Chapter 7 - All Good Things

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#7 of Raccoon Rage

As promised, Chapter 7! The penultimate chapter!

Ray and his gang's very busy day continues! The evening after the group took out the tiger brothers' wives, things start to go badly as the cops show up. It seems someone must have seen the wanted murderers at the diner earlier. Things go from bad to worse when shots start getting fired, and only go downhill from there.

Raccoon Rage

Chapter 7: All Good Things

By XP Author

Dave looked at the guests in his house. "So, where are you all going to be going, anyway?" The tiger then quickly added. "Not that you have to tell me if you don't want to!"

Ray shrugged. "We didn't really have a destination." The raccoon was sitting on one of the floral patterned chairs, his girlfriend, the iguana Zella, sitting on his lap and cuddling close. Everyone had gotten cleaned up and dressed again after the events of earlier. His ever growing group had come to the home of Dave and Greg, a pair of tiger brothers that wanted the group to help kill their wives, twin foxes. After the orgy that followed, they had spent the next hour wood axes and saws to hack the bodies to pieces and stuffing them in various trash bags to be tossed out in the woods somewhere. Zella, being Zella, had gotten so incredibly turned on by it all that she had fingered herself to another screaming orgasm right in the middle of it, all while covered in blood. She then ambushed Ray in the shower after. The whole house knew when the two came together.

Mike spoke up next. "We could try heading to Canada or something." The mouse sat on the sofa beside Laura. The deer had found a much less flashy or flower-covered set of clothes in one of the closets. The blue jeans mostly fit, though the denim shirt was a little big for her. The original owner was far more well endowed than she was, so it was a little baggy on her thin frame.

Zella shook her head. "We could, but that's not really a place to hide. I think we'd be better just sticking to some back water town out in the sticks."

Laura chuckled. "You mean like Joyville?" The whole group laughed a little. Laura, like the tiger brothers, was a native of Joyville. The deer was a waitress who Ray and his friends had rescued from a gang of would-be rapists. She had witnessed them killing everyone, after Zella fucked the leader of course, and had found herself more than a little turned on by it all. She joined the group on the trip to kill the wives, and had actually bashed the head of one with a shovel. It was hard to believe that all happened on this same day. "I'd just be glad to leave this town behind, though."

Ray looked at the doe. "You're welcome to come with us, wherever we end up going, but don't feel like you have to. No one knows that you've had any contact with us, so you're in the clear as far as the cops go. No need to go on the run."

Dave spoke up again. "Well, you can all sleep on the idea. You've probably been on the road a while, so you're all more than welcome to stay the night here. May be a little cramped, but I'm guessing that most of you don't mind doubling up in a bed..." He looked pointedly at Zella and Ray.

Greg called out then. "That... might be a problem." The younger of the brothers was in the kitchen, not preparing food, but staring out one of the windows.

Dave looked confused. "Why?"

The younger pointed at the window he was staring at. "Because of them." Everyone in the living room got up to see just what was going on. Outside, the sky was still blue, but the subtle touch of orange had started to paint the edges of the horizon as the evening's sun set. It did nothing to hide the flashes of red and blue lighting up the trees in the distance down the road. A moment later, the sound of the sirens started to echo around, growing louder as the police cars drew closer.

"Fuck!" Mike spat. "Someone must have recognized us at the diner."

Greg pointed at the back door. "You guys get out of here."

Zella started to protest. "Where!?"

Greg continued. "Head straight past the pool and you'll see our little shack back there. There's a van parked near it that we use for deliveries. Keys are in the glove box."

Laura was the next to voice concerns. "What about you?"

The tiger smiled at her. "We'll distract the boys in blue for you. Try and buy you enough time to get to the van and get out of here."

Ray frowned. "You know you've got a half dozen garbage bags full of body parts in your backyard, right? They're going to want to look around, and when they find those..."

