The Prince of Vara - [Chpt 3]

Story by chidchud on SoFurry

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#3 of The Prince of Vara

On his first day with the Prince, Milo sees much more of the Prince than he thought he would.

Posted using PostyBirb

~ Chapter 3 ~

Cracking open my eyes, I saw the Prince's face across from mine. His maw deeply gasped in air as his chest heaved. All building to a long, singular blow right back towards my face. The whole view was all too foreign and unsettling for me.

I rustled out of the bed cautiously as to not wake him. Inch by inch, I weaseled my way out, until, finally, my paws found their place onto the floor.

A strange sensation entrapped me. A sensation that somehow my fur was not my own. At that moment, I suddenly wanted to wash myself more than anything. All over my body; I felt this everywhere. Nausea slipped in and only worsened looking at the bottle of lubrication sitting upon the bedside table.

The room raced around me as I backed away from the bed. The habitual roar of dread swallowed me as I began to truly cement where I was mentally. As I felt a sweat coming on, I stumbled back into a chair and gripped the armrests tightly. Whether I liked it or not, I began to trace the memories flooding back in.

The bell's roar grasped my heart and pulsated the blood throughout my body. Before my brain was able to catch up, I was changing into my work clothes and making small attempts to fix my fur before rushing from the servant's quarters.

Beatrice crinkled her nose at us behind the steam from her cup of coffee. I remember speaking with the servants on one rare occasion and talking about how she was always a flip of a shilling every morning.

On a lucky flip, she looked calm, meaning we would have a good day. On the rarest occasions, she'd smile and the day would be truly wonderful. Most days, however, she showed the other side and we skidded to a stop in front of a never-ending glare.

"John and Robert, you will be in charge of cleaning the kitchen. William, James, and Emma, you will be in charge of cleaning the rest of the eatery. Milo, you will be fetching supplies." She took but a breath before her voice quickened. "I want five pounds of herring, one gallon of rice milk, two loaves of bread, five sprigs of thyme, a sack of flour, a wheel of blue stilton, and two bottles of the same port wine you had gotten last time."

My hair stood up. "Madam, I don't wish to make a mistake as I did last time. Would there-"

"Good. Don't." She tossed me a coin purse. "I'll be counting each pence when you return."

I looked to the others before I straightened my back and cleared my face of any expression. "Yes, madam."

It was but a brief moment before I came back to life and made it to my feet once more. I paced around the room before grasping onto the chair and moving it to be parallel to the wall. It then became a matter of the candles in the room as so many weren't centered within their holders or seemed to lean ever so slightly. I rubbed my nightshirt onto the metal handles of the dresser to add to their shine before brushing off dust from the bottom of the wardrobe.

"What in Lord's name are you doing?"

My fur stood up as I turned to Damian. "I-I was just waiting on you to wake up. There was just nothing to do here. Your room is just so boring and I just had to find something to keep myself busy with. Now that you are awake though, I can at least start the day off."

His bewildered expression faded. "Well, I forbid that you ever do that again." He softened up. "You have enough on your plate posing as my lover as is. Do not guilt me by doing anything more beyond that."

For but a brief moment, I quivered my lip ever so gently before letting the emotion dry up off my face. "Won't happen again."

That seemed to be enough to satisfy him and he let the topic rest. I took a quiet, shallow breath before he opened up his dresser.

"We've got a big day ahead of us. Best to get ready."

He handed me richly textured, purple garments and a bar of soap that smelled strongly of lavender. I couldn't help but brush my paws against the clothes and feel the rich, silk cloth slide against them.

"Servants, fetch me the seamstress at once," he shouted.

I looked around before hearing a voice from outside his door. "At once, your Highness."

"You may go bathe first. There is a servant to guide you outside. You must make haste here as my seamstress will be here before we know it."

I nodded and scampered off not thinking to ask any more questions. Clutching my paw, I feared it would tremble, but I realized a strange peace had taken me. Maybe I would never see Beatrice or that eatery again. Maybe I would leave the ball with every last promised shilling counted into my bag and find that I'd enjoy these remaining six days more than I would've thought.

I took my bath in warm, clean waters and worked my fur to wash it of all its grime. It was deeply refreshing and therapeutic to be in a porcelain tub as large as this one. My whole body fit nicely within it well enough for me to even completely submerge myself beneath the warm waters. I almost pondered rebelling against Damian and taking my time, but that was a mere fantasy in passing.

It was with great haste that I left the alluring tub of water and pulled the plug to drain it. My eyes studied the room before I rubbed myself thoroughly with a thick, bushy towel left within the washroom for me. I could get used to this, I thought. I really could.

