Electric Touch: Chapter 7 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#7 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

Raichu, knowing the cub's nature, knew that she had to find the one in charge. Raichu didn't think the little Eevee was ready to be with other kids, as he

is undergoing a difficult moment, and the Raichu just couldn't let him suffer.

She started to look for the caretaker, knowing that he was a Pikachu. But it was difficult to search for someone who is rather small, having in count the

size of the building and the lots of cubs that ran all over the place, as today's lessons were over.

She headed to the receptionist, and asked her about the caretaker.

"Please" she started, "can you help me find the nurse or the caretaker?"

The receptionist couldn't give her an answer. She knew that all the cubs were taken care of, but there were so many that it was impossible for just one worker to watch all of them.

That's when Raichu was informed about different caretakers, but she was told by the receptionist that she remembered who could inform her about them in depth, so she could discover who had taken the little one in.

"Thank you so much!" exclaimed Raichu, as she looked around to find the director of the residence section, where the cubs' rooms were. As she walked in the main hall of that building, she could spot Mrs. Millers.

"Excuse me, but I have something to ask you" She said, hoping that Mrs. Millers would hear her.

"Oh, hello! have you been here before?" the director replied, as she didn't remember any Raichu.

"Well, I haven't been here before. I'm looking for is Mrs. Millers. My name is Raichu, and I'm looking for her" she explained.

"Oh, that's so nice!" exclaimed Mrs. Millers, as she shook Raichu's paw, and introduced herself. "I don't recall seeing you before, but maybe you've seen me earlier. I'm Mrs. Millers. Nice to meet you, Raichu" Responded in a polite tone. "What brings you around?"

"I'm here to visit an Eevee cub who was discharged from the hospital earlier today. I was told that someone came to pick him up, but nobody informed me." answered Raichu as she rubbed her cheek with her paw.

"Well, how about I show you around. Come along. You can say hello to the rest of the cubs" she said, as she opened the door to the residence section of the building, and motioned for Raichu to follow her.

As they were walking through the halls, the director pointed out the many different cubs in the residence section.

"Now this is Litten. He's only 2 years old, but he's already so amazing. He's like a lion, except he is a little smaller." the director said in an humorous tone as she pointed to a little baby Litten, who was playing with a thread.

"And this one's Dedenne. He's only a year old, but already he can open doors." As they approached the cubs' rooms, Mrs. Millers showed Raichu how the cubs liked to play with each other.

"And that's Millie, Milly, Marbles, Dilbert and Robbie. Now these four are all siblings, and they live together. This one's like a mother hen, while the one next to her is like a son, and the one next to him is like a daughter. And that's Bogles. He's just a baby, but when he grows up, he's gonna be an even more powerful leader. We had to give names to identify each one of them."

"Oh, I see" She smiled, as she looked at the numerous Rattata grouped in a group.

As they slowly walked through the building, Raichu kept looking here and there, searching for an Eevee, but it was hard to find him in a place packed of baby pokémon.

"And that's one Eevee that was in a catatonic state" explained Mrs. Millers, as Raichu's attention was quickly draw to the Eevee cub. "I think he had some emotional trauma. He was really sensitive to the touch. We had to wait until he fell asleep to transfer him here. It's not what we would have liked for him, but we had no other choice."

"Oh, that's so nice! it must be hard to be so traumatized" Raichu responded, as she saw him sitting against a wall. After checking that he was the cub she was looking for, thanked Mrs. Millers for her help, and she leaned against the wall beside the cub, and he suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at Raichu.

"Hello. I'm Raichu, do you remember me?" she said. "I'm here to visit you."

"Oh, so you're the same Raichu that I talked to before" he responded in a shocked tone. "I haven't seen anyone like you before, but I remember you."

"Oh yeah, well, when I arrived to the hospital, the nurses told me that you'd been transferred here, so I decided to visit you" She said. "What happened to you, Eevee?"

"Well, Pikachu just took me out, and told me that..." Then, Eevee remembered that Pikachu had told him to keep away from pokemon species that were made for fighting, for example Raichu.

As soon as he processed the talk Pikachu gave him, he just stopped talking, and kept silent.

" What did Pikachu told you?" She asked, as she looked at the frightened Eevee. As she looked at him, she noticed a brown bandage on his head.

"H-how did you get hurt?" Raichu asked in a shocked tone.

Eevee was frightened to talk to Raichu. But, as he was so near to her, he thought that if he didn't answer, Raichu could hurt him badly before he was able to run away from her. "Well, Pikachu said it was dangerous to fight other pokémon, and then he took me away from the hospital" He said with a blank stare "When I came back, I saw tho other cubs playing, and I wanted to play too, but they told me to leave" He said in a serious tone " And, I was scared, and, I didn't want to do it, so, I just... I ran away... And hit my head on a door." He said with a teary eyed face. "Pikachu was right. Pokémon like me and him can't fight anyone."

"That's really hard to hear." Raichu said in a depressed tone, as she realised that the Eevee's caretaker must be a Pikachu. "Would you like to tell me where is the Pikachu who helped you to come back?"

She asked, as she looked at the cub, who felt very pressured by her.