Dave walked back into the kitchen, dropping a duffel bag onto the table. It landed with a heavy metallic THUD. "Don't worry, kid." He unzipped the bag to show a set of rifles and several magazines of ammo. He also pulled a rather large pistol out of it, doing a quick check of it before the slide clicked back in place. "We'll keep them busy." He stuffed the pistol into the waist of his pants behind his back. "Now go, before they get here!"

Zella nodded, rushing to the sliding doors and opening them and running out. Ray gave a smile at the two before rushing out after his girlfriend. Mike looked like he was going to ask for one of the guns, but thought better of it. He just pat Dave's shoulder before following Ray out the door. Laura was the last one, giving the two a sad look. "Thank you..." She knew they were not planning on walking away from this.

Greg shrugged. "It's fine, little lady. You and your friends gave us the best day in a long time. Going out in a blaze of glory seems like a good way to cap it all off. Now go!" She nodded, hurrying to the back door. She looked back one last time, then rushed out after everyone.

* * *

Dave stepped out the front door, just in time for the head police car to come to a halt at the end of the long driveway to the house. He put on his best 'what the hell is going on' expression and leaned against the door frame. He recognized the officers getting out of the car. Both canines of some mixed breed or another. As the senior officer stepped closer, Dave held up a hand to wave. "Hey, Bob. What's... going on?"

Bob shook his head. "We got a tip that some wanted people were seen at Jim's Diner this morning. Said their car might have been following you." He glanced at the car sitting behind the truck. "That car there fits the description."

The tiger shrugged. "That belongs to Betty's cousin, Alice. I think I told you about her. She stopped into town recently. The girls all went out for a walk a bit ago. Should be back in-"

Bob interrupted the excuse. "I need you to step aside, David. We have a warrant to search the place. Best just tell us where they are now, and we won't have to charge you for aiding."

Dave frowned, standing up to his full height as the cop got up close to him. "Now, just who am I being accused of aiding, exactly?"

The canine stared right back at the tiger dead in the eyes, not backing down. "There's three of them. A raccoon male, an iguana female with purple hair, and a white-furred mouse male. They're wanted for several cases of very violent murder. Now move, or I will arrest you, too!"

Dave looked up and behind Bob. Two more cop cars were just pulling up, more officers starting to emerge. There were more lights flashing in the distance as yet more were coming. He had to hand it to Ray and his little gang, they sure knew how to kick a hornets nest. He shrugged again. "Well, I guess I have no choice then. Sorry, Bob." With that, he quickly grabbed the pistol from his waistband and stuffed it against the chest of the canine. The shot was only slightly muffled as it rang out. Bob stumbled back, clutching at his chest, the bullet ripping through his heart.

Before Bob had finished falling, before any of the other officers could even react, Dave fired off another pair of shots as he dove through the doorway back into the house. He was pretty sure he hit one of the other cops coming towards the house, but he did not dare look to see. Instead, he kicked the door shut, flipping the deadbolt shut. He was just ducking away from the door when the cops returned fire. Holes were riddled in the wooden door, some only just missing him. He heard one of the officers outside shouting into their radio about shots fired and requesting backup.

Greg looked out from his hiding place in the kitchen, rifle in hand. "So I guess things didn't go so hot, huh?" He got a glare in response. "I'll give you this instead of an 'I told you so.'" He tossed the rifle over to his brother, grabbing the other one from off the table behind him.

Dave moved under the nearby window, checking the rifle before getting it ready. "Well, Bob always was a bit of a stubborn ass." He looked a this brother. "You ready for this?" The other tiger just gave him a manic smile. Just as someone outside was shouting for them to throw down their arms and surrender, the two brothers stood in unison and opened fire. The sound of rapid automatic fire and shattering glass filled the air, followed shortly by the panicked or pained shouts of the officers caught in the crossfire.

