I Love You Lucario... - Chapter 5

Story by Naomi the Lucario on SoFurry

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#5 of I Love You Lucario...

Well this is my first story that contains adult content so I hope its not too horrible. Here is Chapter 5 of the series. :P

When Lucario, Mark and Jake reached the house it was already dark. Lights were shining through the windows.

"Well dude, I gotta get home." said Jake turning back away from the house.

"Ok man, see you tomorrow?" asked Mark.

"Probably not considering my mom will probably kill me for being out so late."

"Haha, sorry man." said Mark smiling. He looked down to see he was still holding hands with the Lucario. The Lucario noticed him and quickly let go, blushing. Luckily it was too dark for Mark to notice thought the Lucario.


"Later dude!" replied Mark. Jake disappeared into the darkness walking down the road. "Hey Lucario, you wanna see the house?"

"Sure!" said the pokemon excitedly. It came off on mark as weird to see the pokemon happy when it was so stubborn and tough all afternoon, but he didn't think about it too long. The two started walking to the house when Mark noticed something. He picked the round object and examined it under the moonlight. It was the Lucario's pokeball that he had dropped when he had been bitten. On the ground where he had picked up were lots of red spots. It was Mark's blood from his hand. There was lots of it. The Lucario looked up and Mark with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry about, I'm fine. I just want to pretend it never happened." said Mark rubbing the blood stains into the dirt with his shoe. The Lucario gave a nod and a half smile not really feeling much better about the incident. Mark put the pokeball in his backpack and started walking towards the front door with Lucario following close behind. Mark gave a knock and after a few seconds, footsteps could be heard. Suddenly the door was thrown open and Jennifer, Mark's mom, was standing there with a furious look on her face.

"Mom I can ex-"

"Where the hell have you been!" shouted his mother. She was really mad. "You just wander off and don't show up till after its dark! What the hell were you thinking?!" She then looked down at Marks hand and screamed in horror. "Mark! What happened to your hand?!"

"Nothing mom don't worry about it." She grabbed his hand and examined it. There were bite marks shaped like canine teeth across the top of his hand. She looked over at the Lucario which made his ears drop.

"Did this thing attack you?!" she asked pointing at the pokemon.

"Mom I said don't worry about it, it was my fault, don't blame him!" shouted Mark. His mother stood up looking at the two and then turned around walking into the kitchen.

"We're taking that thing back to the lab tomorrow! I knew you weren't ready for a pokemon, but your father had to be the pokemon loving person that he is!" Mark chased his mother into the kitchen leaving the hurt pokemon standing in the doorway.

"The hell you're taking him back! He is my pokemon and you're not gonna touch him!" yelled Mark. The Lucario looked up with a bit of happiness in him from Mark standing up for him. His mother on the other hand turned with blazing eyes.

"We're taking him back tomorrow! No exceptions! No go to your room and don't come down for the rest of the night!"

"If Lucario leaves, then I leave!" Now the Lucario was smiling with some tears starting at his eyes.

"That fucking monster is leaving, but you're not going anywhere!" This made Mark question something in his mind.

"Mom......do you.....hate pokemon?"

"No shit!" she screamed. "I can't see why anyone would like them! They're just filthy animals with no intelligence!" Lucario felt anger starting up in him but he held it down knowing that he might do something he might regret again.

"Mom, how the fuck would you know! You're just in this house all damn day hiding from the damn things probably! You wouldn't know anything about them!" screamed Mark.

"I know more than you! Now get the hell out of my sight!" Mark stormed out of the kitchen and grabbed the Lucario's hand. They walked into Mark's room slamming the door behind them. They both sat on the bed quietly, not making a sound. Lucario could feel the anger in Mark pulsing.

"Mark, are you ok...?" asked the Lucario.

"Yea, I'm fine." said Mark lifting his head up wiping away the tears on his face from the shear emotion that had overcome him. He turned to look at the pokemon sitting next to him. "I'm not gonna let her give you away! You're staying right here! She'll have to kick both of us out if she wants you gone!" There was a sudden knock on the door then it opened. His father entered the room.

"Hey Mark. I heard what happened."

"He didn't mean it dad! He's not dangerous! I'm not gonna give him away!"

"I never said anything about that, chill. Look, your mom is just worried about your safety."

"The hell she is!"

"No, I'm serious Mark! She is just worried. Believe it or not, your mother used to love pokemon."

"Really? Then why does she hate them now?"

"Well...uhhh, ok. I'll tell you but you have to promise to never speak to anyone about this but me! Understand?" Mark and the Lucario nodded their heads silently.

"*sigh* Ok. When your mother was about 20 years old, she had gone on a hike with some of her friends in college. They were hiking on Mt. Chimney since she was originally from Hoenn before she moved here. Anyways while she was hiking, she got lost from the main group and wandered the slope of the mountain alone. She came along a group of Machoke and when they noticed her.......they...jumped her and.....raped her." Mark's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He couldn't even imagine his own mom getting raped by pokemon. "They also ended up breaking a few bones and giving her some internal bleeding." added his dad. "She's hated pokemon ever since."

