for them to start sagging just yet, but they were definitely going to risk that if she didn't do something to ensure that they weren't pulled down by their own weight. That was the other reason that she wanted to get the curse lifted. She was making it harder and harder for her body to maintain its own looks.

She pushed them up a bit, sighed at the sheer weight that they had, and then let them go, feeling the pull and the bounce that came after. Down below, she felt her shaft swing a bit, something that it always did when it was finally freed from the loincloth. It was never quite bound the way that some men did with their cocks, but it was usually restrained by the weight of the cloth itself. Now...

Well, now the moonlight was tempting it up, leaving her with a spire of flesh that was reflected in the surface of the lake. She shook her head. It had grown even more insistent than the feminine sex just behind her sac, lately, and she hoped removing the curse, or easing it, at least, would make her shaft slightly less eager.

Regardless, for now, she had to work with what she had, and that was a body begging to be naked from the curse, and one that badly needed a bath.

"Stay," she told her mount, and leaped into the water.

As soon as she jumped in, she felt the difference between the water of the Turquoise Lakes and those of every other river that she had been in. There were particles in the water, like an exaggerated feeling that one would get in a particularly salty part of the ocean. However, these were different, smooth and sliding along her scales rather than the slight jagged feeling one would get with the water in one's mouth. She knew for a fact that she would not be able to open her eyes under the water, not without damaging them, and so she swam with them closed until she broke the surface once more.

Wiping her eyes, she looked down again. She could barely see a vague silhouette of herself through the surface, and even that was as desexualized as possible. She waited for the curse to tell her to get out of the water and expose herself properly, but there was none of that. Instead, she was allowed to bob and tread water, her exposure limited to the occasional rise and fall of her breasts from the water.

Exia smiled. It was a good compromise. She wasn't so vulnerable this way, and it made her feel a little more free to know that she didn't have to be completely exposed all the time.

Treading water for a bit, she let herself relax in the water's grip. With the various little particles around her, she could feel the grime of the last few days washing off. Her scales felt like she was actually washing them and grinding down on them with a proper cloth, all from swimming. It was...

Honestly, surprisingly erotic in some ways, particularly when her nipples kept bobbing down into the water and then rising back out as she breathed. She could feel the slight tingle-tickle of the particles rubbing her there, and they soon started getting hard, erect, pointed in the cool water.

Mmm...that's nice, did just want to clean up...

She needed to remember that, or she'd start distracting herself. If she wanted to get herself off, she could do that when she went back to the bank. For now, cleaning, and the best way to do that was to stay in motion.

Exia kicked out from the shore, taking her time to really get her legs moving. Her arms dragged her through the water, and with every movement, she felt her scales getting cleaner and cleaner, no longer coated with the oils of the day or the dust of her trails. Every movement cleaned her better than a bath in one of the villages would have done, and with far less peeping eyes on her.

She had managed to swim for three minutes before the slow stroking feeling of the lake itself started to get to her. Her shaft was already fairly eager when she'd jumped into the water, but now it was begging for attention, the feeling of the water dragging on it making her feel almost like it was getting a handjob from the lake itself. Her breasts were getting stroked, too, and every time that she kicked too hard and spread her legs further, she had gotten a little 'kiss' from the cool water to her sex and her other hole.

It left her panting by the time that she reached the center of the lake, her scales feeling ever so sensitive now that they had been scoured clean. She panted, treading water again as she idly reached one hand down, down, down -

And then stopped herself as something touched her tail.

"Who's there?"

She whipped around, but there was nothing. The moonlight meant that there was very little light to see by, and the lake itself made it difficult to see below the surface as she twisted and turned. Even if it had been bright daylight, she doubted she would have been able to see much, if anything, below the surface of the water. It was the perfect disguise for a lake monster, or worse.

Exia kicked out, seeing if she could get lucky. She did; her toes caught something, something scaly that was swimming just below her, and the force launched her into the air. The experienced warrior thrust herself forward, turning the jump into a launching point towards the shore.

Just like that, something under her started swimming alongside, faster, moving towards the surface. She could see something large, something dark and quick. Probably about her size, too.

And me without a weapon...