Officers dove for cover behind their cars, waiting for the chance to return fire. Others lay on the ground, either writhing in pain or dead. Two were brave or foolish enough to try rushing the door, likely hoping to smash through it. A hail of bullets ripped into the first, sending his tattered body crashing back to the dirt. The second caught several bullets in the chest and tumbled to the ground, screaming in agony but alive. Though for how much longer was anyone's guess.

Greg's rifle clicked as he emptied the magazine. He cursed and ducked back down under the window to reload. He then started to laugh. When his brother gave him a questioning look, he just smirked. "It's funny. All that army training, and this is the biggest firefight I've ever been in!" Dave chuckled as well, popping back up to spray the last of his mag while his brother reloaded. That's when someone got a lucky shot. The tiger's body jerked as the bullet caught him in the forehead, his face suddenly covered in blood and brain matter. He went limp and slumped backwards, dead before he hit the ground.

The remaining tiger watched in horror as he saw his brother die so quickly. He grit his teeth, fighting back the sudden tears in his eyes. "Fucking pieces of shit!" He popped up and started to spray the crowd, not aiming at anyone in particular, just trying to spread as much lead as he could. The sound of breaking glass caught his attention behind him. He turned to see a small cylinder bouncing into the living room. A moment later, it popped and started to hiss, spreading tear gas rapidly through the room. "Shit!"

He reached for the duffel bag on the table behind him, trying to grab the gas mask inside. He was already coughing, the cloud of smoke stinging his already watery eyes. At least he had an excuse for the tears now. He was still fumbling for the bag when he heard a muffled voice from inside. "Freeze, asshole! Drop the gun and get on the ground!" He looked to see a trio of cops in his living room, all with gas masks of their own on, and pointing guns at him. He figured they circled around and came through the back door or a side window or something.

He glanced at his brother's fallen body, then clenched his jaw tight. Then he let out a howl of rage and swung the rifle up, opening fire. He was happy he managed to take at least one of the three out, running a line of rounds up the man's torso. The other two returned the favor. He was struck several times center mass, each shot ripping into him. Those were all from just one of the officers. The other one only had to fire once, his shotgun blasting a large, bloody hole into the tiger's chest and knocking him off his feet. Greg collapsed to the kitchen floor, his rifle clattering on the linoleum and skittering away. By the time the officer came to check, his life had already left him.

* * *

"Are they following us!?" The panicked voice of Zella called out, not to anyone in particular.

Ray did not bother to look back. "Probably! Just keep running! I think I see the shack ahead!" He was in the lead at the moment, a little surprised he was outpacing his more athletic girlfriend.

Laura was in the rear, following close behind Mike. "What are we supposed to do if they catch up? We don't have any weapons!"

"You could just surrender. Say we took you hostage." Zella suggested.

The response was clear. "Fuck that!"

Mike spoke up. "Just get to the van! We can figure it out aft-" The sound of a gunshot in the distance interrupted him. "FUCK!" The whole group picked up their pace as more shots rang out behind them. They realized that it must be the distraction the brothers had mentioned. "Give 'em hell, boys!"

Laura smirked, doing her best to keep up. "Hopefully they'll keep them busy enough that we can get out of here before they-"

"STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" The voice was quite a distance behind them, but it was clearly shouted in their direction.

The deer cursed herself for jinxing it. "SHIT!"

Mike called back, though not slowing. "FUCK YOU, PIGS!"

The group reached the shack before any of the cops had caught up, but it was clear there were several coming. It was more like a small bunker, with concrete walls and a metal door. Ray panted heavily, looking around as he tried to catch his breath. He spotted the van a little bit away. It was an older, workhorse model, the dark blue paint faded in a few spots. "There's our ride!"

Zella gasped for air beside him. "Yeah... but the moment we take off in that thing, they'll just chase us. I doubt that thing can outrun a police cruiser."

Mike gave a wild smile to everyone. "Then let's give them a reason not to follow." Before anyone could ask, he shoved the door of the shack open, then laughed. Inside was a treasure trove of explosives and materials to make more. A not small pile of fireworks sat to the side, of many different sizes, including some particularly large models. He grabbed several of the mortar tubes and stuffed as many of the explosive balls into them as he could.

