
Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of 2022 Stories

Don't knock the knock-offs.

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"SwitcherMyu. You'd better work." A pony anthro said as he held his phone up in the air, naked as the day he was born, and in his own house standing on the wooden floor. Don couldn't afford the 'Switcheroo' app, so he settled for a knock off version that seemed to have raving reviews better than the original! He knew bots could make those ratings, but he had to give it a try. For such a low price, if it backfired, he figured he'd refund it if the first transformation didn't work out.

"Let's see..." After scanning himself, he saw his profile with his species, his name, his gender, and various other miscellaneous stats including the location of his body parts and number of them? Not even the Switcheroo app would do that! He imagined himself with four arms and a massive amount of strength. "Heh..." It sounded simple, but he didn't need to transform himself into a crazy freak of nature, merely enough to better his life.

"Okay, let's just... let's set the arms to four and hit that apply button." Don did just as he spoke and set the remote down after, knowing very well that dropping the remote with a switcheroo app could lead to some very interesting... things. He also didn't want to waste any time inspecting the app. He wanted to get some changes done! Adding more arms should have been an easy process.

Don was thankful he set down the remote as, shortly after he did, he began to transform. He stood proudly and watched for his second pair of arms. He could feel his paws and legs shifting and cracking. Had he looked at his arms, he would have seen his elbows thickening, his fingers shrinking, and his palms becoming much harder. Meanwhile his legs had their knees shrinking and sharpening slightly, his hooves cracking open and revealing small fingers that grew in size to match the length of his own hands. He sat down just before he lost what support he could while standing.

"Hm. I didn't get a second pair of arms." Don looked away and scratched his cheek with confusion, rather he attempted to. He paused as he felt a massive thick hoof on his cheek instead. "Huh?"

Now he realized it. His hands became hooves, and his hooves turned into hands. He raised his 'hand' up that was once his leg and flexed his fingers. "Okay, not what I wanted, and not how I'm going to try living as." He was about to touch the phone, but touching a phone with hooves was substantially harder than his hands. He pushed his chair back and raised his new hands. With his hands located where his hooves once were, it took him a moment to adjust. He delicately grabbed the phone and set it on the ground. "Okay, let's try something else, but first..." He pressed the undo button to revert the last change, and waited.

... and waited.

His phone gave an error message. "No previous change to undo? Come on!" He raised up his hand hooves. "You call THIS normal?" Frustratingly he tried something else. Instead of pressing the undo function, he attempted to swap back his hands and hooves back to their original position. Four arms was one thing, but he'd never be able to live normally like this! He'd have to learn how to do everything with his weird hand feet.

He hit apply and crossed his arms with a smug face. "Okay, let's see you screw up THAT, phone app!" He spoke with confidence.

With a pop, his elbows separated from his shoulders. His arms with hoof ends flopped onto the ground before they vanished in a puff of purple smoke, as if done with a cheap movie effect.

"Yeah. I should have seen that coming." He grumbled. At least he still had hands! They were just... not where they should have been.

Frustration began to set in. This app had many good reviews, yet it was doing nothing he wanted! He was thankful he was aware of the transformations and that it hadn't done anything perverted, but given the odds, it would only be a matter of time. His cock was already getting hard because he was transforming, even if it was in such wrong ways. "Okay, let's try something else." He wanted to try to add his arms back, but he didn't want to end up as a torso! He imagined himself losing his arms, his legs, and winding up as some sort of sex toy for whoever walked in that door, probably the creator of this bizarre app that hadn't been working. "Let's... let's try something else." He tried to add two more arms once more. He'd mess with his sexual organs when he had his arms back in the right place, or something close enough to that.

Don's body once again transformed rapidly, this time in a new strange way. His spine extended back behind him and immediately he knew the two arms weren't going in the right place. "C-come on!" He shouted angrily as his spine grew and more muscles began to grow beneath him. He noticed his body taking on an L shape, and knowing the mythological creatures he knew, it was obvious what he was becoming, and what the extra 'legs' forming down there were going to be. "A centaur with four hands instead of hooves? REALLY?" He shouted in frustration before the transformation finished, purely because he knew where it was going.

The extra limbs formed at the end of the new grown torso, a pair of shoulders, elbows, and ending in what was sure enough an extra pair of hands giving him four hands instead of legs. By now, Don was getting frustrated. He imagined if he said he wanted legs that he'd get them instead of arms, and then arms instead of legs. Unable to help himself, he picked up the phone and tossed it in frustration in the direction of the kitchen. "Stupid thing!" He didn't care if it broke. The phone was cheap anyways, just like the app.