Exia pushed herself, dragging herself through the water, her fingers curled in claws as if she could use them to grab the water and pull herself through it even faster. It was fruitless, useless, and in short order, she was surrounded by four other shapes just as big as she was.

Not good...not -

And then they grabbed her.

Exia yelped as she was pulled underwater, her arms flailing and her legs kicking in desperate attempts to find her captors. She had hands on her hips and then on her shoulders, pushing her down. Others grabbed at her ankles, pulling at her legs and feet to keep her from lashing out. Her strength was as nothing underwater, and the figures pulled her hard, dragging her further and further from the surface.

Panic surged, followed by anger. This wasn't fair. This wasn't -

Something pressed against her lips, something insistent. She clenched her mouth shut, trying to keep it out, but it kept wiggling, grinding, and a hand pressed against her jaws. The pressure built until her mouth was forced open, and she braced herself for a tongue or something horrible.

Instead, she felt bubbles. Air. She sucked it in before she could stop herself, the breath turning into a kiss.

It was a short-lived one, but it was enough to calm her, if only slightly. She was turned, faced towards someone else in her blinded darkness, and she received another kiss, another gift of air. It was enough to slow her racing heart, but not enough to explain what was happening.

And still, she was pulled down. Further, further, further into the lake, until the light of the moon no longer touched her eyes, until the lake went from cool to cold.

They traveled in the dark, freezing waters for a time, with her being passed from one pair of lips to another. They touched her, held her, even fondled her as they dragged her through the water, but did no more than that. She felt the water change, too, no longer filled with the same particles, and realized that those must have been nearer to the surface, borne up by the heat of the water as it rose. Down here, there was none of that, so it was clearer.

She risked opening an eye, and she found herself staring at something amazing.

Deep down at the bottom of the lake was a grand circle of light, not from the sun or from magic, but from little glowing creatures that clustered together deep in the depths. They formed a dome of sorts, keeping the darkness at bay, and Exia could just make out figures moving beneath it, almost like those in a village market looking for something to buy. Whatever held her led her towards the light in the distance.

As they came closer, the figures were revealed. Four figures, four females that were as scaled as she was, though with different colors. Most of them were completely black with hints of blue running through the scales, with fins on the back of their heads and webbing between their fingers. That explained why their touch had felt so strange, and why she had felt like she was being gripped by monsters.

They smiled at her, still sharing their air, and she realized that they were breathing through gills and giving her some of what they breathed in every time. She was thankful, but no less confused.

Finally, they reached the dome. It was made of jellyfish, something that she had never seen in a lake before, but this was a place of wonder, of strangeness. She shook her head, half-dreading passing through them, but the water-lizards around her gave her a push that she could not fight against. She tumbled forward, found a gap between the jellyfish -


And then fell into a dry room. She gasped for air, sucking it down properly as she hit the ground. Stone, mixed with earth. She groaned as she dragged herself upright, feeling less shame for her nudity than usual, and looked around.

All around her were other lizard women, each one perched on the balls of their feet on a rock somewhere around her. They were attentive, curious, interested, but not going further than that as she stepped forward. The low light of the jellyfish overhead made it impossible for her to see all the details, but she knew that they were watching her, eyeing her.

"What do you want?" she asked.

The lizard women didn't answer, save to point towards the center of the dome. Not having much of a choice, Exia did as she was asked, making her way to the middle and standing there.

"What do you want?" she asked again.

"Oh, it is not what they want...or what I want...but what you want."

The voice came from...below? It was aged, sounding like some matron more than some wild thing. She looked down, and then, the magic happened.

The mud spun away, rotating and spinning like a whirlpool until it had formed into something resembling stairs rising from the depths. She stared as someone rode up from below, some different figure, some -

A woman. A very curvaceous, naked woman, one who wore the same black scales as the lizard folk around her, but with a red streak through them rather than the blue streaks that the others had. She smiled as she stepped out of the depths, a fin slowly furling and unfurling along the back of her head, and along her shoulders. She made no effort to hide her body, took no time to cover her breasts or her hips. Instead, she swayed, flaunting them, making sure that every extra bump and curve she had was on display.

