Personal Chef (commission for Artemis)

Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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#12 of Commissions by Jon

A whopper of a butthole story for !

Outside the door of the designated apartment, a large red wingless bat waited somewhat impatiently after hearing the bell ring from inside. The soft-white walls of the hallway were dotted with several other doors, but this was a very posh complex so they were spaced well apart from each other. The bat held a professional case with his personal collection of chef knives and select other implements. He tapped one of his feet as he waited for his client to let him in.

And soon the client appeared, soundlessly opening the gold-numbered door to his expensive suite. Artemis the bat narrowed his eyes at his client's dress, as it was nothing more than an almost violently pink bathrobe cinched around himself, apart from the thin-rimmed glasses that rested on his broad snout. The man inside the apartment was almost two feet shorter than Artemis, and easily a hundred or more pounds lighter. His fur was light brown, almost tan, but otherwise he seemed to be shaped like an otter, though two thick but sleek saberteeth protruded from under his upper lip. Big, almost bearish ears twitched as the otter smiled up at the much larger bat. "Artemis! Exactly on time. Please, come in. I'm Jon, of course. Thrilled to see you."

Artemis nodded without a word and stepped inside briskly. He didn't catch the pleased and lecherous grin the otter gave as he closed the door behind them both.

"I'm very excited to be using your services for the first time, this will be quite a luxury!" Jon purred and prattled on. "Please, the kitchen is this way. I'm sure you'll find it well-equipped, as is everything in here!" The robed lutrine sauntered past Artemis and led the way, rudder swishing behind him smoothly.

The bat chef placed his knife case down on a flawless marble counter near a modern oven and stove, and glanced around with approval. The kitchen would indeed do nicely. Several iron and steel pans hung from a rack, and even the spice cabinet seemed well-stocked.

It was still early in the evening, just in time for Jon to help plan his own personal dinner menu. "So what will it be for tonight?" asked Artemis, folding his muscled arms.

The robed otter leaned over the island counter in the middle of the kitchen and propped his whiskery chin on one hand. "Well at the risk of being a stereotype, for my special dinner I think I'd like the finest fish dish you can prepare. Of course I'll cover ingredient cost, as per your business model, which I admire quite a bit! It's nice to be able to splurge enough to have my own in-home chef for a night and morning, and I'm glad you turned out to be so... suitable." Jon's thick ruddertail did a suave curly flip behind him, and Artemis felt the otter's gaze heavily upon himself.

The big bat cleared his throat pointedly. "Fish it is. Should I come up with details myself?"

"Oh yes please! I'm not picky at all, I like trusting a fine chef to impress me. I do like my food very spicy, and I'm quite adventurous! So for dinner I would like the chef's choice. But for breakfast, I've been craving some of my favorites. Eggs, corned beef hash, lemony hollandaise sauce, dill..." The otter's gray eyes grew dreamy and his whole body started to wiggle.

"Sounds perfectly doable. I'll go to the market down the street now and charge everything necessary to your tab. I should have dinner ready by 7, Mr. Sanders."

The otter clapped his hands happily. "Sounds delightful. I'll be working on a bit more music while you're out, though of course I may start to peek in curiously as you prepare. I tend to like sticking my nose where it may not belong, I'm sure you'll find out."

Artemis held back a snort at the silly quip, but was already browsing his mental repository of food knowledge, selecting a few ideas for fish-centered dishes that might please his host. He hoped that the nearby market would have the fresh ingredients necessary for at least one of them, and his slight apprehension at the otter's odd behavior left his mind as he made his way to the store, happy to be in his element.

The sound of a hiss from a hot pan perked up Jon's ears from his room where he was working, and not a moment too soon. He had just been drawing to a close with the latest project he was working on. The job was quite a lucrative one, and that was the reason he had decided to spend a good chunk of cash on Personal Chef, the one-man business he'd heard about from another musician friend in the city. It would be lovely to have a meal custom-prepared for him without having to go out, and of course it was always nice to have a companion in the large apartment for a while.

And besides, he was VERY hungry. For dinner and otherwise.

Still in just his hot-pink robe, Jon gracefully padded out to the kitchen and immediately his abnormally large bearlike nostrils twitched at the scents of pan-frying fish and still-sauteeing greens. Looking at what was coming together on the stove, he was very pleased with what he was seeing. Except for one element that was NOT the food.

"Looks and smells wonderful already, Artemis. But I think you've forgotten another one of my requests. Which I paid quite an extra fee for, if you'll recall."

Artemis' eyes shot over at the otter with an air of being patronized. "I thought I'd save... that part for when you came out here."

"Well here I am! And there you are. Wearing entirely too much."

The bat sighed. He did offer this extra service at a substantial upcharge, but he had been enjoying just focusing on his work. But as a bat of his word, he moved the hot skillet with the perfectly seasoned fish filets off of the active burner and stepped back from the stove. He removed his apron and folded it neatly on the counter. He needed it nearby to put back on. The ONLY thing he'd be putting back on.

Jon made no attempt now to hide his tusk-licking grin as he watched Artemis dutifully strip naked. The otter's feet were practically dancing when the bat finally stood in nothing but his dark-colored underwear. "Those too! I paid for apron-only service!" Jon squealed, bright-eyed and hands rubbing together in front of himself.

Artemis grunted and matter-of-factly tugged down the underwear. A soft but juicily thick light-brown penis waggled between the bat's muscle-bulged thighs as he stepped out of the briefs and picked them up along with the rest of his clothes. He folded them alongside the rest of his supplies and tried to reapply his apron with as much dignity as possible. Jon was already thinking this was the best money he'd ever spent, but then he saw the rear view as his hired cook turned back to the stove and reapplied the skillet to the heat.

If Artemis' cock was handsome and manly in its flaccidness, his ass was truly magnificent. Suddenly the food in front of the big bat was almost less appetizing than the glorious naked rear behind him. Incredibly firm, muscled buttocks flexed individually as Artemis shifted back and forth between his feet to grab certain spices or stir certain elements. Jon actually let out an unabashed moan as he stared. The tied strings of the bat's apron dangled tantalizingly downward, just barely brushing the top of Artemis' ass cheeks and crack. It was too much for the mesmerized otter. He was moving in. After all, he had paid well for the hands-on experience.

