The Hawthwaites Recruiter 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#6 of The (Un)Usual Business

Regina - or Cosette, as she's now known - learns a little more and has her first night at Hawthwaites.

Commissioned by Dreixes

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The Hawthwaites Recruiter

Chapter 3

For Dreixes

By Draconicon

Cosette - god, if she'd known what they were calling her when they picked that name, she would have kicked up more of a fuss - was in a tizzy. She didn't even like that fucking word, but it was the only word that she was allowed to use. Damiane had made it very clear that they were going to start with her being 'cute' rather than sassy or forceful, and that meant that she had to use cute words. That in and of itself was bad enough, but considering the body language that she was being taught at a rapid pace...

"No, dear. One hand at the hip, the other free," Damiane said, the cougar freezing her with a gesture, only to step forward and pull the rabbit's hands into place. "Otherwise, you're going to look like a sewing machine when you walk."

"Says who?"

"Everyone that looks at you, dear." The cougar shook her head. "Must you fight me every step of the way?"

"You're turning me into something I'm not."

"That you're not yet, little rabbit." There it was again, that little smirk beneath the smile. "Don't worry. You will learn this. And when we find what works for you -"

"What works for me is being me!"


Cosette winced inside, knowing what was coming. She had pushed her bounds too far before, and she'd done it again. God. F-f-fu-dang-it.

"Cosette. Against the wall, if you will."

There was no chance of saying no. The power of this place settled over her, and as the initiate, she was made to obey. She walked on her own as much as she was allowed, at least so that she could keep from flipping her little cotton-tail up and showing off as she did so. That much control was allowed to her as she made her way to the nearest wall. She knew what the next command would be, and flipped her tail up then, nudging the skirt up with it and showing off her panty-clad rump.

Damiane shook her head, muttering slightly as she reached behind her back. Cosette knew what was back there: tools of the trade, ranging from a simple crop to paddles and other things. They had already come out once before, and she flinched as she remembered the marks that the crop had made across her rump. And that had been gentle, in comparison to what she was going to get -

Yep, it was the paddle this time. She winced again, pulling her fingers into tight claws as she waited for the first strike.

"Face the wall, dear."

She did, keeping her head down. Her heart was racing already, and she could feel a tingle down below that was, again, not that different from how she had felt in that office when she'd gotten the offer to work here the first time. That feeling of helplessness, of being cornered, the erotic feeling of -



Curling her fingers tight enough that her claws risked scratching the wood paneling, she lowered her head as the stinging heat spread through her cheeks. Cosette felt the paddle tip stroking back and forth across her cheeks, a narrow, hard thing that threatened another blow at any second. She lifted her hips a little bit more, pushing her ass back. At the very least, she wouldn't be considered a coward.

Tap, tap.

Tap, tap.


Tap, tap.

Tap -


It was the anticipation. Every time that she felt the tap, she expected the next touch to be a crack of a spank, and every time that Damiane held back, she was knocked off-guard. The cougar seemed to know the precise moment that she stopped being ready for it, and then brought down the paddle hard, keeping her from recovering from the last blow.



"Dear, dear, I hope you know that I take very little pleasure in this," Damiane said.


"I would much prefer to do this as a reward than a punishment."


"And you would enjoy this much more in private than out here, where the other girls can see you."


That one was right...and she knew that, on some level, so was the rest of it, though she hated ever admitting something like that. The rabbit huffed under her breath as another spank followed, and then another, up to ten. She slumped forward when the last one landed, and she struggled to catch her breath. Her ass felt like someone had set fire to the cheeks, and that the flames were still spreading.

Damiane caught her, turning her around and leaning her against the wall. The cougar leaned in, one arm over her shoulder, pinning her in place.

"Now, what have we learned?"

"Mmph...that you're..."

"Do we need another language lesson, dear?"


"Now, what have we learned?"

"...I have to do what I'm told."

"That's right. And?"

"And...You are teaching me..."

"That's right, dear. I know that you have ideas, but your ideas are, frankly, rather childish. You are here to grow from a girl into a woman. And if you don't listen to me, then you will fail. And that would look bad for both of us."

Shaking her head, Cosette tried to slide out from between the wall and her sponsor, but the cougar was right there, leaning in. She felt the curve of the other female's breasts grinding against her chest as the feline leaned in, almost nose to nose with her.

"Are you listening to me, dear?" Damiane asked, her voice dropping into that shiver-inducing, sultry tone that she always used when the rabbit was getting sulky. It sent the same tremors down her spine then, particularly with the claws that followed, poking through invisible holes in those black gloves as they stroked along the side of her neck. "It's important that you listen to me, you know."


