Training the New Bar Dog, Part 2

Story by runneroo on SoFurry

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#2 of Training the New Bar Dog

KC scoffed--he was still off-balance from how much he'd had to drink. "Are....are you for real, man?"

Kassam grinned as he cracked his knuckles and flexed his arms, extending his claws. "You tell me."

KC gulped, and he felt something drop inside of him that didn't make him fully sober up, but it certainly hit him hard enough to realize this wasn't just some fantasy or dream. "I...I think maybe I--"

"Shut up," Kassam hissed, and KC fell silent.

Before the canine could do anything, the tiger rushed him and swiped at the gladiator harness and mesh shorts, both of which flimsily fell away.

"Jesus, fuck!" KC yelped, stumbling back--he tripped over his own feet and fell on his ass.

"You've been a very bad boy, taking advantage of everyone at the bar like you tried to use me tonight," Kassam snarled. He sank to his knees and stalked towards KC, who tried scrambling backwards. "I'd be surprised if you could do even half the things you said you've done. Noooo, little puppy, all you want is a free drink and to cop a feel, and you're nothing but the bar tease. Tonight was the last time that's ever gonna happen."

"Oh, god--fuck, I'm sorry!" KC mewled pathetically as he tried to get away from the tiger. "I--huh!" In a flash, Kassam caught KC by his ankle and dragged him back across the floor.

Another instant, and KC was face-to-face with Kassam's cock and sheath--the tiger had crawled on top of him so fast that KC's mind didn't even register it, and Kassam's legs had tucked under the Border Collie's shoulders while his strong glutes kept him pinned down, trapping him. Kassam roughly grabbed the scruff of KC's neck and yanked his face forward to his cock. "Open up, puppy, and if you even try to get away I'm going to break your neck."

Terrified and still drunk, KC let his jaw hang open, and Kassam stuffed his cock into the canine's muzzle, thrusting in and out along the velvety tongue and pushing into the tight throat. KC couldn't help but gag and splutter, but he couldn't move.

"Yeah, that's a good bitch, make some noise, we'll get rid of that gag reflex soon enough," Kassam growled as he humped KC's face. "This is all gonna be for everyone at Hightower who you teased and tricked. From now on, everyone else is gonna take advantage of you."

Kassam leered down at the Border Collie who winced and choked noisily around the cock in his mouth. "Here's how it's going to be," the tiger continued. "If you see a cock, you polish it. If you see an asshole, you eat it out. If you so much as hear the words 'bend over', you better believe that your ass is going to be up in the air and gaping wide for the next available dick. By the time I'm through with you, you're going to be the new bar dog."

Globs of saliva dripped from the corners of KC's mouth as the tiger kept up, "You're going to work at Hightower alright, but the only payment you'll ever get is a fresh load in your ass, down your throat, on your face, and anywhere else on or in your slutty body, is that understood?"

KC spluttered and coughed as the feline's cock pushed repeatedly into his throat; Kassam yanked his head back, letting his thick, saliva-slathered erection bounce against the side of the Border Collie's muzzle.

"What do you say when I ask you a question, boy?"

"," KC gasped.

Kassam's eyes narrowed.

The tiger roared in KC's face, deafening the canine before Kassam slammed the Border Collie's head back against the floor--the rubberized padding softened the impact, but it was still enough to make KC momentarily see stars, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Ah--ack!" KC's voice caught as Kassam clamped a meaty hand around his throat. The canine struggled to get at Kassam's hand, but his arms and legs helplessly scrabbled against the floor, still pinned under the tiger's bulk.

"I said, what the fuck do you say when I ask you a question, dog?!" Kassam rumbled.

The Border Collie gasped and blinked, trying to keep the darkness in the corners of his vision at bay. "Yes! Yes, Sir!" KC wheezed.

Kassam held KC there for another moment, staring viciously into the eyes of the terrified canine, before he released his grip around KC's throat, and KC sucked in a lungful of air. He had no more than a second to savor it, though--Kassam immediately yanked KC's head back up to sink his lips around the feline cock. This time, instead of thrusting in and out of KC's mouth, Kassam held the dog's muzzle like a fleshlight and forced it back and forth along his length, coaxing more gags and splutters out of KC sporadically as the tiger's cock dipped into his throat.

"By the time I'm through with you, you're never going to leave Hightower," Kassam took up again as he made KC work his cock over. "You'll be nothing more than just a dog who's chained up on the stage for anyone to use anytime of day. Maybe they'll make a bar challenge out of you: Fuck the bar dog five times in an hour and you get a free appetizer. You'll learn to love it--your hole is going to quiver just at the sight of a man approaching you. All you'll ever eat is cum, ass, and maybe some leftover nachos if you're lucky. You won't get a cup to drink out of, just a rubber bowl. And all you'll ever drink is piss and maybe some cheap, flat beer if you've been a good boy. The only breeding you'll ever do is if someone allows you to hump their leg or commands you to fuck their own dog or sub. That's going to be your life after I'm done training you. Do you like the sound of that, dog?"

KC desperately choked out a muffled, "Eh her!"

Kassam chuffed, satisfied that KC's answer was a clear enough semblance of "Yes Sir". He sped up the tempo, sliding KC's muzzle back and forth along his cock faster as he said, "Good boy. See? You're learning!"

The room was silent for another minute, broken only by the rhythmic "glk-glk-glk" sound KC's muzzle made as he serviced Kassam's cock, feeling the barbs tickle his throat and palate and the wide subincision ride along his tongue. KC could taste pre welling up in Kassam's exposed urethra, and as humiliating as the experience was, he couldn't help but enjoy the flavor; before too long, KC began to suckle a little further in addition to his forced head bobbing.

