Electric Touch: Chapter 32 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#32 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

Pikachu cried the whole night, remembering again and again what happened. He even could not take a single breath without thinking of what that man had said to him. He had always been the "weakest" of all the other Pokémon in the orphanage, but at this point, he felt so hopeless abut his physical condition that he did not even know what to do anymore. It was the most pain he had ever felt in his life.

He knew that Raichu would cheer him up again, telling him that it was clear that he was not useless, and then would hug him like she used to and tell him that they would be okay. But his severe health problems wouldn't dissapear just because of a few words. He knew deep down that he couldn't just work hard and take all that pain away. He wanted to be able to keep using his powers. He wanted to be healthy. He didn't want to be that way anymore. As he lifted his head to see what time it was, he noticed that it was 4:30 AM. He sighed as he looked at Raichu sleeping soundly on the bed. He felt lonely. He never knew that somebody could feel the way he felt. He had never told anybody apart from her about that, because he didn't want anybody to know. Not even Espeon or Eevee, who were very close to him. He cried more as he looked at her sleeping peacefully. He thought about how they could be so close, but so far at the same time.

Pikachu came to the conclusion that the problems caused by the important sequels he carried would make it impossible for him to live, much less lead a happy life. In the end, there was only one way to go from here. He thought that him being disabled had just one solution. He kissed Raichu lightly on the cheek as he stood up, then walked over to the door, and exited the house. He then walked around the city until he got lost somehow, after a while, he found an unfinished building that seemed to have no people inside, and since he was so lonely, he decided to go inside the building and cry until his tears ran dry. He was kinda tired of his life, and wondered why things hadn't turned out better. He hadn't wished to win any tournament or be famous. All he wanted was to stay with Jake, so that was why he had joined him. He only wanted to be a normal Pikachu like those who were loved by their trainers for the rest of their lives, having fun battling and travelling. He wanted to forget all the painful memories he had of the past, forgetting how weak he was and how sad he was. But now...there was too much sadness in his heart. Pikachu started to cry tears of pain, mourning of how to go on from here, knowing that there is only one choice left for him... To give up and die. He wouldn't live his life without that option open to him. Maybe if he went through with his plan, he could pass away without feeling that horrible sadness.

Raichu, who was still in their bed, woke up as she thought of him in her dreams, in order to calm him and tell that she loved him. However, she was surprised to witness that Pikachu wasn't in bed. She flew off the bed and ran into the hallway. She started to search for Pikachu, knowing that something bad must have happened. As she didn't found him inside their home, she started to worry.

But even though she was frightened, she didn't feel like crying. If anything, the events of the earlier afternoon made her love for Pikachu grow more if possible. Although she thought that trying to find where he had gone might be pointless, the urge to check on him was so strong that she couldn't stop herself from going outside, despite the fact that she was in the late stages of her pregnacy.

She made a big detour around the city in order to try to enter some area where maybe he could have gone. Eventually, she landed near the berries park. Looking around the place, she didn't find any trace of him. This worried her even more, hoping the worst case scenario was possible. She continued searching around the city, although she felt the coldness of the night and the stress of the situation forcing themselves deep into her soul. She searched around in many places where they had been together before, but in vain. Maybe he was lying unconscious somewhere, or... no. She wouldn't think like that. He was probably somewhere, maybe without food or water or shelter, but probably alive, although it was true that she couldn't help to doubt.

She kept moving forward, looking around everywhere. As it was getting dark, she had to go back home. She tried to think if perhaps he hadn't walked too far from the house. After two more devastating hours of searching, Raichu was starting to lose hope when she divised a large construction area she hadn't seen before. Curious about what this location may hide, she entered the place as she kept calling for Pikachu.

At the top of the structure, Pikachu was standing at the edge, ready to jump into the depths below. His expression wasn't tense or determined, rather, he just smiled softly as he gazed upwards to the sky. It was six in the morning and it was cold, but still it was nice seeing the sky through which the moonlight shined one last time. Then suddenly, he stopped in his tracks as he could have sworn he heard Raichu's voice somewhere nearby, but he dismissed the idea quickly, since she should be still asleep, and she couldn't probably walk far away in her state. But now that he had some doubts in his mind, he needed to find out if it really was her voice coming from afar. "Raichu?" He asked while he was climbing down, wanting to get into contact with her if she was there. A long moment later, he seemed to hear it clearly in front of him.

As Raichu detected it was Pikachu, she rushed towards the voice as fast as her body allowed her to, finding out that he wasn't hurt. She hugged him excitedly, as Pikachu's tear-stained face wettened her belly. You are safe!! She cried in joy as she hugged him tightly. He rubbed against her belly, pushing his soft nose against her skin gently as she ruffled his fur with both paws. She finally relaxed a bit as he saw Pikachu safe and sound. "I'm glad that you are fine." She said as she kept hugging him, making sure to keep herself stable as well, and wanting to reassure him that everything was alright.