Don's ears felt as if they grew when the phone hit not the floor, but the kitchen sink and landed in a bowl which he hadn't emptied for some time, landing right in a small puddle of milk less than a day old. He knew he should probably retrieve it and put it in ice. Walking with four hands was difficult, but not impossible. As he stepped forward, he let out a sigh, although the sigh came out from a strange place. "Huh?" Even his own voice didn't come from his mouth.What else had changed? His mouth felt bizarre, as if smaller and puckered, but his... belly button felt bigger, and every time he moved the muscles for his mouth, his belly button expanded and shrank with the movement of his lips. He walked into the kitchen and glanced at a mirror above the sink to see his face now had a belly button instead of a mouth, and it didn't take a genius to figure out where his mouth went. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Don looked down at his phone and noticed the screen was off. He tried to turn it back on, but the screen merely flickered when he fiddled with the power button. What's more, he could tell there was another change going on. He shuddered as his cock retracted inside of him and vanished between his legs. Was he becoming a female? The mirror didn't let him see what was going on with his crotch, he merely sensed he was losing his shaft, though he noticed a lump on his forehead. His horn was also gone, but in it's place, a familiar appendage was growing, a familiar pulsing, throbbing appendage with the flared tip, complete with testicles. "This is getting silly." He mumbled, and yet at the same time, he was finding it strangely... hot? He figured the device was messing with his mental state in addition to his body, but he wasn't sure if the phone was capable of doing that much. Maybe he was really getting into this. "You could have at least given me a way to fuck myself. Maybe make me super flexible or something, or put the cock in one of my hands so I can stick it somewhere." He spoke teasingly, as if trying to taunt fate itself.

"Command received. Cock in hands." The phone spoke.

'Huh?' Don knew his phone had voice activation. His phone was a phone after all. Still, he didn't think the app took voice commands. He found his body hitting the floor and he tilted his head involuntarily towards his taur torso. All four of his hands grabbed his cock and proceeded to jerk his horn cock off against Don's wishes. Don wished he was more surprised or angry from this, but he did have some good flexibility for his four legs to stroke himself off. "How about you turn me back to normal if you're taking voice commands?" He called out as he looked down at his torso, unable to turn his head any other direction.

"Taking voice commands and registering form as normal." The phone replied.

Don rolled his eyes. He was grateful the thing wasn't messing with his brain, he knew what he once looked like. Still, it was infuriating that he couldn't fix himself. He wasn't able to get his hands off his cock, no matter how hard he tried, and he began to feel a growing pressure. "Listen to me and make me normal you cunt!" He shouted in a sudden fit of rage.

"Adding normal cunt." The phone's voice spoke in a generic robotic female tone.

Don's eyes grew wide. Between his back legs, arms, whatever one wanted to call them, an opening appeared, a slick wet opening with dark lips, the opening winked once before opening more, giving Don a full-fledged equine cunt where one would normally go on a taur, right in the back. Don shuddered and let out a soft moan at the pleasurable sensation of growing another sex, technically turning into a male-herm of sorts. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He repeated. He had to learn to keep that big mouth shut.

"Fucking kidding you." The phone spoke, as if acknowledging what he stated as a command.

Don's hands released themselves from his now erect horn cock, but unfortunately he found his body bending in ways that no taur should be able to. His comment about flexibility earlier was coming true, and then some as his horn head thrust into his new nether lips, contorting and twisting his body in a circular shape so that his horn allowed him to fuck himself. "Uhn!" The sensation of fucking and being fucked at the same time was an alien sensation, but not unpleasant. 'Well fuck. Kidding me? Does that mean I'm going to knock myself up?' He pondered, daring not to say that sentence aloud in case the phone took his command literally. He would have ripped the battery of the phone out had he been able to stand up.

"Don't kid me!" Don shouted, hoping to make sure that doesn't happen at the very least. He might figure out how to revert his form somehow, but not if he impregnated himself!

"Not impregnating." The phone replied, confirming Don's desires.

A sense of relief washed over Don, but the fucking didn't stop. After one more hard thrust, his shaft unleashed a wave of cum into his cunt. The sensation of a load coming from his forehead and into a cunt was so bizarre, yet it felt so good. He almost wished he could figure out how to fuck himself regularly. It would take a whole new meaning to the sentence 'go fuck yourself' as Don could give himself a body to do that, literally. "Okay... okay." He huffed, smelling cum and his cunt. "Let's just... one step."

