Electric Touch: Chapter 29 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#29 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

As Pikachu started to wake up, he lightly bumped on the sleeping Raichu beside him. Raichu was still fast asleep and didn't even stir from the sudden bump. The sensation that Pikachu felt as he remembered the night before was so overwhelming that he started to cry silently, as he felt his eyes fill with tears. Moments later, he crawled to Raichu's belly and carefully and gently rubbed his face against Raichu's soft fur. It was the most romantic thing he had ever experienced in his entire life.

"Raichu, I love you", he quietly repeated to her as he rubbed her white belly.

She felt the warmth of his touch against her and softly hummed back to him. "I love you too Pikachu. I'm happy to be having cubs with you. You are going to be an amazing father, and a wonderful partner in life".

Pikachu looked up to her, blushing a bit as she had noticed him staring at her belly. But he quickly shrugged it off and kissed her deeply. Once they broke apart, Pikachu was about to hop off the nest to start the day when Raichu suddenly nudged him back, and started to blush as she laid belly flat on the nest, smiling at Pikachu.

After enjoying another intimate moment together, they decided to go to have breakfast. When they got to the dining room, Pidgeot was already having breakfast by herself. She winged at them as soon as she saw them. "Hi! Raichu and Pikachu! How are you?" she asked.

"We're great!" Raichu replied as Pikachu rubbed his head against Raichu's body. "Want some breakfast?"

"I already had some", Pidgeot replied "I'm just waiting for the rest of you to show up".

"Well, what are you doing today?" asked Pikachu politely.

"Same thing we always do..." replied Pidgeot with a smile "And what are you doing today?"

"Same as yesterday and the day before" replied Pikachu "I'm going to grab a few groceries and you?"

"I'm going to enjoy a nice relaxing Sunday" answered Pidgeot.

"Well, I'll see you later" replied Pikachu.

As they stepped outside, Raichu first made sure nobody was around before telling Pikachu about their soon-to-be family. "Pikachu, we have a decision to make. Where are we going to live?" she asked.

Pikachu could only think of how was he going to get a place to live outside the Pokémon Society. He had spent all his life after Jake there, and he didn't ever considered leaving. But some weeks ago, when they mated for the first time, he had to change radically his lifestyle for Raichu's sake, as for pokémon, accepting the mating ritual was equivalent to marriage. However, Pikachu didn't knew how he was going to earn money, and he couldn't earn enough income to live on, as he was a disabled Pikachu after all.

"Raichu... You're pregnant, and so, a new Pichu litter is on the way" he said worriedly. "I'm worried how we're going to raise a new litter if I can't buy a house for ourselves".

Raichu looked into his face, and softly nuzzled him with her nose. "Don't worry, I've got it covered". Pikachu looked at her with a shocked expression, as he couldn't believe that Raichu would take care of him like that. "What? Do you really think to buy a house just like that? It's worth a lot of money! And I'm broke after all! Because I'm useless..."

Raichu quickly turned to face Pikachu and said "Never say that again! You are far from worthless! Everyone likes you! The cubs are always smiling because of you... I love you with all my heart! And you are soon bringing this world a litter of our own!" She said as she started to rub her belly as if to reassure him that it was true. "Now think about how much fun you'll have with a bunch of little kits running around. Do you think you are worthless after all?"

Pikachu looked into her eyes and saw the love she was trying to convey. He smiled warmly at her "I guess I'm okay after all" he said.

"About our new home, would you like to move in with me already? It would save me the trouble of finding a house for you myself" she asked.

Pikachu's mind was spinning at the idea that he would be sharing the house with Raichu. He had never shared a home with a Pokémon before, and he was sure he would have a hard time to adjust to the new environment. But he also wanted to look forward to the life ahead of him, so he simply answered "Sure, that sounds great".

"That's a yes!" cheered Raichu with a huge grin "Let's get going after having lunch, ok?" she asked.

Pikachu nodded happily and both kissed again, and they went back to the house to have a leisurely lunch, but they finally decided to have lunch together at a reataurant. This was to be maybe their final meal with the Society being Pikachu's home, so he had a feeling of guilt for leaving Eevee there, even though he knew that he would keep working there.

"So tell me about your life with a pokémon trainer" Raichu asked.

Pikachu could not hold his emotions back "It's not always easy to live with humans. There are bad humans out there you can't trust them to be around you. But, there are also some others who make that lifestyle worth it" he said trying to avoid mentioning names.