Kassam rumbled low. "Well, look at that: Seems you might have some talent after all." The tiger sighed and roughly popped his cock out of KC's mouth, then teasingly smacked the Border Collie's muzzle with his erection, splattering the white fur with saliva and pre. KC panted as Kassam continued, "At least that gives us something to start working with."

He rose from the floor, his erection bobbing in front of him as he stood and strode over to the display cabinet. KC, meanwhile, rolled onto his side, gasping for air and hugging his arms close to his body, reveling in his freedom from the tiger's weight pressing on top of him. As KC coughed to clear his throat and collected himself, he watched Kassam open the display cabinet and rummage around on one of the shelves. The tiger hummed as he searched for something, his low voice echoing around the room, and then almost gleefully said to himself, "Ah, there you are."

KC heard the clink and rattle of chains against metal, and the tiger turned to face him with an armful of bondage equipment. The Border Collie looked back towards the closed door and gulped, trying to weigh out his chances of escaping Kassam's dungeon.

"Don't even think about it, dog," Kassam said harshly.

KC's head whipped around to see the tiger padding closer to him.

"B-but...please..." KC whimpered as Kassam approached.

"Quiet, dog," Kassam ordered, and KC's jaw clamped shut. The tiger dropped all of the bondage gear on the floor except for a pair of handcuffs and a length of chain. "This is for your own good."

KC shook his head and tried pushing himself backward with his hands, but he was too slow and uncoordinated--the moonshine had hit him hard, impairing his motor function to the point where it was easy for Kassam to simply sit on top of him again to subdue him. The Border Collie tried to flail, but Kassam calmly and firmly grabbed his wrists. With a few clicks on each wrist, the tiger locked the tight cuffs around them. Kassam then lifted KC's arms with just his hand on the chain between the cuffs and shook, testing the lock.

"There we go, nice and secure. Gotta keep you chained up while we train you, don't we."

KC wordlessly whimpered, but the sound died in his throat at a stern look from the tiger. Kassam clipped the length of chain to the links between the cuffs, and then stood, tugging on the makeshift leash as he did so. "Alright, dog, up you get, come on."

Reluctantly and shakily, KC got to his feet--his legs wobbled, this time from both the intoxication and nerves. Kassam pulled on the chain and slowly backpedaled, leading KC towards the wall with the steel work table next to it. The Border Collie took small, stumbling steps, trying to walk in a straight line.

"That's it, dog, just like that," Kassam encouraged. "We're almost there..."

Kassam and KC eventually arrived at the table, where the tiger reached with the chain to one of the wall hooks above the work station--KC had to bend over the metal surface and extend his arms fully for Kassam to hook the chain onto the hook. KC could only crane his neck from side to side or look forward at the wall. As he did so, he saw that the last link at the end of the chain was also connected to the keys for his handcuffs. They were so close, but so far out of reach.

Meanwhile, Kassam stepped back behind him to survey his handiwork. The Border Collie's backside was left exposed and vulnerable, and he shivered as he instinctively tucked his tail between his legs and stood with his knees together.

"Not bad, it's a start," Kassam mused. "Gonna do something about that shyness, though, don't you worry."

KC's ears perked up as he heard the tiger turn and pad away, then the footsteps behind him stopped, and something metallic with chains was picked up from the floor. Kassam's footsteps sounded again, returning to KC's backside, and the Border Collie heard the tiger's knees pop as he crouched down behind him.

"Alright, dog, legs apart," Kassam said.

KC didn't move.

SMACK--a heavy hand stung his left cheek, and KC jumped and yelped in pain.

"I said legs apart! Now, dog!" Kassam snarled.

KC immediately stretched his legs as far apart as he could get them.

"Good dog," Kassam said as he cinched a leather cuff around KC's right ankle. "Next time I spank you with my hands, I'm going to have my claws out, so think about that before you disobey another order."

Kassam then cinched a cuff around KC's left ankle and experimentally tugged on the steel rod between the canine's legs. "There we go. Eventually you won't even need the spreader bar, you'll just keep your legs wide open for everyone."

The tiger patted KC's back and stepped away; the Border Collie tested the spreader bar himself, but he found he couldn't bring his feet any closer together--he was well and truly stuck. His heart fluttered in fear as he heard Kassam pull something else out of his display cabinet, and he felt his breath catch in his chest as he sensed Kassam looming over him again.

"Just one more thing for now..." Kassam muttered, and a thick band of leather was cinched around KC's neck. The metallic snap at the base of KC's throat told him exactly what had happened: Kassam had collared him.

"No tag for you yet," Kassam noted as he stood next to the work table--KC twisted his neck to look up at the tiger. "You're just a bad dog I found who needs to be trained. You don't have a name yet, and you're not going to get a tag with your name on it until I've trained you right. Now then..." Kassam leaned in close to KC, his hot breath washing over the canine's nose. "I'm going to tell you what's going to happen next. Because once we start, there's no stopping. Not until you've learned your lesson and turned into a good bar dog, alright?"

Kassam didn't wait for KC to respond--he continued, "I'm going to make you feel good. You might hate it, you might be terrified, but you're going to feel so good, too. I like to think of it as the last little bit of positive reinforcement you're going to get in this dungeon, because this is going to be the last time you consciously experience pleasure like this. After that, you're going to feel a lot of pain and humiliation...and maybe a little pleasure, but you won't be really aware of it. Not unless I tell you to be. And in the meantime, it'll be alright for you to cry and beg, just let it all out. That's going to be part of your training."