Don's body began to change once more. One by one, his arm legs retracted into his body until he was left with one, his left arm leg located closest to his butt. He groaned as he knew his phone heard him. He went from a buggy app to a buggy phone that took everything he said and turned it against him. 'Thank god it can't read my thoughts. And no, no phone is capable of doing that, fucking fate.' He closed his eyes. Getting up with one arm leg was not going to happen. Had these changes not been so freakish, he could see himself getting into them. Even now his cock was hard from more than just the fucking. He pulled himself free with a wet shlick and positioned himself like a normal taur would, just on the floor. 'Now, how do I stand up?' "How about an extra limb or two?" He called out to his phone.

"Limbortwo. Translating language..."

'What? Does that mean something else? What the heck does it mean in another language?' Don didn't study that many languages, but the word sounded as if it shouldn't fit any language. Maybe he had to be more careful in his wording. As he tried to think of a good way to phrase things, his tongue felt swollen? He figured maybe it meant tongue tied, but as he opened his mouth to let the swollen growing thing out, he saw the familiar flare of a cock to it, and a molted color that horses had. 'A cock tongue. How original. Daring today, aren't we?' His brows furrowed. It wasn't enough to just have a cock for a horn, but now one for a damn tongue! Now he couldn't speak to the phone to tell it to do something, nor could he use his one arm leg to reach it to type something! 'Where is my wireless keyboard?' Don thought about just lying there until someone found him. It wasn't as if his life was in any real danger. His roomie would be home at some point, it was just a matter of lasting until then.

"Going to idle mode. Randomizing transformations for the enjoyment of the user." The phone stated after a minute.

'It has that? Is that a feature or is that a bug?' Don raised his eyes up at the phone. He was already a taur freak with two cocks in front of him. How stranger could things get? He then immediately smacked his ass for thinking of that. Fate always took such a statement, even when one thought of it, as a challenge.

The one arm on Don's rear pulled forward to the front of his taur body, directly in the center of the taur body where the L curved. He heard the muscles and bones twist and bend, though the feeling was not unpleasant. 'Now it's going slower? I guess to give a person a chance to fix it, not that I can reach it anyways.' He let out a soft sigh, his hot breath running along the folds of his cock tongue. His arm moved to the front crotch before it stopped, allowing him to sort of use it better, though standing was still a virtual impossibility. He did begin to feel something growing underneath him where his taur body was, but it was hard to tell what it was. The sensation was almost like a beanbag chair of sorts, two of them to be more precise, one at the back, and one at the front. "Mrrphm?" What other change could be going on now?

Don reached down with his one crotch hand to feel the changes. He knew he was getting taller, at least it felt as if he were getting taller. He managed to position himself upwards and feel the growth. Whatever was growing underneath him was big and sensitive, and while it had muscles, there were no bones and no way to move it. He felt the growing thing and it was... squishy? A glance down and he saw it was gray, but a lighter gray compared to his hide. "Huh?" Four small nipples popped out, one where each leg should have been, and as the big mass combined into one underneath him, he knew what it was. 'An udder? What the heck?'

Don recalled various times he had an udder, at least in pictures he commissioned himself an udder. He didn't remember having a cock where his horn should be, but there were first times for everything. With a sigh, he waited until the udder finished growing, adding on another foot to his size. He bounced up and quickly swiped his phone, but immediately clenched his teeth as the moment he hit the ground, his four nipples let loose a stream of milk and both his cocks orgasmed once more. He swore he didn't set his cocks to be able to orgasm like that, but the pleasure of being milked from pressure was too much. His cock tongue throbbed and pulsed hotly. His lips felt the extending and shrinking of the shaft as it unloaded his seed, just like his horn did once more. 'F-fuck!' He'd never admit it, but that felt so... good.

Don managed to grab his phone and noticed when he opened it back up that it was working... fine again? What was this idle mode? He quickly exited the app before another change would happen and looked down at the phone on the ground, though his massive horse cock tongue was a little in the way. 'Okay, so I guess this is... not bad? I know I can get this undone eventually, but man this is such a freakish form. I've got my mouth down at my belly button, a cunt between my legs, a massive udder, and two cocks in front of me, one for a horn, and one for a tongue.' He mentally sighed. Until he managed to get a hold of a better app, he'd have to settle for this form. It was far from the worst situation he'd been in, though it was still unpleasant.

He'd have to wait for his roomie to come back before fixing his situation, but before he did, he opened up the app one more time and left his own review. He saw the many five stars, but those must have been lies. With a few clicks, he left his review, and then waited for his roomie. His review for the transformation app: "One star. Would not support patreon or join their discord."