"Wow, no wonder she was so pissed when she saw that Lucario bit me."

"Yes, that why."

"Hey but that doesn't mean all pokemon are like that!"

"You have to remember Mark that it was very traumatic for your mother. It's burned into her mind. She still suffers from symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. That is why she never leaves the house. She is terrified of pokemon. I had to bust my balls to finally get her to agree to get you one."

"I understand how your mother feels Mark." said the Lucario. This caused Brad to jump back a little bit.

"Did, did that thing just talk?!"

"Yea dad, he can talk." said Mark not acting at all surprised since it wasn't new to him.

"I can speak to humans through telepathy using aura, the essence of all life in this world." explained the Lucario.

"Wow, that is damn cool!" said Brad excitedly. Banging could be heard from the kitchen below, which was probably his wife. "*sigh* I'm gonna go talk to your mother, behave you two." said Brad walking out the door.

"Ok, now that that is done, I need to find you somewhere to sleep." said Mark looking around the room. "Hmm, I don't' know if there is a spot." He said turning to the Lucario was now lying on his bed. "Or maybe you can use the bed." The Lucario moved over to the other side and patted the part of the bed next to him indicating for Mark to lie down. It was a big bed, more than enough room for the both of them with a reasonable amount of space between them. Mark laughed and laid down next to the Lucario.

"Thank you Mark, I think I'll like it here." said the Lucario smiling.

"I hope you will." said Mark. They both fell asleep both replaying the whole day in their dreams.

* * * * *

"Pika Pika Pikachu-" SMASH! Lucario thrust the spike on his paw into the Pikachu alarm clock. This made Mark jump awake instantly.

"Oh Mark, sorry about the alarm clock. The thing freaked me out."

"Ah don't worry about it, I hate the damn thing anyways." replied Mark. Lucario jumped out of bed onto the cool wooden floor.

"If you need to use the bath room, its right out the door and the next room on the right." said Mark still lying in bed. Lucario nodded and opened the door out into the hall. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He removed his shorts which were not really part of his body and dropped them on the floor. He took care of his business and then jumped in the shower and turned the water. He flinched at first at how cold the water was but then it started to warm up. The water felt so good flowing over him and through his fur. It was so relaxing that he nearly fell over.

Suddenly thoughts of Mark poured into his head. He couldn't get the thoughts out of his head. He was so nice and caring. He imagined him and Mark sitting in a field together laughing and talking, just enjoying being alive in the cool breeze. They were pointing out what all the clouds that passed overhead looked like. Then Mark scooted over to him and kissed him on the lips.

The Lucario opened his eyes and gasped, realizing that he was still in the shower and that he was just day dreaming. He felt a slight pulsing at his sheath where his member was starting to stick out. He had gotten hard off his trainer, the person who was now to be taking care of him. How could he be feeling this way towards him he thought? He reached down and began to jerk himself off with thoughts of Mark still surging through his head. His member was fully out now with his knot still growing. He was a full seven inches in length. He moved his paw up and down his shaft stoking his length and letting out moans and gasps of pleasure as he did so. Mark was still in his mind as he continues to rub himself off. "Mar- Mark!" he quietly gasped. He was nearing his climax when he shouted "Mark! God that feels so good!" just quiet enough for the shower to cover up what he said so no one would hear him. He suddenly came spraying his load all over the shower wall moaning out in ecstasy. "Oh, oh god." said the Lucario still breathing heavily. "I think I love him...."

He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, his erection now drooping down. He took a towel of the rack on the wall and dried himself off. He put his shorts back on and stepped out of the bathroom. Mark was standing there at the door waiting for him.

"Hey Lucario." said Mark cheerfully.

"Umm hey Mark."

"Hey let me take a shower real fast and then I'll get you something to eat, ok?"

"Umm ok."

"Something wrong Lucario?"

"No, nothing at all."

"Ok, be out in a few minutes." Mark closed the door behind him and Lucario walked back to the room. He sat on Marks bed still thinking about the thought he had in the shower. It was clear that he loved Mark, but did Mark love him back? Would he even think something as different as a human-pokemon love? If it was love, why did he feel so bad? Lucario had so many questions going through his head, and no answers.

Please leave comments and vote. Thank you for reading. Suggestions for the story are open.

I Love You Lucario... - Chapter 6

Hey I'm back. Sorry for the long delay. Life has been hell, I'd rater not get into it. But I managed to find some time to finish this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Here is chapter...

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I Love You Lucario... - Chapter 4

Here is chapter 4. Sorry for the lateness. School has been hell. Anyways, enjoy the story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark, Jake and Brad rode their bikes up to the shed out in front...

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I Love You Lucario... - Chapter 3

I'm really glad about all the poitive feeback. I'm very surprised considering thi is my first story. Thank you to all my readers! \<3 Anyways, here is chapter 3. Enjoy!...

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