Just as he was setting them up against the window facing back towards the house, Laura had to ask. "Do you really think this is going to work? They're just fireworks..."

The mouse chuckled. "They're explosives! Trust me!" He pulled out his lighter and lit the fuse on the mortar tubes. A moment later, the area was filled with a series of loud THUMPS as they launched. The forest between the house and the shack suddenly erupted in sparks and smoke with a series of loud BOOMS , followed by flames as the leaves and dead wood caught fire. Through it, there was panicked shouting from the officers that had been following. Mike shouted out the window. "TAKE THAT, YOU STUPID FUCKING PIGS!"

The response was return fire. Bullets struck the side of the shack, though none were powerful enough to pierce the thick walls. Ray ducked down, pressing himself against the outside wall. "Fucking lunatics! They're shooting at a box filled with explosives!"

Laura cried out as more bullets peppered around them. "So much for the hostage plan. I don't think they're trying to take us alive!"

Mike launched another series of fireworks out the window, setting off more explosions in the distance and catching even more of the forest on fire. "I don't plan on letting them!" He pointed to the van. "Everyone in the van! I'll put a wall of fire between us and them! They won't be getting through..." He paused as a sound caught his large ears before anyone else's. "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me!"

Before anyone else could ask, they heard it. The distinct sound of a helicopter coming in. It was not long before it came into sight. Zella shook her head. "This just keeps getting better. No way we're outrunning that!"

Mike sighed, shaking his head. "No need to!" He grabbed a bunch of rocket style fireworks and dashed out the door. He jammed as many as he could into the dirt, laying others against rocks or logs to prop them up. "Get to the van."

Ray gave him a sorrowful look, but knew better than to say anything. He patted the mouse's shoulder. Zella leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck, mouse."

Laura looked at all of them, then at Mike. "Wait! You can't be serious!"

"I am." Mike stood up and before she could say anything, grabbed Laura and pulled her into a deep kiss. The deer stood there in shock, her whole body trembling. When Mike pulled back, she reached up to touch his cheek. "Go." He let her go, going back to setting up the rockets at the approaching copter. Laura felt tears in her eyes, then turned with Ray and Zella and started towards the van.

Mike grinned as he saw the chopper getting closer, the wind swirling the smoke rising below. The spotlight shining at him was a great target. He shouted at the thing in the air. "Fuck you!" He then lit every rocket he had set up. A moment later, they all launched, streaking towards the vehicle. The air around it was suddenly awash in sparks and light and fire and smoke. Most of the rockets missed, but the debris and smoke was enough to throw off the pilot.

The chopper suddenly started to move erratically, shifting to the side more than it should. The sound of the engine shifted, struggling to keep itself going. Smoke poured out of the top of the rotor engine. Mike stared in amazement that his plan worked! Debris or smoke or possibly even a direct hit had damaged the thing. After several seconds of trying to regain control, the helicopter started to drop out of the air as the engine fully failed. It slammed into several trees on its way down, crashing through them and sending leaves and splinters and timber in every direction. It hit the ground somewhere in the woods between the house and the shack, a cloud of smoke and debris rising. Mike was a little disappointed it didn't explode, but this wasn't some movie where everything burst into flames.

Laura laughed as she watched the chopper drop like a rock. "You crazy son of a bitch! You d-" She cried out as shots rang out again, bullets whizzing through the air once more. She quickly ran to catch up with the others heading for the van.

Mike grunted as he took a shot in the shoulder, another catching his left arm. He fell to the ground, clutching his arm. "Shit!" He scrambled back into the shack, panting heavily and leaving a trail of blood behind him. "You guys just don't know when to give up!" He quickly grabbed more of the mortar balls, though he did not bother with loading the tubes. He just lit the fuses and chucked them out the window like grenades. He heard several of the approaching cops cry out as they exploded nearby.

