Name Pending, Ch2

Story by Morhe on SoFurry

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#2 of Name Pending

Desc: So, this is chapter two of my still-unnamed work in progress. Hope you like it; this chapter has the first truly explicit content for your reading pleasure. I'm still open to suggestions for naming the characters and the story itself, so leave something helpful in the comments!

The wait in the dimly lit bedchamber was longer than Jeff expected, so he sat himself on the edge of the bed, examining his surroundings. The slacks and layered shirt from the afternoon's meeting had been replaced by his loose, dark-blue silk pants and shirt of sleep, though their familiar comfort did little to ease the human's unease.

The room was heavily laden with various pillows, sheets, and quilts, with a thick, oversized bed in its center. The lack of other distinguishing features, to include furniture and windows, gave the décor a rather soft, warm appearance, suggesting of safety and privacy. This appearance did little to comfort him, however; his inward thoughts reminded him that he was, more or less, still within what amounted to a slaver's den. "Genetic prison," he thought to himself, finding the un-coined phrase to be a rather accurate description.

He startled as the secondary door to the room opened, sliding along the side wall of the room. The silhouette of the strange creature from the woods appeared, pointed ears twitching restlessly as he sniffed the air. "It's me," Jeff started to speak, "remember?"

Carl moved forward curiously, letting out a breath. "You?" He started shaking slightly, and for a moment Jeff thought he was enraged, before realizing it was fear, not anger. "You betray Carl! You just another cuss-toe-murr, tell them where to catch me! No touch Carl!"

"They caught you before I even made it here; I wouldn't have had time to tell them anything," Jeff quickly pointed out. "I'm here to help; we need to figure out a way to get you out of here. This place gives me the creeps, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone."

The wolf's ears pressed back against the side of his head as he glanced towards the door. He sniffed the air once more, narrowing his eyes and inching closer. For a few moments he remained frozen, before parting his maw to speak once again. "They listen?" he asked.

Jeff glanced towards the door himself, and then shook his head. "They're on too thin of legal ice to be bugging these rooms." He paused for a moment, wondering if the statement was correct before deciding it was worth the risk. "You must know your way around the place if you managed to get loose earlier; maybe if you tell me what you've seen we can come up with a way to escape."

The canine glanced to either side for a moment, before leaning forward, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Wall high, but some trees higher. Castle people cut tree branches low for Carl to reach... if together, might be tall enough..."

Jeff nodded. "But they'll suspect something if we both disappear at once. Listen, if I tell them I'm going to sign as an investor, I'll be invited back in a few week's time to finalize the deal. Can you count days in here? If you can find a way to escape in exactly 14 days, I'll give them the slip and help you out." The wolf's brow furrowed in thought. Several times he lifted his face to speak, but remained silent. "What is it?" Jeff asked. "What's wrong?"

"Carl not get shot this week; Carl with cuss-toe-murr." Jeff blinked in confusion, but the wolf went on to explain. "No shot, Carl get crazy... fall asleep... not remember anything. Carl not know what day..."

It took a few moments for Jeff to work out what he was being told. First, that the wolf meant a shot from a needle, not a gun; a chemical to replace whatever altered hormone was meant to keep the succubus's lust in check. "You've refused to put out for 'customers' before, then?" Carl hesitated in confusion, and then nodded cautiously. "And you'll black out if you don't get the shot? You won't know what day to try to escape?"

Another confused nod followed. "Maybe today, tomorrow... Carl sleep long time. Castle-people wake up with shot, but still feel sick for days."

Jeff swore under his breath. "Give me a second. I'll think of something."

"There... way to not sleep," the wolf said after a moment, moving back and working the pads of his fingers against each other nervously.

"What's that?"

"You... shot Carl."

Jeff blinked up at the wolf in confusion, trying to read the expression on his fuzz-covered face. What little he could recognize seemed nervous, or embarrassed. The fur on his muzzle was bristling, almost in an odd sort of modified blush.

The blush transferred itself to Jeff's face the moment he realized what it meant. "Oh. Carl, I don't... I can't... I mean, I'm not..." He swore under his breath, the reddening of his cheeks intensifying. He couldn't think of a good way to explain to the wolf; if he told him he wasn't gay, the term would certainly be lost on him. "Why would you want to trust me if you've refused all the other customers?" he asked eventually, hoping to change the wolf's mind.

Carl chewed at his lower lip for a moment, considering. "Other smell like want Carl. You smell sad. You sad for Carl. If you not for yourself... Carl can trust."

Jeff grimaced, pacing back a ways. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to bury his embarrassment and clear his head. Despite his discomfort, he knew it wasn't right to leave the wolf imprisoned in such a place, and there didn't seem to be any alternative at the moment. "I can't believe I'm saying this," he said after a few moments, "but you trusted me, so I'll do what I can to help you."