Exia took a step back from the stairs as the other woman rose free of them, remaining silent as she reached for the ground. The mud rose, forming a chair, then a throne for the naked woman, one that she sat in shortly after. The air stirred and tingled with power and magic, more than she had felt since the temple ruins and the ghosts that had cursed her.

"You're a witch. The witch," Exia said.

"Indeed. And are a strong one."

"I came here looking for you."

"Fortunate for you, then. You've found me."

"I came to ask a favor."

"Heh...did you practice this speech, girl?"

"What? Why?"

"Because everything you say is giving me one more reason to keep you alive, and to give you what you want." The other reptile spoke like an older woman, even if her body looked vaguely younger. She crossed one leg over the other, cocking her head to the side as she folded her hands together in her lap. "Tell me. What brings someone like you in search of a witch?"

"I need to get rid of a curse."

"A curse, hmm? Yes, I can sense something of the like upon you."

"It was left by -"

"That doesn't matter, young one," the witch said, chuckling to herself. "What matters will you pay for your relief?"


Exia knew that was an odd thing to fixate on compared to everything else that the witch was saying, but 'young' was something that the shaman had called her, and nobody else. The witch might have had some older mannerisms, but she didn't look that old. She cocked her head to the side, resting one hand on her hip.

"Just how old are you?"

"Old enough that it would kill your erection if you knew," the witch said, chuckling. "Let's leave it with the idea that I'm old enough to handle you if I need to."

"...I see."

"Now, let me look at you. Spread your legs, dear."


"Too forward? And I thought you wanted a witch's favor. We have little in the way of company, dear, me what I'm working with. I know you want to."

And the irksome thing was, she did. She gritted her teeth, trying to ignore the throb from her erection as she turned on the spot, slowly lifting her tail as she rotated for the witch's pleasure. She could feel those eyes on her, and that made her all the more excited, particularly as she started to spread her legs just a little bit, enough to allow her rump to bounce a little with each shuffling step, enough to show her sex when she bent forward a little once the witch was behind her.

"Mmm, quite fascinating...and here I thought that your curse might have been in the shaft..."


"You have a fine one, don't get me wrong, little one. But you are sporting something quite large for your size."

"Mmmph. I try to ignore it."

"And that will be your undoing, my dear. This thing is suited for breeding, so virile that you will seldom be able to ignore it."

Exia's response was cut off by the touch of something ghostly and gentle to her shaft, making her yelp as it felt like she was being stroked from behind. She jumped to her feet, spinning around as she swept her hands through the ghostly spell of red light around her shaft.

"None of that. None. Of. That."

"Such a pity," the witch said, shifting her pose to lean on the arm of her throne, uncrossing her legs and then crossing them again. "So, this is what you are...what shall you pay for my favor?"


"You have no idea, do you?"

"I came to find out what your price was. I didn't expect to be drawn to the depths of a lake."

"A pity, dear. If you cannot name your price, then I will name mine."

Exia would have slapped herself if it wouldn't have been both undignified or stupid. The whole idea of coming here in the first place had been to get help, and now, she was having to sell herself to get it. If she had been a little less focused on her curse and more focused on how to get the solution she needed, this might not have been such a problem.

As it was, she tried to stand as confident as she could, waiting for the witch to say what she wanted. It was probably going to be something humiliating, something that would knock her down a peg or two. That was how these old women tended to act. They wanted something to allow them to flex their power, to make it clear that they were doing you a favor, and then they would give you half of what you wanted. It was never so simple as -

"A child shall do."

"...What?" Exia asked, blinking twice. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I will take a child as payment."

"I'm not in the kidnapping business."

"You misunderstand. You will give me a child."

And just like that, her cock throbbed all the harder, begging for the chance to do what it was made for. Exia gritted her teeth at the sheer pulsing pleasure that ran through her shaft while the witch chuckled.

"Yes, I see that your body is more than ready to fulfill that particular bargain. The question is, are you?"

"Mmph...that wasn't...I didn't expect..."

"You think that you could expect what I want? That would imply that I was predictable. Part of dealing with age, dear one, is finding a way to surpass expectations. Now..."