Mike looked out in time to see Laura climbing into the back of the van. A moment later, it was pulling away along the path into the woods. He smiled. "Good luck, guys."

I minute later, he heard the footsteps outside the shack, and the voices. "Come out with your hands up!"

Mike chuckled. He sat down on the ground, his left arm hanging limp at his side, blood running from the wounds and soaking into his shirt. He pulled out his last joint, putting it to his mouth, lighting the end with his lighter. Just as he saw two uniforms stepping around to point guns into the door, he let out large cloud of smoke, along with a short, raspy laugh. His next words were not shouted or screamed, but spoken softly. "Fuck you, cops." He tossed his lighter into the pile of explosives at his side.

The officers barely had a chance to curse before the whole bunker detonated. Colorful sparks, fire, and smoke filled the air, along with debris as the concrete walls were blown apart. Some of the flying debris was more firework pieces, which exploded or popped as it flew as everything cooked off, sending more sparks around and spreading the fire farther. All of the nearby officers were killed in the explosion, most of those still approaching getting knocked off their feet by the blast, some getting injured or killed by the chucks of stone or flaming debris.

The mouse was incinerated instantly by the inferno.

* * *

Everyone in the van felt as much as heard the explosion behind them. Ray sat in the driver's seat, and looked in the mirror to see the massive gout of flame and bursts of colorful sparks. Zella was in the back of the van with Laura. She managed to look out the back window to see the explosion. She sighed. "Mike..." She slumped back against the wall, sliding down to sit on the hard bottom. The back of the van was empty and quite spacious, but had nothing in the way of seats. It made for an uncomfortable and bumpy ride, but at least they were safe for now.

When the van bumped from the uneven road, Laura let out a groan and slumped over to the side. Zella looked over at her. "Are you alright?" She slid closer, then saw the blood soaking through the denim shirt. "Oh my god!"

Ray called back. "What's going on?"

She reached down to try and find the source of the blood. It was not hard, as the hole in her side was still bleeding quite a bit. "Ray, she's been shot!" She put pressure on the wound, making the deer groan in pain.

"What!?" He glanced over his shoulder, but dared not look away from the winding dirt road for too long. "How bad?"

Laura answered. "Pretty bad..." Her voice was soft. Now that the adrenaline of the moment was wearing off, she was feeling the pain pretty badly. She gave an apologetic look up at the iguana. "Sorry..."

Zella lifted the shirt a little to have a look, then winced. The shot had hit the back of her left side, a few inches above her hip. The blood was not exactly pouring out, but it was a constant leak. "It is pretty bad. Probably hit something important. Bullet's still in there, too."

Ray cursed under his breath. "We should get her to a hospital then. If we can get there fast enough, maybe they-"

"No!" Laura surprised herself with how forceful her voice was. She tried to sit up, but Zella would not let her. "No... if you take me to a hospital, they will just ask questions, and maybe there will be cops waiting or someone will recognize you..." She grunted as the van bumped under them again. "I kinda expected to die hanging around you guys eventually, anyway. Just didn't think it would be this fast."

Zella gave her a sad look. "Hey, we only do that to people who really deserve it..."

The deer finished the thought. "Or want it. Mike told me about his sister." She reached her hand up to rest it against the scaled one on her side. "I think a part of me wanted this. I have nothing in this town. I'm 27, I work a crappy job, no friends, and no... life, really. I haven't even been outside of Joyville since I was a kid for field trips. I'm not losing much." She gave the lizard above her a genuine smile. "Today has been the most exciting day of my life. I'm fine with it being my last, too."