Carl nodded, and after a moment's hesitation turned his back, lowering himself to all fours on the carpet, lifting his tail. Jeff approached cautiously, loosening the drawstrings of his pants. Between the wolf's legs he could see the first hints of arousal, the tip of his member just beginning to shift out of his sheath, barely visible behind his sack.

"I can't do this," Jeff said, turning around and pacing back a ways, holding his now-loose pants up with one hand. "No, I can... I just need a minute to get myself... worked up or something."

The wolf turned around as Jeff faced him again, shifting onto his knees at the edge of the bed. "Carl help," he said, patting the bed. "Sit here." After another moment of hesitation, Jeff returned to the bed, sitting before the kneeling canine. Carl pawed his hand, removing it from his waistline and setting it to the side, before beginning to work at the fasteners at the front of his pants. Eventually Jeff reached down to unzip them himself, before returning his palms to the mattress at either side of his thighs, trying not to think about what was about to happen.

Carl opened the front of his companion's pants, before sliding them down to the ankles. The wolf pressed his face between Jeff's knees, slowly running the lighter fuzz on the sides of his muzzle along his inner thighs, massaging between his hips and sides with the pads of his paws. In spite of himself, the human began to slip into his own arousal, so that when the wolf came to a stop, snout resting just beneath his balls, he had already become firm enough that his length lifted above the wolf's face. "Mmm," the wolf murred, taking a deep breath and grinning slightly, "You smell like want now..."

Jeff blushed again, turning his head to the side. "I thought you didn't like that smell," he said, noting the lips curled to either side of the wolf's face.

"Want is good smell," he responded, nodding slightly beneath his companion's sack. "Carl just want choose." He drew back a short distance, running his paws down the sides of Jeff's thighs, his rougher-than-average tongue licking along the underside of the cock, drawing it into his muzzle.

Jeff took in a short breath, gripping the edges of the bed as he was drawn into the warm wet maw. He was surprised at how adept the wolf was at protecting it from his teeth; his upper lips curled down, and his tongue pressed past his lips to cradle it. After a moment he felt the tongue pressing against the start of his sack, throat clenching around his tip; his muzzle was long enough that he needed only to swallow the first few inches to be hilted. In spite of himself, Jeff shifted his hand to the wolf's head, gently massaging the side of his jaw and cheek.

Carl lifted his head then, licking at his lips with a contented sigh, before pushing a paw into his companion's chest to coax him into laying back, the human supporting himself on the palms of his hands in a halfway-inclined position. As soon as Jeff had done so he crawled into his lap, wrapping his hind legs around his companion's lower back, paws pressed into the bed to support him. Several times he began to lower himself, missing his mark slightly and rising to try again. Only after Jeff reached a hand to guide himself beneath the wolf's tail were his efforts successful, tail hole swallowing the human's length as he lowered himself. His paws moved to Jeff's sides as he panted, clenching until momentarily frozen around the shaft.

Still supporting himself against the bed, Jeff let his head lean back, sighing heavily. As Carl's muscles began to relax the wolf shifted forward, sliding up his belly a few inches before falling back down into his lap. Jeff's eyes slowly closed as another sigh escaped his lips through a faintly growing smile as the wolf began to steadily work his way up and down his shaft.

He opened them again to glance down, as a droplet of something wet fell to the skin of his belly, and was met with a view of the canine cock bouncing to Carl's motion, fully erect now and dripping clear fluid from the tip. "You're enjoying this," he said, amused and mildly surprised by that fact.

"Not... know what to... expect..." Carl breathed the words between panting breaths, "Tried alone before... with own paws.... but this feel... deeper..."

Jeff nodded slightly, though by now the wolf's eyes had mostly shut, preventing him from seeing the gesture. In spite of himself he released a hand from the bed behind him, reaching forward to curl his fingers around the wolf's member. Carl froze for another moment as he did so, trembling softly, but nonetheless gradually began to continue his reversed thrusting. Jeff kept his hand stationary, allowing the wolf to side through it with his own motion. Almost immediately the wolf's panting began to mix with subtle whimpers, oddly arousing to the human, enough so that he began mixing his own low moan into the sound.

Gradually, the wolf's motion became faster and shorter, until over the course of a few seconds a thick bulge formed at the base of his shaft. Jeff felt the knot at the height of each pass of the Carl's cock in his hand, though what the knot meant was beyond him. He did, however, quickly notice another trend; the wolf was tightening around his shaft much the way he had when it first entered him, though this time he did not come to a stop; if anything his thrusting only increased. Only when the wolf suddenly stopped at the height of penetration, clenching around him, did he realize what it meant, and stopped trying to hold himself back. He bucked his hips upward and emptied himself into Carl's rear, tightening his grip around the wolf's now-throbbing knot. Seconds later the wolf followed suit, coating Jeff's fingers with several short spurts of seed, much of the sticky white fluid dripping down onto his exposed belly.