Exia felt herself falling backwards slowly and realized that she was being literally swept off her feet. The ground moved beneath her, lowering her onto her back. She wasn't held down, but the ground shifted, becoming slightly muddy and sucking at her back, her rump, her arms, her legs. It 'encouraged' her to stay put as the witch stood from her throne, making her way over.

"I don't think you need to be told what to do, do you?"

"I'm guessing I just lay here and let you work," Exia muttered.

"Such a good girl. Perhaps I might have let you do the work, but for now...let this witch have her fun..."

For all that the witch emphasized her age - and it was something that kept pushing Exia down, playing off her inability to resist her elders as much as her peers - there was nothing to her body that suggested she was particularly old. Her sex looked as tight as one could imagine, and her breasts, full and more than a handful, had less sag to them than her own did.

In fact, in some ways, the older woman had more of an appeal than she felt she did. The black and red colors made her look like some beast of the dream world, something that had come to seize her seed, and that thought alone was enough to keep her cock hard. She shivered as her shaft brushed against that wet, warm opening, feeling it parting ever so slightly around the head, then pushing down just a bit further. She could feel the little stroke, the rub, the tingle that came from being so near to penetrating a female, and shivered as her shaft throbbed and spat just a hint of pre-cum against the witch.

"Mmm, I see that your shaft has been trained for this..."


"Well, allow me to guide your instincts...and it will be better for both of us..."

She tried not to think about how this whole quest had been turned on its head. Rather than a respectful visit to a witch to find out what it would take to remove her curse, she had been seized by a witch's minions and made to pay a cost that would grant her some ease. She shivered as she felt the warmth against her tip grow stronger, as she felt a hand reaching down beneath her shaft to fondle her sac.


"Yes, so full..."

"I...haven't had...any companionship for a while."

"That is good. You save it for something proper, my dear. Now...let me take it from you..."

And with that, the first little 'pop' of penetration filled Exia's ears. She gasped, groaning as the witch slowly pushed down on her, gradually easing herself further and further down on her shaft. The tightness, the heat, the wetness, the sheer softness of the inner walls clamping down around her was something so different from her other experiences. She had been filled so often, but now...

Now she was doing the filling, and it felt good.

All too aware that the other lizards were watching them, she tried to keep her focus on the witch and the witch alone. It didn't really work, considering she could hear the soft hissing of their animal-talk even from there. The only distraction was the witch's slow ride, and that...

Well, that was amazing. Her eyes clenched shut, her breath came fast, and she curled her toes against the mud as the older woman slowly rose and fell, rose and fell, sliding along her shaft all the way to the base before moving back to the tip. Despite the fact that she'd long ago gotten used to teasing her shaft for quick orgasms, this was a longer, more powerful tease. She could feel her seed rising up, her sac coming higher, only for the pace to change and it to go back down again. She groaned in frustration.

"Do you want to cum so badly, then?" the witch asked. "Does my little stud wish to fill me so quickly and lose her pleasure?"

"Mmmph...I just want...relief..."

"And you'll have it...when I have mine..."

The slow slides stopped, and the fast riding began. Exia gasped as the wide-hipped witch slammed down on her, hard, and she could feel the ripples and vibrations that went through the other woman's rump as it hit her. She was still trying to catch her breath as the experienced woman rose up again, squeezing down for the entire trip up her shaft, only to slam down again just as hard as before.


Exia had been through all kinds of traps and restraints, had trained with them, been caught by ghosts, and worse. Yet, she had never felt quite as helpless as right this moment, with this powerful woman riding her shaft. Up, down, up, down, her shaft reflecting the glow of the jellyfish as it was soaked in the other woman's juices.

The soft, wet smack of the witch's breasts rising and falling filled her ears, too, making her all too conscious of just how much the older woman was enjoying this. Despite the speed, the other woman's hand continued to hold her sac, clenching her fingers around it just short of being uncomfortable. It was a possessive touch, a reminding touch.

Whatever was in there right at that moment belonged to the witch, and she planned on getting it.

