Fleeing and Gasping

Story by Olemgar on SoFurry

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Hehe, might have told you all before, but I really like non-consensual art and stories, so I couldn't help myself and had to write another one >w>

This is a little gift for my friend https://www.furaffinity.net/user/totodice1 , featuring her characters Ryme and Hippil, and one other individual as well!

Added the usual content warnings for those who don't like this content, but if you aren't bothered by it, hope you enjoy what you see~

Characters belong to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/totodice1

Posted using PostyBirb

Fleeing and Gasping

By Olemgar/rodrigulino

Story contains: Male/Female, Non-consensual Sex .

The lizard ran across the dunes, trying to get as far as possible from the high wall's shadow that towered over her. She panted and gasped from the overexertion on her body, due to the physically demanding on her and the blazing heat nearly scorching her scales.

"Gah... Gah... blasted... lunatics... what would bring people to be this crazy?!" She stopped for a moment once she couldn't see that building anymore, hidden by a dune behind her. She rested her arms down to the level of her legs, sweating profusely, and trying to catch her breath after almost being enslaved for all her life.

Ryme, a Salazzle with a hunger for riches, was fleeing from her prior enslavement situation, captured by a tribe of misogynistic males who delighted in degrading and raping her, even out in the open. She was caught while traveling with her mate along the desert, both feeling pretty confident they could take whoever tried to pick a fight with them, but in reality, both were beaten up soundly by members from the ScorchFang tribe, and while the attackers overwhelmed the stubborn Goodra, they beat up and took Ryme to their tribe, where she was raped for many nights and made a slave for minial tasks.

But that was for later, right now she had to focus on how to get out of this damned desert. While waiting for an opportunity to flee from her Emboar slaver, she also managed to snag a little map of the deserts, in hopes it'd help her navigate through the sand sea.

She opened the map and took into consideration the direction she ran from and from which part of the gate she managed to flee. With all that in mind, the Salazzle managed to get a rough estimate of where she was and the cardinal positions, all she had to do was head West until she got a glimpse of a campfire.

And so, without stalling any longer, Ryme got on her feet and started her walk, treading carefully and making sure she wouldn't be ambushed a second time.


After almost a week of an arduous walk, with nothing to eat or drink but the contents she stole before she escaped, she finally saw a glimpse of green. The sands advance stopping on their suddenly, being replaced by soft ground before the plain terrain.

She was quite close to the Windless Gorge, home to another tribe, although this one was much more content with just looking out for themselves rather than kidnapping women like the one she just escaped from. This wasn't her final destination, but she had agreed with Hippil that, if something were to happen to either of them, one would wait for the other on a campfire around that area, until they managed to escape.

Ryme and her slug companion were part of a criminal organization that had sights on luxuries from all across the continent, having their base established deep into the Urban region, away from any of this savage nonsense she had to deal with these last few weeks. Neither of the two were particularly high members of the group, but because of that, outside of duties they had to perform for the boss from time to time, they had the freedom to do pretty much whatever they wanted, and with some recognition behind the name they were affiliated to boot.

The whole reason she got herself into that mess was that she and Hippil heard of a priceless artifact recovered at the Shiny Scales Federation, which unless you wanted to take an expensive and long ocean ride around the continent to get there, they'd have to cross the desert, and instead of paying for "safe passage" to the ScorchFang tribe like most did, the two decided to not pay them at all and just sneak through the region. Needless to say, that didn't end well.

But that was the past, right now her priority was to find Hippil and get back to the base, they were duly late to their duties by this point, and she would like to avoid the ire of the boss again if she could.

But even so, finding her partner in the middle out of nowhere was easier said than done, and so, even after a day looking for any sign of smoke or any indication someone passed by, she eventually gave up for the day before lighting a bonfire of her own, creating a decent source of light in this moonless night.

She stretched her arms while she sat down, feeling all of the pent-up stress and soreness rushing onto her body. "Fuck... I'm gonna need a day or two in bed just to feel my legs again..." Ryme sighed, counting the days in her hands that it'd take to reach civilization and finally get proper rest.

But some things are not meant to be that easy.

"So... What do we have here~?" A powerful and deep voice came from behind her, making the Salazzle jump startled as she quickly grabbed her knife and pointed towards the direction of those words.

She could hardly see in the dark, but in front of her, she could discern a pair of red eyes staring her down. Whoever that was, he was much bigger than her, and most likely much more powerful. "S-Stay back! I've had enough of you savages for a long while!" Ryme threatened the male, although her voice faltered a bit, not helping her intimidation.