Raichu looked at him and smiled "Tell me more. I want to hear everything about it!". Pikachu looked at her, as he smiled. She had made him able to talk about these topics without losing his mind, and he was very grateful for that. "Well, there are so many nice things about travelling with a pokémon trainer that cares for you" he started. "You get to know so many cool things, and you'll meet so many friends along the way. It's really great... And the people who are closer to you will help you during your toughest times. They may not be able to achieve the victory, but they're always there if you need them to be."

Raichu looked at him, knowing that he must be referring to Jake "Are you talking about Jake?" she asked.

Pikachu nodded "Yes. Jake made me feel like nothing could go wrong". Raichu said nothing.

Pikachu looked at her, worried. "So, that's it. Some Pokémon get to live a happy life with their trainer or special human for the rest of their lives". He knew she had been wondering about his late friend. "Why didn't anyone tried to help Jake after... you know?" Raichu asked in a sad tone.

Pikachu remembered the events very well. "I tried to raise awareness, but no one would try to help an useless Pokémon to save its trainer from depression" he said, almost a regretful look in his eyes.

Raichu took a deep breath and looked at him, trying to comfort him once again "He couldn't get over it because he loved you. He made his decision, so you can try to think that, at least, he was free in his last moments."

Pikachu took a deep breath and the look on his face became a bit more hopeful. "Maybe you're right... But we must start thinking on our future family. We are going to raise them until they grow up", finished Pikachu as he started to blush.

Raichu looked at him, her fur standing on end at the thought of the new lives they were about to create, as she put a paw on his shoulder. "Do you think Eevee will be happy with us having cubs?" she asked

Pikachu was still blushing "I'm not sure..." he started, not sure about Eevee. "We might not be able to spend as much time with him than before, but we can introduce him to our kits once they are old enough. Hopefully he will be glad to meet them since the are babies, maybe forging a lifelong bond. And, at least he can still live a full life by himself" he said smiling.

Raichu looked at him, pleased with his answer, and looked forward to their future together. After talking for a bit longer, they paid the bill and soon were on the move. They were going to check on the house Raichu was more interested about, and perhaps even buy it.

The trip was going to take quite a while, the house was located in the other side of the residential district, so they had a quite long walk. The area was quite new, so there weren't as many people. Raichu noticed that, but preferred it to be that way, as the cubs would need a relaxed environment.

After a while, they finally reached the flat. As they entered the place, Raichu looked at the house, like she had already imagined what it looked like, but was pleasantly surprised. It was a really luminous space, with white and grey walls, with a very nice community garden and elegant furniture.

The inside looked just like what she had been imagining "This looks lovely Raichu, this is a good place" said Pikachu. "Do you like this place?" asked Raichu with a smile.

Pikachu smiled "It's the best, but..." he said softly "I'm not sure about how are we going to buy it" he looked at Raichu "I can't help you in these matters, you know" he said. She didn't say anything, as she nodded. "Do you like this place to live with me and the cubs?" she asked. "Yes, I would love it" he said, feeling confused about how was she going to pay for it.

Raichu didn't let him continue talking as she kissed him for as long as she could, making Pikachu relax with her, forgetting about the money. "You deserve the best, and we are going to be together forever. In addition, you are the best Pokémon I've ever met" she said happily "I love you Pikachu".

Pikachu nodded "I love you, too" and he let her kiss him more. Once they fininshed, Raichu smiled at him "Ok! It's all said and done! I'll buy this place right now! I love you" as she jumped into his arms and hugged him tight.

After finishing the paper stuff, they were back to their new home, finally as owners! Now Pikachu had to think how he was going to tell the others about what happened between him and Raichu, especially Eevee. He had absolutely grown fond of the little cub, and he was worried he would be upset.

As he was wondering, Raichu grabbed his paw and told him "Take a look at our new place! It's really nice, I love it here" she said excited. "There's a garden here, with people and pokémon! Come, we'll take a tour of the garden" she said smiling.

After walking around the area for quite a long time, it started to be late, and decided to go back to the flat. Once they were back there, they had dinner and then, went to the bedroom, thinking about the first night of their new lives.

Electric Touch: Chapter 30 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

As they got to the bedroom, it felt like they just had started their life together. Pikachu looked at her mate, and smiled. "Welcome to our new home!" she said as she hugged him tight. "It feels really nice! We needed a good and comfy space, and here...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 28 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

The next weeks went by very quickly, the days blurred together, with Pikachu taking care of the cubs as usual, as he shared his life with his beloved Raichu mate. Soon, a very special day came! They couldn't believe it when it was time for...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 27 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Next day, as soon as he awoke, he blushed as he remembered what had happened the night before. He slowly looked up at the ceiling, thinking of what had happened the night before, from beginning to end. He felt so grateful for being with her, that he...

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