Electric Touch: Chapter 30 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#30 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

As they got to the bedroom, it felt like they just had started their life together. Pikachu looked at her mate, and smiled. "Welcome to our new home!" she said as she hugged him tight. "It feels really nice! We needed a good and comfy space, and here it is!" she said as she planted a kiss on his cheek, then giggling.

Pikachu simply nodded, happy about what she had said. They laid together on the main dormitory bed, and Raichu switched up the big TV it had, as she switched the lights off, creating a quite relaxing ambience.

Now the TV was playing Pokémon battles, even though they weren't really paying attention to them. After some time, Raichu looked at her mate's eyes as she moved closer to him, to give him a friendly kiss.

He hugged her tight "That felt really nice Raichu!" he said with a happy voice. "So do you" she said back, then she laid down beside him. They started kissing again, but this time, it was a different kind of kissing. This one was slower, more sensual, almost making them both want to stay there forever.

After some minutes after they kissed, Pikachu asked "Raichu, I want to know something about you..." Pikachu said. Raichu then smiled at him and said "Go on" she asked.

"Well..." he started "Raichu... I am really confused about something" he said, as Raichu looked at him "How did you get the money to buy the house?" he asked.

Raichu smiled and rubbed Pikachu's shoulder. "Well, It's something a bit... let's say special" she said as she kissed him, pressing her body close to him. "Before continuing, I need you to swear me that you won't, I repeat, you WON'T be afraid to talk to me, and tell me what you need to..." she said, then he nodded "Of course! We are partners for life, you know that!" he said.

"Good! Now continue" he said, making Raichu sigh a bit as she felt insecure about telling her secret to him. In fact, he was going to be the first to know about it outside her professional, isolated circle. "I bought the house with my money... I bet you never knew that I actually had so much money, didn't you?" she asked, as Pikachu nodded.

Raichu sighed "Well, it may be a bit overwhelming for you to know this. I suppose you don't know too much about battling, as you have been really afraid of battling for a long time since then. Do you remember Jake telling you something about the different championships out there?" she asked.

Pikachu nodded "Yeah, we were very interested in these topics back in the day, and Jake knew a lot about them. He told me that his desire was to be able to take part in some tournaments and be able to live from it" he said.

Raichu sighed as she though again in Jake's sad fate before continuing. "Okay, let's continue, as you may remember, only the best contestants made it to the regional stage, then national stage, and luckily, they might get to fight their way to the World Championship." Pikachu nodded,as he remembered clearly that this year, this city had the great privilege of holding that contest. Pikachu looked at her. "Literal millions of contestants from all over the world dread to enter this contest! How I'm not going to be aware of it's existance!" he said in a shocked tone

Raichu smiled and continued "You see, the contest was an annual event, and it was broadcasted on TV all around the world" she said as she looked at Pikachu with a hint of confidence in her eyes. She then thought that the best way to tell him would be to let him see the recorded battles in PokeTube to get him into situation. So she nodded and pointed her paw to the TV "Look at this" she said, as the video loaded.

Pikachu didn't knew what was really going on in that video. But as he saw the first battle that had place that day, he started to freeze in fear, as he could barely stand to look at it. Raichu, noticing Pikachu's insecurity, hugged him from behind, and held him in her comfy embrace. She knew deep down that he didn't want to watch the video, buy, again, telling him directly that she was the world champion would probably make him see things even worse. But, being the important figure in her life that he was, she wanted him to know about this no matter what.

Pikachu felt more relaxed by her intervention, making him feel secure. He knew that the attacks couldn't hit him through the TV screen, but when she was hugging him, he knew that whatever would happen, he would be protected. As he relaxed, he was able to continue watching the video.

Raichu held him tightly for the several hours of the video, all the way till the very end, when the final battle between Armando and her started.

He thought it was a fun coincidence that an independent Raichu made its way to the finals, but he didn't suspect anything further. As the battle unfolded, Pikachu was first impressed by the legendaries' approval to take part in competition. But as Articuno fell, he immediately wondered how that Raichu managed to win that single battle! A regular Pokémon competing at such an high level was something unseen before!

As the battle progressed, he felt more and more amazement at the sheer power of the Raichu's attacks as they tore its legendary foes apart.

When the last battle ended, he was confidently sure his whole body had turned completely white, as he somewhat felt the power of that blast flow through his body. It had been sure a hell of an attack to finish a hell of a battle.

That Raichu had beaten Armando, and in doing so, become the first independent fighter to win the title. Then the video finished and Raichu switched on the lamp on her mattress. "What do you think about what you have just seen? Did you like it?" she asked Pikachu with a sweet smile.

Pikachu only smiled, and answered in a soft voice "It was amazing! I didn't know that a Pokémon could fight at that level!" he said, as he now understood that this was no ordinary Pokémon battle. Raichu thought about telling him just like that now, but she preferred to do something else, so Pikachu didn't think it was a joke. Pikachu saw the trophy that she was given in the last seconds of the video, making it the perfect proof! She decided to tell him her secret that way.

"Okay! Now that you have seen the whole thing, I want you to close your eyes! Let me cover them with this" she said as she wrapped a piece of cloth around his head, making sure it was loose enough to avoid making him uncomfortable.