KC couldn't believe what he was hearing--he squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered softly, hoping on some level that this was all just a dream, that this wasn't happening to him.

"So," Kassam kept on as he stepped around behind KC again and rested a hand on his back, "just remember that this is your last little conscious pleasure in life." The tiger sank to his knees and moved his hand down to push a thumb under the base of KC's tail; his grip forced the tail up into the air and exposed the Border Collie's puckered hole.

"Focus on it, enjoy it...really concentrate on how good you're feeling," Kassam said as he reached between KC's legs and roughly pulled the green pouch of his jockstrap down; the hard cock that had been swelling and straining against the fabric sprang to attention. Kassam splayed his fingers around the tender flesh as he finished, "Because once your training's done, you won't remember how this feels."

"No-no-no-no-wait, please, I-I...aaahh mmf..." KC started to beg, but he trailed off in a moan as Kassam slurped over his hole, soaking the valley between his pert cheeks with saliva and pressing his tongue against the musky rim of his tight anus. For all the canine's bluster, Kassam had to hand it to him for keeping his rear clean; that would certainly make things easier, though no less painful, for KC when his training started in earnest.

KC unconsciously arched his back and raised his hips, pushing his ass up against Kassam's muzzle. The tiger grinned to himself and continued smooching and sucking on his captive's hole while he began slowly pumping the hard cock in his hand, letting the pendulous, furred balls swing to meet the side of his fingers with each methodical and deliberate stroke.

"Mrf...unf...fuck," KC panted and whined. His tongue lolled out on the cold metal table and his eyes rolled to the top of his head as he wiggled his ass, trying to expose it further to the tiger's treatment. The rough tongue tickled and scratched in just the right places, and Kassam's hot, humid breath warmed the Border Collie's taint to perfection as drool dripped down the fur between his cheeks and onto the backside of his balls.

"Oh my god," KC gasped--Kassam had just pushed his tongue past the outer ring of his hole.

The tiger moaned as he lapped at the soft, tense folds of muscle in the canine's rectum. At the same time, he tightened his grip around the base of KC's cock. The feline's stroke up to KC's glans was torturously slow as Kassam took his time to rub his fur and paw pads across every inch of the sensitive member until just the tip was squeezed against his palm. Then he massaged KC's frenulum in wide, slow circles for a moment before sliding back down to the base and repeating the action all over again.

Kassam kept the pace on KC's dick constant as he worked the canine's hole over with his tongue, taking his time to stretch and tease his captive's ass and fill it further with his muscle. His jaws worked to push saliva into KC's rectum, and soon his tongue was easily slipping and sliding across areas that had once been locked up tight. Wet squelches and soft gasps were the only sounds in the room as the tiger took his time to pleasure his catch. Although he deliberately held back from the prime spot--he knew that as soon as he touched it, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from carnally ravaging the canine's ass and forcing him to blow his last load as "KC" as soon as possible.

The tiger held out for fifteen minutes when he couldn't take it anymore. He flicked his tongue across KC's prostate with pinpoint accuracy, and the Border Collie bucked into his hand as his knees wobbled.

"Oh fuck, right there..." KC moaned. "Ooooh daddy..."

Kassam rumbled as he gave in, and he immediately assaulted the dense bundle of nerves and muscle, batting at it from side to side and smothering it with his tongue before repeatedly, violently licking over it. KC squirmed and kept humping the tiger's paw, and Kassam began to stroke faster in time with the Border Collie's thrusts, no longer caring about edging the dog--he had work to do, and it was time to be efficient about it.

The tiger rolled his tongue and bobbed his head back and forth, tongue-fucking KC, and the tip of his tongue pounded the delicate gland inside the canine's hole; Kassam could feel pre starting to drip onto his hand, and he sped up the tempo on KC's cock. He also interspersed his treatment with forceful nibbles and full-on bites on the edges of KC's anus, overwhelming the ring of flesh with the sensation of actually being eaten.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck, I can't...I can't...I'm gonna..." KC wheezed, breathless from the treatment.

Kassam squeezed the Border Collie's cock tighter and stroked even faster, zipping from base to tip, and in another moment he felt KC's hole clench rhythmically around his tongue.

"Ah! Ah! Aaaahhh fuck!" KC howled with abandon--he slumped further on the table and his knees buckled slightly as his muscles spasmed. He shuddered and Kassam could feel every pulse of the cock wrapped in his fingers; Kassam kept his grip tight, relishing the prolonged throbs of spurting cum as the canine's dick splattered his seed onto the floor.

While KC huffed and rode out his orgasm, Kassam dispassionately removed his hand from the Border Collie's still-bobbing cock and pulled back from the now-gaping and saliva-coated hole with a wet schlorp. He licked his lips and held onto KC's thighs as leverage to help him rise to his feet.

"Try to remember what this feels like," Kassam told his captive as he stood up. He watched KC pant and struggle to catch his breath for another moment. "That's the last time that KC is going to cum. If and when you cum again, you'll be nothing more than a dog." Kassam absently patted the heaving, black-furred back hunched over the work table before he padded to his display cabinet again.

When Kassam opened the cabinet door, he selected a curved piece of polished Brazilian teak wood that was separated into two thick strips and connected by screws. At either end of the wooden device, there was a hook that connected to leather cuffs.