Ray stayed quiet, just staring ahead at the road. The headlights illuminated the path ahead, but all around was the darkness of night, having crept up on them during their escape. It was made all the more dark by the trees on either side of the pathway. It had been long enough that it was clear they were not being followed, no flashing lights anywhere in sight. When he spoke, his words were soft. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, then realized he could not see her. "Yes... I am. I... I don't want you getting caught because of me. And..." She winced a little bit as she moved, pain lancing through her side and into her insides. "I'm pretty sure that a hospital wouldn't be able to help me at this point, anyway." Ray nodded slowly, going quiet again. He turned down a side path into the woods, more of a bike path than a road. It was only just wide enough for the van to even fit. After going down it for several minutes, he pulled over and stopped.

Zella looked up again as Ray slid between the seats and into the back area. "Ray?"

He knelt down beside the wounded doe and his girlfriend. "If she's going to die anyway, then she should do it on her own terms."

Laura smiled up at him. She then grunted as she tried to sit up again. "Help me up, would you?"

Zella tried to stop her again. "Hey, you shouldn't be mov-"

The doe interrupted her. "I'm not dying in the back of a van! C'mon, help me get up." The two laughed softly, each reaching out to slip under an arm and help the doe to exit the van. The woods around them were dark, lit only by the lights of the van pointing away. It was also quiet, only the periodic sound of nocturnal animals in the distance. The trio moved a little away from the van, Laura half-limping with the help of her new friends. Eventually, she leaned against a tree and used it to slide to the ground again. "This... is good enough."

Ray and Zella sat down beside her, all looking up at the dark night sky. There really was no stars out, hidden either by the tree tops or clouds, though Ray suspected some of the clouds were smoke from the explosions and fire Mike had started earlier. He looked back in the direction they had come from. There was no glow on the horizon, so there was no risk of the fire spreading. He figured most of it was already being put under control.

He looked at Laura. "So... what now? And before you even think to suggest it, we're not leaving you here to die alone."

Zella nodded. "What he said. The hit may be bad, but it'll still take... a while." She did not know exactly, but figured more than an hour before the blood loss would finally get her. A slow and lonely way to go.

Laura nodded slowly. "That's fine." She took a breath and let it out slowly. "Not sure if it's the blood loss or the night air, but... it is a little cold out. I'd rather-" Ray shifted closer to her, putting an arm over her shoulder and holding her gently. Zella did the same from the other side, though being cold blooded she did not provide much warmth. The presence was still appreciated. "Yeah... this. Makes dying slowly at least a little better."

The three sat there in silence for a little while, just listening to the sounds of night. Zella wanted to say something, but she had no idea what. Just... something. Maybe offer her a faster way to go than bleeding to death? She was not sure how to even start that offer. When she felt Laura moving again, she looked up. Her eyes went wide as the doe suddenly leaned in to kiss her. The shock of it wore off quickly, and she pressed her lips back, returning the kiss. Ray smirked as he watched, his fluffy tail swishing slightly behind him.

When she pulled back, Laura giggled softly. "Sorry. I've never kissed another girl before. Wanted to try it at least once."

Zella looked at Ray, seeing his smirk, then looked back to the deer. "I can do one better than that if you like." Laura gave her a confused look, only to gasp as the lizard grabbed her chest and squeezed softly. She leaned in again to give her another kiss, still groping at her chest. A moment later, she was working on unbuttoning the front of the denim shirt and pulling it open to reveal the doe's flat belly and small breasts. Blood was still damp at her side, soaked into her fur. The scent of it was filling the air.

Ray shifted a little, giving the deer a smile. "I think your pants might be a bit stained, too. Let's help get you out of those." He reached up and started to open the waist of her jeans, pulling them down once they were open. The clothing was all borrowed from the tigers' wives, but since the foxes had not been the same size as Laura, she had not found much to fit. Including panties. So when the jeans were pulled down, there was nothing covering her hips or slit. The pants were pulled off entirely a moment later and tossed to the side, leaving the doe's now glistening sex exposed. "Oh...? Turned on by the thought of dying?"

Laura let out a grunt. "No... yes? I... I don't know..." She blushed quite a bit, more embarrassed by the question than she thought she should be.