"Hahahaha! That's such a pretty toy you got in your hand, girly. But it's dangerous for such a delicate lady like you to handle something so sharp. Give me it and I'll make sure you stay safe." He giggled innocently as he held out his dark wing, waiting to receive the sharp weapon.

Ryme was initially taken aback by the audacity of this Pokémon, trying to unarm her, before doing whatever he had in mind, but something about his voice soothed her, chanting into her head as if he was telling the truth.

She tried to gather up her thoughts, but the persuasion seemed to be working on the lizard girl, who was slowly reaching up her arm to deliver the dagger to the bird. But something snapped inside of the Salazzle. Gathering her consciousness for a brief second, instead of giving it to him, she used the proximity and quickly closed into what she assumed was his chest, before thrusting her arm into his weak spot.

But, instead of hearing the classic sound of the weapon penetrating flesh, she instead her a "cling" sound, the sound of a metal object colliding with another before flying to the opposite way, and what was even weirder to Ryme was the fact that she could feel in her hand that happening, no longer having the dagger in her hand, the object flying ways behind her.

"W-What's going on? Why didn't it hurt you?!" She stepped back, confused by the reaction of her weapon and trying to gain ground on her enemy, possibly recovering her weapon the moment he gave her a moment to bolt backward.

The deep voice laughed, sounding almost evil but still with a chivalrous sound to it. "My, My, dear. You shouldn't do something as dangerous as stabbing, it's not very ladylike." At that moment, the figure stepped forward, entering the Bonfire's light, revealing his identity. He wasn't just an ordinary bird, but a Corviknight, a flying Pokémon who had feathers as strong as steel, easily blocking anything as trifling as the iron in her dagger.

Realizing the foolish mistake she made, in a second of panic inside of her brain, she turned her back and jolted towards the fallen dagger, reaching out her arm. Unfortunately, even with her slender build, she was no match to the speed of the Corviknight, his talons quickly finding their way to her back and shoving her forward. She fell to the ground and felt the pressure of one of his talons pressing against her back, pinning her to the ground below.

"L-Let go of me, you overgrown chicken!!!" She struggled and thrashed around, trying to gain freedom from the bird above her, but he was so heavy her back wouldn't even move.

"Don't worry, my lady. All I'm here for is some fun, so all you need to do is lay down while we both have fun, okay~?" His voice sounded sweet and threatening at the same time, which only helped to make the feeling inside of the lizard get even more confused. But she didn't have much time to think about his intentions, for he didn't conceal it for long. Between her legs, she felt something pointy and warm prodding against her, a feeling she was very much used to by now.

Her cheeks flushed and although she would never say it out loud, she found this situation a bit arousing, her lower lips moistening a bit at the thought of such a big male claiming her. But she would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that. "P-Please, don't do that! I swear I'll never point a dagger at you again, I swear!" Tears formed around her eyes as she pleaded.

"Oh, don't worry dear. I don't mind the little stunt you pulled a moment ago. All I can think of right now is getting some relief with you~." With no further pleasantries, the giant bird pushed his hips forward and shoved his entire length inside the Salazzle, his face grunting into a smile of sheer pleasure.

Ryme's face, on the other hand, turned into one of pain, the bird being way bigger than she was expecting, finding the whole experience painful, but her twisted mind couldn't help but enjoy it a bit, being taken by such a brute against her will. He could feel him poking rubbing roughly against her walls, making her see stars each time he pushed his giant mass back and forward.

The steel bird, on the other hand, was enjoying each millisecond of this encounter. He rubbed his powerful wings against her slender back, feeling how much weaker she was compared to him, feeling her warm scales against his cold feathers.

Ryme felt like a toy, being played with as she felt his powerful wings on her back and his warm and very hard length ravaging her inside, leaving no spot of her cunt untouched. Tears fell down her eyes and saliva escaped her maw, wanting to show to the male she wasn't enjoying that treatment in the slightest. But, deep inside, she knew she adored that treatment, being used and abused by a powerful male like that against her declared will be one of the best feelings she could yearn for.

The Corviknight got one of his wings close to her ass and slapped it hard, making the Salazzle yeep in surprise and slight pain. "You have a tight ass, girly. No wonder I'm already this close~." He announced to his victim, forcing his cock inside way harder than before, rocking his hips until he hilted inside, making Ryme take every single inch of that gigantic avian dick, its tip poking the way inside her womb.

The pain assaulted her just as she felt the tip of his warm rod explode inside, filling her waiting womb with wave after wave of virile and musky avian seed, feeling her baby room to the point her stomach bulged slightly with how much there was inside.