"So please, tell me what you've got for me here," Jon said with real interest in both meanings of his phrasing as he sidled up next to the larger male.

Artemis, proud of what he was creating, piped up. "So you'll be having a seared sea bass with a Peruvian spice rub, over a bed of creamed bitter greens, and on top, a fruit and raw onion salsa. So you'll have layers of texture and contrasting but complimentary flavors, as well as a good amount of spice, but nothing overwhel- OH!"

To be fair, Jon was listening intently to the description, but his right hand had also drifted down to the chef's bare ass and was now rubbing quite firmly over the solid yet squeezable cheeks. "It sounds absolutely excellent. No need for a side dish with such generous portions, eh? Though of course, I never say no to generous portions." Artemis felt a hard squeeze on each of his ass cheeks to accompany the otter's last two words.

Trying to remain professional, the bat chuckled, albeit nervously. Usually his clients were this admiring but more... awed and appreciative and timid, rather than so salacious and forward. The tusky otter's small size and prancy yet masculine manner had caught the cook off guard. "I'm glad you like the sound of it. And I did buy enough for a very large dinner for yourself, and maybe a bit leftover. I'm sure you're quite hungry by now."

"I sure am! This is going to be a lovely dinner. And THIS..." Now Jon's incessantly questing fingers dipped into the cleft of the bat's ass at just the right moment where it was relaxed enough for ottery fingertips to tap and rub at the rim of Artemis' asshole, which had remained hidden from view so far because of the sheer mass and firmness of the buttocks guarding it. "...Will be just as delicious, I'm sure," Jon finished, giving a playful pinch between his fingers on Artemis' anus and the thumb on his tailbone.

The bat had to growl at that. "Careful, otter boy. I'm a top. That was agreed upon. My asshole is for admiring only."

"Oh sure, sure. We said so. Yep. But I can touch, and I very much like to touch. Wonderful asshole you've got here, by the way. I can already tell it's warm and welcoming, and as far as taste..." Jon removed his fingers from the deep furry crack of Artemis' ass and without hesitation slipped the tip of the finger that had just been rubbing the bat's anus into his own mouth.

Artemis thought almost ruefully that if the otter's face looked even half as orgasmic when he tried the food as it did at this moment, then he would be well satisfied with his cooking job. Jon's eyes rolled back and a high moan of "mmmm..." escaped his throat. When he pulled his finger from his mouth with a comical audible smack of his lips, Jon husked, "Ohhhhh, delicious. This is going to be the finest night my mouth has ever been treated to."

The bat only grunted and turned back to his cooking, very nearly done now. He checked the temperature of the fish and flipped the filets, and stirred the green mixture in the pot next to it. He thought he'd at least be safe from bizarre horny advances from his client until after dinner, but then he heard Jon breathe, "Switch your spatula to your right hand."

He had been just about to do so anyway, to flip the fish filets for the final time. But once his left arm was free from working, it was yanked upward suddenly by the otter's nimble hands. "Hey! Jeez!" Artemis growled, almost dropping the sea bass he had scooped up.

But Jon's mouth was already busy doing one of the things it loved best. Artemis' armpit made a perfect appetizer, wetting the odd otter's mouth for more. The broad muzzle stirred through the thick tufty brown fur in the bat's un-deodorized pit, and various growls and groans emitted from Jon's bearish mouth. His lips suckled on the fragrant, slightly salty tuft, and his nose explored every cranny of the welcoming tendonous valley. When he finally pulled slightly away, he could lick his lips, tusk, or nose, and distinctly taste the bat's arousing musk.

Artemis needed to put his arm down for comfort, but Jon was already entranced and almost worshipful, but with no trace of a submissive edge. He continued nipping up and down Artemis' arm, his tongue darting out to tease the standout veins in the muscular bicep. "Perfect meat..." Jon exhaled as he lightly gnawed on the bat's impressively sinewy arm. The sides of the otter's strange tusks were surprisingly smooth, and Artemis found that he was almost enjoying the rubbing of the ivory appendages up and down his hard-won weight-lifting upper arms.

After a few more minutes of teasing, though, Jon's luscious dinner was finished cooking and could wait no longer. Though he was ravenously horny as well, Jon respected the art of plating and wanted his food, so he sat down at his table and waited excitedly. Artemis arranged the food to look as exquisite as it would taste, and carefully brought the plate to the seated otter. Jon's slender hands clapped together as he squealed in a very otterlike way. "Please, join me while I eat! I love to talk about food and hear what you did. It looks marvelous." Jon tucked in, carefully putting together a bite on his fork that layered every element of the dish.

The dinner was more excellent than Jon could have hoped for. The fish was perfectly cooked, with a perfect delicately crisp edge and a moist flaky center. The creamy green mixture underneath was savory, and the salsa on top was sweet and fresh. The spices made the otter's nose and tongue tingle pleasantly but didn't overtake the flavor of the fish. Jon was left satisfied, full but not stuffed. Artemis had even perfectly judged the portion size for what his client would be able to consume.

"Well that was already well worth what I paid," Jon purred as he set his fork down on the plate he had scraped clean. Artemis was well-pleased with the otter's reaction and praise, and had just started to feel comfortable again when he felt dexterous fingers lifting up the hem of his apron under the table. He stiffened as Jon hunched over and managed to reach up to the hulking bat's private area and grab that thick hanging cock he had seen earlier. "And this is also quite worth it," the incorrigible otter smirked as he began tugging on the loose skin of the flaccid shaft.

Artemis huffed almost indignantly, but his big dong betrayed him effortlessly. He knew he was getting hard in the otter's hand. And though Jon technically wasn't doing anything to him that he hadn't agreed to, or violating Artemis's hitherto dom-only rule, the way the otter was leering at him knowingly made the bat more than slightly nervous.

When Jon was satisfied that he'd gotten the bat's clublike penis to almost its full arousal, he gave it one last squeeze with a chuckle, and hopped up from his chair to go rinse off his plate.