"Ok" Eevee said. "He is coming back in five minutes" as he looked towards one of the back doors. "I will wait here. I will stay here until he arrives , okay?"

" Ok, Raichu." Eevee said as he started to walk away. Raichu thought about asking the Eevee to stay, but as he seemed to be so nervous and scared, preferred to let him do as he pleased.

As Eevee said, five minutes later, Pikachu entered the room. At first, he stared at Eevee and thought about what had happened to him, then he looked around the room.

As soon as he saw Raichu, he felt an immense fear, which made him freeze in place. He then tried to talk to another cub to show him a game, hoping that the Raichu wouldn't notice him, but this time, he wasn't so lucky, because as soon as he started to talk to a random cub to face backwards her, the Raichu saw him and quickly ran to his side, and presented herself.

" Hi, Pikachu." Raichu said as she looked at him with a warm smile. Pikachu felt the terror run through his veins, as she didn't just spotted him, but went straight to talk to him.

Pikachu felt a strong pressure in his chest, as he realized that this Raichu really wanted him to talk to her.

"Hi" he said to her as he sat down, put his ears down and his tail under his legs.

He tried to hide his fear and talk to her, as he needed to be seen as a cheerful leader by the little cubs, but he just couldn't do it, as he was completely terrified by Raichu.

"You're Pikachu, right?" She asked him. Pikachu was so afraid, that he felt like a small child, because he was still unable to talk to Raichu properly.

"Yes" Pikachu replied.

"Well, do you know anything about Eevee? He seems to know you very well" Raichu said, giving a small pat on the shoulder to the smaller Pikachu, trying to ease him into the conversation.

" No" Pikachu said, as he couldn't talk to Raichu at all, as she was too much for him.

He didn't know how to respond to her, so he just sat there and stared at the ground.

"Well, Eevee just told me that he knows you very well." Raichu said, as she looked over at Pikachu, as she noticed him looking down.

She just looked up to him and smiled "Do you now remember who Eevee is?"

Pikachu started to squirm. It took him a second to process what Raichu had just said. He started to feel uneasy, because she had just implied that she knew him very well, as Eevee told her about him.

He was scared of the possibility that she was going to ask him to battle, to train or something like that. But Raichu smiled , and just looked back at him, as if she was trying to make him feel better. However, he didn't have the courage to talk to her, as he felt his lips stick together. Finally, he could just answer "Yes".

" So Pikachu, I just want to say thank you, as I know it was hard for you to care for Eevee, and I know you really love him." Pikachu started to nod and he gave his head a shake.

Raichu just looked at him and smiled. She felt very special in this place, she felt good and comfortable there. She felt like she would be one with the cubs, one of the 'family', and she felt she knew how to comfort them and give them the company they needed.

"You know Pikachu, it is very nice to meet you" Raichu said, before turning back to leave the room.She didn't notice it, but he looked at her with a very sad expression on his face.

Before leaving, she spotted Eevee again, running behind her, and a smile on his face. "Oh, there's E evee!" Raichu said in a playful tone as Eevee stopped, looking back at Ra ichu, a confused look on his face.

"Will you visit me again someday?" Eevee asked, his eyes fluttering. Raichu had to think about this for a second, she really liked Eevee, he was a very cute little boy, and it seemed she was his friend. Raichu was sure she would do whatever she could to keep Eevee happy. She just couldn't imagine him being so alone. She knew that Pikachu did his best to try and help him, but there were so many cubs that, in the end, it was too much for him to handle. "Of course I will!" Raichu said , not wanting Eevee to be alone in his time of need.

Eevee looked at Raichu with a look of wonderment on his face .

As she waved goodbye and left the room, Raichu searched for Mrs. Millers, trying to find her, and when she finally found her, she was surprised to see that she gestured her to come. Raichu followed her down the hallway, as she led Raichu to the entrance hall, where Mrs. Millers talked to Raichu " I have seen how well you have done with Eevee , and I am happy to see that he has finally found someone who he can confide in. I think we can make the best of this by allowing you to visit him weekly. He has never really been allowed to exit the building by himself, but, with you and Pikachu by his side, he is sure to be able to go for a walk and go to the movies or play with you when he feels like it. It will be a pleasure to have you around, Raichu."

Raichu couldn't feel better. Raichu felt a huge amount of happiness as she was accepted to volunteer in a place where she really could help Eevee. Raichu's eyes got big as she nodded to Mrs. Millers, as she smiled back at Raichu. Soon after, the paperwork was done, and Raichu officially became a member of the team.

Electric Touch: Chapter 8 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Soon, days went by, and Pikachu was kept occupied with new tasks, like finding more Pokémon and giving advice to Eevee and all the other Pokémon, as well as being a second pair of eyes for the other staff as the cubs were being taught at classes. The...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 6 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Pikachu started to wake up. As he started to open his eyes, he was surprised to see that it was still at night, hours before the sunrise. He jumped from the nest thought about walking through the silent building, to assess his thoughts. On...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 5 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

"Hello?" Pikachu said, a bit surprised that there was a personal call to him "Pikachu?" the voice responded, as she carefully thought what words to choose, to avoid getting Pikachu stressed. "I'm Celeste, the coordinator. I wanted to talk...

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