"We just need to get you trained up properly first," Kassam mused, tapping one of the ends of the humbler against his palm as he turned back to face KC's rear. He strode back to the canine, who had begun breathing normally again, and placed the bondage tool on the table next to KC's head so the Border Collie could see it.

"Wait, what are you--AH!" KC started, but Kassam cut him off with a hard spank to his ass; the Border Collie yowled in pain as he felt the sharp sting of claws that cut through his fur and pricked into his skin.

"Dogs don't ask questions," Kassam snarled from behind him as KC gasped. "You stay quiet and still until I tell you to speak or move, you understand?"

"Oooh, ye--" KC gulped "Yes, Sir."

"Good dog."

Kassam stalked to one side of the work table and pulled open a drawer. From it, he withdrew a pair of scissors, a small canister of syringes, and a clear vial containing a translucent lavender liquid--the vial also bore a label on it that KC couldn't make out.

The tiger took up his scissors and walked back around to KC's rear, where the canine heard and felt the snip, snip, snip of fabric being cut, and his jockstrap fell to the floor about a foot away from the puddle of cum he'd deposited--he was now completely naked. Kassam placed his foot between KC's legs, deftly picked up the ruined jockstrap with his toes, and planted it right in the puddle of semen: He rubbed his foot against the fabric, twisting back and forth to soak up KC's spilled genetic material.

"Let's let that marinade for a little bit," Kassam muttered as he removed his foot from the jockstrap. He stepped around to KC's side and replaced the scissors on the table, then reached past the Border Collie's extended arms to remove the chain from the hook that kept KC's handcuffs connected to the wall. He held the end of the chain in one hand and picked up the humbler from the table with his other.

"Alright, turn around, and let's step this way," Kassam commanded--KC did as he was told and faced the easy chair in front of Kassam's media center and the dungeon door that was now so terribly far away. At the tug of the chain between his wrists, KC followed Kassam's lead and wobbled a few feet away from the work table, negotiating his uneven footing in the spreader bar and how much the alcohol in his system was still affecting him.

"Good. Now on your knees, dog."

Unsteadily, KC sank to his knees, grateful at least a little for the rest from hunching over the table and the softer, rubberized padding on the floor. His arms were still up, though, as Kassam kept him on a tight chain. The tiger, however, unlocked one of handcuffs--KC couldn't even revel in the freedom, because his wrist was immediately cinched into one of the leather cuffs attached to the humbler. Kassam walked around behind KC, still holding his chain leash and the humbler in his hands, and he then unlocked the other handcuff to replace it with the second leather cuff--KC's hands were now bound to the humbler behind his back.

The tiger dropped the empty handcuffs and chain to the floor and busied himself with setting up the humbler behind KC's legs. Kassam put a firm hand on the Border Collie's back and pressed forward, forcing KC's torso lower and lower until his chin rested on the floor and his back arched up for stability. The tiger then unscrewed the humbler to separate the two strips of wood by an inch and positioned it just below KC's buttocks, resting the device against the tops of his white-furred thighs.

Without any warning, Kassam grasped the Border Collie's dangling balls and pulled them backward, stretching his scrotum taut as he wrenched the sack all the way back behind KC's spread thighs. KC grunted softly as the large tiger manhandled his testicles and popped them, first the left, then the right, through the narrow opening in the humbler.

"There, that's much better, isn't it," Kassam stated as he twisted the screws to clamp the humbler tighter and tighter. KC winced as the hard wood pinched against the base of his scrotum, and he felt utterly helpless as his balls were locked behind him. "Alright, try to move for me, dog."

KC wiggled his legs back and forth and tried to stand, but he couldn't even raise his torso without causing serious discomfort to his testicles, eliciting a whine from his throat--the most comfortable position for him was crouched over like this on his knees and chin, with his arms locked below his hips and his testicles in a vise grip.

"Perfect," Kassam rumbled. He stood and padded back to the work table, where he picked up the syringes and medical vial. Kassam then carried them to the small side table next to his easy chair, where he placed them in KC's line of sight.

"I think we might need some mood music for this next part, don't you?" Kassam asked as he picked up his phone from the side table.

Without waiting for an answer, Kassam opened the app he had developed to control everything in his dungeon, from the media selection on his TV and canisters in the corner to the microcameras and speakers embedded in the walls and ceiling. He pulled up one of the audio files he had created, and trance music began to play. What KC didn't consciously hear but still processed as information for his brain--and what Kassam had trained himself to ignore--was the lower frequencies of auditory hypnosis the tiger had mixed into the music.

As the melodies played and reverberated around the room, they would impart a series of commands, patterns, mental states, and conditions that would soak into and overwrite the target's brain without them ever knowing until it was too late. Combine that with the other forms of conditioning Kassam had planned for later, as well as KC's already-lowered mental acuity thanks to the alcohol in his system, and the Border Collie as he knew himself to be would simply cease to exist by the time he was allowed to leave the dungeon.

"Nice and relaxing, right?" Kassam said, replacing his phone on the side table. He then picked up the syringes and vial again before he advanced on KC, who watched him warily.

"Trust me, you'll want to be relaxed for this," Kassam continued. He knelt down in front of the Border Collie and showed him the label on the vial: It read X5 Luminahydrafulcrate (LinHy).

"This is just one of my little side projects: A proprietary blend I've been working on to improve the formula that one of my friends uses for his job," the tiger explained. He shook the vial, sloshing the liquid around as he said, "This is going to give you an exponentially higher sperm count, grow your balls so they're a little bigger and more fun for others to play with, increase production in your prostate, and heighten your libido. You'll literally be able to cum buckets multiple times; all you need is just this and lots of water."