"Thank you for the perfect dinner, Artemis. Your skills and assets are exactly as I had been advertised!" The otter turned back toward the table and re-cinched his bathrobe, still with that primly nasty grin on his wide muzzle.

"I'm very glad you enjoyed it," the confused chef managed to husk out. "Since it's getting late, I'll... retire to the couch and be up in time for your breakfast..." Artemis awkwardly pushed out his chair and started to stand up, though the front of his apron had a notable spike in the lower region.

Jon cleared his throat, though to Artemis it didn't sound as if he needed to. "Actually, I was going to... request that you join me in my bedroom for a bit."

Finally, the bat thought. At least he's cutting to the chase, and I can do the other part I'm good at. No wonder he wanted to get my cock hard first, he wants fucked just like all the other ones.

With a bit of his confidence back, Artemis slipped the apron over his head and undid the knot behind him, standing completely naked in the kitchen again. He proudly made his fat stiff cock throb in front of him. Jon looked down at it, appreciatively but seeming more amused than impressed.

"Go ahead and bring that thing with you back here, then!" Jon led the way again, his rudder swaying like a pendulum of personality.

The otter's bedroom was darker and more ramshackle than the guest areas of his apartment. The corners were crammed with music gear, guitars and keyboards and monitors and amps, but in the middle of the room was a framed firm mattress with lush sheets and many pillows. Artemis was feeling better and better, already imagining pounding the slim otter down into that mattress and stuffing Jon's face into his own spread of pillows as he moaned and throated out the chef's praises...

"On all fours, please. Ass up and sticking out, no hiding." Artemis shook his head to clear his personal fantasies as the otter's commanding words filtered into his understanding. This didn't match up at all with the moves he had planned.

"You mean... for rimming? I suppose I could let you do that..." the bat said, voice thick and slow with confusion.

Jon patted the taller bat on his chiseled back. "Yes, absolutely. I'm a rimmer, if you hadn't heard or guessed. I eat ass like I devoured the beautiful fish you made me. So now I'm going to do that. As I said, on your knees and elbows now. Feet just off the edge of the bed, so I can kneel on the floor and eat your asshole as much as I want."

Artemis' whole body jerked stiff as he felt a firm but playful slap on his bare ass. He saw Jon gesturing toward the open bed, and though his nervousness was creeping back in, he had dominated several subs' faces with his ass before, and he hoped this would be a similar situation. Surely the bat's client would get turned on from slurping on his big manly asshole, and then the client would want Artemis' big manly cock in his own asshole for culmination. That was how it had always gone before.

The hulking bat grunted his surrender and crawled into the prescribed position. He felt the air of the room along his ass crack and the back of his substantial scrotum as his buttocks spread, much to the visual delight of the springy otter standing behind him. Artemis adjusted the placement of his elbows to a position he could keep for a while, trying not to think too much about how exposed and visible his asshole must be now. This was feeling rather compromising already...

Jon, however, was right in his element, and thriving. His whiskers vibrated from his purring as he licked his chops and fangs, and deftly knelt down. He didn't even have to raise his hands; his hire's ass was sufficiently spread from its upturned position, and even if it wasn't, the otter came with built-in asscheek spreaders in the form of his prominent smooth-sided tusks. And so, without so much as a quick sniff-test to make sure everything was clean, Jon blissfully buried his mouth into the warm valley of Artemis' bare butt and pressed his lips against the plump pink protruding wrinkles of the bat's succulent butthole.

This is what he had been most looking forward to all night. The dinner had been a delightful appetizer, but as always with Jon, asshole was the main course. He wasted not a second locking his lips around the entire anus and sucking it greedily.

Artemis gasped and groaned at that, gripping the sheets as he felt his asshole bulge outward into the otter's mouth. As Jon continued nursing on the deliciously meaty flesh-button, Artemis' shock faded but his bewilderment remained. Is he... SUCKING it? The bat had been licked and kissed back there before, when he was imposing his ass's will upon his usual needy moaning feminine submissives, but this sensation was new to him.

He hadn't even gotten used to it when Jon started pulling away from the anus after each hard suckle, causing his lips to make smacking noises from the released suction. This only intensified the strange feelings Artemis was getting from the usually-private valley of his ass crack. The area around his anus was already starting to feel numb and tingly. The pressure on the bunched skin was new and entrancing. Before he could even realize he was doing it, the bat was moaning "oh... oh... oh..." with each suck and release of the otter's powerful lips.

Soon the suckling gave way to heated and worshipful nuzzling, with kisses and light smacks of the lips interspersed. Artemis was dimly aware of how his weighty testicles and softened cock waggled and knocked back and forth between his thick thighs as the otter aggressively worked his butthole magic, but the bat was also realizing something else for the first time ever: he was FOCUSED on his own asshole. The previous facesittings he had administered were purely for degradation and dominance purposes, more about the sub's mouth than Artemis' own pleasure. But right now he was feeling aware of his asshole in a way he never had been before, for any reason. The fact that Jon was focusing solely on the anus and doing unprecedented things to the dirty spot with his experienced mouth was making the bat feel a slow, deep throbbing in his anal region, and a euphoric but almost scary warm feeling all over his completely nude body.

These strange new feelings grew on Artemis like a tsunami wave that would surely soon crash down and drown him, as Jon finally got his expert tongue involved. The otter didn't just lick and lap as normal. The nimble muscle in Jon's mouth made swiping motions across the bat's taint and anus, hooking into the muscular meat-ring and tugging the top of the rim on each pass. The naked chef became even further butthole-beguiled when Jon started taking short breaks from the asshole itself to loudly smooch and softly nip at the flesh of the bat's buttocks, first only very close to the hole but then widening the field to chew on the summit of the taut glutes.

Artemis had never felt so assed-out in his life. The sounds coming from his throat and slack mouth were unbecoming of a large man, let alone a dominant top. His asshole felt relaxed, throbbing, even eager. Even when Jon began to pepper playful kisses onto the back of the bat's tightened scrotum and nuts, Artemis didn't even think of his own cock once. He had forgotten about railing and stuffing, and was completely lost in the land of ass. He didn't know it, but his face was blushing furiously. If this was a cartoon, there would have been birds and stars spinning around his head and his eyes would be just swirly spirals as the side of his slack jaw ground into the otter's expensive sheets.