Zella licked the woman's neck just under her chin. "No need to be embarrassed. C'mon, lay down. We'll make sure your last moments are good ones." She helped Laura to turn and lay on her back, smiling down at her. "As long as you want it."

She found her breath had grown short, having nothing to do with dying. She nodded, looking up at the scaled woman beside her. "Y-yes. I do..." She looked down at Ray, then blinked. He was already stripping himself of his clothing. She had only gotten a glance at it earlier, but now she got a good look at the rod he was sporting. It was no monster or anything, but still bigger than many others she had seen. She smiled and said more firmly this time. "I do."

Ray nodded, giving Zella a smile. She smiled back, blowing a soft kiss at him. He moved between Laura's slender legs, leaning down to rub the tip against the moist slit. She moaned softly in response, grunting a little as she lifted her legs up to rest against his shoulders. He held one leg as he positioned himself at her entrance, then pushed forward to slowly slide into the heated tunnel. She moaned louder as she felt him slipping into her. He grunted slightly. "Dear God, you're tight!"

She blushed again. "S-sorry?" She giggled softly, only to then gasp loud as he pushed deeper, spreading her inner walls more around him. She really had not had much sex in her life time, and was far from a size queen. That, paired with her thin frame, had left her as tight as she was. Mike had been the largest man she had ever had inside of her, with Ray a close second. Every inch he slid into her felt incredible, like he was filling her, only to have more to give. Eventually, his hips touched hers. He reached up to hold both of her legs by her thighs, and started to pump his hips back and forth. The wet sounds as he fucked her seemed to echo around them.

Suddenly Laura's view of Ray was blocked, instead replaced by something she never expected to see. Hovering right in front of her face was the smooth, green pussy of Zella, drooling her own arousal. She looked up, seeing Zella fully naked, having straddled her face, kneeling over her. She was surprised yet again to see the lizard's flat chest, lacking even nipples. Zella gave her a toothy grin. "You said you never kissed a girl. Wanna try this, too?" Laura nodded, then leaned up to press her lips to the lizard's pussy, lapping gently between the folds. It tasted like nothing she had ever tasted before, sweet and tangy and exotic.

Seeing the deer eating out his girlfriend made Ray pump all the harder. The sounds of their fucking filled the air. Zella moaned loud, pressing her slit down against the doe's muzzle as the tongue slid between her drooling lips and teased at her insides. Laura moaned constantly as well, the pleasure from the raccoon's cock hitting deep inside of her distracting her from the pain shooting through her side every time his thrusts shifted her body around.

Zella's moans grew louder as she reached down to rub herself, trying to push herself closer to the edge quickly. She felt the hands reach up to hold her thighs, muscles trembling a little under the touch. Her thick tail swayed about behind her, thumping gently against the doe's belly every so often, brushing between her breasts other times. She wiggled her hips about, grinding herself down against the woman's face. "That's it... get that tongue nice and deep!" She gasped as Laura obeyed, the tongue suddenly diving deep inside of her slit and teasing around the clenching inner walls.

Ray grunted as Laura's pussy also clenched, squeezing around him even tighter. There was no way he was going to last very long inside of her like this. He heard her also moaning louder, muffled as it was between the iguana's legs. He gripped her thighs tighter, pumping himself deeper and harder. The response was immediate, her pussy clenching harder, legs trembling under his touch. He felt her cross her ankles behind his head to hold him tighter.

Zella encouraged her, through her own gasps. "G-go on... cum for him, for me." She pressed down harder, wrapping her legs entirely around the doe's head to keep her muff firmly planted against the woman's face. For a moment, Laura wondered if the lizard planned to suffocate her, smothering her with her pussy like she was. It was not the most efficient way to do it, but she had to admit, it would be a good way to go. She pressed her own face hard against the cool lips, moaning loud into her sex as she felt her own pleasure rising higher and higher with Ray's hard thrusts.