"If you fail at this, then we are both going to be disgraced."

"Mmmph...Orianne's judging me, not you."

"How wrong you are. She judges both of us. And if you fall, I fall, for failing to train you the way that I should have."


"And before you see that as a way to get revenge on me, dear, consider what it means to be at the bottom in this Society," the cougar said, shaking her head. "The worst assignments fall to the girls that have refused to become women. The worst men, the worst clients. Oh, you will be safe, safer than you'd be in the outside world...but you can be utterly safe and utterly miserable at the same time. And we women can be far more vindictive than men..."

The claws pulled back, and she was allowed a moment to catch her breath as the cougar stepped away. Damiane told her to take five minutes to rest, and the rabbit was more than happy to sink into a nearby chair and take them. Hell, she would have taken a full hour, if she was allowed.

The day had been something of a train-wreck. The whole 'training' thing that she'd been going through, from dancing to posture to the way that she was supposed to walk from place to place, had been something of a mess. She knew that, she knew that she had been bad at it, but that wasn't her fault.

Well, mostly not. She supposed she'd been a bit of a...a...

She'd been a petulant child. Not the word that she wanted to use there, but once more, the - ugh, the 'dang' place had been forcing her down to the more childish, cute-proper terms. She really disliked it.

It had been some petty bit of revenge, but with that little reminder, Cosette wondered just how much of a saboteur she was to herself. Was it worth it?

What can they do to me, really?

Considering that she'd be utterly anonymous here, that there were no law enforcement officers around, and that there were probably no cameras through the building, probably a lot. There was no evidence of what happened here save through the eye-witness accounts of the clients that came to visit and the women that staffed the place. The men, from what Damiane had told her, were utterly useless at figuring out who was actually working at the place so long as the women were smart around them, and she had little doubt that the Society would close ranks against those that punished a member that deserved it.

The thought sent shivers down her spine. The idea of what would happen for punishment for someone that could never, ever be identified was enough to shake her little pettiness from her mind. If nothing else, she needed to be good for this first night, and then start working on what the hell she was going to do.

And maybe...

Okay. It's not what I wanted. It's not a strip club. It's not even a brothel. It's something so up itself that there's no sense to it. But...I can make that work.

And eventually, she'd get something out of it. When she got her own name, could pick her own style, then she'd be fine.

Five minutes passed quickly, and Damiane came to the table with a glass of water in hand. She took it when it was offered, downing it quickly, her ears rising up like a plant coming back to life.

"Now, are you ready to listen to your instructions?" Damiane asked.


"Are you? Are you really?"

"Will it keep me from being put in the basement and used for glory-hole duty for the assholes of the house?"

"...My, my. That's what you think is down there?"

"...Is it?"

"Oh, no. That's down the east hall," the cougar said, nodding her head in that direction. "We have to do something with the poor little drunks, sometimes, and better an anonymous wall to take care of them. No, no, the basement holds something far more...extreme."


"Let's just say that there's sacrifices to be made for our anonymity, dear." The cougar patted her hand. "And you're pretty enough that it would be a lovely, worthwhile sacrifice...and one that I don't particularly want to make."


"You are my girl, Cosette, and I want to keep you."


"And you want to be kept, I'm sure. A little rabbit, always on the run from her...predator."


"Twitching, shivering, gasping..."


The claws had come out again, seizing hold of the back of her hand. She shivered as she felt herself pulled forward, her eyes widening as she was all but pulled into the other woman's personal space. She felt lips against her neck, then fangs, the points of which reminded her of all those old memories that a rabbit had.




She clenched up, her thighs pressing together under the table before she was let loose again. Her cheeks burned, and she looked away in embarrassment as Damiane smiled.

"You will be allowed to learn that, too, my dear. But first, before you can be a woman, you must be a girl. And I will teach you to be the best girl in the house, but only if you listen to me."

"...I understand."

"Good. Now, let's stand again. We will start with proper table service. You'll be starting with that tonight. And I will be damned if I cannot make you at least walk correctly."

"Yes, Damiane."

"Good girl. My good little Cosette."

The evening rolled around, and there was no denying that there was something different in the air when the men started appearing. The males were allowed through the central hall, pouring into the establishment with grins on their faces and obvious bulges in their pants. Some of the older ones arriving made a show of popping pills as they passed through the front door, and it seemed as if they took effect almost immediately, with an elephant in particular stepping through with a third limb running down one thigh.