As soon as he ejaculated his last bit of nut inside, the bird removed himself from the assailed Salazzle, letting his cum flood out of her pussy, staining the floor in his white. "Phew, you sure are a good fuck, whore. Been ages since I came this much inside someone, haha!" He laughed jovially, feeling very relieved to be able to put all of his pent-up energy outside. "Well, it's been fun and all, but I got to return to the tribe to take care of some duties. Hit me up if you pass through again, okay?" He patted the lizard on her head before taking flight, leaving the abused female to handle herself.

She kinda wanted to scream at him and insult his guts for just leaving her on the ground after raping her so roughly, but, she couldn't deny that just being discarded like that was also very sexy for her, feeling so weak and useless to anything but to be bred.

She thought she'd pass the rest of the night alone, letting the feeling of being taken like that sink in, but just after the bird took flight, Ryme heard steps behind her, very heavy steps.

She had been calm a second ago, but knowing that there was someone else there now, she felt on edge. She'd usually jump to her feet and try to stab whoever was getting close, but her strength was all but gone with the male taking her so roughly like that. Her arms and legs would not obey her commands, so there was nothing she could do but remain on the ground and hope whoever was there wouldn't want to end her life.

The footsteps stopped just behind her soles, Ryme concluding that the stranger was enjoying the work done by the last rapist. Before she could beg whoever it was to not kill her, the stranger took her legs with his slimy hands and brought her hips up with his moist and slimy arms, pressing a huge cock against her entrance.

But she felt something familiar. The size of the cock against her, how slimy their members were, and how they didn't even ask anything about her. "H-Hippil?!" She called out the name of her mate.

The Goodra didn't respond, deciding instead to just shove his entire cock deep into his mate's folds, sliding in easily with how much leftover cum there still was inside of her snatch. He held her legs high with both his arms, getting easy access to plow her entrance, not even asking for permission. "Even with so much seed inside, you sure are still very tight, just like a little sleeve should be~." He taunted before pushing his warm and slimy hips forward, grunting in pleasure.

Her pussy was still sore from the previous encounter, so to say this even bigger member was hurting her would be an understatement. The pain surged through her, coursing every inch of her inner walls, but alongside her tears of pain, instead of desperate screams most would usually make, her body made her moan, the feeling of objectification taking the better of her, turning that painful scenario into a blissful one.

"H-Hippil! W-What are you doing here?! I w-was looking for you for so long today!!" Her eyes squinted as she felt her face pushed against the ground. The overweight Goodra used the better angle to piston his cock harder into her cunt, making Ryme whimper in pleasure every time her mate pushed against her.

"I know! I have sighted you since you left the desert." He kept humping her snatch, not giving her any break during his explanation. "But I noticed that giant bird had also noticed you. So I decided to let him have some fun with you first before I got mine." He slapped her butt hard, leaving a red mark on his paw.

The Salazzle's eyes closed, relenting to her life mate. Although most Pokémon would hate being treated this way, to Ryme, this was what she loved the most. Her mate, tossed her to some unknown male to rape her until he was done, just so he could take her again, showing who truly was the superior one in their relationship.

All those feelings were overflowing from Ryme's cunt, eagerly inviting the slug's cock to claim her as his own. Her hands clutched against the ground, the pain getting the better of her for a moment. She would never really get used to how big he was compared to her, the size difference becoming truly apparent while he took her, his length seeming impossible to fit all inside of her tiny entrance, but he made it work, even at her costs.

"Alright, slut. Brace yourself for it." Hippil warned her before clutching her legs tightly, pulling her hips as close to his as possible. He let out a mighty roar before unloading his fat nut deep into her cunt, her walls overflowing with his sticky cum, filling what little space her womb had left, bloating her belly even more.

The two of them stayed together, bodies tangled with each other while Hippil kept unloading inside of her. Eventually, the Goodra took a deep breath and took a step back, his wobbly cock releasing itself, letting the second wave of cum flow out of Ryme's pussy, joining the already existent pool from the bird on the floor.

Ryme was still panting, the overexertion of being taken twice in such little time taking a toll on her body. Her eyes slowly closed as she passed out, snoring weakly to her mate to hear.

Hippil giggled before taking his mate into his arms and putting her on his warm shoulder, making sure she wouldn't slip back. He patted her back and took all of her supplies before marching back to the city, where their hideout resided.

Little did she know, but Ryme'd get put through much more as soon as she got home, with Hippil wanting to make up for all the time they were apart and not fucking their brains out.

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