All track of time was lost as Jon started rotating and alternating his rimming techniques. Suckling, munching, slurping, nuzzling, quickly lapping... Artemis felt like an entire encyclopedia of ass was taking place between his butt cheeks. And just when he thought there couldn't be more, Jon pressed his broad bearish nose directly against the anus and wiggled it side to side. The flexing of the otter's inhaling nostrils made Artemis' asshole open up almost alarmingly. Jon's snout started to work its way into the bat's rectum.

"Mister... Sanders... Jon... please! Oh! God! My asshole... you fuck... you fucking... ohhhhhhhhh you're gonna get in there oh fuck please be careful my ASS!" Even as he desperately babbled, Artemis was ashamed at the needy stupid blabber that escaped him. What was he becoming, all because of what should have been a simple rimjob?

Jon only grinned and snorted into the bat's anus, and continued digging his damp nose even further. He was of course not into doing anything his partner was against, but this was not the first or even the hundredth time he had started rimming a "total top" and ended up getting far further into their asshole than anyone had before, just because of the sheer magic of how he worked. He had known from the first moment he saw the bat's business page and stipulations that he could use his persuasive powers to open up the chef's butt.

But not even the wily otter know just how far that anal invasion would be going tonight.

First a slim-fingered hand came up to fondle and roll the wingless bat's testicles. Artemis' thick and half-stiff cock flopped on Jon's knuckles as the otter fondled him from behind. Soon the combination of his nuts being massaged and his asshole and taint sucked on had the bat's cock back at full stiffness. There was still part of his dominant brain that loved being paid attention to so much, but a new part was opening up that made him want to do whatever the strange otter wanted him to do. Without even knowing what it was, Artemis had already slipped into a submissive and pliable mindstate.

He wasn't so far gone, however, that an ingrained alarm bell didn't start ringing in his brain when he felt Jon's thumbpad wander up his taint and dangerously near his asshole area. Artemis had to struggle to put together words, and only managed a few mumbled moans on his first few attempts, but eventually stammered out, "You're gonna... touch my butthole... you gonna... finger?"

The otter behind him barely had a hitch in his purr while he answered. "Unless you say no, I had planned on it, yeah. You seem to be opening up to the idea of some invasion back here, just as much as your asshole has literally opened up." Jon's smirking mouth hovered just a couple of inches away from said anus, allowing just enough room for his thumb to wander right up to that meaty ring and draw amused circles around the rim. "Sure seems inviting... Want me to break into your butthole, big boy? Tell me if you want it. And it's okay to beg, if you need to."

Artemis' arms were slightly shaking, both from nervousness and the strain of holding himself up. "Ohhhh... god... fuck... just... go slow, okay?"

"Wouldn't dream of rushing this. Now relax your asshole, and don't be afraid to push it out. That makes it easier to get into, and makes it feel better for you too."

With one last reverent smooch on the bare butthole flesh, Jon moved his whole hand to now rub his index and middle fingers around the hole. Once he was satisfied that the bat's butt was needy enough, he thoroughly wet the two fingers with spit and lovingly transferred the extra lubrication to the beautiful outer wrinkles and inner gateway. He expertly applied more and more pressure to his rubbing until the tip of his slender middle fingers slipped in an inch.

Though the two mens' size difference meant the bat's asshole was proportionately much wider than Jon's finger, Artemis still gasped at the novelty of something parting those folds from the outside. There was friction from Jon's fur despite the ample saliva applied both directly and indirectly, but it didn't hurt so much as... tingle. The anus clenched like a flytrap around Jon's fingertip, and the otter couldn't help a smile spreading between his saberteeth. Truly a virgin asshole, and all the more interesting for it.

"Now now. You'll have to relax. I know it's new. But it'll be feeling good in no time. Trust your new favorite otter." Jon withdrew the invading finger and went back to rimming, coaxing the butthole back to looseness with well-placed suckling. Artemis was truly whimpering now, his great chest heaving against his crossed-under arms. He felt dizzy, euphoric, frightened... and he needed more.

Once the asshole had been sucked back out into a puffy and pliable state, Jon's fingers reconnected, applying another coat of spittle before pressing inward more firmly this time. The middle finger slipped halfway in fairly easily, and Artemis let out a sound that Jon would have described as a cow's moo, had he felt the need to break the moment. But instead he pulled the finger almost all the way out, then slipped it back in to the same depth as before. A few more repetitions had the motion as smooth as warm butter.

And warm it was indeed; Jon found the interior of Artemis' rear very pleasantly inviting. The walls of the rectum felt silky and slick, uncalloused and immaculate. Now that the initial shock was past, the bat's anus learned how to open up quickly. Within just a couple of minutes, Jon was able to work his entire finger in and out with no trouble at all, and could even pause at full penetration to wiggle it and lightly stir it around in circles to further widen the gap in the butthole.

Several patient minutes of consistent work with one finger convinced Jon that his hire-turned-thrall was ready for more. He pulled out and began rubbing two fingertips around and around the now-pulsing asshole. "Ohhhh you're going to... more... oh fuck please be careful..." Artemis's tone was throaty with mixed need and something like dread. But he was too far gone now. His asshole-induced trance had only increased in mesmerizing power. He thought it would be impossible to slip any further down the slope into hole-hypnosis, but he wasn't even a quarter of the way to the depth he would reach before the night finally ended.

Two well-slickened fingers now began working their way inward. The meat of Artemis' asshole quivered and clenched, but soon yielded. Jon's other hand palmed the bat's left butt cheek and helped hold it aside so the otter could fully admire the area he was working in. Artemis' hefty testicles sagged below the roomy taint, almost forgotten but starting to pull upward with arousal. And behind the scrotum was the bat's huge cock, almost fully stiff now, knocking back and forth between his thighs even though it was completely untouched by either male. Jon smiled. He loved to see another man's big penis being completely ignored, though visible, in favor of said man's asshole. Such should be the natural hierarchy of private places, he thought as he set to work with two fingers this time.