Cosette was swept off her feet with work almost immediately, rushing from table to table with a small tray that was barely large enough for two drinks placed intimately together. It was a simple job, but one that she had to do perfectly for the sake of her sponsor. And for her own sake, particularly that of her body.

Do this well, and you'll earn bliss. Do it wrong, and you will not be sitting for the next week.

That had been the warning she got, and she knew that it was more of a threat or a promise than a warning. It would happen if she failed.

So, she made herself walk the way that her teacher had told her. She flexed her hips so that she had a girlish sway, a walk that had all the exuberant happiness of a young lady running in a field, combined with the demure nature of a young girl that had been called to attend a meeting. It was all about the smile, the position of the shoulders, the way that she made each step. The right energy made it seem like she was running while never moving beyond the speed of a stately walk. It was an illusion, made possible through carefully posed chunks of her body and the proper way of placing her feet as she moved through the room.

It was hard for her. She was used to just moving with purpose, but she'd managed some sort of imitation of it. The rabbit climbed the steps to the northwest raised platform, taking in the trio of occupied tables. Politicians at one, priests at another, college students at the third: she chose the latter, figuring that it would be easier to deal with people that she knew. Or at least, almost -

No, did know. She managed to keep her face fixed in a grin, but when she saw Simon sitting at the table, her gazelle ex-boyfriend, and saw the way that he was leering at all the women around the room, she almost broke into a rage. Only the idle, low-level control and arousal of the Society kept her presentable in that moment.

You darn dummy, she thought as she walked up.

"Bonne soirée, everyone," she said.

What the heck do you want?

"I hope that you are finding everything to your liking."

Why are you here again?

"Please, take your time to enjoy yourself; there are many services here at the Hawthwaites Society for lovely young men like you."

The things that she made herself say were all but scripted, but it was all that she could bring herself to do. She couldn't take it further, couldn't be as pleasant as the cougar had said. Finding her ex here, finding him trawling around for cheap -

And then he was looking at her. She half-expected him to recognize her, call her out, but there was nothing in his eyes but hunger. Hunger and want and lust, the same things that she had always seen when they were together, but without that recognition in his gaze. He and the boys - a ragdoll cat and a calico - were both grinning as they looked at her.

"Mmmm, you new here?" Simon asked.

"Oui, but I hope to learn quickly."

"Anyone taken the time to break you in?"

"Oh, good sir, I cannot answer such things," she said with a smile that felt as plastic and wrong as anything that had come out of a dollar store, but she held it nonetheless. "May I get you a drink?"

"Sex on the beach, girl, and let's make it hot and steamy."

"Why, sir, that drink must be served chilled. But of course, if such is your preference..."

The cats laughed while he growled. She didn't mind that; as a matter of fact, it made her smile that much more genuine. But he nodded, and she hurried off, barely remembering the right posture to keep up her act.

God...god, why?

She reached the bar. There was no bartender; the drinks just seemed to appear, unless one of the other women decided to take a turn to keep the regulars at ease. She placed her tray down, muttered the order, and turned away; from what her sponsor had said, the drink would more or less just appear on the tray when she wasn't paying attention.

As she waited, the cougar walked past. She had a broad-shouldered dragon on her arm, one that was chuckling at some joke that the feline had made. One look between them, however, and Damiane had broken from the large male, sending him down another hall to wait for her and standing beside Cosette at the bar. The cougar smiled, stroking her arm in that same teasing fashion, but her voice was anything but.

"You're trembling, dear. Someone you know?"

"My ex." She managed to get it out through clenched teeth. "Simon. Cheating little...mmmph..."

"Ah, he's agitated you. And you think that he's here chasing tail?"

"He's gotta be."

"Oh, I assure you, he is. Which one?"

"Gazelle, student table, northwest corner."

"Hmm..." The cougar half-craned her neck, then nodded. "Yes, I see him. I'm sorry to say that he's quite the regular here; has been for some time."

"Can you..." God, no, she couldn't ask that. She couldn't be that pathetic. "I'll take care of it."

"See to it that he doesn't take care of you, dear. And don't tell him your name."

"I'm not that stupid."

"But you are that angry," Damiane said, leaning in. "And if you tell him, he will know. The protection is strong, but not infallible. Be aware, he will be trying to get you on the table."

"On the - he could -"

"It is frowned upon, but he could. The Society will allow it, and you will find yourself wanting it on some level. If you don't want him to have the chance, hold back. A girl's first time in the Society is much desired, dear, and you will be hunted for it. Hold back, and it will be profitable for you. Fall...well, you understand."