It took them some time to separate, and after the heartfelt hug, she managed to sit down next to him and started to ask him why did he ran away. "I don't wanna talk about it..." Pikachu sobbed. Of course, he refused to speak, because it brought back some memories that hurt him deeply. They spent ten minutes sitting silent on each other's side. The only thing that could be heard was the cold breeze as it blew towards them. The cold didn't bother her since, in her opinion, it was worth it to save him. After this silent period, they started walking again and after half a hour of walking, they arrived home. Raichu gave a sigh of relief as she felt her feet tired enough to collapse. They both fell down on the bed, as Raichu started to talk to Pikachu again.

"Pikachu, why did you leave?" She asked as she hugged his little body closer to her. Pikachu still crying, told her that Mr. Wright's words affected him a lot. And eventually, the whole situation itself made him insane. She understood completely his reaction, but at the same time, she was a bit upset with him for behaving the way he did. However, she didn't tell him that. He has suffered quite enough. So with a gentle smile, she asked him what he pretended to do. Pikachu stared at her as he started to shyly tell her that he wanted to take a walk around some places, but Raichu wasn't convinced by his argument. After much convincing from Raichu, he calmed down, saying that he wasn't sure why did he do that. His weakness started to reestablish itself inside him.

"I've thought of nothing else since yesterday, I was scared..." He confessed as he moved away from her, still staring at her with panic showing on his eyes. "I don't want to become a fucking pet to play with!" He added as he wiped the tears away from his cheeks. Raichu started to rethink again everything that evil man said, and determined that the first step was helping him recover emotionally first. She would try to replenish again his emotional needs telling him that he was far from useless as he was a great Pokémon and a perfect soon-to-be father. She gave another seductive glance to support him as he made small moves towards her. As he got near her, Raichu gently pressed him to her inflated tummy and held him close to her. He closed his eyes as she brushed her long, lightning tail through his fur tenderly. As Pikachu listened her heartbeat slowly calmed him down. He started to sniffle as she hugged him again, welcoming him back. "I'll never let anyone say such bullshit to you again! I promise!!" She said as he wrapped her paws around him, telling her that he was her faithful partner forever, no matter how cruel the world can be. Her warm voice comforted him greatly, not just physically, but also mentally. But what healed Pikachu the most was the moment when, after they were done talking, one of the unborn cubs moved in her abdomen, making Pikachu felt another gentle bump right on his heart. He was in love with his beautiful couple that was carrying his children inside her. He forgot all his feelings, all worries, as he realized his new purpose in life: taking care of the cubs, feeding them when they're hungry, watching them when they're sleepy, taking baths whenever necessary, dealing with their messes and keeping their blankets clean.

As the new familiar thoughts started to flow in his mind, he started to fall asleep, and soon, Raichu fell asleep as well. That was until they were woken up by the alarm clock not so long after. The older female nuzzled against him affectionately and thanked him his will to quit on the idea of killing kimself. She wasn't idiot, and knew he was so hurt deep inside that he seriously though about jumping the night before, but his love for his future family was definitely stronger. She decided to not tell him anything about it, as it was a very complicated topic. Moreover, he deserved happiness once in a while. They kissed and she held him tight against her, giving a small, grateful purr as she scratched his back lovingly with her tail.

Soon they got ready to start the new day. Today, it was a very special day for them, as Raichu would undergo her last medical checkup before delivery. Actually, once he recovered from their early morning nap, he insisted to accompany her to go to the hospital (as he wanted to go with her obviously). That moment, just before they stepped out of the house, he grabbed her around the waist. He whispered into her ear how he loved her as he planted another kiss on her snout as she giggled happily. Soon after, they took a taxi, and were soon at the hospital. After some test were run on her, the nurse informed them that her due date was just about two weeks from now. Thus she had nothing to worry about. Now they just had to wait for the birth of their litter. Both Pokémon felt the same excitement in their hearts, filling them full of happiness. After leaving the doctor, they returned home, making sure to prepare everything for Raichu's upcoming delivery. After dinner, he began talking to her about what they should name the baby Pichu, as well as how wonderful the trip to parenthood was being, despite the truth that it did not bring him much pleasure, as there was very harsh moments for him to remember, even though his life was much more bearable with Raichu by his side. While relaxing on their couch together, they started talking about raising kids. They both concluded that helping their children grow emotionally was a must due to their caring personality. Needless to say, she also expressed her desire to spend more time helping around with their cubs as she was now retired from battling. As the time passed, the little chats between them came to an end, and thus they went straight to sleep, thoroughly exhausted from the day's events.

Electric Touch: Chapter 33 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

The next two weeks passed, and Raichu and Pikachu were about to meet their first litter. The female was more than excited about the whole thing. She even started to spend the last days lying on the bed, as her Pikachu partner would always care for her...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 31 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

After a few weeks after that day, the couple's life seemed to be the same. They were still in love, thinking about raising they family together, and loving each other. Each day, they spent time together, doing all the romantic things they thought about...

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Electric Touch: Chapter 30 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

As they got to the bedroom, it felt like they just had started their life together. Pikachu looked at her mate, and smiled. "Welcome to our new home!" she said as she hugged him tight. "It feels really nice! We needed a good and comfy space, and here...

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