He varied his pace and approach just as much as he had with the rimming. Now deep and slow, savoring several seconds fully in the ass before starting to drag back outwards. Now steady and shallow, working the first few inches of rectum firmly and tugging downward on the way back out. And now inserting the two fingers but wiggling them quickly side to side for minutes at a time, making Artemis moan the most out of all the treatments, his asshole basically vibrating between his very exposed and open ass cheeks.

The big bat was drooling on the otter's bedsheets, his mouth slack and groaning uncontrollably. His asshole felt literally hot, as if the skin of it was molten. There was also a strange sensation in his rear that felt like a deep unscratchable itch but also that very same itch being satisfyingly scratched, simultaneously and also forming a feedback loop. He was spiraling ever further downward into an abyss of asshole. He thought for sure he would bottom out, but it became as bottomless as he was bottoming.

Jon was pleased to see that Artemis' cock was now fully engorged. The appendage waggled and waved with mighty need, occasionally flexing and flapping against the bat's muscular stomach when Jon found and bothered the other male's prostate. In fact, just for his own amusement, Jon re-angled his fingers to precisely target the hardened nub of a gland, rubbing firm circles around it just as he had the anus itself before. This caused the bulky man to emit noises that, under any other circumstances, Jon would have been certain were deep wracking sobs. But no, these were but the unbridled whorish moans of a melted man who had never before been stimulated in this most sensitive spot of all, and was now having the button mashed until his brain turned to mush.

Only a few more minutes of intense asshole work, and Jon was certain the next step was in order. Artemis' anus was softened, tenderized like fine meat. It accepted his fingers with no resistance, and the otter could tell the bat had grown into his earlier advice: the rim of the asshole now stood outward, almost pouting from the relaxed internal pushing by its owner.

Jon removed his fingers slowly, salivating at the deep wet suckling noise the rectal walls made as they closed behind. Hopping spryly to his feet, the otter finally undid the soft belt of his robe and shrugged the fabric off his shoulders. He shivered with pleasure at the air on his now butt-naked body.

"I think someone is ready for more. Don't you, Artemis?" Jon reached down to grab his own well-engorged cock and stroke it playfully to confirm its readiness for insertion.

"Ohhhhhhhhh more oh mmmmmmmm uhhhhh more moooooooooore? Mooooore," the bat slurred stupidly as drool ran from his lolling tongue.

Jon actually laughed out loud, heartily but not in a mean spirit. He stepped up behind the bat's upturned and utterly open ass and smacked the protruding asshole with his own cock, just twice. Plap. Plap. "I'll give you one chance to say a simple 'no' if you don't want otter cock up your dumphole."

"Oh Jonnnnn oh Jonnnnnn oh Jon. Oh more. More butthole. Fuck, more butthole... please..."

The otter laughed again, just a chuckle this time. "Fuck more butthole? Don't mind if I do. Scoot up a couple feet." Between Jon pushing on Artemis' thighs and the bat crawling forward on his weakened arms, they managed to make enough room at the foot of the bed for Jon to kneel between his whore's beefy legs. "Don't even need anymore lube, do I? Look how wet and open your butthole is. Your asshole NEEDS my cock to complete it now."

"Neeeeeed? Neeeed. NEEEEDS your cock..." came the pillow-muffled reply.

"That's right. Good boy. Hug that pillow if you need to. You're plenty loose enough, but though I don't nearly measure up to your cock, I'm quite hung for my size. As you'll soon feel."

Amid more nearly-wordless babbling and moaning from Artemis, Jon palmed his own cock again, lining up for a perfect thrust to sink deep into the bat's rear end. "Now I'm not going to jam it in violently, but I'm going to be firm. If there's anyone who can read an asshole, it's me, and I can tell you can take me. Say 'okay' if you're ready."

"Oh god my asssssshole, okaaaaaaaaaaay OHHHHH MY ASSHOOOOLE!"

The word of concession wasn't out of Artemis' mouth for even a millisecond before his ass started filling up with cock. That inexplicable itch was back, and wasn't being satisfied anymore. Jon's penis met with no pushback, and it only took ten seconds to slide fully in until the otter's thickly tufted pubic hair was nestled snugly in the top of Artemis' ass crack.

It was Jon's turn to give a satisfied moan this time. He could only fuck if the asshole was loose enough to slide into like oil, and this was perfectly timed. The bat's passage fit like a custom glove, close but not gripping. The spelunking of a heretofore unexplored anus was exciting enough, even without the warm and almost pillowy-soft sensation around his dick. He pulled his hips backward, vacating just as smoothly as he had entered, gasping softly as he watched his manhood re-emerge. Soon just the dark pink flared head was kissing up to the ridged dimple of the bat's hole. And then back in he pushed, opening up just shy of the first eight inches of Artemis' rectum for the second time of his life, with hundreds if not thousands more to come.

Jon found Artemis' absence of much of a tail interesting; usually he liked to hug or hold onto a bottom's tail while he fucked. But that just meant he could more easily use his hands to directly grab the bat's butt cheeks and steady his thrusts. He was glad the bat had plenty to push against, and his hips found Artemis' amply muscled ass cheeks pleasantly springy to bounce off of. The toothy otter sighed and smiled, settling into a leisurely rhythm of fucking the hired chef with the entire length of his cock.

Artemis, on the other hand, was afforded no such leisure. Though many of his muscles were slackened, he was still getting the workout of his life. He was panting, groaning, sweating. He had gotten plenty of pleasure from the outer part of his asshole before, but it being FULL was far more intense. The otter's cock didn't stretch him unduly, but the sheer tenacity of it, jamming in and sliding out over and over again, made Artemis' eyes roll upward with almost unbearable bliss. The bat's hands pawed and gripped needily at the blankets his face also rested on, as his ass cavern got fully plundered. He couldn't even believe it, even though it was all too real: he was bottoming. He was no longer a complete top.

And he LOVED it.

At first Jon just wanted to break in Artemis' butthole and assert control, but the pure pleasure of his cock sliding in and out soon started to excite him. His humps became more erratic, sometimes stabbing forward and sometimes staying deep within and just deliciously rolling his hips against the broad buttocks. More grinding, more growling, more grunting. And even Artemis could feel that the modest testicles that had been loosely slapping against his own taint were now pulled up into a tight nut that nudged between his cheeks with every slam. He felt nearly delirious as he thought with certainty, He's gonna cum in me. He's going to orgasm in my asshole.