KC's eyes widened as he connected the dots, and he pitifully shook his head as he whimpered, "No, Sir...please don't."

Kassam laughed. "See, you're learning again! You called me 'Sir' and spoke to me with respect. I'll train all of that resistance out of you soon, though, don't you worry, dog."

The tiger paid no attention to KC's further whimpering as he took one of the syringes and forced the needle past the rubber stopper in the vial, then pulled the plunger to draw the pale purple fluid into the chamber. He repeated the process with two more syringes and showed all three of them off to KC.

"Like I said, you'll want to be relaxed for these. Just breathe, okay?" Kassam told him.

"Please...please don't, Sir, I'm begging you," KC whined quietly.

"Oh, this'll be over before you know it, dog. And what'd I say about talking?" Kassam said, his tone colder now.

KC clammed up and tried to wriggle in his restraints again, but the humbler clamped around his exposed testicles caused him too much discomfort to move. Defeated, all he could do was start to hyperventilate as Kassam sidled around behind him and sat with his rear on the spreader bar, preventing KC from squirming around at all; he gritted his teeth as Kassam grasped his balls. KC then felt the tiger roll his testicles around in his palm until the organs were positioned flat in his hand, and he gulped in anticipation.

"Here goes number one," Kassam said. "Deep breath."

KC winced as he felt the needle pierce his scrotum.

"Aahh," he groaned, unable to help himself as the needle sank into the meat of his testicle. Kassam pushed the syringe deeper until he judged that the needlepoint was in the center of the Border Collie's right nut. He depressed the plunger, and KC gasped as he felt his testicle expand with the fluid that was shot into it, although it felt oddly warm and satisfyingly heavy now. When the syringe was empty, Kassam pulled it out and deposited it on the floor before he picked up the second one. His grip still tight on KC's vulnerable balls, Kassam held the needle against the left testicle this time.

"And number two."

Before KC could whine or make any other sound, the tiger pushed the needle through the Border Collie's scrotum and into his untreated testicle. KC's heart still raced and he winced again at the sensation, although it didn't feel as terrible as the first one--maybe the music playing was starting to help him relax, or maybe the first shot had desensitized him to pain somewhat. But he still gasped again as he felt his left testicle grow with the volume of the chemical Kassam had injected--that was a sensation he wasn't sure he could ever get used to. But then, just as it did with his right ball, his left testicle seemed to warm to a much more comforting temperature, and the new weight in his sack was so fulfilling. He couldn't help but pant in some semblance of pleasure.

"Not so bad, see?" Kassam said as he retracted the needle and massaged KC's balls to get the chemical circulating within them. He then picked up the third syringe and used his free hand to feel around on KC's taint. Kassam palpated the area, trying to find the target--KC ended up helping him when he crooned softly as the tiger's fingers hit upon the sweet spot. Kassam chuckled and rested the needle against his vaccination site.

"Alright, dog, this is number three, last one," Kassam said as he inserted the needle into the canine's perineum. KC grunted and clenched his hole in protest against the sting, but Kassam paid it no mind--he pushed until the needle penetrated the densely-packed tissues of the Border Collie's prostate. Kassam slowly depressed the plunger, filling the prostate with excess fluid as he said, "There we go, nothing to it. You're just taking your medicine like a good dog. And this medicine is going to make you into a very good dog." Kassam finished injecting the fluid and pulled the needle back out before he massaged the area to get the chemical compound soaked into the fibers and nerves.

"We'll give it some time for this to take effect," Kassam said as he continued his massage. "The best way to test it out is to make you cum until those balls of yours are all dried up, then I'll just give you lots of water and we'll start over. Should be fun, right?"

KC couldn't stop himself from panting at the treatment--he didn't know it, but the auditory hypnosis, in combination with the side effects from the drugs Kassam had injected, had already started to condition him to enjoy the tiger's touch. It would soon expand to feeling pleasure at physical contact from anyone, but for now KC struggled to reconcile how this tiger--who KC was so sure would be an easy target back at the bar--who had ultimately gotten him liquored up and who had done such violating things to him, and who was planning to do more, was the same tiger who was also making him feel so good. Caught in the middle of the conflict, the canine couldn't immediately say "No", but he didn't want to say "Yes", either. So what else could he do?

KC yipped, forming a half bark as he continued to fight within himself, wrestling with something he consciously knew he wanted to escape from and something he subconsciously was starting to desire.

Kassam grinned smugly--the sound the canine made indicated that his auditory hypnosis program had already begun to work over his captive's mind. The only thing to do now was to keep going forward. And the next item on the tiger's agenda involved degradation and pain; the new bar dog should be thoroughly accustomed to both of them.

"Well, in the meantime, I seem to remember a few things you described doing in the darkrooms back at Hightower," Kassam said as he rose to his feet. He collected the syringes and vial from the floor and placed them on the work table as he spoke. "Like I said earlier, I'd be surprised if you could do even half the things you said you'd done."

The tiger turned from the table to his display cabinet and reached into it for the storage space where he hung his whips, paddles, floggers, and canes. He pulled out a supple rattan cane and gently bent it between his hands, flexing the wood. "But I'm interested to see what you can actually do, dog."