Nodding as the cougar patted her arm, Cosette stood at the bar for a few seconds. She barely registered her mentor and sponsor making her way after her man of the night, and struggled to keep from chasing after her. Not for help, but for more information, for more...for...

She didn't even know, now. She was rattled, and needed to pull herself together before she made a mistake. No time for delaying at the bar, either. The drink had appeared on her tray, and she was expected back.

This time, it was easy for her to keep her pose and walk the way that she was supposed to. That was simple enough, something that she had managed to integrate into her behavior. Her mind raced at miles a minute, and she struggled to keep her thoughts in line. What was she supposed to do? What could she do? And why did she feel that little...that warmth down there, for being wanted again?

This time, as she ascended to the raised platform, she was a little more aware of her surroundings. She saw one of the other girls - the wolf MILF from earlier that afternoon - at the table with the politicians. Table service, yes, but more than just the drinks. The other woman had managed to catch the attention of the elephant from before, and her hand was busy just under the table, stroking, teasing, so casually giving the other man some attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she could make out another, younger woman - the secretary bird from earlier - giving a little bit of lip service over the table and a little talon service under it, sitting with a client and giving him company.

They were so mild in comparison to what she had heard about the place, but seeing it and having heard about it were two very different things. Her head was spinning, her eyes going wide. She was spiraling.

And then, she was in front of them again, looking down at Simon and his boys. He was grinning up at her, and she could just imagine him staring past her skirt, looking at her as if he was still her boyfriend. His horns framed his head almost like devil horns, and she felt like she was looking at someone almost as horrible.

The cats were saying something, drink orders, and she barely retained them as she handed him his drink. He caught her hand as he took it, and for a moment, it felt like he was going to pull her down.

She was tempted to yank her hand back, but whatever training that Damiane had put her through had stuck there, at least. She didn't make a scene, but went just limp enough to make it hard to hang on, to keep her wrist narrow and her hand difficult to grasp. It slid free before he could pull, and it was him that slid back in his seat rather than her falling onto the table.

"Oh, dear. Has monsieur already had too much?" she asked, so earnest and breathy like a young girl that was worried about someone.

"I'm fine," Simon said in that same petulant tone that he always had.

"Oh, well, if you're sure." She kept that fake smile up, turning to his friends, nodding at them. "I'll bring your drinks around shortly. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Put your ass up here so we can get a look at it," Simon said.

"I'm sorry, monsieur, but it is my first day. I'm hardly trained to move, let alone dance."

"All girls can dance. All you gotta do is take it off."

Somehow, being the inexperienced girl was working for her here. The sassy, angry Regina would have lashed out, done something stupid, proven herself in a horribly stupid way. Instead, she shook her head.

"Non, non, I cannot. Not alone. If you must have me, you have me and my teacher, and we cost more together."

"You...have a teacher? You some kinda..."

Simon licked between his fingers, and some part of her was relieved. Less chance of him realizing that it was her, if he thought that. She had been a horny bitch herself during their relationship, and that meant that he associated her with being a whore, she had no doubt. Not for women, but for men. Not that she hadn't been curious, but she, at least, had been a loyal partner, not someone like him.

"I am still learning, monsieur. I am open to all possibilities, but I am still young, still learning. My teacher must be present."


"Now, let me get the other drinks."

She wasn't entirely swaying as she walked away, but she was pretty sure that her hips were swinging around more than they needed to be. There was a little bit of victory there, both for throwing Simon off the trail and for making him look like a bit of a fool in front of friends that he was obviously trying to impress.

She stopped by one of the other tables, picking up a tab - and getting groped for a moment - before making her way to the bar. So far, so good. Nothing taken, nothing given that she didn't want to give.

And...and she was starting to enjoy it, to some extent. Not just from the odd warmth that she walked around with down below, but also in the feeling of being exposed, being shown off, having all those eyes on her. That had been the thing that she had missed when she had left Simon, the thing that drove her to show off on campus, to risk being caught. She wanted people to find her, to see her, to enjoy her.

And now, she had that in plenty.

She got the new drinks, turning around. There were eyes on her from many tables that didn't have a Hawthwaites woman waiting on them. She could feel them when she didn't see them. Maybe they were only interesting in giving the new girl a look, evaluating her, seeing if she was anything worthwhile. Maybe it was that she was that cute, that sexy. Either way, she liked it, and threw a little more sensuality into her walk.

It was a mistake. Simon grabbed her as soon as she came back to the table, holding her by the wrist.

"I knew you weren't that new. What's your name?" the gazelle asked.