Verbal confirmation of that realization was not far behind. "Heh, damn batty, I usually don't cum this fast. But your asshole is... urghhhh... getting me there. It was so tasty and it welcomes my dick so well..." The thrusts came regularly now, but short and sharp. The bat let out an amorphous moan with each impact. He now understood that that deep throbbing from inside was his prostate getting abused. Pounded. Pulverized. There were certain tougher cuts of meat he worked with in restaurants that he had given tenderizing treatment to, and if he could have mustered up an intelligent thought at this point, he would have mused that his anus must feel like those steaks did.

Jon was definitely palming and squeezing the bat's ass like it was two juicy hams as he squeakily grunted out, "Ready to have your first wad of cum up the asshole, big boy? Gonna get it..." There was barely any pulling out now, just a cock buried deep and hips grinding away. The otter's penis was just long enough to jab at Artemis' prostate, and when that pressure became constant, the bat fuzzily knew that the climax of this phase was imminent.

And indeed, the otter's thumbs soon dug into fuzzy buttocks almost harshly, and the cock stayed pushed fully forward as it spasmed and deposited globs of lutrine spunk into Artemis' rear. The bat couldn't feel the difference physically, but mentally the otter's orgasm left its mark. He had now been jizzed in, marked by another man. There was no turning back from that.

Jon took a minute to ride out his pleasure, now panting himself, before chuckling and slapping Artemis' right butt cheek. "Alright, ya big bottom beast. Roll over and stretch so you don't cramp. We're not even nearly done."

Over an hour later, Artemis was fully submitted to the otter's actions and to the spell his own asshole had cast over his mind. Jon had spent the intervening time rimming and fingering the big bat even more, but now with Artemis on his back, legs lifted. This way Jon could reach deeper with his fingers and explore more, as well as smirk at the bat's huge cock flexing and waggling above his rippled abs. "That big dong thinks it's gonna get some action too, it looks like. Well... let's let it play a little bit, then."

Jon maneuvered so that their positions were reversed from the earlier fuck, the otter on all fours in front of his hire and looking back over his shoulder with a nasty fanged grin. "Wanna fuck my ass back, don't ya, top?"

The submissive fog in Artemis' mind cleared just enough for him to nod enthusiastically and get into position to insert, a position he was far more familiar with than anything else he had done so far tonight. "That's good. Why don't you hotdog my ass crack, and wrap my tail around you to keep it out of the way, hmm?" Artemis did as told, cozying his club of a cock up between Jon's tan-furred cheeks and shivering at the sight of the frustrated dick being so close to a pink exposed orifice. As he began rubbing it up and down, the first real stimulation his penis had received since entering the bedroom, he held the otter's long and surprisingly sinewy rudder against his side, letting the tip of it wrap around behind him and forgetting about it there. Jon's ass was warm and supple, and getting to hump something for a change let all of his remaining defenses down.

"Rrrrrrr..." the big bat started to rumble as he easily settled into a rhythm, sliding his huge cock against the flesh of Jon's anus. The tufty fur on the underside of the otter's rudder tickled the sensitive swollen tip of the cock with each pass. Artemis didn't even notice the tip of said rudder sneaking down past the small of his back, until it was dipping into his ass crack.

"Ohhhh. My butthole? Again?" Artemis showed no more reluctance to say Jon's favorite "b" word anymore, having fully integrated it into his vocabulary the past hour or so.

"You know... I didn't initially think of doing that, but... you're giving me ideas." Jon tantalizingly flexed his own ass, trapping Artemis' cock between his cheeks and against his asshole. And while the big bat was distracted by that, Jon concentrated hard enough to direct his tailtip to caress Artemis' anus.

The position was more than a bit awkward, but the effect was worth it. Artemis gasped at the feeling of coarse fur rubbing against his over-sensitive asshole. Jon had just enough muscle control in his tail to wedge the first foot of it downward into the bat's ass crack, mirroring the more conventional hotdogging taking place in his own behind. And while the otter was enjoying the feeling of batcock between his buttcheeks, the ideas he was getting were even nastier and more fun.

With nimble ottery grace, Jon slithered out of Artemis' grasp and stood at the foot of the bed. He reached out to tug on one of the bat's legs, and the bigger man looked back questioningly. "Come here. On your back again. Legs up."

Artemis was fully obedient. His head was throbbing. His cock was throbbing. His asshole was throbbing. He crawled to the edge, plopped down, and threw his legs up high, wantonly exposing his still-wet and loosely meaty anus to a very pleased otter.

Jon was already prepping his next move. In both hands he held the end of his rudder, and he was drooling on the tip to wet the first few inches of fur there. Until he saw that, Artemis had had some vague idea of what his temporary boss was planning. But now it became frighteningly, intoxicatingly real.

No more words were exchanged as Jon tucked his tail back behind and under himself, only Artemis' needy mewling noises and the otter's happy purring. The thick base of Jon's ottertail was as big as one of his thighs, so he had to adopt a wide stance to fit it between them. The underside propped up his nutsack pleasingly. He stroked his hands down the impressive conical length of the tail until he once again held near the tip, and then stepped forward into inserting range, brandishing his tailtip as a dildo now.

The width was no problem for Artemis to handle at this point; his asshole was still relaxed and accepting from all the fingering and fucking. What was new was the friction. Jon's fingers were furry too, but were smaller and had been better-lubed. Now the blunt but wide tip of the otter's tannish tail was filling up his rectum snugly, and the slightly slickened fur nevertheless scratched against the walls in there as well as the folded skin on the outside. As Jon found the angle that worked best and started to work several inches in and out of the bat's rear, Artemis was reminded again of that deep itchy feeling he had discovered in his ass tonight.

And now it was truly being scratched.

The sensation was bizarre, unlike everything that came before it, but scarily satisfying too. This was the widest his hole had gotten so far, and it felt so wrong but so perfectly right. With insistent thrusting, Jon managed to work another inch of his tail into the presented ass, bringing the inserted girth to around the six-inch mark in diameter.