Before he strode back to the Border Collie on the floor, Kassam also collected the remnants of the canine's green jockstrap--by now it was properly soaked in the puddle of semen that KC had left behind. When Kassam, still holding the cane and jockstrap, returned to stand in front of KC, he dropped the damp and stained undergarment a few feet away from his captive's face. KC started craning his neck to look up at the tiger, but Kassam heavily planted a large foot on top of the Border Collie's head, forcing him back down. KC squirmed in his restraints, but all he could do was just rattle the chains connecting his ankles to the spreader bar and his hands to the humbler.

"Aw, look at you now: Unable to move and stuck under my foot. How does it feel, dog?" Kassam teased as he lightly poked the side of KC's muzzle with the end of the cane. He then slid his foot down so his heel was propped on the bridge of KC's snout--his sole covered the left side of the canine's face. "Do you like having this big daddy tiger on top of you?"

"Mmf," KC moaned, struggling to open his mouth from the weight on top of his snout.

Kassam lifted the cane and tapped KC's engorged balls with it--the Border Collie jolted in his bonds. "What do you say, dog?"

"Yes, Sir," came the mumbled, meek reply from under the tiger's foot.

"That's right," Kassam rumbled. He thumped his foot on the canine's head, reminding KC of just how heavy his paw was. "This is just one of the things everyone at Hightower will be welcome to do to you: They'll use you as nothing more than a floor mat to wipe their sweaty, musky feet on." As he spoke, he lifted and rubbed his foot across KC's face, wiping his toes over the fur.

"Some of them might have you clean their soles and toes, too." At that, the tiger shuffled his other foot so his toes sat in front of KC's snout. He wiggled them before the dog's nose, wafting the heady odor of sweat into KC's nostrils. The Border Collie softly groaned and wiggled his nose, trying to escape the scent, but he was powerless to stop it from reaching him.

"And if you don't get to it when they present their feet for you to lick, they'll be well within their rights to trample you," the feline growled. He raised his foot from KC's head and firmly lowered it again, mimicking someone stomping on the Border Collie--KC whimpered, but the tiger coldly ground his foot against his skull and cheeks, cementing just how little he cared about the Border Collie's comfort. He repeated the action another five times, smushing KC's face into the ground with his sole and laughing darkly to himself, before he continued, "So now that I've got my foot in front of you, what do you think you should do, dog?"

KC started to open his mouth, but he hesitated.

Thwack--KC grunted as he felt the sting of Kassam's cane against his balls again, harder this time.

"Go on, dog, do it."

KC whimpered as he stuck out his tongue and reluctantly lapped at one of the tiger's toes.

Thwack--another hit on the balls from the rattan cane, and KC's tongue moved faster with more forceful strokes.

"There we go," Kassam chuffed. He raised his toe and KC rolled his tongue under it to lick the pad. "You've got the instinct for it, you just need the right motivation."

KC diligently continued his work, swirling his tongue around the first toe and cleaning the sweat from it. The acrid taste lingered on his tongue, but he forced himself to keep going--he didn't want another strike to his balls with the cane. The tiger above him chuffed again, which he took as a good sign, and he moved onto the next toe, first lapping up over the top of it and covering it completely with his tongue, and then pushing his muscle under it to get at the thick paw pad.

"Good, you're getting it," Kassam observed as he watched the canine try to force his tongue under his foot. He helpfully raised it further to allow for more access, and KC silently carried on. A low growl built up in Kassam's throat, and he struck KC's balls again--the Border Collie grunted as Kassam said, "Come on, dog, moan for me while you're servicing my foot! Show me you enjoy it. Make some noise!"

"Mmmm...Arf, arf! Ooooh...Mmmmf," KC immediately moaned, barked, and panted between licks and huffs.

"Good, keep it up," Kassam encouraged. He rolled his ankle to the side so KC could reach the arch of his foot better. "That's what people will want from you. They want to know how much you love your treat. This kind of thing? It's a privilege for you. Always remember that. You're not being made to do anything. It's something you get to enjoy. Yeah, just like that..."

Kassam stood there for another few minutes, keeping KC firmly underfoot as the dog slathered his paw pads and toes in saliva, licked it all away, and swallowed the tiger sweat-infused drool. As KC worked and moaned, Kassam occasionally murmured, "Good, you're're nothing more than a'll start craving the next foot you can sniff and lick and worship...this is where you belong...bad dogs get trampled, good dogs get to suck their master's toes...if you're lucky, someone might even tell you to hump their foot or leg...that might be about as close as you'll ever get to breeding something, you little foot-slut...yeah, you'd fucking love that, wouldn't you?"

As KC listened to the tiger's dirty talk, everything Kassam said was further encoded with the hypnotic trance music that played on the speakers, worming its way deeper into the Border Collie's brain. KC wasn't aware of it, but his personality was slowly being overwritten with the desire to please and his gray matter was being filled with new commands and controls. Kassam knew that to KC's conscious mind, everything was still slightly off-balance because of how much he'd had to drink and maybe now due to the drugs in his testicles and prostate.

But the writing was on the wall--or in this case, on KC's tongue, as he licked deeper into the nooks and crannies of Kassam's foot. KC's efforts, so vigorous where they had once been reluctant, so slobbery where they had once been so dry, and so enthusiastically noisy where they had once been so dutifully quiet, plainly showed that the Border Collie's subconscious was already being wiped away and replaced with something new, something different--something better, in Kassam's opinion.

Eventually, the tiger said, "I think that's enough to get you started for now." Kassam shuffled his foot back, out of KC's reach. "But I've got something else in mind for you. First, though..."

Kassam used his rattan cane to drag the remains of KC's cum-soaked jockstrap across the floor.

"Open," Kassam commanded.