Pikachu complied and closed his eyes. As he did so, Raichu quickly ran to the wardrobe where she kept the trophy. She knew that Pikachu would be very excited to see it in person, as he had been also a fighter in the past.

She returned a moment later and told him that he needed to grab something. Then, she carefully guided his paws to grab the trophy. Once he had a firm grip on it, she gave him a warm hug, and slowly took the cloth off of his head. He wasn't sure what would happen as she was unfastening it, but he wasn't expecting what happened next.

As she took the cloth away, Pikachu took a second to process what was the object that Raichu had brought him, until he could read something written thanks to the faint light of the lamp. "Ginger Sparks, 2045 World Championship Winner".

At that very same moment, Pikachu's jaw hit the ground. He was speechless. Pikachu had never expected that he would never meet anyone in his life who had ever made it to the regional finals, let alone the World Champion itself! He was just stuck in the very same pose for a while. "WOW!!! Ginger Sparks, World Champion? Are you really... really... Ginger Sparks?!" he said with a few tears in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm really Ginger Sparks, even though I don't like that name, as it is just an strange name created for marketing..." she said, as she felt upset that assessors went as far as manipulating a Pokémon's name to make a Pokémon seem more famous. "I think it is kinda weird for you to discover that I am the World Champion, but I'm sure you will get used to it! Moreover, I hate to mix my personal life with battling, so, I'm more than happy to keep this secret between us, as it might be a bit embarrassing for you as well!" she said with a playful tone in her voice, as she let go of Pikachu, and winked at him. Pikachu was still frozen in place in the exact position Raichu had left him, as his mind had exploded the moment he realized his mate's identity. "Pikachu" Raichu said as she caressed him with her paw, feeling his body temperature slowly rising. Pikachu started breathing heavily, and tried to digest it.

As she feared that Pikachu would enter in a breakout again, she started to panic. "No, no! Please! I don't want to make you feel bad!" Raichu said, trying to relax Pikachu a bit again, but Pikachu stared at her and quickly jumped up, hugging her tightly, and said "You are the most amazing Pokémon I have ever met! I always wanted to meet someone like you someday! I can't believe this! This is too much!" he said as he hugged her even harder.

Raichu sighed, this time feeling a bit of relief, and felt as if she had at least helped, if not achieved her goal of making Pikachu comfortable with the news. She returned the hug, which made Pikachu even more excited.

"So, that's what was behind you all this time, isn't it?" he asked, making Raichu nod once again. If someone had told him who this Raichu really was the first time he saw her, he didn't know what in the world could've happened to him.

She licked his face once again, causing him to purr on delight. Minutes later, when they were just lying on the bed, he noticed the trophy on his bedside table! He felt very bad for it, and quickly jumped off the bed, and took it from the table. He examined it for a moment before placing it in a random place of the room. "That trophy is yours. I don't deserve to have it near me. I... I don't even think I deserve to have a single thing in the entire world." he said, rubbing a bit his eyes as he returned to the bed, and laid down next to Raichu.

"Pikachu!" she said in a firm tone. But Pikachu didn't even hear her. He was still thinking about his life. "I don't deserve that. I don't deserve to be with you, I don't..."

She quickly stopped him and held him close to her, looking him deeply in the eyes. "Pikachu, you deserve the world, so stop saying that! You have my congratulations! You are the most generous, caring, and loving Pokémon I've ever seen! You've made me so happy that I never want to be without you, so why would you think you aren't a worthy partner?" she said, trying to convince him once again.

"But... Raichu..." he started. "I... I just..."

Raichu started to passionately kiss him, as she pressed him slightly against her stomach. She loved it when they hugged like that, when they kissed, when they made love... With every thing they did, they would drift away from reality, and there was nothing else they could possibly think of, other than how much they loved each other. After kissing, they kept hugging each other, as they started to drift off to sleep. However, as soon as they prepared themselves to sleep, both Pokémon could feel a faint bump on her stomach. Pikachu opened his eyes as wide as possible, as he could feel a baby Pichu inside her.

He was so excited as he could finally sense the life he and Raichu had made together. He kissed her again as Raichu reassured him that she also could feel it. Due to the numerous kisses and hugs they had shared, Pikachu started to feel the effects of their love. They stared at each other lovingly, as Raichu laid on her back, spreading herself to him. As Raichu nodded to him one last time, they started to make love. Once they were both finished, they kissed one last time before they both fell asleep.

Electric Touch: Chapter 31 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

After a few weeks after that day, the couple's life seemed to be the same. They were still in love, thinking about raising they family together, and loving each other. Each day, they spent time together, doing all the romantic things they thought about...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 29 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

As Pikachu started to wake up, he lightly bumped on the sleeping Raichu beside him. Raichu was still fast asleep and didn't even stir from the sudden bump. The sensation that Pikachu felt as he remembered the night before was so overwhelming that he...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 28 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

The next weeks went by very quickly, the days blurred together, with Pikachu taking care of the cubs as usual, as he shared his life with his beloved Raichu mate. Soon, a very special day came! They couldn't believe it when it was time for...

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