Artemis was no longer even trying to bring words into the babble that escaped his mouth. It was mostly short grunts and awestruck "oh"s. When Jon held the inserted tailtip at the same depth and rattled it side to side or up and down, the "oh"s became long and rising. The bat's ass was getting truly throttled. And still his cock couldn't have been any harder; the hotdogging earlier had kept it alive, but the strangeness and intensity of this new kind of invasion had it lying heavy and turgid on his chiseled stomach, still woefully ignored but almost noble in its erect perseverance.

Jon's cock was equally excited by the exotic action. The otter reached down with his left hand to grasp the stiff length to keep it from waggling so distractingly. It pulsed warmly in his palm. It wanted back into where his tail was. Who was he to tell it no?

He spent a few more minutes stirring his tail around in Artemis' anus, because he wanted to thoroughly coat the fur with flavor. He was careful when he pulled out; as sadistic as he could sometimes be, he couldn't bear to damage such a fine butthole.

Slipping back onto the bed, he ordered Artemis to sit up. They maneuvered around until they were in Jon's desired position. "Time to ride," Jon said with a smirk as Artemis settled over his reclining body. Cowboy was one of the otter's favorite positions in which to cockspear a bigger man's butthole. He pushed his dick forward with a thumb so it stuck upward expectantly.

Inexperienced bottom though he was, Artemis adopted the position easily, if a little clumsily. A minute or so of fumbling and aligning was all it took to sink Jon's cock to the hilt in the bat's warm and silky back passage. And only a few more minutes until Artemis took to the position like an otter takes to water, timing the rolling of his hips and the lifting of his thighs to Jon's upward thrusts. This was the first time Jon really took a look up and down the bat's body and face since they'd been fucking. Artemis really was beautiful, he thought. And was all his for the whole night, including the most beautiful part, which was of course the butthole his cock was currently coring out.

Of course, such a beautiful sentiment couldn't help but turn into something nasty. Jon only forgot his dirty intentions for a few minutes while adjusting to the perfect angle for jamming his cock up into Artemis' ass. Soon he felt his balls begin to tighten, and he remembered what he wanted to see Artemis do before he came again. Usually it's me getting the ass-to-mouth treatment, Jon thought with secret amusement as he took one hand off of Artemis' hunky hip to grab his own tail, which had been lying beside him. Barely missing a beat while humping his own hips, the otter held the tailtip up to Artemis' lips. "Suck it."

The bat's eyes were rolled back in their sockets, but he heard the command and felt the tickle of sticky fur near his mouth, so he collected himself enough to stare at what he was being presented. He went nearly cross-eyed looking down at the matted brown fur on the end of Jon's rudder, which had only minutes before been buried in his asshole. "But... it was in my ass..."

"So? It's clean enough. God knows I had your butthole all up in MY mouth earlier. Why shouldn't you try it? A chef should always taste his own food." Jon poked his tail further and it brushed Artemis' lips. "Suck it."

Artemis' eyes fluttered again, from the overwhelming nastiness of what he was actually about to do. But he did it. He had sucked dick before, and now he imagined that he was about to give Jon's tail a blowjob, covering his teeth with his lips and letting the blunt appendage slide into his mouth.

At first the feeling of hair in his mouth made him almost spit it out. But then...the flavor hit him and it was all over. Artemis had also eaten out plenty of buttholes before, but never so deep as to really taste the inside, and of course he had never tasted his own. But even Jon could immediately tell the bat's reaction to the experience; Artemis' nearly footlong cock throbbed and flopped heavily on the otter's abdomen and chest, which Jon was obviously pleased to see. Here he had a previous total top bouncing on his dick and sucking the residue of his own asshole. Maybe I will give this big ol thing some love, he deserves it, Jon thought as he stared directly at the flexing pisshole of the bat's erection.

"Hold my tail," he grunted up at the bigger man, who obeyed without protest. With his hands now free, Jon caressed down the sweaty front of the bat, admiring every tense muscle in the torso, until his palms rested on Artemis' hips again. Then he finally reached for the other male's cock, grabbing it softly at first and eliciting a long moan from its owner. He ran the pad of his thumb along the underside of the organ, eventually rubbing sensuous circles around the pisshole in the swollen pink glans.

Artemis kept suckling and swirling his tongue around the end of Jon's tail, his hips now bucking between his assful of ottercock and the otter's handful of batcock. Being stimulated in three places was almost overload, and he knew if Jon started stroking him he was going to cum. The thought of having his first orgasm with a dick up in his ass felt almost shameful... but he knew he was powerless to stop it at this point, and that shame made the inevitability of it even more sickly hot.

Sure enough, after minutes of teasing, the otter's nimble hand closed around the huge dong as much as it could, and began squeezing and tugging. The skin along the shaft was just loose enough to be able to stroke most of the length without changing grip, and Jon quickly adjusted the calibration of his fingers and their movements to find what seemed to make Artemis squirm and gasp the most. "Gonna cum for me, big guy? Gonna shoot your rocks off from having my dick up your ass and your own ass in your mouth?" Artemis answered only with vigorous nodding and wordless cries from around the tail stuffed in his maw. The bat's bulbous testicles were smooshed against the lower part of Jon's stomach, jangling in their sack with every frantic collision of their two bodies.

The bat's ass cheeks were clamping on Jon's cock like a steel vise, and Jon could feel that his own scrotum was pulled up hard and wrinkly as it always was when he didn't have much longer before an orgasm. Not to mention the tingling oversensitive feeling in his glans, the kind he knew from when he also had to-

"Oh fuck. OHHHH fuck. Oh FUCK I'm gonna... I'm gonna-!" Jon gasped out, about to surprise even himself. He felt the muscles in his taint pulse as he buried his cock to the base in Artemis' asshole... and let out a hard, long jet of piss deep in that warm cave.

Even with the amount of blissful dominated haze in his brain, Artemis knew when the spray hit his prostate directly that the otter was not cumming. It was too warm and too liquid, and nobody could cum with that amount of force. The bat's jaw dropped, temporarily letting the tail fall from it. "Did you just... PISS?... Oh GOD..."