Laura clung around Zella's legs tight as her orgasm hit. She let out a loud cry of pleasure deep into her cunt, her own clamping hard around Ray's throbbing cock. Ray let out a soft cry of pleasure as the already tight walls squeezed around him even more, almost locking him in place. He shoved himself as deep as he could over and over, letting out a louder cry as he came inside of her. His hot cum blasted deep into her, coating her insides as he emptied his balls into her.

Zella shifted a little as she heard and felt the orgasms, herself right on the edge. She leaned back, squeezing her legs hard to hold the deer's head as tight as she could. "Good girl!" She quickly pulled her legs up and to the side, then quickly to the other. Laura felt the strain in her neck, and felt more than heard as the bones popped. Another jerk and there was a louder cracking pop as her neck snapped. All the pain left her body at once, though the feeling of her cumming was still rushing through her mind. The last thing she felt was Zella's orgasmic juices splashing onto her muzzle. Then the darkness claimed her fully.

Ray let out another loud cry of pleasure as her neck was broken. It caused her whole body to jerk, clenching even harder around him, almost painfully so, milking him for all he had. Her legs squeezed tighter around him, then began to tremble and shiver. Just as suddenly, she went limp, her legs sliding away. He let them go so they thumped to the dirt on either side of him. He panted heavily, leaving himself inside of her cunt for now.

Zella finished fingering herself as the body under her went limp, her pussy still drooling her juices onto the slack face of the doe. She was also panting heavily, little aftershocks of her orgasm running through her, making her legs and tail and belly twitch. She shifted her legs to let go of Laura's head, letting it lay on the ground gently. She then looked back at Ray, giggling softly at him and how spent he looked, his cock still drooling the last of his cum into her corpse's womb. "Think she liked how we finished her?"

He laughed breathlessly. "Considering how tight she squeezed... yeah. Better than bleeding to death." He grunted again as he pulled himself out. His jizz drooled out of her pussy after him, running down her ass to drip onto the ground. He sat back, leaning against the same tree Laura had been earlier. "Fuck..."

Zella crawled her way over to him, sitting beside him and putting an arm around his shoulders, resting her head against his. "Yeah..." The two sat in silence as they let themselves recover. Neither wanted to say anything, not wanting to spoil the good part of this moment. However, as the moments became minutes, it still came to them both. The weight of exactly what today had done. They had made three new friends, and lost them just as quickly, along with Mike.

She spoke up first. "Just us again..." Ray nodded slowly. Zella looked at Laura's cooling body. "Should we bury her or something?"

Ray shook his head. "No... I mean, we should, but we don't have any shovels or any way to dig a pit..."

She nodded slowly. "I guess we don't have a choice. It just... feels wrong to leave her out here like this."

He nodded slowly. "I know, but like you said. We really don't have a choice." He pat Zella's head gently, running his fingers through her purple hair. "I think she'd be okay with it, though." He had no idea, more trying to convince himself. Zella just nodded and the two went quiet again. They sat there for a while, just holding each other.

Eventually, Ray started to stand up again. "C'mon. We should get moving." He started to get his pants back on. "They may have search teams out for us if they find out we didn't die in the explosion."

His girlfriend nodded, reaching to grab her own clothes and put them back on. "Yeah. You wanna rest for a while while I drive?"

He shook his head. "No, I'll drive for a bit. At least until we're out of the woods and on the road out of town. I've got better night vision than you." She reluctantly nodded, agreeing with him. The two took one more look at Laura, silently saying their goodbyes to her and to everyone else they were leaving behind. Climbing back into the van, Ray started the engine again and pulled away. Zella leaned the passenger seat back as best she could to try and get some rest.

Sleep came easily enough, as she was exhausted from so much action in one day. It was a restless sleep, though. Ray just sighed to himself, picking a direction and going. An hour later, they were back on the highway heading out of town. He glanced at his girlfriend, and found himself smiling just a little. "Just us again." He wondered just how long they could keep running like this...

* * *