A deep peace settled over me as I walked the halls in my silk garments. My fur was still slightly damp, but I had wicked off most of the moisture with the towel. A part of me still felt this restless energy that supported me throughout the hard work I had come to expect. Though I tried not to, I paid a lot of attention to the servants and the long hallway around me. I studied closely how they dusted off a table, cleaned off the furniture, and fixed each and every one of the curtains. Such a large palace seemed to require all too many hands for it. This continued until I placed my paw onto the door handle of Damian's room and twisted it open.


I saw Damian embracing a white cat in a long pink dress before I closed the door behind me.

"Oh good. Your servant is here."

She rubbed her paw against his cheek as he chuckled. "He's not my servant. He's just the unlucky soul I plucked off the streets."

Something about that hurt. "I'll leave you two with some privacy."

"That's actually the thing. We need you here." Damian's eyes trailed off. "Our servants serve my mother above all else. If just one of them were to see I was spending too much time alone with my seamstress after my... history with her, our little relationship would be cut short."

The seamstress locked eyes with me. Her paw danced down her silk dress before her fingers clasped onto the bottom of it. I couldn't help but take a step backward. Slowly, her paw glided the bottom of her dress up her leg, revealing more and more of her fur. I gulped and she seemed pleased by that. "Don't worry, you're more than welcome to watch. I won't tell a soul."

I sharply averted my eyes. "I have no interest in watching your attempts to tease me."

"No, no. Not just me, sweetie. Us." She diverted her lips towards Damian and caressed his face.

"S-surely you jest. You two aren't even married."

Damian almost entirely ignored her paw on his cheek as he looked at me. "Milo, you're a bright coyote. Tell me what happens when my mother finds not a single drop of lubrication was utilized. Especially on the glorious day I was finally reunited with my lover and free to do whatever I wished in our own private room."

"Surely, you c-can just pour out a little bit of it? This kind of behavior will result in damnation."

"Sure I could, but then what of the pristine sheets?"

I shook my head. "What of them? We slept in them already."

"Oh, dear. You really are innocent as a child." She said.

I pieced the puzzle together as Damian chuckled to her. "Cecilia, stop wasting time toying with him." He clasped his fingers over the paw gripping her dress and traced it up farther. "We have other business to attend to." He stopped his paw upon reaching the bottom of her drawers, but she remained unfazed by this. Instead, she seemed far more interested in me.

"Milo, was it? Damian and I talked it over and you are more than welcome to paw yourself to the scenery. It's the least I can do, after all."

I showed my canines to her. "I'd never perform self-pollution. If you must continue this atrocity, then do it behind the bed curtains, so I may at least not see the evil act."

Cecilia sighed, but Damian cut in before she could speak. "I will see to it that every curtain is shut then."


"Strip," he said pulling away from her.

I couldn't believe the Prince was a lowly gal-seeker having sex with a hedge whore like her. The thought irritated me so. This was no palace. This was but a lavish whore house I had stumbled into.

I heard the falling of her garments and found my thoughts turning foul. My body quivered as I heard more and more clothes falling to the floor. What would she look like? I couldn't let my eyes wander, but I felt my heart racing and my thoughts fleeting. Was she getting to me?

I bit my lip waiting to hear a noise, any sort of noise. Could this be another one of the Prince's jokes? I thought maybe I'd hear the forbidden sound of her lips meeting his, but I heard nothing of the sort.

My heart raced in anticipation as I desperately tried to feign disinterest and disgust. How could they do this? How could they break so many rules of the Lord? They surely must be damned for this.


I breathed deeply with the sliding of the bed curtains. My loins betrayed me as I began to feel a stirring. The evil of the room corroded my thoughts and I began to wonder what views he must be seeing.

I heard the soft squeal of the cork from the bottle and my stomach churned. I looked out to the curtains and saw his black paw return the bottle to the bedside table.


My pants began to feel tighter and tighter. Damian grunted softly as I heard her breathing pick up. I shut my eyes as tight as I could and tried to envision I was anywhere but here. A strong warmth danced upon my face as my mind wandered once more. Against my best wishes, my tail began to swish behind me.

I could see it. Damian looking at her from above. Her large breasts were free to hang loose as he prepared himself for her. The fur of her paws rubbed against him as she grasped onto his weapon and pleadingly directed it to her flower. I imagined his body shivering once he met his mark. The tip of it throbbed against her impatiently before slowly, carefully embracing the feeling as he pressed it inside of her.

My paw betrayed me, grasping onto the crotch of my pants and rubbing all-too-slowly what laid beneath it. I couldn't resist myself. I must not, but the sounds of their lovemaking brought the evil out of me.