The pair remained motionless for a few seconds, listing to an odd mix of each other's panting. The sound was interrupted every so often with each spurt of release, short human gasps and canine whimpers punctuating the air. Gradually the shared climax faded and Jeff leaned back onto the bed, glistening hand still held up as he tried with some embarrassment to decide what to do with it.

Before he could come to a decision the wolf lowered his head, offering an apologetic glance before proceeding to lap his own seed from the human's hand. Only after that did he begin to shift his position, drawing a few shivers from his "chair" as Jeff's spent but still sensitive shaft protested the movement. The moment passed, however, and he was free from the warm depths beneath the wolf's tail once again. Carl turned to the side to half-roll himself along the edge of the bed until he was in a seated position on top of his tail, glancing down at his lap with embarrassment. After a moment, he slid himself off of the bed and onto the floor, leaning to one side against the foot of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Jeff interrupted him, before he could fully lay himself onto the floor.

The canine turned his head towards the sound, blinking in slight confusion. "Carl thought you want bed. Sleep fine here..."

The human hesitated for a moment. On the one hand, he had just completed actions with this wolf that to him felt very unnatural, and he had yet to sort out his own feelings about the situation; the necessity did not make them any less disturbing. But on the other hand, he knew that what he was feeling likely didn't apply to the wolf; Carl was doing only what came naturally to him, or rather what he was programmed to do. It wouldn't be right to shun him for that. "It's big enough for both of us," he responded eventually, blinking to himself as he realized the redundancy of that statement; of course a harem bed would be built for more than one. "Come on," he said, nodding his head towards the empty space beside him and shifting to the side to make room.

As the wolf sheepishly crawled back onto the bed, Jeff busied himself by returning his pants to their place. Once again clothed, he laid back on the bed with a heavy sigh, hands folded behind his head. Guilt was beginning to creep into his gut now, so he busied himself with plans for engineering his companion's escape, as though helping the wolf would ease the sense that he was taking advantage of him.

"We need to think further ahead than just getting over the wall," he told the ceiling. "I don't know for certain whether or not they'll be willing to turn to the authorities considering how secretive this project is, but if they do it won't be safe to take you to anywhere I'd normally go; they'd be the first places the police would look." He blinked then, adjusting his gaze downward as weight shifted onto his ribs. Carl's chin rested over top his chest, eyes closed with the rest of him curled beside the human. "What..."

"Carl listening," the wolf reassured him. "Not understand much... what is author-it-tees, and pole-lease?"

Jeff let out a long sigh, returning his eyes to the ceiling. Almost without noticing what he was doing he moved a hand to rest against the back of Carl's shoulder, petting him lightly. "I suppose it's better if I figure that part out, since you've never been out of this compound before."

The wolf nodded against his chest, chin lifting as he sniffed the air for a moment, trying to pick traces of his new friend's mood out of the other heavy scents on the air. "You... scared?" he asked.

Jeff winced slightly. "I've made a promise to do something very risky and probably illegal, because I feel that the morals are more important. I don't know how it will turn out. All the years I spent building a life for myself could be ruined, and I don't even know for certain if I'm doing the right thing."

A light paw came to rest on the human's stomach as Carl's muzzle lifted to offer a light lick to his chin, canine instincts taking over in the wolf's attempt to comfort his companion. "You... not have to help," he said sadly, hesitantly.

Jeff offered him a weak smile, hand moving to his neck to ruffle his mane. "If I wasn't willing to help you I wouldn't have agreed to... to what we just..." His words trailed off lamely, though when met with the wrinkled expression of the wolf he did his best to elaborate. "For certain... more romantically minded humans, what we just did is a very important step in a relationship," he explained. "We use it to show that we have become true, permanent mates for each other. Obviously, this is a completely different situation, so that doesn't really apply here... but I wouldn't have done it if it hadn't been absolutely necessary to free you."

By the time his explanation was complete, the confused look on Carl's face had been replaced by a wide yawn, and he nodded as if in understanding. "It same for Carl. Why Carl no let other customer have him; other customer just want use Carl, not stay with, protect. Carl want stay with."

The human sighed before continuing. "It's not... quite the same. Yours is based on more practical needs, and mine is more abstract." He shook his head slightly, eventually deciding it was best to give up on explaining his position. "Don't worry about it," he told the wolf. "You're safe for now, and I swear I'll do my best to make sure you make it out of here. Maybe you'll find someone who's right for you eventually." He frowned to himself, the claim tasting like an outright lie on his tongue. What were the odds of his even being able to reveal the wolf to another human on the outside, let alone one who would not only be accepting of the wolf, but willing to become romantically involved with him?

"Don't worry about it," he repeated, grimacing as he looked down, but the wolf's eyes were already lightly shut, with slow, rhythmically breaths washing in and out his nose. With a heavy sigh Jeff leaned his head back into the pillows, once again torn between sleep and worry.