Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 38

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#38 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel. ©

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.©

Written by Wolfie Steel©

The rights to all the characters depicted in this story belong to me, Wolfie Steel, with the exception of Linkin Doberman, Matt Bond, Hammy and Calvin. The rights to these characters belong to their owners and creators and are used with their express permission and with my never ending gratitude.

_ MORE legal stuff, this story contains scenes of a homosexual nature, mild violence, mild to strong use of language, if you are easily offended by any of this, or are not old enough to read the material, please go no further, otherwise please enjoy._

Linkin Doberman: Linkin Doberman ©

Matt Bond: kashito91 ©

Part 38.

Matt's piano playing entices the three military men into the study, as soon as Matt sees the three men in military uniform he immediately stops playing and stands bolt upright and to attention. General Stanford lets out a slight laugh as he speaks.

"What is it with you stiff upper lip Brits? Enough with the saluting already, geez we are on vacation now"

Matt lets out his own giggle as he corrects the General.

"Actually sir, I am a Martian Mouse, though I have lived on this planet for a good deal of my life"

The General continues to speak.

"Please continue to play my good mouse; I have almost forgotten what it is like to hear the sound of a Grand Piano in action, especially one that is being played by an obviously very talented player"

Matt continues to play as the rest of us retire to the main room. Once we are all settled Senior Doberman heads to his special drinks cabinet and pulls out a very dusty bottle of a well matured Scotch Whiskey, he pours three glasses, whilst I slowly head to the fridge in the kitchen, I open the door and pull out a beer for me and three soft drinks for the three boys. After a moment I head back into the main room where General Stanford is waiting for me.

"Now then Wolfie, correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought that someone with leg damage usually had the aid of crutches to walk around with?"

I am just about to answer when Senior Doberman beats me to it.

"John you have no idea how hard I've tried to get him to use his damn crutches, but you know how stubborn Wolfie can get, I mean take a look for yourself, look into his eyes and tell me that you don't see a steely determination in them?"

The General now gently ushers me to the couch and then softly urges me to sit before he speaks.

"Wolfie, the war is over, it's ok to ask for help every once in a while, you have two absolutely wonderful boys who obviously adore you and I've no doubt that somewhere out there is the next Wolfie mate in waiting"

A shy smile plays across my muzzle; the General sees my smile and continues.

"You've already got your eye on someone don't you? Come on Wolfie, out with the details"

I begin to blush profusely as I make my reply.

"Well General, you are right as usual, I have found a new man, he is a black Labrador named Calvin. I won't lie to you sir I find that I'm really falling for him which kinda messes with my head, because of my bond with Tony"

The General places a strong but oh so gentle paw on my shoulder.

"Wolfie listen to me and listen good, anyone with a modicum of sense could see that you loved Tony with all of your heart, there is nothing that you wouldn't do for him, hell I would even put money on the fact that just after the explosion, even though you were badly wounded, that you marched right back into the house to rescue the boys and Tony, and don't even try to deny it because that is the kind of wonderful and loving wolf you are. Now take my advice, take hold of Calvin's paw and don't let go, you know that Tony would want you to carry on"

Hearing this from the General made me instantly sit up and take notice, it's not every day that General John Stanford agrees to two males getting together. It is then that I make up my mind and I stand from the couch and excuse myself from the room. I know that I need to head out and find Calvin and take his paw in mine.


I limp slowly out to my car whilst I dial Calvin's cell phone number; Calvin answers my call after just three rings.

"Hi Wolfie, is this the phone call to tell me that we can never see each other again?"

I make my reply.

"Actually my dear, I was kinda hoping that you would be free for the next oh sixty odd years, you see I'm currently limping towards my Range Rover which will soon be making its way towards your current place of residence"

Calvin begins to stutter on the end of the phone, so I continue.

"Yes hun, it would be an honour for me if you would take me as your mate"

There is an eerie silence on his end of the phone for quite a while until he finally finds his voice.

"Please Wolfie, don't tease me like that, I know that you still love your sadly departed mate and that you and I could never be"

As he says that he hears the roar of my cars engine as it fires up, he continues.

"Wolfie, that's not fair, now shut down the motor and forget about me"

I give him my answer.

"Calvin, everyone that knows me will tell you that when it comes down to me making a decision, I very rarely go back on it. Now tell me where I can find you and then get ready to leave because you are about to gain a mate and I'm en-route to collect you"

Again Calvin answers.

"You really aren't kidding are you Wolfie, well then, head towards the South entrance to Hyde Park, I will be waiting with everything I own, so I beg of you, please don't leave me hanging"

I tell Calvin that I will be with him in one hour and then I hang up, I put my car into gear and head out towards the rendezvous point. One hour later I pull up at the South entrance to Hyde Park, I scan all of the park benches as I look for Calvin, I see him sat on a bench about fifty yards away from where I am parked, I shut off the engine and slowly get out of the car. I shut and lock the door and make my way over to the bench. I notice that Calvin has just three suitcases and two rucksacks, all of which are bulging and close to explosion.

"You know hun I was thinking about hiring a truck to help you move all of your things, but I see that you travel light"

Calvin looks up at me, I can see that he is shaking and that he is crying so I move one of his bags to the side and sit next to him, I place a gentle paw on his thigh and I continue to speak.

"You thought that I wouldn't show didn't you? Well I admit that at first I was a little hesitant to take us any further, but I finally got some sense talked into me by a very good friend, to wit, I love Tony and I know that he still loves me whilst he is watching me from above, but it's time for me to move on and if you will accept me as your mate then you would make me very happy"

Calvin places his paw on top of mine and replies.

"Wolfie, sweetheart I won't even try to be Tony's replacement, no one could ever replace the love that you obviously had for him, but I will love and protect you for as long as we're together"

Our paws pull away and we both stand from the bench, I help carry Calvin's bags to the car and we load up the trunk, with the bags loaded and me and Calvin sat in the car, I start our journey back to Doberman Manor, back to the place where I will start my life anew.

Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 39

_Wolfie Steel._ _©_ Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.© _Written by Wolfie Steel©_ _The rights to all the characters depicted in this story belong to me, Wolfie Steel, with the exception of Linkin Doberman, Matt Bond, Hammy and Calvin. The rights...

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 37

_Wolfie Steel._ _©_ Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.© _Written by Wolfie Steel©_ _The rights to all the characters depicted in this story belong to me, Wolfie Steel, with the exception of Linkin Doberman, Matt Bond, Hammy and Loboron. The rights...

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Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Daniel's story

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