As they got faster, so did I. My maw hung open with a trail of slobber coming out from the side. My breaths began to quicken as I rubbed the front of my pants intently getting closer and closer to release before-

"Damian, dear. I forbid you to miss your lessons again," the Queen said.

I shot my paw away from my pants and stood up at once. From the bed, I heard the two frantically rustle before Damian jumped out from behind the curtains on the side of the bed. Immediately, my eyes traced down before catching a glimpse of something red.

Shooting my eyes back up, I covered my weakness all too visible beneath my pants before he swiftly grasped onto my shirt.

"You must pretend to make love with me," he sharply whispered.

"For god's sake, what for?" I asked knowing the answer.

He dragged me back to the foot of the bed and I pleaded in a whisper, "you can't be serious."

The queen's voice boomed. "Damian, for heaven's sake. I know you are in there."

"Now is not a good time, mother!"

He grasped either side of my shirt with his massive paws. With no clothes to cover him, I could see every bulging muscle beneath his black fur as he began to rip the garment right off of me.

My heart raced. Some of its panic. Some of it lingering thoughts mixed with a lingering erection. My furry chest exposed itself to Damian and I suddenly was wearing nothing more than my pants. I trembled my lip before he shoved me right onto the bed.

As I scrambled backward onto it, he moved slowly, crawling over to me on his arms and legs with a sly grin. He was stalking me, coming closer as I helplessly backed away farther up the bed. His paws pressed deeply into the sheets as I saw the outline of his toned, muscular figure. Just as he began to tower over my knees, I tried to move back farther only to feel my paw sink into a pillow behind me. With no room to move farther away, I peered into his hungry eyes and gasped as he seized the moment.

He lept, pushing off with his arms towards me. I put my arms out to him to block him, but he grasped onto my wrists and slammed me down below him.

My breathing deepened. I looked deep into his emerald green eyes terrified while also feeling a rush of excitement throughout me. My heart raced. Our baited breaths came out, mixing within the short distance between our lips.

My eyes opened wider and I felt my face grow red hot beneath him. Just as he tried to reposition himself, his leg slipped on the smooth sheets and he fell without warning. Suddenly, our hips were rubbing tightly against one another. The door's lock clicked open.

"Oh, sweet heavens." The Queen feigned a shocked reaction to me before being unable to hold back her smile.

I felt the weight of Damian's loins pressed against mine. His hips met my own as I felt him. His hardness was pressing against mine through my pants. Against my will, I felt myself throb against him and his grip tightened around my wrists to hold me down.

"I'll allow you some time at once. My apologies you two." She nearly squeaked before slamming the door shut behind him.

He brought his maw back near mine. "Holy mother of God that was close," he said moving back up to look me in the eyes even though I didn't have my eyes on him. I was staring at the outline in the darkness of his hardness pressing against me.

He followed my eyes down. "S-sorry about that."

At once, I darted my gaze away and my wrists were released. He heaved off of me. I covered my face with one paw and reached down to 'fix' my pants with the other.

"Aww, I missed the show." Cecilia laughed.

I followed the voice to see her coming out of the wardrobe holding the pile of their clothes. My lips curled up before she dropped them all upon the ground. In a glimpse, I saw she was wearing nothing other than a pink chemise that covered her chest and then I saw her lady parts below it. I nearly fell back onto the bed as I averted my eyes. It might be best that I just keep looking away from the two.

"Oh please, would that make you aroused?"

She kept her voice soft and sensual. "Why yes. It quite would, my beloved."

"Ah, you always did have quite an imagination, didn't you?" He stepped closer to her. "I hope that gifted imagination suits you well enough to help you... bring upon your own climax."


"I got a busy schedule ahead of me. Best you get dressed." He snickered. "My beloved."

"I hope you enjoy your paw because that's the best you'll get from here on out." I heard her scrambling across the ground as she slid her clothes back on.

"Yes, yes. My own paw. Hurry up, I got lessons to attend to."

I looked up at her hardly covering my grin as Damian buttoned his shirt. Once she caught eyes with me, she flung her paws around wildly to straighten out her dress. "This is who you are stuck with, servant. He doesn't give a damn about anyone. I'm sure you will be dangled before the Queen dancing upon nothing before you know it."

She skirted away as I fiercely bit upon my knuckle and watched her and the Prince exchange in death stares. Cecilia clenched her paw upon the brass doorknob, but only merely opened it. Her jaw trembled as she shot her pointer finger towards Damian.

Cecilia stuttered, forming only partial syllables. The charade continued before she rushed the door past her as she turned away.