Jon kept his hips lifted and continued unloading his bladder, his face screwed up with the concentration and force he was putting out. One of his hands firmly held Artemis' hip down in place, and the other vigorously worked the bat's big cock, which now spasmed in time to each jet of piss painting his prostate.

"Oh you FUCK ohhhhh!!" Artemis stuffed the tail back in his mouth to muffle his moans, and the taste of ass back on his tongue pushed him over. He was nearly roaring into Jon's fur as his orgasm seemed to rock through his anal area as much as his cock and balls. It felt electric down there, almost painful in the satisfying involuntary release of the longest and most intense night of teasing he'd ever been subjected to. Jon had the foresight to close his mouth and eyes just before what seemed like several pints of fresh sticky semen flooded his chest and face. He supposed it was what he deserved for unexpectedly filling the bat's rectum with piss, but he wasn't unhappy with the result. The big bat was even more submissive and bendable than he'd thought, if THAT was what made him cum so hard.

And now he got to watch a big hulking brute ride out his first-ever anal orgasm on top of him. A mountain of muscle heaving and panting and slowly melting away the full-body tension from a good hard cum. It was a gratifying sight, but he wasn't done just yet.

"Hold on, big boy. Just a couple more minutes of fuckin' and I'll cum too. Then we'll get ourselves to the bathroom." Jon's hips started up again, and Artemis groaned as he felt warm piss being churned around in his rear. "We can help scrub each other off... we're both pretty damn nasty."

* * *

Jon woke up the following morning just before 10 o' clock, as agreed on for breakfast timing. He stretched mightily, feeling his leg muscles pleasantly sore from their intense workout supporting himself last night. His bed was otherwise empty, but the pleasant scent of bat musk combined with a savory waft of corned beef cooking nearby to make the nicest wakeup call he had had in a long time.

He didn't even bother with his robe now, padding out to his kitchen completely butt-naked with his comfortably flaccid penis wiggling in front of him. "Smells perfect! Good morning," he chirped to the bat who was hunched over the stove.

Artemis looked over and went wide-eyed when he noticed the otter's nudity, then rolled his eyes as if to say of course you are. "Be ready in ten minutes," he said gruffly, though Jon now knew that grizzly attitude was hiding a VERY submissive bottom bitch deep down inside there.

"Ten minutes sounds perfect! Gives me just enough time to enjoy a nice appetizer." The nude otter sauntered over and lifted at Artemis' left arm.

"You didn't specify an appetizer for breakf- Oh." He supposed he should have anticipated the feeling of Jon's broad whiskery muzzle making itself at home in his armpit again. He obediently cocked his arm behind his head while he finished up cooking with just one hand. Thankfully, he was an expert at flipping items in pans single-handedly, and the components were nearly done anyway.

Jon could only stand a couple minutes of stirring the bat's armpit fluff around with his nose until he had to have his favorite dish again. Almost before Artemis comprehended what he was doing, the otter had knelt behind him and deftly spread his ass cheeks with his palms. And of course he wasted no time kissing up to the chef's asshole with relish, slurping and savoring the flavor that had built up there since last night's shower. The fleshy rim was puffy and extremely sensitive, having just gotten its first pounding mere hours before, and Jon found that fact beautiful. This time his rimming was not aggressive, more soothing and appreciative.

And he DID appreciate the bat, after all. Two wonderful meals plus an incredibly memorable night of weird butthole sex was well worth what he was paying the chef. And when the butthole that was involved was this succulent... Jon was sad that the bat would be leaving after he finished his breakfast. He purred and softly moaned into the inviting folds of Artemis' anus, trying to capture the perfect moment he wanted to remember until next time he could hire his new favorite chef.

Artemis had to clear his throat several times to bring the otter behind him out of butthole dreamland. "Everything's ready. You'll... have to leave my ass if you want actual breakfast."

Jon ruefully pulled his face out of the heavenly warm crevice. "Alright. But first, a quick dip." He wet the first inch of his right middle finger, and used his left hand to keep the standing bat's ass open. A few seconds of rubbing more spit around Artemis' asshole, and he expertly slipped the finger up into the passage. It was as wonderful as he remembered it. He wiggled the fingertip to lightly tug at the back wall of the bat's rectum, then slid the digit out just as gracefully as it had gone in.

The bat stepped away and began plating up the dish he had prepared. Only when he glanced over did he notice Jon still kneeling on the floor, licking his right middle finger like a lollipop with a dreamy look in his eyes. Even the big stoic bat had to chuckle at the sight. "Stop it, you'll ruin your breakfast."

Jon's lips left his finger with a rude smacking noise. "Not ruining. Only enhancing, in my opinion." He sprang to his feet and then slid over to the table, sitting his bare butt on his favorite chair so he was ready to dig in. "Now let's see what you've prepared for me."

Artemis placed the carefully prepared but hearty breakfast in front of the otter. "Exactly as ordered, I hope. I made it with a side of curry-spiced hash browns, if you like that as well."

Jon gobbled up a spoonful, and now it was his turn to roll his eyes back in his head with pleasure. "Oh wow... so good. Never had this prepared so perfectly." The otter gulped and then grinned toothily at the bat, who suddenly felt squirmy and nervous all over again under that sly gaze. "I will DEFINITELY be rehiring you soon, batty."

Artemis knew he had to pack up his materials and leave soon, but... the otter's attitude and insinuation made his sore and sensitive asshole throb between his bare cheeks... maybe he could stay for another hour and make a request of his own.

The Wolves Are Out (commission for Silver)

Camping was another thing that Jon was new to, or at least new to enjoying. Something about the quiet of the outdoors had made him restless when he was younger, but now it was just his speed. So when his friend Silver suggested a weekend...

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Salt Water (commission for Levin)

Now that he was no longer a first-timer to public nude beaches, Jon was much more comfortable to go to a new one with his buddy Levin. The lion had told Jon that this was his favorite spot, where the crowd tended to be even more laid-back than...

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Beach Butt Encounter (commission for LoremasterGober)

Jon was absolutely thrilled to be out in the open sunshine again. The last year had been a long and lonely one, and after a long move, the long-toothed otter was more than ready for some blissful outdoor fun with his friends. Even better was...

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