A Dog's Paw

Story by Skuru on SoFurry

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Just a quick paw. Was inspired before bed,, you know how it goes.


A Dogs Paw - Skuru - - 1690 words, 65 minutes first draft.

You lift your tail and sit down on the edge of your bed. The dim light of your room cast highlights on the shiny black fur covering your head, arms and back, contrasting the white of your stomach, forearms and calves. A primal heat burned inside your belly, clouding your thoughts with lewd images and igniting the nerve endings from the tips of your ears to the base of your tail.

Your tongue hung out of your mouth lightly panting and your eyes sat half lidded, resting with reality completely out of focus, fantasies playing out in your mind.

You feel your sheath tighten, white fur damp with sweat and a tasteful musk. Your tail flags and you feel your prostate flex, trying to remember whisperings of sensations from the last time you took a thick knot up your rear. A glob of pre runs up your red canine dick still buried in your sheath and spills out, overflowing the ring of muscle and soaking into the fine fur that lines the tip. You smell wafts of your musk with each breath in, your canine nose twitching and trying to draw in as much of the intoxicating scent as it can. You could taste yourself on the back of your tongue from drawing in rapid breaths of the musk. It fogged up your mind and heightened your arousal, your dog brain not being able to get enough of the smell.

You move your right paw from the bed beside you and place it on your sheath, giving it a squeeze and sending a splash of pleasure through your dick. You felt the sensation travel deep inside before rooting in your prostate. Your sheath compresses around its hardening contents, squeezing musky fluids out its fleshy opening and thickening your scent in the air. While still gripping, you draw your sheath downwards, the tip of your sensitive canine cock kissing the air in your room, feeling considerably cooler than the fiery embrace of its slick home. A spritz of your dog pre shoots out and splashes onto your soft, white pubic fur. You squish your sheath back up the slick flesh of your cock, and collect its fluid on your paw. You bring the heavy scent directly to your nose and huff, drawing in as much of it as you can. You feel your prostate flex and your dick fill with another pump of blood. Another jet of pre squirts out of your tip, now poking a half inch out of your sheath.

You sniff the scent on your paw until it begins to fade before you drop your arm to grip your sheath and start jerking it over your dog cock. You feel it hardening bit by bit with every stroke up and down and you continue huffing the air around you. You move your left paw over your thigh to grip your furred balls. The soft hair completely saturated with your sweaty scent, noticeably different than the smell of your dog cock.

You take your right paw and stick your pointer digit past the fleshy ring of your sheath, sliding it along your cock to its hidden base. You swirl your digit around the bottom, inside the slick skin, feeling where your dick is rooted into your body. Down there was the most potent musk and you wished you could cover your entire being in that scent. You pull your digit out, now moistened with sheath fluids, and you bring it up to your nose to sample. The heavy musk makes your eyelids flutter and your tail start to wag behind you. You sit there huffing it until you become desensitized to it, before re gripping your sheath to jerk it over your collie cock.

Spurts of pre splash against your chest fur, the tail end dribbling down your tip only to get caught up with the yawning opening of your sheath and smeared over your throbbing flesh. Your paw was slowly getting more and more coated in the slick fluid, saturating the fine white fur. You kept jerking off with your sheath, using it as an aid to stimulate your sensitive flesh. Your left paw rolled your fat collie nuts around, lightly squeezing them and providing a solid base of pleasure to build from.

Your scent in the air spurred your paw on to stroke faster. You could feel your knot start to inflate at the base of your canine cock, still entrapped by your sheath. Your horny brain was unable to decide if you wanted to leave it in its musky confines or to pop it out.

Ultimately you decide that airing it out would be a good thing, so on the next down stroke of your paw you push your sheath against your forming knot. It stretched out as biology designed it to do, and the bulb of inflating flesh popped free releasing a wave of trapped fluids from behind it. Your scent thickened in the air around you, and you pressed your sheath into your pelvis while thrusting your hips forward. Your prostate flexed and a spurt of pre shot up and hit your shoulder, before running down your sleek chest fur.

You bring your paw to the tip of your dog dick and run your index digit over the sensitive nub, smearing the pre all around its tapered head. You let out a soft whine at the sensation, and more pre oozes out. You run your pad through this new deposit and smear it all around, coating your dick in a new layer of slick sheen. You move your digit away and a strand of slime connects it with your spire of musky flesh.

Ready for the main event and with your tail wagging behind you, you take your slickened paw and grasp your canine cock directly. Your pads sent delicious sensations down the core of it as you began to jerk yourself off. You get straight to the point and find a steady rhythm, up and down up and down.

Your left paw fondles your fuzzy nuts as your right gained a bit of speed.

The palm pad of your paw starts to bump against your half formed knot with each stroke, putting pressure on your cock and sending jolts of sensation down to your prostate. You increase your stroke length, now running your paw over the bulb at the bottom adding to the building pleasure you felt inside. Your scent in the air was intoxicating and definitely built your arousal.

Your knot was almost fully inflated and you could feel yourself getting close. Your panting maw started to emit small whines with each breath. Your dick was throbbing and pulsating with waves of sensation, flexing in time with your prostate. More and more pre started to shoot out in watery lines, some hitting your chest and belly, but errant ones shooting on your bed and floor.

Your breath started to deepen and you felt your balls draw up towards your body. You could feel your prostate start to harden and clench down on the sensation of a phantom knot inside of you.

Pressure started to build at the root of your dick, sending tendrils of pleasure up the dog cock in your paw. You felt the floor of sensation rise up and grow, a fuzzy warmth enveloping your mind with the most primal of urges. You slow your paws jerking motion down as your peak draws inevitably close.

You run your paw up your fully hard dog cock and gather the pre spilling out of your tapered tip. You smear the fluid all over your cock before giving in and grasping it again, giving the few final strokes needed to blow your load.

You whines turn into growls and your hips involuntarily thrust upwards to mash your knot into your paw's OK grip, trying to stuff it in and tie it like it would a bitch in heat or under a canine boy's tail.

You final thrust was successful and your knot slid beyond your grip aided by the musky fluid.

You hit your peak as soon as that pressure was felt and your eyesight faded to a blinding white. It unleashed itself from deep with you, uncoiling like a spring and releasing up your dog cock spraying the first few ropes of your canine spunk.

They splashed against the underside of your muzzle and dripped down, followed by six more.

You kept a firm grasp on the thinned shaft behind your knot, your hips jackhammering themselves up off the bed, trying to lodge the bulb of flesh as deep as it could go in your simulated tie. All this successfully did was mash your paw against your bunched up sheath, and scrunch the thin base of your dog cock into your body, but it felt exquisite.

Your puppy batter kept coming and coming, painting your chest and running down in streams. Canines were known for their over productivity and you were no exception.

You heard yourself whining like a pup through panting breaths as the pleasure wracked your body, muscles tensing and un tensing as your prostate clenched and unclenched sending its load of spunk out the tip of your spraying dog cock.

The peak started to dissipate as did the flow of dog spunk out of your dick. You were completely coated in your essence and your dick was still pumping a small amount of its watery liquid with every tensing sensation your prostate felt. Your knot was fully formed, and at full mast it was very wide and very hard in front of your gripping paw.

You laid back on your bed still holding your dog cock and closed your eyes, letting out a tense breath. It still throbbed and leaked into the white fur on your belly.

You'd probably let the sensations ride for ten or so minutes before you'd let go and start cleaning yourself up. Or you might fall asleep. Either way, you were satisfied and the fiery heat finally abated. For now at least.