Up, down, up, down, clenching and squeezing, rippling and shaking every time that they came together. Exia tried to thrust up to speed it up, only for the witch to bring her tail around and pin her to the ground, the spikes along the top of that black tail pressed against Exia's neck.

"No, no, little moving...until I'm satisfied...and you are drained."

That sent a shiver down her spine, and with the audience all around, she couldn't help it. She gritted her teeth, trying to hold back for a little longer, but with the next slide down to her balls, she couldn't stop herself. She came.

Exia shivered as the orgasm overtook her, the slight pressure of the spiked tail at her neck making her all the more aware of the other woman's power over her right at that moment. She felt each spurt running through her shaft, each throb that kept the pleasure echoing through her. Her sac drew up, pressing firmly against her groin, and she moaned under her breath as she felt her seed soaking her shaft as well as the other woman's depths.

Then, the pleasure-pain began as the witch started riding her again. Exia teased up, hissing through her teeth.

"I told you, dear one. No leaving...until I am satisfied...and you...are drained."

The riding and 'draining' continued for upwards of three hours, and by the time they were done, Exia was a shaking, quivering mess. In that moment, she almost didn't feel that she had testicles anymore. Everything felt like it had been pulled through her shaft and into the other woman. The witch had been utterly voracious in her rutting, pushing Exia right to the edge and then just slightly beyond it.

The black and red woman stood up, her thighs stained, her sex dripping with everything that the Doryaan had pushed out. Exia herself could barely manage to keep from curling into a ball after that, and only because something else had changed.

Between her legs, her shaft had grown. Not much, not massively, but even in its flaccid state, it reached ten inches long, something that was truly massive and far too large to hide behind her loincloth anymore. She gritted her teeth as she felt it flop down, going past her non-existent sac and hitting the floor with a soft smack.

"You will give me something precious, young one," the witch said, resting a hand on her stomach. "Someone such as you only comes around a few times in a generation. Sensual, well-endowed, strong...not particularly smart just yet, but that is more nurture than nature, isn't it?"


Exia slowly got her legs under her. Shaking hard, she dragged herself to her feet, stumbling from side to side as she managed to get upright. Her shaft had finally gone soft, and she was half-sure that was why the witch had eventually stopped. Shaking her head, she grabbed the other woman by the wrist.

"Now...fix me..."

"Oh, dear, did you think that I needed to do that separately? I did that while you were doing your job."

"You mean...the curse is gone?"

"Oh, no, I couldn't do that. Not for a payment like this."

"But -"

"No, no. I didn't get rid of the curse. However, I did remove your shame."


"You will no longer hate yourself for being naked. Nor will you find any shame in others looking. However, I have left your ability to consent to sex intact. You will not turn into a whore, just...enjoy it when people look."


Exia was at a loss for words, so much so that she barely resisted when the witch's minions took her by the hands and led her to the edge of the dome. The Doryaan shook her head, trying to find something to say -

Splash. Then they were in the water, and she realized that she didn't have that much air. She went wide-eyed, looking at the two lizard women on either side of her. They each gave her a kiss, and then a push.

She swam. She swam HARD for the surface.


The minute her lips broke the surface of the water, she gasped for breath, sucking it down. She had been right on the edge of suffocating, and she was hyper-aware of the water running down her face, her chest, everything as the sheer speed she'd been swimming at sent her past the surface. Up, up, up, her head breaking the water, her chest, her hips, all the way up to her thighs. Her breasts bounced up, as her head went back, her hair dripping down her back, and for a moment, she almost floated in that position.

Then gravity dragged her back down, and she fell flat on her back on the surface of the Turquoise Lake, her breasts falling down again and flattening ever so slightly as she lay on her back. Panting for air, she laid there, floating slowly towards the shore. She swallowed air the way a drowning man swallowed water, huffing and puffing. Eventually, she had the energy to punch the surface of the lake.


So much for a cure for the curse. Hopefully, it would make things easier, but she needed to find something else, something better, and soon.

The End

Summary: Exia ends up looking for a witch, unknowing that the witch will find her first.

Tags: F/H, vaginal, femdom, fantasy, underwater, nudity, erection, breeding, orgasm, cum, riding, exhibitionism, embarrassment, creampie, series,