"Cosette, monsieur," she said, and it wasn't entirely an act that a bit of fear crept into her voice.

"Hmmmph...You walk like someone..."

"I walk the way I walk, monsieur," she said, aware that she was starting to talk a little too fast. She had to calm down, keep that from getting stronger. He was a gazelle. He couldn't hurt her here, Damiane had made that clear. The rabbit fumbled with the drinks on her tray, but managed to put them down for the cats without making a mess. "I - I need to -"

"Skittish thing, isn't she?" the calico asked.

"Yeah. Looks like she's gonna run, if we let her," the ragdoll said.

"Yeah, all the girls do that, if they've got hunters around," Simon said. "I knew a girl that would spread her legs in seconds. All rough and tough, until you growled at her, showed a little teeth. Hey, do it for her, Greg."

The calico did just that, lifting his lips in a playful snarl. The shimmering light of the Society glittered down to a point, and she swooned despite herself, almost like a young girl shivering at the muscles of her man. The heat down below swelled, and she had to find a way forward. Her instincts were shifting, the naivete and inexperience that she had been pretending to making it hard for her not to fall in line for someone that knew what they were doing. Matron or not, experience was...was like a leash that was pulling her forward.

No, no, not like this...not with him.

He had his hand on her wrist again, and this time, the trick to pull free didn't quite work. She was getting drawn in. He had his other hand on her ass, fondling it, pushing up her skirt and rubbing her through her panties. Cosette moaned despite herself, shivering.

"M-monsieur, I need to...let me -"

"We'd like to have your company, girl. Come on, Cosette, why don't you -"

"Young men. Do I detect excessive naughtiness?"

The voice of authority cut through the boyish chuckles of the cats and the attempted depth of experience that Simon was putting off. Compared to that low, soft chuckle and growl, none of them sounded like anything but little cubs. They took their hands from her and whipped their heads around to the cougar leaning over the railing near the table.

"We were just -"

"Dears, young men like you are always 'just doing' something," Damiane said, walking around the railing to stand in front of them, her hips moving somehow independently of the rest of her, her walk a completely different thing. Where Cosette walked like a girl eager to get where she was going, happy to be doing the things that she did, Damiane moved as if she was fucking the air around her, as if she was raw sensuality that was just waiting for a lightning rod to jump to. The college students were instantly struck, and, well, Cosette wouldn't have bene surprised if at least one of them came in their pants.

The cougar walked around the table, dragging a single claw along the back of each neck, and drew moans just from her very presence. Eventually, she came around, resting a hand on Cosette's shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Cosette is my student. And if you want to enjoy her, then you will have to enjoy me at the same time."

"Done," Simon said, wheezing the word out.

"Mmm, then you better get your card out, young man...I'm expensive."


"Mmmm...if you have to ask. Come, Cosette. We have another client...And these boys are getting rather rowdy. Perhaps you should speak to a man, instead..."

The subtle insult was just enough to deflate the three of them, and Cosette was more than willing to be led away from the table. She huffed out a breath of relief as soon as they were away from the table.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I am as responsible for you as you are for yourself. At least, while you are an initiate. I can't always help you, but I will be there when I can."

"I thought that it was all down to me."

"I like to let my girls think that on their first night. It keeps them on their toes if they think that they can't be rescued."

"Does that mean...I wasn't in any danger?" the rabbit asked.

"Dear, dear. You will always be in danger...but in this case, mostly from yourself." They paused in the center of the room, and Damiane gestured around them. "Welcome to the Hawthwaites Society, little Cosette, where you will never be in danger from anything...but yourself."


"Now, find yourself another table. The night is young, and I have another client to see to."

As the cougar walked off, Cosette did as she was told, going to a table with a priest and a local city council member. They would probably be a lot safer for her than going for more of the horny college students. Older clients in general might be better, now that she thought about it.

Despite what had happened, she hadn't been put off from working here. If anything, she felt surer about staying. It had been a scary moment, but now that it was over, she couldn't deny that there'd been a thrill about someone taking advantage of her like that, taking it further than she was ready for and making her try and keep up. It would have been a...a bad situation with Simon, yes, but the idea as a whole...

Maybe there's something to this vulnerable little girl schtick, she thought. Maybe there's something I can get out of this...

The End

Summary: Regina - or Cosette, as she's now known - learns a little more and has her first night at Hawthwaites.

Tags: F/solo, Exhibitionism, Social Club, Series, Modern Fantasy, French Maid, Service, Handjob, Footjob, M/F, Various Species, Cougar, Gazelle, Rabbit, Dubcon, Femdom,