KC did as he was told, stretching his maw as wide as he could while the tiger's other foot still rested on his head. With a flick of the cane, Kassam launched the jockstrap into KC's mouth, where it landed squarely across his tongue. The tiger then pressed down with his foot, forcing the canine's muzzle shut again.

"Now suck on that for a while, and don't you even think about letting it drop out of your mouth," Kassam ordered as he finally removed his foot from KC's head.

The Border Collie breathed deeply, grateful to no longer have the tiger's heavy paw propped up on top of him. But as he inhaled, he tasted the stale, salty flavor of his own semen. KC wanted so desperately to spit out the jockstrap and tell the tiger to go fuck himself, but what then? His balls would get hit even more, he couldn't break out of his restraints, Kassam would probably end up doing even worse to inebriated as he still was, KC could see the futility of even the smallest amount of backtalk. However, he wasn't aware that the hypnotic frequencies that trickled into his ears and soaked into his brain were also convincing him that following Kassam's orders was--and always would be--the best course of action. So KC swallowed his pride, along with the dregs of cum that had transferred from the jockstrap to his tongue, held still, and kept his mouth shut as Kassam walked around behind him.

"Now then," Kassam began as he rubbed the rattan cane over KC's vulnerable asscheeks, "I think it's time we see just how much punishment your ass can take."

KC's eyes widened and he started to whine around the jockstrap in his muzzle. He felt the tip of the cane trace around his glutes, and then he heard Kassam's footsteps as the tiger took up a batter's position. The Border Collie immediately tried to tuck his tail protectively between his legs, even covering the humbler.

"Keep that tail up, dog." Kassam growled.

KC felt his heart thump--he took a steadying breath, and slowly lifted his tail up again.

Except for the music, the room was silent and still for a moment.

THWACK. KC let out a choked scream at the first strike against his right buttock.

"That was just a teaser, dog!" Kassam laughed as KC panted for a moment--the Border Collie gritted his teeth around the jockstrap, trying his utmost not to let it fall out while he concentrated on keeping his tail up.

THWACK. KC screamed again as the cane struck his left cheek. Before he had time to even catch his breath, Kassam whacked his right again with the same amount of force, then the left, then the right, then left--then the tiger delivered five blows across both cheeks, always with the same acceleration, never altering tempo. KC grunted and whimpered with each strike, and he shivered every time he felt the cane graze past his swollen testicles still locked in the humbler.

The Border Collie panted as if he'd run a marathon after the first 11 strikes, and he couldn't help but tuck his tail again--he didn't hear Kassam say anything about it, though. Instead, KC jumped in his bonds as he felt the cane rub across his sore ass.

"Now, what do you say about that, dog?" Kassam asked, tenderly stroking the white-furred rump with the rattan--he used the cane to poke under KC's tail.

"You...'ard," KC breathed heavily around the jockstrap.

Kassam cocked his head and his eyes narrowed as he stared at the back of the Border Collie's skull. "What was that, dog?" he hissed.

KC's back and sides heaved as he inhaled. "You fucking bastard!" he yelled--his quavering voice echoed around the room.

Kassam grinned in spite of himself, but his tone was icy as he said, "Guess the training really needs to sink in. You need to learn your place, dog." He purposefully leaned the cane against KC's backside, letting it rest on his balls and tucked tail. "Don't. Move."

The tiger left the Border Collie huddled on the floor as he walked back to the display cabinet, reducing KC to nothing more than just an object to prop up his cane. KC squeezed his eyes shut and sniffled to himself, trying his hardest not to imagine what awful tool Kassam was going to pull out next.

After a moment of rummaging in his cabinet, Kassam pulled out the items he wanted and returned to KC. He first knelt down by his captive's head--KC cautiously opened his eyes to see the tiger glaring down at him with a length of leather cord dangling from his hand.

Without a word, Kassam reached under KC's muzzle and started wrapping the cord around the Border Collie's snout, tightly cinching it closed to prevent KC from speaking. Kassam encircled KC's muzzle one last time before clipping the ends of the cord together and letting the canine's head settle back to the floor. KC whined in his throat, but a cold stare from Kassam silenced him.

The tiger then took up the steel cable he had also brought and clipped it to the back of the collar on KC's neck--Kassam shuffled on his knees to the Border Collie's rear and roughly hooked the end loop of the cable around the base of KC's tail. In the middle of the cable, the tiger pulled a small winch to loop the braided steel strands around a small spool inside the mechanism. Each pull of the winch shortened the cable further and increased the tension to force KC's tail up higher and higher. Eventually, the weight of KC's tail was leveraged against the strength of the collar around his neck, and KC couldn't bring his tail down unless he bent his neck back at an impossible angle--his bare ass was now fully on display, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it.

"There, that's a better look for you," Kassam rumbled as he surveyed his handiwork. "Now, where were we?"

The tiger picked up the cane that was propped up against KC's balls, and contemplatively tapped it against his hand as he watched KC helplessly test his restraints and wiggle his ass.

"Oh, that's right," Kassam growled, raising the cane.


"MMMM!" KC grunted loudly through his nose as the cane struck right under his raised tail--Kassam hit him significantly harder this time. For the first 11 strikes, Kassam had used enough energy to chip a golf ball out of a sand trap. But now the tiger used enough force to drive that same golf ball from the tee box all the way to the putting green 500 yards away.

"Yeah, now that's where we need to be!" Kassam snarled as the echo of the strike bounced off the dungeon walls.

CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. The speed of the cane strikes never faltered, and Kassam never gave KC a chance to recover--the Border Collie wildly stretched his back and shook his head, burying his face in the floor and wailing in his shut mouth as the caning mercilessly continued.

"MMMM! MMMMHHHMMMM!!" was all KC could yowl through his cinched muzzle.

CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. The pain in KC's asscheeks didn't just sting--it was as if lines of jet-hot fire seared through his fur and into his skin, and he was sure that Kassam was drawing blood. Soon the criss-crossing lines of agony blurred together, making it hard for him to tell what was a new strike and what was a strike that had happened only a moment ago. His ass was covered in a blanket of spiking torment as Kassam alternated between his left and right cheeks, then took the time to strike the cane across both of them.

"You're going to take it all, you fucking dog!" Kassam roared as he kept up the pace. CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. Unknown to KC, the tiger's cock was fully erect and throbbing as he continued doling out the canine's punishment. With every strike of the cane, his erection bobbed, and Kassam's tail twitched in pure, hormone-driven exhilaration. "Gonna make that puppy ass nice and red!"

CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. "This is what every daddy, sub, dom, and boy in that fucking club wants to do to you!" Kassam kept up, swinging the cane and striking KC's ass to emphasize his words. CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. "They don't want to get you any god damned drinks or hear you yap all night! They want to abuse you even worse than this! So you'd better take it all like a good dog!"

CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. KC lost track of how many times Kassam hit his ass with the cane--was it 10? 20? 50? 500? He didn't know, and at some point he simply stopped caring. All KC could do was grunt and howl into his closed mouth, his vocal cords raw from repeatedly crying out. He tried to grind his face into the floor to block out the pain, but that only raised his tail higher. He involuntarily splayed his fingers and curled his toes, the agony forcing his muscles and tendons to move beyond his control. He clenched around the jockstrap in his mouth so hard that he thought he'd break his own teeth from the force of his jaws bearing down against each other through the thin fabric. Tears and snot began to well up in his eyes and nose--he rapidly inhaled and exhaled, trying to breathe through the torment, trying for so long to hold himself together, not to let the tiger see him break. But each crack of the cane was like a wrecking ball against the dam; soon the barrier burst, and KC could do nothing more than sob in gasping breaths through his muzzle as both fluids flowed freely down his face and onto the floor.

CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. And through it all, he was acutely aware of two things: Kassam's heavy breathing as he now swung the cane with enough force to send a baseball clear of a stadium, and that his own cock was as hard as a rock.

On top of the sheer physical trauma KC was feeling with each strike of the cane, he also felt a small twinge of shame that he was hard and starting to ooze out small beads of pre. But somewhere, lurking in the deep recesses of his mind, there was another, more horrifying, more confusing, and somehow more satisfying, feeling that called to him, that yearned for him to embrace it: Pride. Pride that he was erect for his master, pride that he was still taking such a brutal punishment, and pride that he had ended up in the hands of this sadistic tiger who must have felt that he was doing something good for the Border Collie.

KC yowled again, but Kassam kept going--for how long, neither of them could say. KC's brain was too consumed by fiery pain to be aware of a concept such as time, and Kassam was too enraptured to even care.


Eventually, on the last strike, the cane reached its breaking point, and it broke over KC's ass as Kassam brought it down. The rattan had held out for so long, but ultimately the piece of it that had broken off went arcing through the air until it lightly bounced off the rubberized floor.

The room was quiet except for the hypnotic music that continued to play, Kassam's panting, and KC's muffled sobbing.

"" the tiger breathed heavily, collecting himself. He inhaled to steady himself and dropped the piece of rattan he still held--it fell to the floor as he continued, "I learned a valuable lesson there...didn't you?"

Kassam walked around to KC's front--the dog was still weeping through his gag and tears streamed from his eyes. Kassam unclipped the leather cord around KC's muzzle and roughly pulled it away, letting KC's wails and cries fill the room.

"Now what do you say about that, dog?" Kassam called over the canine's bawling.

"Th-th-thaaaank yoooou...S-s-siiiiir!" KC sobbed around the jockstrap still in his mouth, letting out his shame and pain.

"Atta boy," Kassam said--he reached into KC's muzzle and pulled out the limp, thoroughly drenched jockstrap and tossed it away. He then ruffled the fur on KC's head and stood. "Now, we've got a few more lessons to learn," he continued as he stalked around behind KC again. "First one being..."

Kassam trailed off as he stood on top of the spreader bar still connected to KC's ankles, preventing him from going anywhere. He aimed his hard cock at the canine's rump, which was now a deep shade of bruised red and purple, with thin lines of blood staining the white fur. Kassam exhaled slowly, relaxing, and a stream of clear urine flowed from his cock and began splattering over the abused ass.

KC twisted and strained as he cried and sucked his teeth, trying to hold off the physical sting of piss on open wounds and the humiliation of being degraded this way, but he couldn't stop it. And against all conscious efforts, his cock was twitching and throbbing even harder now as Kassam's urine splattered over him.

"Aaaahhh...waaaaah..." The Border Collie's wails and howls reverberated around the dungeon.

"That's it, let it all out, just like I told you," Kassam told him, lazily aiming his piss onto one cheek, then the other, then over KC's balls before arcing it onto his back. "Give up and give in, dog. I won't be the only one marking you like this. Everyone at Hightower can and will piss all over you, coating you in their scent, marking you as their own."

KC felt the warm urine against his taint, hamstrings, calves, and paw pads as Kassam continued, "And then you'll belong to everybody. You'll be everybody's best friend, just like a good dog."